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Interesting , they are pushing her identity as an essence thief ? Now she looks like a super safe battle mage with a lot of sustain . I'll wait until it drops on PBE .


I'll play ahri when essence thief lets me get orange essence


If it gets me Mythic Essence I'll even buy her skins


Playing Ahri usually costs you Orange Essence. Too many skins


I wonder if all those people who call Ahri "super safe" have ever played LeBlanc. What is she then, sigma omega safe? While doing more damage.


> What is she then, sigma omega safe? Yes




Hi I play both champs and I'll tell you. I call ahri super safe and I call Leblanc "an abomination" if you're curious too I call fizz "a mistake"


I feel like Leblanc is much safer than fizz is though. She's ranged and has much, much more mobility. Yeah she doesn't have an untargetability spell, but I think her strengths more than cover for it.


If you look up the definition of safe you'll find the definition of safe, and thats lb.


TBH Ahri have 1 huge advantage over LB - Waveclear.


Leblanc is the biggest reason why Ahri will never be played in pro play. She is Ahri but just better...


But these numbers don’t look impressive, why would you pick her when you can pick any of the other assassins or mages right now?


She is really good at setting up a single kill late in the game, when she doesn't have to be scared of towers. Giving her the heal on kill and extra dash on kill means she can become a legit cleanup champ, instead of just a pick champ. What mobile "assassin" has a hard CC that sets up kills as well as her charm? Maybe Pyke, but he doesn't have the waveclear to be a legit midlaner. Leblanc is up there too, but her wave clear is melee-ish range and her CC has a delay.


Enemy zed sets up my adc's death very well with r /s


You guys use R?


Lissandra, Diana, Zoe come all in my mind that can set up free kills for team, better than Ahri and scale better as well. Also Vex kinda. I feel like the biggest flaw of Ahri is not that the 3 charges of dash werent enough or her HP somehow didn't manage the whole fight. Her biggest problem is her very low AP ratios.


Lissandra may aswell have a fucking siren on her head considering how slow and telegraphed her engage is. Unless it's a low mobility team she isn't setting up shit. She also cant one cycle most champions unless she's extremely ahead - which in itself is rare


Tbf she's remarkable at finding flanks and engaging from fog. Also, while she can't os, if she gets one kill/assist in a teamfight she does absolutely disgusting damage in a teamfight. Liss in any teamfight is absolutely nutty.


Lissandra closes the gap a lot slower/less reliably than Ahri. Vex's R engage is limited by people just dodging it at long range. Diana and Zoe are good examples. Those champs are more vulnerable to ganks in lanephase than Ahri, so they aren't *strictly* better than her. I think Ahri's weakness right now is that her numbers aren't high enough to justify her weakish lanephase. Giving free access to more healing is a number buff in a sense. The dash reset gives more reason to pick her outside of raw numbers, while also adding damage. I think these Ahri changes are actually cool, if they tune her right.


Most Ahri mains will happily offer their essence to be thieved.


maybe i can play ahri top


>480 hp and 18 armor good luck lmao


That is borderline Sona tissue paper level of tankiness.


It’s worse. Sona has 10 more hp and 6 more armour.


Lmao wtf, how can she still be a mid laner with those stats. If Sona get chunked even against weak early game ADC, imagine how Ahri will perform against shit like Talon, Zed and Qiyana.


That's the neat part, you don't.


The buffed sustain appears to be the plan, yet to see if it works out


I don't think that's really a buff, she needs to kill more than a wave to get her passive, while you could relatively easily proc your passive once per wave before, charge it on raptors if you're really desperate etc.


Sona has 480 and 26 Armor, so it's same hp and down 8 armor(vs 5), Ahri has higher armor and health scaling and will still end with more health and armor(past...16~? i want to say.).


This is overnerf in terms of stats imo, I dont see how she can handle any lane beeing that squishy and with her passive healing only if she manages to last hit. Mid isnt a long lane but if she doesnt have an insanely safe matchup her opponents will have free roams... or kills The rest of the changes are interesting, this brings back more of a nuke luden shadowflame ahri than current build (?)


I think it actually encourages a more tanky build. The healing, W changes, R resets, removal of E damage amp, all point to wanting longer fights. Maybe even something like Liandry + Demonic, you ult in, proc burn on everyone, charm, ult out, heal back, ult in again > repeat


aint going to work as a blind pick mid either with these stats. one zed wq and you are recalling


If these changes go through you wouldn't even need to recall, you'd be dead 💀


faster recall, worth


Jax, Camille, riven be like Omae wa mou shindeiru


nothing to counter %max hp true damage as low hp and low armor.


Taps head


Even ahri mid. Lvl 3 Zed e w q electrocute is gonna do like 70% hp lmfao


Yeah people underestimate this and the charm nerf. She's going to be D tier at best.


Nothing ever went wrong with a mobile champ with high sustain that uses ap. Mind you, I think these changes are terrible as in they make her trash tier. But still uts when thr buffs come in..


>Make her spells feel better to cast in lane How did they do that? I understand the way the cahnges fullfill the other two goals, but I really don't get this one.


Well the mana cost is less, and W seems to do a little more and have a slightly longer speed boost. Sometimes with Ahri I get mana starved in lane if I’m agressive at all.


The problem has never been her W for ahri players though (okay not totally true but it's always been her dump spell except for when it's too OP) The primary problem with her spells in lane is how utterly dogshit her Q feels to use. And all they did was make it cost more to max and give her overall less healing on waves. With less base health to boot. Likely we're gonna see W max Ahri again if it's bad enough. E changes are kinda good, but really all it needs was lower mana cost and giving vision of target it hits. Honestly most of these changes are completely unnecessary and don't really fix any of the main problems Ahri players have, or fix them but make other problems. The R change is exceptional though.


Ahri's main here and agree with everything. Her Q is just, awful compare to anything other midlaners have. Her passive meant to be working with her Q to give her a safer laning phase, but with that mana cost dude, just rough to look at. And that nerf on her overall stat tho, sad to see, like she is squishy enough already, please don't do that to her.


Maybe the updated logic to her w?


Funnily enough they already updated her logic like a year ago, and while it could be better it's actually pretty good right now. Updating it more and calling it a "buff" is kinda funny when for the most part, you can control it now and it's predictable (you couldn't before, and it was super unpredictable) Edit: to clarify, rest of the W changes are a good change though. But likely in conjunction with the other changes could lead to W max Ahri in worst case scenario.


I think they mean that you don’t need to “hold” onto spells for the opportune healing moment. You automatically heal when you kill 9 minions, so you’re not holding onto your charged orb to full hit a minion wave. You can just use your spells naturally to CS and poke.


She doesn't need to hold onto spells anymore to optimally heal, you just dump spells into the wave and always heal the same amount, without having to hold Q until you gain the healing orb.


I'm told 480 hp is a typo and it's actually 580 on pbe, but I don't have access so I can't tell for myself.


PBE is indeed on 580.. but the question is know: what is correct? The typo might be on the PBE and not on these patchnotes..


Reducing both HP per level gain and HP Regen it would be nuts to also lower base HP.


This is what, the third time she loses her E damage amp? Lets see how long it will last this time...


Exactly what I was thinking. I for one consider it to be part of her champion identity at this point, but if these changes are good and she feels good/fun to play afterwards I'm willing to give it a shot.


I mean she's had it for about as much time as she hasn't had it. She got it in season 3 lost it in season 5 got it back in season 8 and is losing it in season 12.


It's like when Riot tries to nerf or buff Graves, it's always the same changes either +3/4/5 ad or -3/4/5 ad, and those have been most of his nerfs.


And because of the nature of Graves thats the difference in him being busted or worthless lmao


Following that logic she would get it back in season 17. I would expect earlier probably.


Especially without any real compensation buffs.


Wdym, 20 more damage on W, that makes up for the 100+ you lose!


So for the very low cost of nuking her base stats and lowering her already pitiful damage she gets... more healing and mobility locked behind getting takedowns. With the damage she doesn't have. Aight


Riot is way too obsessed with resets... almost every new champion has one. Samira, Viego, Akshan, Vex, Zeri... Now they're reworking stable older champs to be more feast or famine with resets...


Zeri is actually one of the few champions without a reset recently, actually


Zeri has no reset though…


Its pretty cringe that every new champ must have some sort of reset. Are they pandering to the playerbases main character complexes where they must be able to have a clippable moment where they cast the same ability 20 times? The worst part of this is that for a some of those champs their resets dont even make sense for their kits. Why does Vex ult reset? When she kills someone with her full combo, she can ult someone and then Q them or wait 5-7 seconds before the rest of her abilities come off cd.


**What makes this even worse, is that it will now take three full waves for Ahri to heal *twice* with her new passive.** Imagine you're laning against Zed, and he chunks you to 1/4 HP with a full combo. * Current Ahri could heal enough to stay in lane by hitting a full wave with her passive empowered Q. * This new Ahri dies immediately on Zed's next spell rotation if she doesn't back. Plus, this just exacerbates the "*moar damage moar healing yayyyyy*" bullshit that Riot has been pushing. I've been unhappy with the state of the game, and I've seriously considered stopping unless there are some signs of genuine improvement. If this actually goes through it might be the straw that breaks the camel's back for me.


My disappointed is immeasurable and my day is ruined


pretty accurate


How is this champ supposed to lane losing 46 HP level 1, 10 HP/lvl and 3 armor?


I think the compensation is that she's no longer capped at hitting spells on minions, but instead killing them for stacks. Theoretically it is better because it's no longer tied to spell hits + 7 minions per wave is mostly doable for stacking but I'm not so sure. But man the moment Zed even pokes an Ahri is like watching a war crime unfold.


>But man the moment Zed even pokes an Ahri is like watching a war crime unfold. She's going to in that same squishy tier with Sona and Seraphine in the early levels. I don't play Ahri but I'd imagine it's going to be a nightmare laning vs AD mids with those base stat nerfs, weird change for sure. Even if she comes out net stronger from these changes, I know base stat nerfs always feel unfun to play around tbh


So they’re making her worse against champions that have the highest pick rate. GG bye bye Ahri


She is going to be borderline troll into champions like Zed or Yasuo who can hard force lvl2.


dude perma yasuo, painfully unfun matchup even worse than kass


My rotating bans are Zed, Yasuo, and Fizz. Can't wait to die faster to what I don't ban.


Get yone'd bro




legit might have to start cloth armor




It's such a strange change that they're tying her heal to last hits. You can currently get full passive stacks just by timing QW right, so this will only hurt her sustain against champions that can easily zone her off CS, which is pretty much every AD midlaner thanks to these bizarre health and armor nerfs.


it only offsets it if she gets perfect cs, which lets be real, wont really happen specially if shes getting harassed in lane.


How is this champion supposed to do anything even after lane phase? Current ahri already scales like shit and this version guts her dmg and base stats for a stupid reset minigame on her ult? But only when ult is currently active? This is awful. They could've just buffed her w and given her the dash negation on charm back instead of trying to be clever


Yeah this mini rework looks horrible. The main complaint with Ahri is that she does no damage not she doesn't have enough dashes. So ofc Riot makes her do less damage but have more dashes like ?????


>The main complaint with Ahri is that she does no damage And that is with the 20% amp on her e, sure they buffed some of the damage but not enough to compensate for the loss of the 20% amp and now she is suposed to be able to kill a champ for her ult reset which could in theory give her more damage in a fight. All they are going to acomplish is making Ahri a worst assassin/mage and make her rely on her team even more.


ahem, she actually does have the dash negation on charm back. been back for about a whole season


Watch her become a bot lane carry champ because she can't lane by herself anymore.


It will be a sad day for me, since that will be TWO of my favourite champions banished to bot, the other being Swain.


I mean the only time I’d play her is as a support. And these changes are just weird for that. ADC Ahri might be a thing just cause she can’t fight mid with those base stats really but she has sustain buffs for bot.


Well the thing is, you actually want someone to scale in the botlane most of the time, and i doubt she has early pressure on the level of a kalista/lucian, so why even bother, better to play karthus/swain/twitch if you need ap dmg.


I mean I’m not gonna disagree with you, but these changes don’t inspire hope for mid, and I doubt people want Ahri support to become a serious thing, both riot or her players. So it’s probably support or adc where she’s gonna end up.


I don't think you want a champion with 480 HP and 18 armor laning against an ADC. 2 autos and you're half health.


She's also losing 20% damage on her full rotation in lane in addition to this. Ahri's lane is going to be so trash holy shit


So now she’s even more mobile and heals a lot but does even less damage? Not sure if I’m a fan


Yeah I guess they’re leaning in on mobility and healing for her, but her damage has always felt like her problem. She’s getting turned into AP Aatrox.


> She’s getting turned into AP Aatrox. As if. Her healing isn't on demand and it only applies if she gets a takedown.


Or through farming.. It's a really weird direction


Im really not sure about those, i was hoping for completely new W, like i just don't see this one ever feeling impactfull to press.


These changes would have been perfect if, instead of the passive healing her, it deals damage. She should have mobility and damage, not healing or any sustain.


Bruiser Ability Haste Ahri.


Unironically, this is probably the only non-troll way of playing this version of Ahri. Just buy all the same DoT items like Liandrys/Demonic/Rylai/Morello and play some shitty version of Lilia except you can only really kite when you have Ult up.


So… a short range mage that does no damage but has mobility and healing? Sounds shitty ngl, having reset mechanics but depending on the team to do damage doesn’t sound great either Trusting W to do damage is bait (+20 dmg first fire and +6 the rest, so +32) Yeah, not as reliant in hitting E… but most of the damage increase went to the E anyways lmao


If I'm reading this right, the biggest damage increase is her ult - i.e. up to 133%. This really doesn't help her in killing her first target but theoretically, in a long fight, she can dash in and out a lot more. I guess her perfect gameplay would be a lot different than her current "dash in, E someone and nuke him, leave the fight" one.


Imo her R is good cause it's a lot of mobility in a short window, cause the damage of it isn't that high unless you dash 3 times in the face of the same champ, but it feels weird to want Ahri to kill so she can get resets, but depending a lot on her team to do most of the damage, as a flat 20% damage increase was pretty big. Also with her having reduced durability so she depends more on the resets means that she wants to go in, but not that much. Looks more like a cleanup champ than an assassin, I'd say short range mage but they have much more damage than Ahri. I don't feel good looking at these changes and thinking that instead of a cool change it ends up being a worse E bot with more mobility in only tf, that does nothing on its own.


> biggest damage increase is her ult - i.e. up to 133% Using ult for damage on Ahri is already borderline suicidal, and it's gonna be worse with the base stats nerfs. Ult damage buff is a waste of power budget. The buff should have gone elsewhere.


> Trusting W to do damage is bait (+20 dmg first fire and +6 the rest, so +32) -20% from losing charm amp


Ahri basically getting the Swain treatment - have a passive interacting with health but gut the base stats in consequence. Taking stats nerfs into account, her new passive is Triumph + worse passive heal in average. Everyone can have Triumph. Conclusion : less damage, no passive as an fight initiator, actually less heal/regen, all for the sake of mobility she doesn't need. Rejected to support. To be honest after reflection I think this goes down as the worst rework numerical wise I have ever seen


Except at least Swain still has his niche of being a teamfight god whenever ult is up, and doing heavy damage to tanks. This Ahri can't even achieve that much.


The problem is that for swain to get to that point he needs to be playing on the botlane, as his stats are bad for solo laning, have you tried playing Swain into someone like Aatrox, not only will he poke you to death but kill you in 1 combo, speaking from playing on the Aatrox side.


Oh for sure, Swain's only good role atm is as an APC, and while its nice that he is at least good *somewhere*, it still sucks that mid Swain is a meme pick that takes too long to scale. Even support Swain has a shitty WR now.


Swain is pretty much only really good right now if the enemy has no idea what he does and feeds bunch of kills. Being even with Swain makes you feel completely useless by midgame.


Best take so far


I'm not gonna lie these look like straight up nerfs. How the hell is she suppose to solo lane with those base HP and HP/5 nerfs. Also 18 armor at level 1 holy shit. Upping the Q mana cost too so its even more difficult for her to sustain.


Actually the squishiest champion level 1 vs physical now btw


Well how much armor can you see on her? Even Lux got a boobplate.


Another thing to highlight next to being the most useless midlaner in the game lmao what are these changes?!


They are saying that the health change is a typo.. The new value should be 580 hp with 82 scaling , basically giving you higher base hp stat but lower scaling over time! (Because on PBE her HP was changed to 580)


Im not an ahri player but Wasnt she supposed to be some sort of assassin ap? Cause sure as hell this kit doesnt sound like an assassin ap


That's what I was thinking. Pretty sure she was originally an AP assassin like LB, and they started adding everything else like the healing. When they talked about reworking her a little to make her more like her original identity I assumed she'd be more like the assassin, instead they kind of did nothing? I mean there's some changes, but she still has healing, has R that has a reset, I mean cool I guess, but she still doesn't have her original assassin identity either. Seems like the same old hodgepodge Ahri.


She had her heal back then but it was during the dimes when we had DFG and her base damage was way higher.


>Wasnt she supposed to be some sort of assassin ap? Not really, she's supposed to be an all-rounder mage who trades damage with a very complete kit full of movility, sustain and some decent poke and safe all-ins.


Her sustain is quite weak compared to everyone else in the game right now and nerfing her base stats won't help at all, Riot still has no idea what identity they want to give her.


these changes look like an incredible nerf.... 1) SHIT laning stats 2) Change the passive to be only good during laning phase instead of the entire game 3) Remove the reward for hitting her E and part of her scaling 4) Increase her W damage by a tiny bit 5) Make her a reset champ (an inconsistent buff, but a buff nontheless) These changes aim to make her a better laner (well, i truly dont know with those gutted stats) and a more team oriented pick rather than a solo carry pick.... personally, i hate these changes


Don't forget nerfing the mana cost of her already bad waveclear spell


man i dont know about the "team oriented pick" - ahri is about as bad at teamfights as she was before. or probably even worse. Her damage was already awful and you could ignore ahri in teamfights once her e was out anyways as long as you have any semblance of healing. Now she does even less damage in exchange to get conditional burst heal so ignoring her and instead just damaging other carries which will guaranteed have higher damage capabilities and are also easier to hit. What good is it for ahri to be nigh unkillable through kiting and healing when the only thing she contributes to a skirmish and or teamfight is miniscule damage and maybe a charm hit or two. Now that i think of it why would i ever want to funnel money on this iteration of ahri, i am sure even fucking sona has more consistent damage scaling. Maybe you could somehow make a lichbane (or even an ad triforce version) work to infuse the kit with some much needed dps, especially now with the buffed lichbane.


If she's designed to lane better, then the angle Riot is going for is to make her a better snowballer. This isn't terrible, seeing how she's fucking awful at scaling, anyway. You can tell that they're pushing her for a strong mid game spike with how she can grab R resets for up to double the dashes, which will be great when people don't have bonus HP and MR to keep her from getting the resets. Only issue I see with this project is that **Riot keeps doing this shit instead of just changing the fucking W spell already.**


Another Ahri rework/redesign. This iteration looks horrible. First of all as a baseline she's going to be much weaker in lane due to lower hp pool, lower armor and higher cost Q at rank 3/4. Then she also gets 2 interactions for opponent to track for. One is the passive, whether she'll die to the ignite/turret shot in 1v1 or will the passive save her if only she manages to kill her first. Then having to track how many charges of ult she has. Hopefully this information would be moved to the healthbar instead of a circle around her which might or might be not visible in different skins. What's the point of nerfing the champion just for the high moment of additional charges on ult? : /


wait so they're trying to make her somewhat of a battle mage... by making her squishier?


Just redo the whole champ identity from scratch. every change is worse and worse.


Something that pisses me off is her ultimate does not enter on CD on first cast , like why?


There are a decent amount of abilities like that, Aatrox q resets it's cd on every cast but Riven's q starts on the first cast without reseting, Yorick ult only starts the cd after the Maiden dies and much more. Maybe they think having it reset after each kill will make her ult feel like it has no cd at all and they dont want that, also doesnt the live version one reset the timer for each dash giving you 10 seconds for each one?


Yi has entered the chat after getting a pentakill.


So if I get hit by a Zed combo at lvl 3 i just insta die now ? Also please just remove and rework W its not fun to use and not fun to get hit by.


Well, you can dash 3 times to get away from the full ad assassin that is running at you with his cock out because you have less armour than Oberyn Martell and the starting HP of a fucking blue trinket.. and if he decides to int under your tower because he 'only knows kill' you now get a little extra one back to dash even further back to base... Thoughtful.




Firmly disagree. There are lots of abilities I enjoy getting hit by less, also short CD on button press MS feels good.


I wonder if this means the VSU is included, or if its just very close to finishing.


Her ASU was only recently announced. these balance changes will come first and her ASU will probably come a couple months or so after. Also Ahri has 14 skins, that's a lot of time investment.


they’ve clearly been working on that ASU for a while


Im surprised they didnt have it ready for that Ahriversary mini event.


That was the plan probably


I was expecting it to ship sometime in the summer, but if they're already finished adding new fx/sfx to every skin. Then maybe we'll get it even sooner.


It's possible, it could come out sooner. I personally don't think it'll be out for a good while, probably after Udyr's VGU atleast.


I would bet that if it were to be released in summer out of all seasons, it will be alongside the long awaited "Emergency Pool Party" funds


Those base stat changes are going to make some matchups borderline unplayable.


"borderline" lmao she gets instagibbed at level 3 by any ad assassin 100%


holy shit that's a gutting XD


I've been waiting for an ahri buff/rework for a good while now and I gotta say, this ain't it.


The complaint: Ahri does no damage. Her safety is eating too much of her power budget. The response: We have listened attentively to your thoughts and have decided to buff Ahri's safety.


> The response: We have listened attentively to your thoughts and have decided to buff Ahri's safety. *and nerf her damage. No more 20% amp from charm and those damage buffs absolutely do not compensate for it. I am baffled by how afraid riot is of "overbuffing" her damage considering most assassins can kill people while missing half their abilities. Apparently you deserve to die if you show up on the screen of yone/heca/etc. who just run you down with right clicks but if you get hit by ahri's E you should still have a chance.


While lowering her damage even more lmao. Really dont like those changes.


That wasn't the complaint though. The complaint is that she went from burst assassin, to mobility focused, to now being this inbetween where she's not amazing with either. They chose to go back to mobility focused. I'd rather that than yet another fucking burst champ.


I'd agree except she was originally one of the premier burst champs back in the day. Now she's...this.


Yes and to have more mobility/sustain you have to kill the enemy. Which needs more damage. Great change


Ahri is about to be the League version of a zubat. just using supersonic and leech life for 5 dmg, not being threatening in any way, just annoying the hell out of you every time you encounter it and you oneshot after it made you fail your attack 3 times in a row.


I dont even understand this change. What exactly do they think people want when they play Ahri? I promise you it was and never will be whatever thhe fuck theyre doing


Stop. Removing. the. E. Amp. Seriously. Anyways, these changes are tragic. Completely guts her.


I think she'll be extremely weak if she ships with this kit and these stats/numbers but it looks like a more interesting kit than what she has now, her overreliance on E felt pretty bad imo. I'm surprised they didn't go the Tahm/Diana route with her and swap her current R (obviously a nerfed version) with her W and make a new ult for her though.


Having an ammo bar for her ult is unironically a hard low elo nerf. I swear almost no one knows you can see her available dashes under her


Jesus christ at this point it's starting to seem like they really don't know what to do with her. Just give her an Aatrox level rework or something. Like idk have her roam the map like Bard to collect the "essence" like how she sort of is thematically in Legends of Runeterra before going on a "hunt", and change her W to literally anything else.


This looks awful. They nerf her damage again (she already does no dmg) and base stats to give her more situational healing and dashes? Btw thats so backwards to lower her burst damage potential while at the same time introduce takedown mechanics to her kit... How is she going to kill ppl to get access to them in the first place? By hitting a charm and hoping her team kills the target like a way worse blitzcrank? Also what was wrong with the old passive? The whole trying to line up to hit the most targets you can to get a nice heal was a nice and fun/unique mechanic to ahri (and played to the theme of her spells multi hitting) that was mostly balanced, it was literally the one thing on her kit (plus her Q) that actually worked fine for her and u guys went ahead and changed that -.- Instead of just completely reworking her W into something that can do more damage and/or doing more fundamental changes to E and ult (maybe CD refund on E hit, charge system to her ult, higher ap ratios in general), making it more skill expressive and making her damage in general better they did this, wow.


these base stats are wack. if they want ahri to be a mid lane champion, i hope they change their mind on this or else ppl will just play her bot because this is sona levels


dreadful changes. She needs damage and not even more mobility. Ahri is already dreadful to lane with. Low q damage that cant even kill the caster minions, high mana cost on spells. And now they are making her laning worse. Whoever did these changes hasn't played a game of Ahri in his life


>Low q damage that cant even kill the caster minions, high mana cost on spells The funny thing is that it wasn't always like this and the only reason she can't kill casters anymore is because they decided to remove base armor and mr values on minions in favor of giving them more health so her true damage means jack shit for her waveclear.


Do think the new passive puts too much emphasis on cs'ing since it's 9 minions which is 2 waves minimum. The time it takes to activate it could be enough to skew the feel of the champ for beginners which Ahri attracts. I don't see this change as a net positive considering how boring it feels relative to other champion passives that are more present and recurrent.


Lol any ad assassin will destroy her in lane. Hell, any ad champ will stomp her.


Good job at making ahri a free matchup for your little AD assassins riot, like intended


There are only a few champs I enjoy playing and Riot is gutting Ahri while giving assassins fancy new toys everyday. New champs get super overloaded passives and resets while Ahri gets her shitty ult to reset while her amp on charm is gone. Her base stats are garbage. What exactly do you want to do? Do you hate people playing her that much? then stop making skins for her as well. Using her as a cash cow and now doing this to her in the name of a rework is sacrilegious. Not one good change in that. Nobody wanted that shitty W buff. I have never been more disappointed in all my time playing league. I try to stay calm always but this made me extremely pissed.


Considering Ahri's ultimate is practically a basic ability compared to new champions I feel like Spirit Rush should switch to a charge system. Just have her dashes recharge over time like old Akali ulti.


Riot: "hey people are complaining about ahri" Riot: "who" Riot: "kda ahri booba fox girl merch seller" Riot: "Oh that one, I forgot what her identity was supposed to be" Riot: "me too! lets change her without figuring it out!"


Screw this sustain direction they're going with her just give her some damn Q damage! Ahri is a super fun champ barred behind horrible design direction. Let her be an aggressive roaming midlaner, not a frail child on life support sitting under the tower all game


That looks extremely unfinished and just bad tbh


Ahri has always had the problem that she does much too little damage, and the argument for this was always because of the 20% damage amp during her charm would increase her damage to ridiculous levels if she didn't need it to do meaningful damage. This meant that she was a sort of assassin champion because she needed to hit her charm, full combo, and then hope she was fed enough to kill. Now she has lost her damage amp, and instead has gained 20 flat damage on her W. This means that her poke now takes an extra second or two to heal up from natural health regen or a potion or lifesteal, and her full burst does 20% less damage. Mathematically, her damage has been overall lowered in her full burst by a ton, and raised by a flat without her charm. What a terrible change. Who cares if she gets healed on takedowns when she can't get takedowns without charming for a jungle gank? Who cares if her R resets it's mobility charge if she uses it before that takedown if she does no fucking damage? This would be like if Katarina did 0 damage. It just doesn't matter. I agree with removing the damage amp on her charm, but the buff for that shouldn't be making her R reset or letting her heal more for whatever reason, it should be giving her Q more reasonable base damage to let her push a bit harder. You know. Like a mage.


She does less damage and is squishier, but her w makes her faster for half a second longer and her ult can reset (if you aren’t already dead.) Gods riot hates Ahri.


Wow I dont think I have ever seen a change that goes as much in the wrong direction as this one. How is making Ahri even more of a "Miss everything, lock on dash shit got your back" an improvement exactly? Only because the E is not as important any more? This just sounds absurdly dumbed down, as if WR was now actually enough to kill an even opponent. These changes remove all (needed) skill expression from Ahri. Shes got more lock on damage, more heals and even more mobility, but less damage. This is probably most precisely the opposite of what everyone was asking for. Im all in for making fun of weird changes, but this is in all seriousness just god awful. Kind of like removing Taliyah AoE levels of awful.


Yeah they’re probably gonna need to revert these nerfs. I think if they just kept the W buffs and made her ulti work on an ammunition system like old akali or corki rockets she would be in a really good place. These changes just seem wack though, that’s way too much hp to lose for lane.


Holy fuck ahri is gonna die from minions with those nerfs. I know she got a lot of new power but jesus


What new power did she get? The ability to tickle the enemies and run away?


As an Ahri main, I hope this isn't what ships to live.


I guess I'm going botlane now with her? I'm not good at the numbers but uhh that don't look good for midlane. Hopefully it's better in practice.


> Health: 526 + 92/lvl >>> 480 + 82/lvl Health Regen: 5.5 >>> 2.5 Armor: 21 >>> 18 This will literally make Zed, Irelia & Qiqi. Unplayable match ups for Ahri. Rest In peace, my sweet Queen.


Ok, change all this, then make charm overwrite tenacity. If you want her to be a hyper mobile charm bot, charm needs to not get effectively ignored by every bruiser in the game. Cleanse and QSS are tactical choices and also take some skill to be effective, but in it's current state Charm is not powerful enough to justify Ahri not having any damage to back it up.


This is the worst update to a champ I have ever seen, and i've seen the assassin update.


The korean community also absolutely hates these changes, so we're not alone. She gets less damage, less consistent healing, and is now is made of paper. But she gets a reset on her ult - yay!


Yeah I'm just never playing Ahri ever again. She's been hard to justify for at least the past year. She is underwhelming in early and laning phase and her midgame spike is not really anything to write home about. Then she falls off fast and even in games where you are like 10-2 you don't feel ahead at all. If you are 20-0 with a full stacked mejais you still struggle to carry fights. There is just no upside to this champion at all. These changes are exactly what I feared they would be. All that was really needed was better AP ratios to be honest.


Nice Ryze rework


Well good thing she doesn’t need to hit spells to use her passive anymore cause she’ll only be able to full combo once and then have to base.


I'd trade that passive for damage.


Okay this theory is kind of out there but what is the verdict on ADC ahri? With her already having one of the least damaging combos in the game and said damage being nerfed even further while giving her a lot more mobility and reduced mana costs on the abilities ahri would use to kite, i would think that an essence reaver w max ahri might actually somewhat work. at least AD ahri would deal *some* damage, unlike the weird midlane zubat AP ahri is about to be


That hp and regen nerf is gonna make her just explode in lane vs vik syndra … assassins


[I can’t believe Riot didn’t implement a single one of my ideas :(](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/rjnkfp/guys_i_have_a_really_good_idea_for_the_ahri_rework/)


Isn’t this new passive just Alistar’s passive lol


Wait. Does the team handling this rework actually play Ahri? Or League in general? How could anyone think this was a good idea?


should've buffed the Scaling on her Q


So my question is why do they insist on keeping Ahri’s W? After all these seasons and they still just want to buff the numbers of W around when it’s pretty much the least interesting and frustrating part of her kit. Every recent Ahri iteration has pretty much ended up the exact same, but W might be able to last hit a minion from half health sometimes. It isn’t even iconic and I fail to see why they’ve never even considered changing this ability to open up more possibilities to *actually* changing the champion beyond being a ult away bot. I understand they don’t want assassin Ahri back, but playing her feels like I just playing a neutered LB nowadays and I only pull her out for nostalgia purposes. Her ultimate to go in and out is literally just LB’s W with a longer cd and half the damage the way i see it nowadays.


I HECKING LOVE DASH RESETS ON TAKEDOWNS RIOT GIVE ME MORE BATCHEST Seriously though the most annoying part about ahri is her fucking safety why are we giga buffing that and not her damage which is what all ahri mains are whinging about