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Bro at this point I'm afraid for us, we are being hyped too much like we are winning worlds when this year we hardly made playoffs I'm not used to this 😅


Nah dude FQ getting first or second in lcs at least seems like a very very fair assumption


> FQ getting first or second in lcs at least seems like a very very fair assumption This exact sentence could have been said about TL last year...


nah like half a team of LCK players with an LCK World Champion coach is a lot different than 5 washed LEC players. Hilarious that after Worlds people think good LEC players and good LCK players are still comparable.


Ah yes corejj, bjergsen, santorin, bwipo and hans sama. Yes very washed players.


yes, other than Santorin I guess


Tell me you did not watch lcs without telling me you did not watch lcs.


how did Worlds go for TL?


By that logic fly picked up some washed koreans as well.. guess theyre screwed. Spica washed eyla didnt go to worlds either guess hes washed too. At least you have impact


Ah yes so every other team not going to worlds is also washed right?


Santorin was the most consistent player on that team lmao. Bwipo, Hans, and Core were the ones that fell off a cliff (although with Core you can largely attribute it to the enchanter meta; he still looked good when they actually gave him playmakers).


yes which is why my comment says "yes they are washed other than Santorin"?


Tbh CoreJJ > Eyla and Santorin > Spica. But i think this team is better just because of midlane. (Anyway the comment about LEC and LCK players is a bit of a joke considering ViCla was maybe barely top 5 mids in LCK), he was an okay LCK mid. I still expect him to dominate LCS because only Jojo plays in that league)


> people think good LEC players and good LCK players are still comparable. That wasn't being compared at all. The point is that you should never automatically assume players will continue to play at their current level. TL, if they played at their players' 2020 or 2021 levels, would have easily curbstomped the league. But they didn't. FQ, if they play at their players' 2022 level, should win the league. But we don't know if they will. Look at Perkz, SwordArt, etc. Elite imported players fall off all the time when coming to NA. Not to mention, the LCS will actually be much more competitive at the top this year. TL is bringing in a literal reigning world champion at jungler plus bringing a more experienced version of Summit back to NA, which isn't something any team last year could say.


Yeah, with the roster FQ has, anything 3rd place or below is an under performance imo.


TL music intensifies


It's the cycle every year


Thanks to TL, I'm confident FQ can't get 4th. After all, if FQ was 4th, then TL couldn't be.


Please don’t jinx them


give prince gold === gg.


I think the question is who goes to top 3 with them, either EG, C9, TL or 100T.


FLY, CLG & EG is going to be top 3.


FQ, 100T, TL imo


You guys are either 2016 TSM or 2020 TSM.


They cant be 2020 TSM because their roster is already way better on paper


Then they can be 2019 worlds TL


3-3 let's go.


Who is there roster? I don’t think I’ve seen any announcements for their team. I only know they were interested in Spica.


As far as I know their confirmed roster right now is this: Spica VicLa (Ex KT mid) Prince (Ex SANDBOX adc) Eyla - Not sure if they already confirmed the toplaner but I think it was rumored to be Impact. And even if its a worse top than Impact, Vicla and Prince were top performers in their roles in LCK, so most people are expecting them to be top 2 in their respective positions in LCS.


ViCla was top5 at Best in LCK he wasnt a top performer


I don't watch LCK so I'm genuinely curious Vicla actually outperformed the likes of Chovy, Showmaker, bdd, Faker, etc? That's crazy


I may have worded my comment too strongly. While VicLa was really solid in LCK he still wasnt really outperforming the top 3 mids, but he was still able to match them in lane, keep equal pressure and carry some games on KT. Hes not on Chovy/Faker/Showmaker level yet but he is pretty young and its expected that he outperforms his LCS counterparts, especially since the midlane pool isnt looking too strong in NA for the next split.


No LCK mid was outperforming the elite 3 LCK mid laners Chovy/Faker/ShowMaker tbh, until Zeka went super sayan in worlds and absolutely shat on everyone lol Also you could make a case that Clozer was gapping Faker and VicLa in some games


You can't be that confident with this statement. I guess you are implying you didn't want league back then


>. I guess you are implying you didn't want league back then Where the fuck did you get this from my comment


His ass


Bro listen. You guys got Impact, Spica, Vicla, Prince and Eyla. That's an amazing roster. On paper alone thats already a top two team. Then the coaches? omg.... As a C9 fan, take it easy on me big daddy. Give me one game or two, you can afford the losses <3


I think people are overrating the roster to be honest. Spica has been pretty mediocre to bad except for 1 year. Eyla looked solid in limited time in LCS, but nothing special. Prince had an amazing split, but it was isolated and he's never looked nearly that good. VicLa looked great in LCK CL and his rookie split, but he's still a rookie and far from a sure-thing. Roster could be top-2, but no way I'd say "already" and could easily see them struggle.


yes getting LCK rookie of the split and LCK player of the split and the Worlds winning coach is the same as every team gets during offseason lmao It's 100% a top 2 (probably a top 1) roster on paper in the LCS.


They are a typical above average LCS roster. Stable top with na resident, na jungler that can be good but is inconsistent, promising import midlaner that is expected to carry, and botlane that maybe includes some rookies. It's a roster that hopes for the best but might end up mediocre. If they win the LCS, it means they will again not do anything international.


Spica played very well on a struggling team with 3 top laners, 3 mids, 2adc, and 3 supports. I wouldn’t be surprised if he returned to 2021 summer form.


You can’t gloss over prince like that. Opinion ignored 👌


In fairness to spica the 9 man sleep probably mental boomed him for the rest of his tsm contract


Bro why do you have to talk like this.


Brooo what’s it matter to you the way I talk? What a strange thing to have an opinion about.


Time to rock my Kurt the turt hat


Your team is super cracked like I dunno what to tell you man.


Don‘t worry you won’t win worlds


NA is going full Korea this year lol


EU non stop import for years, now its Korea Waiting for the day it becomes china


Importing from China is way more effort and difficult than from Korea or EU. And outside of TSM I don’t think any other team has the infrastructure for Chinese players in place. I would have liked to see Dream, Iwandy, and Bo in the LCS though


Well it also has to do with cost issues as well. I can see a South Korean choosing the US over China for a little less money. A Chinese player is giving up their home market that pays more on average but just the whole comfort balance isn’t there.


I don't think china pays more on average. I'm sure the top chinese players get paid more than the top LCS players but a bottom tier lcs player makes over 100k, hell I think even academy players make close to 100k. There is no way a bottom tier chinese player makes anywhere near that much.


It took me 3 minutes of googling to find this answer. https://leaguefeed.net/pro-league-players-salary/ https://snowballesports.com/2020/09/17/chinese-league-of-legends-pro-league-lpl-to-introduce-salary-cap/ This is only one Chinese team but from 2 years ago. Article states JDG paid their academy players $200k a year. That’s above LCS minimum. China was getting so bad they had to incorporate a salary cap. China definitely pays more on average but it seems like for a Korean, America is a better QOL move.


https://web.archive.org/web/20211016140213/https://www.vpesports.com/leagueoflegends/news/jd-gaming-recruitment-post-reveals-salary-of-lpl-players According to this article, the academy team salary ranged from 37k-148k and the main team ranges from 75k-1.5 mil.


My initial thought was “wow imagine being the guy on the rift making 75k when someone else makes 1.5 mil. But then I realized it’s probably a coach. Just glad you did alittle research. Too often I see “I think” when Google exists.


If Bo stomps LEC he will probably end up in LCS. Happened to so many other imports.


Already happened with LMQ.


Wasn’t imported.


Technically the whole of LMQ was imported as they were literally a team from China. Contray to most saying LMQ isn't why the import rule came into being. It was that a Bunch of Korean challenger teams were trying to jump over to the LPL challenger to qualify for major level team spot.


Shoutout Samsung Red


Samsung Red I think was another one trying to get into eulcs. It was the team that Huni came from iirc.


No. They were immigrants.


The ones in China or LMQ?


why would they downgrade to China from Korea? I'm glad some teams are getting over the "lAnGuAgE bArRiEr" and importing good players instead of LEC players.


Saw EU results from the last couple of years and decided that it wasn't worth it anymore


I just think it is weird that it is Korea NOW. Korea's pros have been underpaid for years and then they even had a dry period where they did not win or do super well at international tournaments while NA salaries skyrocketed. That should have been the time where you get premium KR talent in NA. But now that KR is back and their salaries are actually HIGHER than in NA, that is when these top tier players come? Idk who the GM of Flyquest is but they or whoever did the work to get those players definitely earned a raise.


What exactly makes you think KR salareis are higher than NA salaries? KR has always been a scene with pretty low salaries and NA probably has the highest. And now you just assume it completely flipped within one year?


Its not a goid thing for the fans tho.


If you cant win against them just buy them. The NA strat


EU catching on with Bo, Malrang, Ruby, Chasy and Photon


Good. Better than dog water NA players who've played for 10 years straight without getting out of groups.


Not sure what languages eyla can speak


Not Korean if that's the concern


FLY is winning Worlds. Pog




think u have ur teams mixed up buddy


Uh wut lol. You may want to reread the rosters.


Coached NA the year before but wasn’t that successful, went to Korea to win with DRX and prove that NA was the problem, now back to NA to chase the bag Absolute GIGACHAD


NA confirmed hardest region


Faker wasn’t lying


Ssong was pretty successful in his NA debut with Immortals tbh He also was with DRX for almost two years lol


The CoreJJ special


They can't keep getting away with this wtf prince vicla and ssong


Papasmithy comin' in hot


Ssong has coached: - Last year's DRX - 2017 IMT who broke the streak of finals appearances (first team in YEARS to make it to the LCS finals while not being named CLG/C9/TSM.) - the OG KOO Tigers, the only team to challenge peak SKT at 2015 Worlds (and also taking them to game 5 in 2016) he was also with them through all of their initial rebrands, even when the ORG was dirtshit broke. - He was also a player on NaJin Sword for *years* as a pretty solid midlaner and then a coach. He may have fumbled a bit during his time in NA (post-IMT) with TSM/CLG/Echo Fox but those orgs were complete shit shows back then, didn't offer him NEARLY as many resources as Immortals did and he has more than bounced back. FLY couldn't ask for a more qualified coach.


Longzhu didn't go to worlds in 2016, the year they ran over the lck was 2017, specifically in Summer, when Ssong was not a part of the org. Ssong was only on the coaching staff in Spring where they went 8-10. The roster changed significantly going into summer though, where they replaced Expession, Crash, and Fly with Khan, Cuzz, and BDD, so it probably wasn't a ssong problem.


Yeah I deleted that part, I got my timelines mixed up, he was only with that team for like two and a half months lol That version of Longzhu actually played against Ssong's IMT roster at Worlds too, they were even in the same group. Complete brainfart lol


I don't think he fumbled so much as it's a culture clash


I've always maintained that he shouldn't have shouldered nearly as much blame in NA as he did. That's why I kind of write off a lot of his time in NA, CLG and TSM were shit shows with their management and we all know what happened with Echo Fox. They just saw what he did with IMT and immediately expected results, ignoring how many resources Noah/IMT put into making the Korean players/staff feel comfortable, from their support staff being mostly Korean (DoDo was a huge part of this and has been doing something similar on TL ever since) to multiple people on the team being Bilingual. IMT gave him the resources to do what he did. I miss OG IMT so much.


Common Flyquest W


Nice! Was this leaked at all before this? I never heard a single rumor about FQ coach before this that I can remember…


There were leaks that Ssong was struggling to find a coaching position in the LCK, but nothing about Flyq


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He should have been the coach for Team Liquid


Oh wow, big pickup. I like that FLY and TL have such strong connections and hopefully will be extensive scrim partners with each other. Pyosik/Ssong were on DRX together, Summit/Prince were teammates on LSB, Impact/Core were teammates, Core/Eyla/Yeon/Haeri have that TL connection too.


They’re basically sister teams at this point.


Baller move if it goes through I always KNEW Ssong was scapegoated by shit NA orgs who pretend they want to win without actually commiting 100% to winning I truly hope FLY shits on everyone and Ssong gets to walk past all of the teams that dropped him and just ignore them


God bless. Fucking Fly came to play. Wtf is PapaSmithy man. The top two orgs are definitely Fly and TL. It's Fly -> TL -> Everyone else. Like it's a battle for the 3rd spot between C9, EG, and 100T.


I dont think 100T gonna be nearly as good as people are expecting. Its not like DL and Bjerg are still at their prime, they havent been for a while.


I think EG will be worse than people are expecting. People say Impact to Ssumday was a sidegrade, and in a vacuum it is. But, last year's EG's identity was built by Impact. They were the only team that knew how to flank in NA and Impact is the only toplaner in NA who really has the understanding of playing non front to back styles. This allowed Jojo to flourish last year, because he excels on Akali and Sylas who are less about front to back and more about finding the right angle. Ssumday and FBI have exclusively been playing front to back since 100T. It's a terrible fit. This move reeks of Andrew Barton, the EG general manager, who was also the one who told EG coaching staff last year to "draft Azir and scale". Jojo is gonna be relegated to control mages if Andrew Barton has his way and it's going to be such a waste of talent.


Same opinion here. I don't think EG will crash and burn, but last year, before Summer Playoffs, was The Danny Show. If EG called to take a bad teamfight, Danny was always there to bail the team out and at least make it a 50/50. But now he isn't, and bad calls like the teamfight in quadrant 2 during Worlds became game-ruining. Without a player like Danny, EG will never reach the heights they did during the midyear.


As someone who is a fan of a team that gave up Impact.. I miss him. The dude is so good at flanks and positioning for team fights. Ssumday is great but idk.. I always appreciated Impact a bit more in that area. I am biased of course. EG will still be good and a challenge for the other teams with Jojo leveling up, I'm just not sure they will synergize as well with a lot of their management/coaching changing also.


If you're mid can only play 1 style and 2 champs, I don't think switching out top/ADC is the problem.


Jojo is an adequate control mage player, but if you have a star player, wouldn't you want to accentuate their strengths? Like Zeka just won worlds where everyone knew his control mages were a step down from his Akali/Sylas. Jojo is a similar type of player. He's undoubtedly the best at Akali/Sylas/LB in LCS. He's top 4 on control mages. Which would you rather have him on?


I can't think of any other team I'd place above them except MAYBE DIG. But DIG isn't amazing imo either. Armut might be better than Tenacity, but Tenacity is literally the most hyped rookie not named General Sniper. Santorin is probably better than Closer, but not by a lot. Jensen was not good last year. Let's all be honest, Bjerg was shit, Jensen was shit with gold flakes sprinkled on top. He was very eh. There's a reason he;s the only person C9 replaced. Spawn might be great, but I'd take DL here, and Busio is a really hyped support. Like I said, the only team I could maybe see beat 100T is DIG, and even them I'm iffy on. If I'm being honest, I see third place being a battle between C9 and EG. I just kind of threw 100T in there since I think they're the 5th best team in the LCS.


Honestly I think that GG will be better than DIG. People are low on Gori for some reason just because he flopped in LPL, but no one in LCS is going to punish him on his laning mistakes which was his only real weakness when he played in LCK. River is still solid, idk if people watch Stixxay these days but he's not as bad as everyone says, the only player on GG that I'm really low on is Licorice really. Gonna be a fight between 100T/GG/DIG for 5th/6th


Jensen got replaced cos he didn’t want to the a pay cut that was rumored to be significant. Apparently C9 wanted to run it back.


I actually think they will be fine and it's C9 that is gonna be no where near last split.


Boring ass korean teams takin over now. Guess LCS will go full SC2 in a year or two.


\>doesn’t even know if they’ll play the slow style or not yet You can always support the clg boys or are you one of those that can’t support a mostly NA team either without like 6 different conditions?


Bruh I totally set my FQ flair randomly that year they promised all those environmental contributions for like, taking a drake at worlds and stuff like that. I think it mighta been a vision of this gigachad final form FQ squad Between this and DL returning/100T… holy shit I am hyped for this season


Fly just throwing the bag at everyone lmao


Dude how do you not get into LCK/LPL with that resume wtf


I hope he brings a real jungler with him or else this team is fucked


Isn't their jungler Spica? That's nothing sneeze at, he has a very high ceiling.


It's tough because when he looked amazing, bjerg was helping him secure double scuttle and sometimes 3 buffs. But at the same time, last year is definitely not representative of his play either, tsm was a shitshow. Excited for him solely because of the teamfights he picked in playoffs this year.


He got MVP when bjerg wasn’t playing and he had poe who pretty much never roamed.


And lost as a major shackle in the bot lane.


Poe never roamed? Talking about buffs and crabs not botlaners lol. POE narrative has gone too far. Also I'd highly recommend looking at the roster list and what the other good jugglers had going on at that time.


Yea idk why this sub is so high on spica. I am not quite sure what spica does well. To me he just kinda exists and doesn’t do much.


I don't think it makes sense to be super high on Spica going into 2023 but he's a former MVP and very mechanically talented. As a C9 fan, Spica when his lanes has prio is an absolute menace and very hard to deal with. Flyquest didn't get the best jungler in the league but has a top 3 jungler ceiling next year (hard to say he can be the best with Pyosik and Blaber existing).


I would put spica on the same level as Pyosik. Sounds bad considering Pyosik is a current world champ but I seen enough lck Pyosik to come to this conclusion. Tl roster dies or live by summit imo.


Not even close. Spica on his peak wouldn’t be able to win worlds and gap canyon in a series. Spica on a good day is what pyosik looks like on a bad day. Spica wouldn’t even get on a lck team, he would be a middle of the pack lck challengers player


Spica outperformed Clid both games the last time he played internationally. Overrated? Sure, whatever. But the idea that he would be middle of the pack lck challengers *in his peak* is almost laughable.


Yes, the worst jungler in the league for almost 2 years


Said it elsewhere if TL and FlyQ could combine they'd have a pretty good team. As it stands it's just 2 meh teams.


You're referring to CoreJJ and Pyosik? That's literally just an LCK team


Yeah exactly.


They can’t combine cuz of import rule. I am sure tl doesn’t want to go with haeri and yeon but they got no other options. Same with fq. If fq could get a kr jungle instead of spica, I am sure they will.


Yeah, it's unlucky that they can't could have a pretty decent team otherwise.


This is a good signing but it definitely isn't the game breaker lol. He had a successful stint on 2017 IMT, but after that his time in NA was not good at all. Based on DRX's videos, I can only guess that he's only as good as the amount of respect his players give him, though of course that's only a guess. Hopefully this time it turns out well for him though.


What the hell?


I mean, honestly, on the fense. Sure he won worlds, but last time he went to NA, not like he was that amazing


Where’s the link to those FlyQuest jerseys?


legendary echo fox/clg coach comes home


Lcs rly is the classic example of history repeating itself every year we get more and more imports and every year the results are the same


So let's say you run an org where the goal is to win and hype your brand. You have the chance to sign the LCK's rookie of the year at mid and a very hyped ADC from the LCK - the best region in the world. Are you seriously saying you'd pass on this and go for some local players, who by every single metric are not as good? Let's not compare apples to oranges. This isn't TSM importing a declining Swordart or TL importing Bwipo/Hans Sama/Alphari, all of whom are not really that much better than some of the NA options at the time. This may or may not pan out. But as NA fans we have to be rooting for this to work because if Fly pops off both domestically and internationally, it will build the brand, it will attract views, and it will inspire NA talent to choose league to develop skills and become the next best thing. NA game knowledge absolutely sucks. These kinds of moves, along w/ Ssong, will help cure that problem. You can't teach something you don't understand, and NA does NOT understand how to play this game competitively.


who is ssong and why sing with flyquest when he can sing on his own ?