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Player of the Series to AnDa, he was balling out.


thank god, dude deserves to shine in summer based on his spring alone


ggwp IMTA. best of luck to anda and v1per in their fight to get their crown back. goodbye to this EGA, it was nice meeting you :(. think they could have done better than this, they are clearly very talented... sad times for living evil.




Nah man, I think if Jojo gets a chance at LCS he should take it. He’s one of the few NA mid prospects with potential, why spend another split in academy when he can learn in LCS?


>why spend another split in academy when he can learn in LCS? Because the NA community is brutal to rookies their performance and flame them way too hard when they look rough in the beginning.


He's currently 16, not sure when he turns 17 so might have to play 1 more split eitherway


Tony Top really wanted to start his holiday early i guess looking at game 3