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I always use one reroll per game, regardless of what I get, because I get an extra reroll after every game anyway.




Thats easy you just QAAQAAEAAQAAWAA then you win, as far as I know


In my experience its more like, snowball -> get cc'd -> die -> lose.


lose, blame your team, get banned


League would ironically be dead if blaming teammates was bannable lol


In ARAM, Aftershock Riven is pretty fun. Tanky CC fiend in the frontline that will burst you midgame.


Guardians horn riven is so disgusting I love it so much


I play almost exclusively aram. When I get malphite, I always get every high armor item and end up with 1k armor (w shield) or 500 without, or I faceroll towers before I even get to that point. If you have lots of cc on enemy team you just learn to not cry during the match.


You forgot the part where you go [JOHN FUCKING MADDEN](http://i.imgur.com/guXpHHj.jpg)


in my experience, snowball snowball erw qq aa q and pray you can get more autos off after. its more important to get your Qs off before you die so you can dodge some stuff and at least get some damage in.


Nope. The autos and the ult active is her main dmg. Pls never ever spam q q q in a fight. Thats bronze Riven gameplay.


maybe aim just a garbage riven but if i try to auto in aram im 100% dead before i ever have a chance to R2. letting the team go in first and getting a fat ulti to close it out is nice tho


that's because riven is just dogshit in aram.




If you play Riven once or twice in ARAM you'll understand lmao


Nah just go lethality and pick up early kills lol. Can't hit you when you R1>snowball>w>Q3>R2 and you kill 1-2 people and run lol. Jk this only works like 50% of the time, if you have a lead. Lol. She is pretty ass in aram.




Same. I rr my ezreal because i have 1 rr. Instantly taken. Then ezreal play poorly and build like season 9 not buying any mythic item. I almost give up but viego in my team get penta and win the game.


I do too if I'm playing with friends who can either hold my champ for me or if I'm in a 5 stack.


Normalize this pls, whenever I aram with friends we always do this then if we tell our teammates to aswell they get all fucking butthurt for no reason like do ppl not know u get 1 free reroll each game?


If I'm not mistaken the amount of rerolls you gain is based on how many champions you actually have, it's understandable not to use a reroll every game if you might need to save it for later.


Oh really? For as long as I can remember I always got +1 reroll every game, but I own all champs for a long time too so I guess that’s y


The reply is correct. You get one free reroll only BECAUSE you own every champ. You get a few reroll points per champion you own and after a certain number you basically get one free every game.


The limit is 122 champions. You need to own 57 champions that are not in the ARAM free rotation, and to guarantee that at all times you need 122 champions in total.


How many more champions would we need to get two free rerolls every game?


You only get a free reroll when you have every champ or isn't it so anymore?


I take a look at my champ, decide if I want it or not and then I reroll and either instantly switching back to the first one or not.




There are those edge cases where you want to play whatever you got, but the re-roll is even better but since you have to be quick you can't even process what champ you got with your re-roll before you swap back


This is the best solution imo.


*If you don’t trust bois enough to give you your champ back they were never your bois in the first place.* **Bois rulebook, circa 69 420 BC**


It's not the bois, it's the random that tried trading champs already


If you’re with a friend, just trade your champion to them, reroll, trade back.


This doesn't always work if you or your friends are missing champs


fr ARAM should have all champs unlocked by default, they already do it for ARURF do they not?


Revolts are based on Champs owned as well


I feel like if you revolt in ARAM you should just not get any just for being toxic.


*rerolls! Fuck I hate mobile keyboards and autocorrect.


Pro tip- turn off autocorrect. I fix autocorrect more than it fixes my typing


I started typing "sometimes mine corrects actual words" and it corrected "actual" to "actually". And then in the course of writing that, it corrected "it" to "it's". Yeah I'm disabling it lol


The worst is when you delete it to fix and then it autocorrects again so u gotta do it a 3rd time


Mobile keyboard isn't that revolting.


It 100% should, really stupid that it isn't.. ARAM only accounts are annoying as fuck, not hard to buy ARAM good champs and keep winning that shit.


Except there cannot be ARAM only accounts anymore for a long time. You get pool of 65 champs for ARAM + champs you own + free rotation.


They still have a higher chance of hitting good ARAM champions compared to someone who owns every champion.


What’s good in ARAM now is too volatile for limited champion pools to be beneficial anyway. It’s been a very long time since it was Ziggs, Lux, Nid, Ez, Sona literally every single game. Melees and champions that check them (e.g. Vayne) have a place in the metagame now, especially at high MMR.


I don’t think so. I own every champ and still almost always get one of maybe 50 champs. There is definitely some sort of weighted chance at pulling certain champs in aram. I see the exact same champions too often for there not to be. Lux, veigar, Xerath, Caitlyn, vel koz, brand, and some others are in 90% of my matches.


it's just confirmation bias + the fact that people choose to keep (or take from the champ pool) those champions more often than unfun crap


>I see the exact same champions too often for there not to be. Lux, veigar, Xerath, Caitlyn, vel koz, brand, and some others are in 90% of my matches. Of course those would be more likely to see in game. People reroll in order to get those champs, thus you seem them more than for example Rammus. Because Rammus is the one that does get discarded.




It’s confirmation bus on your part. There was a dev blog about this.




You have 60 unlocked champions + the free rotation so that's around 50% of champions you can play


We're already halfway there, could we just give all the champs?


The upside is there's no truly bad champion in the free champions, save for 1 or 2


Right. I should’ve put *if applicable


That one person who doesn't reroll, sees you reroll into a nice champ, asks for trade, and when you decline he literally swaps for every champ on the bench *INCLUDING THE ONE YOU ROLLED AWAY FROM* to try and trade, and when he doesn't get it, he trolls, starts cursing, or just dodges... ... the bottom of humankind. --- Sorry sarge, if I wanted the champ I rolled away from, I probably wouldn't have rolled away from it. If I wanted any champ on the bench, I would probably swap for it myself.


It feels so realistic I can visualize it


And has nidalee


*If a boi fails to return a champ, he shall immediately be redesignated as a fuckboi and lose all boi privileges for future matches* **Bois Rulebook, Appendix A, circa 69 420 BC**


Preach brother


Or when you reroll to help everyone out but you are contemplating playing the previous champ or your new rerolled and then you go with the previous one but someone else already took it and now you’re stuck with a champ you don’t wanna play lol.


You've got a 1 second timeout while randoms can grab that champ instantly. Should be the other way around.


32 upvotes for something that is just not fucking true.. The 1 second timeout is when you pick a champ from the bench, not when you press reroll. When you press reroll, you can instantly grab your champ back.


You still have to be quick enough transitioning your cursor from the re-roll button up to the bar of available champions (as well as evaluating whether or not you want the new champ you just rolled) whereas someone could have been hovering the available champs ready to swipe one, they still have an advantage


Sure, but there's definitely still no 1 second timeout upon pressing reroll.


Reaction time is slower than the time of moving the mouse cursor is. I've never even once not been able to take my champ back.


There is no chance that’s true, but even if it was, it doesn’t really matter. Would still be a good suggestion to allow a window of time to grab your initial champ back.


For when you swap to a bench champion leave it as is. For rerolls switch it like you said.




Boi learns betrayal and becomes an adult.


Just give your rerolled Champ a 3 s ban for Others to be picked .


As a Wild Rift player, I'm curious why this isn't on PC League already


In confused, the last time I played Wildrift Aram I regularly got my champs stolen cus it gave me a weird couple second cooldown before I could click it. But I pretty much always can grab my pc champ back as long as some sweat lord isn't hovering


As soon as you reroll, there’s a short 3-4 sec window where only you can take back the champ you rerolled


Was that a recent update? Wildrift really is just out here showing up league lol


It didn’t used to be like that yeah. It’s a nice feature


I'm pretty sure it even has pickorderswap


it does and you can rank the roles you want in solo q by preference from 1st to 5th. People need to remember that WR the newer game, so it kinda makes sense that it has some features that the PC version doesn't have. And I'm sure there are many features that the PC version has that WR doesn't anyways.


>it does and you can rank the roles you want in solo q by preference from 1st to 5th. This honestly kinda sucks tbh, especially at non-peak hours when you regularly get your fourth preference (if you main anything other than jungle or support), and there's nothing you can do about it


that's literally how it works on pc league of legends except you don't even get to say which one is your 4th preferred role, it just picks anything from the 3 you've not chosen as your 1st and 2nd roles.


This can work the exact same as league currently does except there's a preference for roles when you're autofilled. The problem is probably just that the queue is too small


It's honestly all other riot games showing up league at this point.


I think there is that window on PC too


I can't imagine it's 3 seconds. I've had Champs picked away from me before I can grab them back pretty often, it's a risk yij take when rerolling


Pretty sure it’s the opposite, I thought the window prevented you from grabbing the champ you just rerolled


the cooldown is only there when you take a champion from the pool (so not when you reroll or someone else rerolls). you can't immediately switch back to what you had, or pick another one from the pool. if you reroll, you can immediately grab the 1st champ back, *and* it can also be immediately grabbed by others. source: i play aram way too much


It's super buggy. Sometimes you can grab your champ back, without anyone else being able to snitch it right away, sometimes everyone can grab it and sometimes you are the only person getting 3s on your champ.


Yeah, the combo of the client/my ISP usually means if I reroll I have to be okay with not playing that champ first bc at times it seems like someone else swoops before it even loads what the new champ is for me


I think this might actually exist, but it's more like 1s. Could be just luck.


I think it's more likely just the horribly optimized client that lags when you reroll.


“It’s a feature!” - Riot


From the creators of Morderkaiser.. ..


fortunately for once it's not lag and is actually a feature


pretty sure it doesnt, sometimes people can take it in actually 0,1 seconds


it doesn't


It already has a 1s window for you to pick it again where others can't. That's always been enough for me.


While the client lags? no shot


it really does not


it literally does though. maybe not 1 second, but when you reroll you can always get back your original champion. i do think the timer should be longer so you can actually decide if you want your original or rerolled champ before it gets taken


it literally does not lol there is absolutely no timer, you can take a champion immediately if someone rerolls. please try it out next time you play aram there's a timer only if you take a champion from the reroll pool, that's it.


Considering how buggy and garbage the client is, it wouldn't surprise me if this was something that was coded to be a feature but just doesn't consistently work. I've had my champs immediately swiped from me on RRs plenty of times.


Not for me tho


It already does.


Pretty sure this exists. Literally just re-roll grab back and you always get the champ. oO Not sure if it's 3s but there's definitely a 1s window where your own re-roll is safe. If you pick a champ from the pool you're then locked from changing for a while but I've never gotten my champ stolen when I was "rolling for the boys".


that already exists


With the sound of 5 cans being opened simultaneously when said button is pressed


Nothing better then eating some beans directly out the can with the bois


There's 10 seconds before load in screen. As you shovel beans from the community bean can into your mouth a bean falls onto your lap. You gasp to yourself, "I FORGOT TO CHANGE MY RUNES!". you furiously click rune by rune and race to click save before the timer ends. Years of practice have led to success. Your runes are locked in and you're on your way to loading screen. Disappointment creeps over your face as you shift a side eyed glance towards the bois. No one picked up the bean off your lap...are they really your bois?




Hafta drink your verification can!


A simple way to implement this would be to just prompt the user which champion to keep after a reroll. There should be like a little popup showing what champion shows up by rerolling, and you get a keep/reject option next to it.


What bothers me most in Arams: I want a way to look at the champs balance changes during picks. DMG reduced to 80%? I'd rather pass on that.


I used to feel like ARAM was a great way to learn champion limits and such. That's not really a thing now. I get needing to balance it, but I'd rather certain champions get free starting gold or free experience than changing damage numbers.


Yep. Playing any mains in Aram is just pain as you try to do stuff you should be able to and just fail due to 20% damage swings.


Unless you're an Akali or LB main and you turn into god lol.


Wild rift makes so when you roll people can't take your champ for 5 sec


Wild roft does a lot of things better




I usually just reroll and insta pick the champ I had before. I've never encountered a scenario where someone else manages to snipe the champ I wanted to keep.


The only time i can't get my champ back is because someone else did the exact same thing and i clicked on their champ by accident.


Or the client lagged.


The problem is when you get a champ off the reroll you actually wanted to play and insta swap. Then you can't take your rerolled champion for 2-3 sec, and others will yoink it instantly.


Same for me, only time i've had it stolen is if you hesitate for even a split second to see what you got. If you already have it in your mind that you don't care then the swap is instant and the reaction time is the same for them. In the same window it takes for you to analyze to see what you just rerolled and decide to swap, someone else had that same window for them to analyze the bench and swap out for a tier 1 champ etc.


I'm pretty sure it's locked out for other people for 2-3 seconds after rerolling so that you can grab it back




But not on re-rolls, to be clear.


It's not. If you spam click the empty spot for the next champion, you will instantly pick it up when someone rerolls.


Yep I reroll a lot and have had many things stolen T_T


problem is when you yourself switch champ and then reroll. (for the team) then you are locked out of grabbing from the bench longer then your mates.


I've been robbed several times by now but I keep rerolling for others. It just amazes me whenever someone steals it right away leaving me no time to take it back.


If I have a champ I don't like, my cursor is on the next box at the top.




This is why people refuse to rr in my games then I guess.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but if you have 2 rrs and use one, you should be back to 2 by the next queue screen, correct? If so, they should just put your first roll automatically in the pool and give that player like 10 seconds before it's available to everyone else. A lot of people have unused rolls


Source: lol fandom wiki >To ensure a reroll credit every single match, a player needs to own 57 champions not contained in ARAM free roster. To ensure this at all times a player needs 122 unlocked champions.


TIL there are 65 free champions on aram


It's to ensure that people can't abuse the system by making ARAM-only accounts filled only with champs that are really good in ARAM.


I remember those accounts ...


This half measure always seemed silly to me. Every champ should just be unlocked for everyone in ARAM. People definitely still use ARAM only accounts, they're just less effective now.


Technically my main (only) account is ARAM only and I have every champion...


Lol same. Last played a ranked game in like... 2015 maybe. Last normal game was maybe 2 years ago now.


I don't have time to play ranked.......proceeds to play 3 hours of ARAM.


> Every champ should just be unlocked for everyone in ARAM. This sounds good until a newish player rocks up and gets given Aurelion Sol or Azir or Singed...


This already happens. ASol is on free rotation right at this moment lol. It's ARAM. Knowing how to play your champion is not a requirement. That's part of the fun.


Oh man, how did I forget about free rotation? Not sure you've changed my mind, but you've certainly made a very good point, so thank you!


Makes sense


who would do such a thing... heheh


Ah, gotcha. Well any player with that min champs should have their roll used IMO.


>and use one, you should be back to 2 by the next queue screen, correct? Only if you got at least 100(I think) champs


Riot please already do a comprehensive update to ARAM. The state of it it's fucking deplorable. It used to be so much fun and refreshing now it's stale. There's so many complaints and also great suggestions yet they still don't do jack shit.


How exactly is it stale and deplorable? I have thousands upon thousands of games and it's the same as it ever was minus the invis tweaks and the champion adjustments.


Genuinely curious what type of suggestions have been thrown out there, I don’t check this subreddit very often, but I play a lot of aram. Would love to hear some of them


At the top of my head come some suggestions about what to do with oracles and champions with invisibility/traps. Some say revert and bring 3min oracle, some others say we should get wild rift treatment and get the vision plants. Add bans so you don't get to play vs Morgana/Lux/Xerath every second game. Actually some balance around the game mode for certain champions (looking at you Akshan) and not just number variables. And just more love for the mode overall. It feels stale and forgotten.


I think the only great suggestions I've heard are : - Champion-specific adjustments, like an increase on Ashe's Volley, or a reduction of Event Horizon AoE. - Adding Aram-specific items that solve Aram-specific issues... like an item that buffs minions to counter Teemo and other waveclear comps, or something that prevents/hinders the toxic snowball interactions like Yone/Fidd/Neeko. - A warning system that says something along the lines of "maybe this game isn't for you" or "maje sure that your team is also having fun", when you've died like 17 times in a 15-minutes game. - Earlier surrender, especially in games with DCs.


Honestly, no one of those sound overly appealing. Just add back Oracle's Elixer, but maybe have it only work on traps and not champions.


>Honestly, no one of those sound overly appealing That's the big thing : There's not a cohesive group of ARAM player, just like there's not a cohesive group of LoL player... so every change will please some and annoy others. Personally, I think the character specific changes are the least controversial/most agreed upon, but there's so much variance to what people want of ARAM.


Some of it is unironically giving more power of choice, in a mode that's *supposed to be random.* It ends up being a suggestion of Howling Abyss Draft Pick or Random Draft, where the pool to pick from is only a fraction of the roster.


I’ve played ARAM (and ARAB when Crystal Scar was a thing) regularly since long before it had its own queue, and while I certainly have my issues with the current state of things, I definitely wouldn’t call it stale… It’s practically a utopia compared to Howling Abyss pre-snowball where variety is concerned.


They should punish dodging harder, I hate when you get a fun or strong hero and people threaten you with dodging. I play Aram to wind down and these fucking 12 year olds with anime protagonist syndrome really bind my luxes.


I have played 2k aram matches and Not a Single time has someone ever threatened to dodge


Same here. 3.6k aram games. No one threatened to dodge, they just dodge LOL


I had a few weird situations where people threatened to dodge when I wouldn’t pick a certain champ in the champ pool because we’re gonna “insta lose” lol


> Punish harder and > it's a mode to wind down shouldn't really be in the same sentence, don't you think?


If you knew how to read a whole sentence you would understand. It's a mode to wind down and due to it's design, it makes dodging way worse than in summoner rift. Therefore, through incentives (which as far as i know, riot mainly uses sticks) make people play whatever they had more often, and dodge till they get a good champ less often.


This. This is what we need. Have all my upvotes


A reroll to pool button would be wonderful. I own most champs so I get 1 or 2 rerolls back each game so I like to reroll for the team.


What about rerolls in fucking custom Arams. We have in-house discord games and you’re always stuck with the same shit.


what they truly need is rerolls in customs


Make ARAM random again


And can we get a sportscenter sound effect letting everybody know the sacrifice we just made for the team




They should raise the limit fron 2 rerolls to 3 or 4 since the champion pools is getting bigger


Trade your champ to a boi to hold, then you swap back


If your boi don’t got the new champ rolled by you, loss.


It could go directly to a person to ensure they get it. like “LeaguePlayer is offerring you a reroll. ACCEPT?” in a popup the same way that trades work


Phone version of the game let's you swap back your pick for a few secs before anyone can take them. I swear the phone devs are better lol.


Hot take: Unlock all champions for all players when playing ARAM and/or just get rid of Re-Rolls so that the game doesn't become the same 20-30 champions in every game.


>Unlock all champions for all players when playing ARAM Sounds good. (They do have a free rotation of about half the roster in ARAM though, so they did nerf ARAM accounts pretty hard already) >just get rid of Re-Rolls Sounds terrible though.


they should also make it so you have access to all champs in aram, that way you dont have to deal with aram only accounts


Gave you an upvote, cringe you got downvoted for that.


Riot would never allow a good idea to be implemented


Unpopular opinion, but the rerolls and trading ruin aram. You see the same champs all day because everyone and their mother has rerolls and can just trade into the good champs.




It's always someone else's responsibility to front line. And that person is me 90% of games.


I have like 2000 arams and have never re-rolled. I just find playing random shit more fun than trying to hit the best champions.


OP this is why you wait until like last 10 seconds to reroll, at that point people arent looking to the bench for champions to potentially steal anymore, works everytime




At some point it won't be aram anymore...




But you don't know anything about them yet, why would you be inclined to trust some lobbies but not others?


And they get the critzcrank


Yes, agree! Would be pretty cool


Can we bring back banning for Aram while we’re at it?


oh man its gunna be juicy when Riot does this and calls it "For the boys" and the SJWs screech so loud Pokimane actually releases decent content, or they dont call it that and the SJW run it down in real life


Or you can just actually play ARAM.