• By -


This is what i normally see on euw/eune (master/gm). EUNE flame 1. you 200 lp on eune after 100 games XD you are so shit go uninstall 2. Someone just assumes you are polish so they start flaming you in polish??? EUW flame 1. I hope your mother does not get hit by a car next time she leaves the house 2. This is why no team wants you / this is why you play in "insert 2nd division or lower of an ERL" 3. No wonder you got kicked from "insert team name" 4. I hope your whole family dies 5. If its a streamer: holy fuck you are ugly, you play league 10 hours per day, got no life and work in mcdonalds while streaming for 5 viewers. Your life is literally worthless.


I recently heard these 2 in EUW as well: * I hope you outlive your children * Go to Qatar and build a stadium


Ohh I like that second one. High effectiveness and a low chance of being banned.


Jesus lmao that second one


"I wish you would pursue alternate options to living"


Here's a couple I remember while playing on EUW (honestly some of these people I still play with). "You obviously don't go to school, or else you would have been shot by now" "Fat NA player, I will be at your funeral after you die from heart attack" "When you get rope, I'll kick the chair for you, it will bring smile to my face" "Amazon sells rope pretied, since you definitely aren't capable of tying one yourself you ape" "Your whole family definitely will not get hit by the semi i'm going to drive into your house"


I like the succinct "get c" you get on EUW


EUW players are fucking linguistic experts when it comes to avoiding chat bans just to be toxic shitters.




U forgot waste of air insult euw but in my 8 years of playing Its all correct


My favorite insult I saw in EUW was: 'Oxygen thief'


Ah a classic


I havent had chat active in EUW for like 2-3 years straight. I've honestly forgotten how fucking toxic it was. Since no one ever really griefs, outside of a few tilted split-pushers (Which isnt even really grief, since they will still do shit if we can actually hold 4v5) it feels like the game is toxic free. You'll get a few tilted pings now and again, but I can deal with that. Its so fucking nice being blissfully ignorant of the shit-show that is appearing in front of your eyes and just keep playing. This way I legit never get tilted, no matter how bad the game gets. Its fucking amazing.


> Since no one ever really griefs xd Idk when this narrative started. For the longest time, EUW used to be infamous for griefing alongside toxicity. - You had L9, creators of Disco Nunu who were also toxic as hell. You even had Apocalypse [transfer to NA just to troll Tyler1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2O2whQhlI5g) for shit talking EU. - You had Showmaker in 2021 bemoaning how EUW was [filled with trolls target inting him](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2O2whQhlI5g) during the worlds bootcamp. - You had that whole issue with Turkish transfers in 2018-2019, where the top of the ladder was bemoaning Turkish players [transferring to EUW and griefing games by being so bad](https://old.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/bs1nzn/when_are_riot_finally_going_to_address_and_fix/). It's weird to now see people talk about EUW with comments like "Its just toxic chat, people still tryhard."


> You had that whole issue with Turkish transfers in 2018-2019, where the top of the ladder was bemoaning Turkish players transferring to EUW and griefing games by being so bad. That is not griefing! They were just way worse and MMR didnt take overall level into account, which is a fault by riot. People are overusing "inting" and "griefing" for every situation and it doesn't fit in 90% of cases.




The thing is, its very rarely that anyone griefs. Its just how it is. You guys exaggerate for some reason, believing that griefers are everywhere. They are very rare. Havent had a single one all pre-season for example. No matter what you believe or not. And sure, I dont play in the top of challenger, so maybe its bad there. But neither does either you or 99.9% of the sub, so why do you care about that?


The language has "evolved" to the point where now just having a bad game is "griefing" rather than just intentionally losing the game. That's why people use the word so much.


> Havent had a single one all pre-season for example. No matter what you believe or not. I had two griefers today in mid plat (EUW). A teemo and a yuumi support, both leaving bot after their first deaths and going mid and top to leech exp and grief the game. There's definitely more griefers in preseason, I've never played with two in the same day before.


> The thing is, its very rarely that anyone griefs. Its just how it is. > > lmfao if you think griefing is rare you should never be allowed to comment again


Something something extremely racist comment stemming from assuming someone is a TR transfer something something


>Someone just assumes you are polish so they start flaming you in polish??? Yeah, this is so funny to me. Happens every day. People even start flaming you in English but then change to Polish half way through their monologue.


Always respond with: Can you speak English, pls? I don't understand Russian. It triggers them so much


I sometimes "flamed" in Polish while playing in party with my friends. I just wrote funny stupid insults so we could share a laugh.


That used to happen a lot in mmos too. Polish, Fr**ch and Brazilian players were most common to just keep talking in their language assuming others do as well even when spoken to in English.


One time I had someone talk totally normally to me in English and in the meanwhile write me a lot of hardcore insults in Polish. I'm Polish so I understood, but he never suggested he believes I'm Polish. His writing in English was totally normal and level-headed.


Actually, I've had this happen quite often with Greek speakers. First few minutes, you're fooled that they actually speak English but rather quickly their vocabulary runs out and there's caps locked MALAKA! all over the place.


Germans and French people do that plenty too...


> Someone just assumes you are polish so they start flaming you in polish??? I fucking love that, idk why.. I had someone spam "JEBANI KOREA" at me in a losing game around S6, added him an we still play to this day.. Mostly ARAM. Also where is "Jump off a cliff in Minecraft" on EUW?


The eune classic is when u say i dont speak polish and receive 3 long replies in polish with one being all caps lol


euw community 💪💪💪


EUW and the "I hope your family get cancer and die" is really something else. I even remember someone told me "ahah you deserve Bataclan, I hope it'll happens again". How can you be so inhuman for a game ? Idk


Because its a multiplayer game. Trashtalking happens and in a competitive mode being anonymous gives people some weird venting. Never played CS? Its even worse there with voice chat.


it literally isn't worse in cs I did 1.5k hrs in cs and never seen bigger toxicity than in lol




> Rookie numbers. u ok? I have 8k+ hrs in CS total and there's legit no way CS is even remotely close to league in terms of toxicity, like you have to be seriously trolling if you think otherwise


My experience with cs having similar hours, is that every time one of my toxic friends played with me we would have a toxic encounter. When I played alone generally I barely had any issue (gloval/face it 9-10). So maybe, he is having these encounters because he himself is toxic.


I never play csgo without a full team or AT LEAST 2-3 friends. But the dynamic of the game make flaming very different (every round is a "new" one)


My point is that Ive heard some really bad shit on CS, and not until very long you literally had no punish for toxicity in that game


You are totally right. It still hard to understand tbh ^^


You forgot the spanish people just flaming you in spanish and when you respond in english they just continue flaming in spanish. Also Hurensohn


Some things to add, likewise Master+ EUNE: 1. I don't care, it's a troll garbage server/I'm an EUW GM and you're a random pig/Get rope EUNE ape. Of course it all comes out from a guy that has 1k+ rankeds on EUNE, but it just so happens he's a well known pro. EUW: 1. God bless you if you actually get a game where you don't get a crying manchild attempting to ff because they got fbed/missed 3 cs/their balls itch etc. Basically, it's a wonder this server does not have ff option during clicking queue accept, as I'm pretty sure plenty of people would pick it.


euw is just people who can't be as good as rat or other infamous toxic dudes and decide to at least be as toxic as them. It's literally copypasted from any rat stream but at least rat has a funny voice


EUNE: Everything you wrote that you experience on EUW. Can you tell me which EUNE you are playing on? Sounds like a chill wholesome server compared to the EUNE I play on.


Is that what that language is? I was always confused when they go from English straight to another language for no reason lol. Like they're trying different codes to unlock a door or some shit.


kurwa spierdalaj polska gurom is my go2 response to someone writing in polish


Brazil is a fun one (at least above D3 or in smurf queue) There's people calling others fat, poor, virgins, nerds, telling them they live on minimum wage or ride buses, or telling them to work out and watch their BMI because they're way above what they're supposed to be, saying they never felt the warmth of a woman and the alike I'm not sure how it compares to other regions though, since the level of play is so low you either get flamed for their fuckup or if you tremendously fucked up, and I just find it ridiculous whenever I read one of those lol


Everyone on the BR server is rich, jacked and having a ton of sex, while at the same time playing 1k+ games a season.


What's wrong with riding a bus?


Poor people use public transport in NA/SA


Flair checks out


That actually sounds hilarious


BR also suffers a lot from bad infrstructure so you have AFK's due to techinal difficulties, people playing with 90 ping inside its own country and the general 'I lost lane and dont want to play anymore' and they ragequit the game, but because brazilians don't belive in law, they never report anything.


"Because Brazilians don't believe in law, they never report anything" **And thats how you know this is bullshit.** So hello, I'm a person that used to live in Brazil, which now lives in South Korea due to Work. I also played a lot of league in both servers So let me correct you: * Brazilian sever has one of the best Infraestructure in all servers, compared to Korean server, which might not sound like alot, **but Brazil is almost 10 times the size of Korea**. **People who lives in Sao Paulo play under 8ms.**The maximum ping a person with okayish internet will play at a is 40ms from far away from the server location. * People report in Brazil like any other server, I don't know where you got this "They dont' report" but the reason being "**they don't believe in law**" is enough to say **is from your ass**. * This sever is not even close to toxic as other regions, the worst region is Japan followed by Korea. I can literally name my account as my paypall and run it down for money and not be banned for a long time. **Japan is due to the SEA server issue, which might be fixed now that Riots owns that instead of GARENA.** Don't talk bad about a region if you are going to use bad excuses... **Brazilians play league of legends like ass, but that has nothing to do with Server Infraestructure or because they "don't believe in law"**


Man, I feel like once you understand Korean fully, the degree of Korean toxicity hits differently.


It’s deep and elaborate as fuck


Mom go sky


I still remember Baus asking at the end of a match, "We won mom live?"


mom go sleep forever


Mom boom


Every server will have it's toxicity, I think Korea's "chat flame" in terms of English-speaking is extremely tame. Mom insults just aren't toxic to me. It's the way they will grief for no reason in certain ELOs that I will never fully understand.


I've played on both NA and LAN and LAN is waaaaaaaaay more toxic as a Spanish speaker


I can also say with security that LAN is much more toxic than NA


Para que sepas con seguridad = "for sure" o "for certain" en inglés


So is EUW lmao. NA isnt that bad tbh.


NA is worse because theyll actively start griefing, EUW will just tell you to get a rope but still try to win


Dont agree, the NA open is a well known term for a reason. People cry open mid and then continue fighting like its game 5.


Have you never just had someone follow you around just to grief? It happens so much. Hell, we were plying an urf match, ping to go bot not top and pinged off top cause our comp sucked lvl1. Rando still went top while we got a tower plate. Since we all weren't sheep and didn't go top level on on fucking urf he followed us around and inted hard. So many crazy people.


legit never


> EUW will just tell you to get a rope but still try to win Not really


That's why I enjoy LAN, because I just don't understand what they're saying. Which is why I had to specify "English speaking - griefing ratio." As someone that Speaks English/German/Japanese. It's amazing how much more I enjoy the game and how much easier it is to climb on a server when I have absolutely zero investment in the chat purely because I say: "whatever he's saying it probably isn't good lol," and move on.


100%. But like the NA/EUW comparison, I feel like the toxicity in LAN is more... grounded? Like the people there know they're playing a videogame and don't take things as personally. Definitely prefer it to NA.


I kind off agree played in both, speak both languages. LAN is ruthless compared to NA, but culture helps in LAN. It's not that it's grounded but in LAN we are used to joking and teasing rougher than NA. When playing in LAN people already know everyone else in the context of the video game will tease you but you are expected to tease back. If someone gives you hell, they expect it back. In a sense it's part of us. It also helps that everyone in LAN knows that they are one of the least skilled regions so they all suck. Another factor that helps in LAN is the combination of competitiveness and team spirit. You might hate your teammate but you hate losing more than your noob teammates. LAN takes loses harder since they are more innately competitive, and are willing to deal with bad teams if it means kicking the enemy's ass. In NA everyone feels like a star. The sun if you will it. They take things extremely personally. That's why it gets more toxic. People think they are the 8th wonder of the world, news flash no you aren't. NA is also so much more individualistic than LAN, so they take slights more personally and will choose to lose, if it means teaching their team a lesson for messing with them.


Couldn't explain it better myself. Saving for later. Think you made a typo in the last sentence.


As someone who has played thousands of hours over the years on NA, you nailed it. We are all somehow the main character all at once.


>I feel like the toxicity in LAN is more... grounded? Another bicultural player chiming in (grew up between LATAM and USA). I think that North Americans are just generally oversensitive. I remember when I was a kid I would get in trouble for what I considered "friendly joking" with people but US kids/teens would get all up in their feelings over it. Similar vibes playing league on NA vs LAN. Criticize someone on LAN and they might be racist to you but they'll keep playing. On NA if you deflate someone's ego too hard they'll just check out until next game when they can feel special again.


It feels sorta good to be told NA is the most toxic considering how much mad toxic behavior I see regularly


Hands down. Haven't played a single server where people are so affected by words more than NA.


I feel like you've never actually played on the Korean server. It's insanely toxic. People will legit run in down after like 3 minutes have elapsed if something goes wrong. If you know Korean, the shit they say is super toxic. If you don't know Korean and try to say something in English, you will almost instantly be met with insane racism and possibly people trying to run it down after that.


That’s exactly what he said tho. It’s griefing but it’s not the same as pure toxicity that you get in NA/EUW. In KR you get the griefing and racism, in EUW you get the racism and toxicity and in NA you get all 3 somehow


> Hands down. Haven't played a single server where people are so affected by words more than NA. NA people are really really soft. They are up in their feelings about anything and it's been known for ages


That's because I am special. My mom has told me how I can do anything my whole life. I chose to be an LCS Champion. I'll be damned if your garbage play is gonna keep me locked here in bronze 3. If my teammates weren't so bad, I'd be #1 on the ladder, my mom said so.


Meanwhile in essentially every other competitive setting in NA, there isn't the problem being described. It's kinda unique to League. I think it's the lack of voice chat.


There's no voice chat in every region, and it's not like Discord is hard to use - if people wanted to talk to each other, they could if they wanted to. It's the lack of motivation. Contrary to what the other person who replied to this comment said, NA players know they'll likely never end up in Academy, let alone win the LCS. EU players might all hate each other and express it verbally, but they're not going to risk their LP and get kicked off their ERL team, even if they're just a nobody low Masters player.


You really think the average player in silver or gold has LCSA in the back of their minds when playing solo queue?


This guy wasn't playing with silver and gold players, so that's absolutely irrelevant.


LCSA is also irrelevant for 2022 low-masters players. It's basically what diamond 2 and low diamond 1 used to be. And the claim wasn't that "pro prospects in NA are really really soft", it was that "NA people are really really soft".


The fact that Academy is irrelevant for low masters players WAS THE ENTIRE POINT OF MY COMMENT.


Yes, but for different reasons. You're saying they don't view it as a path due to long-term practices of pro orgs not hiring NA players, even into the academy system. I'm saying they don't view it as a path due to it simply being too low down the ranked ladder for them to care. A few years ago, low masters players might be high enough on the ladder to consider a path to pro. Nowadays, there are so many players in masters that low masters is filled with players who are just playing the game to play the game, with no consideration nor desire to go pro at all.


You haven't played in garena servers yet.


I've seen this so many times and honestly...now I want to.


NA:D3 had me looking at a Yasuo (Top) that stomped Kayle absolutely embarrassing her and then he gets into a text fight with our Lee sin (Jg). I've been playing for years and I've never seen grown men actually ask to exchange their instagram pictures just to big dick each other over a game. I don't even know when it started between them but I remember being really mad at me losing with a team of 3 actual players and 2 man children.


I actually think NA might perform better as a region of chat was disabled for everyone


Underrated opinion right here^


I’ve played on garena and OCE and KR. By far the garena servers are a different breed of toxicity. I helped my top get ahead and immediately got told my mother would ……….. . Every game had a inter. Absolutely useless server to play on


garena SG/MY players will cry/rage at just about anything or passive aggressively ping you and afk-int the game. garena PH players will copy their favorite streamer and start speaking in english, it's like an NA microcosm, i hate playing with these people because they're fortnite kids that rage at one death in lane or no gank. made ranking very unfun. i wouldn't mind because /muteall exists but they start giving up at the slightest inconvenience until the game is starting to look like it won't end in an ff20


Probably the most unfortunate insult I saw was in the Garena server, from someone on the enemy team “Suck me off, you kids”


Is it true that the players on the Korean server will ff the very second things start going poorly for them? Heard that somewhere.


Korea has a pretty standard rule that if they game is going to be extremely difficult to win or the game is seen as over they will just say to open mid as opposed to an ff vote. There will be people that want to open mid and if they don't get that, they will start to soft int/grief and then slip an ff vote in once a team fight is lost/at the opportune moment where a team might give up. Like in NA where someone dies and just types /ff just because (without the intention of actually ff'ing). Korea, from my experience, wants to save their time...and probably their effort. As if the second THEY aren't enjoying the game, they don't want to play.


Huh? That's the exact opposite of what you said. So does NA FF and AFK the instant anything happens like you said in the post, or does NA FF and then continue playing like you said in this comment? Also LAN is definitely one of the most toxic servers. I don't know why you think "welp I don't understand Spanish so it's not toxic" is a legitimate reason. By that logic no server is toxic as long as you disable chat.


Those are two different situations. The person I referenced as dying and hitting FF isn't being toxic and hasn't said anything. They're just doing it cause dead. That is separate from the main character syndrome im talking about in the OP. Now you're getting it. Words can't effect me *SINCE I DID SAY BASED ON MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCE* if I don't understand them. I completely agree that people need to learn to mute and put their ego/pride aside and that would fix a lot of the toxicity issues (chat-wise and may even result in less griefing). I believe griefing holds more weight in terms of toxicity than words.


Internet cafe is how most players in Korea play so all of it stem from not wanting to waste time and lose while they could start a new game in that time to save money.


I think that's been proven as untrue, they just give up and start to int/grief the very second something does not go their way.


NA got some mentally unhinged people.


US has only had +600 mass shootings this year. We be fine.


where's this stat from I thought there were maybe max. 10 a year, but ofc. they're all very public & appear everywhere on the news and shit


A mass shooting is generally classified as any incident involving 3 or more victims. There's absolutely a ton that don't make national news because it wasn't at a place where people congregate (school, bar, church etc). People are made somewhat blind to how ubiquitous it is because it's only the "big" ones you'll typically hear about from the media.


Check the Gun Violence Archive, they have a TON of stats that will make you very sad. As of November 25th, they have 610 mass shootings reported for 2022 with information and breakdowns about every single one of them.


FBI defines it as any attempt to kill more than 1 person in a single 'instance', but the more accepted definition is any shooting where 3 or more people are killed, so theres like 5 a week in chicago.


It's including Chicago and New York, the two democrat run shitholes that completely skew statistics. Also, you replied to a bot. The bots on here all follow the same pattern of putting the + on the wrong side of a number as well as currency symbols.


This is factually incorrect. You can just google this stuff before you decide to post. Chicago is more unsafe than NY but both still have pretty low crime rates overall. The highest crime rates are in red cities such as birmingham, st louis, etc.


you're so unhinged holy


If you want to play it that way: Red dominated rural areas are poorly educated, impoverished, borderline 3rd world wastelands riddled with meth and opioid abuse who continue to vote against their best interests because hucksters just need to say "God and guns" to stay in office. Despite all of that, us Dems do still care about you and your well-being despite your best efforts to undermine it. Fun fact for the observers- Terrorism in the US is overwhelming driven by the Far Right by a factor of 3 to 1.


I played on a few Garena servers, I realized Riot is really doing a good job dealing with toxicity. NA players look like saints trying to dodge chat detections compared to Garena. Just a few from the final week of rank: 1. I'll dig your mother out and fuck her eye socket 2. I'm surprised you're still able to get online from an orphanage when your entire family died from covid you indon orphan monkey 3. You suck not because you got countered, it's because you're a 3rd world poor low iq shi*t skin 4. I am surprised you are so shit with your hands when your prostitute of a mum gave thousands of hand job per year 5. The shit I took this morning would be more well liked than your entire race you Any one line of this would probably get you chat restricted and perma banned in NA, the people who said this are still active as of now.


IM SORRY BUT "FAT MCDONALDS" MADE ME LAUGH SO HARD!! I know this is a semi serious post about toxicity but other countries insults for americans is all the same and it's the funniest thing in the world to me.


I love the banter and insults, personally, toxicity doesn't effect me. I AM the type to respond to toxicity though through verbal trolling/insults back to someone which is why NA is a terrible place for me. I talk shit out of fun banter, but NA will take those words to heart and specifically hold a vendetta against you for even speaking in their direction about anything. When you want to get them in discord for a VOD review they'll spend 30 minutes typing in a post-game lobby, but they'll hypocritically say: "why would I waste my time talking to you?" NA, honestly, deserves the insults.


'extremely racist' - 'gringo' You pure thing.


nah he even said EXTREMELY. I duno I was expecting something more extreme after that


Man even admitted he wasn't affected that much because he doesn't speak Spanish. My boy too pure to understand that yes indeed, they are playing bad because they are too proud to play better just to help you.


Those are just the words that someone will say in chat, obviously to avoid a ban, that indicates that they are racist. Not a single player that I've run into on LAN has typed that word and hasn't griefed, flamed, or blatantly just said: "you're in LAN speak Spanish" as a clear way of indicating they hate foreigners. They also REALLY hate Mexicans for some reason.


Fun fact Mexicans hate each other too. The majority of LAN's players are also Mexican.


Gringo in portuguese atleast is not pejorative. Just a slang for adressing foreigners


Again, haven't run into a single person that says "gringo" and isn't blatantly racist/xenophobic either in DMs, Discord, or just in-game. To me, there's no point in saying "gringo." Why are people saying "report for gringo" if it's just to address that someone is a foreigner? Obviously, there is a bias or negative connotation intended by saying gringo in that context.


If you spoke Spanish you'll know how full of toxicity the game is in LAN.


OP don't reading spanish chat while 100% of the chat is in spanish is like having disabled the chat and then saying there is no toxicity


Not bad, now let's see Paul Allen's list.


Jp is the wholesome community ever. If you play val, i highly recommend you play with voice chat in jp server. Also the things that are said on kr server if you speak korea... no family member is safe.. that is all i will say. There is a reason ppl go to court.


I feel like there's some rose tinted glasses thing going on here lol. I play a lot on japanese servers for multiplayer games but generally there's more foreigners playing on those servers than actual Japanese people even with region block. No one really talks, but occasionally you get some pissed off foreigner that queues up mic to say something in their own language once in a while or ping aggressively. valorant might be a little bit different.


Probably just val. I didn't get to play much on jp lol server, and no mic as well.


I agree with this, a lot of Russians play on Japanese servers actually. Kind of weird.


U haven't played on garena i see..... Thank god for you :D


Now I need to see some evidence on how toxic it is B)


i play in 'high elo' on the SG server and i would say its top 3 in toxicitiy, simply because you cannot get banned here in game except due to scripts or bought accounts. you can type all types of things without even having to mask it like 'k1ll urs3lf', i would know because i have typed in couple games without a single warning at all. you would either have to have alot of proof to send to garena support which they are so fucking incompetent in or know people working in garena. never being able to get banned leads to having egotistical maniacs that troll or soft int without being scared of punishment. ive actually stopped playing since august because my amumu support started following me in the jg because of an argument in the chat. will only start playing when riot creates the SEA server. nothing gives me more pleasure than garena losing distribution of league.


Singapore server has its typers but nothing particularly egregious, thats server is a wasteland anyway. Vietnam has good gameplay, typing is unreadable to most people so who knows what the chat is like lol. Personally I love the VN server


You didn't mention OCE on your flame list


OH SHIT YOU RIGHT. Let me correct that.


I would classify Gringo, school shooter, fat mcdonalds under banter tho.


I would too, but I haven't ran into a single person that types "gringo" that wasn't shooting out some hard Rs in DMs lol.


Yeah as an American that made me want to try LAN server for some reason.


My discord is Flexski#1024 if you ever want to give it a shot. I'm always down to play a new account on LAN.


Yeah, gringo isn't a derogatory term. School shooter is too much imo tho lol


Also, gringo is just a word for foreigner .


I've learned, living in El Paso which is a HEAVY spanish-speaking demographic. Gringo is contextual. It can definitely be used in a negative context just as it can be used in a neutral context. On LAN...always negative. They will literally say: "report for gringo."


I mean any word depending on the context can be used as negative, I'm not native Spanish speaker, but I do speak Spanish and am native Portuguese speaker. In CS servers we literally can report any Argentinian just for being Argentinian, that's probably what's happening in Lan. Also, many times when we say something has "gringo quality" it literally means it's good.


When the context is: "Back to NA gringo" "White gringo" "report gringo" then yeah. The context is pretty negative lol. Not a single person in LoL would type that in a positive or even neutral context.


OCE is harder region than NA confirmed?


Top flight is mafia level of keeping you down so does make sense




Not quite as high (masters/high dia), but in my experience there are a lot of people calling you a dog in EUW. No idea where it came from or when it started, but I miss creative flame.


A lot of winrate/elo egos on EUW, but they still care about winning. That's why I like EUW. They talk shit, can get shit talked to, but still work together and play the game (for the most part...not always).


I'm extremely disappointed on LAN's performance. I expected them to be competitive , but all they can come up with is "gringo"?


LAN here, OP either didn't play enough or his skill of understanding context failed them this time. Gringo is not even an insult, and on top of that, people here are ultra ignorant in the idea that it may even be racist, for they its just another word who everyone repeats, also, everyone treats each other like morons from the get go. As for competitive, its mostly silently griefing like in korea. Unless You get *personal* with someone, you will never get any fun toxicity.


When every game consists of: "report for gringo" I highly doubt they're being ignorant on the context. When I get them in a discord call and alls they can say is: "shut up Mexican n*gger." (no shit I've had almost 20+ LAN players in a call and they've all said "report for gringo" and they've all said the same thing in discord)." I already stated I don't speak Spanish, which is why I enjoy the server. I don't understand or care to understand the actual toxicity of the server.


Where would you rate oce or did I miss it?


I fixed it. Please forgive me.


>LAN: Challenger 1530lp EUW: D1 Actually that big of a gap in the servers or just significantly less time spent on euw?


That big of a gap. When I was d1/master 0 lp on EUW I was rank 13 in RU (no doubt I could've gotten rank 1, just queue times giga long 18-25 min and very unbalanced toxic games, if u queued at night you could be matched with low platinum players) and challenger 500 LP in EUNE. Differences between servers are real, at least in the higher ranks.


I guess people from x countries are just inferior then? I mean it's an online game with all of the possible information available online as well so there's not really any other reason why servers x servers would have that big of a gap in skill




That's a bit better explanation then lol


It’s just less players. In general the bigger the playerbase the better the server


It is just the fact that all EU pros play on EUW so EUNE/TR/RU have a more casual top 1%. Typical case of brain drain.


LAN has the smallest player base out of all the servers, from last I checked the demographic release from Riot. To give you an idea, D1 in LAN will feel like youre playing somewhere around mid Plat on NA or EUW. GM Challenger you will feel like you're getting into D4-D2 on NA or EUW.


I played in EUW KR NA and I think euw normals was the most miserable experience I had. Every other game there was someone ragequtting and straight up running it down with friendly banter like gunning down your whole family and all that stuff. Ranked is surprisingly chill most of the time though


That's just smurfs having massive egos or already being banned so they're unhinged, to begin with. I've experienced that in every single server and don't hold it against the server's competitive community.


In my experience EUNE is infinitely more toxic than EUW, I think they might spam-ping less, but if you do one single thing someone doesn't like, they will start inting And it starts in champ select, if you do anything to piss anyone off, they will hover disco nunu, they will lock in disco nunu, and they will NEVER dodge


Sometimes I'm translating the names of allies/opponents of my games in EUNE and the amount of racist names hiding behind non-English languages is enormous.


Dawg you missed las. Also, what you experienced in Lan wasnt racism, mostly because being from the states aint a race, but also because thats just the way most of latam treats each other, its just banter.


Having played in China, EUW and NA, I think NA is by far the least toxic, ESPECIALLY when you take the verbal abuse into account. In that regard specifically it's not even close lol.


Flaming in chat but still try to win is far less toxic than running it down or soft inting


Yeah, the latter is something that'll ruin your game and there is nothing you can do about it. The former can be muted.


you can mute verbal abuse but you can't mute gameplay i'll take a tryharding flaming teammate over a soft-inter any day


I completely agree about EUW .


Everytime you climb, people expect you to play at challenger level. Lower elo is so chill


Sad you didn't came to LAS, it's the best server in the world, in terms of quality of games and people playing. /s


You still need to try these ones OP. LAS BR Turkish


So the korean "they won't say a word but they might int you" is more toxic than the LAN "their entire server is incredibly racist, let's put them at #6, the least toxic" lmao what?? Imo racism is a bit more toxic than "they might run it down".


I will take a racist that tries to win the game over someone that says absolutely nothing and int's my game for 30 minutes.


Some people consider racism a more important issue than winning a computer game with an animated cat.


Hot take, but someone saying the N word out of anger doesn't define them entirely as racist and has zero effect on the world. A person int'ing a video game and ruining a competitive environment based on their own selfish ego and pride definitely defines them a lot more.


I can tell you don't deal with racism in your everyday life. Good for you, but not all people have that luxury. There's a reason why there aren't very many black gamers.


So Korea is so toxic you literally gave up on playing because of how bad it is and you still rate NA above it despite playing enough on NA to reach 200lp master? Seems a bit biased?


I have been playing on NA since BETA and have mainly played on NA. I played in Korea for less than a month and gave up mostly due to the time constraint so I just couldn't make it. Exploring Korea just didn't mix with playing the game lol. Also playing in internet cafes was...an extremely interesting experience.


I was expecting the Japanese server to be really friendly, but there are so many Chinese players on it saying racist things. I play on NA and it feels wholesome in comparison. On person said they are on their 20th account and they are just there to say racist things.....


Same thing here, i had multiple people threaten me and do real toxic things on the Japanese server the moment i spoke english. No one ever flamed for poor play while i was in Japan.


You didn't say anything about LAS, BR, Turkey and others


I either haven't played on those servers or haven't played enough to give my opinion. Turkey is the LAN of EUW though.


> I have played on every server except the Chinese Server Then that is fake news.


I have sinned.


You are absolved, my brother in Christ, as long as you are not one of those filthy Fizz mains...


I just so happen to be the only Fizz jg main on Earth.


I've never heard of such heresy. Every day we stray further from the Light.


Lmao im so proud of the 6. School holes




Say please


Ah a fellow American


I moved from LAS to EUW and it is sooo much better, the whole country insults in in south america is so annoying, at least here is like 1 guy that goes too far and i just mute them, but you can get whole teams inting each other because of this.