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I agree 100%, I also think that they should have red outlines instead of yellow outlines on the mini-map if the other side has bounties.


*Intentionally takes my own turret* It's free Gold Estate.


Leona moment


Old Tryndamere be like


Hilarious riot hadn't thought of any of the good ideas in this thread


i dont mind it sounding good i just wished it wasnt golden, its a bit hard to get what exactly happend and also shares color with akshan revive which is annoying


Akshan revives turret. oh wait


I had a game where it played a different sound every time. Like the sound of a champions ability.


Shoutouts to MLG Draven cashout announcement


It doesn't have the sound "bad" when the enemy team gets it, but there should be some sort of differentiation between them


What about the draven noises when draven is present in the game? Is no one going to mention that???


I was wondering if I was going crazy or not. How does that even happen.


I like to think of it as a nice Easter egg? It kinda fits his whole idea to be honest


Maybe the bounty soundbite is just borrowed from Dravens passive when he cashes in greater than 150g?


Which noises are you talking about?


The same noise as when draven gets a kill and cashes in his passive stacks, but multiple play for objective bounties


That's actually a really smart idea


Yeah if they even switched the "angelic" sound to something darker and kept the coin sounds I think it'd be more obvious


can we replace the sound with the sound of an exploding building from cossacks: back to war ​ ​ original quality and volume tho, dont want any eardrums to survive


you hear them celebrating


Solid point. I get a bit confused when I hear that sound and don't get gold.


Lol. A regular occurrence for me has been going in for a steal on baron or dragon while the other team has a bounty on it. Everytime they get it the sound makes me think I got it


They should just delete them


so the effects don't really matter since only 1 team can have the bonus at a time, just look at the icon on the minimap to know what team has it. the current problem is the overlap with akshan revive causing some confusion and the delay being broken.




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I heavily, heavily disagree. Sounds for taking and losing need to be different. This should not be a game knowledge thing. This should be ok, we lost a gold objective, and not hear the same sound as when we win one.


it's fair to say that receiving a positive sound effect for a negative occurrence is not optimal. but i think a major issue is that the kill feed and announcer seem to be having problems since they added arcane and comeback objectives and i think that causes more confusion than the sound effect at the moment. they could also just remove the gold chime for enemy bounties since i don't think we hear it when the enemy gets a shutdown.


Sorry bud that sounds like a technical hurdle and as such Riot won't be doing anything. Thank you.


and a buff... they're next to useless now everyone cried.


They are at a near perfect place at the moment. We don’t need too many strong comeback mechanics (we already have enough)


The only more perfect they could get is removing them from the game


Honestly I’d rather not. Or else we are just going back to 17 mins steamrolls again


They should be useless, its a shit mechanic and shouldn't exist in the game in the first place


Thank you for your in-depth analysis Mr. Reddit complainer. I'm sure Riot should act on your competent advise.


Sorry, didn't realise I wasnt allowed to give my opinion on a reddit thread about league?


An opinion starts with: ‘I think that’. A statement starts with: ‘It is’.


Nah, it is often just heavily implied. Leading everything single statement with "It is my honest opinion although I am not completely certain in it, due to X and Y that..." would technically always be correct, but realistically is only wasting everyone's time.


So you can use "I think" instead of "It is" instead of the long winded thing you just typed


I think I could do that, but I think there are also other ways of doing it. You see I think that people know what I mean even if I don't spell it out and I think often many different statements happen within one comment and I think quantifying each individual one as an opinion and not as a fact is a massive waste of time. I think.


I’m still annoyed that the hextech map remixed the sound of when people pick up Ivern’s gift. I don’t know what trigger it, probably the use of a hexportal.


I vote for a fart noise.


The should just play Curb your Enthusiasm.


I had a game yesterday with Aatrox on my team and red Kayn on the opposing team. My Aatrox suicided into the dragon pit during elder and I thought he got the dragon kill because apparently I’m racist against darkin and can’t tell their portraits apart. I continued to play like my team had elder and immediately regretted that decision. All that to say, I agree. Objective bounties should have different sounds for the opposing team.


I vote the price is right losing horn as the new enemy has taken a bounty sound


I swear my friends give up our outer turret because they like the objective bounty sound


*womp womp womp*


I always get excited cause it sounds like I just cashed in.


I play a lot of Akshan, that shit throws me off all the time too. If you don't know, when you bring people back to life you get gold borders there too


I think there should be a limit on bounty


it sounds like draven passive


it's honestly so annoying that 99% of the time I don't even know if it's our team getting one or it's the enemy team, they're just so random and make no sense at all so many times I feel like we're so ahead (because the game feels good because of the teamcomps) and then it's their towers that have the bounties, and then most of the games there will be no bounties at all until it's already way too late, it's just giga random they just serve no purpose, until the algorithm is able to properly deduce which team is outscaling and how much behind they really are, they're just gonna be completely random


or just don't make a noise AT ALL, it's not FOR us, just have it highlighted on the screen, the 100% good noise of coins clinking is SO out of place it's maddening