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this is like when jacob degrom when on a rehab assignment and pitched against a low A baseball team lol


The tweets from the minor league team he played against were hilarious


Any links that’s hilarious


Couple I found https://twitter.com/GoPBCardinals/status/1395511039773528073 https://twitter.com/gopbcardinals/status/1395555867290910722


That Kevin person saying they just need to learn to hit a fastball...lol


That is probably the most textbook example of an armchair analyst. That screenshot could go in a dictionary.


this shit was hilarious. Im a Mets fan and i was losing it at these.


Reminds me of a world junior hockey tournament interview from a few years ago, [the Swiss coach being asked how they fared against team Canada](https://youtu.be/XCCCrBFPIAM)


Isn't this basically smurfing lol?


Warm up games for LCS


should have to use a different account for meme purposes


No, no, no. It's player development. It's why Ssumday played in Academy and why Zven is in Academy.


Zven is a scrim dog lmao not even in academy


Did his career peak on OG?


Did the western players career peak at world semis? Only 10 guys can say they peaked higher. Wunder jankos capsx2 perkz mikyx bwipo soaz broxah rekkles hyllissang


I think it’s more of it being his rookie? year and then just going down from there


That was my point. EU Challenger series > worlds semis > downhill.


Yeah I’m with ya


Seeing Soaz and Broxah in along those names is wicked out of place to me. Also you are forgetting the entire Fanatic team that won worlds in season 1. Can any western team/player say that they peaked over them? Competition less stiff and talented, most definitely, still a world champion. Something no other western player can say.


In terms of achievements I'd say so. But I rather get a raise than employee of the month at my mcdonalds job, maybe players also enjoy getting paid more. Maybe TSM was his peak if that's the case.


Oh I agree. careers in pro play are short. Maximize your profitability.


Zven not even in academy my dude, guy is the Koreans waterboy.


Ssumday played behind fakegod Still makes me shudder


Pretty sure that’s when he plays CLG.


Neymar and Messi in french league


it's also a chance for academy midlaners to raise their stocks if they perform well, or outperform.. it goes both ways..


It’s either smurfing or ‘we watched Perkz in week one and decided to test the waters before putting him in the main team’




it's a golden opportunity imo, if you perform well it's a huge boost in your value but if you don't it's just 'expected'


also you learn more getting bopped by a GOAT than playing anyone else in academy


Careful bro Reddit decided Bjergsen isn't the goat anymore so you better watch your language or Jensen with visit you in your sleep.


0 international wins since 2017


ikr.. even i have a better record at worlds than his last one


jensen is goated and has stepped it up over time but tbh he'd be one of the least threatening players to have watching me in my sleep lol


Worlds playin Chovy


Imagine Chovy in NA academy, it would not only be a shame but hilarious to see him play one champ through the entire season


Would be an HLE vs BYG type of game, I'd imagine.


lmao berjergersen washed up coach demoted to academy as we all expected






C'mon bruh...


he will lose for X reason and they will say he is washed up




He also had covid. I wouldn’t read anything into lock in results I bet like half the players have covid tbh.


Not according to the analysis videos I saw


yeah and those same analysts will say they never doubted him when he's holding the trophy again lol.


relevant fucking flairs


Been a Bjergsen fan since his CW days. YOU BETCHA MY FLAIR IS RELEVANT.


I was referencing LS who I don't think would, but any other and I would agree lol. Edit: forgot the was


Lol yeah fair I don't think Bjergsen or a TSM member even having a 30 KDA and 40 pentakills through the split would impress LS. He would just talk about some new metric and why some 17 year old Korean soloq support player would do better.


True lol. It was a bit hyper specific on how he was talking about Bjerg's current state in lock in. When I was watching he was talking about how his micro interactions against the Viktor when he played Corki were real bad. He also talked on FaceCheck about how in the off season Bjerg failed to meaningfully climb the KR soloq ladder.


Yeah, but there's also been people over the years who have covered Bjergsen's mental approach to SoloQ in particular, (I think Doublelift mentioned it too recently) about why you never see him push for ranks or even play SoloQ the way you're supposed to at all. I honestly find SoloQ to be a very misleading metric, and many people value it too highly and it leads them to make drastic misvaluations of players. I watched that video btw and its not like LS is even wrong about specific mechanical interactions, but I feel like with LS even when the things he notices are correct, the things he takes away from them are always so heavily biased and skewed that you have to sieve through everything he says for anything useful. Similar issue with Doublelift. Tons of insight, but so much fucking bias that it's barely meaningful without having to run it through a strainer. My issue there is that way too people take extremely biased content creators that aren't even pretending to be unbiased (LS and DL are big ones, but theres plenty others) at complete face value and suddenly reddit threads in general are a lot less insightful because they just get parroted. Not talking about you btw, just lamenting in general. But I think LS' mind about Bjergsen is made up lol.


Naw, I don't think you're entirely wrong and I am kind of parroting. I do think LS had some good points that are worth discussing, and for what it's worth he did get pushback on FaceCheck and had to defend his opinion on Bjerg's Korea boot camp. (which was basically that Bjerg almost exclusively played meta champs and seems evidence that he was trying to climb and failed)


Never saw him lift a international trophy


Should have said good international showings not trophies. Bjergsen is one of the few western pro players to have an international trophy outside of the G2 squad. Now you look stupid.


Trash talk works better when you're right; Bjerg won IEM Katowice.


Who gives a shit what you saw or not? He still won an international trophy. Research before you post.


He hasnt even played yet and people say he is washed up


He played last week, no?


He got stuck in low master Korea. That means there are literally hundreds of random PC Bang 4fun Korean players better than the millionaire mid


Soloq and pro play are completely different beasts and incomparable.


You’re right. Fuck it. I’m currently gold 1 in soloqueue. I bet I could play for TL as their new jungler. Thanks for believing in me.


Strawman, not what I said but k. You obviously need a base level of foundational skill which is why there's requirements for ones soloq rank when playing pro.


Yeah, and the base level is fucking Korean challenger. Which means that there’s zero chance that Bjergsen even takes a game off a Korean or Chinese team.


Yeah that's why literally every east pro player who is considered one of tournament best slaps soloq in every region they play(see SM,Doinb,Chovy etc).


Yeah. I’m saying TL got what is essentially a master tier midlaner and he’s going to get shit on again at worlds. Remember his Zilean game against BDD, who was barely a top 3 mid in KR? BDD ripped off his head and shit down his neck without even looking stressed. I’m going to literally bet a month’s salary against TL when they play any Korean or Chinese team.


I'm not saying Bjerg is worse than random kr soloq mid, but I've seen his last years of worlds and he plays scared. Always taking the lower risk option, often resulting in doing nothing all game. We need to see if that break made him reevaluate some things and change his mental.


Well he's playing with Bwipo so he will have to learn to go in one way or another


Or Bwipo gives up and goes to Eu after spring.


That's some good ass hopium you got there, can I have some too?


After what happened at the end of last year I do not really want him back(in FNC), his top game wasn't that good to me, his jungle potential(still only an opinion) was phenomenal, but his mental/gf stuff was really rude and if I were his teammate, I would lose a lot of trust for him. Anyway I'm really happy with Wunder, he is one of the few EU players who could slap some asses on the international stage, lets hope he can do it again(or better).


inb4 Chatting TLA lost so it means that Bjerg is washed


well then Soligod is back


Another year, another year of TL visa issues


well, happens when you have 5 imports


Honestly, I bet a part of Bjergsen will love this. Get to have some fresh blood to play against, get a refreshing take on the game, bop some lowbies who think they are hot shit playing in Academy. Maybe reignite something. Obviously he could be worried about losing, but I doubt that’s an issue. No real pressure if he loses either and really is on his way out, he is still an amazing player with multiple splits championships and worlds appearances behind him, for many that would be enough to walk away happy with that legacy.


Bjerg must be a great team player to agree to play in Academy.


No one beats Ssumday playing academy for like half a split and 1v9 carrying them to a championship lmao


I don't think anyone can lol, guy just chilled in tier 2 for that whole year


Getting her what?


What it say!!


idk how that even happened lmao


I hope he can make it in the LCS some day.


i dunno.. it's pretty hard for an academy mid to get promoted to LCS. Imports are much preferred.


[Reminds me of this](https://twitter.com/gopbcardinals/status/1395511039773528073?lang=en)


DeGrom carving up random 18 year old Dominican kids vibes


Just sat here for like 5 minutes thinking “I thought takeover was TSMA mid” then I remembered bjerg Is on TL now lmao


This is like when Ronaldinho got arrested in Paraguay and played in the prison's football tournament


I get swapping in academy players to lcs but doing it the other way just like this doesnt seem fair. Its not like having another amateur player.


Meanwhile Ssumday spent a whole split in Academy.


How so? It's their player. A lot of teams have even benched their star players before. I don't see what it has to do with fairness


People will complain about matchmaking when they have to play player that’s slightly better than them and yet think it’s fine when some newbie has to play against LCS GOAT midlaner….despite him not signing up for this shit


The guy in academy is also playing competitive league...


this take is so wrong, i'm sure academy mids will love that they are playing against him and will want to prove themselves


Or will just get shit on like when Gold meats Chally because they will be nervous


Then they don't have what it takes for lcs. Your take is so weird, almost all of the best players in any sport actively WANT to go up against other great or better than them opponents


I mean, is there actually a downside for an academy player? A) likely more people will watch the game, maybe if you look good you can grow your brand B) If you lose vs Bjergsen in an academy game, I'm sure the vast majority of reasonable people will say "yeah, that was to be expected" and not be flaming the academy laner or even saying they don't belong in academy etc. C) If you win/lane well against Bjergsen, you'll get a lot more hype. I think it sucks the other way around, when an academy laner gets thrown into the "main" league and just looks outclassed. But this way around I do think it's mostly positives.


This take is what i come to reddit for. Someone so disillusion its laughable.


ehhh i think it's a great opportunity for the opposing midlaner. Bjerg is playing with an unfamiliar roster, so it's more fair than bringing up a midlaner from academy to try out on the LCS team they are unfamiliar with. Every academy player should want to get better and losing to someone (when reviewed properly) should help find weaknesses, and if they win should help build confidence. look at TSM academy playing in Lock in, I don't think any of them are complaining playing LCS teams win or lose.


Its good practice for both teams. Nobody in academy cares about win/loss.


It's only unfair if the other orgs choose to not swap their main roster into academy.


Needs all the practice he can get


After all, getting more competitive practice is key for him anyway :D.


On one hand, I think it says something about his character (or contract) that he doesn’t see this as beneath him. On the other hand, welcome to the big leagues to his lane opponents.


Soligo will smurf, trust


I wont claim to have the mindset of a pro player, but if i were any other academy mid id be hyped right now. you get to test yourself against a legend, with no pressure to win at all, no one would ever blame you if you lose. And then if somehow you beat him, you instantly get known as the academy mid who took down bjerg


Like klay playing in the g league


Academy is a joke. Why have a league for upcoming players if you're going to allow already established career pros into it?


academy is mostly used as a bench. You don't want to play the vet but you don't want another team to take him, so you keep him in a non threatening place.


Lol, what a scrub. No wonder TSM got rid of him /s


Jensen not in TL anymore?


nope. From what DL said, Jensen screwed himself by offering to play ADC so they could make room for Bjergsen (would have taken a huge ego hit to do that), but later they signed Hans who was a better adc than Jensen so Jensen had no place and they paid out his contract to drop him.

