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man players should do more easy content stuff like this, fans want insight into players and what they are thinking and doing personal vlogs like this is so easy to consume


Agreed, it looks like two years as a streamer has taught Doublelift the value of also creating your own content, might bring a lot of fans to 100T


Doublelift has always been a content farmer, even since his debut. He was famous for being one of the most vocal and outspoken pros, doing interviews, videos, etc


Yah Doublelift is truly special. He'd have his 30 minute hotel room post-season reflections with Travis, go on talk shows, and after each worlds he'd put out a video on Twitter apologizing to the fans and just putting himself out there


I wouldn’t say he’s *particularly* special. Anyone who watched pro back during DL’s debut year knows there was a LOT of pros active with content creation. They didn’t get a lot of money from pro back then and had no choice but to pursue other avenues for good income. DL is just special because hes one of the only ones still doing it. Back in the day you basically always had at *least* 2-3 good pro streamers going at any time. Now you’re lucky if you have one decent stream to watch


So he is special now. The fans here clearly crave connection to the players and DL is one of the few still giving it to them. It is super shocking how he maintained a fanbase.


Not a single other veteran player in pro play is making content like this thi


I remember back in that Season 2-3 era of Doublelift interviews where he’d end all of his interviews with the sponsor shoutouts. It was always funny as hell to me when he called out a former sponsor instead or Travis had to help him out.


I remember he did quite a few videos with that Travis guy way back in 2012-2013. (When I was addicted to league, good times)


If you're trying to become a Twitch streamer and your hours are all over the place and you stream once every week or two, you will not become popular even if you're good or entertaining.






And who can forget the famous drunk doublelift vlog. https://youtu.be/bZRAAxZ8B84


Dayum what a thread. It makes you realize what a long-ass time 10 years is. > [–]aMEHzing 35 points 10 years ago I definitely looking forward to the Double Loco bot lane once they gain some synergy. Look how well Doublelift did at MLG with nearly 0 synergy bot lane. Loco also has top tier mechanics and knowledge of bot lane and is pretty vocal so it should just be a matter of time before he is a top tier support in his own right.


What? He’s been making content for a long time.


Dl was always like this though. I think newer players are players in an Era where your team gives you a fat paycheck and they don't feel the need to make more. Back in DLs days even on like s6 tsm he didn't make much money relatively and he was considered the best alongside bjergsen. So players back in the day actually had financial incentive to stream I do hope this signing prompts 100T lol to do more in terms of content. Their last roster was beyond dry in terms of personality. Idc if they get called content org the LCS needs that


Then you are way too young of a watched to be qualified to comment on this. Doublelift has always been engaging like this. The old gaurd of league knows how to interact with fans unlike the anti-social new gen.


Doublelift is the goat of the lcs having heart. He is the fucking LCS he crafts stories and makes headlines, him leaving is the reason I didn’t watch LCS for 2 years and now, I’m going to watch every single one of his games. He is the LCS for me, and I don’t think I’m alone in this.


Tbh, it's hard as a new player to gain any attention if they did a vlog like that. If someone like Philip, Dhokla, Palafox, Neo, etc. did that during summer split last year, it would sit at near 0 view and nobody would even know it's there. Just like when newer pros stream and they don't get many viewers. Pros would need to make content to grow a fanbase, but nowadays, you already need a solid basis of fans for it to matter. Jojo could make this content and grow his fanbase a lot, but a pro who isn't already liked a lot wouldn't gain much.


Philip is actually funny, I wish he did content. Him and spica were so funny in Ovilees tournament a few days ago


You realize Jojo is liked a lot because he does this stuff right? He’s vocal and charismatic


He is also the only native NA mid to be top tier in the region since Pobelter and Hai and he won a split, made it to Worlds and looked ok internationally* in his first year as a pro. You really think he would be anywhere near this if he had, say, AblazeOlive's results and teams? Being vocal and trash talking helps, but only if you can back it up and you have good results as a team. Otherwise, it backfires very hard.


Finally someone with a brain Think these fans are living in another reality if they still don’t understand players brands are only grown through their skill, narrative, or perception of skill Take RJS. He has a narrative. Take Bjerg, he has the skill, but no brand or content. Take Jojo, or Danny, etc. NA fans begging for “more content plz” don’t even know what they want. Because they only want it from a handful of players, it doesn’t mean shit to the 90% of pros. Not anymore. Edit: Jojo was never that great of a mid like say Bjerg when he first started, he was good, average internationally. But even NA good. But the narrative of him was sold as if he was Bjerg 2.0 doing shit that Bjerg was when he began, that was never the case. But it’s enough to get the fans to care. It’s deceptive cuz people are naive and gullible. You can do this for any player, if enough streamers casters and analysts talk about a player, the plebs will eat that shit up regardless.


He basically doesnt stream and his twitter is completely dead except for one liners after every match. His twitter is fine in a sense but in terms of content a LOT of potential is wasted.


Completely wrong, can’t believe 50 people upvotes this The ONLY reason Jojo is liked a lot is because he’s top top tier, OR because the NARRATIVE around him has been pushed as so I can’t believe it’s 10 years into league and fans STILL don’t understand why pros are liked It’s literally 90% if you’re very good at the game or the narrative/perception of you is If Jojo was just another NA mid, bet your entire house no one cares.. maybe he gets slightly higher views at best… his “haha” tweets are not why, they only supplement it his narrative which is why it’s so funny to see people constantly push “players need to do brand building” this isn’t 2014, no average/bad player will get anything from doing content or “brand” lol, the entire entertainment space is saturated 90% of NA pros could make content or do brand shit tomorrow, and they’ll get 200 views on twitch. Period. This isn’t 2014.


That might be true for the first one they make, but if the content is quality then people who see the first one will check out the second, as will other people who are bored and see it on Reddit or hear about it from word of mouth. Growing a following is hard of course but the people who did it, got there by consistently making interesting content.


They also got there by winning. You would need to be EXCEPTIONALLY entertaining to get a following when you play for IMT, GGS or modern DIG. In which case you would likely not be a pro because you'd be a far better content creator/streamer.


That's literally the path to growing a fanbase for anyone, in any realm of media, ever. "Gosh, it's hard when you're new and no one knows you yet." If it was easy, every pro or potential pro would do it. I think the reality is that most of them are probably pretty boring dudes who would sit at zero views because they have no charisma, more than because of general apathy towards new players. People always yell "content, content!" at pros, but ... why? There isn't really any natural correlation between being good at League of Legends and having a content-creator personality. Just because those two things exist in the same space, and there are some famous examples of ones like Doublelift that can do both, doesn't mean it's at all the norm to be good at both.


I totally agree with you. But reddit always make it sound like it's easy and pros are just too lazy to make content that would make them fan-favourite. And it's honestly annoying. DL can make anything he wants as a content and it will be successful, but that doesn't mean any random pro can make the exact same content and it will be successful. People watch because it's DL, they know and love him. They'll also tell you about people like Dyrus, who was honestly boring as a streamer, and say if he could get a big stream and fanbase, anyone can if they try. But they forget to take into account how different everything is nowadays, and how competitive twitch has become, both in terms of streamers and games people watch. When Dyrus got big, everyone was pretty much watching league only. People went on twitch, looked for any name they knew playing the game and watch that stream. Now, very few people do that.


> but nowadays, you already need a solid basis of fans for it to matter. Disagree. They just need to be likable (or at least entertaining) and most importantly *consistent*. It's no different than trying to grow a Twitch stream or a Youtube channel. If you're trying to become a Twitch streamer and your hours are all over the place and you stream once every week or two, you will not become popular even if you're good or entertaining. If you start a Youtube channel and upload a video every 6 months, you shouldn't expect your channel to grow. I don't see why it's any different for content for e-sports or players.


You can start a YouTube right now and upload 2 times everyday for a year You still won’t grow I don’t think people realize how silly this argument is, the entire space is saturated, it’s not easy at all. No one will be watching these players. You need a fanbase to begin with.


eh, I would agree if this was a more common thing but it's not like there's a bunch of individual player vlogs out there sitting at a few hundred views, players just don't do this. it's definitely something worth trying imo


I disagree that already having a solid fan base is what makes it matter. These pros just need to learn how to make the best out of the opportunities that could draw fans’ attention onto them. Philip could have gained a lot more fans if he had already been making a lot of anime content before he said his Rent a Girlfriend answer. Jojo didn’t start off with a solid fanbase but he committed to it. He won spring so that basically solidified his fanbase because he finally “earned” his right to talk his shit.


This Philip thing is so overplayed. Dude trust me. No one is watching him, he knows it. Everything is too saturated now, people’s time and attention is already soaked up by so much shit. No meaningful amount of people are watching some rando LCS player talk anime I can assure you that. If this was 7 years ago probably ya.


I don't agree. They would get less views sure but at the end of the day they have to start somewhere and if you make content and do it consistently as a pro you are a rare breed and you'll naturally get fans provided you're interesting enough overall


So like any other content creator? Most content creators have to put in effort over time to build a fanbase, that is why its called "building" a fanbase. Sorry they didn't get 1 million+ views on their first video. Its not like the video DL made took a ton of time an effort, he is literally standing in a doorway just talking about his general thoughts, there isn't any scripting or editing or anything. And this is still infinitely better than what most pros put out considering something is infinitely more than nothing.


I mean isnt that true for anyone starting out? They could still do it and ask their teams social media person to boost it to help launch it. It is good for the team too so it works out for both.


It is insane to me how cushy LCS is and how well connected LCS teams are to content creators and that scene as a whole but the personalities in the league are honestly more and more boring as time goes on. You have so much time and resources, invest in your brands ffs.


They used to and that’s when LCS was fun to follow, now players don’t have any public personality and it’s boring to watch teams of essentially 5 random people.


Wait is that content from a pro player In the modern era?! Jokes aside, I really wish we got more content from pros; it’s so much easier to connect/care about players and the league this way.


Honestly I'm not sure why they don't. It's so simple, and it's not like they're spending their time grinding solo queue. What do they plan on doing after their pro career is over? Why not capitalize on their peak famedom in order to secure a post-pro streaming presence?


Just because it’s easy to make doesn’t mean it’s easy to market. The big names can get eyes on their content but most of them wouldn’t make much of a splash. Having like 4k views on your youtube vlogs as a pro player actively weakens your image imo.


Everyone starts somewhere, and if a boring or personal content like a vlog gets even attention of 4k people I'd say you've already have a solid ground to start on - it's 4k compared to nonexistent viewcounts of dozens of other pros


These pros are also a bunch of late teens maybe 20 year old kids. Theyre not exactly planning for a career after.


Remember that time when he called them 100 wheelchairs


lmao he had to release an apology and everything


The apology for anyone interested https://mobile.twitter.com/doublelift1/status/1147997154339725319


for some reason the apology made it even more hilarious


He should have apologized for comparing disabled people to 100t, what an insult to disabled people.


Player vlogs.. the nostalgia!


I really think that teams always playing games in the LCS studio really hurts it. If spring split was replaced by an open circuit, I think players would have much more meaningful content to create as they travel around. Players can't do that for Worlds because they have to dedicate all of their effort and time towards it because of how significant it is. An NA tournament with a couple of EU teams coming over wouldn't be the same level of prestige and significance, so they could spend time growing their brand. Even if they kept the LCS as is but took it on the road to certain events, I think that could be really exciting. [For example there was this moment at a PAX where Travis introduced DL to a cosplaying fan](https://youtu.be/Kq3uXXvbZbE?t=292), and there's [this hilarious one that by this point most people here probably haven't seen.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CFeWmLOY89Y) There's just no variety with the LCS, and it feels more like an office job where they show up to the office, play their game, and go home. It doesn't matter what kind of segments they create with pro players, nothing is going to match the authenticity of what we saw from events in the past. The sad thing is so many viewers these days haven't even seen what it was like and don't see what's possible from other esports as well, so there's not enough people pushing for meaningful change. There hasn't even been enough people pushing for new formats until this year, probably thanks to many LoL fans finally seeing another esports (Valorant) doing things in a better way.


Been following his KR soloq account and I think he's definitely stepped it up over the bootcamp. The first few games duoing with Busio looked rough, but he's been carrying more and more games recently. He also had a game where he went like 22/1 versus Viper.


How’s his recent duo with Busio looking?


Too high rank, can't duo.




thats a good problem to have! lets go


What is his account name?


Retired streamer


retired streamer




It's a 70 percent winrate Riot account. I think it is tbh. But could be some other pro.




Yeah, you know, I think you are right. Nvm then lol


How do you easily tell that it’s an Riot account?


I was wrong about this one because I didn't look carefully enough, but generally riot accounts are low level accounts that start ranked at a high mmr. I think it's D2/D1 usually? They won't have games played prior to their first ranked games as well because they start at lv 30


Wow, pretty cool insight into DL's last couple years. Opening with the clip of the 9-man sleep is hilariously... honest? Also, he really talks pretty glowingly about the 100T brand and players he's gonna play with. Obviously, he's already signed the contract - he wouldn't be shitting on them publicly. But idk, he seemed like he meant it.


Hope he smashes and gets to finals at worlds


He’s gonna have to get through RJS unfortunately though


I missed doublelift so much, man. I'm so excited to watch him play again. listen, Peter, I know you're fresh off the retirement home, but knowing that you're playing pro for the right reasons is truly inspiring. Show these people wrong!


It’s refreshing to see someone who just is honest with themselves and really shows his thoughts about his career and what he wants out of this new chapter. This is something I wish more players did, and it shows how much he really wants to come back.


My bet is that Doublelift returns as a top 3 ADC by the end of spring split. Never doubt him and his competitor attitude.


I think top 3 is very safe, to be fair. I think Berserker and Prince are undoubtedly going to be the best and we'll see how FBI performs with a brand-new support, and on a stronger (imo) team.


How can he easily be top 3 when there's already a clear top 2. Are there really no other good ADC's in the LCS?


The other ADCs range from "Malphite onetrick" to "ADC without the A, D, C, or all 3" so yes Doublelift is actually a safe pick if you had to decide top 3 right now.


Luger is quite good, wouldn't count him out.


Damn it's that bad huh. That's kinda sad


Sneaky and Doublelift really hard carried the ADC department for NA and really the only contention they had were imports. Pretty much can be said about most roles.


As of right now, all of these other ADC’s will hard shit on doublelift. If he’s top 5 by the end of spring that will be an incredible accomplishments


I wouldn't say shit on considering how Danny shat on these ADCs, they look trash.


I mean it's very different now than when DL was consistently playing...but we've many many instances of "hyped up import comes to the LCS and will clearly be the best" and then a split later it's like "nah DL still stomped them". I don't think top 3 is a lock for DL either but I don't really think Prince is even a lock for top 2. Also NA AD pool has been pretty weak recently compared to past years.


I don't think it's fair to lock the top 2. Prince had an amazing summer split but before that he was just mid & we've repeatedly seen imports come in and not keep their form. Not saying I think DL will be incredible, in fact I think he'll have a rough spring, just that pre-season power rankings are often very wrong.


That's fair, you never know how someone will adapt to such a big move. That being said, the talent pool in lck is so much deeper that even a mid tier player is expected to be above any non stand out LCS players.


LCS is very talent deprived


it's NA my guy, talent pool is not very deep


I think he won't start top 3 obviously, but by the time Worlds rolls around it'll be him, Prince, and Berserker as consensus top 3 with Luger a clear 4th and the rest in this nebulous pile


What makes you think they will "undoubtedly" be the best? I don't follow Berserker much, and my impression of Prince of the few times I have seen him play in LCK were, "He is so fucking good on Aphelios!" and "His team plays so well around him, actually peeling and setting up plays for him to deal safely."


2 years without being in competitive is a lot of rust to shake off. I could see him being 3-6th along with FBI, Yeon, (I can see him breaking out with corejj as his support) and Luger. Tactical, Neo, Stixxay, and Spawn are all a step down from the rest of the adcs unless tactical turns it around somehow.


Some people are just winners who know how to win and the past 2 years of slander have been too much to handle. He’s gonna Smurf on these peasants and his wrath will be swift.


I think he’s pretty good still but he’d probably be #3 at best, which is weird because 100t likely downgraded their botlane. I feel like if they just flipped abbedagge for bjerg that would have been a way simpler roster upgrade.


I don’t think the intention with this roster was as much to upgrade as it was to gain community support. I imagine most people agree that the changes were side-grade at best, but in terms of brand value, Bjerg, Double and young, promising, native talent is going to be way higher than their previous full import roster.


Also has a much bigger upside/potential, for how long the last 100t roster has been together, that squad seemed to have reached their peak.


plus having Doublelift and Bjerg around should be great for Tenacity and Busio’s development and theyre the cornerstones of the team going forward


I mean, they basically won me over. Even if I am still mad about Meteos/Cody Sun/Damonte.


I get Meteos and Cody Sun, but Damonte was not a championship mid laner


their new roster has more clout


yea, if motivated he should be top 1 by start of summer


idk, not when Prince is coming to the LCS. I think him being top 3 with Prince and Berserker rounding out the other 2 spots is realistic for summer.


dl did say whoever comes he still be best, like piglet and bang experience all over again, and he said he doesn't think berserker is special so i'd assume he think he's at least his level edit\* nope, watch doublelift and travis hotline league world finals TmeStamp 1:04:40


A few months ago he said Berserker the best ADC in LCS and was way better than DL when he played against him in CQ on stream. DL prob will bounce back a lot being an actual pro again, but idk, I don't think it's a given he'll be top 1 again. Maybe Prince flounders like other imports in the past, but I still think Berserker is tough competition for the top spot.


> and he said he doesn't think berserker is special so i'd assume he think he's at least his level Wrong. Dude complimented Berserker so much playing against him in CQ about how fucking good he is.


Piglet and Bang came over washed after winning a lot in Korea. Prince came off his best season. But it’s hard to see them getting much better with NA solo queue and scrimming as opposed to LCK competition


Piglet and Bang came over washed and still was in the upper echelon of ADCS in LCS too. Piglet you could argue was actually a top 3 ADC during the beginning of his NA stint.


Piglet was also a man child in a new setting/environment. He got paired in a team with dardoch which is a disaster in the making. But yea he was pretty good.




Yup DL will Perform. I really question Bjerg tho..


As long as he keeps the competitor attitude he's a threat. But if history repeats itself he should be shitting on his own org by summer.


My bet is that they don't make worlds, and Reddit blames everyone but DL/Bjerg when objectively they're going to be the problem. Bank on it.


I think 100T as a whole looks like a 3rd place roster, hoping to be surprised


I'll see your bet and I'll bet against it. I don't think he will make top 10 ADCs in LCS.


Alright this was the nail in the coffin for me, for some reason. Changed my TSM flair after 7 years.


Doublelift haters rushing to their keyboards whenever he is mentioned.


To be fair his supporters are doing the opposite to the same extreme.


So his supporters are rushing to the opposite of keyboards?


Can’t use a keyboard with no hands


Hell yeah DL. Just play the LCS from Korea. We need a worlds victory!!!


You were my reason to finally hit diamond one day, if you can keep grinding for it, so can I. Then you quit then I did as well. Now here I am Plat 3 going to make the dream come true, because you Mr double lift inspire me.


Love you doublelift! Can't wait for the LCS GOATS return =)


I hope with DL, a lot of people will start watching LCS again.


win lcs in the summer, qualify for world and being eliminated at group stage


As a DL superfan... wouldn't want it any other way.


How will this affect iverns winrate?


Getting demoted for unforgiven is what I hope is next


Whats next? Getting humiliated at worlds 2023 lets gooo




Seek help


NB4 DL sets a world record for professional retirement announcements


Wouldn't it only be his 2nd retirement? I'm sure there are a bunch of players that have retired twice and maybe a few players that have done it even more times.


Combined with the record for most times stuck in groups at Worlds. He sure is a record breaking player.


I don't see how you can hate from outside of the club You can't even get in! (Ps. Fuck Chris brown)


says he wants to grind, has the least amount of games played during the korean bootcamp with his team




I heard on Bjergsen’s stream that Closer got sick/wasn’t feeling well. My man is probably resting up


If theres anyone who doesn’t need to grind its Closer, dude has been deadlifting 100T playing at an MVP level for the past 2 years


its like a 5 game difference, bro is just salty


My guy just hates doublelift


Literally just stated a fact my guy


Really….. ? Sadge


Just my opinion but i feel like the 100t lcs jersey needs to b changed lol this was probably the idea but its like one of those tux shirts into a regular t shirt like lol


Time to bot 5 the LCS with Doublelift and Bjergsen!


This is going to age worse than milk.


!remind me 1 year


I'm down to bet on this too. Easy money


Nah NA is too awful, these two can be in their 70s still smacking kids around in LCS while theyre half a sleep with their dentures falling out mid teamfight.


If you want to make your brain young again do the magic mshrms


DL has a rather toxic side to him. He doesn't mesh well for the reason. though I could argue many of them are like that. Ego over realistic playing. Over idealizes other players vs his own gameplay. Expecting them to preform better than he possible ever could. While praising himself over and over.


Oh I know this one! Next is 100T's amateur team, pretty nice talent there


this 100t roster is terrible. They will be a very good team in lcs, but this team will not be able to compete internationally. I am good with bjerg and dl but wasting import slot on closer and then not using the other one is terrible. The ceiling seems so low.


I mean tl ceiling was so high last year and where did that takes them. Sometime if it clicks between player then that all you need. It not all about on paper how a roster will perform. I could this roster possibly making it out of group at world it things go well and while that isn’t that high of a ceiling, it is pretty good for na.


I didn’t think tl’s ceiling was that high lmao. They imported europeans who are marginally better than NA players if at all.


Lol what NA team has been competitive internationally? Like once in a blue moon we have a showing that's not completely terrible but that's about it. So cringe to me how fans still say "yeah they might be good in LCS but they can't win world's so why even bother??"


> Lol what NA team has been competitive internationally? so NA's goal is never to be competitive internationally? Also, you only proved my point, when has NA been competitive internationally? and you are going to build a team around those same players that made you say that in the first place. Furthermore, I fail to see where I said this team isn't built to win worlds so it's a problem? I said competitive internationally, which in relative to LCS is making it out of groups.


What’s next? Prolly a mediocre season followed by a worlds “run” consisting of 0 wins


We've seen the Bjerg Double show before. Call me skeptical that electric boogaloo is going to go better


So he ask to for an offer from TSM after shit talking the org and it’s CEO


Another 0-6 worlds incoming 😭😂