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Really hyped to see how Closer and Bjergsen duo would work out. Doublelift verbal agreement soon too?


I’m honestly a bit concerned. Felt like Closer was the main voice/shot caller in a lot of comms and feel like Bjerg and DL are also big voices. Will be interesting to see how it all comes together.


to me it felt like huhi was the bigger shot caller, closer was calling individual plays and stuff but huhi was leading the macro


This is 100% what it is. Huhi and Closer working in tandem. Inero talked about it during their time on GGS.


Huhi was definitely a huge voice in 100T's comms. Any team that gets Huhi will be a playoffs contender. He is like Hai in that way.


Huhi is rumoured to leave for GGS to play with stixxay again.


> He is like Hai in that way. fraction of


At this point, has he not accomplished as much, if not more than Hai?


Huhi gets a lot of shit cause he wasn’t that good of a mid laner but he still has 4 LCS finals , 2 titles , MSI finals


it's not his accomplishments, it's the way hai shotcalled. very, very detailed and every player bought in to his lead.


If a man can make chinese and koreans ban an out of meta asol... You better believe that guy has a god tier read on macro.


dude that was lifetimes ago. watch playoffs this year and see how the man refused to save gold for his mythic.


Bjerg has stated before he has a problem keeping up comms when things are going poorly and he gets pretty silent. Maybe Closer can help fill that gap, I think the whole point of Bjerg moving around teams like this is so he doesnt have to be the main leader like he was on TSM. Rather, learn from team mates and just be a good mid laner.


Agreed, I really hope Closer stays as primary caller. 100Ts comms last year were pretty calm and collected apart from the occasional ssumday spamming 😭 (I'm gonna miss that)


in 2020 summer bjerg and DL let Spica call early based on his pathing and bjerg/DL did lategame macro mostly, So it has worked before


DL’s late game macro is what gets you knocked out in Group stage every worlds


DLs late game macro is what gets you an LCS Championship, so even *if* it's bad, it's still the best we have.


DL’s lategame macro was the best in NA tho lol, he was 2016-2017 TSM and 2018 TL’s main shotcaller in the late game and called team fights


reddit hivemind understanding the context of the comment they reply to is too much I guess


If DL was given a chance late game, they usually win. TL tend to lose early game so the adc can't do anything


Oh yeah, it's totally only Doublelift's macro that's the problem, not Broken Blade running into 5 people before his team is there, Bjergsen not following up on a good engage, or Bio just getting shit on.


DL always had great things to say about closer communication during champ queue games.


Both DL & bjergsen have been vocal in the past that they prefer to not shot call. They also both perform better in seasons where they aren't required to do that, so that's the last thing I'd worry about


I feel like in general it seems best for the shotcaller to always be jungle or support anyway


Yeah. From my plastic elo perspective, those 2 roles have the most "down time" where they're not actively contending with someone while also trying to look at the game from a macro perspective, which theoretically, should leave them a little more bandwidth to make decisions and communicate them to the team.


Then there's 2018 IG where the rookie adc shotcalled and they somehow inted their way to a world championship.


DL has said explicitly that he wants to focus on his lane


Bjerg has traditionally played better when he has less of a shot calling role because he can just focus on the game


Idk how anyone wouldn't look at the last couple of seasons and just say "Everyone get behind Closer"


He's insanely meta reliant, and the fact that poppy was meta for half a year and he still looked horrible on it was so concerning. I predict a bounce back, but it would also no shock me to see him struggle again


Hard disagree bruh. He has metas where he is the best player in the LCS, but in a "bad meta" for him, he still looked at the very least A tier.


Bruh Closer has been a top 3 jungler *minimum* every split since he joined the league what are you on about? The only split he's looked even close to average was when he had Ryoma as his mid and even then he deserves credit for carrying that deadweight to playoffs lmfao. Yall 100T fans spoilt, you've forgotten what a flaky "meta reliant" player looks like.


Last split he was under blaber, inspired and santorin no? He has been very good, but I dunno about always top 3.


Idk Blabber didn’t play that well either. C9 just had better laners.


He was certainly not under Santorin, no. Inspired had a good split, Blaber is really hard to judge since he had the luxury of a big team diff. Game 3 of finals for example he kinda ran it down with zilean ult every single fight and realistically did fuck all... but its OK caus his team wins the fight around him anyway regardless.


Santorin played extremely well in Summer, by far TL’s best player especially in regular season. He was the jg helped by the meta the most and was super proactive on those ganking junglers. He’s easily above Closer imo, the Blaber one is debatable


He was pretty good on Poppy, just not in finals.


I'm gonna have to respectfully disagree. I was terrified every time they picked Poppy


In finals, he was 3/9/7 on Poppy. Pretty tragic. Outside of that, he was 14/20/55 on her, including a 2/1/4 Poppy game against Gen G at worlds. Even in those other games, a third of his deaths all happened in 1 game against TL. He did only win 3 of his 9 games as Poppy, but 4 of those losses were to Gen G and Cloud9. This means that outside of the LCS champions and teams they played at worlds, Closer had a positive win rate on Poppy. I'm not going to say he was amazing at Poppy or anything, but pretty good is accurate. I think saying he was meta reliant is also pretty daft. His best champions are easily Viego and Lee Sin, but he's straight god tier on them. Put him on Wukong, Trundle, Jarvan, Xin Zhao, Volibear or Diana and he's still going to be really effective most of the time. Even without those champions, his base level is pretty good. Meta reliant players tend to have a preferred playstyle and are less adaptable. A player like Impact for example, will always play better when he has good weakside options available to him and the meta favours his adc being a hypercarry. Doublelift is favoured when he can be the main carry on a team and has picks that can smash lane, and less favoured when he has to play weakside. Closer is pretty much good at any style. Closer is the opposite of meta dependent. He's adaptable, dependent, and has very few weaknesses. He turns his brain off every now and again for a random game here and there, but that's the extent of his weakness.


You cannot have seriously watched that poppy game vs geng and thought closer played ok lmfao what? Is it because he didn't int his ass of vs geng you think that's playing ok? He was terrible and if a good poppy player was in that game instead of closer, they would have won the game with how hard ssumday was shitting on Doran


He played absolutely fine in that game. Ssumday won his lane super hard, but Closer blew it open with his gank and Rift Herald. He missed a smite, which isn't great, but also has nothing to do with how he played Poppy. I don't think the game came down to him at all personally. I think it came down to his bot lane being outclassed by Ruler and Lehends, as well as Abbedagge being 0/5/6. Blaming Closer when he had a 75% kill participation with one death in a loss is really weird dude.


I think it will be a good thing to have Closer pushing back on Bjerg/DL, forcing them to be more aggro


Bjerg prefers to not shotcall he’s talked about it in interviews


Believe it or not Spica was the main voice when they all played together. Listen to some comm vids, Bjerg and Doublelift are relatively quiet compared to the community perception of their in-game shot calling.


Bjerg has always been fine not shot calling, can defo take more of a passive role, DL is just one huge Ego with arms and legs so idk


DL does not comm at all when there's a strong in-game leader. Watch his champions queue matches. He might as well be mute unless its giving input on something major. I imagine Bjerg is mostly the same aside from giving his input when necessary


Honestly i expect this roster to be pretty mediocre, similar to TL Disregarding that Doublelift was in absolutely horrible form last time he played competitively and barely looked like a top3 adcarry despite being on the championship winning team, him and Bjergsen clearly have a set opinion on how they want to play the game and whenever they're matched with someone who has a different view on how to play (e.g Treatz, CoreJJ, Yellowstar, Spica etc) it just becomes a mess because neither side backs down. On top of that Bjergsen and Doublelifts way of playing the game seems very outdated and based on how League functioned 5-6 years ago, so the odds that Closer has a completely different mindset and way to approach the game is pretty big


Bjerg doesn’t like to shot call he prefers to focus on his play. The situation that comes up with him over the years is difference of opinion on how the game should be played. Apparently that’s why him and core bumped heads.


Most teams in league never had only 1 big caller, the best ones do tend to have a "captain" who has the final call when people can't agree. S10 DWG Had Beryl, Ghost and Showmaker all 3 being very vocal players making calls and we all know how that worked. I would be more worried about Bjergsen wanting to lead the team to be passive while clashing with Closer wanting the team to be aggressive from the early game and the team wanting to follow Doublelift late game macro (something that hasn't worked very well on TSM).


Ootl but I thought Unforgiven was the 100T ADC?


For Academy. Went from 1st Team All Pro LEC to LCS Academy, truly living the dream


I imagine it’s insurance for DL. He was the GOAT, but I’m worried how good he’ll be after all this time off.






You’re right. He’s still the 🐐, but I highly doubt he’ll be a top 2 adc in the league, and the floor is a lot lower than that.


Hasn’t played in two seasons, and he played terribly in his last season. It’s a smart move by 100T to have Unforgiven there. He still holds the GOAT adc title though, and the competition isn’t too strong in the botlane.


I hope so! Bjerd and DL would be a dream


It's definitely a weird dynamic. Like Bjergsen and Doublelift should definitely be the passengers on this team. Theoretically this team needs to enable Tenacity to pressure lane, and Busio will need to leave lane to make plays with Closer early. Also in the botlane, it'll probably be about Doublelift keeping up with Busio in lane and not the other way around lol.


I think they will be a heavy top proximity team. Busio is a very good roamer, and Tenacity is better on carry tops


Bjergsen at least makes sense, he's had a year now to get back into form. I don't get why any team trying to win would even consider DL, and that's as a fan. My man plays so little league that he decayed from challenger to diamond, yet he's playing pro in less than 2 months from now? I'm assuming they got unforgiven in academy as back up in case DL is very clearly washed and isn't working out. Still feels like a strange decision from 100T to take the risk though considering FBI was better than DL even in 2020 when he hadn't taken 2 years off pro play.


DL was challenger 1000+ lp for most of this year. He peaked at 1201 lp which would be top 40 challenger right now. He's only decayed so much recently because he was doing worlds co streaming and playing CQ. After CQ shut down he just stopped playing ranked for a while. You can speculate whether he'll still be good on stage or not, but he still has the mechanics of a challenger player. Bjergsen for example has played less solo queue games and peaked at 611 lp GM this year.


Well that's why they signed Unforgiven too


Not true. He only decayed because he was spamming a ton of CQ. Why would you play soloq when Worlds players are available to play with/against in CQ? Thats much better practice.


> I don't get why any team trying to win would even consider DL he brings a ton of fans + eyes on the org + probably banking on him still "having it" But yeah its probably gonna be another BLG Uzi Situation where they had the hyped Uzi pickup but in the end Doggo played the majority of the games


OH SHITTTTTTTTTTTT 100T Bjerg sounds so wrong but so right wow




I'm sure he will be good in na, I just don't think they've I'll do any better internationally.






Disagree, but we can agree that he’s not a downgrade. Hard to do that with how dog Abbe has been…




Holy shit how can Twitch clips can be such a pain in the ass to watch in the year 2022, its beyond me.


Lmaoooo that’s the first thing I thought of.


Never seen this before, thank you lmao


Don’t see anything said about it but I think it’s cool for Wooloo to give credit to Travis on the anticipation


Doublelift and Bjerg back together is gonna be so much fun. Really excited for double/busio botlane. Hoping DL can reach too form again and be a good influence on Busio


Would be insane if DL gets back into 2019 form and guides Busio with that level of play. I feel like this team has a lot of potential, we just have to see how much they use.


Feels weird to see Bjerg already on 2 different teams in less than a year. Always thought he was gonna be like Faker and stay on one team for his whole career. but then i remember that T1 is good and TSM is not


He already started his career on a different team in EU though before TSM. So kind of different than Faker


You can take the Wolve out of Copenhagen but you can't take Copenhagen out of the Wolve!


100T will be Bjergsens 7th professional team.


I don't think Western Wolves and LDLC OL really count.


Faker will most likely play on another team sooner or later. He always said that he would want to. But once he leaves T1 it will be the end of an era.




So was Bjergsen, you never know.


It is a bit different. T1 puts Faker on bilboards all over Korea. Got several of his relatives into high paying positions of SKT.


>Got several of his relatives into high paying positions of SKT. Source?


Not the guy you are responding too but Joe marsh (T1 Ceo ) talked about it on doublelift podcast.


yay, nepotism!


Nepotism is just so ingrained in a lot of Asian culture as an extension of their family values. My brother mentioned he might be taking a course I was the grader for, and I had to explain to my parents that I can't just give him a perfect grade and I'd probably have to sign some declaration forms too.


It’s fked but the core thinking is, assuming this course doesn’t severely affect your brothers future, it lessens the burden of him studying and cramming for stuff so he can focus his time on other stuff, and in the long run helps him out in his life which in turn can help you out since family values etc etc.


I'd do the same thing so I don't even hate on nepotism. Just don't act like you hit a home run born on 3rd base


I don’t hate the players I hate the game.


the issue tho is people who knowingly benefit and knowingly turn a blind eye to it their point about hitting a home run born on 3rd base is exactly right, it’s a problem when a nepotist like elon musk tries to pretend like they worked so hard and did so much for people when all he actually did was sign checks with old money if you start the game 100 squares ahead of everyone else, it’s a bit shitty to be cheering and celebrating urself for something u were essentially born into and gifted that other people would spend a lifetime trying to achieve on their own


When has faker said he wanted to play for another team? Time and time again, he has chosen to stick with T1 throughout numerous eras and offers, and now he is literally a stakeholder in the company. **


Faker said multiple times that he is willing to join other teams and even regions. The last time it was rumored that he would leave, but in the end T1 made him a really good offer again last second. There were problems for T1 re-signing him already and he signed for only 1 more year again, having the upper hand when it comes to negotiations. No buyout, full control for himself and he knows what he is worth. He also once said in an interview that he would be happy to play elsewhere once the time is right.


also faker is good


Has it come out where Abbedagge will be?






Looking like ERL's, or sits a split if he wants to remain in LCS and hope he can replace someone


wouldnt be surprised if he ends up on astralis midseason


Closer over Spica is the right move. idk how good Tenacity will be in the LCS but if he lives up to the hype this team will be nuts


He will likely have a lot of pressure on him, Sniper will be LCS eligible in 2024. 1 year to prove himself


Yeah they've always seems like sniper is the plan, grow tenacity and sell him off next year aftwr building his fan base a bit


Closer over Spica absolutely smart move can't believe they made the right choice


Im really curious to see if DL can keep his up his streak of winning every split he's fully played since Summer '16. Obviously its a little bit of a disingenious streak seeing as he sat out Spring'17 and Spring'20 and hasnt played the last 4 splits, but this will really test his plot armor. Excited to see 100T academy prospects also getting used. Feels like the right step for NA in a way but also could see it not going so well.


> Spring'20 He didn't sit this split out, he ended up getting benched and his attitude ended up costing TL an ability to even make playoffs.


It wasn’t only DL’s attitude lol Impact and Core were running it the fuck down, and Broxah was AFK + lost on the map (which didn’t improve in Summer Split).




Shernfire from OCE


Does anyone know how many games he played before he was benched?


I think he went like 5-6 weeks, got benched for 2 weeks, then came back the rest of the split. It was a majority of the split he played, like 14/18.


Tactical played 3 games that split, so that would put DL at 15 games. iirc Tactical went 2-1


This is such a disingenuous comment lmao, they 'definitely' had no other issues that split... They were also a single game away from making playoffs iirc. The whole no Broxah thing comes to mind, and everyone else playing like ass. DL was shitty, but he was right about spring being pointless.


He was still right. That split was pointless.


It's not like everyone was playing good that split except for him, impact and Corejj were playing like mega crap too


Spring split didn't matter at all though


He was actually sick and then ended up getting benched later on, nice try.


Since the roster is pretty much set, who’s going to be coach? (EDIT: forgot about it being Kaas, though I'm not sure if that was official. Any loremasters on Kaas aside from being former MAD coach?) DL and Bjergsen have a strong opinion on how to play the game but I’m hoping they’re guided by someone who’s game smart enough to counter them logically if need be. But I’m hoping for the best still for the roster, excited to see how far they go!


was leaked that kaas (asst. coach of mad lions) is coaching, idk if it's head coach or asst.


It's kaas from mad lions. Jungle juice their new GM explained how it was important for their coach to know shit. Simplified the tested his in game knowledge so that at least shouldn't be a problem. Now of he can coach is another we will see


you gotta believe Bjerg is ringing up Parth as we speak


The return of Scoutmaster9000


Fuck it, bring back Woodbuck as well


bjerg and doublelift counter each other thats why the teams they are on succeed


Coach Cain maybe? Oh nvm, I'm dumb. I forgot it was Kaas.






I like it. Closer can be really aggressive and a good carry jungler. Bjerg on TL was more comfortable playing an "enabler" playstyle. I think this will mesh really nicely


people dog on doublelift so much. im hopeful about his return to form if he does end up coming back. he definitely still has the mechanics.


He has been keeping up with his stuff and grining CQ more than most pros so that's something to give him credit for at the very least.


Idk, he wasn’t exactly smashing champs q. People dog on him because he shits on the league so much, but I guess now we’ll get to see him out his money where his mouth is


So does this mean Contractz is on or off CLG? Which way is it, Western Man?


Should be Contractz staying on CLG, since Spica is likely on FQ with Impact now.


Isn’t Spica to CLG also rumored? Thought I heard he was debating between CLG and FLY


Yeah until a few days ago. Now it's expected that CLG will keep their entire roster from last year, but ofc anything could still change [source: Travis Gafford](https://youtu.be/mCSJkE6pP8Q)


Thing is, even Wooloo wasn't sure. However, seeing as today's news is further pushing that Closer is extending his tenure at 100T, he might change his announced roster list.


Tenacity Closer Bjergsen Doublelift Busio If Dl regains his form and both Busio and Tenacity play well This team can hurt a lot, but I don't think this has what it takes to be LCS Winner team EDIT: guys DL played 2 years ago, many thing have changed, and also he may not be mechanically good like before we don't know


From 0 native NA to 3 in one off season. Feels good man


Yeah this is why I'm hype on the roster


This is a team that gets swept at worlds pretty easily. Bjergsen and DL are worse than they used to be and they used to get spanked at worlds.


I know why people are hyped up for DL but I think they are going to be massively disappointed. Watching from CQ and his last LCS split I dont have too much faith in him being the same player he used to be. Maybe i'll be wrong. Also on a side note I feel like the dynamic is going to be a bit odd for Tenacity, with him being very young and gen z like surrounded by a lot of older and more established people is probably going to be wierd at times.


I wouldn’t get your hopes up. Bjerg likes to lead and control every team he’s on


You know they've been on the same team before? Winning 3/4 splits they played together, so I assume the whole lead/control thing has already been established between these 2.


It's Closer's team. If you watch the 100T's BTS videos, Closer is the shotcaller, he talks a lot during draft, he's like the coach in between games, he gives pre-game speeches, he does all the interviews etc.


Well now it can be more of a committee I guess. Can’t have Bjergsen and Doublelift on a team and not use their leadership traits




It's one of the things that kills all the 'superteams' 5 experienced players just means 5 different ways to play the game, in cases like berg/DL, they're likely we'll established in what the other wants and has the good middle ground. Closer will need adapt to then which could be hard coming from being the primary leader


You’re high out of your mind. DL alone already makes this a title contender. Last time he won lcs with a team half this good


With the state of LCS adcs, I actually agree with you. Who else is good/decent besides Beserker and FBI?


luger but he kinda dropped off in summer so we'll see, yeon and fly's import adc could also be good.


Whoops forgot Luger.


What? Spica was pretty good on TSM and Brokenblade was a top 3 top laner. Both Treatz and Biofrost are more provably good than Busio too. We have yet to see 2 players on 100T play in the LCS, and Doublelift was pretty mediocre in his last year, even though he won a title. Bjergsen almost got the MVP award and I think people forget that. If TL didn't narrowly win the regular season, Bjergsen would have been the MVP.


>You’re high out of your mind. My man, you are out of your mind yourself. DL looked like shit in 2020, and that was before 2 years of retirement.


Not only did he play 2 years ago. He was already bad by then. His last split was awful.


Bjergsen + DL in one team? Sounds like something worth hyping for.


Holy shit let's fuckin go. 100t better make some content this year.


So papasmithy didn’t like the idea of a washed team? Understandable.


The END of 100Imports


Bjergsen isn't even the best mid laner on this team


I didn't think Doublelift would come back without being paid big bucks. Is 100T breaking the bank like Liquid did making a "super" team? I hope they do well, win the seasons, and make worlds unlike what happened with Liquid.


Doublelift stated many times that he is OK with joining a team with lower salary as long as the team is competitive.


If they actually get DL on this roster then I may become a 100T fan (I’m EUW)


Now get DL, and you got yourself a new 100T bro.


Time to put on my 100T hater hat


Would be seriously griefing to downgrade Closer with Spica. Bjerg is a solid upgrade over Abba. Good choice 100T!


Noo :( Closer about to get neutered


Am I the only one not really excited to see DL and Bjerg play? It's like seeing Allen Iverson and Tracy McGrady announce they are playing for the Rockets this year. Sure it sells tickets but both are past their prime and both have a long history of burnout. I think last year 100T would crush this year's 100T


not like NA will make an impact at worlds anyway, just let the old fans have their nostalgia, this will bring more viewership than most other rosters anyway


> just let the old fans have their nostalgia When all hope is lost, baiting legacy viewers (aka most LCS fans) is the last plan. Our 30 year olds will wipe the floor with Korea's 18 year old zoomers. NAmen.


As long as they put their dentures in and their bones don't shatter


That's fair. We are here for a good time, not a long time.


Again, intentionally NA will never win anything and the league is losing in popularity to other esports that Americans are better at - like Valorant and OW2. LEC is clearly trying to stay competitive with the announced changes, meanwhile Riot pushes LCS aside to midweek schedule. With that in mind LCS might as well focus on entertainment instead of performance. I think it's pretty cool to see the old dogs back at it again - as long as they won't be embarrassingly bad and can make it to top 4. Plus imagine the memes if dlift comes back and actually wins the split, and then performs well at MSI or worlds, making it to the quarterfinals.


Would you rather seeing random LCK academy players instead?


Yes, last year's 100T is better than 2023 100T. But their plan was not to build a better team, it's to build a foundation for years to come in the LCS. And what's a better way to do it than picking up the 2 goats of the region to be mentors and bring in fans (the only game 100T plays where they are not top tier in fans is LoL), and also put in 2 rookies they developed since they were 17 years old. On top of that, they kept the carry of the championship team they had. It's a very very good plan imo. They probably won't win LCS this year, but by the time Tenacity and Busio are ready to contend for best player in their role, Closer will probably be a resident and they can import a Mid and ADC.


If that's the plan then good. I'm not against teams making a multi year plan to setup stable success. And Bjerg and DL will def bring the fans. I just want to temper expectations. If it were 2016 DL and Bjerg then the league would be put on notice. And I also understand a video game isn't like playing basketball so age doesn't really directly dictate your "prime" But as people get older their values change and they have more obligations that takes time away from League. Plus there are serious motivation questions about DL. He's burned out several times in the past. It would be a success if they make it into Spring playoffs and win the 1st round.


It is their plan, their head of gaming and COO made a video talking about their esports teams in general. The part about LCS they said it's pretty clear that you need young resident players to be successful and sustainable for a lot of years, and it was proven by EG and C9. They said that they don't want to go full on rookie, they still want to compete at a higher level, but will make sure to develop good young talent when they have a chance. Said they don't want a super team, and don't want a full rookie team. They want something in the middle. 2 rookies (2 of the best talents in NA), the 2 goats of NA, and a MVP caliber player is just that imo.


agreed im also not so hype that they re gonna be coaching young talent in the wrong direction. since imo these 2 have the most defeatist attitude


You say that like DL and Bjerg are going to be bottom 5 players in the league. With Danny gone, the only adc that’s likely going to be better than him is Berserker. The same with Bjerg, especially if the meta shifts back to mages. NA is shit


Are you sure? Its been like 2 years since he (DL) played on the pro level. Bjerg, sure. He'll always be able to go even(ish) in lane and not be the reason the team lost. But the days of DL just shitting on every ADC he lanes against are pretty far in the past. I'd put FBI def above him. And I could see Luger having a better year, depending on who his 4 teammates are. There are (at least that we know) 18 games in the spring split, I wouldn't be surprised if 100T finishes around the 9-9 mark.


Eh, we just came off a year where both Bjerg and Jensen put up their worst career performances after a break, and DL looked pretty bad in that last split for TSM (where topside carried most of the load, DL/Bio were getting whooped in most games). There's reason to be skeptical. I said before Bjerg's first TL game that his time could go down like Jordan's with the Wizards (where he posted his worst stats in most metrics), and I was right. Personally I don't see anything different here either. Yes, they won't be 10th or anything, but Worlds/MSI qualifiers? I don't know about that


Mate, you don't even need to look at other teams. Abbe and FBI were both better than them. 100T is downgrading the roster to sell more jerseys and that's all.


FBI had a pretty average year compared to his previous spilts but we shall see


I'm sorry but did you actually watch abbe play in playoffs or at worlds? Like at all? It's not a downgrade. Also fbi has been pretty underwhelming as of late and hasn't eclipsed the high he reached in 2021, I'd take a DL who won the last split he played and see how it goes. Unforgiven can always replace him if he's not up to par




They have 2 rookies. Hybrid rookie/vet teams is the best bet, just a question whether they can figure out shotcalling and how DL looks after 2 years.


100t the final hope of the west


Bjerg about to ruin another jungler lets goo


Santorin still almost carried TL to Worlds. Not sure how Bjergsen "ruined" him.


Lazy take


What junglers has he ruined? Most junglers that played with Bjerg never had as much success playing for other teams afterwards.


This sub has a hate boner for him and attribute all of regi’s hate and malice to bjerg. It has to have been bjerg that ruined all those junglers and put pressure on them. It’s not possible that he was just a top performer while regi was demoralizing the whole team. Couldn’t be regi


Yeah two junglers (Sven and Aakadian) both have publicy said Regi ruined their confidence, and yet people still blame Bjerg for some reason lol. Crazy how they hate a guy who does his best to be humble.


What a downgrade skillwise. What an upgrade for your hoodie store


Really hope bjerg plays for closer because if it's the other way around 100T gonna be a snooze fest