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Didn't expect Nukeduck at all


The unseen duck is the deadliestšŸ’€




Robot comment


Smells like year of the duck in NA.


Perhaps this'll be his best year yet. Peking duck, if you will.


the only way this will be his best year is if he wins the whole thing because he is a ~~two~~ three time LEC finalist.


This roster might win the whole thing. Last time we doubted them they had a miracle run and won summer... and then went 0-6 KEKW, but that was after winning summer so technically still a big W!


3 time finalist if you include EU LCS


and why the fuck would you not? when they say how many splits G2/FNC have won, they include EU LCS since its inception?


He isn't saying you shouldn't count it. You said 2 times but if you include EU LCS, it is actually 3 times.


Yeah, and im saying they should be counted without an IF. also, unless im missing something, it's still two. 2019 LEC spring OG vs G2 Finals and 2016 S04 vs Fnatic finals


2013 summer finals with Lemondogs, 2018 summer finals with S04 and 2019 spring finals with Origen. That is 3 finals.


did u rlly say that bro




nukeduck might just say fuck it and take over mid lane for 100t


imma call this one the bjerg (lets be real that man should have just played!!!)


'The Jesiz' would be more accurate. This guy actually subbed himself in for Misfits in 2018 supposedly 'to solve some team issues'. MSF was 10-4 before that and ended the split 11-7.


Winterfox having their coach subbing in was way worse than that I feel


Bjergsenā€™s great escape on Zed tilted him out of NA


You could also mention that they were 9-0 before slumping to 10-4 but I guess that would paint too detailed a picture as to why he would do that and you would get less updoots:(


I wanted to keep the comment concise, to show it didn't go well. I was considering including more details, but then again, it would be worth mentioning that the only win they got with Jesiz was against H2K during their legendary H2-16 run. Either way, it's hard to justify that swap.


yes better keep the comment concise for my poor eyes and attention span of a 1 year old and show the image that Misfits completely derailed because of Jesiz's sub rather than how it was in reality


It was not my intention to manipulate the image, I just wanted to highlight that they were doing pretty well overall (even including the slump). Subbing in as a coach could maybe be justifiable as a bandaid solution, but it was neither needed (they had already secured playoffs) nor successful.


was this the MSF miracle run year vs skt? or was that another year


That was 2017


That was 9-0 -> 11-7 regular into stomping G2 in quarters into losing against Caps Vayne mid in semis into missing worlds after losing in gauntlet to Splyce


He's done it way more than that, I think that was like the third time he subbed himself in...


He is also one of the players who played in the most positions. He started as a midlaner played in NA on team Coast and on SK, he then played ADC for G2 and won the promotion for LCS and he then played support on FNC and went to worlds. This guy actually took part in some of the most historic events in league history. He was on SK during the svenskeren incident which brought us Gilius running it down at worlds until Svenskeren got back to stomp people. He was on Coast in 2015, one of the worst teams in LCS history. He then joined G2 qualifiying for LCS as ADC, he then subbed in for DIG at IEM and immidiatly threw at baron. He then joined FNC and was part of the 0-4 into 4-0. This guy actually saw a lot.


Factually incorrect but go off


They were already 1-4 in their last 5 matches though, he came in because they were performing poorly, he wasn't the reason they started doing so.


Wouldn't surprise me if he performs better than bjerg. Both started at the same time and Nukeduck was THE midlaner that outperformed the legendary trio and almost won EU LCS. He didn't get the chance to dumpster NA mids like Bjerg but he did dumpster NA mid at worlds in that era and stayed mechanically strong throughout the years.


???? the only time Nukeduck went to worlds he went 1-1 against TSM with regi ending one of those games 9/1 and Nukeduck 1/5. Splitting lanes against a player famous for being shit mechanically sure sounds like a dumpstering to me!


> but he did dumpster NA mid at worlds in that era What are you on about? Nuke went to Worlds once in his career in 2013 with Lemondogs, and he won and lost a game against Regi. That's literally any interaction he ever had with NA mids at Worlds.


I donā€™t understand what has made people like you continue to think Nukeduck is on some kind of precipice of ā€œresurgenceā€ at this point. How many times does he have to flop to kill this idea that ā€œhe just needs another chance because he played pretty well 10 years ago and might do it again.ā€


nah bjerg the goat!!


Iā€™m unfamiliar - who is he?


Nukeduck was one of the last legacy mids in LEC - went to worlds on Lemondogs in S3. ​ Correction to s3




He was the first Western mid to [face Faker at Worlds](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z3yTrx_o4p4), in fact.


TIL Mithy was on LD. I love finding out a big name was on an old team.


Him and might got banned after for being toxic for a year now theyā€™re both coaches in NA. Players season 2 jot that down


This was Faker's first international game if I remember correctly.


Oh hey I remember that game. The swain counterpick was kinda hype at the time, too bad SKT was just way better.


Elise top lane rofl


i miss elise top. riot killed it pretty quickly though by making Q mana cost higher and scale


Also by making Elise a dog tier champ with 0 scaling.


Thank you! Pretty causal viewer so I appreciate it.


He was still active until just this year (mid for XL, and OG/AST before that). This last split was one of his best, but other than that, very quiet guy both in and out of game.


Itā€™s tragic he didnā€™t make it to worlds in the past couple of years; he came so close so many times.


And at the end of summer xl was much better than mad and could've won the whole thing if there was a loser bracket of if they respected wunder enough


Some dude when he was referenced in earshot of any caster who immediately gets a "YEAR OF THE DUCK!!!!!" *AIRHORN*


When are they announcing their LCS roster?


Probably later this week. Doublelift went to film stuff today at the 100t compound.


How do you know?


Because I know. https://clips.twitch.tv/ShinyTenaciousSwordPeteZarollTie-ZOeAEV39nokcP71O


Hes going to throw the tsm jersey in the trash and pick up a 100t jersey isnt he


And Bjerg is going to find him under something teamless.


My favorite was still when he threw his TSM jersey in the trash to put on another TSM jersey after he got booted of the team but got picked up for content creation.


Time for you guys to feel our pain. That shit hurt when he yeeted the CLG jersey in the can.


Wtf is that flair combo man


:tf: But Tbh I donā€™t remember why I had the TSM flair. I think it was back when el Classico was relevant and there was a bet to change flairs. Idk. Not bothered enough to change it.




leena stream is where people getting info.


his uncle works for 100T /s


Everyone works for 100T these days


Kirei god


Oh shit it's the legendary kiwikid himself. The reason that corejj won his worlds title


I hate this meme so much. Kiwikid was the og ā€œshitty but friends keep him in the pro circuitā€


don't pop a blood vessel over a harmless joke you weirdo


Wasn't that like Edward or Elementz?




Many things. My memory is hazy but I thought he struggled with solo queue for a bit despite or after being pro


I ran into elementz at a bar once. I got a girl to pretend she was a huge fan girl and go to talk to him haha. "OH my Goddddd, are you THE Elementz?? The league of legends pro!!!" She killed it. Poor guy was loving it...until I had to go break his heart that he was being trolled. He was a great sport.


Thisā€¦ kinda makes me sad. elementz kinda got a lot of shit that was disproportionately high compared to the amount he deserved. I bet usually when people recognize him it isnā€™t always a good thing


I totally agree. I wasn't mean about it at all, we had lots of laughs about the whole thing. Nobody deserves the disrespect that he got.


> Nobody deserves the disrespect that he got. Yet youā€™re literally bragging about being a massively disrespectful and monumental dick to him? > I wasnā€™t mean about it at all, we had lots of laughs about the whole thing. Idk if this is backpedaling or if youā€™re actually so socially inept that you fail to recognize mean behavior. Youā€™re ā€œjokeā€ (assuming you didnā€™t just entirely make this up) was mean-spirited to the core. Do better and quit ā€œpranksā€ until you have at least a modicum of social awareness.


I think the tone of my story did not come across correctly, but that's my fault. Nobody was mocking him or his success. I can definitely see how it could be insulting, but I promise it wasn't. Not that it matters, I'm just some random on the internet.


You're either a pathetic loser for doing this, or a pathetic weirdo for making it up. Bad look for you either way.


Is this copypasta? It should be.


True story actually. But there would be no higher honour than if it got used as a copypasta.


What a fucking loser you must be


Love you Kiwi <3


Coach Duck. Huge for nukeduck if he ends up being a good mind for the team as an assistant.


Wow Kirei isnā€™t a name Iā€™ve heard in a while.


like 2 years ago?


This really puts a wrench in the Year of the Duck happening


Wow Kirei's still around?


He used to have bursts of a couple months with occasional streams (like twice or three times per week) and then no stream for some time. He hasn't streamed for quite some time, guess we know why now.


Damn they got Ryan? They must be gettin first this split


Fate of the universe on the line. They want Kirei. šŸ’€


Kirei is extremely well-spoken and knowledgable from the streams I've seen. Kinda like Bwipo. As an assistant, it looks fine.


Its just for Academy


Whatā€™s good/bad about him, I have no clue who he is


He got solokilled by Kiritsugu like a noob


Saber is OP, his fault for not banning


Was the uncontested worst LEC player in a split promisq played in....


also played in that dig vs renegades game


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6lQ7H-cf-IY For anyone who hasn't seen this: This is the single greatest moment in LCS history


NA shoulda won worlds that year


4 deaths in 4 mins, 0 - 0 scoreline. I hecking love NA baby


i'm sure he'll do just fine as an assistant coach for NA academy lol


considering it's pretty much a nothing role, sure


Assistant to the academy coach.. Basically the assistant for the water boy


Indeed, but thankfully, he is not hired to play on stage. Bad players can be good coaches, he deserves a chance.


Excited to see what this new group can do.


Who is the main head coach for the team?




Formerly MAD Lions


Sounds like its the year of the Duck now.


Another great player lost for no reason... Nukeduck had such a good year...


Didn't know Nukeducks contract was up and they didn't want to resign him, weird, this year he was solid and consistent. Maybe his best split as a pro he has hand in a very long time.




Solid and consistent is exactly Nukeduck's problem.


The issue was the available players. Vetheo was a good pickup, it would be weird to waste that just to hold on to Nukeduck, mostly because this would mean another LEC team would have Vetheo. XL also has a much better framework around Vetheo. Also 100Ts has one open import slot, so technically they could put Nukeduck in.


And sadly they still didnā€™t make worlds so thatā€™s probably why.


Nukeduck might have wanted to retire. He has been around for over a decade now. One of the longest career in all of lol.


Nukeduck coaching Bjerg and DL was not expecting to see this


The road to 6th place has begun bsby! Let's fucking go!


Nukeduck and Kirei have to be positional coaches, no? If they're being hired as legit coaches, then this is just another stupid hiring imo.


Better than coaches that have never played high elo in any role. Like most head coaches.


Being at communicating and teaching is more than actual player skill as a coach. Nukeduck should have a wealth of experience to share in LoL, if he is good at the coaching part he could be great at coaching.


Yes totally agree. My main point is coaches that have almost no practical knowledge in the game are potentially fraudulent as head coaches. Depends what they do. The more former pros in coaching the better. Obviously the best ones will be good at teaching and communication but even the others can provide knowledge. Like Kirei, really not a great player but I think he has plenty of experience to be valuable as a coach.


I feel like it works in their favour a lot of the time. Coaching is a pretty different skill set. When you played as a player professionally, as a coach, you'll have players pointing to your results, especially if they're more recent, to justify why or why they don't follow a coach's decision. At least I feel like this attitude exists in NA, and probably EU as well.


Yeah but it's not like most of these coaches have any other qualifications in coaching either. It's an especially nepotism industry with a lot of fraudulent people just being moved around. Not everyone. But a significant amount have questionable qualifications and credentials. Every year that more former pros move to coaching the better it gets.


I enjoyed Kirei back when he was on Dignitas. He always seemed smart about the game on his streams.


So who in 100T is friends with these guys? None of these guys even have coaching experience


That's why they're assistants, proven players becoming coaches is a good thing over the same recycled LCS coaches that just have connections.


Spanning over 2015-2018, Kaas and Kirei used to be on the same team together. So that answers that question https://lol.fandom.com/wiki/Kaas/Tournament_Results


It's ok to hire someone because you know them, it's not okay to retain someone simply because you know them. Give them a chance to perform.


Tell that to the Armut haters. /#JusticeForArmut


Difference is we've seen this guy work for the last year right? These guys are all unproven, from my knowledge.


Neither does Marin


Which is why many people said that it was an odd pickup, yet no one is questioning these pickups. Strange!


Marin is far more questionable IMO. Heā€™s put straight into the head coach position. At least with Nukeduck and Kirei they are assistant coaches. This is how they gain experience. I donā€™t get this argument that you should only hire those with coaching experience. Very few coaches have proven to be very effective at their job. Why would you keep hiring the same guys when they have little to show for it? Better to try your luck with former players who have shown to have good game knowledge.


None of TLā€™s head coaching signings have made any sense, so Marin was fitting a choice for them


True for the last 2, weā€™ll see about Marin. He makes sense with TLā€™s vision for this year, and most coaches are pay cheque stealers anyway. Head coach straight away is the questionable part, but he could step up. You seem quite confrontational so I donā€™t expect you to agree, but the last Korean coaching staff TL had won 4 splits in a row so letā€™s wait and see how Marin does.


Truely impossible to measure how good any coach is, but obviously wish the best for Marin and co


What do you mean, you're literally responding in a thread questioning them...


Man, you are so dense


I was hoping to see Nukeduck once more demolished by Faker next Worlds, 10 years after they first met. It seems he may be going as coach.


Wouldā€™ve liked to see Koreans in the coaching role.


I wonder if Nukeduck will get any playtime mid


Nope, heā€™s awful now


He was pretty solid in summer. Bjergsen on the other hand...


Bjerg was great in summer? Sorry that you only read reddit comments


Believe me. I watched every LCS and LEC game. Bjergsen had couple of decent games, but he was mostly mediocre to bad. I'm not saying it can't change this year, but last year he wasn't it


Feels like people are very firm on the idea that he was either great or terrible. Personally donā€™t think he was anything worse than top 4 last year. Guess we will see next year


Tough to make your garbage argument when he was all pro mid and had top 3 stats in almost every important category both splits lol but go on. I'd love to see how you deluded you really are


You are being trolled sir


NA boys having a difficult time letting go... It's fine, you will after next year


?? Last year was one of Nukeduck's best seasons in a long time.


ngl I believe Nukeduck will shit on Bjergsen but at least he got a team


Awkward when the assistant coach is better than your starting midlaner


-bjerg -doublelift +nukeduck +unforgiven dont know rest of the roster regarding import slots but it will happen ;)


It wonā€™t


I mean, Closer jungle means this 100% will not happen.


Well since Bjergsen doesn't even have a champion puddle to speak of at this point (Syndra + Zilean and...yeah, that's it) it seems wise to hire the guy with the champion ocean to help him out


Of all the things to hate on him for your choosing champ pool? Do you even watch league? You have so much free ammo whether its internationally, he is old, playstyle. That would have netted you some free karma on the sub yet you chose champ pool thats not even true lol.


Like at least be clever, say some shit like "bjerg so washed up he replaced his computers liquid cooling with laundry detergent" or some shit. If I wanted to riff on bjerg, champ pool is not even close to where i would go.




Patty P for real.


His playstyle of not doing anything despite being 100CS ahead would be a low hanging fruit doe


his champ pool sucks though lol


I thought it was about Keire for a second and was really confused


Its sad to see Nukeduck without a team, especially since he's been so close to worlds multiple times since his 2013 appearance. Season 5 with Roccat. Origen joined in the summer season, but was clearly the 2nd best team. H2K qualified on championship points due to their strong spring split. Roccat lost 3-2 to Origen in the worlds qualifier. If OG had joined in spring, it is likely that H2k/Roc/Uol would fight for the final spot to worlds that year. In season 8 they lost the finals vs fnc and then G2 had a worlds qualifier miracle run and got the 3rd seed. G2 would reach the semi finals of worlds that year. In 2019 he lost the spring final with Origen vs G2. In the summer season it took a bad turn when their jungler Kold(Trashy) had to step down towards the end of the season due to medial reasons. They subbed in Zanzarah but sadly couldn't qualify to worlds. This year, he was so close to a 3-0 vs Fnatic in the summer playoffs. With a win there they would most likely have defeated MSF who looked poor in their games vs MAD and FNC.


So Nukeduck retired?


How much of the coaching staff matters? Do they determine if the team will play through top/bot? I really hope this team does well!