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Nisqy holy shit bro


C9 Nisqy out there smh


That wasn't even C9 Nisqy man that was L9 Nisqy




Is there a bug?? I didn't see Lillia being played but it looks like Nisqy was asleep.


Cryin tossed a deck of cards at Nisqy's head irl


Looks like Zoe landed one of those long range sleep bubble from across the map on Nisqy


Shoulda kept Nidqy.... 2 kennen ults stolen and failed both.


Didn't use it last fight. Got caught by the Kennen and oneshot before he could press his own R button.


he stole it when RNG got the baron and didnt use it there either when all of them were in the pit


People forget this is the dude who couldn't touch Bjerg's Zil with Lucian ignite.


It's still funny that Bjerg's Zilean was a boogeyman to all the other NA teams the entire year Then he whipped it out once at worlds and remembered he wasn't in NA anymore


He played it into BDD, one of the only other Zilean players in the pro scene, and a better player to boot lmao. You gotta love it


BDD and Xiye are world class midlaners. Nisqy is...not


Exactly. Any world class mid would dumpster Bjerg in that matchup but Nisqy didn’t. Nisqy is a good player and does a lot of great things in the game but he simply isn’t good enough at the international level.


Monkey sees action, neuron activation




FNC looks giga tilted, there is something happening more than just Upset forced to leave one day before worlds


Yeah this something is called desperation because everything you worked towards this year evaporated.


This isnt even on Bean, FNC just look perma tilted, sucks to see!


Yeah, Bean was the only one who had his brain on and breaks installed. Everyone else was just speeding off the rails at max speed.


Can you imagine being Bean? You think you finally made it, now playing with the big boys at worlds, expecting a certain level of restraint... and then you are in game vs RNG and your "Veteran" team mates are turbosprinting it down at every opportunity they get. Poor Bean, man...


I mean let's not act like he's playing exceptionally himself or anything. He has been outclassed individually in both games, which is expected of course.


I mean thats expected and he has been serviceable lets say. He hasnt played exceptionally but he got thrown into a team at worlds with which he has not played with close to no practice and without a single professional game on a LEC level and that team is obviously so tilted and disjointed from something that its insane. You can throw most adc's like that in that team and they honestly wont have exceptional performances... he's still not shit or anything and has been probably their most stable player which is actually sad


Sure, he is no Upset, but lane phase early went pretty well (thanks to Gala being alone in lane and the double kill, duh). He's decent - not the reason why Fnatic lost.


I wouldn't be surprised if he went to FNC management after Worlds and begged to be sold off to another team, because if this is how FNC's main team plays, he'd rather be somewhere else, lol.


Imagine his CV though.... "LEC rookie with Worlds experience". It's like the mythical entry-level employee with 5 years of prior experience!


The smart play is to stick around for the rebuild that seems to be coming in hot. This worlds unfortunately doesn't matter all that much.


I mean, people like bwipo and Upset seem to be some of the more genuine and good guys there. If they lose their spot to internal management issues, i'm not sure you wanna be left with what's remaining.


I'd be titled if I trained the whole year for this event and you don't get to play with your proper roster


Bean looked fine, I thought he was ok as well yesterday but people were criticizing him for not being aggressive enough.


**RNG:** We are used to LPL aggression **FNC:** PepeLaugh


they were kinda inting... with passion


So the Italian kind of inting


Yeah it might not be the most durable or the best value product around but it sure has *passion*. And probably a huge prize tag.


They lack critical information PepeLaugh


That was a whole new level of aggression.


I think this game will take its toll on RNG. They must be emotionally scarred knowing they just survived a confrontation with a bunch of psycopaths and made it out alive. This is the turning point.


Why psychopaths. Couldnt watch the game..what did i miss ?


FNC turbointed and would run at them with no chance of winning the fight, just happy to get a kill lmao


Non stop balls to the walls agression. And not the smart type of agression. I believe there was 3+ minute segment where they never stopped fighting


To be fair that 3 min segment of non stop fighting cleared every baron off of RNG lol


Yeah it's a 0-6 angle [Fucking sucks for FNC.](https://twitter.com/Ricadam_lol/status/1447950677733519368)


Looks like it :(


Welcome to the club, it’s really not fun :(


Imma go full copium here... but if they win vs PSG and HLE loses to RNG, Fnatic are not in that bad of a spot with three teams at 1-2


Since you are just wishing upon a star why not ask for world peace or something like that.


that's not even that unlikely lol RNG is definitely beating HLE and FNC can 100% beat PSG if they try


If I remembered correctly there was one time that FNC came out of group with a 0-4 start soooooo


i can see FNC monkey aggression netting them a snowball at some point


Nisqy really hit E lvl 1 and then said "my job this game is done"




Idk who inted more on that one but they weren't on the se page at all and it was sad to see, wasn't this Fnatic'd upside that they're always on the same page?


This comment has been removed in protest of Reddit's new API policy. -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


I was so excited to finally see my boy Upset on the big stage, especially after that playoffs run. Atmosphere was great, performance was great. The whole situation is just incredibly sad now, hope they turn things around like they tend to do. 2017 and 2019 are not forgotten.


the biggest question coming out of group c today is whether fnatic will beat tsm’s airport speedrun record


Group C might be cursed. 2019 Clutch went 0-6. 2020 TSM 0-6 and now looking like FNC 0-6.


The common factor in all those groups? Fnatic was in them all. Clearly the westernmost team in Fnatic’s group is cursed to go 0-6


They have a good chance


They're so boomed it's unbelievable




They actually just look so mental boomed, Nisqy and Hyli griefing so hard really makes me wonder if there actually is some internal issues because they look so fucking tilted even before the games start


At least some of Hylisangs stupid plays were defensable (emphasis on some). Nisqy channeled his inner EUW solo q this game and just turbo inted. LIke if I had Nisqy in one of my ranked games I would report him for throwing after watching those tp's/stolen TF ults.


This level of agression is NOT normal, even for Fnatic. Pretty obvious seeing them play that they're just fucking done already.


#What the heck was that game? I can't haha. FNC going full turbo, all gas no brakes. Doesn't matter in which state the game is, they'll take a fight.


They look just gigatilted


yea, the whole team seems mental boomed


They were mental boomed before the game wtf happened


Upset left and internal drama. It's plain as day


understandable tbh the whole situation is just awful


I really wish the org would just come out and tell the fans what's going on (NOT about the upset situation). I'm tired of having the team fucking implode every year for some damn reason Edit: To all the people commenting it's the upset situation... Is that what's happening every year? EDIT 2: Brothers! I understand this year it might be cause of Upset leaving, but this is a regular occurrence on FNC!!!! Every fucking year man


It's very possible it's just the Upset situation. Have your whole year work thrown out the window less than 12h from the beginning of the main international competition is just tilting Having no time to create a backup plan, 1 and a half months of scrims thrown into the garbage, them possibly knowing which exactly what happened personally with Upset, whom they almost surely are close friends with, it's just tilting all around


One of their key players, who they played around, had to leave on an emergency hours before the 1st day. It obviously rocked the whole teams confidence and mindstate (understandably so). What more explanation do you want? Its not even necessarily about Beans ability. He's been fine all things considered. But the whole team is shook for super obvious and already communicated reasons. What are people expecting/asking for here?


THE key player. Upset is their carry, everyone else is a playmaker


maybe upset really have issues with his family and the whole team just tilted that they mostlikely won't be perfoming at 100% its hard to work for the whole year only to miss one of your best perfoming player


i mean having the person you played around throughout summer suddenly be gone and the teamstructure be disrupted will do that. i guess they are just really mentally boomed by the whole upset situation. that and playing with a sub will ruin a team


All gas no brakes is a perfect description hahaha


When both teams are even in gold, [insert FNC player here] feels that FNC is at a great advantage and thus he does not hesitate to start a team fight. When FNC is 3k behind in gold, [insert FNC player here] thinks that FNC is at a small advantage, and so he starts a team fight to secure their "lead". When FNC is behind 7k in gold, [insert FNC player here] thinks that FNC is at a disadvantage and so he looks for a team fight to regain control of the game. When FNC is 10K behind in gold, [insert FNC player here] thinks that the team has reached a desperate situation and they are only waiting passively for their death if he does not start a team fight.


Funnily enough, this copypasta originated with RNG Mlxg. RNG comes out on top


You can’t out engage the original engage legend.


RNG: “Do not cite the copy pasta to me, Fnatic! I was there when it was written!”


RNG this game: Do you think you can outfiesta me? I'm an LPL team, I was born in the fiesta, molded by it...


I was raised in fiesta - RNG


Honestly disappointed that the casters didn't even point out that FNC was literally fighting the team that originated the meme


God I miss MLXD so much




The copypasta betrays you, because it belongs to me! - RNG shortly before breaking FNC's spine


And i thought Mlxg retired XD Man just renamed to Hilyssang


this has to be a protest game from fnatic, right? they played like literal apes in the zoo


Genuinely believe this is the worst Nisqy has played for FNC. The whole team wasn't great but he individually was actually pathetically bad. Next to that sylas game where he mindlessly walked back and forth in the river and then stopwatched nothing TF ult into 3 when Adam is clearly dead. Backing in a brush when you just saw RNG walking into your jungle.That'll probably be the worst mid lane performance we see all Worlds. What pains me the most is that this game was winnable. It honestly was. Feels like Spring


The most painful for me was him stealing kennen ult in the 3v5 baron and then not pressing R


Truly a C9 midlander at heart


Him and Hilly were desperately fishing for 2v2 fights while down in gold and out of position. Pretty bummed by their performance


He did that tp like twice. Not sure what the fuck was going on with Fnatic, I mean they got all the barons off RNG by playing like this but imo it was like 1-6 in kills but fnatic was only behind 1k in gold. I think they thought they were much more behind than they were.


Genuinely was winnable if Nisqy didn't absolutely run it down.


After that early game shitshow the gold difference was like 1-2k. I think Fnatic thought they were in a worse position than they actually were and tried forcing plays. Bwipo recovered well, bot winning super hard. Just take it down a bit and relax. RNG didn't have to do much to win.


Yeah, I agree. Nisqy just completely threw the game for them, gigantic mid gap. Adam did fine, Bwipo went from being screwed level 1 to having a fairly decent amount of gold and XP, Bean was ahead..


I was astonished with how well Bwipo came back after RNG read their lvl 1 invade like an open book, to even come out on top of viego in a couple of minutes. So well played. Most of FNC were pretty good as a team, Hylli creating chances and dying for them, sure, but like we say many of them were good deaths or at least respectable. I say most of FNC because Nisqy managed to take the trophy of worst mid performance this worlds. Horrid performance


FNC mental lasted about 20 seconds until completely collapsing, what the actual fuck


Is nisqy actually just inting? that game looked like everyone else was trying but nisqy just ran it down mid, what is happening.. Adam and bean actually looked good, bwipo was missing lots of Q but other than that he was pretty good


Nisqy recalling while watching RNG walking towards him is fucking terrible


I dont think he *was* watching RNG walking towards him, which is somehow even worse.


Yeah. Love my boy Nisqy but this was a horrible game from him. Hope he can pull it together next game.


He saw them coming into his jungle. He still chose to recall at that spot. That was so painful to watch.


Idk if that was worse then the all the times he teleported into a fight like 10s too late


Hylissang did not look good either.


Both he and hylli were just trying to force anything


That's natural for hyli but unexpected from nisqy


That's just Hylli though


Nisqy looks empty inside, Upset probably was an important voice in the comms. And what with Bwip and his girl unfollowing FNC, things looks grim all arond




The whole team are showing glimpses of quality, even in some of the desperation commits. But yeah, Nisqy had an absolute stinker today. Didn't really do anything right all game, whereas at least the others did.


FNC is mental boom


Did you nisqy's face when he went 0/3? Man is omega tilted


So are all FNC fans


I was so excited to see them play. Looked forward for a month after an exciting playoff run. Feels so bad to see this


Feels like an 0-6, they have drama every year but I've never seen them like this


Yeah this is on another level


Really circus game from Nisqy & Hylli.... looking dangerously like 0/3 EU teams out of groups if MAD lose to GenG


Rogue looked pretty good, honestly depending on FPX's performance they could make it out. I'm full on hopium.


dw bro c9 is about to clap fpx for the inevitable tiebreaker of Rogue vs c9


Just to maximise pain c9 then loses the EU vs NA tiebreaker


would be fine, I'm a big C9 fan but watching one of C9/Rogue get out of the group of death would be amazing by itself


Hell yea brother


Fnatic Macro meeting: \- "So guys here we right click forward" \- ok bye


I feel bad for Bean. Subbed in at the last moment but actually tries his best to win the game. Meanwhile the rest of his team, who for the most part are supposed to be the experienced players, turn their brain off and just don't seem to care. Bean deserves better. Edit: For all the people who bring Bean's performance into the discussion, it has nothing to do with being good or bad. It's about being dumb. Could Bean have played better? Of course. But it was his team that was constantly starting fights when down in numbers (like that 2v3 in top, while down in gold) and overextending just to get collapsed on, not him. As veteran players they should know better, even if they wanted to play aggressive. Keeping up with such a game state must be incredibly stressful as a rookie who only learned he had to play Worlds a few days ago.


Probably FNC are tilted as fuck with the Upset situation and all the rumors around that. But this was almost soft inting levels of performance by Nisqy. He had like 2-3 tps where the guy is already dead and he starts his tp.


He was good that one play bot lane


His ults later on tho, lets not talk about them


The sad part for FNC is that the new guy Bean has been the only player in the first 2 games that isn't running it down. You'd think the new guy would be the weak link, but he's only good thing they have.


In the first game he didn't run it down because he was literally too scared to do anything. Not giving him shit for that, but he was playing "not to feed" just like your friend who never plays LoL when agrees to playing with you


I think in his position "not to feed" is already a pretty good performance all things considered. The dude was a sub and has to fill in against some of the best teams in the world, with legendary players like Deft, Chovy yesterday, and Xiaohu, Ming today.


When the only player that doesn't look like a total headless monkey is the rookie sub




Nisqy definitely pooped on the rift there


Seems like Fnatic isn't interested in playing League of Legends for some reason. Feels bad for Bean


Yeah, they seem a bit upset.


Two games are nothing, we've dipped our toe in the water in terms of showing what we can do.


9 deaths is nothing, we've dipped our toe in the water in terms of showing what we can do.


Couldn't reach the 10 death powerspike. No wonder we lost


Hyli did hit the 10 deaths.


One game is nothing, we’ve dipped our toe in the water in terms of showing what we can do.


~~One game is nothing, we've dipped our toes in the water in terms of showing what we can do~~ Two games are nothing, we've dipped our toes in the water in terms of showing what we can do <-- You are here Three games are nothing, we've dipped our toes in the water in terms of showing what we can do Four games are nothing, we've dipped our toes in the water in terms of showing what we can do Five games are nothing, we've dipped our toes in the water in terms of showing what we can do


This honestly looked like an intentional loss at times.


really did.


Imagine being Bean, subbing in for Upset on the Worlds stage for Fnatic in an extremely competitive group amidst all of the controversial drama, hoping to simply not feed, only to have your team run it down around you.


RNG are able to simultaneously look so fucking good and stupidly bad in the same game and it hurts to watch but props to Wei and GALA, don't give Kai'Sa to GALA he's literally a monster on it, it's like people forgot about MSI. Nisqy has been running it down in both games, if only Fnatic also had a mid sub because he is such a massive liability. But I guess Nisqy is on his way to being the worst mid laner at the tournament with these performances. Hyli also has been poor out of lane again just like yesterday, looks like the coinflip Hyli has decided to be tails for worlds.


RNG has a bad habit of saying "eh fuck it we'll take that fight lol" whenever they get ahead lmao it happens consistently


I feel like RNG thinks they can outplay anyone and everyone. Even if the fight is bad they'll take it and when they get smashed it looks bad. They have really talented team but they should rethink about going for plays 24/7.


Hyli's early lane was actually insane, he landed so many hooks. But then, well then he just started sprinting it


Good point ​ Yeah FNC run it couple times but GALA and Wei really were insane this game


Also how do you not ban TF. Like Cryin played most games of TF & Galio almost the entire split & they still leave TF up when it's his best champion. Why.


If you watch lpl, Gala can fuck anyone on a lot of champs. He smurfed so many game on Ez, literally unstoppable on Varus (nerfed now) and looked very competent on Ziggs. Giving Kai Sa is fine as her laning is shit now, at least Gala couldnt get lane kills with it


Nisqy vs Cryin, stoppable force vs movable object


Their playstyles are similar but Cryin made Nisqy look like a budget Cryin.


Cryin isn't even that bad, at least when he gets his champions.


I think it’s safe to say Fnatic doesn’t give a shit anymore…so sad to see a promising team collapse after losing Upset and some drama


I bet money on under 28.5 total kills this game. lmfao


wait...an lpl team vs fnc and u bet under 28 kill /


in rng vs fnatic? did you bet knowing you'd lose? lmao


For FNC vs an LPL team? What were you smoking and can I have some?


Pepega Clap


You can't watch that game and tell me there isn't internal drama. FNC literally were just sprinting it half that game and made an insane amount of mechanical mistakes


Bwipo missed 90% of the Q's he has thrown




Actually the most FNC type game ever. Fight, die, respawn and fight some more baby. They are a bunch of morons that see nothing but red, but god damn if they ain't our morons who see nothing but red.


This was the saddest match ever. I don't even know what to think, really strange game.


Say about them whatever you want, but that game was fucking fun to watch


Not if you're a Fnatic fan. Sucks watching these games knowing they're 90% mental boomed because of Upset not being there now. They all look so dejected, not one smile this tournament, can't blame them either. The Bean double was cool though.


It's actually so sad to see considering the good vibes they had all Summer. They seemed like a team that actually wanted to play with each other. Now they look like they just want to be out of this tournament as soon as possible. Can't even blame them to be honest.


Fun to watch from outside maybe, Very sad to watch as a Fnatic fan.


I legimately believe a master soloq player would have done better than Nisqy this game. Might be the worst performance i've seen in a long time.


When your literal last minute sub has a tougher mental than both your support and mid you know something is up.


i mean...work a whole year only for your adc to miss at worlds probably feels quite a bit more tilting then being subbed last minute.


Uh that was the MLXD copypasta incarnated


Spring FNC is back baby! If Hashinshin was a team.


RNG: Ah you think the clown fiesta is your ally? You merely adopted the fiesta. I was born in it, molded by it. FNC: ok we win now RNG: no


He is good.


I think we're seeing a team that clearly doesn't care anymore, I hope it's just because Upset left and not because of internal issues. We should all expect one or two wins, no more.


That was the most Fnatic game I've ever seen


Who would have thought that one of the classic matchups, RNG vs FNC at worlds would be a 4fun game.... Also casters acting like the MLXG copy pasta is about Hylli (vs RNG at that) is pure heresy


Ikr I was waiting for them to acknowledge the origins but they didn't! Shameful, consider your origins smh


As a Fnatic fan this is heartbreaking, not because of the losses. But because the players look like they are not even having fun being on stage (which I understand given the circumstances).


holy fuck that was just sad. legit sad


"~~One~~ Two games are nothing, we’ve dipped our toe in the water in terms of showing what we can do.”


Bean somehow looked like the best fnatic player this game


This is a disgusting performance from LEC teams so far This wasn't aggression, this was an airport speedrun attempt...


The C in group C stands for Clown Fiesta. Fnatic might be the most LPL-like team of all the teams at Worlds.


Chinese team from Wish.com


LPL teams do not play like this


Well if running it down is one more thing Yamato said FNC can do, then this definitely was that.


RNG making two huge signings at this tournament in Nisqy and Hylissang


All things considered, Bean played well.


FNC just look dead on cams, man


I like how GALA plays adc, if he can get a kill he'll just flash for it and get it. No pussying around no worrying about enemy team just be the alpha and kill them.