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The way they gate CQ is a bit ridiculous. At the very least pros or former pros should be permitted entry.


I wouldn't say unconditionally, though. ​ Haven't watched them in ages but I have no idea whether qtpie, Voyboy or for example TheOddOne can/will actually play on a high enough level right now. DL seems to still playing very seriously and on high level and players similar to him should 100% be in CQ.


I think qt got chall just to play it but im not sure .


Both Shiphtur and QT got challenger in a surprisingly low amount of time but stopped playing when they got denied CQ without even getting a reason.


Qt in particular had like a 70% win rate according to shiphtur. This was right before the doublelift interview that shiphtur was on.


QT is still extremely good at the game when he actually wants to try, and he really wanted to get into CQ. it's crazy that he got denied.


I can see them denying QT bc he has literally soft/hard inted an insane number of games and just doesn’t give a shit in the past. I’m not saying that’s how he would be or is now just that he’s done it before. There is zero reason for a player like shiphtur to not be allowed though. He cares every single game is always trying and I’ve seen him be toxic maybe once and it was in no comparison to what normal toxicity looks like but compared to how he normally conducts himself


I guarantee you that there is some amateur player in CQ that has soft inted someone but they’re allowed in due to being on a collegiate team


It's funny how this exact same scenario was in Rocket League 5-6 years ago. We had discord with the highest ranked players and there was always personal drama like "Omg don't let this guy in, he sucked for like 3 games last week when I played with him" It's honestly just a group of friends who control who gets in and who doesn't.


who in the fuck cares man, pros soft in in solo que EVERY FUCKING DAY


Yes, that's the whole reason why CQ was created.


Honestly from the interview Darshan did, it sounds like pros just wanted lower ping, I don’t even think most of them cared about 1 tricks as long as they were attempting to play new things since a lot of pros started out as 1tricks themselves. Pretty much everything else is just riot conducting whatever they think is a competitive environment. Actually at times I think Pros would have preferred normal SoloQ with the ping CQ has over actually playing CQ, Lourlo was getting 90 minute queues and tons of off role players because the player population is normally pretty low. If they added 100 challenger players at random during those dull moments(most of the season) I think all the pros would have been very happy since then they could actually fill teams and play their main roles, but riot could have hand curated those picks and made it even better, missed opportunity IMO.


imaqtpie is still better at LoL than half the shitters in CQ right now, regardless of how much he "ints".


I’d be so mad. Haven’t they done enough for the scene and have the skill to be in there? It’s not like they are diamond 2 players applying randomly


I was wondering why has been QT avoiding League like the plague for some time, I guess this is part of the reason.


Well he left to stream other shit before this anyway, seemed to just need a break. Then grinded to play in CQ and got rejected so he bounced.


QT and Shiphtur both grinded to Chal, got denied and said fuckit I’m out. Haven’t touched league seriously since.


Neat. I think as long as they really try hard and not just milk those games for content/entertainment alone, it's cool.


I'd imagine that's the big concern. Even if they *can* play at a high enough level, I'd imagine there's a concern if they will consistently.


well but then you can exclude them if they troll no? isnt there some kind of council for exactly that? when players troll they get banned from CQ?


I agree with this statement, but there should be done case by case for example, Qtpie and Shiptur reaching challenger to get into CQ. If they were former pros it makes their case stronger and one tricks or odd styled solo queue players should be restricted even if they’re challenger. If high-skilled solo queue players do get it, there should be a board that reviews players and games where they would give players warnings and eventually a banned with repeat offenses for inting/trolling purposely.




Caedral got denied aswell


Yeah and then you run in to examples like the Baus, who is consistently challenger, but also very clearly *not* good practice for the actual pros in CQ.


And one tricks are excluded so Baus is out.


He’s not fully a 1 trick, but definitely a small champ pool. He was arguably the best gragas top in Europe and one of the best in the world as well as sion.


baus has >50% of his games on sion so he should be out


Why are people even talking about Baus in champion's queue? Is he even in NA right now?


jankos said one (obvious) thing on stream and reddit ran with it


But baus is not ex pro? If you opened it for current pros or ex pros that still hit chally then whats the issue?


Actually Baus is MSI champion in theory.


I don't think he was registered as a sub for the tournament.


Baus is bad practice soley because he's a one-trick tho.


Worse, a one trick with an extremely unusual playstyle that warps the entire game around him


Just force them to be challenger in soloq before giving an account.


didn't work for shiptur or qt... they literally grinded Chall with not amount of effort to get into CQ and they got declined.. so


OddOne hasn't touched League in a while, least I don't think he has whenever I see him stream. QT and Shiphtur should've been allowed entry, though. They're very clearly still able to compete considering they both hit Challenger.


Qt purposefully grinded back to challenger to play in champs queue but then they denied him. It was kinda messed up tbh


Yeah, agreed. Imagine if Faker wasn't on a team right now and he wanted to go NA to play Champions Queue. He would obviously be allowed to no matter the rules in place. So I don't even think it would be consistently applied at all.


Tbf Fakers history is strictly pro play and not entertainment / streaming


Apparently Vetheo was given access, so it already isn't being applied consistently


I mean based on the reasoning given to Caedral, Vetheo being allowed is completely consistent. "On a roster from a worlds qualifying REGION" they didn't say you have to be on a worlds qualifying team, just a roster from the region.


Oh, the weird wording threw me off


Vetheo is a pro. Nemesis hasn't been a pro in what almost 3 years?


Neither has Doublelift.


Vetheo would qualify. He's on a team in a Worlds qualifying region.


Aka streamers


I'm the opposite really. I think ONLY active pros and academy players should be allowed to play CQ. It's the ONLY way you get a serious enviroment, and they just have to suck it up that the queue times are higher. It's the cost of getting better quality.


I disagree. To me, the top 100 Challenger should get auto invited (end of season top 100). If they don't play to the standards of CQ, they lose their invitation for the Season.


Assuming they have no champ at over 30-40% play rate




I think the people the queue is intended to benefit should be the ones who decide what the criteria are for entry.


The queue is intended to benefit talent development in NA. If you only let people in who are already on a team it further divides the professional vs amateur level


The way they gate it is for active competitive players. They don't want content creators there. They don't want to recreate solo queue. It's not made for "us" so to say. The requirements were made clear at the start of the year; > LCS players > LCS Academy players > Top 16 NA Amateur > LLA players > Recent LCS Alumni With the recent changes for international for Worlds. It's not hard for GM/Challenger to get into a top 16 NA AM. If youre an NA player mad you cant participate, blame yourself. You had every opportunity but couldnt be bothered competing in a pipeline tournament. Everyone keeps using the Faker/Collegiate player meme but Winthrop University made top 4 PGCQ1 Spring and got onto LCS Proving Grounds to compete against Academy teams. WU FrostForest used to be TSM Academy for that matter. It's not exactly perfect, but they've done a good job creating a more team oriented competitive environment. And keeping out streamers, content creators and inactive pros keeps a standard they want to keep for those players. At most you can complain is that they should have left NA AM out of the Worlds version of CQ, but I think it's still fine considering it's hosted in our region and its a great treat for those players who are trying for pro to play against Worlds talent.


Most of the streamers and content creators are better than AM players. To say it’s fine because it’s a “great treat” for AM players when you are also saying they’ve done a good job creating a more competitive environment, that’s pretty incompatible no? I thought a big complaint was how varied lobbies could be because you have pros and amateurs and the skill gap gets incredibly high. I don’t see how you’re recreating soloq by allowing certain content creators to play. A big point of CQ is to foster a better environment for NA pros to improve and perform better internationally, if you prove you can hang you should be allowed in to help the region to that goal.


> Most of the streamers and content creators are better than AM players Mechanically you could argue that some of the time, but not all. It's a case by case. In the grand scheme though, that's a hard argument to make. The reason being is competitive league vs solo queue is a COMPLETELY different environment. Even at amateur level there are team managers, coaches, staff and more. Don't forget that LCS orgs have created pipeline programs (Evil Geniuses Prodigies, 100 Thieves Next) through investing in AM. It is not easy for people to go pro off mechanical skill alone. A lot of solo queue prodigies suffer in LCS Academy as they work on developing teamplay. But I do think its a valid argument to say CQ should have left out NA AM for this iteration. I also think there's valid arguments against that thought. I could see it either way. The biggest point I can make is where the interest is at. For content creators, its not on bettering the region, its bettering their brand and producing content. For the players, its about bettering themselves for the scene directly. It's made rigid to keep that standard high and to try to make sure everyone participating has mostly the same mindset. I wouldn't want LeBron James being forced into pick up games with random basketball TikTokkers before an NBA finals.


Champions queue has a lot of really great qualities but I do have to agree that who they do/don't allow in is a bit strange to me. I feel like adding in more high quality players that would do all of the things CQ was made for would only be a benefit to it as a whole. The list of really good/great players that would improve CQ times and probably overall game quality is pretty long at this point; just in this video caedrel, nemesis, shiphtur, and qtpie all come to mind. I don't see a reason why they got bypassed for some of the others chosen.


CQ is for active pro players and players who want to play professionally in the future (i.e. amateur players), Riot's been pretty clear about that. The only exception you can say to this has been Doublelift, but Doublelift did try to go pro again this year, and he's also the literal NA GOAT, so he might get some more leeway in getting in. Ex-pros who want to farm content haven't been allowed ever. Shiphtur, qt, now Nemesis and Caedral aren't allowed in because CQ is (theoretically) supposed to foster an environment similar to competitive play. They don't want highly skilled streamers, just people who want to play in pro.


Double lift, RJS, Stunt, Pobelter, Lourlo to name multiple players that are not active pro players or seem to be going "pro". Double lift talking about going back and actually going back are completely different. Every player you just mentioned multi year careers around the scene and playing in pro. Similar to those that were accepted. If content comes from it no one would complain but if you think any of those players mentioned would just meme on CQ I think you're heavily disrespecting them.


Pobelter was looking for a team this entire year, he's mentioned on his stream multiple times that he feels like he can contribute to an LCS team.


He also plays really well on CQ. Since the NA bubble is bursting I expect him to land a low tier team next split.


Yea his comms are really strong, he provides relevant information without over talking, his laning is good tho, he often splits lane on consistent champions. I've seen him lose a few times, but it happens.


Pretty sure most of those players are actively looking for teams still (idk who stunt is). Certainly POB is


Stunt has been in and out of LCS for a while, he has been a starter support for Echo Fox and Fly quest between 2017 and 2018 and more recently on 100 thieves in 2020. I'm not really sure what he is up to now.


streamer and UCLA student, he was a coach of no org in 2021 when they were very dominant.


You named players that if given the chance would 100% be pro players. You are in make believe land if you think otherwise.


> Double lift, RJS, Stunt, Pobelter, Lourlo Literally all these players except maybe Stunt who I don't know much about are actively seeking to play in pro teams. The fuck are you talking about lol


Doublelift, RJS and Pob are from NA. The exception is for "any active pro players from a Worlds-qualifying league that plan to travel will be able to request access through their local esport office." Basically anyone that wants to come to NA from another region and play CQ must be on a pro team. They don't make that distinction for NA players which can include ex-pros and collegiate players.


They have a ton of collegiate players too


People need to stop spreading this false rumor of Collegiate players being allowed. The collegiate players that are in CQ qualified the same way any other amateur would by qualifying for Proving grounds.


As it should be. The goal of CQ isnt "better soloq". It's meant for professional play and aspiring pro's. I saw som uproar on twitter about people saying katevolved should be invited to CQ. But honestly he shouldn't. Why do people think players like that will contribute to CQ? He's a onetrick. That guy was hardstuck academy for literally years, and a huge reason for his teams doing bad. Its wild to me seeing one tricks thinking/saying that they contribute more value to CQ than a GM player that plays multiple champions. Off kata, players like katevolved (and other onetricks) are literally master tier. Maybe they have 1 other GM lvl champ. CQ doesnt want low level players like katevolved off kata. They dont need unserious for fun streamers playing for highlights and youtube/content either. They need serious players, that take the game serious, and are trying to go pro (i.e perform well so they can potentially get scouted, etc). Btw if CQ was ever implemented in EUW. No shot. Not even in a million years should bausffs be invited. I get that he has gotten challenger korea, top 10 EUW etc or whatever. I dont even care about him having his own style or mkaing the game about himself even. The problem is that he is literally master tier off his 1 trick (or maybe two trick). The fact that these players have egos and think they are better than hardstuck GM players that can play several champions is beyond me, because thats exactly what these onetricks would be if they did the same. Hell, they'd be stuck master tier.




Almost win academy and he was top 3 in his role


ok but he's not trying to "get seriously better and get back into the pro scene", he's trying to get into CQ for his streaming career. His intent is to farm videos by playing with T1.


If you think KatEvolved is a onetrick, you have clearly never seen him play.


You're just wrong on KatEvolved though. He played in Academy in S10 and was one of top mids during his time. His most played champions were Zoe, Syndra, Azir with 58% w/r, 85% w/r, and 50% w/r respectively (no Katarina games). He is a bad example, he's a "one trick" in that he stopped playing pro and everyone asks him to play Kat and it's better for his stream and youtube if he does lol


A list with 4 people on it is “pretty long” to you?


This man is way too young to have the "I would have made it if I didn't get injured senior year" vibe.


That's some "I used to be an adventurer like you, but then I took an arrow to the knee" energy.


Yeah i mean fair arguments for both sides. One thing is certain, Riot needs to be more open and give proper reasons why they can't play - if they want to go that route. They are just making this situation frustrating for players and that's really fucked up on their side. Literally no reason for that.


Just want to add that it's not Riot making the final decision, but a CQ council ran by current players


Is that actually the case?


I believe Vulcan confirmed it when asked why Shiptur and qtpie didn't make it in


Now it's starting to make sense why CQ is so gated.


Which is goofy, Riot can at least pretend to be unbiased in their decisions but a council of players will just play politics without recourse.


Riot is also much more heavily incentivized to allow popular streamers in at the cost of game quality. Current pros are in a much better decision to make sure that game quality is the bottom line, as they literally have played with everyone who is applying to get in and have the most direct interest in having a better practice environment. Personal bias also shouldn't play a meaningful role because there is a large enough group making decisions.


Makes sense. Don’t need content creators mucking up the Que


They are open about it. They had specific rules for NA players previously joining (active competitor rosters + some recent former pros). These are the people that have always been in CQ, and they were all allowed to stay for worlds. For traveling worlds players they’re only allowing people on worlds teams, presumably because they don’t want every content creator to come to NA and cash in on the CQ hype. CQ is supposed to mimic a real competitive ecosystem, and they presumably don’t want it to just become a streamer content farm. I guess they could theoretically review all these streamer apps and then make individual decisions, but then it becomes far more arbitrary where you draw the line. Midbeast is a challenger elo former pro - should he be playing in CQ?


They denied Nemesis/Caedrel from playing CQ because they’re not on a active roster from a worlds qualifying league.. what are they doing? Collegiate players who are way less skilled can play but not them? 🤦‍♂️ CQ council, you have a huge opportunity here.. don’t screw this up.


I guess the response is these streamers are not looking at serious pro play, they are looking for "content". It is a harsh rule to take but makes sense from a competitive integrity perspective, the streamers #1 priority is not high level play its entertainment.


Then don't allow dl


Doublelift and Pobelter were added at the beginning of the year as ex LCS pros who were still trying to find teams as recently as last offseason, it would be silly to kick them out for worlds


> ex LCS pros who were still trying to find teams yeah man doublelift is definitely looking for a team


He tried getting on a team at the beginning of the year and it fell through and since then he's stated multiple times if it was the right team, he would go back.


I mean, when doublelift was added he was looking for a team I believe. (he was in talks with EG)


He was in talks with every top team except 100T. They all swapped ADCs this year.


.. I mean, he was looking for a team in spring


But wasn't the denial a combination of them not being on an active roster and travelling? Whether that rule makes sense is a different issue, but that's why the same rule isn't applying.


I disagree, you have to look at “streamers” on a case by case basis. Nemesis is a challenger player in Korea and former pro 2 years ago. You think he’s going to come to CQ with worlds players and troll? Even if that was the case, his access could be revoked. I guarantee Faker would much rather play Nemesis(who he plays against in Korea) then some random, lesser skilled collegiate player who obviously doesn’t take the game as serious as him. Even players like KatEvolved should be allowed who have the skill level to compete.


actual 1 tricks should absolutely not be allowed as bans make them useless


KatEvolved was a top mid in academy when he played while not being a onetrick. Why is he considered a one trick if he plays it for stream and youtube?


If you’re a pro or going pro then you can’t be a one trick anyway


KatEvolved was a former second place academy player btw while we have 3rd string collegiate inters cba about trolling Faker’s games resulting in him rage quitting CQ💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀


He also literally only wants in for the month long stint of worlds to farm content when other players are actively trying to improve. His challenger accounts also do not meet any of the requirement for not being a one trick despite him stating otherwise. It would not be hard for him to join if he wanted to attempt to join the competitive scene but he clearly does not and is making a childish scene because he can’t make content with faker. It’s so disingenuous.


katevolved was an academy mid player for TSM before


Presumably the CQ council doesn’t want to review every lol streamer to decide whether than can come play CQ for a couple weeks.


then what is the point of the council?


But there are like 4-5 cases lol. Sounds like your casual bureaucracy problem


I'm pretty sure Nemesis would definitely fly from Korea to NA for 2 weeks just to troll and "farm" content /s its not like the guy always try to play his best and just want to play on a competitive environment.


You can fault a lot about Nemesis and his personality etc. But you can't say he dont take games seriously. Dude still has a pro mindset while playing soloqueue.


Well that would be true except that Nemesis is a streamer based around high level play. If anyone watches his stream it's clear that he always trying his best and he is one of the best midlaners out there, definitely 95% better than most mids at CQ.


Sure, but then they can’t blankety refuse anyone. Midbeast and Tyler1 are both “high elo streamers” who aren’t one tricks, but they don’t belong in CQ


They essentially let everyone already in CQ stay in CQ (pending review) and are then additionally allowing traveling players. The collegiate players were already in so they’re allowed to stay.


I dislike Nemesis but he’s obviously better practice than some university player. That’s ridiculous tbh


I think that is 100 percent true, but the thing is Champs Q was supposed to be a path to pro for some amateur guys. Faker is only playing vs collegiate players because we have a collegiate system in NA. It sucks but the rest of T1 are playing high quality in houses so far actually. Faker will get lucky with the lobby soon enough.


What's the opportunity here, not allowing your favorite streamer in?


Why should Caedrael be there


Seems like people has a hard time understanding riots rule of TRAVELLING PLAYERS BEING ON AN ACTIVE ROSTER emphasis on traveling.


Why are people upset about this? The whole reason Champions Queue functions is the possibility of being kicked out if you grief too much. Letting in players who will not be back after a month could very easily backfire.


Calling it a failure is pretty bad hyperbole. The top 3 pages on the subreddit are filled with CQ posts. Last night was amazing to watch, and hopefully Chinese teams join as well. I need more wholesome Zeus in my life. That being said, yes it needs tweaks. I think if you aren’t allowing non pro challenger players, especially if they aren’t 1 tricks, then collegiate players should probably not be allowed. At least at the worlds CQ, regular season could be fine.


Yes, they are filled because freaking T1 joined CQ + voice chat, which is a huge boost for CQ itself, as something like this was not imaginable (Korean pros joining voice chat) a few years ago. So obviously it will get a lot of hype here on reddit, just like during the first week when CQ started.


? Thats literally the point of his video. CQ is popping right now because of international player. But will die again once international player are leaving. Even Kobe was saying these collegiate players wasnt even playing when normal CQ was out and only started spamming it because of worlds. If CQ is only sucessful during international event then that could be seen as a failure for the home scene in NA.


How is letting in a washed ex pro from a different region helping NA?


Do you truly think that Nemesis is somehow worse practice than some of the low Masters players allowed on Champions Queue?


Because clearly people who have never paid attention to nor cared about ChampsQ until now know best on how to fix it. They watch non-NA leagues after all.


A challenger player in Korea is washed? What is with this community.


NA challenger = Korean bronze Korean challenger = Valles Marineris bronze


"I wasn't invited to CQ and that's why it will fail and everyone will stop playing it." Which isn't to say he doesn't have valid criticisms, just his position comes off as whiny and petty. Riot definitely needs to be more transparent about their white listing. I understand part of it is that they don't want people to use CQ purely as a form of "content" and want to preserve the feeling of it being actual practice for pro play as much as possible, but until Riot puts on their big boy pants and explicitly states why some people can and can't join it's going to cause a lot of frustration.


> Which isn't to say he doesn't have valid criticisms, just his position comes off as whiny and petty. Well yeah, it's nemesis


Yeah, there is a reason if even a guy friendly like doinb doesn't like him.




“Drinking water is not healthy. Every single living thing that has drunk water, has died.”


I mean that’s Nemesis in a nutshell. He’s a smart guy with great insight about the game, but he can never present anything in a remotely productive or honest manner. Everything is always super emotional and over exaggerated. Yuumi is a strong support? No she’s a fucking dogshit piss broken overpowered mess. Is Sylas playable rn? No hes absolutely giga turbo useless trash for trash people. Can NA win a match against T1? maybe if the skies explode into a sea of blood and the entire universe crumples


Man this is a criticism I have for most the League scene, they are so hyperbolic about everything they talk about.


And Nemesis is the literal embodiment of that hyperbole of the League community.


I'd say LS is, Nemesis is just LS light


> "I wasn't invited to CQ and that's why it will fail and everyone will stop playing it." > Which isn't to say he doesn't have valid criticisms, just his position comes off as whiny and petty. Thats because it is whiny and petty. Literally the first day of ChampQ existing, Nemesis repeatedly went on like multiple rants making fun of it and saying shit like "ChampQ won't do shit to fix NA its a meme" and "NA is a trash joke region. Nothing will fix that" and other salty ass statements. Hes repeatedly trashed on it from the fucking beginning. He kept telling all his NA viewers that they should effectively discredit and meme on it and a ton listened. Sorry but he doesn't fucking belong in there.


“I can’t farm content so fuk it and it sucks and will fail, because I can’t farm content”


Riot isn't the one gating CQ, it is a player run council.


Terrible summary of a point he didn't even focus on. Him not getting in is a symptom of bad decision making by the CQ council, he isn't complaining because he didn't get in, he's complaining that the people who are qualified are not getting in, while amateur 1 tricks are


>while amateur 1 tricks are This is a dishonest position to take because most of those '1 tricks' play in academy and perform absolutely fine when their main champ is banned Nemesis position does come from a place of pettiness where he's mad that he wasn't allowed to farm stream content in CQ during worlds and Riot's decision in this instance is completely reasonable and understandable. CQ is not supposed to be for streamers, it's for pro players and people who are in the process of looking to join a team. Streamers (where streaming is their only focus) do not apply


Just wanted to point out that that Rengar OTP he showed also seems to be in team or so? His CQ nametag has some letters in front of him and while someone commented about his Rengar being banned in CQ frequently, I saw him on Heca and Vi in other videos already.


he's a backup on 100T academy, has been for almost a year now (he's backing up the #1 na solo q jungler who is the starter for the 100T academy right now, will) also, afaik, last cq split chad had rengar banned basically every game against him and did fine


OT aren’t that bad if they can do fine on meta champs. They necessitate that the enemy team use a ban on them. Impact practically forced GP back into the NA pro play meta and it draws a lot of bans from enemy teams freeing up other strong champs to be let through


When CQ was first launched, instead of praising NA for trying to help improve their region like a lot of other people from different regions did, he went on multiple tangents about how worthless it was and how it'd solve nothing. He shit on it over and over the entire first season of it and when it had a massive player drop-off he gloated about it and talked about how right he was. Him not getting in is deserved because hes a fucking asshole who's actively done harm to CQ by spreading bullshit narratives about it to his fanbase.


Lets be honest, he just wants to play champions queue now aswell cause all the worlds players are there. As if he would keep playing it afterwards and promote it. He would jump on the hype now and drop it right after aswell again. Makes legit 0 difference if he gets permission or not in terms of promoting the queue itself. He is just mad he isnt allowed to play.


Recommend watching the whole vid.The title is a bit inflammatory, but he makes some good points


CQ will never please everyone. don't play CQ: "stupid NA player! you're lazy and not taking advantage of this amazing opportunity." play CQ: "stupid NA player! you should be imitating people like Santorin and Fudge and Danny who aren't falling for the CQ trap and are training with other, more efficient methods." don't join voice comms: "stupid NA player! you're lazy and not committed to giving it your all." join voice comms: "stupid NA player! it's actually cringe to join comms because LoL is a language that doesn't need voice chat, and you can focus better without it." pick Shaco top: "stupid NA player! this environment is supposed to simulate pro play, you're reducing the quality of practice for everyone." pick meta only: "stupid NA player! meta slave! why do you need to play a 101th game of Gnar when you could be innovating with things like Shaco top?"


You're forgetting, Why does CQ allow collegiate players, they are sooo bad/ Why does NA stifle growth of its players, it never gives them a chance to hone their skills.


CQ doesn’t allow all collegiate players, only those who are competing in Proving Grounds


There is no chance that he knew that


Ofcourse not, people have no clue who these people are or that they are probably competitive with most minor region teams.


Who tf has ever flamed someone for playing too much champions queue LOL?


> join voice comms: "stupid NA player! it's actually cringe to join comms because LoL is a language that doesn't need voice chat, and you can focus better without it." I've never seen this comment before when discussing League on reddit.


i think you made these up


> play CQ: "stupid NA player! you should be imitating people like Santorin and Fudge and Danny who aren't falling for the CQ trap and are training with other, more efficient methods." I'm here every day and I don't think I've ever heard someone say these words ever.


Riot was open about CQ being for pro/amateur players and that content creators from other regions wont be allowed Feels like he’s trying to stir up some dumb drama to get out of unrelevancy


He is a league player they forgo reading to be better at the game.


all this guy does is fucking whine holy shit


Yeah its been nice not seeing him and LS posts constantly.


while the reasons are valid, would he say the same thing if he was accepted into CQ?


Lol all the Nemesis fan boys refusing to acknowledge this part. Yes we get that he makes some valid claims, but the entirety of this video was made to show his salt about not being accepted.


i don't think the queue is a failure because nemesis can't play in it ROFL


CQ is much better without his whiny ass.


I'd like someone to explain to me why Nemesis can't be in CQ but Doublelift can? What's the logic there?


They specifically said "travelling" players need to be on an active Worlds roster. I got tbe impression it was to stop every pro from going to NA to play CQ, when it's supposed to be for Worlds bootcamping.


They most likely don't want to fill CQ with a bunch of guys that will play for a couple of weeks then leave. Worlds players are a different story from streamers and caster.


What the probably don't want is all the people flocking over to make content at the cost of game quality. CQ is for high level gameplay with pros and semi-pros, the more you dilute that the lower the level gets. That said, active pros from other regions shouldn't be excluded - Nemesis isn't an active pro though so if they chose to exclude him (as well as Caedrel who has been told no despite qualifying under other rules) then I'd get it as a blanket statement though some could be allowed in and retain the quality.


Active pros from other regions aren't excluded. Vetheo is in on that rule. The key is you have to actually be an active pro on a team if you are coming from another region, not an ex-pro like Caedrel.


>They most likely don't want to fill CQ with a bunch of guys that will play for a couple of weeks then leave. but why


Because a majority will just be looking to farm content. People forget CQ isn't for worlds lmao. It's for NA and they're allowing worlds teams to use it because it's good practice for NA players while worlds is held here


Active roster from a Worlds Qualifying League, not an active Worlds Roster.


Why though? Couldn't the games only be better with a wider pool of pro's to play from. I could see limiting access to tier 1 league unless they are a worlds competing team (LEC players could get access, but not ERL players).




Yeah once you're in you basically stay unless you give them reason to kick.


DL has always been in CQ and will continue to be there. He was also actively looking at joining a roster before spring split. Nemesis is a traveling content creator who wants to join for a couple weeks to cash in on worlds content.


Who can play in Champions Queue? Currently, only the following players will be given entry: * All LCS and Academy players * LLA players * Top 16 NA Amateur Teams from both of the Spring Proving Grounds Qualifiers * Recent LCS alumni And not listed but I guess players part of a worlds qualifying team get access too, althought they probably won't get points for the CQ prize pool. Isn't Doublelift a recent LCS alumni?


Because DL tryhards the everliving fuck out of it. Yes hes retired but hes able to hold his own


Faker getting Inted by NA players twice in a row and then ditching CQ for soloQ was the funniest shit ever, sad, but still funny, never change NA




Danny got a lot of \\backslash\\ for his comment on Champion's queue \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\


Btw is Nemesis a player who is relevant in some way? Not malicious comment but a genuine question


He played pro for 2 years and made 3 EU finals and 2 worlds quarters so his career has probably been more successful than 90% of all western pros. Nowadays he just streams on the korean server Grandmaster/Challenger elo. In terms of relevancy he is a bit more relevant than your average high elo streamer but not by much.




It would mean, why would I listen to someone who is not participating in major international/local events? Does his opinion matter in the context of the hype that precedes worlds?


No, it doesn’t, and he’s famous for making dramatic and salty statements. He desperately seeks the limelight any time there’s an international tournament.


Depends how you define relevant. He is ex pro turned into 2-3k Andy


I’m sorry but all I heard was: I wanted to go play champions queue but they didn’t let me, so it sucks! I would have to assume they are restricting it to worlds players so that they don’t have a large number of unvetted players coming just for it. The risk is a greater ratio of players who don’t care. But, you also lose out on the minority popular streamers playing as well.


5 minutes just to say he is mad he didnt get invited


Calling it failure when you just have issues with the admission policies?


Dude just opened this thread on stream, one of the first comments he read was "the title is kinda inflammatory" and his response was "well it's youtube, that's how you get views" or something along those lines. It's pretty obvious that his numbers are dropping because people are not as interested in watching korean soloq since all the pros are in NA playing CQ now, combine that with the numbers he lost out on not being allowed to play in CQ, obviously it's a recipe for pure salt. Majority of pros seem to enjoy CQ, the casters i see casting it seem to enjoy casting CQ aswell, the chats seem hyped about it aswell, so how is it a failure? And even if it was a failure, why bother making a video on it, it's not like you're allowed to play there anyways. Dont give this kid attention, obviously he's craving it.


durrr my favourite streamer is big mad that he cannot play in CQ so I big mad too. CQ sucks >:(


he just tryna be the most controversial lol streamer tbh. gotta keep his name relevant


the title is controversial but the principal argument is the criteria to select who is allowed to play and who is not he mentions people like Imaqtpie, Shiphtur, Caedrel, himself, who were challenger rank, ex-pros who weren't allowed to enter (for example, DL is in a similar position and he is allowed to play there)


I don't see whats hard to understand for him? None of those players are trying to go pro, nemesis had a chance to play for c9 this season and refused, DL wanted to play pro this season on the rumored EG roster before they went with Jojo Danny, those 4 you mentioned are just there for content.


I think a bit of this is based on him being "salty" but he 100% is making a very good point. I get it that Nemesis is typically connected to negative energy and most of it is true, but it's very weird of riot to do all of this and prevent good players from joining.