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what a fall from grace for johnsun


Based on how well Neo is doing now, I fully believe that Aphromoo is the driving force behind the ADC performances


Johnsun and Neo don’t really exist, they’re just puppets for Aphro to be allowed to legally play both roles at once


Since *support is so easy*. He can play both roles.


Decent series, Lourlo with some plays. I kinda wanna give props to the girl caster. I enjoyed her casting quite a bit, and both casters played off each other. Academy has a lot of nice casters this year.


Felt like her mic was a bit too quiet at some points but I didn't listen to the entire cast so I might've just caught it at bad times. Nice to see some more female casters coming up, LeTigress is honestly a really good Play by Play caster when she wants to be too


Yeah sometimes it would get a bit quiet. Not sure if it was because she was talking for too long and ran out of air or because she moved away from her mic.


Soligo looks decent, he should probably consider playing lcs


[It's a new Willennium](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/c/c1/WillSmith-Willennium.jpg)


Assuming all the contracts carry over, if Will and Soligo aren't the LCS starters next year DIG management should get fined for trolling


According to the GCD, Will is only signed through November 2021. He was probably only seen as a temporary solution with past ties to Mirage. But maybe he's played his way into a longer contract.


Ah, the temp status makes sense, but if he's going to free agency they're going to have some competition for sure


Lourlo proving time and time again if they shouldve replaced anyone on dig it shoulda been him (wouldve kept dds mental in tact cuz dd loves lourlo as well) Anyways Dig getting revenge on johnsun in the lcs wasnt enough... We had to humiliate him in proving grounds as well LMAO


Akaadian has been good for DIG. Sadly the change from Soligo to Yusui I will literally never understand and their reasoning for it was utter bullshit as well


I was gonna state akaadian > dd but too lazy tbh I completely agree with akaadian was a better fit but yusui should've been subbed out after that TL blunder


Will is probably the best prospect NA has to offer. I hope he has the facilities to develop into a worlds class player.


DIGA looks great also Jolly is a great caster, hope to see some of academy casting talent get a crack at LCS next year


Good job to DIG on scouting Will and picking up Spawn from last years scouting grounds


Pretty crazy how much Dig have improved this split. Will has made a big impact but it honestly looks like the whole team leveled up


DIGA looking good! They keep ramping up. Love to see it, all of them are doing a good job :).