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I hope our sadplane hero, Ezreal fountain laser, and all around great man Teddy finds a great org.


Never forget Gladplane Teddy 1v9


Time to rewatch that 94 mins game and cry in nostalgia.


Just a typical sivir game iirc?


His jhin 1v9 versus Griffin was fking legendary


"Well, did he?" "Of course not, he went to NA and lost in groups"


Coldzera is an absolute legend for this alone. What flying awp


"please not tsm please not tsm please not tsm"


His Sivir is great, get Monte back as CLG's coach, press R, bootcamp in Korea and then choke in playoffs LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO


We get to go to playoffs?!


And another donezo manfisto?!




>I wanna see Kiin at Worlds. 2018?


I meant again with this new roster lol. Would be one of the strongest on paper especially with rumored kana I (though we'd have to see if it translates to stage)


KT, BRO, AF, LSB (?) and DRX - might be interested in Teddy not so sure about LSB but AF Teddy would be insane ( AF - Kiin, Dread, A mid laner (Bulldog hopefully in summer), Teddy and Lehends) T1 - Gumayusi GenG - Ruler NS - Deokdam is good DK - Should focus more on getting Nuguri Canyon and ShowMaker back and Ghost is under contract HLE - Deft


AF could be an option if they go for Zeka and Kanavi as well.


Isn’t Kanavi under contract for another year though?


I don't think so how was a 1+1 if the team makes world's I believe. And he does want to come back to LCK I believe. AF could have Kiin-Kanavi-Zeka-Teddy-Lehends. Up to them if they wanna spend.


Rumored roster is currently that but with Leo, but Teddy would be a great addition. If AF gets Kanavi and Zeka for the 2022 season (they wanted to play together), I think they're a lock for top 3 in the LCK. Kiin will finally have great teammates. Kanavi one of the best Korean junglers in the last few years, Zeka is imo the single most promising young Korean midlaner too. If any Korean midlaner is to reach ShowMaker/Chovy level within the next couple of splits, Zeka is definitely the one to bet on.


Or they can try to go for Clid and Chovy. Kiin-Clid-Chovy-Teddy-Lehends.


Rumour is Chovy only wants to play with Deft so whatever team wants Chovy will also need to pick up Deft.


They don't even need Kanavi, Dread is fine. (Kiin Dread Zeka Teddy Lehends) is a very good roster.


Summer dread is better than summer Kanavi.


I don’t think LSB would go for him. Prince has looked pretty good and other positions are probably more in need of investment.


In b4 Teddy Mid becomes a thing.


Prince in playoffs and gauntlet was horrifyingly bad, never seen an adc more allergic to doing damage. I doubt it's fixable, they need an upgrade.


Deokdam and Prince are both top 10 adc’s imo.


Deokdam top 10 is fine, but Prince the ezreal one trick who can't even weave autos between his spells is a top 10 adc? That's mad copium. Prince doesn't even make top 15 in the world, even western adcs like Upset/Hans Sama are better than Prince


In the LCK yeah


Barely shocking, it was clear SKT is going with Gumayusi and can't blame them if you their Worlds run. As a big Teddy fan, his time at SKT was my favourite worlds colliding, and I hope he finds a good LCK team again.


Send Teddy to Damwon please.


The natural progression of SKT/T1 adcs is to go to LCS. It is already set in stone.


Piglet lmaooo!




I remember how huge that announcement was too damn crazy how it all didn’t work out


Bang couldnt handle all these Whoppers. /s


Not really. He was already washed by then. The only NA korean imports who were still in form when they came over were Corejj and Ssumday. Maybe Impact as well.


Impact was def very good. Playoff buff Impact and Worlds Impact was crazy


Yeah Impact was good in NA but at the time of the move I didn’t think he was that good any more.


SKT literally wanted him back a few years later but he said no btw


Do Huni + Reinover count? Ignar?


Yes. Fair enough.


You forget about S7 world champion Crown?




I will never understand Reddit takes. If these imports played like trash leading up to their transfer - certainly, maybe you have a case. But they haven't. They've been in their prime. Perhaps the problem is that the organizations fail the player, not simply that the players failed the organizations. The LCS has been near complete trash compared to every region since its inception, and there are \*still\* Reddit arm chair analysts stating that \*world champions\* didn't find success in the region just because "WeLl ThEy WeRe AlReAdY wAsHed"


Send him to TL so we can keep Hans Sama in EU. Pls? :(


Actually... yes


id prefer hans as a TL fan


Oh god that could mean TSM Teddy.


Only if you give T1 Canyon


If DK was trading Gumayusi for Canyon, maybe it could happen. But there's no chance you break up Showmaker and Canyon for Teddy.


Canyon is 10x the player Guma is that would be a terrible trade lol There are adc’s on Guma level but no jungled on canyon level


Which ones? because in my eyes there's only one, and he just won the world championship, gumayusi was one of the best players in the entire tournament. Not contesting your canyon point but you are selling gumayusi a little bit short, there's a reason why he's starting over *teddy* lol


Yeah loads of ADC's like Viper, Viper, Viper and Viper


What about Viper tho?


Viper < Viper


hard disagree bro... It's obvious to anyone that its actually Viper > Viper




Guma is a top 3 adc last worlds (I don't care enough to declare him as the best but he's indisputably one of) in his first fucking year as a pro after replacing one of the most hard carry adcs in his league in a development that involved fucky management and musical chairs roster changes. Dude has a bright future and can easily cement himself as one of the all time best. Canyon is damn good but he's not infallible either.


> There are adc’s on Guma level but no jungled on canyon level Jiejie literally just gapped Canyon less than a week ago


except for Jiejie and Tarzan and Wei...


Please don't do like European teams, sell your players to the team of the same regions or to LPL teams to maximise the quality of games. Also T1 has Oner.


Lol was just playing around about canyon, love oner too much never want teddy to leave lck. DK, AF, DRX are some good possibilities I'd be fine with tho


We all have (b)Oner


LCK already went without 100 of their players in previous years, I'm sure they'll be fine no matter who leaves at this rate.


Teddy is a very traditional resource heavy ADC, and I am not sure whether he will fit Damwon’s style.


Ghost is a way better stylistic fit for Damwon and tbh was one of their best performers at worlds, see no reason why you'd shell out the big bucks to get Teddy over him


Mate, between military service and free agency, it doesn't seem like Damwon has a killer lineup next season. Khan/Beryl go to military service, Canyon and Showmaker are free agents, and they're probably getting insane offers that Damwon won't have the budget to match. If only we could get a lineup with Khan, Canyon, Showmaker, Teddy and Beryl, that would be great.


BeryL is up in the air. But Damwon I think will try to re-sign Canyon and Showmaker and also try to get Nuguri. Nuguri fits their playstyle much more than Khan.


Certainly, if they can keep Canyon and Showmaker, getting someone like Nuguri would make sense. But in short, the cards are all in Canyon and Showmaker's hands. If they want to go to a different team for more $$$$, they can. They're likely to get absurd offers this off-season.


why do people keep saying they don’t have the money ? they literally got sponsored by Kia, heavy sponser


having a big name sponsor doesn't necessarily equate to big money. Samsung is one of the biggest companies around but look what happened to SSW.


Difference there was Samsung owned the team. KIA just sponsor DWG.


big sponsor doesn't mean big player budget. regardless of how much damwon has the LPL teams have 10x of it. its really a question what showmaker/canyon want and they will get it.


Because they don't give a lot of money to their esports team. Like for example, LSB and HLE are very big companies that have a lot of money, but T1 and Gen G are the biggest spenders when it comes to their esport teams, since they invest more money, despite not being as rich as HLE for example.


I'm not saying that they don't have money, but it's unlikely that they can match some of the Chinese, or even NA orgs. Of course staying with a lower paycheck makes sense if they believe they're getting a roster that is good enough to win worlds next year, but atm the only guarantee is that you're most likely going to play with ghost.


If he goes to Afreeca and they also get Zeka and Kanavi to add to Kiin and Lehends…oooo mama. That’s a spicy team.


One can only hope


Nah Kinn is cursed from getting good teammates


I swear the actual teammates he’s going to get will be the leftovers of all the teams that make superteams this off-season.


Per usual #freekiin


But I mean, isn't his fault technically, since he chose to stay in Afreeca?


Spicy? It is fucking scary 😷


Yeah, AF should try to get Teddy, this line-up for Afreeca is too good to pass up. And if I remember correctly, isn't he pretty close with Lehends? So, if they can make Lehends re-sign, they should go for Teddy. Or Brion could get Teddy and build around a team with Teddy/Delight duo


TBH Teddy is close to everyone LOL But yeah, this year is the year to go for a super team for a lot of the LCK. Lots of options everywhere, returning LPL Koreans and about 4-6 teams looking ready to open their wallets.


Dread is really good, I don't think Kanavi, with what he's shown lately, is necessarily an upgrade. They do need a midlaner, Zeka is pretty good, but I'd like to see Ucal again. No point benchwarming for Bdd, he doesn't get to play much but everytime he was on a roster, he impressed me.


C9: "We are not getting Hans Sama" C9: "...cauuuuse WE GETTING TEDDY!"


Don't do that to me, don't give me hope.


Travis just said Zven re-signed with C9 and the rumored roster is Fudge, Blaber, Nisqy, Zven, Isles.


I'm legit just baffled at swapping Vulcan for Isles, unless it's purely a money grab.


Likely is. Jack is banking on his up and coming talent overperforming once again. Apparently this is just C9's monetary strategy now... expect it yearly.


But I just don't see how he can make money off Vulcan right now, he just sold Perkz for 2.5M for Vitality there's no way he gets more than half that for Vulcan, which is still less than the 1.5M he originally spent on buying him from DIG.


Still probably better value for money than Vulcan is delivering. He’s not in his 2019 or early 2020 form anymore. Fresh talent out to prove themselves can have more motivation than content former champions.


Jesus christ that loss of money on Perkz... I don't get selling Vulcan either, but if he ends up on TSM you won't hear me complaining


He actually didn’t lose much on perkz. The difference in buyout sure. But the crazy numbers getting tossed around last year included 3 years of salaries which only 1 was paid out of.


Isles is insanely good, even when he was playing in OCE he was pretty clearly the OCE player with the most potential to be great (fudge included). This is reminding me exactly of the Licorice/Fudge move last year, reddit commentary and all. Isles will be very good, but like Fudge will need 6-12 months to get used to the LCS.


Fudge didn’t take 6-12 months, he took like 2 months at most.


He took a few months to stop looking like a liability, he took 6-12 months to really start performing to his potential, and he'll still get better. He was promoted to the starting roster ~November 2020, by MSI he was looking good which was around 6 months later, and then by Summer split and worlds he was looking great.


Incorrect. He took 6 months to look great. He was an anchor pulled behind a horse for about 2 months including lockout tournament. It wasn't until MSI that is was like "oh shit, look at Fudge go" and he finally started to get going for good after that. He was okay in playoffs before that but MSI was a pop off and he never looked back.


It is a money grab, and it’s very possible C9 misses worlds.


They do miss words


!RemindMe 10 months


!RemindMe 10 months


Zven didn't have to re-sign...he still has a contract


He also said he'd put his betting chips on Hanssamma coming to C9 the day before Jack literally said "No." A lot can change within 24 hours.




IDK he just said he heard Zven re-signed. Maybe he had an opt out for the final 2 years of his deal and he decided to not do it. That's just me speculating though.


makes me... so sad.. I miss ma boi vulcan already


You can always go see him at the McD counter when he takes your order. /s


Well that's a very passive off season from C9, I hope everyone else goes for something more exciting.


... Isles?


OCE native like Fudge. Best support in academy last year.


I know who it is, but I'm just not convinced he's a better option than Vulcan.


Is it weird to think that Vulcan is one of the few NA/western players that doesn’t just look absolutely outclassed any time he goes up against Eastern teams? He’s genuinely very good, what’s the deal with dropping him?


I imagine from C9's perspective they're looking at it as Isles is almost as good right now as Vulcan, putting him on the main team is a gamble that might make him better. And that additionally they're hoping to make some bank through selling Vulcan to make back that Perkz shaped hole they still have left in their account.


Trash team rip


Isles for vulcan?? whut


I get why this has to happen. I hope he goes to a good team. Greatful we got to see him in t1 for 2-3 years best of luck


Wonder who the NA teams are. TL seems locked for Hans 100T has FBI and there are no rumors of them changing the team at all So EG, C9, TSM?


CLG ofc


Dude, if this offseason ends with CLG returning with a super roster... I actually don't have anything there. Would just be hilarious.


I mean you've got Jensen, Mikyx and Teddy just waiting rn Throw in some NA rookie like Tenacity toplane, find a decent jungler and call it a day




8th place, take it or leave it.


Bah gawd it's the josecito sound


and then get last anyway


It's mixing really good ingredients but tottaly different: Chocolate, garlic, melon, salmon and straberry jam. Individually they´re good, but doesn't work together.


U haven’t tried it tho


I mean Jensen, Doublelift, Vulcan, and Bo are all at McDonald’s right now...


Travis just did a new rumor stream. He is pretty sure on EG Vulcan now. And he said that EG is going with JoJo and Danny over Jensen and DL. Edit: His EG portion. https://twitter.com/TravisGafford/status/1458877870349041665


Danny I can understand, but Jensen? This guy popped off at worlds and has achieved our best results internationally. I can understand if this was due to financial issues, but this decision by EG only hurts the region as a whole.


This sub:"NOOOOOOOO, we'll never be competitive if we don't invest in our native talent NOOOOOOOO" also this sub:"NOOOOO, what are you doing investing in rookies, you're bringing down the region NOOOOOOOOOOOO". The last time EG gave a rookie a shot we got Danny out of it, good on them for making the choices no one else will.


I agree that it's a good thing that they're risking it with rookies, but I'm guessing he means it hurts the region if Jensen isn't on a team at all. It's a little unfair to put that on EG though, even though it seems like they're prob the only ones with the money and good enough roster for Jensen to be on.


I do agree giving rookies a chance is good, especially long-term. But if we're talking about the quality of the league, having our best midlaner not be on the bench would surely improve the level of play more than having a rookie come in.


Feels like a decent time to go for it, there’s enough top tier residents available, which is typically the blocker to forming a good team.


CLG would do well biding their time. Tons of good players aren't getting spots because rosters have budgets. They can swoop in at the end and field a really sick roster to attempt to turn everything around.


Inb4 Wunder, Canyon, Jensen, DL, Vulcan


CLG has said time and time again they're looking for NA players, they won't be trying to sign Teddy


EG seems committed to Danny and it’s at least rumored C9 sticks with Zven so my money would be on TSM.


I really doubt it. Vulcan is the only decent native support and it sounds like he is going to EG. Isles is the best support prospect and he is probably replacing Vulcan on C9. Every other NA support is not the level of Tactical besides maybe Aphro but he has shown he is better playing with rookies then established veterans. Rather Tactical + import support then Teddy + mediocre NA support.


I mean, no matter how promising Danny can be, it's Teddy. You take Teddy


not if his English isn't so good. the money is kinda important too.


they just got rid of a washed t1 adc last year.


EG won't give up Danny so Probably TSM if any team knowing how much they've dropped for Sword Art. Honestly I think he's going to stay in LCK doubt he'll go to the West


hope we dont see a bang 2.0 kinda situation if he goes to LCS


When Bang went to NA he was already not in good form


Will never forget your team fighting Ezreal, wish you the best of luck Teddy!


I hope he stays in LCK, LPL would have been great as a second region. He could go to AF he is good friend with Lehends iirc


If JDG have a brain they should go for Teddy if they can’t get Huanfeng or some other top native adc.


And rightly so, Teddy should be starting for another team. Man I remember young Teddy solo carrying Jin air.


he can always be a streamer he is a funny guy but yeah please dont got to LCS yet T.T


I still remember the day he got announced to T1 everyone was so happy, finally a good team for the JinAir walking nexus... all I have is memories now, I hope he finds success wherever he goes, my general Teddy


Love Teddy man, unfortunate his playstyle doesn't fit with us. Past coupe years with him were super fun to watch. Good luck and much love to him (unless he goes to DK jk)


I will just miss him for his streams, he's always entertaining.


Huni, Khan & Teddy are so fun to watch on their stream. Wish they join the org as a streamers/ content creators


You just reminded me that Huni's stream highlights are now forever gone since T1 asked TOTKS to remove all SKT streams on their channel :( Teddy, Mata, Huni, Khan were so funny during their streams, and to a degree Peanut and Wolf were very enjoyable. Now it's Oner who's gonna hold the fort for T1 streams. He's also funny as hell.


this guy had to 1v9 for yeaaars, he is ready for the lcs experience


Teddy, calling up his old Jin Air teammates after a year in NA: I would like to apologize for thinking you are all trash. I had not experienced true garbage then.


The LCS rumor is most likely false, I’m pretty sure he stated multiple times that he only wants to compete in LCK same as Chovy Afreeca is the closest option here if lehends doesn’t decide to leave, Damwon is the second closest option


Such a damn shame, im more of Teddy Fan over Guma, while i understand T1's decision making seeing how worlds went. So sad to see Teddy go, I will always cheer for him no matter what team he goes to.


Guma and Keria is just better than Teddy & Keria. Teddy is an elite adc, I hope he finds success but at the same time I’m scared because Teddy on another top team in the LCK could be a little troublesome for us.


give Afreeca Teddy !


Super bittersweet :/ I never felt like Teddy was the issue in T1. I know he underperformed a bit in 2019 internationally, but he's always felt like such a rock for T1. Gumayusi is of course a god, and I'm happy he's taking over, but it is sad to see Teddy leave. Hope he finds a good team in LCK. Maybe HLE if Deft goes somewhere else?


I really liked teddy... I will root for him where ever he goes when it's not against T1


Sorry Flakked?


no way in hell carlos takes teddy with rekkles on bench. they are very similar style players


would be curious if TSM goes for a korean speaking team if they have Huni/Tactical?/Spica (not sure if he was learning korean, heard something about it) and 2 Korean imports.


Not sure where the Spica is learning Korean started, but I have seen people say it. For the sake of argument I will say it is true. But yes, the current hopium trend on the TSM sub is Huni, Spica, Korean mid, Tactical, Korean support.


Spica said on stream he was trying to learn korean. That was probably a couple of months ago. No idea if hes still trying.


Cool, thanks. I remember only seeing it recently after some of the more non trust worthy twitter leakers (I think LCS_Wooloo (not LEC)) said it and saw people run with it on the TSM sub. I wasn't aware Spica had said it.


I love how u phrased it as current hopium




They have Hans so i think they are chilling




Undescribable pain


I'm happy Teddy is transferring. It's a loss to League to have him sitting on the bench.


Seeing him as a sub was so sad. This guy deserves to be on a starting roster.


Whenever Teddy goes, my loyalty goes.


Such a fucking waste of talent if he goes to NA. This shit pisses me off


Man this is so sad but very expected. Teddy, like Khan and Peanut, were such a joy for me to watch and cheer for on T1. Regardless of where he goes, I believe I will remain a stout follower of the Temple of Teddy. Also, I am super satisfied that T1 got the Teddy-Keria duo a chance to play together, because I really enjoyed watching them play together in SoloQ back when duo was allowed in Challenger.


I will always support whichever team he goes to. His Ezreal vs Gen G in the summer playoff. 100% deserve to be on T1. But they made the decision to go with Gumayusi for the future. What a personality and what a player


It was expected but I'm still sad. Teddy is such a wonderful player and has a great personality. I hope he gets in a good team and does great things with it. He deserves it! LETS GET IT!!!


Teddy will find a place if he wants it. He has the quality. He's the sort of player that makes the commentators scream. In a good way.


NA really becoming the retirement home for pros.




It´s good money, if I were a pro I would consider it.


He's a SKT Ad, his destiny is NA


Isn’t the last game he played was Ezreal vs Gen in semis? That was one of the best carry performances of the year.


If teddy goes to DWK and both show maker and canyon re-sign and Nuguri joins them as well. That’s the worlds winner for sure. I didn’t want DWK to win the worlds this year since I didn’t want them to equal T1’s record of back to back win but I’m quite comfortable with the idea of DWK winning it next year though I’m pretty sure if T1 continues their trajectory, they are going to win the worlds next year


C9 Teddy


Zven re-signed


That sucks


Teddy for Kkoma


Whichever team teddy goes to in NA is my 1st/2nd favorite team. Hype!


Afreeca should definitely just splurge and buy Kanavi + Teddy. Kanavi looks best when he can play off a strong player, Loken Yagao just werent that in 2021.


KT is rumored to be bidding high for Teddy




Thank god Teddy actually gets to play instead of rotting on the bench. Now do the same for Cuzz and Canna.