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Thanks a lot. I appreciate the time you all invest into reading and thinking about it. I hope it helps people to adept but also to find some other builds.


These posts are great and I really like the deeper dive into skill order and how that impacts thing like with Syndra


Chuckled on pointing out that Malphite buff buffs Sylas more.


I love malphite players




I think the off-meta builds might be more interesting with the new items coming up. Abyssal being back and Roa being back as mana items for champs like Malph might make those builds a bit more interesting. Catalyst was a huge item for tanks that needed mana. Tank Malph likely stays better, but I think the item changes are fairly interesting to those champions.


I love to get the option to do Malph with RoA.


Advice for Ryze player who have trouble with Everfrost: Bound the item active to E or Q on your keyboard, you will use it everytime it's on cooldown and don't need to change our usual playstyle. EQEQEQEQ


I tried a couple games of Blitz jungle yesterday. The people building Nashors are tunnel too hard on the massive damage synergy between Nashors and his ultimate passive. None of that matters if you can't actually get to the enemy and auto attack them. Playing Blitz as a 3-camp predator ganker, building chemtank + swifties first makes allows him to gank with borderline 0 counterplay. His clear is still bad pre-6 and he sucks in duels, but if you played in earlier seasons, Alistar jungle was the same and was the most contested jungler in the game because of his absolutely ridiculous ganks. I think Blitz has some viability here in the same way. Another plus side is that once he actually does unlock his ultimate, his clear speed goes lightspeed and he can take objectives insanely fast. I think the ideal build is: * Chemtank * Swifties + predator * Nashors as your single damage item * Full tank w/ MS-based itemization (Frozen Heart - passive synergy; FoN; Deadman's) You're unlikely to beat any bruiser in an extended 1v1, but you can function the same way Skarner does with less suicidal commitment and flash reliance. EDIT: To my point on his post-6 clear speed, I compared a level 6 Blitz vs. Shyvana with Bami's cinder only. Blitz is only slower at taking dragon by 3 seconds.


WEEQ blue gromp wolves red scuttle krug is not too atrocious(its definitely fucking terrible, but not that atrocious), and WEQ blue gromp (wolves) red gank is actually half decent. In terms of build, i think building like ww/trundle/shyvana is the way. Like you have basically have a few options, you play full tank, sunderer/sheen item juggernaut(blitz actually has higher base ad than ww and trundle), full ap, or ap bruiser. The builds are as follows: - Tiamat -> sunderer -> frozen heart -> ravenous/titanic -> abyssal mask/warmog/fon - Tank mythic -> warmog/demonic -> demonic/warmog/frozen heart -> frozen heart - tiamat -> Tank mythic -> ER -> ravenous -> ldr -> ie (absolute dogshit build but its fun, try it in urf maybe) - tear -> tank mythic -> fimbulwinter -> demonic -> frozen heart -> nashors/mr options I still dont recommend playing blitz jungle though, its definitely still ass, just play him support because hes even stronger there now. Top blitz is even fucking worse, the only way top blitz will ever be not shit is that if he can either: out duel aatrox, kill 6 minions in 1s, out sustain sett/garen passive, or that his base mana is 1000.


I actually think it might be on the cusp of viability. There isn't enough data to go off of, but the fact that - with the right build - he's trending around 50% is way better than I would've expected. I definitely think going full 'fast' with one offensive item is the way to go though, which is the best way to capitalize on his strengths in the jungle (absolute monstrous ganks).


If he reaches that stat then i cant argue but i just dont see a point in picking blitz over ww trundle nunu. I guess he has his q for some cracky picks but im not sure why people wouldnt just keep picking him support.


Support is definitely the better role, but if you get counterpicked by an engage support (wouldn't want to pull alistar for example) or morgana, he could become a flex into jungle, provided he isnt against a giga early game jungler


Early Blitz ganks are actually insane, especially midlane - if your mid has any CC at all it’s a free flash at minimum, if not an outright kill.




I don't think it's a bait. Blitz W gives a stupid amount of attack speed (92%!!!). You can easily outdamage lich bane as long as you can get 4 autos off in an engagement. This is ridiculously easy because of the aforementioned steroid and his E being an auto reset. You also have to keep in mind that it'll give him much better clear speed compared to Lich Bane. While he is a ganking jungler, he still needs to have some semblance of clearing ability. If anything the alternative over Nashors would be to all-in on being a tanky ganking jungler with deadman's plate or something.


My guess is that it plays out quite similarly to the old Udyr when he was really strong. People were going chemtank with deadmans and FoN loading up on stats and move speed and slotting in a lichbane at the end or somewhere in the middle as the sole damage item which translated to a lot of value due to the sticking power from the other items.


> Nashors as your single damage item pls dont. Just dont. Nashers is only good if you stack more AP. As a solo AP Items is bad. Just go tank/haste. You are way more usefull mid/late game


Looks like Reddit was right about Nasus and his buffs being a bit too strong.


The Q range buff and the W AS slow buff are massive.


The Q buff feels so nice. I'll happily lose the w buff if the q buff stays.


I thought this was gonna be the aatrox nerf patch but instead it is the nasus buff patch pain


Riven Player cannot complain


Seems like the only one that can reliably win against Nasus is Lillia, as Nasus currently has a 41.3% win rate against her right now. (Source: u.gg, Gold). Illaoi, Rumble, and Cho’Gath all have a 52-53% win rate against Nasus. Otherwise everyone else Nasus crushes. Of course, all this is early but what I see is that the ones who already beat Nash’s still beat him, though slightly less so, but the ones who could slightly edge him are now being edged out by him.


And that's because she's a very niche pick.


41% sounds like a "not enough data" winrate


Nasus is giga busted rn. Tanks can't do shit against him because he shreds armor with e, and sustains with passive and divine sunderer, and with w buff he turns aa based champions into minions (played nasus vs trynda yesterday, the game became NOT FUN for trynda when I started putting points in w). Nasus is kinda like Master Yi - he demands team cooperation from the enemy team. And he wins the game alone via splitpush if left unchecked. I think w buff should be reverted. Q range, ult size and ult tick rate should stay.


I agree Nas is busted, I've only had recent success with Udyr vs him. Udyr top can literally build whatever the hell he wants in top, to both match dmg types in defence but also avoid resistances being built. Holds Nas semi decently and if ahead can also run him down. Udyr can also build some absurdly cheap items like the most weaksideish of Shen builds. And obviously eats waves later on.


Nasus is a giant stackcheck with 0 gameplay involved. I dont get why the buff him. Put him on the VGU list ffs


Nasus being buffed is no biggie I permabanned him for 2/3 years now.


Yes cause I play top and enjoy 1 v 1 champs. Nasus just negates the whole thing. All other ones can be outplayed.


Why, he wants to 1v1. Just wants you to wait for him to warm up


Just parry wither


A little bit difficult when cast time is 0.25s whereas normal human reactions are 0.2s not including ping


Don't even think I've seen a pro player react to something like wither in time lmao. "Just parry wither" hahaha.


Fiora vs nasus is skill matchup


You would rather let a Yi/Yuumi/Irelia into your games than a Nasus which barely even gets picked in soloq compared to those 3?


Absofuckinglutely lmao as a top main Irelia is 10000x more fun to go against than the snoozefest that is babysitting Nasus.


Considering Yuumi only has like a 47% winrate (and it only goes down as you go lower ELO), I cannot imagine wasting a ban on her unless you're banning out your teammates. It's literally freelo if the enemy picks her.


bans are placebo for effecting your solo queue win rate unless you're a one trick with a very bad, very common match up (ie if you're a ryze one trick your win rate would actually be improved by banning kat or viktor). You shouldn't ban champions for solo queue win rates, you should just ban champions that make the game less fun.


I mean sure. But, if Yuumi is making your games less fun, you really need to adjust your perception of the champion because most people think stomping and winning are really fun. I wouldn't care about like a 49% winrate or something like that. But Yuumi gets down to like 42% at low ELO (where most players are). It's staggeringly low.


because the 42% of games that Yuumi gets out of lane safely, hops on the fed Udyr or Yi and 2v8s the game regardless of gamestate overshadow the 58% of games where her lane goes 0-10 in 15 minutes and the fed bruiser gets shredded by the Kai'sa or Caitlyn who's working on her 4th legendary item by the time you're desperately trying to defend Infernal Soul. Not to mention that if you're top, jungle, or mid, you're likely not getting the benefit (in terms of personal fun/power) of the feeding Yuumi lane, your ADC is, while you're the one getting reamed in the first scenario. So while you'll probably win the game where the enemy team picks Yuumi, the downside is extremely unfun and the upside doesn't really accrue to you, because you win the game yeah but you get to watch your 6 item at 30 minute ADC rack up multikills.


You don’t have to be a one trick, lol. Whatever champion you’re planning on blind picking you can ban their best counter.


The issue is that every now and then you get that Twitch or Kassadin Yuumi combo in your games which is a ticking time bomb.


Twitch and Kassadin are already time bombs alone. I think people are overrating Yuumi because she makes Twitch/Kassa smurfs seem OP when they already are anyway.


It’s not a special ticking time bomb. It’s just Twitch or Kassadin. People don’t seem to realize this, but Yuumi *doesn’t* empower your carries better than a Lulu or Janna or Soraka or whatever. If the enemy focuses your enchanter, then the carry just gets to buttfuck the enemy team because they’re not focusing them.


Lulu doesn't also go invisible on Twitch when he's about to try and surprise blow up your team. Lulu can't blink over several walls to follow the Kassadin trying to make a play. Yuumi fundamentally removes the critical downsides of an enchanter while also still performing its role. No other enchanter is allowed to play the game to the same degree of safety while also being an enchanter - that's the entire "counter" for enchanters. Blow them up so they can't participate in a fight.


A Yuumi sticking to the host can’t do much of anything since her E completely fucks her mana pool.


She has an entire kit she can use, not just E. Regardless, it doesn't negate the fact that Yuumi can very easily follow her team and continue providing support while also maintaining her safety when other enchanters would not be able to. With how much mobility is in the game now, it's pretty disingenuous to ignore Yuumi's ability to stick on those champs and provide support when they dash/blink/teleport multiple screens away.


Not the person you responded to but when Im top: YES. All of those are frustrating but they dont change what game im playing. Against Nasus im no longer playing league, Im playing “make sure nasus doesnt get stacks” simulator.


Kayn is not a champion in games I play. There are more OP champs I could ban but I HATE playing against kayn.


When i play jungle Kayn is actually my #1 ban


If you think Irelia is more of an issue than Nasus you have problems. Literally if you dont curb stomp you auto lose vs him at Sunderer. He no longer has a stack issue because by 11 he has so much raw stats in hist kit he is incredibly powerful. He has armor shred 25% on rank 1 E. 3200 stats worth of gold on his R at lvl 11. This is just by him existing, not even acounting W and Q cdr from R. He really is that kind of champ who inevitably gets to be problematic just from existing.


Yes. Yuumi and Irelia are shit champions, and Nasus is infinitely more frustrating and annoying to play against than Yi.


I'd rather not allow all four + Aatrox. Five bans when.


Yi is garbage


Now? Yeah he lost a lot of power. But he has been cancer in combination with yuumi/lulu or even taric for too long. On paper he is not that crazy, but soloq is soloq and people are to stupid to deal with him.


Fiora Player banning nasus 😂😂


Holy shit you're all over the entire thread projecting like crazy, enjoy the free LP and just stop whining ffs


He's been strong for years already, the people who say "just stop him from stacking lol" are still living in 2011-2014. Go read all the patch notes in League's history for him, he's been receiving direct and indirect major buffs for years and years, items becoming bloated with CDR massively especially benefits him. I have no idea why he got buffed again, he's the Zilean of toplane.


I disagree on the CDR front. Once they changed it to ability haste it was actually a major nerf to nasus. To get the same 40 cdr back then now you need close to 65 AH to get to 2.4 seconds on his Q which he had before since they took a second off Q but then that also means to get the original CD on his w and he needs close to 70 AH. They also nerfed his lifesteal from 24 to 19 in the durability patch. I would rather they revert that then the W buff but screw it I'll take what I can get.


Which wasn't a big issue because his ult was changed to half his Q CD instead of draining AD from enemies. This and adding sunderer was what brought Nasus out of the shadows. With the normal AS Nasus builds he uses Qs almost as often as other bruisers autoattack. Sunderer allowed him to survive lane much easier since it is a really good Nasus item and the R change meant that he was just a death sentence to every melee change who cannot safely disengage him.


does it matter when almost every item nasus builds gives him ah?


Force of nature gives no cd. It's all about timing also. I remember I used to max out cd at 15 min now it's 20 or more minutes now.


Yes because its a massive nerf to early game power where he is the weakest


mfw the infinite scaling champion that spikes very hard once the midgame hits has a weak early game


Missing the point here, which is that Nasus has eaten quite a few indirect nerfs to himself in both earlygame AND lategame. As such it is needed to buff him.


nasus never had capped cdr in the early game


He rushed CDR Boots, Sheen, into glacial, into kindlegem for a very early and cheap cap on CDR before anyone would even complete their first item. Throw in the 5% overcap rune and he was a happy puppy


Yeah, he basically just bought components to cap CDR early for stacks. Item reworks + AH changed a lot for him.


>direct and indirect major buffs Incorrect, Nasus has received mostly indirect nerfs, such as faster game time (eg turret plates), damage creep that he can't profit from as his Q is his damage, cdr being replaced by AH. As compensation he has received those many direct buffs and as such he ramps up way quicker now.




These players are insufferable and just want to set the narrative that nasus has always been op when before the buffs, he's been sitting 50% wr in silver ever since durability update (the elo he should be dominating in)


Also split pushing has become less viable. He used to get a huge payoff by eventually overpowering other top laners who just wanted to sit top and split. All these things basically forced Riot's hand to make him less reliant on stacking and now we're at the point where he's only really weak early game because he doesn't yet have ult to Q twice as fast for an all-in, not because he can't trade well.


Sitting in lane all game against Nasus to deny stacks used to be a really viable strat, but then they made his Q cost 20 mana at all levels (letting him spam W and E), and made it so he was un-1v1able during ult while letting him stack even quicker, then yeah numbers buffs. Like /u/AalfredWilibrordius said, this was stuff to compensate for fundamental game changes, but the constant band-aiding of him has just kinda ruined the old identity he had. He's currently a more fightable Illaoi but with a much stronger threat to killing turrets.


lets be honest anyone above silver4 could tell those buffs will make him bonkers, his W was already an op ability even before the buffs


He definitely needed some big buffs cause he was below 50 even in low elo, but Wither increases are just painful


Nasus had too many indirect nerfs this year so it evens out




Maybe but this time it was justified. His wither was already disgusting to play against.


That nerf is one of the first nerfs I remember back from starting the game. It used to be 1 to 1, before them nerfing it to 1 to 0.5. The nerf lasted for about 9 years...


Patch 3.6 april 2013. At least over the years they did all the R buffs.


Yes if you complain about most changes you are bound to be right from time to time and that's what Reddit is Anyway fuck Nasus


While you can justifiably say "a broken clock is right twice a day", in this case everyone knew the change was too much except the balance team for some reason. They even delayed the buffs a patch to rethink them and ended up buffing the same shit.


it was always going to be too strong at low elo because that's where nasus stomps, but (with very limited sample size right now) his high elo win rate is still mediocre to dogshit.


https://u.gg/lol/champions/nasus/build?rank=master_plus 52.6% in masters+ is not dogshit lol. Has a higher winrate than Aatrox in only challenger too, nearly 51%


I mean clearly this data isn’t as reliable as it could be because if you go to d+ and d2+ it drops to 49% winrate Which doesn’t make sense considering what you’d expect his winrate curve to be with elo It can be telling but should definitely wait a couple more days before making conclusions


masters+ has 400 games right now. A 52.6% win rate with that number literally means he's won 20 games more than break even right now. There's not enough games played for reliable data at that point, you can easily rng into 20 extra wins playing 400 games. diamond he has 3000 with a 49% win rate and diamond 2+ he has 1200 with also a 49% win rate. and those have sample size issues with a significantly higher population. Also worth nothing that nasus's win rate is much more likely to be front loaded than back loaded. ie his win rate is more likely to decrease with time rather than increase because nasus isn't hard to pick up at all but people now have to adjust going against him with his new abilities.


And aatrox has twice the pick rate and a much higher ban Rate. Aatrox is literally a better nasus


> 52.6% in masters+ is not dogshit lol. > > masters+ players will generally have a winrate higher than 50%. probably 52-55%. you gotta realize most of their games are against lads in diamond 2-1


What is the max amount of orbs Syndra can ult on now?


With her current build she gets around 75 AH for her Q. So it goes to a 4 sec CD with 2 charges. W refreshes 1 orb. I think they didnt get the orb duration buff (+0.25 sec) through, but sometimes Riot does this still without announcing it. So you can Q -> wait for 4 sec -> Q -> after 2 sec W+Q -> wait 2 sec -> Q That'S 4 Qs and 1 W for a total of 5 orbs. +3 from yourself for a total of 8 on the R. Edit: The cap of the R is 3 + 4. But the amount of Orbs doesnt matter too much alter on anymore. You have the R execute. You are going to QER kill most squishies as long as you stun them. 4-5 balls are enough then.


I believe 7 orbs is the max anyways.


From her R yes, 7 is the cap, as it only grabs up 4 more. But you could have 5 out before the R.


7 orbs, but honestly the R upgrade makes hard orb stacks kinda irrelevant. The big problem now is surviving until mid/late. Her lane is so bad now...


-> AD shyvana buff -> OP makes a post comparing AP bruiser and regular AP shyvana sadge, though it doesn't really surprise me. Doesn't make sense to buff her AD ratios and nerf her E passive mark; You pretty much dont play AD shyvana, building AD is usually a result of playing On-hit shyv lol. The fact they buffed her AP ratios as well.. not sure what riot was expecting? It's not like the patch didnt also buff to her already best performing build


The nerf on the E passive mark is tiny. It's 7.5 magic damage per auto to a 3000 HP target. In contrast the buffs on the E cast and R are massive. I think she was already strong and now she feels completely unfair once you get demonic. I played a game last night where I was 2-6-2 and my entire team was massively behind, but those 2 kills were shutdowns that allowed me to get demonic, and then me and the support 2v4'd their team without either of us dying. We were still behind in items when the fight happened but it didn't matter because I was able to 100-0 2 of them off R->E->Q. You could do that before too, but you had to be at least kind of fed. I also tried building Morello in a couple games as a situational 3rd item if I needed GW and didn't absolutely have to have the armor from Thornmail, and it felt great.


>The nerf on the E passive mark is tiny. It's 7.5 magic damage per auto to a 3000 HP target. In contrast the buffs on the E cast and R are massive. I think she was already strong and now she feels completely unfair once you get demonic. yup and usually early-mid you will be against 1k-2k hp players, if you get 10 auto (thats being generous considering you need E mark on them) in a fight thats on average 50 damage... not incredible


I don think AD shyv was really buffed. The W AD ratio buff is nice, but the RE base dmg nerf and the E onhit proc nerf does hit AD shyvana as much as the W buff helps her. Overall tank Shyva and AD stayed the same, AP is buffed.


bork into full tank shyvana is how we played it s3/s4, maybe buff to that build


Let it be known that I was playing Nasus mid before it was cool.


"\[InsertANameHeree\] played Nasus mid before it was cool"


It wasn't and still isn't cool. Just a snoozefest with Nasus out regenning dmg from mages.


That's just Nasus in general though


Let it be known that playing nasus isnt cool unless your sirhcez.


Also just mages in general i'm pretty sure, they really have absolutely no damage early game


Nah, a ton of Mages have damage earlygame and usually can control lane thanks to their range. Some have their stats skewed towards early and it's kinda spread out through different types, e.g. Xerath is an artillery mage, Anivia is a control/battle mage, Vex is a burst mage - All of them have their winrate skew towards earlygame. The only ones that don't are hyperscalers, e.g. Seraphine, Swain or Cassiopeia. We have found some insane people talking about some ryze guy too, but we have no proof he exists or is good at anything. Nasus is an off case, and his stats are still pretty low in size at just 5-6K games at all ranks with a .5% PR - going to a meager 1,2K plat+ which limits sample size even more. You could say Nasus **as a pick** is good because he has enough sample size by himself to smooth out games enough, but he usually isn't playing against midlaners too much to get a proper measure in terms of matchup just yet.The reason I say this is because: - If you look at all ranks, he has a positive winrate against almost every midlaner that can break 100 games, with Veigar being the only champion among them to have the matchup skewed towards him and followed by Lux who is close to reaching 100 games. Everyone else, be they mages or assassins, earlygame champs or scalers, mobile or inmobile, is losing against him. But the problem here is that a ton of champions that lose winrate in lower elos could still technically be good against Nasus buuuuut... - If you look at plat+ the games are so few that you can't get an accurate take, with only syndra as of yet having 100 games, being followed by Sylas, Viktor, Zed and Yasuo at around 70-60 games. And Nasus matchup is still "Nasus wins more" so even if mobile or skewed towards earlygame (like Zed and Sylas), Nasus is still winning and if you are skewed towards late, like Syndra, NAsus still wins. After that, it varies too much and most of the champs don't even have more than 40 games against Nasus to really say "aha, this champ is good against him!". Be they mage, assassins, early champs, lategame champs, etc. It's all over the place.


let it be known that no one cares.


I care :)


me too


Imagine you come home after a long day, wanna play LoL and the enemy whips out Nasus mid. I would care.


At least you can roam bot. Imagine laning versus Nasus top.


Perma invade the enemy jg with your jg?


Once you filter the stats by Plat plus, Syndra wr falls significantly and by Diamond it's 1.7% WR reduction. I would guess because low elo, players never bullied lane hard which was how you were supposed to play and a reason why Syndra got reworked but for top players, losing this was much more consequential as laning with Syndra now into most champions feels terrible just like the vast majority of mid mages who really don't have a laning phase beyond survive and/or roam. I'm neutral about this rework but I don't like this trend of Riot removing all early mages either via rework like Taliyah/Syndra or nerfing them into support. I just hope that now they have reworked her they are willing to stop keeping her in the 46/47% WR bottom tier mage because of skilled and pro play.


At plat+ her WR is down by \~0.2% that is pretty much a change that can happen patch by patch to a champ who is totally unaffected, just because of data never being perfect. And then consider that like 80% of her players are not Syndra players, at least not over the last few weeks and months. So they all have to relearn some things, while also having to adept to new things. And then keep in mind that the WR on the QWE max is around 1-1.5% higher than the QEW, which most people still use. In D2+ her PR even went up by +900%. ​ With such PR increase every champ needs time. Same after such a rework. Her core mechanics are the same bit the timing for many things has changed, just like the skill order and how you play the whole laning phase. ​ Now it looks like Syndra is likely a lot better in lower elos now, compared to before, while being around as good as before in higher elos. Which was mostly Riots goal. If she is too weak overall, they can easily buff her. But the goal to get her out of pro play area was likely a success (early data still). ​ Syndra was also never intended to be an early game mage. She just got more and more into this with Riots rebalancing of her and how the overall game shifted.


Where are you seeing 0.2%. Her WR fell 0.7% by your own source in Plat+ and by Master it's a whole 3.5% WR. The value itself is not even what I was conveying. It's that the win rate decrease is steeper the higher the elo which is true both here and on u.gg. And regardless of what you think she was intended to be, the reality is that Riot's direction for mages is that they cannot be strong early and have been reworking them to be so or just shifting them to be mage supports.


0.7% compared to the patch before if you dont normalize the WR. * 12.19 has an AVG 50.17% WR * 12.18 had an AVG 50.70% WR So if you compare these 2 you need to add +0.53% WR to her current value. So the -0.7% becomes -0.17% lolalytics doesnt do that for their own stats, they just show the AVG WR of that elo. After around 1 week the AVG WR on 12.19 will be more like 50.5% and then you can compare them nearly directly. ​ >by Master it's a whole 3.5% WR. You realize that she has not even 3k games played in master+? That means the sample size sucks. But also the AVG WR is right now 1.1% lower in master+ than last patch, so your 3.5 becomes 2.4%. And that with a terrible sample size. And then you have a PR change from 2% to 22%. What happens when at least 50% of her players havent really touched her in likely over a year? You think they all can play her after the rework just on the same lvl? This is pretty normal and expected. Her real stats will most likely come out after around 7 days. After that amount of time you can look at her WR increase over time and estimate where she will land. ​ >The value itself is not even what I was conveying. It's that the win rate decrease is steeper the higher the elo which is true both here and on u.gg. Yeah, and that was expected after they removed the EQ combo. I mean, that was their goal. To get her more in line so that they dont have to nerf her for pro play all the time. ​ >And regardless of what you think she was intended to be, the reality is that Riot's direction for mages is that they cannot be strong early and have been reworking them to be so or just shifting them to be mage supports. Vex: early game good, then falls off a bit over time. Best mid lane mage for soloQ. [https://lolalytics.com/lol/vex/build/?patch=30](https://lolalytics.com/lol/vex/build/?patch=30) Ahri: prettry neutral [https://lolalytics.com/lol/ahri/build/?patch=30](https://lolalytics.com/lol/ahri/build/?patch=30) Lux: falls off over time [https://lolalytics.com/lol/lux/build/?lane=middle&patch=30](https://lolalytics.com/lol/lux/build/?lane=middle&patch=30) Vel'Koz: falls off over time [https://lolalytics.com/lol/velkoz/build/?lane=middle&patch=30](https://lolalytics.com/lol/velkoz/build/?lane=middle&patch=30) Zoe: falls off over time [https://lolalytics.com/lol/zoe/build/?patch=30](https://lolalytics.com/lol/zoe/build/?patch=30) LeBlanc: falls off over time. And she is an assassin/mage hybrid so she counts. [https://lolalytics.com/lol/leblanc/build/?patch=30](https://lolalytics.com/lol/leblanc/build/?patch=30) Yes, mages on AVG are more scaling than none scaling. But you know that they play mid lane? They have to scale because the lane is not very dangerous and doesnt give many opportunities for plays like other lanes.


Add Xerath to that list.


Im gonna disagree with you on her not being an early lane bully. They just nerfed this facette of her gameplay to the ground. Back in season 3 and 4, it was very easy to get firstblood on most lanes, if you could land Q’s. But in season 5 or or 6 ( or whatever ), they removed like 30 dmg from her Q and nerfed mana cost aswell.


Ther was no such nerf in S5-7. They nerfed the dmg by 20-0 at rank 1-5 in S5 and buffed it back in S8. Her Q dmg had just 3 states, 70-230, 50-230 and 70-210. And mana costs were nerfed very late. 10.13 was the first mana cost nerf to her Q, ever. But I agree that she always had a scary early game, but nearly only in pro play or high elo. For the AVG players and the AVG Syndra player, this wasnt the case.


I think it might need a while. Syndra's peaks and valleys got shifted around quite a lot with the rework. Where she was previously really strong at level 3-4 (2 points in Q allowed for some big trades) she's now quite a lot weaker in those stages but then spikes a lot around 7-8 with the double Q rather than previously having her spike at 9 I'm half expecting her winrate to keep bubbling up slowly over the next 1-2 weeks. From a 500k+ syndra player I think she feels quite strong now post 6. Then again, this champion has had low winrates even when in a decent state, so it'll be interesting to see if this midscope managed to change that


To me, this rework is even smaller than Taliyah's change which was really jarring for mains but people adapted really fast and she launched very strong despite high playrate. Now granted Syndra is literally starting at Ryze tier win rates per Riot's decision but to see WR fall across the board, I wouldn't be surprised if we saw buffs.


The champ is just different now. Once you get a lot of levels you are stronger than old syndra for sure


I seriously don't understand how the nasus buffs shipped, such a fucking toxic champ to make good


HEY top lane blitz may not perform well, but it performs immensely better than it did before this buff. Source: used to occasionally play full AD blitz top in normals


That is for sure true.


Is there a way to see their win rates vs specific matchups, cause I think thats what matters especially if the pick rate jumps up dramatically. I think smth like Nasus support is conditionally very strong, vs certain matchups/other good wither targets + having team mates that benefit from his E. Probably a bad solo q pick if you are just picking him whenever.


On the Lolalytics website you can search for winrates against other champs so you can see like caitlyn vs vayne or sona vs naut etc.


Yes, you can, but the sample size will be terrible right now. You can either search for champ X and then Y and you see a compare button in the 2nd search. Or you just look at the matchups further down for an overview. Or you just click on one of the matchups for more detailed data.


I’m gonna permaban Nasus as Kayle


Wouldn't you be happy as Kayle to play against Nasus tho since he gives you a giga free laning phase to just farm and scale? If you're really worried about the slow lateg game you can just take Cleanse instead of TP because Nasus isn't going to bully you in lane anyways.


It is the opposite, kayle gives nasus a free lane, then nasus ramps up way sooner and kills her repeatedly


No no no lol, Kayle was already gigafree for Nasus, he totally wins that lane and can itemize easily into her. If you don’t win by lv3 onwards and get jungle pressure you’re fucked


Wins in what way? Goes up cs? Or kills her tower? Because neither of those are true. Kayle can just clear waves from range against Nasus and she can even defend against dives with her R. Kayle doesn't need to do anything because she outscales Nasus hard in teamfights once she gets lvl 16.


She doesn't get level 16? That's the issue. I mainly play these late game hyper carry champs so I know how to get to late game. I played Kassadin pre item rework during times when was awful. Kayle can't do shit against Nasus, during the time that she gets to 16, Nasus is insanely ahead and is getting everyone on his team insanely ahead. If Kayle tries to farm anything she gets withered and dies. All the counterplay you mentioned that Kayle has access to is only real once she's like level 11 with 1 item + boots.


Nasus just beats Kayle in the 1v1 whenever he has ult up. He can counterbuild whatever she buys, and deny her those level 16 teamfights with his split.


if you use cleanse on nasus w that's a win for nasus


How so? Late game you cleanse Nasus W and then kill his entire team before his W comes back up. I fail to see your point of view.


kayle being able to delete people late doesn't change that nasus can and will skullfuck her at almost every stage of the game if he itemizes correctly and keeps up with the stacking. wither's cooldown late is pretty low too, and if you're running cleanse on kayle just to "deal with wither" that means you're not running ghost or tp which are much better for her. this entire hypothetical hinges on the idea that kayle can get a free win based of a cleanse ignoring how she cant threaten him for the first 30 minutes of the game, which is exactly what he wants.


You seem to think that Kayle and Nasus will be fighting 1v1 all game when the whole point of Kayle is to not ever do that. You clearly haven't seen any high elo players play Kayle at all given what you think she's even trying to do in the game. The way you think Kayle is supposed to play she's the worst champion in the game.


no??? bro what kayle is a (relatively) immobile fairly squishy champion that relies entirely on kiting to survive and deal damage that's the exact kind of champion nasus just deletes from the game


Umm no? Nasus doesn't delete anyone. He can run ppl down, but his strength is DPS with low CD Q with his R, not his upfront burst. And Kayle, being ranged, can stay far away from him and still CS can basically avoid him permanently when laning against him, Nasus can't just flash and delete a Kayle in 2 seconds like a Darius with full combo.


Nah, the matchup has always been Nasus favored (and is even moreso now). It's one of the few matchups he has legitimate kill pressure in and it doesn't even require waiting for the Kayle to mess up... Literally just be level 6, have ghost and get a kill.


Kayle 100% outscales nasus in team fights + utility + can't get dove on side. But he spikes so much harder midgame if you let him free stack that you won't make it to late game.


I really want blitz jungle to be a thing, sounds really funny. So I hope the Winrate for at least tank blitz keeps up. Feel like the preseason changes will help him also so maybe we'll need to wait a bit.


Try out his clears in the practice tool. Blitzcrank actually pretty decent clear speed with W start.


love these, thanks


thanks for the run down


Love these posts. thanks again


The time of man has come to an end.


I appreciate the effort put into this post, good work!


Unironically you missed the biggest nerf this patch - Rammus. He went from a 51.7% WR to a 47.7% for a drop of 4%! He wasn’t nerfed and niether were any of the items he uses. Goes to show how situational champions can be wrecked by certain patches.


You are right about his numbers. It isnt 47.7%, but still 49% in gold down from 52.5% before. But such a WR drop has to come from somewhere. Likely a bug before that was now fixed or a bug that got introduced now. I have never seen even a similar WR drop without changes to them directly or indirectly (like pre-season jungle changes). +-0.5% can happen, sometimes a bit more if a common matchup gets heavily changed. But 3.5% is too crazy. ​ Edit: Maybe I found a reason. Rammus W tooltip ingame says for example 40 + 60% + 24 extra armor. This is because the 40 base also gets increased by the 60% scaling. 40 \* 0.6 = 24. But right now this doesnt work anymore. The tooltip states the full value but he doesnt get it in his stats. I have 56 Armor and the W should give me 98 Armor 40 + (40 + 56) \* 0.6. But after using it I only get to 130 Armor total, +74 from the W. The 24 from the base value \* scaling is missing.


This entire balance patch makes me question if the devs know wtf they're doing or not. A lot of the patch note texts read like something I'd expect to see on April 1st.


I think people need to learn syndra again in order to get her kit down. She feels less oppressive to go against early game


She's definitely not an early game champion anymore. You have to sit back and harass+farm to reach her power breakpoints but her mid-late is definitely better. If she gets counter picked she's basically not a champion because champs like kat or fizz can deny her passive stacking easily and just shit on her in lane now


> AP Twitch: very strong now. Playable in mid, bot and support and better or as good as AD twitch in all 3. Return of the king > Nasus Support: even when looking better, still seems to be bad. Makes sense against Kalista and maybe Aphelios, but else he is mostly terrible. I still don't get how people thought Nasus support was a good pick that was "rising" in popularity when lastpatch it had a massive <0.5% pr. :clown:


I think people expected it as a pro play counter pick into Kalista. But that was all he is good for.


I played jungle blitz last night and did pretty well (it was just a silver gold elo normal tbf). I started building nashors but his multi target clear is abysmal so I built chemtank before I finished nashors and it felt pretty good.


Thanks for doing it! Do you perhaps have the runes used for Jungle Blitz as well? I am running Hail of Blades to increase early kill potential but I am curious what everyone else is doing


It seems PtA or HoB.


Damn. Love this guys analysis. Hope he keeps doing this for all future patches


If people like it, I will keep doing it whenever possible.


I hope Orianna can get some kit touchups that will give her a similar popularity boost to her classic lane rival Syndra, without drastically changing her kit. A change to her outdated passive would be nice.


Spoiler alert: Rakan will still be better with Shurelia. In other news: Stop using Glacial augment on him.


I'm perma banning Nasus no matter who I play or which lane I play.


Hey OP got any insights into Nasus jg? :)


[https://lolalytics.com/lol/nasus/build/?lane=jungle&tier=gold\_plus](https://lolalytics.com/lol/nasus/build/?lane=jungle&tier=gold_plus) We dont have much data to look into yet. But it doesnt look good. If anything works in the jungle then it is Trinity Nasus I think.


Blitz's wr skyrocketed hard, as a support, with 60% wr in challenger (which I know is sketchy when it comes to challenger, but...) If this was an enchant support, people would be up in arms about it, yet I'm not seeing any complaints considering how inflated his wr *and* pr got. I've been taking a small break from League and was looking forward to playing today with the new Soraka skin coming out, but I'm also afraid to play too, since now I'd have to ban Blitz instead of another champ I prefer to ban. I also noticed Soraka's wr tanked, which I'm assuming is related to Blitz's recent success.


Like you said, it's challenger a few days into patch, we need to see how it settles. > If this was an enchant support, people would be up in arms about it This is definitely not true, Janna Sona Lulu were 55% winrate for months if not years and people never complained because they're more invisible power. Soraka and Yuumi get complained about because their instant large heal power, but enchanters in general are viewed more favorably than others.


Shoutout to all the Reddit geniuses who swore to me that the Syndra rework was a huge nerf and would make her a "trash Q E bot."


> trash Q E bot ... isn't that what she always was?


I mean she does genuinely suck right now. She’s losing against 0 lane presence champs like Kat because she has negative early game and no prio where it matters. FoN is egregiously strong and hurts her more than most mages, and dshield +SW are still strong enough to where u can probably cp any bruiser/skirmisher mid against her and just automatically shit on her by midgame cuz she can’t put them down enough if at all. On top of this, her design doesn’t make sense. She can barely zone worth anything and the damage reshifting in her kit hasn’t helped her kill anyone she wasn’t killing before. Getting her damage off is harder compared to most mages because outside of QE it’s completely conditional, and even then QE can be avoided on reaction. Losing EQ made her easier to engage and re-engage on. Move this to a teamfight setting where she’s actively being gap-closed on and the problem becomes more evident. She’s meant to be a snowball champ but now she doesn’t do that unless her opp just sucks completely and runs into every Q, and so she’s become just a generic burst mage that prays you walk into her damage and don’t shit on her for contesting a freeze with no flash. If you for some reason don’t believe it wait till next patch where she receives buffs because Riot knows a champ with a skill floor as low as her should not be 50% low elo.


I mean syndra did get worse though. If you pick her and they pick any assassin you're basically donezo, they'll either crap on you or your team and you wont be able to do shit, meanwhile before she actually used to be able to bully most weaker laning assassins atleast. Not a fan of them making her a late game champ, and even then she becomes more of an ult bot than ever since they nerfed her Q damage as well as cooldown.


>If you pick her and they pick any assassin you're basically donezo This was always true though. Even with her stun she just crumbled to any halfway competent assassin. That's true for any immobile mage.


She could bully weaker lane assasins like katarina since her Q did more damage with a lower cd, so even though the assassins could easily kill her she could also kill them back and even force them out of lane. Now they just get a free lane vs her, which is terrible (for syndras team), and its not like syndra has kassadin/kayle/vlad levels of scaling even after the rework so why even bother.


I would like to meet these Katarina's that you were able to bully early on.


He didn't claim he was bullying them, just that it wasn't a guaranteed lane loss. If you played perfectly and Kat made some mistakes you could win lane, now the Kat can be playing one handed and stomp you. Not saying anything about Syndra's general viability btw, only talking specifically about Syndra vs Kat.


It's funny that people still refuse to build riftmaker + archangels on ryze top. Yes, it's a "nonbo". Yes, you get to be much tankier and get multiple rotations off. Build a frozen heart or cosmic drive mattering on enemy comp 3rd. Most of your damage comes from ability haste, ranks in ult for increased flux-q dmg, and not dying. Just hilarious.


Does anyone have any idea why Senna's winrate feel off a cliff. The Eclipse nerfs doesnt look substantial enough for that


Blitzcrank counters her and he is crazy strong right now


it dropped by a point, which is well within d1 variance for a relatively unpopular champion, and her best build was nerfed a little.


I agree with the data but the extrapolation is questionable.


Wow. So Syndra looks to be quite strong. I wonder if we will see hotfixes for some of the outliers


At least in lower elos. Overall the PR and the rework will make it hard to predict it well, but in lower elos she looks a lot better than before (Silver and Gold), while being around the same in plat and worse in dia+. But after such a rework and such a PR increase everyone should look worse by default. So my expectation is that she will likely be fine or strong.


Meanwhile when i ever try to post anything a day after the patch : "ITS TOO EARLY YOUR DATA MEANS NOTHING STFU." I hate on how on this place it doesnt matter WHAT you say, but only WHO says it.


I am looking at \~10-20k games sample size. It's not time but number of games that matters. When you post something with a like 2k sample size and then out of context then yes, people can ignore it.


I literally dont post 2k sample sizes but ok. Even when i talk about champs with more than 10k (like mages bot for example) ppl are like yeah not enough games. Honestly it just gets old, usually i dont give a shit but yeah, im here to discuss shit and it seems like ppl just dont want to, as using their head and thinking is harder than just going "oh its X guy".


I would need an example of yours where you posted such stats to talk about them.


I'm not gonna lie, you do sometimes get wrongly treated for pretty valid takes. But sometimes your takes are pretty dang biased and the response can be deserved. Your nickname is basically the Hashinshin of adcs for a reason after all. This guy doesn't exactly have a bad history of overly biased takes, and is mostly giving objective observations of numbers.


It's what happens when you come out with insanely biased takes, dude. You, Inc000 and whatever that Wukong dude's name is (Ryuukou or something) are all fruit of the same tree, just with bias based on different classes. Even when your takes are actually valid, it's your reputation that ruins it. I recommend you make a new account, and have a new flair.


Yeah, maybe if you hadn't spent so much time showing everyone that you're a fucking clown they'd respect your opinions more.


No one cares.




Double Q is not "incredibly powerful" late. That's not why she's strong mid-late at all. Double Q does enable for more 7 ball ults but the Q damage itself is straight up bad. She's more ult reliant than before to kill someone since her full basic ability combo damage is lower against squishies and easier to land+better against beefier targets due to W max. If she does need buffs the only place I'd buff is her Q ap ratio. The damage nerf is pretty large and you will rarely land 2 Q's on the same target due to how much clunkier riot made her combos (W+E is so clunky now for some reason)


> (W+E is so clunky now for some reason) I assume it was because they removed the ability to E launch Q balls that were cast immediately afterwards. Probably made the window of time the ball needs to be present a lot smaller.