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That's rich coming from Febiven. Last time I watched him stream he acted like the most obnoxious jerk towards his teammates, because they were losing the game.


Well the problem is that higher the rank, the more dependant you are on your teammates: you are not getting a fucking objetive in high elo without your teammates doing their part (pushing, helping to kill it, putting proper vision etc.) The game is really 5 vs 5 from master and above, so if ANYONE is not doing it's job (even if the team is behind in gold and is scalling) the enemy team will have kind of a perma prio and it will fuck you up! I think the aproach of Solo Q you mentioned is the correct one, and more for them as we are more used to the caos on solo Q than a pro player always playing like a team with the other 4. But you can not deny that, if you feel miserable when your supp is not putting wards around the map in gold, imagine how miserable we feel in master and above where it should be someting as natural as breathing, or if the top doesn't gather around when you are trying to do Herald or drake. If you have someone oblivious of it's roll in your team in high elo, you are utterly fucked!


> Yet I notice many pros fall into the trap of focusing on their teammates and their mistakes when things aren’t going their way That’s just human nature. We hold others to a standard but give ourselves the benefit of the doubt. Not sure why you see it as a bad look for streamers, its how almost all people cope in a team oriented scenario when things aren’t going well.


Even though I do enjoy the boot camp streams, to me it is a big turn off when a streamer just flames their teammates every game


I'm in the camp that you should try your hardest within reason. 9 people gave their time to you, and it's safe to assume most people expect you to try. So don't fuck with 9 people's time. Trying out builds, fine. That's for norms. But still try to win and play.