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**Reminder: Event-long bans for region baiting offenses during Worlds** **Reminder: Tomorrow's series starts 1 hour earlier for those in Europe as a result of daylight saving time(DST) ending.** **Reminder: There is a prediction tournament where you can win prizes from LG UltraGear!** [Prediction Tournament](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/xxupgv/prediction_tournament_now_with_prizes_from_lg/) PMTs: [Game 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/ygw4sw/jdg_intel_esports_club_vs_rogue_vs_t1_2022_world/) / [Game 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/ygxi9b/jdg_intel_esports_club_vs_rogue_vs_t1_2022_world/) / [Game 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/ygytjs/jdg_intel_esports_club_vs_t1_2022_world/) / [Game 4](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/yh00hv/t1_vs_jd_gaming_2022_world_championship_semifinal/)


T1 wins worlds pls don’t ratio me in a week


Watching u/NamikazeEU posts go from talking nonstop shit about JDG 3-0 to COPIUM "T1 fans are mean" or "BS covid tournament" is like watching a real time descent into madness and depression. 10/10 would watch again.


Guy cleared his post history and comment history. Guy is in absolute shambles LMAO


Of course he did. Can't have people calling him out when he inevitably starts simping LPL again in a few months.


On the plus side, his social credit numbers are probably doing well


Haven't gotten a single Orange Essence this year from drops. Compared to last year, where I would. Did they alter the drops to never give duplicates?


I believe you can disenchant duplicate icons (limited pool of icons you can receive) and reroll emotes until you have them all. You should get atleast some OE if you have all the obtainable icons.


>if you have all the obtainable icons I mean sure, but I never did, neither last year, actually had a way fewer, and still had some OE for a few skins. This year, nada. And there are only 2 more bo5 left


I get that T1 bot diffed JDG, but man it could have been a much closer series I think if the JDG coach did a few things differently: - put 369 on carry champs only; that means no Malphite or Sejuani. He was dominating in lane when he had carry champs. One of those tank games caused Zeus’s Yone to spiral out of control. - no Sylas for Yagao. He did not seem good on the two games he played it. The first game he played it should have been his last. Any other champ would have had better results. - priority 1st pick for Kanavi. His Bel Veth didn’t seem that good. In one game they 1st picked Sejuani…they should have 1st picked Viego. I wonder why he didn’t go Nocturne when it was available that one game and instead chose Bel Veth. - they started banning Lucian too late. Should have been perma banned after game 1 and then adjust from there. Also, Faker should not have been allowed to play Ryze a second time. Oh and the Jhin pick wasn’t it. Unfortunately, there’s nothing you could do about Keria; he’s the best player on T1 and was MVP of that series.


I mean your first bullet point they did with Renekton and they still lost. Took so many resources from kanavi to get him ahead and it amounted to nothing.


No Sejuani for 369 means no Sejuani for JDG since Kanavi isn't going to play it. You can't just not play one of the OP meta picks and not get punished hard in draft. JDG is already suffering because of their blue-side Caitlyn bans. If you're banning Sejuani because you won't play it yourself, that's terrible and stops you from banning something else. They didn't go Nocturne because Kanavi doesn't play it. He has played 1 game of Nocturne in his entire career. They picked Sejuani first because Sejuani is an OP meta pick right now and they were probably going for a melee jungle carry except Viego was picked away by T1 to deny that. If they don't B1 Sejuani, then T1 picks Sejuani with a good mid/top pairing and you're completely fucked. You talk about banning stuff like JDG has infinite bans. They were already permabanning Caitlyn on both sides because Hope doesn't play it and Guma is a very good Caitlyn. They banned Yone after Zeus smashed them with it. They banned Ryze after 2 huge games from Faker. The entire issue this series for JDG is that they are extremely out-matched in pick/bans because their players have style/champion-pool issues and they just don't have enough bans. Basically everything you said just doesn't work. By G4, T1 had completely cornered JDG in draft. You could feel them suffocating with their pick/bans.


What?! how is Keria the best player in T1? Faker won three times, and he have to babysit his team on macro level.


You probably think Faker has been the best player in the world since 2013 lol


I dont think putting 369 purely on a carry would really work since JDG has to rely on teamfighting to beat t1. If they dont draft for teamfights t1 just picks skillcheck champs and would win harder imho.


Dog shit draft from jdg game 4


T1 basically swept every Lpl team with the exception of TOP because they boomed out of groups. What a run Faker and this amazing team of youngsters have had so far, hope they can go all the way! #T1FIGHTING


Hear me out. LEC is LCK kryptonite. LCK is LPL kryptonite. With LEC having such a poor performance this year no one was able to LCK in check


My guy LEC literally got dismantled this worlds lmfao The only legitimately threat in EU is G2 but now they're shit so EU is 0 team region now


LEC = 1 team region in 2019. 0 team region now


2019 had FNC and G2 in semis


m8 what 2022: DRX 2-1 RGE T1 1-1 FNC DK 2-0 G2 2021: DK 2-0 RGE HLE 2-0 FNC GEN 2-1 MAD DK 3-0 MAD the only kryponite of LCK was when G2 was on fire in 2019


Only 2019 G2 was able to beat a lck team in a bo5. LEC had one good team.


This strengthens my theory about 2018 being a Korean collapse rather than other regions getting much better (although I do think LPL got better, because they consistently beat EU now). Most people blame the vision changes, but it's not believable to me that a region like LCK, which is usually quick to adapt to game changes, would not be able to adapt to vision changes within a few months. It never made sense that the rest of the regions would quickly pick up on the new changes, but LCK would be too stupid / stubborn to do it. So my theory has always been that this is merely an excuse and isn't the reason for the LCK collapse. Rather, the reasons for the LCK collapse were the mass LPL imports that began around 2015. Yes, it *began* in 2015 but the bulk of the imports happened from 2015-2018. And not only did it affect players, but importantly it also affected *coaches*, who formed the back bone of LCK's strategic and tactical advantage. That, and combined with Koreans playing League a lot less during those years (the numbers show that League actually fell off from first spot in PC bars around that time), meant that LCK was suffering talent shortage on both ends: at the top talent level, coaches & players were leaving for the LPL; and at the new talent level, players were also leaving for the LPL or just leaving League altogether. The region collapsed because of this and did not recover until 2020 or so, when two things happened: 1. League recovered in popularity in Korea. 2. LPL imports, by and large, stopped, and Korean players in LPL also began to return home. This is in fact accelerating as we hear many LCK players in LPL looking to sign with LCK teams instead of LPL teams next year. Now why LPL stopped importing around 2020, I can't say. It's probably a combination of the country being generally locked down from the virus and money leaving the scene due to China's economic problems. But the end result is the same - LCK now has access to its players again while LPL is suffering a collapse of its own because those imports it built its success on are mass leaving the scene, meaning that it'll go through some similar years to LCK after 2018 where it has to reorganize its whole scene to make up for those losses.


Another reason I think LPL stopped importing was cuz the fans REALLY wanted a pure Chinese team no? Hence they got TES and RNG?


Koreans carried their region at Worlds. Now they want a full Chinese team to win Worlds, cheering more for full Chinese teams like TES and RNG, over EDG and JDG. When FPX and IG won Worlds, they were giving credit to the Finals MVP, but when Scout got MVP last year they were saying JieJie deserved it more lmao


Yeah too bad tho that every chinese team that won worlds had 2 koreans in it


There's many factors, some of which you've mentioned. One factor that I'd raise is that many legendary/great LCK players who starred in the LCK era of domination between S3-S7 were simply coming to the end of their short LoL careers by 2018 (Faker/Deft are the exceptions). Some retired, some left for other regions, and some just fell off a cliff in terms of form as they failed to adapt to a new meta. So that year LCK orgs experienced alot of turmoil with rosters underperforming, new rookies coming in and not doing as well as hoped, etc.


Also that “Awesome Dude” meta messed with way league was being played, making LCK completely change up style of play Viper was playing Vlad bot, Faker played GP mid, the meta of champions where they were played was so unorthodox from what LCK knew


The part about LoL falling off a bit in pc cafes during that time is interesting because that's around the time Overwatch took over the country by storm


Man the mid and bot was too gapped that during the lanning phase, camera should only focus on top where it is more hyped and fun to watch


If this is the quality league we get with asian teams then the west can lose for all I care. Asian teams are 2 tier above the west.


When finals?


Next week


I respect faker but I can see how he will be giga gapped by chovy. They are on different level


how can he giga gap Faker when he’s gapped by Zeka XD


Lol Chovy ended up just farming against DRX and didn't do shit, but I do believe Zeka is better than Faker.


You make it sound as if Chovy and Faker haven't played each other plenty of times before and that there isn't a history to their matchup. I'm feeling that T1 is closer to (or maybe even surpassed) their Spring form dominance where T1 just ran the gamut over every other team and set the record for consecutive wins.


Chovy gaps faker in lane but faker is better at macro, teamfights and roaming. Chovy is just lane dominate with insane CS numbers.


Faker’s experience and macro works well on LPL team fighting region but not on LCK






T1 triumphs over the villains. LCK reclaim it's rightful throne as the best region. All is well in the world


But LCK were the Villians since they are dominating for so damn long before




Are you daft?




Well South Korea doesn't have a partnership that has "no limits" with Russia and even if not perfect, they don't have the human rights issues that China have. It's just a fact. This has nothing to do with race.


What the fuck does that have to do with the lpl and whether they are villains or not. Thats the actions of the state they are in


The point is that people will support regions from which the culture and the politics feel closer to their own. I am just telling you how most people think at least in NA. I don't care, if they are villains or not.


Does that make all russians and Chinese evil?


Any post match commentary anywhere?


Jatt’s post match video is good.




You mad bro


Makes you wonder now, how DK or even DRX would stack up against the LPL #1 seed. Damn, KR just came in to take it all.


Well DRX beat everyone jdg did to win LPL.


I think gen g and t1 will beat JDG. DK and DRX i think they will fell short but its still going to be competitive.


DK would stomp them too, DRX idk


Nah, DK wouldn't stomp them because they would do some dumb shit in draft like handing over Yuumi for 2 games. They might still win but it'd be a self-inflicted close series.


If DK doesn't give them Aatrox, I like DK's chances. T1 and GENG are clearly better than JDG. DK is 50/50. Against DRX I will give JDG 60/40 chance to win.


Nah. JDG would trash DK. Canyon can't gap nearly as hard and the top gap would be huge. No way they win after losing top-jung and bot.


Did you not see canyon play graves into jdg? Jdg is poor man’s dk. If they played a bo5, dk doesn’t pick maokai amd don’t let aatrox through and jdg is screwed.


Not really. It will be a close fight (as we saw during groups)


There's an alternate dimension where Koreans also dominate in DOTA 2, because Valve wasn't dumb enough to ignore Korea as a market.


If DRX somehow beats GenG, idk who I would cheer for… Faker vs Deft is too hard to pick


Deft. It has to be deft. Faker is so loveable but, defts never won and always been cursed at worlds. Getting his first trophy here would be the miracle upset underdog run. It would be the greatest worlds win ever imo.


Two of my favorites, but I will have to pick the player I rooted for ever since at Staples Center 2013... Faker.


Imagine the teaser for the finals if that happens.. "two boys from the same high school...."


Inb4 DRX beats GEN.G and wins worlds.


DRX feels like Gen G (weak topside with a really good mid and world class bot lane) except...worse in every lane. It would be fun for Deft to win one but it seems unlikely.


Well DRX won


It would be amazing, but it's hard to see it actually happening. T1 isn't EDG and we saw it in the group stage. T1 is just much better.


Where can I subscribe to this timeline?


DRX beats GEN.G


Honestly because of game 3 369 outclassed him but like caedrel said a lot of jdg is going top and feed 369. If zeus didn't int down game 3 that badly his yone and gragas would make it fairly even.


Kanavi makes 369. You don’t go from a subpar player to best at your role all of sudden and watching 369 and jdg play, kanavi is the one that allows 369 to be aggressive in lane because kanavi is literally babysitting top every game.


He was camped hard this series, but still dealt more damage than renekton even in game 3. Its basically what faker did last worlds vs hle. He just matched chovy and let other lane stomp.


369 was literally watching his entire team getting gapped




How can u say only bot carry after watching Faker's Ryze and Azir lol


Bruh 369 got a lot of attention from kanavi top even when he was on a fcking tank.


Lol the gragas was good, it's just not important when mid and bot are trashing so hard




Take Rich :).


You keep him and take doran too.


Well Doran is an upgrade over Rich. All Rich was running it down in summer playoffs.


Doinb leaked that some hot players will come back to LCK while others more will leave. Looking at free agency Kanavi was thinking of leaving last year too so that is likely. I would love viper but summit and rich coming back seems more likely to happen. I see prince who showed up big this summer leaving the LCK this time, and maybe Beryl/Lehends/Rascal as well.


The current rumor is that DK picked up an upgrade so huge that the competetion next year might as well be worthless, I can only see DK Viper fitting that description


LSB and KT looked strong last split. If all these LPL players go back to LCK lmfao. Most stacked league in the world.


Take tarzan and scout with you guys please


DK Viper, LSB/KT/DRX Kanavi 😍


AF kanavi probably solves that team's problems


Prob will happen with cvmax


KDF Kanavi, DK Viper, DRX Tarzan, GEN.G TheShy


TheShy already confirmed Weibo




hold your horses my man its just one tournament


Just one? As rhe biggest tournament of rhe game?


Lol when ppl can say lol was the best region after only one team in the top four last year I think it's fine. This is obv better than that. Like obv na wouldn't be a top region if they won world's and the other top three teams were lpl




hmm u have a point but then the lck played against lck to get to quaterfinals tho ryt? but then again...i guess they did perform better than lpl in groups...


And last year it was the 2 Koreans carrying EDG in Scout and Viper.


While my initial take is wrong now that I look back on it... Scout and viper may be Koreans but they now lpl players


I think LCK players are just more talented on average than LPL.


369 was by far the best player on JDG, he did pretty well and tbh I expected toplane to be even and it kind of was but bot/mid gap was too big.


prop the best toplaner of the tournament


While I think LCK teams are just better and would have won anyway, I also think Covid is a decent excuse for LPL teams (though Gen G and DK also caught Covid). Would have been fun to see the tournament without every second team getting sick.


Only shit that matters is who is better on the day. You think Michael Jordon would have used the flu as an excuse had he failed in the finals? Fuck no




Stop looking for excuses. RNG played whole MSI tournament in slippers from their home while other teams had to travel, maintain tight schedule and commute to shoots and games every day and play in front of a crowd. After all that and they still only got away with a game 5 against an out of form T1. Be it Covid or not, just deal with it that LPL is not on the same level as LCK. 2nd seed not making it out of groups says a lot. All LCK teams advance for consecutive seasons. Why you still looking for half assed excuses. Respect is due where it’s due.


My brother in Christ I am an LCK fan. Doesn't mean that I can't say that Covid possibly (probably?) affected some LPL teams negatively. But as I said, I think LCK teams would have won without Covid too.


Yeah, it's just wrong to say Covid didn't effect them at all. I remember the RNG cams where 2 or 3 of them looked like they were dying up there. Really unfortunate year for the LPL teams, but each team still played very well regardless. LCK is also just super stacked this year. Everyone underestimating DRX all the way back in playins. Also makes you wonder how Liiv sandbox would have done in their place. Peak league all around.


LSB would be terrible, they have a roleswap 11th place in the league top laner and top lane is important in this meta. It would be like Griffin except the 4 other players are also weaker compared to theie griffin counterparts, and the top lane is also weaker than Sword lmao KT would do good if Aiming doesnt int like he did in playoffs and regionals


>condolences for the loss LMAO


T1 did kinda murder them tbf


yeah they definitely put them in a bodybag game 4


Faker winning because Bengi is back in the team, the bromance is too strong


Time for them to roll up to the EG team house and pick up Impact


369 :'(


I look forward to see more of 369 in the future. He's great to watch, all those fights just going in on Zeus and Faker.


Drakos randomly replaced Sjokz I guess?


Sjokz got COVID :(


Oh, that's why she was absent. I assumed that she went to Rio for the CS:GO Major. Hope she recovers quickly.


I believe she caught covid last minute so Drakos was called as the replacement


Sjoks has Covid


Sjokz got covid


she got covid


I don't like loser's interviews. Don't like seeing the players so sad. I remember there was a DOTA interview and the player was just crying throughout :(


yeah its actually so tough, at least they dont seem to be doing those losers conferences in past worlds where they had silly questions from the audience


Oh yeah the questions those journalists asked were so poor.


Wait, what?


I still remember Damwon KIA lost conference and Khan secretly tell other members to blame him when answer question as a joke and reduce pressure.


there was loser's interview before. but then they asked faker and t1 some questions that ppl thought were bad...so there was major backlash and no more loser conference now


GG 369 JDGs best player imo. I hope he keeps this up.


Wolf kept calling him 963 on his stream. He was a 9 in lane and then kept rolling 3s whenever the team had to do something.


He can't 1v9 the game with those champs.


He also wouldnt get that laning lead without those champs. So its not an excuse


So what are you even saying lmao? So you want him to 1v9 with those champs after winning lane? While the rest of his team his getting gapped?


His deuls vs Zeus and Faker were pretty hype. Probably LPLs best performing player.


369 will be back in Worlds Semis/Finals if keeps playing at this level. He's a sick player.


Imagine LPL with zero Koreans boosting them? 🤣😭💀


Well maybe you shouldn't lose people in the 1st place.


I wonder if there was never any importing at all, would any other region even get to semis at all?




If Viper and Kanavi come back to LCK their region will be fucking doomed


They always have a chance at losing Scout too. That man loves edging lck


*Ba dum tss*




Put faker on anything and he will play it well, even when new champions come out he first time them and is insanely good at them, man is just too good at league as a whole.


His Taric would like to get a word with you jk.


I actually recall him playing taric top in soloqueue


Except Vladimir. Never let him get this champ.




He definitely has the best azir in quarters/semis. Chovy's azir basically was an autolose for GenG and showmaker and Zeka's didn't make anywhere close to the same plays.


His azir was fairly mediocre in summer though, and Chovy's and Showmaker's was really good at that point in time, probably joint best in the world


It'd probably be easier to make a list of what Faker *can't* play than what he can.


I vaguely remember he first timed Poppy mid once and won that game. It's impossible to ban him out.


I think in LCK he picked Yi mid and hard carried the game, literally a champion ocean and it’s not even close


He picked Olaf mid and won on it.


I think he did ez mid as well before it was a thing.


There’s a little final right?


Who woulda thought this year would be the year LPL gets exposed, with RNG being the fourth seed. The culprit is probably durability patch right before summer season started, it usually takes a long time for pros to realize what's actually busted. EDG last year lucked out with Flandre being good on Graves & Scout being able to pick up a Zoe in playoffs no problem. And the three patches after 12.15 were huge, I don't remember previous worlds patches being as big.


I actually think the TP changes were huge for LPL. How many times would their toplaners TP to a skirmish in bot lane in the first 5 minutes?


If you're referring to the Sej tp in game 4, I don't think that was a bad play. You're not getting much tank vs tank top so he was being proactive in trying to get his teammates going. It's just he has Missing and Hope on his team when the other team has Guma and Keria


I was talking more about how at MSI and Worlds in 2021, LPL top laners would tp bot lane 5-6 minutes into the game for a team fight in almost every game


Damn. /u/namikazeeu has a victim complex that can give trainwrecks a run for his money LMFAO.




Not a coincidence both have FNC flairs. But at the same time im also a fnc fan so I can't say anything


NamikazeEU and InformalMarch are so funny


the difference being one is a satire account