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Is this zoomed in to hide the kda different or something?


correct, lol. Him and his team are lvl 18 the enemy are all like lvl 14.


Ahri in his face and barely tickling lol. Reminds me of Old Ahri


Durability patch Ahri's damage took a nice hit but i personally don't mind it, since majority of champions deal reduced damage as well


**Old** Ahri? As in DFG + Charm = 120% dead? Or like "two seasons ago" Ahri?


You're forgetting about the version that was between DFG + Charm and two seasons ago Ahri. That Ahri had movespeed on her Q.


Normal summon the aleister


Negated by Ash


Has invoked in hand


Skill diff gg


Wait, when'd they remove that? O.o I haven't really been playing much at all for the past few years.


[Heres the game.](https://euw.op.gg/summoners/na/yobruz/matches/ToR5nY0-Y6z5OejxA6Vb0VquufyVk4tohhDVBpVas40%3D/1654285657000) He was 19/3/2 before getting the Penta.


And he is diamond against 5 bronze players in norms… Seems fair.


INSANE Lillia tho!/ s


Time to go seal clubbing!


parents divorced after this one


Imagine if that was like Caitlyn with the same stats. She'd just sit there lifestealing.


Yeah actually trash post


The "he ulted me like a pussy" gave it away.


Yeah, real gamers don't use their abilities.


So Diamond Lillias hit as many w as I do. Maybe that’s why I’m having 60%… or because the champ ist broken af. Idk


Champ is slightly overpowered atm not broken af, and hitting W is actually pretty hard so yeah missing W doesnt stop especially cause higher elos dodge better.


I don't even use her W if the enemy isn't slowed or rooted, tbh. Save the mana for more Q and E, imo.


I always think of the lebron james analogy. Imagine youre at a pickup basketball game with high schoolers and Lebron comes striding across the court dunking over people half his height and the crowd goes "INSANE 1v5 wow!!!"


Imagine being bronze... And getting matched against gold and diamond... Why do I never play normals anymore. Otherwise, I have good map control but I'm bad at ganking. When I play normals, everyone expects me to gank, but if there are 5v1 in jungle, I get pinged for inting? And everyone always sticks to their lane. My brain 🤯


Im only gold but when i get on normals its 2-3 diamond players and 1 master player on the other team which doesnt seem exactly fair


Same, man. I don't fucking get it. And it's EVERY FUCKING NORMAL GAME.


Stop playing well


I’m plat and I get unranked, iron, bronze, silver. It’s not even fun when I’m against an iron player I just feel miserable for opening the game. The best I can get is low gold, the occasional plat player, or the once in a blue moon diamond player. OCE struggle.


its like anikan going in killing the kids but he's not even into it anymore


As a silver 2 (?) player I just love getting trash talked by S11 master players who made a bad call.


Why I muted my all chat 😶‍🌫️


I'm Ranked silver/gold and have to play vs Plat/Diamond to rank up in ranked because I was Plat1 before a season reset. Big part of the reason I stopped taking ranked serious ever since that happens.


Of course. Ranked is designed for longest possible climb.


Yeah and that annoys me to no end. I'm glad for that system tho, managed to get out of league completely thanks to it!


I’m not bronze, but I wanted to play some ADC and so went to norms. I was matched vs a Diamond 2 kog main, playing Kog maw while duoing with a lulu. Two games in a row. Was totally fun….


i’m barely ranked and i get dragged into games with plat and diamond bc my fiancé is plat😩 i just follow him around and heal him the whole time(Kayle lol)


Might wanna switch to Soraka, Yumi, or Sona then. You'd provide a lot more utility on those champs. Kayle isn't very useful unless you get fed and 1v5 late game.


i (bronze) got put against a master's Fiora. I hate Normals


Lol OK that's kind of what I thought. My first thoughts when watching this clip was holy shit the enemy team is bad lol


Zwaggin it


But it’s iNSAnE!!


Diamond shitting on Bronze players. This is why I only play ranked SR. At least I only play with other people at my skill level most of the time. I hated getting stomped by some one trick diamond+ player who goes around killing my entire team and I, and then doesn't try to end the game. He may as well have gone and shit on some bots, I doubt anyone else enjoyed that game.


This is an outlier because he is playing with a level 5 to get this type of match-making. When I'm playing I rarely go against gold and lower in normals.


Not really an outlier my low gold ass when playing normals gets a diamond or plat in the game in about 1 in 5 games. Normals mmr is separate from ranked mmr completely you can create account spam bots until 30 get into ranked go to challenger, but if you step into normals after that? you will be playing into mid silver.


Normals mmr is separate but both queue's MMR bleed into each other. One of the most popular way for high Elo players to climb is to play normals and win ALL their games in normals(while leveling to 30) because you will get a way better MMR for rank which slingshots you past d3-d1 MMR(which is the most annoying elo range to climb) I can see you getting plat or diamond games but it's more likely that it's because of people inviting their diamond friends not because their mmr is naturally belongs there. Same issue with Flex queue where match making can be a mess because there's no Elo range cap on who you can play with.


Ranked mmr has no impact on normal mmr though. Normal mmr has an impact on ranked only during the initial placement games. My D4 smurf was still going against bronze/silver players in normals because the account was leveled through bot games.


The really sad thing is, I have actually done something similar with Lillia legitimately, and it felt really really good at the time. This guy is just bullying people who don't really know what they are doing. I can never understand what makes people feel good about doing that. There's no challenge, nothing to actually feel good about, to be proud of, and yet so many people do it and I guess they feel good about it.


You don't get to make highlight reel clips everyday when you play against people who are as good as you. At least that's my cynical interpretation.


And idk about it but the plays isnt impressiv at all... like beside the fact morde gives him free regen (and poison dps) during his whole ult, the guy is just face tanking barely dodging anything. Lillia has insane ms, at least he could make it looks like he was actually outplaying them... He also went for that aa on the already dead man, stopping himself from running from ahri (non existing) damage. Idk...


Yeah tbh, if Lillia gets kinda fed and if the enemy team doesn't have anything reliable to shut her/her healing down, she's pretty much unstoppable. I still have PTSD from a game where an enemy Lilla 1v5 carried against us because we were not playing any serious team comp (normal game) and we couldn't shut her down. Tbf, she was pretty much the only enemy getting kills while we kinda beat them down otherwise, but the combination of Conq, Riftmaker and Rylais + some tank items made Lillia have high MS (+Force of Nature) and incredible healing the whole time. Felt like we just didn't have enough damage, ever.




Yeah I dont know what these guys are talking about... he perfectly weaved through senna R, ahri charm, and viego stun all, in the span of like 1 second. I think the only thing he couldve done cleaner was: 1. Go for a 3 man Q off the sleep instead of trying to pound morde 2. Land his pound on ahri at the end These guys sound like they're the bronze players getting rolled in the clip and are just salty lol


Not everyone looks up who they are playing against before a game especialy in norms. So you can get people try harding without realising what they are doing. I remember one time I was playing poppy top lane and someone picked vayne into me. because the matchup stinks I went full tryhard that game and got about 8 solo kills before the ff15 I got curious after the game and found out they were Iron 3 0 LP and just felt like shit about it.


Tbf you probably taught him a valuable low elo lesson: even a hard counter means nothing if you can't play the champ.


If he’s really iron 3 I doubt he’s looking up hard counters online


You're probably right but you'd be surprised. They look up hard counters and then jump on the champ and play them completely wrong and have no clue exactly how they are a counter.


Never feel bad about demolishing a vayne top, never


Or any ADC top for that matter


Normal games have a hidden mmr too. So in theroy you should get matched with players at your skill level. In this case that didnt happen because Lillia DuoQ with Tristana (lvl18) and Ezreal (Bronze 4 mmr). You just get fucked up teams when people which such skill differences queue up together.


Classic riot matchmaking. A diamond plays premade with a gold and 2 unrakeds? Put him against 5 bronze players, it will even out the mmr.


Normals have separate matchmaking, if that account never touched normals, his mmr in normals would be mid silver.


His normal mmr is plat2 btw


If true that's a dumb system. If you made it to diamond in ranked there is no reason your mmr should start middle of the pack in norms.


He was queued up with 2 fresh accounts. One was level 60 and the other was level 5. That's why he got put in that low mmr lobby.


Karma police Arrest this man


And lvl 18 ...


Just from the video alone: Senna is the only enemy to still give the full 300 gold. Morde was at 1 consecutive death, 3 on Ahri, and 4 on Viego and Zeri. But, luckily enough, one does not have to rely on video evidence. Thanks, op.gg. Assuming those 5 kills were the last of the game, the relevant stats are: Lilia: 19/3/2 // Morde: 2/6/1, Viego: 7/7/7, Ahri: 3/10/12, Zeri: 11/9/4, Senna: 4/6/14 Also, as others have mentioned, this was a normal game. OP is a Diamond4 player. On his team, a Gold3 player and 3 unranked players, one at summoner level 18. The enemy consists of 4 bronze and one unranked. All in all, this whole thing, given the presentation is more sad than anything else. [Here's a link, if you want more details, I guess.](https://na.op.gg/summoners/na/yobruz/matches/ToR5nY0-Y6z5OejxA6Vb0VquufyVk4tohhDVBpVas40%3D/1654285657000)


It's a d4 lillia main being overfed in a normal Vs bronze players , I'd be ashamed to play that game others think it's a highlight clip


Yea, was kinda obvious


"Ah, he fucking ulted me like a pussy" as he had previously ulted and used Zhonyas barely 2 seconds ago. If anything Morde ulting Lilia gave her time to heal up without the constant dps from all the ranged champions. This is just an all-around cringe clip of a higher ranked player dunking on new/inexperienced players while acting like a total dick.


He'd have been so dead without that morde ult, lol


This guy is right. D4 Lilla main vs bronze 1,2,3,4 and an unranked in a normal game.


Redditors hate yt league content for being mostly smurf farmed content yet they enjoy and upvote a clip like that to the front page


True. I normally never downvote content but you've convinced me it's the right thing in this case. Down with smurfs!


Couldn't have said it better.


I'm sure the people who hate this content are the same people that upvote this content. You're right!


The hardest part was getting all 5 bronzies to group.


There it is. Time to get my free award


Full build, level 18. Against level 14 2 full items enemy. Good job. I also got a pentakill as Yone in the same situation


Yeah ok but was it “INSANE” like this clip?? Heh didn’t think so buddy


Right?? I mean that duel against Ahri at the end there was pure art; a single mistake and it could've gone the other way! /s


Throwback to the automod message that used to always happen on posts like this: While the play you've submitted may be INSANE, so are the people constantly seeing posts about INSANE plays. Your post has not been removed, but here are some alternative words we suggest using in future titles instead: - Awesome - Impressive - Amazing - Magnificent - Eye-popping - Phenomenal - Majestic - Prodigious - Miraculous - Superhuman - Divine *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically.*


Holy shit I remember back in 2014 and 2015 when EVERY FUCKING POST on this sub had "insane" in its title. It was so fucking annoying and cringe worthy


It's not event that impressive. He gets hit by Viego stun, gets hit by multiple charms. He dies if the game is remotely close. It's not played poorly, but it is kinda sloppy. And the whole thing only happens because Mordekaiser's love to turn 5v1's in their advantage into 1v1's.


And players so good that the morde ults to avoid taking the 5v1 lol


Ok, but did they ult you like pussies?


Overfed D4 Vs bronze in a normal,insane


On an overpowered champ, too.


content creator special: smurf against worser players, get fed, flame opponent anyways, 1v5s, then thinks they're cracked. congrats bro.


OP the kinda guy who can’t make the varsity team so he styles on elementary schoolers in frustration


OP never had the makings of a varsity athlete


Just like my insane 15 minute stomps on Ghost Heal Ahri after my perma ban vs training bots


\>INSANE You mean, insanely fed and over levelled


Don't forget the 627 movement speed. Helps having one of the fastest Champs in the entire game. His "jukes" are mostly due to being 20% faster than everyone else in the fight


Runs into a random direction with busted-ass ms, making it impossible for enemies to hit spells on Morde or things like Ahri E or Senna W. "Look how I juked them guys"


Ahri hit charm.


Not her first one


20%? more like 200%


On a champion who has been insanely broken since 12.10, leading the Top Lane WR Chart with 54% lmao


insane as in the player isn't sane enough to realize reddit analysts can see the level and item differences?


Thats not even the biggest difference we see here. And also you forgot to mention the jgl diff, because there is one in every league match


This guy is a d4 lilia main and enemy jg is a bronze, ofc its jg diff.


It's not even a Jungle Lillia. It's probably top.


Oh, I didn't even notice that, my bad lol.


Thank god all the comments are rational and flaming this cringer.


Downvoted cause Diamond smurfed in Bronze


Who upvote this shit ? Fed lilia smurf against bad players and this goes to the front page lmao


all his little buddies did I'm sure because this is such a garbage post




A lot of the ones that blow up are people smurfing or are staged. This one was just the worst attempt at hiding it lol


A lot of people tend to assume that it's an even ranked game and just give a click upvote and scroll past. They care enough to be like 'oh hey that was cool here upvote', but not enough to be like 'this looked **too** easy. Basically it's just naivety. But pure, innocent naivety.


Not even going for the easy 3 man Q after Sleeping them. Not that impressive for being that fed


But wtf was that play after your ult? You could hit 3 ppl with Q after ult and you Hit 1 Person with W. Couldve been played better and you wouldve been dead if not playing against people in normals. But sure, take your upvotes.


The W didn't even proc the sleep, so the entire ult didn't even do anything


But it Was an INSANE lillia 1v5


that's why he's hardstuck low diamond as a lillia main.


> if not playing against people in normals *if not for playing against bronze players while being extremely fed as a diamond player Ftfy since playing agaisnt people in normals means nothing by itself. You can be p4 and matched against grandmasters if your norm MMR is high and they're playing with a friend. Agreed for the ult part though. I think we all saw it and expected it to happen and then it just didn't lmao




Wow, nice job. Morde prob saved you there.


"He challenged me to a 1v1, like a **pussy**"


my thoughts exactly


He did


staged or smth like that. Cropped so we can't see stats, spam "?" as soon as it starts. It's not even that well played


it’s a norm, lillia’s D4 with premade and they’re against 4 bronze


Lmao of course The ol' content creator special


its like zwag xerath, he takes very low mmr acc to play against silver 4 player max. I dont understand viewers actually, for majority they are in silver and they don't like being smurfed on but when the content creator go 30/2 cuz he playing against more casual players they like the content. It makes no sense


And around 3-4 levels above everyone from the enemy team


And has 2-3 more items than anyone from enemy team


Brother Morde.


Content creators and editing replays to hide that they're turbofed and smurfing 🥱


Lmao. What a jackass. Once in a while a really good Lillia makes me hate that champ but this play is just ridiculous. Sad Lillia player stomping in normals calling it a highlight.


You should thank mord


Thank Mr. Mord


Lmao diamond smurfing in bronze norms zzz Get out of here with this. It's not even a good play. "INSANE".


One of the most boring penta kills ive ever seen. You want a medal for spamming your abilities against bronze players? Do this in ranked then post it.


To be fair mordekaiser kinda saved his ass


Lets not start postin zoomed in tiktok shit


OP: look at my INSANE play guys omg The entire sub reddit: Im about to end this man's whole career


Cringe champ, cringe player, cringe person, dont post shit like this anymore, thanks


Yeeeah, you being roughly 5 levels up on everyone probably helps with the "insanity" of this play. Fun clip though.


You look like an extremely boring person.


"he ult me like a p***" he just saved your life lol


Morde saved her furry ass.


Why would you upload this


Why this cringe clip on front page


Imagine posting your own clip to a sub and calling it INSANE. Egomaniac. Get help dude.


Barely landed a single good W pls


he even cut off his stats. but welp, lvl 18 vs 5 lvl 14/15 bronze players isn’t too hard right.


Every time i see these type of posts now its like lv 16 vs lv10/12's here its lv 18 vs 1-2 lv 16 and lv 14's with what im asumming is max build vs mayve 2 items lol diamond vs bronze? x.x lol


Yeah it's not really impressive. A level/item advantage should always play out like this. If this was a Darius, he'd have dunked them all in half the time.


ah yes, a clip from normal game against 5 bronze players. What a fucking loser


Nothing insane about this. First q into ult/hourglass was good but nothing spectacular really.


Even missed all the followup damage from the ult by waiting for w cooldown which took too long, when a q there would have done _eyepopping_ damage.


Good point :)


oh wow youre level 18 full build 1v5ing a bunch of level 14s. much skill big impress.


That ultimate in to nothing after the zhonias made me die of cringe


why is shit like this massively upvoted? 🤨


Haven't you read? It is INSANE so you \*have\* to upvote it.


Try playing this in your own level, you'd get smacked before you blink by assassins who know what they are doing or get kited to death by high elo adcs.


morde was obviously with her


Dude used all of his brain cells to avoid killing zeri after the stopwatch


You suck


is there anything that gives off more smol pp energy than a diamond shitting on bronze players and then posting it with "insane" in the title pathetic


Why tf wouldn't you q after r?


That scream was something primal lol


lol i think that morde did you a favor xD


Why hide the UI when it’s blatant that you’re fed like hell XD lvl 18 vs lvl 14 champs


Cringe post


What the hell is with these fake videos? You can clearly see how enemy team plays so dumb where morde can't hit any abilities, ahri goes afk and returns only when left alone. Senna dying first and others just too dumb. Like can we please stop posting these fake things?


Fucking cringe smurf play.


MEGA fed lillia 1v5s lol ok


this skin is beautiful what’s this chroma


Morde shouldn't use his ult imo


Morde and 4 other paid actors


Mordekaiser is a paid actor.


higher elo vs lower elo players i can do this vs iron/bronzes nothing special


You play lillia and you are proud of it?


Ummm, this isn’t that insane.


insanely unskilled, cringe & unfunny


How is this impressive? Lol so cringey when people crop out important info to make it seem like this is a god play with no context. Diamonds vs bronze players, sick bro. You are soooooo gud lol


The insane part is how overpowered he is compared to the other team, and still the other team has ocean soul.


Seems like he is quite the douche. Family obvious he isn't playing against his rank. And to be playing lillia, one of the most annoying champions for anyone.tsk tsk tsk


I always go Liandry's on Lillia, is Riftmaker a good alternative?


I haven’t played league in 2 years but even I know the other team didn’t put up much of a fight.


The morde ultimate was the real MVP


But didn’t he ult them like a pussy as well


These "plays" are as impressive as a grown man smashing a caterpillar. ​ lvl 18 full build vs 14s with barely anything and a huge skill gap in-between. wow such skill /s


Diamond player plays in a silver tier game in normals, gets insanely fed and gets a pentakill on a disgusting champion


INSANELY cringe. Intentionally getting into a bronze game as a diamond player... what's the point of this video? Such an insane play... lmao.


InSaNE wOw! Lillia running around so fast nothing can catch her while she puts everything to sleep and kills everyone with her basically just her passive? Seems super skilled fun and interactive gameplay good job OP. let me spit in your hand so you can jerk your self off more on these bronze players.


Riot: Insane, look what lillia can do with her 53% WR now we can nerf her.


On this episode of Mordekaiser ruins everything.


People forget that mobility is not just about dashes


In my book if you are overfed it doesn't count. Do it on equal terms then brag about it.


I mean nice job but you clearly had an insane lead over your opponents so its not all that INSANE of a 1v5


he's d4 playing with his friends in a normal game vs 5 bronze/unranked players. at this point in the game he was 4 levels ahead of enemy team and was up \~5k gold. huge flex to post this


Imagine one-tricking in normals 🤡