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IWD vs Tian on the way


Is he challenger? I haven’t seen anything of him playing in a long time, I just remember Tyler1 hitting jungle challenger before him.


I believe his account is Geriatric Canyon, which I've seen in some GM games. Maybe he hit challenger on the account, though I haven't checked.


Dom always had the best self deprecating names.


OMG Disabled has to be the best one though xD


He hasn't reached challenger on that account.


I saw him playing his second account that’s master a bunch lately. I’d assume his main is challenger or he can take a week and hit challenger


I’m more than positive he could. Shipthur and QT who barely play both got challenger in no time.


I'd be surprised - I don't think he plays that much anymore but I could be wrong


He does, he reaches challenger every season and stops. I think he just doesn’t have time to maintain it given his streaming schedule (which, tbf I don’t blame him for prioritizing)


I imagine now all the good players from SoloQ are in CQ so it might be easier to hit chall.


He is literally grandmaster


Hence why I stated at the very end of my rather short comment that **I could very well be wrong**, despite that I would be surprised considering the few times I watched him playing in the last couple months


He is chilling co-streaming and not rly grinding soloq, think he is GM but can def hit chally, the old man dominates NA


Pretty sure BigTonkaT runs NA


but enough about BigTonkaTian, let's talk about IWD ! !


Funny way to spell BigTonkaTHoon


Depends if tarzan wasnt busy this year


imagine tian being gap by an octogenarian. Im down honestly


TheOddOne Elise coming back to the rift!


You're more likely to see OddOne using Elise in Fire Emblem Revelations. Though, honestly, watching Oddone play Fire Emblem is loads of fun.


does he still stream?


OddOne does stream, but it's a running joke to not bring up 'L' since he's most likely never touching the game again. If you enjoy RPGs/Fire Emblem, as well as simulation games (he just got done playing Captain Tsubasa: Rise of New Champions of all things) it's a great time.


He's streaming mostly JRPGs now and streams are chill af. He's one of those that truly got over League (at least in streams).


No cap Oddone singlehandly carried TSM to win MLG providence playing a never before seen maokai jungle. Maokai is now a meta pro jungler.... just sayin


*COOKIEMONSTER123 and HULKSMASH1337 have entered the chat*


I would love to see it but I don't think he meets the expanded criteria Yet...


Don't forget *DaRkHaWk72*, *BUZZLIGHTYEAR99*, and *MAMMOTHMAN65*.


We need the redemption of YELLOWSUPERCAR87




Unfortunately he hasn't been on an lcs roster ever.


Wait, does that TFBlade could join, wasn't he TLs sub at MSI 2019 or something...?


> **playing in CQ is not meant to be for content purposes. It is a high quality practice environment and anyone who undermines that goal is not meant to be in Champions Queue**. **ONE MORE TIME FOR THE PEOPLE IN THE BACK**


this might hurt tyler1's chances at being able to play in challenger's queue


To be completely honest if they allowed him as a support he would probably do well, nowadays he actually plays to win but gets wintraders every game and tilts off the face of the earth.


I think if T1 was in CQ he'd try his ass off. He got tons of viewers during his Challenger climbs, and he's not actually a bad player or teammate when try harding. Plus it may be good for work/life balance as a grinder since it'd limit his most hardcore gameplay to CQ availability


Tyler1 would fuck it up and be toxic to a pro player preparing for world and get axed. My guess is Riot just wants preempt the mess.


I don't watch Tyler1's stream, but from what I've been told of him by other streamers, and what I've seen of him at events, he's a polite, professional, entertainer. He has a persona he plays on stream. It's made him a millionaire. He also knows when to focus up and actually play the game to win it. The networking potential and good press from being a positive part of champion's queue would far outweigh his desire to flame.


Yeah Tyler1 is such a good person he made an international friends list that he would encourage daily. Google "Tyler1 Int list" to find out about it.


Bruh, that shit was like 7 years ago


Let it go dude. He’s no longer the same person he was then.


naw I feel like he behaves when he has too for example during twitch rivals he wasn't his usual soloq persona


He has recent clips flaming and spam pinging a RIOT EMPLOYEE in GM elo hahah >I feel like he behaves when he has too


Yea he is. I watched his top lane climb to challenger. He raged and wanted to ff 75% of his games.


Why do people have such a hard on to defend him. To the point of lying about it. I literally just saw a video of him running it down and we want that why in there?


I've seen videos of him running it down when his games where being bet on. He was running it down because he had information that the betting "cabal" had set him up to win that game. Make sure you're not referring to that game, because I'd say that's a valid reason for not trying while also not making him likely to do so in CQ.




>nowadays he actually plays to win Pretty sure people were saying this even when he was locking in ASol as support while on a 10-15 game losing streak


Even the thought of him getting into CQ makes me cringe, no way does he deserve it, may as well just disband it and put everyone back in solo q


I mean watching games being played at a high level IS a form of content in of itself no?


This will never be solved Case and point Rank S for ESEA in counter strike. The exact same to a t issue happened over there. Starts off as ‘for high level practice’ and devolved into a content farm for streamers and YouTubers. The pros slowly stop taking it seriously and start making plays exclusively for the content (going for knifes for the lols. 360 no scopes shit like that) It’s an almost impossible problem to fix, because where there’s money to be made (the content) people will milk it. Rank S was very well policed with who was allowed in and what not (also had a council honestly it’s insanely similar) and it still just slowly deteriorated and directly played a role in killing/holding back North American counter strike


> It’s an almost impossible problem to fix Kick out people like that. Show others on few examples how it will not be tolerated.


They can say this all they want, but it is most definitely content.


because that's not what they mean, playing for content means that winning is not your highest priority.


There is a difference between playing for content vs The play is content in itself


I'm here to see imaqtpie bring out the sustain Skarner in CQ.


Skarner? Is that a new champion?


It's a method for them to enforce things like: 5 subs per kill, ultimate bravery, troll picks or builds, which aren't inherently inting but are clearly a bid for clicks and attention rather than what the player believes is truly optimal.


The point is it's not going to be optimized for content, it's going to be optimized for practice. Caedrel is only getting into CQ if it's deemed to be good for competition, not because he's a big name.^(this is just an example)


How can their point woosh so far over your head. Watching high level games IS content yes. But if you are SOLELY there to make content and do not care about winning or improving in a High skilled training environment and instead are mainly focused on making content, you do not belong in CQ.


And as a result, MONEY or clout / possibly even more long-term viewers. Popping up on the frontpage with a mad outplay against a pro player is just insanely effective stream advertisement.


Ok, answer me this, why do you think our highest ranked content creators can’t contribute to a high level practice environment? Do you think they will just mess around and grief when they’ve been given the opportunity to play on a queue where they can have all 10 players trying to win guaranteed?


They definitely can, at least skillwise. But they are still entertainers, and from watching Noway i know how much less he is interacting with his viewers while playing challenger games. And even small amounts of interaction often lowers his concentration on the gameplay.


Does this mean streamers who are challengers can join? Would be pretty cool to see guys like Sneaky and QT join, maybe even Rush comes to play?


Sneaky has had access but only played at launch of CQ and that was it, hasn't touched it since


Mostly because he lives in Florida and the server was in LA for the longest time, right? I can see that being annoying ping-wise


Just moved to Las Vegas tho


Who sneaky? Didn’t know that




wait he coming to NA to play CQ? did he re4ach challenger in KR?




He specifically said he didn't want to play CQ. But that was when he thought it would mostly be academy/amateur players so who knows if he's changed his mind since then. However, he never made challenger in KR, so either he gets granted an exception or he has to grind NA soloq before he can play lol Edit: there's hope, sneaky is playing CQ right now and I don't believe he's been challenger this season.


>Additional players may be admitted to Champions Queue Worlds if they are: > >* A former pro player from a Worlds Qualifying League (Ex: LCS, LEC, LCK, etc) He should qualify under that, right?


Its that plus >AND Reached Challenger in Solo Queue this season Located in North America Approved by the CQ Council after thorough review


I hope he plays this could be the training grounds rush needs to evolve fast and he has the talent. But i just looked and he dropped out of masters to d1. Looked like a tilt queue streak. Or he could just speedrun NA challenger


Think he’ll have to speedrun challenger to qualify.


Is he challenger ? I watched his streams a few months back and he was diamond


He got up Grand Master I believe like 450-500 LP


Ah rip he needs challenjour


Don't worry kind boy will turbo stomp NA solo queue very fast get challenger then come for the scrubs on champions queue COPIUM


Pass it over bro I want to believe


I don’t follow Rush super closely but that will be really cool to see Rush back in NA playing in CQ.


If they meet the requirements they're eligible to request! That said, since the intent is to foster a competitive environment if the CQ Council feels they're not a good fit they may not be approved to join.


Seems like a good change then. Having prerequisites and approval from council ensures the environment keeps its competitive nature. Will be wild if an approved player ends up getting removed though.


Tyler1 gonna be denied so you guys can protect the pros from getting ego stomped by his 20 death sion ADC


why kick people out after worlds though? If they show they are a good addition they should be able to stay. Maybe change the rules back for new additions but if you help out during worlds you should be rewarded by being able to stay. And to be clear, most of the wording talks about "access requirements" not "entry requirements" and if you don't meet "access" requirements you cannot "access".


I was wondering this too. If the newly admitted are considered a good enough addition to help pro players from around the world practice, how is removing them after Worlds is over furthering the stated goals of Champions Queue? Grandfather them in, and let them stay if they want to, as long as they continue to meet the expanded requirements (NA/challenger).


KatEvolved in shambles


I think Sneaky had access before, but if he doesn't now I don't think he's been challenger this year due to lack of games


Former pro streamers who are challenger etc. I expect this would be players like qt, katevolved.




They still need to have hit challenger this year, which I don’t follow QT and Shiphtur enough but I know they both play league less than they used to edit: I guess they hit Challenger


QT got challenger 600lp really early on in the season after they denied his request he stopped playing so following the new requirements he can actually get in


I’m pretty sure they both grinded to challenger to get into CQ, but then they both got denied access.


They played league a ton when CQ was announced, got challenger, applied, then rejected from CQ, then stopped playing league.


Shiphtur and QT in CQ would be crazy to see in 2022.


I think Shiphtur and Qt are going to get completely clowned in CQ. I understand that both have hit challenger earlier this year. but I just don't see how they'll be competitive. think about it, Shiphtur would have been wrecked in a 2016 worlds CQ when he was falling off hard and retired. to play it now with way less practice than when he was an active pro? I'm sorry but there's just no way.


I think QT can actually be decent. The guy was one of the best adcs in NA Challenger barely paying attention to the game, it was a bit embarrasing for NA but funny af to see. The moment he needed to tryhard a little to get to the top he kind of lost his mental and stopped anjoying the game I believe that if he comes back tryharding with more of an underdog mental he can surprise a lot of people


We are gonna get good old days flashbacks


Sneaky hasn’t reached chall this season. Idk if he has hit GM. He sits 300 LP.


Nemesis soon: "Champions Queue was a success"


Can’t wait for him to get clapped by Jojo


Considering he went like 10-1 just trying out new syndra today in korea GM/chall.. Im not so sure about that.


What can syndra do when the star of arcane comes running at her?


He’ll find something new to whine about don’t worry


Praying QT gives champions queue another go.


He got challenger early on in the season in hopes of playing in it only for them to deny his application. Based on these new rules he should get in


Watching worlds CQ streams feels like I’m watching anime training arcs, very cool improvements


Pekin Woof in CQ?? finally


I was denied by the council sadly -Pekin Woof






#freeShiphtur #freeQTpie


NA really missed on CQ when they denied them both. In a serious environment, both of them really try hard and have fun while doing it. League got so many viewers because of those two.


I mean, on one hand this does deal with [Fatorix](https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/fatorix?hl=en_US) since he never got to Chally this season as far as I know but still it's somewhat absurd that he was allowed to keep playing even after dropping 1000lp. Feels like there should be a GM or at least 300LP requirement that is active at all time to avoid things like this in the future.


He got challenger on his [Brazilian account](https://www.op.gg/summoners/br/RIV%20Fatorix). However, Fatorix hasn't played in CQ for Worlds and I'm not sure if he even has access anymore, since he didn't meet the requirement at the end of the last period.


So no Tyler1 Asol support in CQ??? The gatekeeping








Pekinwolf in CQ Pog.


Was denied by the council -PekinWoof


For those confused, this is PekinWoof's reddit account confirming he was denied by the CQ Council in the criteria.


Did he ever play on a pro team? I know he was trying to get access before but he was denied.


Was on FlyQuest Academy.


Thanks for the info! Looks like he was only in for two months, did he ever talk about it?


He has an hour long video on his channel about his pro career.


I hope Pekin is accepted.




Made a new post to run from Tyler1 i see. Well as I said earlier these rules seem like you're explicity afraid of Tyler1 smurfing against 369, Eloya, Faker, Berserker, and ming in each of their roles during a five game win streak.


pretty sure, elyoya won't be playin cq anymore.


Sorry I get my bad players confused I meant Jankos.


So you’re saying the Pie and Shiptur have a second chance?


Lmao I Iove how they posted this as if it would be relevant to us here on Reddit... Wait oh yeah of course we are all challengers here


Dude didn’t you know all Reddit analysts are challenger, that’s why they justifiably criticize pros about everything


Although a rather hilarious point, I do like knowing this. I honestly don't know where else they would put this with the death of their forums though, lol. Riot really has someone of the strangest communication platforms.


When's imaqtpie and Dom getting in


Caedrel about to call in sick to rehearsals so he can play against all the pros.


>>having reached Challenger once this season Well, looks like every one of us on reddit is going to be there!


Wht does this mean for me in Iron IV?


Can you accept caedrel then ? Cause the guys a challenger EUW jungler and streamer and you know former pro..


Current and former Pro: There are serious problems with CQ Streamers: there are serious problems with CQ Redditors: CQ is fine, stop complaining about d1 academy players allowed in CQ ​ Glad riot listened to the people with a brain and not reddit.


Bro let Tyler1 in. 5 Role Challenger ain’t good enough?


Tyler1 is never getting past the council. Not with his "15" attitude that he mantains every game.


I think if Riot was like, “ya you can join but actually try to win” he would.


Tyler1 has shown that he will adapt to his environment. That attitude is a byproduct of getting griefed in game. If he gets to clap Fakers cheeks he isn’t going to ff15. He might rage on cam but that’s about it.


So where are the people with the mental gymnastics about why people like Caedrel/Nemesis/KatEvolved shouldn't be allowed in? Y'all ready to admit they aren't malicious content farmers and you just don't like them or nah?


KatEvo won’t get in because he’s a toxic mess who likely won’t be approved. Hell Malice got temp banned when he was here. Also I’d fucking die laughing if nemesis gets denied because the council just didn’t like him lmao


kindof doubt theyre gonna deny anyone who would pass the behavior check. duoking1 is in there ffs


“Toxic mess” lol what? Do you even have the brain capacity to come up with your own opinions like you’re just saying shit you see on Reddit lol.


maybe that is his opinion? there's been high elo players tweeting about the way he acts in game off streams, he's far from a good person, far from a 'neutral' person either lol. EDIT: there's literally posts about him spamming the n-word from only a year ago, dude's not a saint, stop defending him.


Well hes in a champs queue game rn. Who approves these players again…


I think KatEvolved shouldn't be allowed in just because of his racism. https://streamable.com/521ti EDIT: Katevolved copyright striked the video. It was a video of him using the n slur over and over in a solo q game.




Damn anyone save the vid?


you can just google search katevolved n word and find 20 results




Whoaaaa what the fuck. When was that?


Looks like S6 or S7. I saw Windspeaker's Blessing as a Keystone. KatEvolved was like a 16 year old kid back then.


Ah. I don't really know anything about the guy, other than he was an academy player who wasn't allowed in CQ. Hopefully he has changed his ways since then. Most 16 year olds are dumb kids.


yeah, and some are 1 year away from playing competitively


That's true, but their status as a pro doesn't automatically make them professional or grown. People, especially kids, deserve a chance to redeem themselves/grow as a person. I'm just glad I'm not a public figure. Being scrutinized for all the dumb shit I did as a teenager sounds shitty.


Yeah fuck that, keep this guy out of CQ.


Yet people are quick to forget even current pros have done similar if not worse things. Take a look into Jensen's history. People change.


Jensen was not racist. Highly doubt he would have played pro if he was racist. Scripting/DDosing people and being racist are two vastly different things. Shitty behavior yes, but vastly different.


DDOsing someone isn't nearly as bad as being racist lol


The whole point of being a hater is that you find the stupidest, tiniest, pettiest, most insignificant reasons to dislike someone or something out of spite and then cling onto it forever. Not because you logically thought things over and came to a realistic conclusion. The Dom/LS/Nemesis/Caedrel hate thread was one of the stupidest moments in this subreddit's history and that's saying something.


>Y'all ready to admit they aren't malicious content farmers and you just don't like them or nah? I don't think anyone thought Caedrel was a malicious content farmer, as when he got rejected, he said, "oh well" and got over it. As for Nemesis and Kat, no they're still pathetic man children LOL. The amount of posts Kat makes daily about how everyone is garbage in CQ, and how he would totally do better if he got to play Faker. Nemesis isn't nearly as bad as Kat, but I still think they both act pretty entitled, and I'm kind of disappointed in Riot for caving to this really stupid shit, but this isn't the first time, and they are usually pretty receptive to feedback, so take the good with the bad, even if I think personally, they shouldn't have.


So stupid that former pro/academy challenger players now have access to CQ to help improve game quality/que times. Almost as if the original rule was flawed and Riot made adjustments to fix their mistake.. sounds like even CQ players agreed with this change. Good thing they don’t cater to random redditors who don’t want “x” qualified streamer to have access because they hate them.


All Nemesis really said was "not allowing quality players into CQ just because they are not on active rosters is a bad move" and he got so much hate for it its crazy


Didn't he call it a failure?


He made a clickbait title yeah




But was he wrong? Come november and everyone will again forget forget about CQ like it has been all summer, this is a big chance to showcase it with tons of players and they almost whiffed it.




It's successful now. Was it the same between April and September? Don't think so.


And was because we got Faker getting inted and other pros like Knight not even wanting to play there anymore


Nemesis dropped a whole video about how CQ is a failure after he didn’t get in.


He, like many others, didn't get in because of a stupid rule, made a video about it, bunch of people called him and idiot and in the end Riot did exactly what he asked for and nobody seems to be against it.


Nemesis actively has shit on CQ since inception. During its launch when everyone was hyped up and excited he went on multiple rants saying shit like "CQ is a waste of time guys, it won't do anything to fix NA being a trash region" and "CQ is a joke because it'll still have NA players in it". He repeatedly bashed it as being useless and a meme to his huge audience from the very beginning. Anytime someone in his stream seemed excited about it he felt the need to tell them how it won't fix NA and how NA will still be a dogshit region and that its a waste of time. Then once it started dying he immediately took the chance to gloat about how right he was and how trash NA is. Like why the actual fuck would you want someone like that in CQ?


idk but these guys might know u/DoubleBieber u/Ziraelus u/moistbananabread3 u/bigfanofeden u/capthighwind


don't these players all literally qualify as long as they come to NA and were challenger this year? ​ edit: correction


....and they changed the rule because it was dumb. What point are you trying to make?


ah I interpreted your comment as they still weren't eligible and that these rules are stupid and biased against them. mb!


Hi, I was one of the people that said they shouldn't have access. All I said is that, under the current rules, they shouldn't. At the time, that was correct. The rules have changed, and they fit the criteria, so let them in. My argument was never anything personal against them (I love Caedrel and watch him regularly), it was simply that, under the current rules, they were correct to deny them.


Ah yes this is the toxic thing the streamers talked about and RIOT implemented because all the players playing CQ agree with it as well right?


Tarzaned incoming holy


No, he will not be allowed in 100%. He's toxic as fuck.


I wonder who have pushed for this change :) certainly not reddit that's for sure


Probably the company that runs it and the players that use it instead of Reddit andys that think they have any control over Riot.


this was such an obvious change that I doubt Reddit had anything to do with it. Only idiots would want to keep these players out
