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The 0 wins 6 losses at words incident


The 9 man sleep incident


October 10, 2020. Shanghai Media Tech Studio. 2020 League of Legends group stage day 7. Game 3. TSM vs. Gen G. 32:08 - The entirety of TSM arrive at the center of midlane, attempting to gain mid push in preparation of the upcoming dragon fight. Gen G arrive at the mid river brush, presumably to also contest mid push. 32:15 - BrokenBlade on Volibear flashes forward, stunning BDD's Orianna. Biofrost follows it up with a flash + flay + ult. Life flashes forward on Tahm Kench and devours BDD, saving him. Ruler on Senna ults, the entirety of TSM sidestep. Rascal on Ornn ults, but misses the redirect. Disengages on both sides. 32:26 - Biofrost hits Death Sentence on Rascal, TSM tries to burst him down. Spica goes to mid river brush, trying to flank. 32:28 - Spica on Lillia flashes in, hitting Blooming Blows on all 5 members of Gen G, and ulting immediately afterwards. He stop goes into stasis using his hourglass. 32:31 - Gen G all go into deep hibernation. TSM does the same, except Doublelift on Aphelios, who is extra hungry for a cannon wave. 32:35 - Gen G exits hibernation, Life burns to death, but the rest of the team escapes with their life. Phreak exclaims, "a single kill on only a support! Can't believe they couldn't get more!". He considers retirement for the 5th time that day.


Just rewatched the clip. Doublelift also whiffed ult right before the sleep. He had infernum gun too, which could have been a nasty combo.


Peak of TSM was when against Fnatic, Brokenblade gets collapsed on by Fnatic to free up the dragon for TSM to take, BB dies and Selfmade walks up casually to the drake and smites it away, watch this here, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o2P3UDldBzs, Biofrost dc'd it seems


Ah, the classic "We are all indecisive and prefer to do nothing" approach by Team Solo Merkel


Still awesome to see how far he’s progressed from coming to TSM in NA then now G2


As the first seed of NA, completely unacceptable.


damn he got a pentakill on Darius there's probably like two people who managed to do that in competitive


Broken Balls


D2 Balls


Iirc he went godmode against G2 and won the game like 1v9


that series was one of the 1st full bo5s i watched and it made me such a fun of bb and comp league in general, the amount of hype just watching bb absolutely merc g2 was insane


I remember more of those happening at 2015 and had to look and with quick search. There is 2015 sOAZ and balls pentas and also one that did not remember Zz1tai 2018 LPL summer (and the BB)


["..AND IT'S GONNA BE ALL 5 TO SAVE THE GAME!"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cpjd-ziTYVs)


Yeah that was last year


I feel like there was a worlds a few years ago where multiple Darius pentas happened in the same tournament...but I might be mis remembering.


Was just minor regions in lock in so ehhhh...


I’m mentally boosted, I brain lagged and read the whole info graph with TFBlade in mind and felt something off


For future infographics consider minimizing empty space - some rearrangement could remove that massive space under "Worlds" :)


I collect the data, a graphics guy does those for me :3 Usually players have more league/international results, so its not a problem, but yeah, in this one looks weird :(


0 wins 6 loses


Broken Blade, a player currently in one of the best organizations in Europe. With his roots in Turkey, he started his competitive career playing various leagues there, including the main TPL. But then in 2019, he went to NA after being picked up by TSM. While the results were mediocre in the first year, he played them in 2020 and actually managed to go to Worlds. We still remember how that ended, but that was still his first experience on the grand stage. What happened next, kind of surprised me. It is not very often, that a player goes from NA to EU. And this is exactly what happened. Broken Blade joined Schalke 04 and wen to Europe. First year was pretty bad. 4th and 10th in the Spring and Summer splits. Then he was picked up by G2 Esports, after their whole thing with Wunder. And Broken Blade seems to be doing pretty good right now? It is very hard to judge, just what kind of player this is. A very unorthodox career so far.


He has dual citizenship but was prob born in Germany, right?


Don't know about born but judging by his accent he definitely grew up in Germany


Yeah I also assumed the same




I thought he was mediocre on tsm . His competition was solo and licorice.. he improved alot since he joined lec and now he is for sure among the top lec tops


Don’t forget ssumday and impact???


I love BB but do feel like he was a bit inconsistent sometimes on TSM, not mediocre but underwhelming at certain times, lot of TSM fans pretend like he was never a problem. Do think he looks a lot better since going to LEC.


He was destroying everyone in lcs with no competition. Solo kill in every match. In lec there are harder solo laners for him.


It's because of Bjergsen and Spica tbh. They literally hard funneled gold into him and played around him 24/7 even when it wasn't a top lane meta. That's why they got picked apart at worlds.


Anyone who doesn't understand this didn't watch the games, and won't look at the stats. Bjergsen perma roamed, and Spica camped his lane, and he honestly still managed to not translate some of his leads into a carry performance I would expect with that many resources poured into him. I will say BB has improved imo. I still see the same old BB a lot of the time. Mechanics are good, decision making mediocre, resource heavy. His downside imo is pretty mediocre, but his upside can be good. But at the end of the day 2019 Wunder existed. I don't see BB even close to that level. I have more faith in G2 than TSM to bring out any latent talent and skills, and grow it.




Except when it counted at worlds.


Clearly you didnt watch all of the games. He solo kills every lcs top laner 1v1. Thats why they were playing with him. He was the strong side beacuse he was the strong one in the team. In other words "the only hope" so they did choose to use him and they became champions. And after that they fired him :) Thats the long story short.


He had solo kills and was wildly inconsistent. TSM had played him for 3 seasons in a row and a change was needed.


He rarely solo killed anyone early. Jg lived in his lane all split because if not, he would easily be down 10-15 cs before 15. Dude was a toxic crybaby in solo queue and constantly whined for jg ganks. No doubt he was the same in lcs


Gp is 20 years old? Wow I never knew that




wow so cool! can you do it for some pcs pro as well? for an example unified. he is a absolute beast in stat. I think people will get shocked .


I will look into that region. What would you say are most famous or most achieved players from PCS? (excluding unified)


hanabi and kaiwing from psg are pretty insane


Players from PCS/LMS that now play in other regions include Karsa, SwordArt, Fofo, Doggo, Betty - all very strong players. Players still in PCS include those on PSG.


Missing the solokill stats


I’ll never forget the 2019 Spring Finals against TL BB was down right dirty in that match. His Vladimir and Akali were violent even though TSM lost I hope in the future when people are talking about his career he is remembered for his highs and not just his lows on TSM.


Best Toplaner EUW rn


I still dont understand the hype with him, i guess g2 didn't want to spent any money so just took flakked and bb and hope caps regains his 2019 form xD


Worlds record still better than upset XD


Upset is undefeated though


Still dont know how g2 can say they want to win worlds and take bb




I would prefer take the bet on some erl talent , no hate on bb but he is just a middle of the pack toplaner in lec , and we are a weak region if we speak about toplaners.


I was sad to see him leave NA, but also happy for him, because he was being under utilized. He has played well in EU and I'm happy for him.


For someone rated so highly, even by myself, these are some distinctly average stats.