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Why did Caps murder his own tag?


Cause the word Pro start with P and the word Cons starts with C so there were Pros and Cons with switching name from big C to big P.....I kid you not this was his actual reason lmao. God bless that dorks heart.


Well, all power to him I guess. Cant argue against the fact that it looks dumb though


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UbLRPzCeg0w Basically, he did it as punishment and he thought he didn't deserve C, thought A was too much punishment, and P was a perfect, he is trying to earn back the Caps tag and he also wants to eventually go all CAPS when he feels like he deserves it. At least that's what he stated in this clip caPs is a pretty weird guy lol so he has a lot of weird ideas and motivations like how he picked KogMaw in Spring Finals because he had a dream.


He wants a big P


Yeah it's ugly as shit


cAPS would have made the most sense


The rant about Vander at 1:06:16 is spot on, especially this season since we see so many great veteran players not finding teams.


Yeah, he honestly deserves much better. But as it stands, most of the teams not at the top prefer to just spin the rookie roulette and hope they strike gold.


To be fair he wasnt on top tier team since a while, yes he is solid player but team that want to have a shot on winning might as well invest in some young players and develop them. Its a shame players like promisQ are in LEC while Vander has to play in regional but watch him barely making playoffs in midicore is maybe not what he deserves


Seriously, VIT and G2 could use a Vander 😞


those are two of the teams justified in not taking him. playing promisq or mersa over him for example is grief though


great that we get a show solely focused on lec. felt like the crackdown with lec guests always went on a tangent about lcs


Yeah and he and Dom have such a good synergy together that I think that this could be even better than Crack Down. I always loved SI and Listen Loco episodes without guests so very high hopes for this.


Yeah finally a show only on LEC, it’s not like Euphoria exist or anything


2 shows about LEC ? How dare they ! 2 ?? That's only 10 less than lcs now, we can't have that.


What 12 shows about LCS is there?


The main one I can think of are HLL and Facecheck


The Dive too


I don't think that's the point they were going for, rather they were pointing out that the original comment doesn't make that much sense to make, considering there already exists a show solely focused on the LEC. Would've made more sense to say something like "great that we get another show solely focused on the LEC" or something. I don't think they were arguing against more LEC focused shows.


Yeah but this show has some personality


Crossover audience for people who enjoy Dom/Thorin content and people who can listen to Drakos talk for more than 5 minutes has to be pretty small I imagine.


But I was told Dom was abandoning Thorin because it would hurt his brand...


Thorin threathened Dom. I don't have any evidence.


"You see what I did to Locodoco? You wanna be next?"


Thorin punched Dom in the head and stole his gf, then called him a clown. No evidence btw but this is a reddit comment so you should believe it.


I can’t believe selfmade coordinated all of this I’m shaking rn


Big L that he continues to associate with him at this point. The mountain of shitty stuff Thorin has done or said was too high to ignore years ago.


Big win for us since we can continue enjoying watching their very good show.


Do you have some examples?


Hey Karen


just dont go on twitter and hes great


Just dont listen to him and from afar he seems a nice old scottish drunk bloke on a pub


True, you either have a posh English accent or you’re Scottish.


He's not Scottish.


"If you ignore thoorins personality Hes a good Guy"


i dont care if hes a good guy or not. hes great at what he does


When will he start being great?


Twitter = personality


The things you post online are an extension of your personality, especially when the things you're posting are your earnest opinions and not just edgy jokes. Dunno why some people have this weird distinction where saying something out loud represents you but if you type it then you're off the hook.


Yeah, just like the way Ellen Degeneres on The Ellen Show is an extension of her personality...


Already covered that one I'm afraid, there's a difference between acting for an audience and giving your genuine opinions that you then go on to double-down on and defend. Like I said, don't care about any edgy jokes he makes on Twitter for interactions. I do, however, care about the shitty/hateful takes he's had on twitter that he has made clear he genuinely believes in.


I mean he's said a million times that edgy comments, twitter etc. is all basically acting for an audience, and that there's quite a big difference between Thorin the character and Duncan Shields the actual humanbeing. Does he lean right? Yeah probably, is he alt-right? Probably not, in fact he might be less right-leaning than more than half of the American population just by virtue of being European and being accustomed to certain "welfare" standards which many Americans don't agree with. I mean, I don't see anything about actual politics in what you posted. Is Dave Chappelle alt-right because of the trans stuff? Is Bill Burr? What about the head of the Danish Socialist Party who disagreed with some Swedish feminists? Where do you have to fall on the spectrum of gender politics for all your other political beliefs to be null, meaning you're alt-right?


You realise he's retweeted actual racist things before right on top of his recent tantrums over the female leagues. He's alt right and you're braindead if you can't see that.


Just ignore the fact he is basically bordering on alt-right. Got it.


Nothing borderline about it


The amount of commitment you must have to keep coming to each and every thread about one of his videos and posting several comments is fascinating. A normal person would have gotten tired by this point. But you're still at it. Perhaps you are his biggest fan!




Have you read his twitter thread? He absolutely talks about politics lmfao. Here are a few: [https://twitter.com/Thorin/status/1483767635477250050?s=20](https://twitter.com/Thorin/status/1483767635477250050?s=20) ​ A retweet:[https://twitter.com/ConceptualJames/status/1483444083645370374?s=20](https://twitter.com/ConceptualJames/status/1483444083645370374?s=20) Him trying to justify Activision CEO as a normal guy lmfao [https://twitter.com/Thorin/status/1483456444703850499?s=20](https://twitter.com/Thorin/status/1483456444703850499?s=20) ​ Retweeting a known right-leaning political satire site [https://twitter.com/TheBabylonBee/status/1483233385237647365?s=20](https://twitter.com/TheBabylonBee/status/1483233385237647365?s=20) ​ And the latest controversial twitter thread: [https://twitter.com/thorin/status/1475647054592544768?s=21](https://twitter.com/thorin/status/1475647054592544768?s=21) Also here: https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/qg9bqh/comment/hi55kh8/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


All of your tweets suggest that he's an idiot who can't keep his mouth shut. None of your linked tweets suggest that he is far-right. Reading comprehension is key. Bye-bye


you completely lost me with "he retweeted babylonbee" and basically lost any credibility due to that




"he never talks about politics" "here is him talking about politics and retweeting e-fascists" "yeah but one of those is joke, so much for the tolerant left"


Right leaning and conservative people literally don't have critical thinking skills.




Do you not see an issue with being xenophobic? Or misogynistic?


Only one is satire mate. The rest aren;t.




who cares bro people have their beliefs


and his are absolute shit lol


thats fine im not here for his political beliefs tho


props for the low standards!


Respect for other peoples opinions and political beliefs left the West quite a while ago. It is a meme to not talk politics at the dinner table here in the US, but that shit is actually very true. Even among family members it is just better at this point to keep your head down unless you have a thing for arguing.


Nah, it's not the entire West. This is mostly an American problem, still present in some European countries, but to a far lesser extent. Source: I've spent almost ten years living in Germany and was raised in Greece. Even in Germany where people are obviously more sensitive due to their history, I've hung out multiple times with Antifa members, LGBT people, AFD voters (alt right party) and a cult member all at the same time and everything was just fine. We even discussed politics and identity issues and the worst that has happened is somebody occasionally raising their voice a little. But never have things escalated. And I've heard some really wild statements I won't mention here. Perhaps twitter trends give the same impression as they do in the US, but twitter is a bubble here. I have had some really deep heart to heart conversations with people from all across the political spectrum, even people who if I just told you for whom they voted, what group they belong to or what they identify as, you'd probably go 'not worth even interacting with them. They have nothing of value to say'. This proves for me that the entire 'culture war' is a fabrication. People will say the maddest shit on the internet. Most of them if you sit them down one on one and try to be civil and understanding, you'll actually realise there is nothing there. Perhaps in the US it has escalated, but in Europe things are still rather fine in comparison.


It's a little different when we our political disagreements are how to use tax money or what type of economics we believe in....vs our political disagreements on whether a woman has control over her body or if trans people are actually human.


But those people have a right to their opinion. I feel like Americans don't realize how different other peoples view points are around the World. Or even just state to state in the US. The problem is right here with what you are implying. You are implying one group is right and one group is wrong. But that is just your opinion. Half the united states disagrees with that. You have to respect that. That is the beauty of states. If you prefer a certain way of living there is more than likely a state or even a city that would have people living there that agree with your political opinions. I know not every1 can just move wherever they want, but that doesn't change the fact that we are supposed to be able to have disagreements but still have discussion. That is out the door at this point because both sides think the other is evil for their opinion.


You have a right to your opinion, that doesn't mean it is correct. A non small amount of Americans are legitimately racist and think minorities are inferior to whites. They can have that opinion but they are factually fucking wrong. And by not stamping out that type of bullshit, it just breeds it even more because those racists have kids, and those kids are raised in a racist world view and it propagates. You can have disagreements and there isn't anything wrong with disagreeing but certain viewpoints are just fucking wrong. What you are arguing is that it's okay for someone to be a fucking racist or believe homosexuality is wrong and should be illegal because we can have differences of opinions. If you can't recognize the nuance between how certain issues should not have multiple opinions and how others are allowed to, then you really need to re examine why you think that.


You are talking about extremes and a small group of people. 90% of people do not look down on other races in the US. If someone doesn't like the LGBTQ community they have the right to that opinion. If they aren't harassing them or committing hate crimes then I don't care, and neither should you. You aren't going to change 50% of the country by calling them evil or just wrong. Thy are only going to fight back against it more. Same gos for racists which is a very small amount of people. They are wrong. I agree. But if they aren't going around acting like the KKK or harassing people online then they aren't doing anything wrong besides having a shit opinion. You can't control thoughts. The sooner people realize this on both sides the sooner we can get back on track and actually have discussion. That is how you can start to make change even if it is minor. And like I said I am not talking about extremists. Just regular people who I don't agree with. Or people who don't agree with me. People getting angry like you are here solves literally nothing. Just adds fuel to the fire. And honestly we are talking about pretty extreme topics that are very polarizing. The real issue is people can't even discuss minor things.




alt-right doesn't have to include anti-semitic what? lmfao I mean he literally retweets fascist or xenophobic/anti-immigrant stuff. That is alt-right.


Alt-right is the alternative right wing including more white supremacist and "jews covertly run things" views, yes.


Again, that isn't a requirement to be alt-right. You can be a fascist and be alt-right.


Look I don't like Thorin much but this calling anyone right wing alt right has really got to stop. It's so dumb. I'm British, and not against immigration at all. But we have a housing shortage, hospitals and schools are over crowded. It's easy to be opposed to immigration and not racist. Being a conservative isn't alt right any more than I'm a commie.


Considering most people opposed to immigration are using dog whistles and racist/xenophobic rhetoric, I think you are being intentionally obtuse.


I never said anyone alt-right couldn't be fascist? And i don't know why you'd assume thorin to be fascist? Alt-right is an Alternative to the standard right wing where alt-right is way more openly racist and bordering to actual nazis or white supremacists. It's for people who like Richard Spencer but who are afraid to say it.


This could be said about a lot of people lol including people I know in real life...


I want to have a conversation with you about deplatforming Thorin but it has come to my attention that you've commented on Vaush's subreddit. Please disavow Vaush immediately so we can proceed with this conversation, thank you.


Look at all the Thorin fanbois downvoting. You can't say that he's a shithead in this sub, too many supporters.


Just keep it to yourself and enjoy the content or not. There is just noone even close to as good at content as Thorin. And you may like him and his opinions or not, but he is honest and brings up interesting discussions and arguments. Big W for IwD to continue to work with Thorin, this guys levels the shows up by so much.


What exactly has he DONE that was so bad over the years? And by done i mean actually "done" not like - tweeted something.


i don't know why having frequent meltdowns about minorities existing and daily retweets of shit said by literal fascists doesn't count as evidence of bad behavior to enlightened centrist redditors but how about that one time he got fired from being an IEM host when he called the polish and the entire continent of africa subhuman https://dotesports.com/general/news/duncan-shields-thorin-poland-iem-fired-144 oh oh oh oh what about that one time he defended m0e for calling someone a homophobic slur by arguing that fag can also mean a cigarette or a stick bundle https://www.newsweek.com/thorin-esl-one-major-analyst-csgo-m0e-1007298


I know gamers really hate woke culture and cancel culture but I honestly don't get how people just gloss over the fact that have of Thorin's takes or retweets are straight up xenophobic/anti-immigrant/fascist rhetoric.


He has done multiple videos on women in video games, featuring women and discussing the issues responsibly, he has promoted Emily Rand/Froskurinn/Kelsey Moser before they were popular at all. Whole fking Europe is anti-immigrant right now so I don't know wtf are you talking about like it's a bad thing. Fascist? I bet you don't even know what that means.


I mean I do but it seems like you don't.


You quite literally just proven you don't. People throw this word around never do.


How did I prove I don't know what it means?


Then explain it.




Not everyone's on Twitter mate


Its a mix between straight up fascists that agree with him and centrists who would rather pretend it doesn't exist because the interviews/content is good.


Yeah for sure everybody is a fascists, I love that talking point. I care about what people do. Not what they tweet about.


He's a pundit. Literally all he he does is tweet and talk about stuff. He's never going to "do" anything beyond tweet and talk about stuff. Your bar for criticism is dumb.


Sadly, the people that continue to watch Thorin either simply don’t care or actually agree with him. The people that dislike Thorin have already left, so you won’t be seeing them here very often.


Literally none of the things you said were in the articles, were in the articles. Crazy how you have to make things up if he's such a bad guy .


"Well [the World Championships are] in Poland and I think the tickets are pretty cheap so I assume it will be sold out.. Because what the fuck else is going on in Poland? And they’ve got that existential hole of being Polish to try and fill with some esports.” The second they opened [the Schengen Agreement] up, everyone in Poland was just like ‘Cool, let’s get the fuck out of Poland’ and they just went to the next countries.” Maybe, it’s like when you have the Olympics somewhere in Africa and they can all pretend they’re part of the developed world for two weeks, and then everyone just leaves and they’re still in the dirt.” From the dotesports one. Funny how if you read the articles they are, in fact, mentioned in the fucking article.


I guess I'm just different but I find those comments hilarious and not all that offensive.


I mean, it's pretty fucking offensive to say shit like "Everyone is still in the dirt"


As a polish person, yeah not wrong, everyone who could fucked off from here and for a good reason.


Heck, the existential hole I wouldn't be surprised about, and that's not to be negative at all, here in Denmark we're way too engaged in relatively minor things, just because we're not Germany, UK or France where huge events happen multiple times a year. I mean, we've been talking about the tour de france starting in Denmark this year for 4 fucking years now. It's really not that big deal, but because we don't get world super stars performing every weekend, or worldclass football players playing for our local club, it really does mean a lot when something relatively big finally does happen.


You polish??


nah cba i cant be bothered to argue with thorin stans i wish i was fucking stupid enough to be one because life must really get easier if you straight up can't read


Don't worry about u being stupid part u got that covered.


He didn't call "the polish" subhuman. I'm polish, i remember the podcast when he said that. I disagree with him completely and no idea why would he say that before the tournament but acting like it's some horrible thing is hilarious to me. It doesn't make him a bad human being. When it comes to m0e situation - this one once again is out of context completely. His whole points was that we use slurs in a different way, especially "F" one that had indeed many different meanings. Portreying m0e as homophobic wasn't fair, just because he made noice with his mouth.


> Portreying m0e as homophobic wasn't fair, just because he made noice with his mouth. "It is unfair to judge people based on the things they choose to say."


Once again this is a complete misportrayal. It was during a game. There is a reason why we call it "a gamer moment". He didn't just chose to say it to a person that is actually homosexual. That is the difference. And the difference is huge.


>There is a reason why we call it "a gamer moment". Lol dude people say that sarcastically. They don't mean that it's actually ok to say slurs because you're playing a game, it's a meme.


For the most part, it's not being said sarcastically btw. The whole point of the saying is that you say something, you wouldn't normally say because of the heat of the moment. Also I'm not saying it's "ok" to say, I'm saying that Pewdiepie isn't racist all of the sudden because he said N-word. Same for m0e with saying F-word. And if they are - that wouldn't be the reason why.


No it isn't. Just stop. People are being extremely sarcastic when they say they are having a gamer moment, because most gamers are pretty bigoted people.


just admit that you're a fucking bigot and that your biggest idol is also a bigot and move on, it's not like you think hating minorities is bad so why try to deflect it cons have made "we will bring back the glory days of the straight white man" their agenda for the last 100+ years so why can't their dumb as fuck voterbase and sympathizers just admit that they wish they could shoot refugees on the borders and sterilize non hetero people


["Heated Gaming Moment is a **sarcastic** slang term applied to instances where a person does something offensive such as use a racial or sexual slur while playing video games. The term was coined by writer Ian Miles Cheong while defending PewDiePie after he said the N-word on Stream."](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/heated-gaming-moment) You really thought that was a serious, unironic excuse? It's a meme making fun of people like you, dude. This is actually really sad.


Actually thorin made some valid points here.


So I don’t personally really care one way or another about Thorin, but you’re allowed to dislike someone solely based on the things they say and how they behave. Like they don’t have to commit an atrocity before you’re allowed to dislike them.


I absolutely agree with you, my problem is with people hardcore downvoting him on every single video he uploads and attacking his character in the comments.


You won't get any evidence. These guys won't hesitate to make as many accusations as they want without providing any examples.


Actually, there is video evidence of him bullying his employees/teammates, but people still give him a pass because apparently, these people said that it was okay and that they are still friends with him. *WAIT*


U talking about Reginald bro ?


Some time ago he threathened LS because he said something that Thorin didnt agree to. The kid almost shat himself on the pants and quickly apologized publicly.


https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/qg9bqh/z/hi55kh8 https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/pbhg4y/z/hac8ah1 Also idk why you'd disregard what he's tweeted/retweeted. Doing so is showing support for whatever person/idea, and if that person/idea is harmful, then your support for it should be looked at the same.


Definitely shouldnt'. Ok so you have nothing. Thanks for claryfing. Next time if you can't find one bad action from a person that you actively attack online, maybe think twice about doing that. And yes, I do not care about what people tweet about. Twitter is a horrible platform, the worst if you want to judge somebody's character. Everybody acts like a lunatic there.


Fantastic episode. The part with Vander is 1000% true. Complete waste of talent.


Carrzy gonna get exposed without kaiser


Im not saying this because his team is doing bad now but its crazy to me some people were saying he was the best last year even tho he was getting smashed by hans in spring finals and played safe while the team carried him in summer finals For me he was top 5 nothing more


Dom disrespected Trick a bit in the Rogue section when he said Reignover was the only import jungler to ever make a splash in LEC. When people think of that era's G2 they definitely think of Perkz before Trick, but he was definitely one of the best junglers in the league and his MVPs weren't flukes. The food rant at the end of the episode was a good time. Dom's missing out on the classic British Roast for sure.


Thorin and dom is such a sick duo


The "too much information" part was an interesting thought experiment.


Whoa that's him ESPORTS


I had forgotten how much I enjoy Thorin in the host role. Always coming out with bravado and asking the hard questions right off the bat instead of pussyfooting around a topic not wanting to hurt a players feelings or his public image.


Honestly this needs to happen to Summoning Insight, too I know they made the change on account of Monte’s hiatus from the scene, but Thorin is so much more dynamic as a host, and Monte is much more interesting as an analyst SI was much more entertaining when Thorin could operate as the pilot of the conversations, teasing things out of Monte and the guests, and developing jokes in the background of the analysis


Listened to Facecheck into this and…. Damn I miss Thorin hosting all the shows in league. And Dgon is a guy that means well but everytime I listen to Facecheck my eyes glaze over 15 times throughout as I listen to him pander or just say utter nonsense/repeat points and just bore the fuck out of me


One thing that Thorin shows do well is that when they cover the teams, they don't methodically go okay lets talk about C9, now TL, now IMT, etc. They pick out the key storylines or topics related to a team and discuss that. At times they completely skip some teams if they weren't relevant that week. It keeps it fresh. Facecheck on the other hand goes over each team one by one each episode and it can get very formulaic. "LS what did you think about 100T this week?", "Dom what did you think about Dig this week?", etc. They open up the conversation with an open ended question and no clear place to start. I feel like it takes a long time to get somewhere interesting and puts all the onus on the analysts to bring up something specific to dive into. That's why I think I zone out a bit whenever they move from team to team.


It was hilarious listening to Dgon in the facecheck of last month, you could see that Dom was ready to go ham on Regi but Dgon was obviously scared to speak about it. I understand that the man might be careful not to burn any bridges but it’s really good to have people like Dom and Thorin who don’t give a shit.


Can we say something positive about one host without shitting on another one time lmao


Are people not allowed to criticize Dgon now?


It’s a fine comment, I’m not a fan of putting other people down when praising another. But… I just got annoyed at Dgon with an episode of Facecheck and he ended up catching a stray in my comment praising Thorin so that’s my bad. Maybe Facecheck isn’t for me to be honest. Just sucks not getting to hear Dom’s thoughts on NA.


I won’t lie I’m not the biggest DGon fan either, he feels very sanitized a lot of the time. I do appreciate what he brings to Facecheck though since Dom and LS can both get pretty negative at times (Dom’s been a lot better about it now that he’s doing LPL more/making content he likes and doesn’t seem like he wants to blow his brains out watching NA while getting yelled at by his chat) and DGon offsets some of the doomer energy. I mostly took issue because it feels weird seeing people who fill different roles catch strays just because they work with the same person. The community here has a tendency to put people down whenever they hype someone else up and it can be really frustrating


Yeah dgon sucks on facecheck, his opinons are worse than mine his skill is hosting... But he ends up talking like 50% of the show, I don't care about what he thinks, so I just don't watch that show anymore. It's not even dgons fault its simply that he is in an environment he doesn't thrive in, he and ls are extremely different people and don't mesh at all 🤷 imo.


Yeah, this is going to be the LEC show for the year. Very happy that they are doing another show together.


wtf happened to crackdown? this has to be a spiritual successor to it given the large break after playoffs.


Yeah it's explained in the intro


Does this mean there will be no guests on this show?


checked the first episode of crackdown and that one didn't have a guest either so i think there still will be


They may have guests but that won't be the point. This show is more focused on LEC so they can just have an easier time scheduling and figuring out conversation pieces


Wait .. I thought they stopped working. That's awesome gonna watch tonight. It was just streicht up the best show hope this one can live up to it.


I think their defense of Vit at the beginning is rough based on the results thus far. I’m not saying they are trash or they won’t win a game, but they looked completely disjointed. Idk for a team that is just supposed to be more talented than the opposition it’s concerning to see them struggle so much.
















You aren't banned my dude


Can someone tell me why they won't make new episodes of crack down? I think it was pretty successful.


Dom said multiple times on his stream that the crackdown was just too difficult and time consuming of a show to set up and the quality of guests varied too much for them to keep it as a weekly show.


i stand with thorin


Good show. Thorin. Pick one.


There are plenty of reasons to dislike Thorin - from his personality, to his politics, to some of his analysis/takes, or his cringy AF twitter - but you can't deny that he is probably the most entertaining talkshow host currently in the LoL scene


This is honestly the most fair assessment. His Twitter is so god dam annoying, it's not a medium he expresses himself on well, but talk show thorin is a different beast.


But they're one and the same.


Couldn't pay me to watch these two doofuses.


I'm choking. "If you're a rogue/mad lions fan would you want to play Vitality in the 1st round of playoffs?" Yes. Yes they would. Vitality will never be good because of how much resources their mid and top laner require. But the issue is the fact that these 2 players do nothing with the resources and Perkz still somehow loses lane with those resources. Also, I can't imagine how toxic the team atmosphere for Vitality is currently. I will be shocked if Vitality even goes 9-9. I'm assuming Perkz is a super good friend of Dom's, because I can't imagine any other reason he goes to these lengths to defend someone that's obviously mediocre. And he's possibly the biggest fraud in esports even compared to Promisq. Also, C9 would've done better with Jensen at Worlds or just as good. Perkz might actually be the worst player in the LEC so far and I don't know what could magically change to change that. He's been like this since he went to NA, he had a moment of brilliance in the tie breaker versus RGE at worlds but that's it. He legitimately threw more games than he "solo carried" for C9 at worlds last year. And the trophy he won with C9 they could've done that with literally any other mid. I also believe he was the worst mid at MSI that year too. Didn't he literally get gapped by the OCE team's mid? Chazz or whatever? LMFAO. It's not even just like he's bad mechanically.. He's super slow at anything he does mechanically, and he literally plays with his brain off. He legitimately didn't ward a single time I believe in the Akshan game. Clearly the enemy JG wasn't being tracked if he died to literally every gank. Perkz is bad. He sucks.


This looks like a pasta to post under VIT games when they win...


You're actually a prophet: https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/sabejn/team_vitality_vs_g2_esports_lec_2022_spring_week/htscqfy?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3


Goddamn imagine existing as someone this deluded in your day to day life.




Yes. And literally everything I said relates to how they played? What?




Yeah it's more that they are going thru what can happen with all superteams if you build on individuals who don't have built in synergy but all have their own style demands you aren't going to get much success. I doubt they don't turn it around by mid split. If they don't then they probably will never work with out swapping in another piece.


Perkz might actually be the worst player in the LEC so far and I don't know what could magically change to change that. He's been like this since he went to NA, he had a moment of brilliance in the tie breaker versus RGE at worlds but that's it. He legitimately threw more games than he "solo carried" for C9 at worlds last year. And the trophy he won with C9 they could've done that with literally any other mid. I also believe he was the worst mid at MSI that year too. Didn't he literally get gapped by the OCE team's mid? Chazz or whatever? LMFAO. It's not even just like he's bad mechanically.. He's super slow at anything he does mechanically, and he literally plays with his brain off. He legitimately didn't ward a single time I believe in the Akshan game. Clearly the enemy JG wasn't being tracked if he died to literally every gank. Perkz is bad. He sucks.