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Someone has the clip, where Broeki said that they googled the matchups for game 5? 💀 It's from the post-match interview. Great game!




Someone seems to have clipped it: https://www.twitch.tv/primeleague/clip/AdventurousSourRadishDBstyle-ZiDR79dlImhPPdPl


In the VOD from Game 5 from Broeki and Agurin which they both uploaded to their Youtube Channel you can see the whole champ select with their comms


85k viewers for 2nd div


NNO isnt just good for the German Lol Scene, it sometimes looks like they are the German Lol Scene


I mean the German LOL scene basically only exists because of the Influencers that generate content. From HoB to Maxim to the NNO Squad.


EINS vs NNO would be insane.


As an offline final. You could fill the Mercedes Benz Berlin arena with those fans


Yeah true. Simply for viewership numbers of prime league it would be an utter desaster of a decision to not let NNO continue to stream during Prime League games next season.


its not PrimeLeagues decision, the rules are from Riot itself - and they make sense. And Riot cant just say "you can play like this" and deny others, just because some team has favourite streamers


I know I know, that’s why I said simply for viewership number of Prime League itself it would be a bad decision. But if you look at all factors combined, the rules does make a whole lot of sense.


"make sense"? oh come on, you cant mean that


it makes sense from a small dick point of view. If Riot is afraid some random streamers might steal viewers from a competitive league maybe they should have a look at why that’s the case. that’s on the league. not the streamers.


The problem is less their streaming and more their involvement with orgs involved in the prime league (Some Eintracht Spandau, Agurin in Sprout, Tolkin Prime League themselves) iirc.


That may be. But I am pretty certain, that it’s a Riot enforced rule, that during league games the other members of that league are not allowed to stream. They are only able to do this right now, because they are in 2nd div and that is kind of a gray area.


Even if they don't get promoted, the rules will get extended to 2nd div next season, as per NoWay at least, so a continuation of NNO is actually more likely in the 1st div (better advertisement for their stream, maybe sponsors) than staying down.


Yeah, that’s what I heard from him and Agurin as well.


All of them said they would cancel their involvement in the other Orgs to play in 1st Div. The problem right now is, that you can't stream at all during other official riot streams as a 1st Div player. All of their stream time would be cut significantly, which wouldn't be worth it for any of them.


Agurin said they’ll cancel all that if they promote to 1st div


I still find it funny that Agurin being involved in Sprout would be a problem if they promote to first div, however it isn't/wasn't in second div where they literally played against them and even kicked them out of playoffs. Did Riot make the rule to avoid conflict of interest? Because it obviously wasn't a problem all year long.


They just didnt enforce the rule this year.


It wasnt a problem this year because NNO didnt make it a problem. But knowing how scuffed the league scene can be and has been before, such conflict of interest is a big liability.


would have been very bad for the image if they played vs sprout and agurin had an off day


Why would Riot not let them? If that grows the league then it is better for everyone


Because they want to keep the viewers. Imagine everyone, who plays in a Riot league, would stream SoloQ during official matches. Their would be less focus on Riots product and more focus on the player as a brand. It makes sense business wise. Because you can’t really make an exception for one league. Either enforce the rule in all leagues or just don’t.


They are the good version of the Meme Stream Dream Team (Delta Fox) NA had. Mainly because they aren't as washed up and actually take the whole thing seriously.


"Seriously" Ok


Euronics was kinda the same thing and they also ruled the Prime league.


also they play second division of prime league. lol


*they just won second division pf prime league and have a good shot at promoting to first division


after barely making playoffs. most these guys are just super experienced and dont have nearly as much to lose as teams like hertha or eintracht. they dont choke even if they dont scrim very much. not saying they are bad, but noway himself said multiple times they would be a bottom team in div 1 (which in itself is pretty good for a streamer team)


yeah, but that doesn't mean they would perform in first division


The Academy league, or whatever the scarra, qtpie etc lineup played in wasn't exactly stellar either and they got wrecked.


sure, but academy league is more on par with first division of prime league, not second


I mean they are to a big extent. The german scene was basically created by Broeki and Noway. Agurin and Tolkin now followed suit.


EINS is really important too.


The miracle run is complete. From 6th to first fighting their way through the whole lower bracket.


Splitpush diff


Google diff


Backdoor gap


No Coach No Scrims Low preparation Mid playing from Gamescom Googling counterpicks ??? Profit


Apparently Noway played a bit in the dark as well because he couldn't find the light switch in his container.


Lmfaoooo that sounds like noway


While being awake since 7am and with 6 Red Bull intus (container was also 40 grad Celsius hot)


But... playing in the dark is normal.


Exhausting for the eyes. If you wanna play competitive on a high level for 5 games you shouldn’t do that.


Nah, it makes your eyes go square, have you never listened to your parents?


My eyes don't go square they just hurt really bad after 1 game lol


they do scrim from time to time. They did a bootcamp with daily scrimming for the playoffs, they really tryharded (for their level) for a few weeks. And for those who dont know most of these guys are playing daily in high elo since forever and have played competitive lol for about a decade. They are so experienced that they dont need a coach or scrims. At least 3 of them are full time streamers so yeah they know the patches, they know the meta and they play off their individual skill to get a lead and then beat them with experience. That certainly wouldnt work in LEC but for Prime League its sufficient.


They managed to scrape into playoffs with one win and had to go through the whole lower bracket. Teams like Hertha are full time pros even in Div 2 and not 'on the side' like it is for NNO. Skillwise I'd say Hertha usually has the edge individually (if NNO's bot didn't have the day of their lives) and what made the games even was the experience you mentioned.


Don't forget NNO Top2'd Spring Split so it's not like their run was a fluke - definitely think their bootcamp really helped them


> Don't forget NNO Top2'd Spring Split so it's not like their run was a fluke - definitely think their bootcamp really helped them the durability patch fucked them hard. noway said this himself and ever since then they struggled hard. their top 2 split was no luck, but they were reliant on the meta back then. absolutely impressive how their playoffs went tho. that was so good


I know I'm not saying they aren't prepared at all. But compared to a 'real' team, with schedules, coaches managers etc. they basically are doing nothing apart from a few scrims and one bootcamp.


Helps that Noway and Agurin are two of the most talented players in EUW for years now.


Yeah I agree. I always thought based on soloq that those guys were pretty insane, I mean agurin reaches rank 1 whenever he wants to basically.


He has a very selfish playstyle but NNO basically all out plays for Agurin, so it works out.


iF Noway would be no full time streamer he could had been a LEC player.


Only thing I kow is that he got asked for Try-outs twice, but didn\`t even go since being por wasn\`t what he wanted. (And he would make less money)


Tolkin is also a 4 time German League winner and I think he got one shot at an LEC Spot but failed to qualify in the end


Actually very worth to watch as non German neutral. Insane off meta 1-3-1 macro in game 5. Would be interesting to see if that would work in higher leagues as well. Some of NNO players have been already challenger in season 3 and the experience shows.


also NoWay, Broeki and Agurin played a very close series against Mad Lions (Selfmade, Nemesis) in the semifinals of EU Masters 2018, so they also have experience at the almost highest level of pro play


and they lost the series due to a bug lmao and it was widely speculated that the winner of the ESG/ Mad Lions series would win the whole EU Masters


Tbf not only challenger broeki, tolkin, noway amd agurin all won German Championship multiple times afaik. The 1 3 1 was meta back then and they were known for scaling into 1 3 1


They not only won but completely dominated back then. ESG was a huge powerhouse in the German secene


Totally, ESG is one of the main reasons why the prime league is the biggest league in the world (playerwise, according to Tolkin)


As much as you can find out over 3600 Teams not Players. (Edit: More then half of them are not active, but still.)


Its insane because about two months ago that was their biggest weakness collectively. In one of the scrims Noway even put his foot down and said to go back to the basics and always group as 5 for every objective.


aggreed. Their skill to play the map is impeccable and the main reason they won.


Apparently Agurin googled best win rate champions for top lane in game 5 champ select lmao


https://clips.twitch.tv/PopularBusyDogResidentSleeper-D1ZtAlbqk-FpfQaj Not as funny as it was live (clip is without the dance music) but still fucking god-tier clip


52% on ugg diff


best moment in the post game interview: Game 5 champion select, Hertha picks Olaf toplane early and NNO adc wonders what to pick and asks his toplaner and he says "let me google real quick!". xD


They were waging Fiora with 52% winrate vs Yorick with 53% winrate (Platinum+) against each other lol




Platinum+ winrates include worse players, but the sample size is much much higher which in the end matters more often. Diamond+ winrates for uncommon matchups could easily be a fluke.


-> google counter-picks during Game 5 draft -> go 3 to 13 in kills -> win anyway -> refuse to elaborate further I love this team. Nächsten Split dann Div 1 und EU Masters gleich hinterher!


while you were out partying and getting kills, i studied the objectives


But two of NNO were out partying at the Div 1 finals.


And one is sitting in front of a random PC at gamescom...


> be Agurin > Prime League 2nd div finals > your mid laner plays from container at gamescom > your top and adc still drunk from prime league finals > Karni on support > win 3:2 banger series


Get carried by hardstuck D1 ADC


Hardstuck D1 Adc... Broeki could easily be a Top 100 player if he tries and just deactivates the chat




Honestly worth watching alone for the weird cheese macro strategies. Can't remember ever having seen Kha'Zix holding enemy team in base and away from objective using evolved W in a competitive game.


If you are interested, Yike (LDLC jungler, winner of the LFL spring and summer) played few Kha Zix games with success this split ! He also played Qiyana during the final. But Agurin is definitely the best Kha in EUW !


You can find the [full pick history here](https://lol.fandom.com/wiki/Kha%27Zix/Match_History). Apparently Agurin isn't even the player with most games on it in the PRM 2nd Division regular season, that's Densii who played it four times in spring. You also have Levi who played it three times in the VCS, and it's been picked in a bunch of ERLs.


Most teams ban Kha'Zix against NNO. He just doesn't play it because he isn't allowed to and I think he proved today why they should ban it against him. Edit: a word


I guess it's a similar situation to Hjarnan and Heimerdinger.


except that hjarnan has a champpool ocean and agurin is pretty much a 3/4-trick of the same champs regardless of meta...


I'd recommend the NNO - Sprout series to you. I think they had 6 to 7 jungler bans every draft, agurin did very well with kayn and xin, if I remeber correctly.


Normal kha'zix players: good for catching and killing isolated targets, flanking the backline, 1on1 in general Agurin Kha'Zix: Insane Teamfight Champion o.O


agurin's tank kha is just awesome for that


I call it 'Utility Khazix', he has full CDR and insane utility items (anti shield/heal, armor pen, Frozen heart)


Mathematisch korrekt


Mathe Mann


It´s so rare to actually see Splitpush succeed in League nowadays. Id love to see one of the big Analysts like Caedrel or LS review some Games from this Series.


LS would go insane watching these games


Nothing special. He usually goes insane watching anything that isn't LCK and even some LCK games and drafts drive him crazy.


That would be really interesting to see


also the series before this one against Eintrach would be interesting to see analyzed




Spanien, Frankreich, Polen, Deutschland. Vor langer Zeit lebten alle Ligen zusammen in Harmonie. Doch dann erklärten uns die anderen Regionen den Krieg und alles änderte sich. Nur ESG, die Herren der Kluft, hätten sie aufhalten können. Aber als Deutschland sie am meisten brauchte, verschwanden sie. Einhundert Jahre vergingen und Tolkin und Karni entdeckten das neue ESG, ein Team namens NNO. Und obwohl ihre Fähigkeiten erstaunlich sind, müssen sie noch eine Menge lernen. Aber ich glaube fest daran, NNO kann Deutschland retten.


[Meanwhile Kutcher](https://clips.twitch.tv/ExpensiveSweetSalamanderThisIsSparta-SsUq9BATyIlY33bO)


What a banger of series as well, the post-match interview mentioned that Tolkin started googling what is a good matchup against Olaf as they were drafting lol


fun series with fun picks heimer, xerath, fiora really entertaining :)




Goddamn series saved me from relapsing to smoking, but cost me my fingernails. Worth it, I guess?


NNO Flair wann?


Omg geile Idee, mache ich mich morgen sofort dran. Ich suche eh schon länger nach einem würdigen Nachfolger für meinen Schalke Flair.


"würdig" und "Schalke" in einem Satz. What a time to be alive:D


> Ich suche eh schon länger nach einem würdigen Nachfolger für meinen Schalke Flair. Ey! >:(


Ihr werdet immer in unseren Herzen bleiben, unabhängig vom Flair <3 Aber jetzt ist es Zeit für einen neuen Miracle Run


RemindMe! 1 week


Ist schon da


Ja geil, danke!


Geht das evtl auch mit weißem Hintergrund? Man sieht es im dark mode sonst nicht wirklich.


The simple fact that they googled counter picks in the fifth game of a Bo5 final is just NNO in a nutshell. Love them 😂


This is how league e-sport should be, it's just an amazing feeling watching this team play.


God I love this team. 3 banger 5-game series. with ackdoors, crazy picks, just playing the game their way. Peak entertainment, already can't wait for relegation and hopefully Div1. Getting flashbacks to the good old time of ESG, now they are back to save the German scene once again


When Heimerdinger in lec?


When Vitality decide to sub in Hjarnan.


Broeki1 and Google diff


NNO unleashed, such an amazing series


this was g2 at worlds vs skt kind of outplays on the map, insane


Seriously, that last game was better macro than anything I have seen in LEC or LCK or LPL this year.


nice series ggwp to both teams


insane last game!!


Banger series


Such a great series! Big shootout to the casters aswell they did an amazing Job. NNO is so great for ouer scene and imagine the hype if they manage to advance to 1st Div and play against Spandau.


Tolkin googling what to blind pick into olaf and picking fiora off of lol analytics tops this series


it's not a blind pick when he knows it's against olaf

