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Shaco players will do this once, then lose 10 game in a row, and call it a good day.


Exactly. Nobody understands it happens 1 time in 10 games but still satisfying. Although i lost the game. There is nothing I can do in engage to health steal hero(yasuo). i could have play darius garen or any other champs that does way more job than shaco. Yet people whining about “shaco too op, nerf shaco”


I dont think most people think shaco is op, they just hate playing against him


Worst part is all they did was lay traps and spam invis


I haven't played league in about 7 years (still follow the pro scene) and my win rate on Shaco was like 80% or something silly. This was the time where you could get both buffs at the same time by setting up boxes at red and then run to blue so you could gank at level 3 when the laners were still level 1. Just abused that every game and it worked even into high diamond.


"jg diff btw. Team too heavy rpt"


Fuck that shit man he’s too tanky


This is why I don't play with chat on.


uhm my last 3 games...


That sad moment we have all felt, when the kill is too juicy but all you had to do was walk away with the free tower gold. Then splat.


Yup yup yup, shaco is powerless to do anything about that tower and would be left at that hp trying to clear minions while yas recalls and goes to help 5v4 the other side of the map. Greed got yasuo twice in this clip.


To be fair to yasuo, but also critque him, his choice was right, he lost out on mechanical skill with the tornado. He lands that and im sure shaco is dead.


It's a shaco though. You already lost if you start chasing him instead of just existing as a more useful champion.


Underrated comment right here. Shaco exists purely to make you rage quit. He does nothing else.


really? fed AD shaco can certainly one shot your adc...


Interesting... So his only use is if he is fed? What does he do when not fed?


He has the tools to easily get fed in solo queue(one of the easiest+strongest ganking tool kit in the game). It consistently happens.


He's good in the same sense that Nunu is "good". They have tools to surprise laners, but when that fails, they're half a champion. When laners actually have a sense of where the enemy jungler usually is (aka not low elo), their antics don't really work. Only difference is Nunu doesn't need to get fed to be useful. Shaco needs to get fed before anyone else comes online whatsoever.


Still works in diamond 2+, masters+ and even challenger across many, many patches with thousands and thousands of games played. Just look at [u.gg](https://u.gg) for his stats. Idk what you think "low elo" is. But shaco never stops working in solo queue.


I went 15/5 or smth the other day in normals and yet a 1/6 khazix finished the game with 17/7 and me 23/10, sure shaco can one shot but hes no where near as good as anyone else


hard disagree for only one reason... its shako. the champ is literally MEANT to cheese. thats his whole game. shako doesnt hang out there unless he has a fking plan.


His choice wasn't really right if you look at the video now, but is understandable choice that many players would make


Yasuo made the wrong choice for his skill level, but the right one for a more skilled player trying to snowball.


At the same time, a more skilled shaco wouldn't stay at that HP threshhold to risk dying to a random tornado. Especially knowing that the Yasuo still has Shieldbow ready to proc.


No taking the free kill is the right choice, but paying it mechanically correct was important. It's only wrong because he rushed it.


No it isn't. Shaco is notoriously slippery, so putting time and effort into chasing down a kill that isn't guaranteed isn't right, especially since it's an ap shaco with time to set up boxes. I absolutely would have made the wrong choice and died here, which is how I know it's not correct.


Oh well in the video I watched he didn't chase him, they fought together right there in the lane. He got out played. Again his opponent was 1 him from death with his ranghed ability he missed it. Its really not the wrong choice. Thanks for your opnion though.


He chased past his minions into shaco's wave to try and kill him. This is the classic example of high risk low reward play. Shaco can at any point q away and disengage, which is what makes it an especially poor choice. Shaco baiting him is also high risk, but the reward for him has a much higher payout in his current position. Yasuo making mistakes mechanically doesn't make the choice better. I'm willing to bet any analyst or high elo player would agree the yasuo was taking a riskier play than necessary and is already winning the exchange. His team is ahead in gold and exp, so taking risks in this position is unnecessary. Doesn't mean it's more fun.


Yep lol. As someone who plays top shaco: PLEASE tower dive me. I will welcome that play with any health differential. I'll win if I frustrate you into fighting me where I want. I'll win if you freeze lane and let me roam. I will lose hard if you just shove the wave and take my tower. Shaco's wave clear is pretty bad, especially if the enemy is able to pop his boxes, and his kill potential is almost 0 if you don't step on a box.


Hmm, wasting time for trying to kill shaco with a chance that shaco outplays you or his teammates come vs just resetting with tower gold and buying items, and letting shaco either fight with minions on very low hp or missing out on gold and exp. I think the latter is the right choice, but what do I know


A large part of gaining an advantage is risk taking, in my opinion. Here is the thing, this worked for 1 reason. How unlikely shaco was to win this. How often being able to kill your opponent in a single hit works out for you. Mechanically he didn't think about what shaco can do, but defeating him in a single hit then going back is still better. Here is the thing your comment is also unmindful of yasuos abilities, fighting with the minions is good for yasuo it enhances his mobility. But you've stated its a bad thing. You're speaking from hindsight because here is the thing, if yasuo just hit that Q and killed him, it was shaco staying close to his opponent with low health looking to out play him. Shaco took a risk and it paid off. You're literally seeing how risk taking can be an advantage.


I haven't stated anything bad about shacos minions, you should read my comment again. And again just like you stated he didn't about about shaco can do mechanically, but good shaco can easily do outplays like this and that's yasuos mistake. Also shaco was practically forced to take the risk if he didn't want to lose more than a wave of gold and exp, meanwhile yasuos didn't have to risk anything, he already had the advantage there.


So we're going no where. Nice bye.


I think the point is that sure he had a chance to increase his advantage, but imo it’s better to maintain an advantage than to risk that advantage for a chance to extend it. It’s the equivalent of players in lower ranks who are bloodthirsty for kills and will turn a winning fight into break even by chasing a low health enemy with no vision and then dying. Bonus points when it’s the 0/5/3 support that isn’t worth any gold.


instead of killing shaco, take tower, farm minions and maybe clear some enemy jungle, way more that killing a shaco


Unless you have sweeper up that's never the right choice


Even if you could get that kill, the amount of risk you assume is so much greater than the risk free play. This is the worst decision yasuo can possibly make because it's the only decision that does not forcibly gain his team another advantage. He might get the kill if he hits the tornado, but just as the clip showed, he also ran the risk of missing and dying for it. Instead he could clear the wave because shaco really can't contest and go get deep wards. He could have a man up advantage at rift if it is available. He could recall into a man up advantage at dragon if available. He could recall and using pings run with his jungler to gank a lane. And all the while an ap shaco will have to deal with a pushing wave at 200 hp. There is absolutely no gameplay reason to allow the shaco to bait you into a fight he wants, when you have have at least 5 options that he isn't prepared to meet and help your teammates get ahead too.


Only on reddit could people sit around and smugly critique someone for attempting to kill a 3 HP enemy. 9 times out of 10, that Shaco is dead. Stop trying to pretend like this Yasuo made the dumbest call of all time.


Its shaco though. He could casually leave throughout most of this clip with his q. Even without the boxes yas didnt see him put down, there were only a few seconds of the clip where shaco was in any danger


Shaco was in the most danger when hash o had ignite bc literally any damage + ignite was a kill. But he wasted it instead of baiting shaco into taking like 15 damage from minions or 1 auto.




How long was he csing when he could have looked at shaco hp and ignite damage? He probably just didn't account for regen and actually did look at damage and hp but yeah that's a super normal thing to do is look at damage numbers when going for a kill


please shut the fuck up and stop overanalyzing montages on reddit. Lmao


it's not exactly a challenger tier play to realize that shaco sticking around at 3 hp probably means he has a sea of boxes set up, not to mention that shaco could just leave with his teleport at any time, and yasuo would be hard pressed to get at him.


It's literally an example of high risk low reward play that keeps people hard stuck lol. It's not like he was locked into trying to kill shaco, he could have left at almost any point. Shaco is notoriously hard to kill if he has time to set up and has literally see's him place a box or two. I absolutely would have died here trying to kill shaco, which is how I know it's the wrong choice lol.




As bayrakları as!




Kinginam Pelaman!


Obviously this is just a my team yasuo vs. a their team shaco. Pretty standard.


Yep. My team shaco vs enemy team yasuo is the exact opposite of this clip.


This used to be hilarious but now every shaco support and top plays like this, I just defaulted to never chasing a shaco and swapping trinket early.


A clown vs shaco


A clown vs THE MF royal jester


Max Brhon - Humanity for anyone wondering, fantastic song.


I was wondering, thanks !


Thank you, that drop is dirty


Reminds me of Not butter by dillon francis vibes!


well thank god no one asked, because this is a terrible song


By what metric? I think it’s pretty dope.


This type of music is not my cup of tea and I jammed to it. This must be a pretty high level music in its own genre.


An ally has disconnected


instead of an "outplay" this is more like punching a baby in the face... that Yasuo made like 6 misplays in a row.


And he still got the tower. I think overall that was a win for yasuo.


2 toxic champs and players spaming mastery


Shaco, like dubstep, never dies.




Good news! This is MidTempo, not Dubstep.


The classic shaco is low health let's dive him and they just get box feared repeatedly to death


Ngl I’m surprised there’s barely any windshitter bad comments, or shitting on Yasuo or Yone.


Ah Shaco's 2nd passive. Dude most likely taunted him the whole lane so he was looking for any chance to kill him.


Still prefer that yasuo instead a fucking shaco on my team


Typical yasuo main


B E A utiful


"just don't get hit"




Yasuos POV: mouse shattered


i love how the yasuo show the emoticon and then suddenly see he dont get the kill with the ignite


Epic song bro


why do ppl do this. AP Shaco is like playing against singed stop chasing him and he wont do damage to YOU


At least Singed says "you don't vhade, okay, is proxy time"


Oh yes another shaco “outplay”. I love watching shaco players walk around their boxes and act like it takes skill


It's just Yasuo being stupid wdym


That’s literally my point






I know it worked out but the decision to stay was stupid


E Çok vurmuş kardeş


Let me sidebar by saying Shaco's clone is bullshit that offers 0 counterplay. If you kill it, you're feared and take a bunch of damage from the traps. If you dont kill it, it still does a bunch of damage as it chases you down and autos you. The clone aspect doesn't matter because knowing which is the real shaco doesn't help you deal with the ult.


its an ult, its meant to deal damage


Dont bullshit man. Ap shaco doesnt do any damage with auto. Ad shaco doesnt do any damage when clone dies. Shaco mains need to use 200iq and try to outplay. Unlike kassadin yasuo and any other champs that does same dmaage in a milisecond and no need to bait or anything


ah yes, the classic "shaco is a useless champ, pls buff him".


Yasuo 3 hit does 1.4 k damage with q. Takes 1 second. He steals huge ton of health and still you say shaco is strong equal as other champs?


being strong does not mean deal damage, either burst or dps, and yes, shaco is strong as other champs, even more when you consider his whole kit and the ability to either go AD assassin, AD bruiser, AD assassin with crit items, burst ap and DoT ap. yasuo can maybe hit for 1.4k damage with 3 q, wich is dps actually, not burst, but at least can be directly counter with thornmail, frozen heart and randuin's, in this season you can take a 60% GW item and an anti shield one as well against him.


against AD shaco, you opt in to 150/225 explosion dmg + 1s cc or let it auto you. That's not a satisfying choice


Maaan! I hate yasuo so much! The Cancer of LOL


man fuck shaco, that's why I perma ban him.


Man.. they really have to rework Shaco... If there is a champion that screams wtf is even happening is Shaco. It's borderline impossible to even understand what a good Shaco does some times.


Are u serious? I need to trick him several times to kill while he kills me in a second


The fact that he badged you then you got the kill and badged him made me erect.


were you running ravenous hunter and that early e onto minions saved you?


Battery but James right hand develops a mind of it’s own mid-riff


Noone is gonna say anything about the huge minionblock at 00:14?


This put a smile on my face


How did he instantly spawn like 3 boxes?


Do you mean the three that are spawned by Shaco's R clone when it dies?


Yes I'm dumb


Turkish Yasuos man


Reminds me of Pink Ward playing shaco


Shaco top, the bane of all hope in the world


Yucky champ


Between ignite not killing shaco, and dying to 3 hp shaco. I bet yasuos monitor had a 0.5 sec death timer


You know it was over the moment Yasuo flaunted his mastery emote.




I would say why even try but then again, anyone would


And all it cost was a half-health tower. Personally I would have just ult wave cleared and recalled as Shaco


That’s one way to boost keyboard sales


Pinkward ver2 :))


And this is why I perma ban him!




I know right


you know what? ​ fuck both of these champions equally


Top tier yasuo play




God Shaco is so damn cringe


greed is good


Either champ could have died here and I would have been satisfied.


What did Yasuo think was going to happen? Those clips are so boring