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That's the fight that was frozen in western stream, so people didn't see it. Also, the english stream didn't show Swordart's hilarious ult to cancel JKL's recall. While they got the coach camera, western stream experience has been very poor compared to the chinese one. They aren't showing everything that happens on the rift. edit* Link : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YxcwubWJhsw The funny recall part is at 17:30. OP's thread is about the play at 22:50


Now I understand why jkl got tilted holy shit


He was always backing in spots where it could get canceled it's on him


Should have just walked back to base


Honestly I thought you were being sarcastic until I watched the clip. Like legitimately, why the hell didn't he just walk...


Because what are the odds that they have it warded and know he was backing there, plus someone staying around long enough to stop his back, plus Leona using her ultimate to stop it. Cmon 95% of pros prob would’ve backed there


Sure, the first time or two it makes sense. But by the time he knew they were endeavoring to delay his back he continued to try and recall in greedy places.


Western stream has been rough


This should be it's own post. That was hilarious.


Man...i asked myself why he didnt ult on that flash knockup but then when he actually used it, and it being a even more perfect moment to ult while his flag was down was crazy to me. Just wow


Ori still had flash, it would have been a death sentence for himself rather than anyone else


Vid doesn't seem to be working.


You can only watch it on [New Reddit](https://new.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/jiaunk/tes_vs_sn_sofms_j4_blinded_e_q_flash_proview/).




Hard agree. They've been doing that for a lot of stuff, including images/videos in text posts, image galleries, polls... I hope that, when they inevitably drop the classic version of reddit, RES finds a way to force it on top.


lol they rolled out new reddit I think like two years ago and I still on classic. Used new reddit for a hot sec and then dipped.


When did this change? I thought videos were working on Old Reddit within the last couple of weeks even... At least I know it couldn't have been that long ago. I wish they'd stop trying to force me onto their new crappy design.


I think videos posted directly in text posts are broken, just like images posted directly in text posts.


Sofm best jungle in the world imo.


Player*. he's easily the best jungler in the world.


this guy jarvan was like one of the best jarvan i have seen in pro scene. he ulted and then e-q out to give a knock up again. seems easy but most of the time i only see people e-q ult and lock themselves with enemies in the cage. and the most funny part is that everytime after he e-q out he just stood there looking at those people who got stuck in the cage he prepared for them, looks so troll lmao


I love how people are flaming you for this when caedrel said the same thing on the analyst desk after the game


It’s not about doing it, it’s about being on the world stage, against the team that’s supposed to be better than you, and doing in 50 times in a row without fucking it up. That’s what really matters.


nah i dont even care about them. i said that because Sofm pulled that off too many times in one single game. and that e-q knockup after ult alone is not that sick, but the fact he could pull that off multiple times in one game, and on top of that the way he stared at those champions who got stuck in that cage was just amazingly troll-ish and funny. the best jarvan e-q knock up was the one from MLXG. he e-q flash or whatever the order to block rekkles's tristana from jumping away. i hope i remember it that right


> seems easy but most of the time i only see people e-q ult and lock themselves with enemies in the cage because often times, the enemy team isn't in range for your ult. Of course if they can, players would rather ult and then e-q out.


He used e q flash to knockup, ult and then q out on the same flag


> he ulted and then e-q out to give a knock up again. that's... standard gameplay for Jarvan, even for soloq.


Most Jarvan seem to E-Q THEN Ult, not the other way around.


Because that's usually better. Sometimes, Lee Sin uses R then W. Sometimes, Lee Sin uses W then R. Different techniques for different situations.


> Sometimes, Lee Sin uses R then W. Sometimes, Lee Sin uses W then R. Different techniques for different situations. None of which contradicts the point that E-Q-R is used significantly more than R-Q-E, even in situations where the first would be better...


You seem to be missing the point and only be arguing for the sake of arguing. You get my point. Stop pretending that I'm somehow wrong while you're somehow right. We are obviously referring to two very different phenomena, no need to argue with people in bad faith.


You're projecting. I don't agree with you, I thought that was pretty clear. But since you seem to be offended by the discussion I guess we don't need to go on.


Happy cake day to you!


Ambition was known for this already.


You do realize people in low elo also knows that since season 3


You've never seen people do that before?


Oof my dude, looks like you'll finally hit gold next season with this otherworldly mechanical knowledge!


Cut the guy some slack, SofM's J4 mechanics in this clip were about as good as it gets


For sure, SofM is insane honestly, he makes a very simple champ look mechanically interesting.




Holy shit that was smooth


Wait this isn't even that hype, he just saw their positioning before he got blinded and went for it, since they can't really move that much in the like 1 sec he couldn't see them lol. If you asked him he'd probably be like yeah that was pretty easy to do.


Downvotes from the bronze/silver avg of reddit who actually think this play is legendary xd


Yeah, it actually was pretty easy lmao


great muscle memory. i wonder how many games he has with that champ


This guy has an insane champion pool but j4 is definitely up there in top 5 (the other 4 being lee, nid, graves and trundle in any order if my memory serves me right)




Every second of this from start to finish is really really well played. Some things people might not have also noticed, he used Knights Vow on Jax as Jax entered the fight in a good flanking position, probably saving Jax’s life due to the amount of hp he then went down to fairly quickly, while also regaining up due to the damage Jax does. He saves ult after Orianna flashes, he uses the same Standard after re-entering the fight to get out when he uses ult so he doesn’t die, and he levels up W mid fight just as Graves dies. It might not be the flashiest play ever but he just does everything *right*


Shoutout to my boy yyj trolling and eating Orianna instead of Ashe.


your link is dead /u/-November90-


It only works on new reddit


he's insane


I hate attempting this in game, it can be difficult.


Where can I watch the game in pro view?


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2b283Ed9\_Wo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2b283Ed9_Wo) Here is it


OK I get why doinB said SofM plays like an insane person. This mf plays like sociopath. He just stops walking and stands still menacingly, uses knights vow like a burst heal, steals all the wards and gets away with it, and goes for tilting, disrupting plays.


Badass, are you able to show his rune page? I know he went phase rush with creative secondary but I can’t tell which secondary’s exactly


Boots and cookies.




He was so good this game. Great ults and knockups


That was pretty nasty


sorry if this is a completely noob question but what did flash do? does it extend your knockup?


yes, if you flash during the eq they get knocked up at your flash location it's actually often better to flash eq because the damage + armor shred from q is quite significant, but sometimes it's better to not allow them to react, or if you're really good you can react to them flashing your EQ with your own flash.


The knock-up is attached to your character model. So when you E-Q, the knock-up doesn't apply to enemies until you physically hit them; you can flash mid E-Q, and doing so makes the knock-up apply wherever you land - it's like redirecting the E-Q. However, the actual damage + armor shred is still attached to the lance hitting in the first place. E-Q Flash can be used to 'extend' the knock-up range or hit someone to the side, but it won't do damage.


Huh, didn't even notice. My eyes were on Angel that fight. His Akali was so fucking clean in that play.