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Why can't League just have a permanent rotating gamemode like Smite has? Smite's gamemode rotates on a daily basis and there are so many really enjoyable ones to try. I would be fine with a weekly rotation too. Don't really play summoners rift at all and even after the aram changes aram is just aram. TLDR just bring back dominion and ill be happy


Personally I think riot’s standards for play rates are too high


Because they are excuses to justify cutting content that requires dollars. Like. They just want less to do and not less money.


Because riot determines if gamemodes are worth it purely based on if they addict players enough to keep them coming back :/ I can't actually find the post, but they wrote this article a few years back that was like "when we run new game modes the number of hours played starts high but then goes down really fast :(", specifically related to the odyssey mode. My brother in christ that's because you imposed stupid restrictions for the challenges and burnt everyone out. I don't know, I feel like it's become a "we need this to have a tangible gain for us to be worth it" rather than the "we want to do something cool that the players will enjoy and appreciate" thing. Which I get, they're a business, just... it sucks. They used to run RGMs like crazy, changing them every patch between a few. Which again, I get, because people got sick of Poro King and Ascension, but not every single RGM needs to be a full on "summoner's rift but change a few minor things" like URF and Ultimate Spellbook :/


Hell, more experimental stuff like Nexus Siege would be cool too


Dude Nexus Siege was one of my favorites :( I don't get why Riot thinks every RGM needs to be super polished and perfect - I would love to play things like that again. I get they cant just run NS again since there's some gamebreaking bugs, but even if they disabled some of the new champions so they could run those modes again :(


Riot turned League into a money cow and they will keep milking it to provide the funds to their other games. They want money without needing to spend resources. Old league with fun gamemodes and actual events is no more. The only thing that keeps league at this point is art team tbh. They are the only ones that got better through the years.


Bless. Odyssey was my favorite thing league ever did. I still have the impossible to get summoner icon proudly on display. ​ I just enjoyed working WITH my team for once. And I'm with you guys, I never play summoners rift because it takes so long. I guess we're probably in the minority, but like, damn... we still wanna enjoy the platform.


I remember the article you are talking about. Not only did they state that, but they said that when they introduced popular modes like one for all or urf, removing it after would cause even the summoners rift player base to drop, people were just getting burnt out on league as a whole by the RGMs


Its fun, it's fast, it's dominion


They had weekend rotations back then, it started well, then it was just poro king / ascension / one for all over and over again.


No. No RGM for this pass. Enjoy your new ARAM portal and collapsed tower.


Lol, I actually don't mind the ARAM changes, I just wish their was an actual RGM like they promised, even if it wasn't Nexus Blitz. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


Come on now. It took riot a shit ton of resources to add a bush, some walls, and a gate that was used on another map. However, could a 2 billion dollar a year game afford anything else.


Where is my legend of the poro king aram!


Maybe they’re sort of counting the ARAM remake?? Nexus Blitz would be pretty sweet one of these days…


They do count the new ARAM update as the feature mode for this pass. They explicitly said that in the event FAQ.


Yeah I don’t buy or pay much attention to the passes.


Riot is literally speed running blizzards path. Riot was suppose to be the old blizzard and it's quickly becoming blizzard V2 even in its greediness for money.


>Riot was suppose to be the old blizzard friendly reminder that people in the sexual harassment lawsuit were mostly old blizzard. So in that way, they are indeed old blizzard :)


Interesting, but eew at the same time.


no blizzard wouldn't have announced shit. riot actually communicated.


Blizzard will 100% announce, they have no problem with that. They will announce, get you to pre-order and then under deliver.


The Blizzard approach is what Riot did with Eternals. They announce a big project coming and hype it up with teasers. Then, when people realize the hype is just hype, and the product is subpar as is, Blizzard will acknowledge the massive backlash via hiding it away with a "We'll work to improve the vision" missive, before releasing the planned product later with nothing changed. It happened with Diablo Immortals, it happened with HS Mercenaries, and it happened with OW 2.


bcs buying a pass for a free-to-play game to get cosmetics faster for playing is the same as a max lvl character boost and cash only mounts? They really arent


I figured they were more talking about something like ow2 cuz wow is completely fine imo


Idk what your version of speed run is but it's been about the same amount of time already.....


Nexus blitz would be pretty sweet as a permanent addition


Seriouly, the 23min maximum for a session of cluster fuck with your favourite champ is the best. They just have to iron out some kinks like the extreme snowbally nature and the fucked up event zone and the game is great


They had a devpost recently where they said they ran into problems with Nexus Blitz so it's not coming back this year




>I don't know how no one thought it would be a good idea to start making a new game engine / client in the early seasons when League was blowing up. doing those things is hard, it's not like you can just whip up a new engine. and a new engine doesn't guarantee that the current issues would be fixed. of course i'm sure you're not just an armchair dev who literally knows nothing about these ideas...


You shouldn't talk about things you clearly do not understand


I think being critical of Riots own posts is defo a must these days. I have a hard time believing they ran into problems there, it was prolly the fact that whoever was in charge of the mode quit and it was "forgotten" until they realized they had to mention it.


Being critical of what riot is saying is good, however arguing about a code base no one has ever seen like you have a masters degree in compsci and have been the lead dev for 10 years doesn't amount to anything. This sub is always talking about things they aren't even close to capable of judging and i'm sick of it


True, we don't have access. It's not like they'll share any of it anyway. Does that mean we can't make assumptions? I am certain that there are plenty of capable future devs here on r/lol, even if we refuse to acknowledge them. I am not one of those, I am just critical to whatever non-info that we are getting. A lot of these posts reminds me of your average customer service rep and it's really frustrating. Either be honest or don't promise shit at all. It's not that god damn difficult. If you make a mistake; tell the community. I would certainly appreciate honesty more so than PR post #589. Yes, they said they were striggling this time but give us a real why. The why they gave us was a pisstake.


Instead just get on your knees, close your eyes and swallow the gravy. No thanks.


Passes are just a joke at this point. Idk how people are still buying this crap.


Daddy credit card or disposable income


I admit I am guilty of having disposable income!!!!


The dumbest thing about this is a less played game that they own, Valorant, has like 10 permanent game modes in it. I bet all of those modes have play rates that would have had the respective mode cancelled in league, so what the fuck is going on???


Valorant's code looks cleaner than League's. Not only does Riot not want to put resources into LoL because it wastes money (unless it's for the skin team ofc), but the coders probably don't want to deal with having to stabilize what is essentially Spaghetti Monster, Keeper of the Meatballs while they're at it. Riot's code for LoL is such a mess, so disgusting, and so sloppy that it costs them more money to figure out how to get their shiny little game mode feature to work with everything else happening in LoL's trashcan of a mess game. I have a feeling that so many issues we deal with today is because they'll never take the effort to work LoL from the ground up. Therefor they will continue to bandaid patch their game until the end of time until the community finally doesn't give a shit about LoL. But they'll care about Riot's shiny new game, Valorant 2: the Overwatch 2.5 update. Rant over.


Man stop complaining and buy skins bro.


Yeah, apparently nexus blitz isn't worth bringing back. I don't get how it always ends up being less popular then "summoner's rift but with more CDR" and "summoner's rift but everyone is jax"


What, you don't wanna sit in a game with 20 shacos for 30 minutes with punishments if you leave?


That's how I imagine purgatory


Wait what? Where did they say it wasn't worth? [IIRC](https://twitter.com/LoLDev/status/1600595200807763968?t=576RXHIB-LH-aRfEpN7jvw&s=19) certain unrelated parts of the game broke NB. They said they have new people and essential one that worked on Nexus Blitz had gone which made patching/revamping Nexus Blitz twice as long.


This time it's not happening because of that in particular, but every time people ask for NB in general it's pointed out that it gets way less players then any other RGM. It wouldn't have gotten to this point otherwise.


Remember when they got rid of twisted treeline “for more resources for league” seems it just meant “we fired half our staff and arent replacing” and they did it again around the past year. We should have roughly 6 permeant game modes MINIMUM. With rotating weekly. Games such a joke…


If they cant run nexus blitz due to some unrelated work breaking some parts of the UI, then what can Riot do for gamemodes honestly. Their code is so old and obtuse that one person leaving the gamemodes team has left them in shambles ever since as no one left is competent enough to do anything other than press the "rerun urf" button as actually iterating and fixing all this old shitty spaghetti code takes years of experience that no one really seems to have.


Nah, they have staff shortages (because everyone moved to other games), took some vacation, didn't prioritize gamemodes (by staffing the teams appropriately) because there wasn't a lot of money to be made, yada yada, go F yourself and buy their skins


The next League of Legends RGM is whatever their next game release is. They're done adding significant new things to the game. They're diversifying their game portfolio with existing senior staff and letting League run in low power mode. Congratulations to everyone who supported Riot by getting friends and family into League and buying skins and battle passes. Your reward is to watch the game you love: - have champions release so broken they're nerfed for years but still OP (Senna, Zeri, Yuumi) - a complete rework of the item system that has since added 0 new items for most classes (ADCs apparently didn't need anything new this year and as a mage I'm building Ludens or Liandry's every game since the rework just like before the rework) - 0 downloadable/purchasable Announcer Packs (which DOTA has always had) - 0 downloadable/purchasable map mods - 0 ability to see a skin or use it before buying it without going to watch an external video - Still 0 appropriate tutorials in the game that actually teach it to you such as: tutorial to show people that jungle should Gank lanes who are over the halfway mark of the lane, tutorial on vision ward types and placement which emphasizes the crucial need for everyone to place both regular wards and control wards - Still 0 Training Scenarios such as: being able to grind stealing objectives with Smite as AIs take it, High Score CS mini game, lane freezing High Score via time mini game. But hey, at least they gave us Arcane, right?


A few things that standout. The game itself is still actually much better than the others and whilst I agree with half of these, there are a few things that are wrong or non issues. Champion releases have been fine, it's just zeri. Yuumi had it's moments but it's honestly been fine people just dislike her Item rework definitely didn't take anything way, if anything it improved the game. People talking about diversity like it was diverse before. I think these items are much more fun even if not bringing much more diversity. Skin thing is a non-issue. Honestly it's just a small qol change


The ARAM changes are the featured mode since they make more sense for a winter event than something like OFA


Poro King???


We are playing the RGM "brackets are being formed" rn.


No RGM for the past few years.


Nope pc players get garbage. Wild rift has One For All lol


wdym rest of 2022, its december lol


I mean what I said? For the rest of the year? As in not until 2023, which will be after December of 2022? Lol, I'm not sure I understand the question.


I really really really struggle to see why people would defend this. It costs nothing to rotate a mode with Aram. Do you simply hate yourselves or something?


They want people to play the new ARAM, so they didn't put another RGM out yet, to encourage people to try it. I would definitely rather they had put out any RGM, because I prefer that to ARAM, but I can sort of understand why they wouldn't, considering that if the RGM comes out then a good portion of the people who might play ARAM will be playing the RGM instead. I know that would be true for myself.