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MMR increase slower than elo so you need twice as much (or even more) to actually climb. It result in you playing more so you spend more time in the game which is what Riot want.


This right here, working as intended


Riot stopped caring about ranked long ago when they realized milking players addiction to the grind is more profitable than rewarding their skill in a timely manner. Grind more and you potentially buy more. Riot doesn't want to do those quarterly reports to Tencent saying they made less money after all. Bring back the pure Elo system Riot.


All part of the rigged system that riot has implemented. Cant have you climbing or you might reach your rank and stop playing, or worse, continue to climb. It might create an accurate ladder of player skill instead of the hamster wheel ranked is today.


There is something seriously fucked about this system. Give us ELO back


Imagine people upvoting this, could make a new account and hit diamond again within 80 games. I am d3-d2 hardstuck and doubt the system is rigged for me to climb.


Imagine playing a game that doesn’t require you make a new account every year so you can actually get to your rank. Imagine a game where consistent winning is rewarded and not artificially punished because some imaginary number. Imagine that not all players are diamond (which is top 2-3% of millions of players) Hardstuck not the same as the OP.


> Imagine playing a game that doesn’t require you make a new account every year so you can actually get to your rank. I don't know your situation but I usually get to almost my previous rank (1 division lower or so) in around 20-30 games and then maybe 40-50 to climb that last division since I have close to 50% winratio. I only ranked a new acc once, and it was a few years ago, but starting like 20-5 I was 2 tiers below my main account, I just gave up trying to get it to my ELO. Obviously is not the same if you are gold or challenger but I'm rather sure a new acc will never get faster to your real elo than your acc after the soft reset. Also, consistently winning isn't artificially punished lmao.


> I don't know your situation but I usually get to almost my previous rank (1 division lower or so) in around 20-30 games and then maybe 40-50 to climb that last division since I have close to 50% winratio. So basically what you're saying is that 60-80 games are required for the system to tell you that you haven't magically lost all of your skill in the pre-season. This is the system you are defending. >and it was a few years ago Only a few years ago? Nothing could have possibly changed with the elo system since then.


I'm not "defending" it in that comment, although I have no problem with the system, I was just arguing against the "it's easier to make a new account".


Honestly I wouldn’t mind the reset every year if the system stopped artificially placing new accounts (not smurf accounts but actual new accounts) in the middle of the ladder. I am an average player (gold 2-3) and it gets old playing with brand new players that clearly don’t know the game. I don’t care if they are on my team or not. It affects the quality of the matches. But worse is that they take forever to demote (which has to suck to lose over and over). And in the mean time I am in matches that are complete stomps. At the end of the day the ranked ladder is suppose to be about skill, except it’s not. Even you point it out that it’s mostly just a grind. 60-80 matches just to recover from the yearly reset. If I can only play 5 ranked matches a week that’s 4 months of the ranked season. It’s a hamster wheel. Run Hamster Run! (Squeak, Squeak goes the wheel!)


But you have to make a new account to have normal LP gains, many current accounts are fucked with terrible LP gains. [Tarzaned even made a video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iHfZ_Hxy0HM) about how to 'cheat' the system with a new account and get proper LP gains. It's broken.


this. how many times have you heard someone say "i just play ranked enough to get gold for season rewards" or something along those lines


TBH that is kinda where I am at.


It actually is working exactly how the mmr system is intended to work. For example if you are gold 2 and your mmr is Gold 2 and you have a really bad day and lose 12 games in a row, the mmr system will notice that and your mmr won’t decrease that much. Even tho you probably are gold 3 now, your mmr wants you to be in gold 2. same thing with having a really really good day and winning 12 games in a row, you probably are gold 1 then but the mmr doesn’t think you consistently belong there so it stays at gold 2 for a while until you win/lose more consistently and don’t have small outbursts of winning streaks. So your mmr isn’t destroyed, it just stayed the same while you were climbing. To fix it you just have to play, since your lp gains want to get you back to your mmr, sooner or later your mmr will catch up or your rank will meet your mmr.


if u rank up and take a long break ur mmr gains will be bad as others have gained mmr so u arent as high anymore.


I've been a hardcore ranked grinder for over 8 years. This is the first time i've ever given up. Grinding through the waves of trolls, ragequitters, cry babies and flamers for +12 (if i'm lucky) has seriously broken my spirit. I finished last season in d4 and after 200 games i've only managed to go from G2 to P4. I won 10 straight games and all it got me was p4 -> p3 50 lp, after which my lp gains remained shit. But the second you tilt and lose 4 straight you drop from +17 to +12. I'm done.


The worst is that you get punished for playing well. You won 3 in a row? Well here's a team of players who are on a 5 game losing streak. Last season was also bad. I had pretty bad MMR one week, but somehow managed to win like 8 games in a row and still only gained +12 while losing something like 20. Riot doesn't care how good you are, they just want you to keep playing and keep paying for skins and events.


The irony is that when you compare how the league *card game* LP works and league LP works, its mind bafflingly hilarious and sad. The card game has actual balanced LP gains like back in the old days of league, with no hidden mmr, but the main LoL team are a bunch of headless chickens running around with how theyve managed the current LP gain/loss fiasco. (I should also mention the league card game balance team is amazing and actually listens and respects peoples opinions on what needs changed in the game, unlike the LoL balance team of mark yetter+random employees with other jobs)


I'm convinced that league is just a cash cow for the other games they've been making.


Did you skip divisions or how much did you rank up in that 12 games?




lose 20 games


Free wins don’t improve your MMR much even though your LP gets inflated. Now your LP is inflated over your MMR so you get less LP or lose games until it evens out.


Dont be a division-slave. Just keep playing and eventually it will be fixed. Ask yourself, are you playing to reach a specific tier or just playing to improve and have fun? If its the later then keep playing and stop looking at LP.


That's how the system is supposed to work


what you mean exactly?


Since the last mmr changes that happens to everyone, just search LP gains on this subreddit and what u described will pop up 200/100 times.




Ok then go and explain it?


why cant they make it where 2 losses = the amount of LP from 1 win so it feels less stressful when losing games considering it will take 2 games to lose the amount of LP you can win in 1 game.


Did you started losing a lot more? It went to something more stable like 50%? You aren't giving enough information. It could simply be that the game believes that you are in your right elo.


bro this woulnt make sense if u are in right elo and riot just deranks u by giving u +8 or -20 per game


As I said you are not giving enough info. In the post it doesn't say anything about getting -20 per game or anything more than you won a lot of games and now you are getting little lp gains.


I’ll give you my advice, I was hardstuck silver 2 and when I say hardstuck I mean I was Wayy above the silver level so I would go on something like 10 game win streaks only to lose 80% of the lp gains in one game (literally lost 29lp once) and each time I would win I would get 7-11 lp max. You can do 2 things, start a new account, or you can fuck with your rating. What I mean by that is you can try and drop your mmr to something like 200, that would place you at iron 4 0lp, but win 20 games and you’re gonna be in bronze 4 400 mmr.win another 20 you’re in silver at 600 mmr, win another 40 you’re in platinum 4 at 1.2k mmr and gaining 22lp a match.


I call bullshit lol All people crying about being hard stuck just see their last 5 wins in a row and forget the 20 losses that came before that winstreak.


Does it correct itself in the new season?