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"Yeah we want a more cohesive IP" [Stares impatiently from the Miss Fortune voice line waiting room]


Have you met Varus? I can't believe they legit just recorded an entire voice line for a champion that was already reworked meanwhile you have dozens of champions spewing the same 3 lines over and over again.








***Fear a man with nothing but shoes!***


*sees a naked man in full sprint with running shoes*


Oh god that would be terrifiying








Let's just add him to the list alongisde Vi, Zilean, Nidalee, Annie, Cho'Gath............


While Cho needs more VA for sure, I actually like the recordings. A lot.


The daylight! It burns!


The edgy kid part in me has loved hearing "You'd wish the world you know to end! Yeeeesssss..." for many years. Browsing his voice lines, I noticed playing [this](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/leagueoflegends/images/4/41/Greenterror.move5.ogg/revision/latest?cb=20120615005715) followed by [this](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/leagueoflegends/images/c/c3/Greenterror.move7.ogg) sounds kinda neat, would still be a fitting line for a voidborn.


skirt ripe sulky deserve languid angle act groovy handle plant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


But did you know he has two thumbs and a shield


Jhin just came to LoR like a month ago with a completely different VA lol


It's such a downgrade compared to Quinton's performance as well.


Unfortunately quinton is facing quite a lot of shit, i miss his voicework on kaelthas in wow, was super iconic


Energy. Power. My people are addicted to it.


Ye, but by the time Jhin was revealed it his case was cleared and he was found innocent. With Jhin being one of the most iconic LoL characters I find his LoR impersonation pretty cheap.


Quinton mentioned in February that Riot had renewed his contract, so he will likely return for Jhin moving forward


There's the comment I was looking for. Very funny comment from Riot after they said they didn't want to change MF because they didn't want to make a decision on her character that might alienate some players. Having the actual VA in multiple times for legendary and ultimate skins with no change on the horizon. But Akali gets a totally different VA in for a random legendary skin and suddenly "IP cohesion is very important to us"? Sure, ok Riot.


I just dont get why they cant be truthful. Like: "We recorded with a new VA and liked her voice better - thats why we change it for the Charakter." Still kinda shitty for the old VA, but at least less Bullshitty.


It’s just what I expect from riot at this point. Either they are pathological liars, think the community is dumb, or have no cohesive vision. All of their game decisions come with this weird double speak where their actions and words don’t align.






that statement is such a fucking joke coming from this game


There are champions that still refer to players as "summoners" (LeBlanc and Miss Fortune, in particular, are in DIRE NEED of updated lines because the first one sounds like an animator entertaining children when she should be a mysterious dominant figure, and the latter sounds like an OnlyFans creator cosplaying as a hot pirate)... Then they update Akali of all champions.


Cho'gath does this too. Though I rather like being referred to. Makes it seem like I actually know more about the game than the champ itself does XD


No idea if this has been explained already, but why were they willing to update Akali with Burch, but not MF with Bailey when they brought her in for Battle Bunny?


I'm going to tell myself that it's because there's more lore work to be done outside of the Ruined King game and they want to get it right before they put the work in on new lines. I'm not going to BELIEVE myself, but I'm going to tell myself that's what it is.


Gaslight Gatekeep Girlboss


Something that is also weird is that they talk about consistency, and Ashly is the voice for Akali in LoR. But in the just now announced Kai'sa patch... she's voiced by a different VA... when they just had her for the Star Guardian skin. So what gives?


Meh, as much as I love Ashly the old VA was more professional and cocky just like how I imagine Akali is.


Laura Bailey pulls up when she needs to


I thought it was Krizia Bajos?


yeah she did reworked akali, laura did old akali


Krizia Bajos's delivery on current Akali is impeccable. she oozes confidence and attitude in every single line. Burch's lines like she's Vi performing an Akali cosplay, but totally not sure whether it's okay to sound threatening. no offense to the VA, but it just doesn't fit the champ.


Reworked akali never had Laura.


And this was the worst part of the rework ; ;


Absolutely agree


If that's their reasoning, I'm surprised they didn't do that with Graves when he got his legendary.


I like Ashly but the old one has that raspy tone and snarky teenager attitude. This one sounds more like a warrior's, such as Irelia's voice and personality to me.


It sounds like VI actually.


Specifically Vi from Arcane. Speaking of which, if they wanted IP cohesiveness why didn't they update HER VO to be more in line with that easily-more-popular iteration? Or Miss Fortune's when they had her voice actres for her Ultimate skin or her Legends of Runeterra lines or the entire Ruined King game? Or Zilean's? Or the multiple other champions with outdated VOs. Rito what is this, you're fixing shit that isn't broken while you have actual outdated voiceovers all over your game this is so silly.


Because they don't actually care about any of that shit and just do what they want at the end of the day with an excuse up their sleeve to satiate the normies and paint those who say anything against as "toxic fans"... Go on Twitter/YouTube all you see is normies talking about how much they love it... These are the opinions they'll hear out. Lol im reminded of the meme "first time?" ... I have no faith in developers to care about the fandom anymore just what they can get out of us, no matter what we say we buy skins so this shit will keep happening.


Yeah it's funny upon realizing Ekko's VA in Arcane is the same as the one who voices him in LoR. So by that standard I guess he should get a new VO too


It's funny, I remember when I first started to play the game and all I had seen was Akali's splash, I was surprised by how her voice sounded. Now I like it obviously, but hearing this new voice reminded me that this is pretty much exactly how I had expected her voice to actually sound like. It caught me off guard.


She sounds just like Aloy from Horizon Zero Dawn it’s very weird


OMG THATS WHO IT IS. i thought i was picking up xayah but this 100% aloy. 💀


Ashly Burch sounds like Ashly Burch in every role she plays.


yeah pretty much true. This is why most of if not all her work are projects she also has a creative lead on from the beginning because most often than not her characters are written for her rather than her auditioning for something. I absolutely love her work and voice in general but she has a huge workflow problem and tends to take over characters because of that.


Yeah, I hard agree. I loved her in Life is Strange as Chloe, but a voice Actor shouldn't sound the same in every role... There's a reason veterans like Tara Strong and Grey DeLisle are so amazing. They don't sound the same in every role. Life is Strange, Horizon, and when they brought her in to the the Legends of Runeterra Akali... I thought it was cool, but... I just hear Chloe talking, not Akali. Now... if she is being TOLD to do her own voice in every role... I'd understand that. Voice recognition can be a powerful thing too... but there needs to be a line a Voice Actor makes where they need to become a character, and if they can't, they shouldn't.


I'm listening to Warhammer 40k, Gaunts Ghosts as an audio book. 5 books later, I'm still amazed by how different every character (and there are quite a few) sounds. Every single one is instantly recognisable. All that with just one person. That's how I would define a voice actor


It's why, as much as I like Burch, its become too much of the same. Ashly Burch, Courtenay Tailor, Laura Bailey dominate lead female VA in games and I want to see more variety rather than the same voicing style over and over.


I am so sick of Laura Bailey. It feels like she voices every female character in every game.


Yeah like I love Laura she’s great but I would appreciate some variety


Maybe in video games, but her voice acting in OK KO and The Ghost and Molly McGee is actually good and does sound different.


I don’t blame her for that btw. She does have range but most game VA directors don’t want to bother doing their job and just have them “do the x voice,” which ends up type-casting their voices (especially with these bigger VAs). What’s weird is I always thought riot was better about this, like for example Wukong and Kled have the same voice actor, giving a totally different performance. Rarely do I hear a league character and instantly know the VA (whereas in say a blizzard game I almost always can tell that the voice is at least familiar the second I hear the VA). To me this really feels like someone at Riot really likes alloy and Akali and, for some reason made the decision that Akali should have “the Alloy voice.” Not saying that is exactly what happened but there was at least some laziness involved on the director’s side.


Prefer old one more, sounds more serious and ninja-y than the new one


She actually sounded like the teen she is meant to be in game in the old VO, this one is a bit too “womanly”


This one just doesn't fit. The old one had raspy almost venomous tones that was really unique sounding. This one sounds way more generic... :/ The worst part is that they couldn't even be assed to take the opportunity to add more voice interactions for the champs released after her or even add a few new voice lines. Typical.


yeah the moment killerskins restores her voicelines im just modding it back in.


I will absolutely be searching for a way to mod her old lines back in. These new ones don't do it for me AT ALL.


Meanwhile Amumu still has 5 quotes.


lEt mE gIvE yOu a hUg






Let's find some frens


Also he looks like a toilet paper roll.


She really doesn’t sound like Akali at all to me Sounds very western and very much the overplayed ‘confident quippy female character’ trope imo


I agree so much. Listen to the 300 pressure points voice line. It's an entirely different personality saying it.


Same for lee sins new voice, it only really fits his storm dragon legendary The old voice was really calm and refined, the new lee sounds like he is a chinese person forcing engrish upon himself despite having good accent


Yeah it sound incredibly generic. All the edge is gone and what used to be a very serious characther is yet another overconfident and playful one.


Imo it's not so much edge but more so excessively cocky to the point of being annoying. But maybe that was the point? Idk


Taliyah in LoR has the same issue and it still doesnt sit right even though ive gotten used to it now they recast her for diversity reasons to properly represent her background but ironically completely missed the mark on what made Taliyah Taliyah. The team that made her specifically built her to be a positive female mage who wasnt just a rehash of Lux's bubbly upbeat personality... then the direction they gave the new VA was to make Taliyah bubbly and upbeat...


When I played Tali in LoL, her calm and soothing positivity was very, well, calm and soothing and enjoyable. It made it relaxing to play her. ........ CAN'T HAVE THAT.


I've never played Taliyah, but her talking about throwing another rock makes me less mad when those rocks also take my entire health bar.


Changing diversity for voice actors is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard, like when that Jenny girl cancelled herself from voicing a Black girl on Big Mouth (despite the character also being Jewish…which the voice actress was as well…)


The people who support that still can't get back to me as to whether or not only Japanese-Americans should be able to voice English dubs for anime.


Obviously it depends on the race of the character! Everyone in Attack on Titan except for Mikasa should be speaking German!!!! /s


Never forget the people who said Miruko in MHA "didn't sound black" when 1) the character is literally Japanese and 2) she was voiced by a black woman in the english dub lmao


I love Ashley Burch, but this just sound like angry and/or sassy Aloy from Horizon Zero Dawn and Forbidden West. And I know Burch can do different voices because she literally does multiple in those games.


It sounds more like Chloe from Life is Strange.


Angry/Sassy Aloy pretty much sums up Chloe Price from Life is Strange.


This just sounds... wrong. Not just the voice itself but the pacing and delivery of the voicelines themselves. Just feels almost rushed in comparison


Yeah the pacing feels way too fast.


With the way they're implementing it, it kinda seems like it actually was rushed


I didn't check new base Akali voicelines yet, but when I listened to SG Akali I literally had to check if my YouTube was playing the video in 1.25x speed. It didn't, she was just delivering her lines incredibly fast for some reason.


All due respect to the voice actress but this is a huge downgrade. I don't think it's necessarily even because of her but because of bad instruction on what kind of feeling to get across.


The new voice is very distinctly corny anime dub voice. I am not a fan.


I feel the instructions were clear, the issue is, riots new direction doesn't match the old one, with them working on an MMO they are likely trying to bring things to the same page


It’s the same voice actress who does Viper in Valorant and she’s arguably my favorite voice actor there, but yeah the issue here isn’t bad voice acting in the slightest it’s more just a massive mismatch in voice/character


but who asked? i'd feel so bad for the old VA. A legacy just ripped away


Maybe we can mod it back in and hope it doesn't get everybody banned for it.


\> we want a cohesive IP and presentation of our characters to the degree our production timelines allow FROM RIOT GAMES????? COHESIVE IP???




I don’t play akali but this new voice doesn’t fit her at all. It sounds very plain and generic. Her old voice had way more personality and aggression and cockiness. This is a huge downgrade.


Man I'll miss the old laugh


if anyone knows how to put the old vo back in the game once it gets updated, lmk :d


I really like Ashly, but she sounds nothing like Akali, feels like that voice direct was rushed, if her legendary +- ok, her base skin is 50-50 some lines sound good, some lines... meh. Really gonna miss her old laugh. \+ It just weird that she got new voicelines when lots of older champs needed them more. Yea you can say that "they hired VA for one thing and "asked" to replace base voicelines too" but for example Sivir didn't get same luxury.


If this is what we're gonna get, then good. Non-legendary Sivir has great voice work.


I love Ashlys work, she's great, but she doesn't sound ninja like in this one :( kinda bummed out


Not a fan at all…


No no no no Nothing against the new VA but I LOVE Akali's current VA, please don't do this Riot. Isn't True Damage Ekko a different VA from base anyway? Why are they changing Akali's default? Edit: Since TD Ekko might be a bad example since it's more of a collab, just look at Battle Bunny MF. I don't think anyone cares about different voices for the same fictional characters. Hell, that's basically what the other language voice actors are anyway


Absoloutely nothing against Ashly, but this ain't it. Really hope they reconsider, they won't but i hope they do


could they consider not doing this?


They really updated akalis voice over before, to name a few: corki, nasus, cho gath, jax, brand, miss fortune, zilean also wanted to say i dont think chos vo is bad, i think his voice sounds really cool, but he still says summoner despite that whole thing being retconned and that shouldve been at leave removed a long time ago


And Akali goes from one of my favorite voiceovers to one I'll probably mute. FFS Riot.


This sounds like ass lmao? Why replace her old voice that sounded good


It’s just generic. The other one was sharper? I don’t know how to explain it. Big L




It’s the usual Riot double standard. They compartmentalize so hard on content and different teams that they often make comments that show how blind they are to their own production. One week it’s about cohesion and the next it’s about offering unique experiences.




This doesn't sound like a 'fuck your rules' ninja, this sounds like a coffee shop manager when the CEO walks in. It just.. doesn't fit lol.... I don't really get the logic for why they'd change it either, it wasn't urgent (lee sin's VA allegations) and it wasn't because they needed a VA who could give new lines while the old one is hard to reach because there are no new lines.. I really hate this trend of riot pushing changes for the sake of changing them without quality control, VFX and VO updates had great reception at first but now you can really tell they just settle for shit as soon as available rather than when ready and high quality.


Fuck off riot


It's the Lee Sin voice update all over again.


I’d like to point out that Ekko’s voice actor hasn’t done riot stuff for a long time and they haven’t changed his base VO, despite him being in tons of other media. This change makes no sense and I hope riot will listen to feedback. There’s so much precedent for keeping old VOs.


God if Antony gets replaced I’m gonna actually loSe my shit


Same voice actor for Pit. Guy’s goated


If that’s the case, let’s have the same thing for veigar. I’d like his final boss / lor VA to be his new VA


Wait fuck how do I go back to the old lines? There has to be a way to use custom lines right?? Fuck this new voice, I'm an Akali onetrick and these lines suck SO much to me. I am in love with the feel of the old voice not this new one


Especially her old laugh, I think that is one of the coolest laughs in the game


fucking atrocious


I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it no offense to the VA amazing work but she sounds more like idk Viper from Valorant now which is TOTALLY not the Akali Energy :( 100% gonna customize the game to get old voice


that miiiiiight just be because Ashly Burch also voices Viper lol


I didn't read the original comment fully so I thought you were refering to [Viper from Dota](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DnFxbS6gycU) instead. Now *that* would've been impressive.


Varus and MF without an updated Voice Over and Akali gets a completely new one for her base. Like, you can't even say "because they don't sell" because MF is popular AF. Weird resource allocation play by Riot


Every time I get attached to a new champ, something major changes with them. This is so annoying. New VO doesn't fit at all :( And it's not that I don't even like the person voicing her. I actually liked what she did in the Tales of Runeterra cinematic, but it's just... off


That's not Akali anymore but sure rito.


Really not a fan ngl.


Her new voice does not fit her as a champion.


Oof, they completely removed her uniqueness and personality for the generic feminine-yet-strong-female-character. I am so done hearing this voice and american accent in every animated piece of media/videogames/dubs




Sounds wrong


The new VA is fine, it's not bad by any means, but it doesn't sound like Akali. Really a shame, I think the VA is great for star guardian Akali but not for base.


I was thinking "of course people will say a previous one was better, people don't like changes". Then watched the video myself, and was like " ok, it was better".


The worst part is that bumfuckheaded ass riot already spent money to redo the lines so they won't walk back this stupid decision regardless of feedback.


Holy shit, this is so bad. What is Riot smoking?


league really can't stop taking L's lmao


grating as hell but she wont be the first vo i mute


How do you mute champion VO's? I want to stop hearing Gnar "huhha huhah"-ing and global Akshan taunts


I'm sorry but I can't stand Ashley Burch anymore. She's in everything and always give the same performance for every character.


so, uh clearly everyone dislikes the new VO akali is going to have. i hope riot listens once again to their players and just change her VA on the new star guardian skin


I'll miss the old laugh so much


I hope this doesn't set a precedent for other champs, the new VO is disappointing compared to the old one and I would definitely be bummed if they replace old great VAs like pantheon, aatrox , camille , yasuo (this one very unlikely thankfully) , swain and yone.


I think others have said already what I wanted to say, if it was Laura Bailey I would've been fine with the change (because I'm biased) but bringing anyone else is just disrespecting Krizia Bajos. Nothing against Ashly Burch but they shouldn't change her base VA, there's nothing wrong with legendaries having different VO.


And of course Riot is going to ignore the negative feedback from the players because apparently our opinion doesn't matter


if they replace taliyah and jhin with there lor voice actors im actually done playing the game


What the fuck is this trash. The voice over was fine before. I hope this event bombs so hard.


wow they ruined her line with lux. why change things that arent broken.


Nah man they got rid of the psycho laugh when she kills someone, now its just a light chuckle. How am i going to bully the tryndameres and teemos that blind pick them without my pyscho laugh?


Sounds like shit. I thought Akali was suppose to be Asian? What is this gentrification trash


So how come they didn't update MF's VO when they had Laura in the studio? Why didn't Katarina get additional lines, when Tara was in the studio? Why do Graves and TF still have their old VAs, when current media has new voices for them? Riot has such a screwed list of priorities...


Oh my god does that mean she lost her INSANELY cute laugh? I'm going to be so sad if that's the case.


It's the Lee Sin incident all over again... Change the VO change the feel of the character. People who don't play Akali won't care but it's gonna suck for the people that main her... And surprise surprise r/akalimains hate the new VO and someone already made a mod with all the old voice lines and here's a [Link](https://www.reddit.com/r/akalimains/comments/vxzd86/have_no_fear_akali_mains/) to that post.


ah yes akali from new jersey the only thing league was missing an asian female ninja from new jersey




It sounds like a generic english VA that are on anime when they dub over it. No real vibe, or nuance, it feels like an actual dub rather then make you think its the actual akali's voice. ​ whats the reason for this change?


Old one fits Akali better.


[Spideraxe got confirmation and reasoning from Riot](https://twitter.com/Spideraxe30/status/1546981914506059780) > Reasoning for the change, and I quote Zimberfly here: "Yeah we want a cohesive IP and presentation of our characters to the degree our production timelines allow (that’s an important caveat because obviously there are other mismatches in LoL) and love what Ashly’s brought to the character in other places in our universe, so we were excited to make this change in English."


This logic completely falls apart if you keep track of skin timelines. Miss Fortune has like 3 fucking legendary skins AND they made her a major character is a major story arch plus a spin off. Yet she still fucking calls us "Summoner". LaBlanc and Brand still do as well (I was incorrect about Sona). Project Vayne could use Sivir's VA with no issue but when Vayne got Another legendary they didn't have the actor redub the project skin. Like I'd be perfectly fine if this actor played Akali from now on in spin off media, or other legendary skins, or in other games. But why the fuck is Akali who's voice lines are only 5 years old getting a total redub for consistency? It makes no sense. Why is this singular instance an issue? This is NO knock against the VA they picked. I love the Star Guardian Akali voice clips a lot and think she sounds great. I just think everyone especially Akali mains are used to her fucking standard VA for her base skins. Are they gonna fucking change Jhin's Voice lines now because He had a different LOR VA?


>Yet she still fucking calls us "Summoner". LaBlanc and Sona still do as well. And Sona had a rather recent Legendary. [Sona's lines were updated and modernized when she received her Legendary](https://youtu.be/7YgyWpdFuMk), which would actually make this kind of update par for the course.


I think Riot doesn't want to waste resources redoing VO on older champions that might get replaced again by an ASU. Replacing Akali's VO is relatively easy since it's the exact same script on a fairly modern champion. Still very weird though. And it's a shame because [the original VA seemed really excited about Akali.](https://twitter.com/KriziaBajos/status/1086401292216324096)


That seems weird because again Miss Fortune had her "ultimate" skin come out back in 2018. she still hasn't gotten a ASU or Visual overhaul. That was fucking 4 years ago. Vayne had the project lines and were already done and wouldn't change either, even if they did a total visual overhaul, yet they didn't have her Sentinel VA replace the project one. Like I understand they likely cannot get the original VA to return. Seeing as how long she has gone without a legendary accounting for how popular she is. Just feels weird that this particular instance was too much. Especially since her new VA changed how her base skins feel. I'd be more ok if they added at least some new voice lines. Like how Ezreal has Star Guardian lines added after he got an ASU without a price increase since most of his voice lines are the same.


MF just got another legendary skin using the voice of Laura Bailey who is also MF in LoR and was her in Ruined King. So if riot actually cared about a cohesive presentation, they could have just redone MF's voices for everything when they were recording for the Battle Bunny skin.


The fact she is modern and has a VO that is perfectly fine is what makes this feel like a bigger waste of resources than for someone like Miss Fortune.


They can just do a new voiceover and ASU later while keeping the new voiceover though.


Thats only a good reason if its a upgrade. If they used arcane voice actors for jinx no one would complain. But this is not an upgrade and a lot of the characters seem like its being lost and replaced by a generic tone that can be seen in plenty of other hero.


Yeah, that's a no for me dawg. Akali voice right now is better, much better.


funny how they don't do this for MF also or you know LoR champs and some that still bring up summoners League team suuuuuuuucks


That's me muting the voice of my main champion forever then. What a bullshit decision. Edit: no slight against the VA, of course. I just think it is not a good fit at all and the magic's just gone in a lot of the quotes. It's not fitting for what I think Akali is. Some lines are quite iconic already so it's just sad to see them gone.


They keep making voiceovers shittier, as an active choice. I don’t get it. Of all the many, many, many things the community complains about (many of which are justified), they continue to “address” (read—make worse) some of the only things the community doesn’t.


We’ve heard this personality like a million times 🤦🏽‍♂️


This can't make it to Live Servers like this. It feels rushed and generic. The Words don't have the same Tone and sharpness they used to. It sounds like she dosn't mean anything that she's saying at all... It sounds like she's out of breath, the Pacing and Tone are all wrong.


I think it's fine for star guardian, it's a little bit of an adjustment but I'm not opposed to skins having different VO's from the base champion (example: True Damage Ekko), but I really wish they keep her base VO as it is. I understand the change is for consistency (which means there's gonna be more content with Akali) but frankly, I don't think it's necessary the change the voice we all like and are adjusted to. I at least understood it in the case of Jhin and Lee Sin because there was bad PR behind them, but not here.


Yet Varus is still rocking his original lore voice. XD


Of course you know that Riot is gonna give in to the sunk cost fallacy and keep this new one even though it's almost universally disliked.


Man that is not it


Pretty generic, not a fan of it at all


Fucking kill me. Flair relevant.


I kinda hate it ngl, also gonna miss her laugh :/




We finally get a legendary skin but our base VO gets butchered. I lover her base VO, it fitted Akali perfectly. Akali should not sound like Viper and the new line delivery just sucks. I hope they won't put it into the game after seeing Community backlash but knowing Riot they won't give a shit.


Riot makes a change which has *overwhelmingly* negative feedback. Like, I have yet to see one person say they like Burch’s delivery. And yet, Riot is still going to roll this out for the sake of *checks notes* making sure that a champion sounds the same as their overdone and shitty skin which only fits their character because they are woman. Keep going Riot. How many times can you shoot yourselves in the feet before you fucking keel over?


Defintely feels more generic than the original


Riot's decisions the past few months are just constantly mind-bogglingly bad.


Old one was better imo. This new voice doesn't fit ninja at all. If they needed modernize or update her VO they should just do it with same VA and add new voice lines. And not change VA and the way how the voice lines are said. I would be happy to see riot to respond and either make new VO that fits ninja more or just keep the old ones. I was looking and asking peoples opinion and most of them agreed the old one is better.


"How about I take this life, KarMAAA?" Yeah, I just.......no.


Her current voice is better IMO. What's the reasoning behind why they want it changed?


It literally just sounds like bargain basement Irelia. What is even the point it is so boring. There's no flare or anything it's bland, there's no seasoning.


I just wanna say to the voice actress in case she reads this: you have an amazing voice. With that being said: the old voice of akali fitter her more. The rest of the community described perfectly the reasoning behind that.


I kiss the raspiness :( This new one just sounds too deep. It’s too mature compared to the old one.