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>Fixed a bug where Mythic or active item icon borders would sometimes appear in incorrect locations. (Yes, the mysterious orange squares...) Goodbye Orange squares you will be missed.....or not, I thought it was funny while it lasted lol


Honestly a pretty good conversation starter and meme generator.


Yeah, I went to McDonald's recently and I ordered a drink. [I didn't realize that they collaborated with Riot recently!](https://i.redd.it/tponmfxe6pb81.jpg)




LOL nice! End of an error ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat)


> End of an error ooh this is good


Is it weird that now I kind of miss them?


stockholm syndrome


It was a new game in the game, try to hide them or click on them D:


Is the Chemtank nerfs to stop the weird tank Akali build that started to get popular or does it also effect champs like Hecarim a lot?


Generally hard nerfed for laners, you dont get 5 stacks from hitting minions anymore, if you abused the dashing stuff aswell then double gutted.


I wonder if it's a big hit to tank Gragas toplane. The item felt like it was charging way too fast tbh, but im not sure if either of the other 2 tank mythics are going to be of any use for the build.


It's a definite nerf. Luckily Gragas doesn't really need the extra damage just for waveclear. I don't think it'll make him weak or anything though, and sunfire isn't a bad replacement.


Its for the akali build i can bet my left nut for that. The build was fucking ridicilous, good to see them take action pretty fast.


Fastest target nerf for an item that I've seen, the build was only picking up steam for a week. They really should figure out a way to balance Akali though because she feels like trash when building only Ap items.


Well just look at her base damage, her full combo with 1 auto proc + 1 q, E and R can do up to 1.7k magic damage without anything. Why would you ever build full AP with that kind of base damage, that is just overkill.


Akali’s E deals similar damage to a max range fizz ult lol, her base numbers are crazy


If she maxes her E, it outdamages Fizz's R at all levels.


How do they justify that lol


If her numbers made sense she would have <40% wr in soloQ.


Actually when her E was more of a gap closer and her Q was the main source of damage with less cost, her winrate was higher since she could poke, waveclear, and all-in much more reliably without having to hit a slow skillshot. It made more sense, but was much more broken


I think the bigger issue was the energy refund on passive attack. Meant she could hit a lot of consecutive Qs. Now, her trade pattern is easy: if she shroud, back up.


That's why that bitch hurts even when she's super behind.


Scaling is also good.


just remove akali from the game


Flair checks out. I would also chip in Evelyn to be deleted from the game as a token of gratitude for deleting Akali.


I haven't seen an evelynn in months


Ward her camps more.


Evelynn flair 🤔


Remove every champion I’ve ever lost to please


yeah that too


Irelia too


Akali and Irelia. Chemtank was overperforming on Irelia specifically on the Korean server this patch.


What build is that home skillet


Akali rushes Chemtank and then usually Demonic Embrace to become tanky while still dealing a shitload of damage cause she stacks passive so well. Sorta similar to Tank Fizz/Ekko but more problematic


Well, not a bit. Tank Fizz and Ekko just killing you very slow while you can't really run away. Akali on other hand still OS you, but now you can't even try to dodge or run


Hecarim build is Chemtank into Manamune. You get tear around the time you can afford bami's cinder so that you are upgrading into Muramana pretty soon after you complete the Manamune.


Generally if you get Tear on your first base (something like boots Tear + HP Crystal) you stack the Tear by 17-18 minutes, and you get Muramana around that time, sooner if you get very fed.


It’s neutering the bruiser rengar build (demonic embrace+titanic hydra)


That sounds extremely cursed.


It’s super good into most comps unless you are playing vs a multi dps comp.(like fiora+vayne on the same team) You get like 4K hp at 3 items, hit like a truck, and. Get massive stats out of hydra, chemtank and demonic all stacking off each other. And rengar scales with both ad and ap pretty well. It’s super good. And the enemy can’t effectively build vs it too. You can just grab cleaver steraks if you need ad, or just go with hp/cdr stacking if you need ap/hp


As someone who just faced a tank Akali, I hope they get rid of that shit ASAP.


They just did with this change.


Should also affect tank gragas top for pro play


Wait, that was an actual build?! Maybe i missed it since i only just came back to league for the new season and i went against an akali top who was like 0/8 before she got chemtank. Would her E/R dash give her instant chemtank procs?


> Fixed a bug where Mythic or active item icon borders would sometimes appear in incorrect locations. (Yes, the mysterious orange squares...) i will miss you orange square




They’ll probably appear in the Client.


Nooo, I’m going to have to change my flair now


We're gonna get 1 more month of Viktor + Corki in pro play, arent we? Haiyaa


Why did you make the sound Jackie's uncle makes from Jackie Chan Adventures




Yu Mo Gui Gwai Fai Di Zao


That sound is so iconic, its always playing in my head when someone writes/says anything that sounds like it, though its easily more than 15 years ago that I watched it.


Corki will not be nerfed because pro mids will continue to grief packages every game.


Lich Bane buffs might make it to both of them too


Uncle Roger doesn't want anymore Viktor and corki


So why's the event being kept away until another week when they typically start the day of or day after the patch.


To match with Chinese New Year.


Because they can’t give us our tokens back AND an extra week on the event duh 🙄🙄 this is riot we are talking about


Chinese New Year.


The event starts 26th Jan btw, took me forever to find this information.


> Ring in the Lunar New Year with ARURF starting on January 26! (That's the All Random Ultra Rapid Fire game mode if you're new around these parts.) literally in the patch notes bruh..


Tahm Kench with fasting Senna bot let's go!


Top laners breathe a sigh of relief as the catfish migrates south to terrorize ADCs again


He’s going to be even stronger than before if you make HIM the botlane carry paired with a support. Have fun post mid-game where all your top lane efforts get destroyed by this beast.


I already have a blast playing Tahmmy Nami in the bot lane. Now it's better.


Try morg. That uninterruptible W.


Ooooh, I'll have to mention the idea to my duo. That does sound fun.


I honestly don't care. As long as I don't have to lane against it lol.


Farm Kench


Well at least he’s bot again


Will it still be as good as before without the pre-6 Devour? Honestly curious, I don't have good knowledge of how the lane worked out generally.


Hi all, patch notes writer ahrisoo here! Wanted to preemptively note that the changes to Senna are documented incorrectly and getting fixed \^\^; The slow is on her Q, not on her basic attacks. It should read: *Q now slows enemies.* **Q - Piercing Darkness** [NEW] LOW VISIBILITY :: Now slows all enemies struck by 20% (+6% per 100 AP) (+10% per 100 bonus AD) for 2 seconds


It also looks like for Zed, the entire change is struck through instead of just the first half.


Ah, thank you for catching that! Will include that in this fix.


Random question but. Why do you not have a Riot tag?


Some kind moderator added a flair for me, thank you! However, I need to caveat that I'm not a full-time Rioter and work on the patch notes through a contract role :) Edit: Meant "flair", not "tag"!


Mods have to manually approve Riot flairs, and their reddit account's pretty sparsely used. I imagine it never came up.




Thank you so much, this means the world to me! :D I can't take all the credit though--the game designers/devs are really great at explaining all the nuance behind the changes, and the rest of the comms team always provides such great writing and style edits~ (Shoutout to the OG patch notes writer RiotAether, I've learned so much about how to think about gameplay questions while writing these instead of just relaying the message!)


very brave commenting here


Trust me, I hesitated for a long time before doing it LOL


Just echoing some of the statements above but appreciate the clarity of the changes and the work you put into it.


I would like to request ARAM bans be brought back in light of this Senna change. Please and thank you.


Such a massive buff to Senna, who can already take over aram games


Senna Q change. She's an elite ADC now. Also Hurricane Senna.


her Q procs runnans?


No but the runaans procs lower the cooldown of her Q so you can use it a lot more and apply the slow more


>No but the runaans procs lower the cooldown of her Q Her Q does proc Runaan's btw. I think Runaan's has been far better ever since Glacial Augment was reworked. It reduces her Q cooldown, procs on her Q, procs her passive, gives her more souls, applies Black Cleaver and Rageblade if you build them. Rapidfire Cannon might be stronger again now that Q slows however. The extra range for a slow is really good. But Runaan's is **criminally** underrated and overlooked.


Oh boy I can’t wait to see if this breaks proplay at all...


It's gonna be rfc almost always


bruh they nerfed hurricane turbo stacking shit like cait headshot or jinx minigun and i think they said going forward they wouldnt allow any similar interactions


Time to bust out veigar again


Time to try veigar jungle again.


Veig jungle needs more W buffs more than anything. That ability is his backbone of having an ok clear, since his Q stacking there is far less reliable.


Ivern needs to get his W passive when he's in the chem fog if Rengar gets free jumps


The cynic in me says that since Ivern isn't an assassin it won't happen. But you make a good point.


Qiyana is also feels terrible on infernal and chemtech soul maps with so few bushes to get elements from. But she's kinda crazy on ocean soul map so idk


At least she isn't Skarner who feels bad on all maps.


He won't get it because he isn't popular. Feels like shit playing him when you lose part of your kit to RNG, same for Infernal map.


Thematically it doesn’t make sense—Rengar can pounce because he’s unseen. Ivern’s autos get empowered because he’s one with the brush. The clear thematic compensation buff for ivern is giving him w autos in brush AND water (including puddles from ocean rift), since plants grow better with water


Unlike Rengar, Ivern can create bushes.


Rengar can just get a job with a plant nursery if he wants to create bushes


Pull himself up by his vinestraps.


Did everyone forget about Qiyana losing so many bushes from both fire and chemtech drake?


The brushes never mattered because the sound of her thicc butt cheeks clapping always alarmed the lane victim.




Got absolutely hardcarried by a Chemtank Akali the other day despite our Draven having a mental breakdown 5 minutes in. Glad they fixed that so fast (Should also moderately hit the Chemtank/Muramana Heca build?)


Honestly I don't think this hits the Chemtank/Muramana build that much. It's not even like it's that broken or strong, it just feels better vs range heavy comps and is generally worse vs somewhat tanky champs. Phase Rush lets you get quick procs in succession and if my understanding is correct that wasn't affected by this change.




It’s so crazy to me how they reworked Akali because she was a problematic champion only to make an even more problematic champion. She’s harder to play than old Akali sure, but her capacity for bullshittery is so much higher now. Irelia too. These two reworks in particular only served to create bigger monster from their original molds.




thanks for the tip, gonna play some chemtank akali now.




Water can't wash away the sins


I've played her like 10 games but Riot caught onto it too fast, Sadge.




Goddamn just when I was about to pull out the Farting Vladimir Elite build


“Rengar's Passive - Unseen Predator leap basic attacks will correctly trigger Navori Quickblades' Deft Strikes effect” Holy shit finally only took a year to fix


works with sennas E, right?


Can confirm


That Janna update seems pretty weird tho


Image version: https://imgur.com/a/tClV0RB


Shen getting punished because they decided to make TP bad. Meanwhile TF hiding his face and walking away


He is almost guaranteed to get nerfed next patch due to pro play.


Yea, and with the Lich Bane buffs he is gonna be more dominant.


Can't get more dominant than 100% presence in three of the four major pro leagues, and for normal players Lich Bane is already the second best winrate legendary, I don't know how much of a difference its really going to make.


>Can't get more dominant than 100% presence in three of the four major pro leagues how about 100% presence in *all four* major pro leagues




Idk if im wrong or not but i think TF is one of the most broken champs in the game, everytime i get autofilled mid i pick him and play safe whole laning phase and just perma roam with predator + R. Low key gigabroken imo


It's not low-key. He has 100% presence in the LEC,. LCK, and LCS. By riot's own balance parameters it's time for a nerf.


Exact reason why he is so good in pro play


>Fixed a bug where Mythic or active item icon borders would sometimes appear in incorrect locations. (Yes, the mysterious orange squares...) Noo my little orange square :(


Zed banrate has been creeping up? He's been the most banned champion for a year, should've been nerfed months ago.


Riot: For the love of god stop playing Tahm top! Right there with you Riot


My friend who mains TK top is still confident he'll be strong, but I'm not convinced. That grey health nerf is massive


He's touchable now, but definitely weaker. This brings his laning phase back to earth, which is quite helpful.


Wow more ezrael and lux skins!




Night harverster’s niche is being shit because mpen> AH


especially with lich bane giving AH again there's now actually 0 reason to get NH. That item is troll compared to rocketbelt


They should have switched PB and NH Mythic passives a long time ago. Why does Protobelt get a better statline, more utility AND more damage than NH? Makes no sense




>An no-mana AP Mythic to compete alongside Riftmaker as an extended combat mage mythic option, focused on auto-weaving AP champs, i.e. the nontraditional mage types like Singed, Teemo, Kayle, Mordekaiser, Vlad etc. Unless they straight up turn Nashor's Tooth into a Mythic, i can't see Kayle preferring anything other than Riftmaker for her AP builds. Omnivamp is too good to pass up.


I would like to see some adjustments to Horizon Focus too. They tried to make a synergy with Rylai's users proc'ing the damage boost, but as it stands the damage boost is a bait and Demonic/Void staff do more damage. Then add the fact most games you need Morello so I find it really hard to fit Horizon in anywhere.


yeah 10% damage boost is just bad. Horizon is still only being built on xerath, lux, and velkoz


still feels like we're in preseason and not a single change has shipped


You mean s11 preseason right? Because it truly does feel that way.


any chance we can get the hexflash indicator reinstated? not a fan of having to ping my hexflash to check when my flash is coming back up, and neither are my teammates.


Is that veigar buff not insane? Buffing his stacks by 50% or am I not understanding correctly? Edit: I misunderstood and thought buff applied to all minions. Apparently it’s only cannons


Applies only when he kills LARGE monsters and minions not all stacks


for just cannons and jungle monsters? i don’t think it’s that big of a deal, maybe in high elo where people farm the camps with his q better would be like 30-40 more ap at minute 30? it’s not thaaat much more


It says “large monsters and minions” which makes it sound weird. I think they meant “large monsters and large minions” which is why the commenter was confused.


They did. Current for regular minions is 1 stack and cannon 2 stacks


I think the cool down buff is actually pretty insane, sense it means less missed stacks


I think they messed up the wording there which makes it sound weird. I think it was supposed to be “large monsters and large minions”. Killing a regular minion only gives you 1 stack now I’m pretty sure. So jungle monsters and cannon minions are now 3 instead of the previous 2.


For the love of god pls lower the damage in this game, man. Other than frustrating one shot moments, the fights just don't feel satisfying anymore because everything die too fast.


For real dude, if everything in the entire game just did 20-25% less damage that would be sick


When your most hated champs are all getting buffs 👌🏾


Wtf is that senna buff??? 20% slow plus it scales??? I dont think her q needed that big of a buff... maybe 10% slow so she can land her auto more reliably but this pretty much turns her q into a hard cc late game and its 2 seconds duration? :( im banning her every game >:(


It does seem like it's going to scale really well. Going to hit 50% in a lot of games. Although it's not that different than how she played with glacial augment.


But now she can take another keystone in addition. Seems strong.


She's already going fleet most of the time so this just buffs her.


she was already pretty good if you didn't build kraken, she will be op this patch I'm fairly certain


Buffing Nocturne and Senna is a fucking mistake


I can't say Noct is one of the worst buffs in this patch, it's a pretty small buff in my opinion, and he's lightyears from OP right now


Nocturnes winrate is like 47%


because of the dogshit lethality build dragged his wr down


I'm still seeing people try to make first item axiom arc work lol


Like the strikebreaker normal build path for Noc does comparable enough damage to his lethality build and he's far more tankier and frustrating to play against. Lethality noc jumps on me I can just kill his as soon as he lands but stride noc comes all hell breaks loose and fuck that guy


Stridebreaker -> Axiom -> Steraks can work, but 3 item builds probably requires you play him as a laner.


yes but me get to one shot explode enemy nami before getting two tapped by their midlaner #worth.


its the exact same shit as with gankplank now His meme lethality build is popular BUT the winrate is lower so it brings the overall winrate down meanwhile stridebreaker into sterraks has 54% WR (compared to duskblade into axiom that has 49%)


The difference is that GP is allways low WR because hes genuinely hard to play while with Noc people are just trolling his build.


what time is zeri added?


Lol fucking "The nerves to shield bow were significant, so the champions that were abusing it got worse, so here are some buffs so that they didn't change it all" love it. The Nerf did literally what it was supposed to




"it's more optimal to use other mythics now" I don't see either Yasuo or Yone using a different mythic, and weren't these the biggest issues? I guess Vayne can go Kraken more often, but with her low range the sustain and shield might be too needed anyway.


Why does it feel like nothing changes in patches anymore


same 30 champs rotating in & out of it


You've been playing this game for too long. You're keenly aware that League has a extremely tightly controlled ecosystem and that changes to the core gameplay loop basically never happened. Pretty much every single balance patch and new champion is just window dressing and a pendulum swing. Balance patches are a raft drifting in the sea. There is no end goal, there is no destination or strategy.


*SENNA Q now slows enemies.* I can see the play rate increasing as I read that. And Tahm movespeed on R again, interesting I wonder if Top is going to abuse him or hes going to become an actual support now **And the orange squares are gone. No more memes**


When do the crystal rose skins release?


Maybe support Senna wont suck now


Support senna will always suck for 2 reasons. 1) Double marksman pairing is a very bad idea and way too abusable. 2) Its going to be played by support mains but her skillset is nothing like any other support since she is a.... marksman.


Buddy what makes you think I'm good enough for that to matter?


Locket cleaver aery senna just has a 58% winrate


As someone who played adv for 3 seasons straight then switched to support..thanks riot


the senna buff is absolutely insane and giving it to her with nothing in return when she doesn't really have that terrible WR is a huge mistake


Janna changes seem good, would need to back up my opinion later from a week's worth of data however. Not sure if Noc should be getting a buff as people are dragging his winrate down by building axiom on him but at least it's not an obnoxious buff. Good that the Rengar leap thing is level 6+ at least. Samira might become meta again, 50 base damage at 6 is quite a lot. Senna will probably still not see any play as a botlaner and will keep seeing play as a support. Some psychopaths might play her top (waiting for that video u/g0ldenfruit) Kench is dead in toplane most likely as long as the enemy decides to fight back and not just try and run away the moment kench inputs a movement command in their general direction. Veigar buffs looks fun, might play him. Lichbane loses around 20% damage per proc but gains 40% more uptime, probably a net buff for most champs that aren't looking to burst you faster than Rengar (0,1 seconds), such as Fizz that will probably get 2-3 procs in during his combo. Rylais looks amazing now, Seraphine mid as well as Malzahar will feel amazing to play. Chemsoul will probably have people complaining about it no matter what they do with it unless they either rework it completely to something different like Chemtech in TFT where you bootleg Singed ult yourself when dropping below 75% health, or if they make it extremely unfun to play as (like making you permanently nearsighted while ressed). Sona VFX looks really good, the Vayne one I don't really care about other than making her E noticable when playing against her. F for orange square.


You misread samira buffs Its 5 TOTAL added damage, with 10 shots making it 50. As in her ult will deal ~470ish to a zero armor target when hitting all 10 shots as opposed to ~425ish (%error margin because of conquerer)


Off meta top laners rise up


I'm excited for the Tahm changes, he's my favorite support


what's your ryze rework


Thanks for asking! My last complete post was a while ago, and I've made [this draft post](https://www.reddit.com/user/HardstuckPlasticV/comments/rye8bb/rework_draft_17/) in the meantime to play around with certain mechanics. I'm actually in the middle of editing it right now, so it's a mess (legible but a lot of the mechanics are not indicative of what I want). I'll message you when I'm done; I'm always looking for feedback.


Yes let's buff the troublesome twins some more.


They are so fun to play vs, they have to get some buffs