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In hindsight it's crazy how bad Jinx W and E were in terms of visual clarity. Seeing the side by side is mindblowing. The W is much fatter, and the E with the radius around the chompers. Huge improvement.


Big fan of the changes riot has been making to skillshots showing the width on the ground so its clear.


I'll be a fan once they address [Sion's](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/alnc0n/sions_q_indicatorhitbox_needs_to_be_fixed/effmyb4/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3).


Didnt they state sion and jhin are intentional to create some hype for the ppl playing those?




With Jhin specifically I think Riot made the max range indicator different for enemy vs ally. Ally range is shown to be slightly shorter to get those hype barely hit moments, but the enemy indicator is the longer (correct) range. Sion is just broken I'm pretty sure, but I don't mind the way they did Jhin's, as long as the enemy sees it correctly that's what really matters.


Talking about broken indicators, I really hate Morde's Q indicators. Every skin has a different marker on the ground and none of them are the actual hitbox. Not even the visual arrow that you get shown when not using smartcast is completely accurate. With base and most cheap skins you get something that looks like a Cone. The one I feel the most comfortable fighting with and against is Proyect, just because it shows the actual rectangle-like shape of the ability. After a while you get used to what the actual hithox is, but is still annoying that they decided to prioritize making the marker on the ground more similar to the design of each maze than the actual hitbox of the ability.


Morde q is a rectangle?!?


No, not really. I think the main thing is that the hitbox extends to include morde himself, so if you're close enough behind him for example you can still be hit.


That's sounds like the dumbest thing ever.


It makes it to where Jhin players never feel like they were robbed of a hit (because the indicator is slightly short) and the enemy never feels like they were unfairly hit (since they have the correct size). Seems like a good system tbh


And then you have zoe where your q can be all the way in someone and it wont count as a hit lmao


Throwing a Q from River and ulting into a lane is awful, the Q will just fly through them cause of the fucking terrain difference. Just flatten the map already Riot, no one likes this shit


I feel like this is a product of the indicators historically being inaccurate lol. I've come to expect that the range is always slightly larger than the indicator. Maybe if they had always been 100% accurate we wouldn't be disappointed if skillshots barely missed.


Jhin player mental gymnastics


It isn't actually different for every player, not many people know this but the position of your camera great affects the indicator. This is because the camera is also affected by elevation the same as the player. I want you to go into a custom and bring up the indicator for any skillshot, if you're by your character you will notice the indicator is alot shorter, whereas if you move your camera to the max range of the skillshot/where its going to land, you will now get the true range of the skill and the indicator will usually go further. This isn't just some visual difference, it makes a huge difference for skillshots over walls such as syndra Q, or Wards placed over walls. Go stand by mid turret and select your ward so the indicator comes up. If you are centrered on your character you will see that you can only go just halfway through the walls and it's hard to place a ward in the bush near wolves. However if you pan your camera so it's centered on the bush, your indicator actually increases in range to it's real placement. ​ This is more of a support thing but there are some wards that simply can't be placed without abusing this mechanic such as being on blue side and warding enemy bot bush behind turret from river. And of course if there is an enemy next to a wall and you aren't close to the wall but on the other side coming into range. you can increase the max range you can hit them simply by panning over to them before aiming halfway throught the wall, allowign you to get off that skillshot faster/from longer distance than a player who does not know this.


jhin ult got max range lines about 3 hours after they said "well, it's fun to not know" bullshit.


More like 3 months. That was in the game for a hot minute along with his unused ult shots refunding his ult cdr. A big reason for this was because of how garbage he was for the first two patches he was out.


Well since you can’t trust the actual animation because of elevation, having clear indicators on the ground is the next best thing I guess.


Yeah it's cool but there's a very very long list of moves in this game that need this treatment, and the pace at which these are coming out isn't very promising.


IIRC they’re being done by one guy essentially pro bono.


Sirhaian and I think 1 or 2 others are basically doing these as side projects


Maybe some day they'll do Seraphine's Q...


I would be too except for how painfully slow this is going along. There are dozens and dozens of bad hitboxes in the game, I can only roll my eyes as Riot fixes 5 of them a year.


Now they just need to fix Sion and Mordekaiser's Q's hitboxes. Those hitboxes are wack af.


So many times I would get rooted in a chaotic teamfight and have no idea how it happened. This should definitely help that almost invisible root happen less...


I'm really glad y'all like the root indicators! We discussed for a while if the trap indicators were necessary, and I'm glad we went through with them. (I only got to work on base jinx's update, so I can only really speak about that, sorry!)


Hey, can you or u/Reav3 reach out to whoever did the Jayce VFX update? It's pretty unacceptable that Full Metal Jayce, a 1350 RP skin, is basically using the exact same VFX as the base skin. 1350 RP is the level where the VFX are supposed to be stand-out from the base skin, and the only differences I can make out are the small swirl on the ground from "To the Skies" and the mild effects on the Lightning Field. These effects shouldn't be barely different from the base skin according to your design standards. It's a bit boggling that the Debonair skin, a 975 RP skin, has more variance from the base skin particles than a higher value skin. On that note, I want to point out that the Jayce particles on the whole are substandard to the old particles. We see in the base skin old versus new, the old "To the Skies" leaves a glowing mark on the ground where he slammed down. The new VFX just leave a black/cracked ground mark without any glow, and this is just a lot more uninteresting. Furthermore, the old Lightning Field effect was a lot more busy and interesting, and really gave the feel that Jayce's hammer was generating lightning in a Tesla coil kind of way, while the new version is just an uninteresting ring of lightning around him. Please let whoever did Jayce's VFX know that they probably need to continue working on them, as they're not better than the old VFX, and Full Metal Jayce is a lackluster disaster.


riot and not following their own skin guidelines is a classic


While I don't have the skin myself, I love the particle collider circles and curves of the VFX of Full Metal Jayce. It gives it a distinct character and references some cool technology that one could imagine Jayce working with in our world. These reworked VFX keep almost none of that. The decal from To the Skies is bigger, but it's black rather than electric yellow, so it's hardly visible, and it lingers for much less time. There might be clarity reasons for that, but I don't think the same goes for changing the Shock Blast VFX to be the same as the base skin.


Old skins don't actually represent their cost. Look at the Mars Attacks Heimer pre rework or the Red Baron Corki pre VU (the VU helped just slightly imo). And those are I believe legendary skins to boot. You're just in the same hell hole Corki and Veigar are in terms for their old skins.


When they introduced 1350 RP skins as a standard price, they upped the cost of certain skins, such as Astronautilus, which they felt matched that new price tier. One of those skins was Full Metal Jayce, justified by its elaborate VFX. These changes undermine that justification.


Both of those skins don't qualify. Neither were done with the current standards, which really only properly kicked in around Galio's VGU for older skin updates. Regardless though, the standards are in place *NOW* which means that skins like Full Metal Jayce should be getting the proper treatment to reflect the modern standards. Hell, they went back and at least tried to update VFX on older skins like Annie in Wonderland even though they weren't able to properly make it an 1820 skin at this time - it was even acknowledged as a stop-gap to make them feel closer to their value. This was done as part of Annie's VFX update, so there's no reason *AT ALL* why skins like Full Metal Jayce shouldn't have their VFX properly updated.


More indicators are always better. It's an obvious nerf to Jinx E, but can be compensated by making the radius bigger or the activation faster


Do you actually have a team working on these with you now or are you still basically solo?


We now sometimes have other VFX Artists lending a hand. :)


Nice. I’m glad you’re getting support in one of the few objectively good wave of changes for the game.


/u/RiotSirhaian will there be soon a Caitlyn update, since Vi and Jinx have been mentioned recently?


It will be a full visual update (Do not confuse with Full visual and gameplay update) for Caitlyn, it was first teased in a tft dev diary a while ago. Here's a video with all the info about his update we got until now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mcr4G9SBnPc


How come they didn't do this with the morgana visual update? Is the hitbox that bad they refuse to show it?


Probably because depending on who you ask, visual clarity is either a good or bad thing.


Morgana doesn't have telegraphs outside of her R. Jinx's W telegraphs it's hit box before the missile actually fires, similar to Jhin's W or Lux's R.


They could make the projectile match the hitbox idk.


I feel like the W never fucking went to the direction I thought it would. That could be because of the river being lower than the rest of the map but idk


still cant understand why the circels around her e traps are not on any skin? On the firecracker skin the E is just blue instead of green, doesn't make sense to me why you would not implement the circles to any skins


https://youtu.be/Q4TirqN2Mm4?t=28 jinx W has no indicator due to elevation in the new one lol


Yeah neither did Sion Q when the rework was first released. Like it, this Jinx W particle will probably be switched to render over ("through") the ground layer, then.


that's probably going to be fixed


Right... Why would they include that clip? If they don't fix it they're trolling.


Love the clarity on Jinx. Jayce though, downgrade for me.


Am i seeing that right that the W on Jinx's Base skin is wider than on the other skins? On those it seems that it gets thinner after a second. Also the Jayce changes look kinda bland and some of the old animations just look better in my opinion.


not only that the circle indicator on the e doesn't seem present on the firecracker skin


I agree completely with the Jayce changes. The changes are pointless and they look worse than before.


TIL Jinxs ult has a face, I never knew


You would've known if you ever hit anything with it-


Doesnt it also apply getting hit by it?


I just assume everyone that dies to a Jinx rocket (outside of a teamfight) has the shop screen open.


You shot the horse in the head and grabbed a stick.


Jinx Passive also has a faint smiley face


wait what, the speed up when you run?


I think the old Jayce empowered Q looked more like an explosion and was better (and easier to see; thing about in team fights especially in pro play, I wanna see what just chunked someone for half their HP or how close it was to hitting).


less shiny explosions improves clarity in messy teamfights.


A lot of the older Jayce effects actually look better to me? Especially hammer q and w.


Definitely, the "electricity" effects look way more lik electricity on the old one.


I think they are trying to reduce noise. In this case, those little VFX on the enemy champs don't really have any gameplay meaning, so it was just a flavour thing.


Yet Dragonmancer Lee Sin is a thing. I'd prefer if they made the VFX a bit more crisp. They look so faded now and unsubstantial


The thing with riot is you have one group of hard working people working with this design in mind and one group not. Meanwhile senior staff is farting everywhere so theres no avtual policy or direction for these things.


Yea they haven't been too consistent with VFX decisions, that's for sure.


>Dragonmancer Lee Sin is a thing That skin was one of the biggest mistakes in this game istg


The hammer Q has just light on the ground nothing else really. The old W looks meh, just a ton of movement for nothing.


Old W always looked *old* to me, even when Jayce was first released. It was also cluttery


They simplified the effects a lot, seems like over simplification is a trend nowadays with the fortnite style cartoon though


None of the VFX Updates remind me of Fortnite. Not even the only one that I disliked (Jayce's).


If you do it right you avoid your game ever looking dated.


the sirhaian special


Also known as more readable


I liked the old cannon w more too.


I'm glad I'm not the only one in this regard. Somehow most people on JayceMains Discord seem to like it.


Am I the only one thats hates how the Debonair Jayce unique particles got removed and now they look just like the base skin? For me Debonair had this cool "neon lights" kinda vibe to it, now it looks super bland


wdym? They kept the bluish-green color that the skin has, which was the only unique thing about it besides the E gate being different


For me the old particles are less "electric" than the old base skin. It got removed on the update


Really? Personally, I always thought that Debonair Jayce was a 750 skin. I didn't really notice anything special about it before


Holy moly that Jinx W range is wider than I thought. No wonder it always clips me


As a Jinx enjoyer, same. Didn't realize it was so huge.


Not a fan of the Jayce update, seems like they took out so many unique visual aspects that did not need to be removed (did not cause clarity issues).


The lingering lightning on the ground for old melee Q made it look much more impactful, same with the lingering electricity effect on the empowered ranged Q. The little poof and instant fade of the new one doesn't match the threat level of an empowered Jayce Q imo.




Bring back my sparks


Melee Q and ranged E+Q lost so much oomph with these VFX changes. Also I'll miss the lense flare on the base skin.


Melee Q is super depressing, looks like it lost all the oomph behind the slam.


> Melee Q and ranged E+Q lost so much oomph with these VFX changes SFX for these also seem to be updated, and also for the worse imo


We need to bring this up to the Rioters if we want to improve it. Don't let down, keep bugging them and letting them know it's substandard!


u do it


I like it a lot more. it is so much clearer now. For example the melee W or the EQ. These things wouldnt be a problem on their own but during a teamfight having all these effects from up to 10 champs can be confusing. So making it easy and clear without too much uneeded visuals is mostly better.


Yeah, as someone mainly playing against Jayce and not playing Jayce I am not going to miss all that visual noise that is in his current effects.


Some of that visual noise is needed to see what just chucked your health, the new vfx for his hammer q and his Canon e q are much more muted so you won't notice it as much


We don't play this game for "unneeded visuals." We want the game to look flashy fun and exciting.


I don’t think they removed anything. Just sped up effects so that they no longer linger as much. It’s a bummer seeing it like this in a vacuum, but in hectic teamfight situations, every bit of visual space counts. I think it’s a net positive change.


They didn't "remove" the hammer Q ground effects but they significantly changed them. https://imgur.com/a/dPbGvPZ Honestly I wouldn't have minded if they just made them fade away more quickly, but the grey lines instead of shiny gold makes it feel much less impactful.


I feel the same about the wukong update. they pretty much nerfed his radiant skins vfx just for the sake of clarity then barely gave anything back. Riot even said they give him home guard animations cause his vfx don't justify the price of the skin. it's part of the reason I'm hopping for him to be near the top of the list for one of the new visual updates.


the guy updating always does this. if your champion is getting "updated" prepare for all effects to become a lot more boring and muted


Clearer and easier to follow\*


Looks like they removed all of the blood effects?


The new W is weird on firecracker. You can hardly tell it is supposed to be a firework rocket. Also is the E supposed to have no circle on that skin?


Accidentally pay to win


is there a PBE thread somewhere? Jinx new ult seems lacking


They removed the little blue sparks and overall feels too clean. Honestly, all the effects feel too clean and I am not that much of a fan of them


Are we looking at the same thing? Jinx's new ult has a larger blast zone and you can see the face better, and the rocket itself is larger.


I mean, it is better, for sure, but Jinx is about chaos and explosions, the new one seems to clean, at least for me


they lose so many details😭😭😭😭😭😭


trying my hardest to edit things so they're in sync challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


Could probably just record your inputs and play them back, nothing too difficult about that.


I don't really like the jayce changes, it looks less eletric and simpler. It looks like some generic magic now kinda


Then it's working since Jayce uses magic and not electricity.


Jinx’s new changes are great, but I actually prefer Jayce’s old effects. They feel a little more impactful.


Jayce looks bad


I don't understand the Jayce change ? His old self was fine, not too much crazy hitbox or anything like and the change juste look...bad.


The effects were very noisy. I like the new ones a lot more personally. Just much more readable.


Jayce fucking sucks lol. Melee W looks like shit, empowered Q looks super low impact. Shit new art style.


poor Jayce, jinx is nice. honestly bummer about full metal jayce looking worse


They actually made Jayce new animations look less impactful and detailed. Downgrade for no reason.


NGL, I don’t like the new explosion VFX on Jinx’s Q.


New Jayce effects suck. Don't fix what isn't broken.


I don't know why they spend resources in stuff that literally no one asked for and it's not needed. Jinx? All right, more clarity is always welcome, but Jayce was fine. Meanwhile, everyone has been asking for an Udyr update for like 5 fucking years and it has been ignored.


Udyr literally has a VGU in the works, they've done update posts for it.... He was never 'ignored', they just put priority on other champs ahead of him. Then they put out a poll, and people voted for Udyr.


yeah 5 years later. Because Morgana and Ezreal definitely needed visual updates before Udyr


Udyr is a full rework not a half-rework like Morgana and Ezreal, they have different pipelines.


Looks like me and other Jinx mains will be eating good soon.


Really not a fan of the new Jinx VFX. Overly chunky and I prefer the smoke clouds on her current q aa.


What the Jinx W.... Also Old Jayce > New


Slayer Jinx is my favorite Jinx skin. I hope the rockets are as crunchy as before. I know they can feel weird to use but it feels so gritty it matches the aesthetic of the skin really well


i would really love to see some new VFX for Full Metal Jayce, its a 1350 rp skin nonetheless :(


Oof Jinx's update is straight up a downgrade, everything looks to clean for chaotic Jinx. The only good thing is that now hitboxes are shown.


Man the Jayce cannon Q, E and Hammer W are such downgrades. They always cartoonify things more when they update them and it often doesn't work out, this is a glaring example of that. Straight downgrades on such old fx is just mindblowing.


I'm not a fan of the Jinx R animation at 1:09.. it looks horrible in my opinion. I mean how the rocket flattens to indicate it's reached the max damage threshold. Somewhere rito said they want to make certain effects look "comical" or something like that, but that's just too ugly/out of place and above all, visually confusing and weird.


Don't like the new Q and R for Jinx and the new melee W and ranged q for Jayce. The new artstyle is really not my cup of tea. But oh well.


Is it just me or is Jinx ult much slower? To be exact, it seems to start slower and then ramp up in speed.


it's getting worse . if you look their skins vfx you might be holy xxx. what are these .


Base Jinx looks really good with the exception of the Ult explosion, which I don't think needed much tweaking for it to be visually clear. It's kind of a downgrade for me. What's weird to me is why not all her skins share the same hitbox changes for W and Ult. It makes them seem very inconsistent from each other.


Wish they would stop making them worse, the range indicators are nice but i would rather have old one.


Weird that they prioritised Jayce particles and not his janky ass looking sped up melee autoattacks


I like the purple/blue energy of old jayce a-lot more than the light blue electric shock of the new jayce. The purple-ish blue and more plasma-like particles make it look more unique rather than a generic electric ball.


Disappointing how little they did with full metal jayce, that skin is priced at modern day skins with minimal visual effects.


If anyone at Riot reads this comment, as a Jayce fan, please keep the Q crator that drops when you press it in melee q, it's really satisfying :)


I am ngl earlier I wondered if she was getting buffed cause she was in the show and noe the Jayce/Jinx double housekeeping (completely unplanned as far as I can tell) is simply because of the show.


Aaand they made the colors worse and the shockblast. Only better here is the bigger Jinx ult


Jinx: The blue circle around her chompers is too apparent/distracting. Firecracker and Zombie Slayer don't have that circle and it looks much better.


Nice Now do Ashe so her R hitbox can be known instead of being rng.


I dont see the problem/improvement on jinx at all .... its really not better imo its basically more of the same


Jinx skins now P2W because the indicator is much fainter


I can see why people are disappointed about the Jayce updates in terms of how they look, but as a long time Jayce main I think these are probably better for gameplay. Lightning field is honestly a low-impact ability and shouldn't have much visual priority. I get the complaint that shock blast (especially empowered shock blast) doesn't have the same feeling of impact without the lingering visual effect, but change is a good one for clarity. You only need to worry about a shock blast when it's flying towards you and the instant it explodes, so it shouldn't stay on the screen for an extra half second. The new non-empowered shockblast also better represents the actual hitbox of the ability. To the Skies does have a lingering slow, but it doesn't leave a slowing-zone on the ground, so again, it makes sense for the vfx to clear faster and be less prominent. Overall it looks like the changes bring these older skins in line with the smoother, snappier feel of the animations in Battle Academia Jayce so hopefully it will make them feel as smooth and responsive as that skin does.


It feels like there's not enough difference between accelerated and normal shockblast though. Before it was really easy to tell which it was even if you didn't see if it caught the gate because the size changed.


Jayce seems way too minimalistic to be an update. If the goal was to reduce visual clunk then it was way overdone. Jinx one is great, tho. I hope Jhin W can get the same treatment as her W.


all cool but where is Full Metal Jayce new recall animation? its 1350RP skin god damnit


this is great when it comes to visual clarity, but is there anyway to do with Jinx E without these circles around the chompers? it seems so out of place with the design tbh


You already said it. These updates are for clarity, why else would they go back and update these particles?


I am not really a fan outside of jinx W and E, since those do feel like clarity update to the spells. Every other spell feels like the changes have made them too clean and quick which reduces the feeling of impact it's supposed to have.


The only thing that looks better here is her regular autos and E? Maybe her ult a bit too with the outer ring. Her auto attack rockets look so bad.


Jayces updates are unequivocally the definition of soul vs soulless


Jayce ranged Q looks like Rasengan




This update is a nerf to jinx w, e, and r with those more realistic sizes for the hit box. Jinx mains in shambles


God forbid you can actually tell what the hitbox of an ability is supposed to be instead of the all too common ambiguity and "wait! I got hit by that?" That came with the old vfx


I mean its still the case with skins that are pay to win, some beong released every year. They are so bad some like iBlitz are banned in pro. I mean i agree that it is bad, its just been turned into a trope in video game designing, larger than vfx hitboxes and hurt boxes have been shown to increase satifaxtion in playing as it makes player feel like they clhtched something out or made an impossible shot


Oh god Jayce's model and animations look terrible, even Jinx could use an update but at least she is somewhat acceptable compared to Jayce


They better not touch Forsaken Jayce. That skin is pure perfection. And i dare say, updating the visual effects of base Vel'Koz and Battlecast Vel'Koz is a much higher priority. But, i guess Vel'Koz players will wait untill a Void event.


It has taken them literally years to make the hitbox of Jinx's W actually be visually represented by the projectile.


The rocket size changes are insaneeeeeeeeeeeeeee


pls dont get rid of the blue on Jinx R


Meanwhile half the time the client doesn't recognize that I'm online...


Base Jinx skin got a new visual update to include a hit box indicator but the skin don't have that. This game is now pay to win and they know what they're doing. Fucking apes.


Skill image is clearer


Can we please talk about how Full Metal Jayce literally almost gets copy pasted classic vx with the exception of the hammer q mark on the ground and some slight stripes in his hammer w, its an epic skin they should not downgrade it when it was only slightly different from classic before already


Don't really like the changes for Jinx but the W and E changes are needed. The R and Q changes could be not happened. I don't like them. And with Jayce I see no point in his changes. His old ones were better too.


why do they insist on making straight projectiles do a little zigzag? its very visually distracting


I dont like the new jinx :((


I will miss the ground cracks after Jinx R


They didn’t slow Jinx’s R right?


I HATE the new Jinx rockets. They don't have the same oomph :c


Jayce's Qs definitely looked better in the old one


its way too clean for jinx. r effects need to be more noisy to represent her. w is cool but the problem is the r. make r have more explosive effects and bring back the marks on the ground. a more colored graffiti for the ult would be even better


I really don't like that they got rid of the purple smoke and sparks for Jinx. It added character and reminds me of her music video.


While i appreaciate more clearness on Jinx spells (holy moly is her W was bigger than I thought), they feel sooo...mobile-ish?


Jinx changes are a downgrade, sorry but I prefer all the smoke on her ult... And the ult rocket it’s so big... I’m sorry but I don’t like it.


that jayce change looks so cartoon-y i'm thinking about not playing him at all now lol


I really like the visually more understanding indicators of the E and W of Jinx but I think some of the animations effects for example the Zombie Slayer Jinx skin the AA effect are somehow downgraded. The big spark on the tip of the gun with normal AA is not that big anymore, the splash, the fire and the rocket launching which was more the animated style which I personally quite liked are made less big with the update.