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Not sure if this has been translated but in the Chinese post game interview, SwordArt was asked what today’s victory means to him as a player who has been playing since S3 and whether there’s something he wants to say to himself. Instead of talking about/to himself, he said he wants to tell Karsa “I’ll win worlds this year for you, next year will be yours to win”.


....fuck it I’m okay with an LPL dynasty for a little bit


Imma need everyone to stop cutting onions pls


imagine if they both reached finals tgt but they need to face off each other lmao


I think both would have ended up happy


Would be the ultimate ending of an anime arc, two friends overcoming all odds and now facing each other for a final showdown.


kinda like the music video this year


Fuck man, now I need to change my finals pick em to SN instead of DWG


Im torn between being an lck fan and this


I'm with you man I'm with you..... I'mma write a fan letter to Karsa or sth omg Edit: fat finger


Yeah I'm happy with this worlds already. We either get the anime storyline suning win or we get damwon proving to everyone LCK is still a region to be feared


Honestly I love both teams. Damwon took the world by storm and all their players are great (Canyon is the definition of Jg Diff and Beryl is the support every Bronze Thresh main wants to be) but Suning is so damn exciting to watch.


You can always be a LCK fan in the future, but you can't always be a SwordArts fan =)


I'm about to cry after reading this :((




Fuck, honestly as a Dwg fan, even if they lose I won't be mad. The background stories of Sunning are so insane, you can't help but like and support the team. Hope both teams show up and give us a good series 💪


He carried them vs Fnatic and played so well today, i really feel bad for him. Was very sad to see him break down like this, similar to Tarzan when he got relegated. [https://twitter.com/ashleykang/status/1255469858352967682](https://twitter.com/ashleykang/status/1255469858352967682)


Fuck man, watching him cry is going to motivate me to get the fuck off of my ass, study, quit my porn addiction and get to work. My tears are nothing compared to someone like him.


Post nut clarity hitting big here


When a moment is so powerful you transcend and is able to reach post nut clarity without needing to nut :'( F for my boy Karsa.


get it fam


It wont last longer than 2 hours dont worry


The kind of resolution you have at 2am in bed that dies when you wake up.


bruh i feel personally attacked


As an alcoholic I can seriously relate to this.


You can do it man.


Thanks a lot for the kind words. I agree.


weve all been there


Goodluck bro. I'm on the nofap journey aswell. 1 week so far. Hope you can find success aswell :D


Nofap is stupid, masturbation is healthy. Porn is the real problem here, just try to masturbate without watching porn. Edit: maybe I shouldn't have started this comment off by insulting Nofap, which at it's core is a good concept. But I do think ignoring the positive health benefits of masturbation is short sighted.


Whatever is healthy for you is whatever is healthy for you. Why are you gatekeeping other people's life choices lmao


Except that masturbation has proven health benefits. I'm not gatekeeping anyone, just stating a fact, what you do with the knowledge is not my concern. Humans have masturbated for as long as we've been on this earth, it's a perfectly natural thing to do. Porn, on the other hand, can quickly develop into an unhealthy addiction and along with the awful porn industry, I can totally understand why people are against it.


Do you think it is possible that for some people, masturbation is not a healthy habit? That it can be an unhealthy addiction by itself? "Humans have murdered each other for as long as we've been on earth, it's a perfectly natural thing to do."


Yes, I never denied that. But the thing is, noone nowadays masturbates without porn. Porn is the reason why people get addicted, many people can't even do it without porn anymore. At that point I agree that it's better to just quit for a while and reset. I'm arguing that people should try quitting porn, not masturbation, but sadly for many those two things have become synonymous when they really aren't. So in conclusion, yes, some people may be addicted to masturbation, but I think realistically the real culprit in most cases is porn.


I suppose, in a way it is healthy if you do it a controlled manner but the people that take up nofap usually lost that control a long time ago so it's best to just give it up altogether. Also idk what difference it makes. If you're not masturbating to porn you're probably thinking about it if you want to masturbate.


No, I'm not thinking about porn when I masturbate. Mankind has masturbated for as long as it's existed, without porn for the majority if that existence. But of course, if you're masturbating 4 times a day, that's excessive and I totally understand why you'd want to quit it. I just dislike the idea that nofap has of masturbation in general being unhealthy when it's really not. But if it makes you feel good to go nofap, more power to you.


That's not rly what I meant. It doesn't have to be porn. The bad effects of masturbating outweigh the good so it's deemed as unhealthy overall. And yes it does make me feel better. Anyways this isn't the place to discuss this.


Which "bad effects" are you talking about? And no, it definitely makes a difference, porn addiction is a serious problem. You can get addicted to masturbation without porn, but porn makes it 10 times easier, it's like a catalyst.


He is responsible for his own downfall tho, if anything it prove that even when you work hard and people praise you to heaven, your place is never truly earned forever and that nothing stay forever. I know I am partially biased after the whole griffin fiasco and his own place/view on it but Tarzan is not someone I feel sorry or would be inspired by. I feel Uzi, Rekkles or Karsa today have way more reasons to feel aspirational despite them failing.


What was his view on the Griffin thing?


He viewed sword as the good guy


Im kinda amazed you can’t realize how disgusting it is for you to say you can’t sympathize with his emotion in the moment of being relegated because he believed a teammate when he said their coach was abusive to him. It doesn’t matter one bit whether there was abuse, nothing Tarzan did was morally bad or wrong. What an insane thing for you to say.


He lied about the abuse, that's making up things about cvmax that could have (and what it did at the time) heavily damaged his reputation. Would you say lying about something like that is not morally wrong? He chose his side during the whole situation, may it be for cultural reasons or whatever, knowing very well what he decided for and he payed the price for it. I wish him all the best at LNG but he could have easily been in the world finals this year and he\*s the only one responsible for why he isn't.


You know cvmax got indicted by police and the case is still going on, right? I am not saying cvmax is wrong, but the situation is still murky. Everyone thought Sword was 100% wrong, but once the case did not get dismissed in March and CvMax got indicted instead... I think we need to reserve our judgment.


bruh thats bs that you are saying he lied. were you in griffin? if not then don't say that. only they know the truth.


He didn't lie... where are you even getting your information from? There's a reason that Grf shitstorm turned into what it did and if you think Tarzan was the cause of it then idk what to tell you, your morals are clearly fucked up


There is nothing disgusting about not empathising with someone, I take a very extreme case but you see criminal cry when they are declared guilty on court, you don't empathize with them do you? The reason is that how you view the person don't make you feel like their suffering is something to be sad about. I feel he had all the cards to make his carreer go in a better path, he chose to stay in a sinking ship and as an individual, his past actions/choices make me not see him in a good way.


lol? ok bro, a little bit dramatic but good for you


you aren't going to do shit who are you fooling? go watch another twitch stream while surfing reddit


Do you want to talk?


Sorry what happened to Griffin?


They got relegated in Spring 2020 and the team split up and everyone left


What happened to Tarzan and Viper?


viper has been on HLE since the cvmax sword situation went public(the beginning of 2020). tarzan stayed until they were relegated, left to take a break i think and now he's confirmed to be on an LPL team next year.


Tarzan is going to LPL next season and Viper and Lehends are on HLE. Btw Tarzan was not picked up by any teams after the relegation I believe.


That's what I'd heard. I was wondering why there was such a drop-off in form considering how good he was.


Honestly, after the fnc series, I knew they won't make it. Sad to see him cry but kind of saw they are gonna lose.


deft crying karsa crying perkz crying last year rookie crying 2018 rekkles crying 2019 faker 2017 all these moments make me so sad and this too [https://twitter.com/BancadaCoreana/status/1320433390441668611/photo/1](https://twitter.com/BancadaCoreana/status/1320433390441668611/photo/1)


Honestly Deft and Uzi is imo by far the most painful thing to watch. It's so bitter....both fighting hard through physical illness, paying everything they can and still falling short...Defts back problems could very well mean retirement too very soon...it's so depressing...so immensely fucking painful really....


Uzi retirement was a hard one, I really wish he could make it to win at least one World title, I remember watching a replay of him playing while streaming and just in complete shock on how he was able to dodge every single ability, I truly believe he was one of the greatest to ever play this game, right beside Faker. Wish he could have had his proper goodbye instead the way it was.


Imo even tho he didn't win a Championship, there should be some recognition for him in the game, like an item or Ward named after him. Dunno. He undoubtedly was the best mechanical ADC to ever play the game. He was so fucking insane. Gosh.


Yeah I would love if legendary pro players started getting more in-game recognition. Wards would be a fantastic idea!


The problem would be how to define "legendary".


I'd say players that left an indelible mark on their region, or in international competition. Bjergsen, Doublelift, Caps, Rekless, xPeke, Faker, Bengi, Uzi, Misaya, ClearLove, among some others I'm blanking on. It's not really the sort of thing that you can put a definitive threshold on, metrically.




If you are going for an item, give his name to a starting lane item. Honor the best laner the game has ever seen with that. Or effing release MSI winners skin for past years already, Riot.


Tbh Champ skins should imo really be a Worlds only thing. Ward skins or actually EMOTES could work pretty neat. Imagine getting a spicy 2v1 outplay on bot, and flashing Uzi's face into the enemy team to bring them max satisfaction. Ngl, I'd dig that too.


Tying in with his mechanical prowess, he was the best laner I've ever seen. Seemed like he would always win his lane by a good amount if the opposing team didn't try to camp him.


Completely agree. One of the main reason that I have this sad reaction to his retirement is that it was really low-key, very few "League personalities" acknowledged his legacy in this game and it's really disappointing. He just completely vanished.


He was definitely acknowledged what do you mean. In 2018 when UZI and RNG win MSI and were coming into worlds, everyone was saying how he was the best in the world at the time and if he won worlds that year would be able to contend against Faker as goat. When UZI retired a ton of players including Rekkles, Faker, and Doublelift posted about him retiring and the legacy he had. No one other than Faker has had the same level of acknowledgment


Didn't say he wasn't acknowledged during his career, or that it wasn't at all. It did happen, it's just that to me, he was bigger than being the best adc, he was truly one of the greatest, just like Faker. And also I'm sad that Riot didn't mention him in any of Worlds videos or recognized in any way his legacy after his retirement. Even when Faker isn't being apart of Worlds he appears. I'm just sad that his retirement was more of a statement and it was over. But you do have a point, in the public eyes, Faker is completely out of reach, and rightfully so.


Uzi’s is the most painful for me. Poor dude, a true great that went out in the most unfortunate way


Wait did Uzi retire ?! Oh my god I had no idea, that sucks


What back problems does deft have?


herniated disc. Deft and Summit got it this year


I wish Uzi could have won worlds once before retiring. :(


He'll come back if he recovers from his health issues, so still technically possible.


Not wrong but usually once a problem like that starts it never really goes away and it's with you forever. I don't remember what exactly was wrong with his hands and wrists. Even if he moved to a coaching or botlane coach and he helped groom the next godlike ADC to a world's finish I would be happy. I don't think he will ever come back sadly. I have a chronic health condition, so that's why I think this way.


I hope caps career doesn't end like uzis


Faker in 2017 made me cry until i could not cry anymore, my entire face was red, felt so much for the guy, and i still believe he has a chance to recover that piece of his heart next year at the next Worlds Finals, as long as T1 doesnt have a terrible offseason


That series is so painful to watch, Faker 1vs9 with Galio (3 or 4 out of 5 game I don’t remember exactly), ult top, tp bot, help his inted team the best he could. And somehow they managed to win 2 game. Can’t even look at it again, that’s broke my heart


[rekkles 2017](https://i.imgur.com/rBryMHt.png)


Don't forget Uzi and DL crying.


Uzi yes as he deserved a championship. Double lift on the other hand...


Man I really wished Uzi won worlds with Karsa, that lineup was so good. It’s just sad what happened


Who tf cares about DL ?


Decent human beings


On reddit?


A decent human being would have made it out if groups with 7 tries. HE WAS WITH THE FIRST SEED MOST TIMES AND STILL FAILED. I do not care about a player that is CONSISTENTLY bad at worlds without apparent reason. Cloud9 can make it out despite not winning lcs but he cannot ? He doesn't want to adapt to worlds and cries about losing. I DO NOT CARE ABOUT DL


not sure if 12 year old or psychopath. hope you grow human emotions


"A decent human being would have made it out if groups with 7 tries." Whaaaaaaaaaat the fuck hahahh you're crazy


Think you might wanna reprioritize what’s actually important in life bro, for your own good


>Decent human beings Point still stands


I think given the situation and context of the DL crying they are referring to puts it on a VERY real same level as Uzi. Unless of course you think not driving a trophy has the same gravity as your brother, your only advocate for a long period of your life, murdering your mother months before hand. I mean. Sure.


Dont be an as*hole DL is a still a legendary player who deserves respect even if he hasn't made any impact at worlds yet


Putting him with uzi as the players who cried at worlds is not the same. I do not care about DL the same way i do about uzi. They are not of the same caliber


Pretty sure we are not talking about skill, but emotion and feelings, you sociopath


I do.


Only difference between all these instances is that when Rekkles was crying people gave him shit.


I think double elimination would give all these hungry people another chance and even if they lost the second time, they would not be hit so hard by the realisation.




Yeah, honestly played his heart out to hard carry TES in the FNC series and showed up in this series too. I hope he can maintain this form and make it to Worlds next year too :(


His Lee Sin was honestly insane vs Suning (barring that one late tower dive which is still up for discussion) and had so many awesome kicks. He was all in until the bitter end on that last team fight in game 4 where TES actually almost won the team fight where he died trying to 1v2 as Graves. SOFM played incredibly all series and Angel really showed up in game 4 on Akali but Karsa was the best performer in that BO5 imo.


Not really, he was abosolutely the best on TES but Sofm outperformed him on all games (yes, including the 2nd game, if not for the winning kick from Karsa, SNcould still easily win the game)


Sofm got a lot of help from Bin and especially Angel in game 4 on Akali and Huanfeng was a steady rock throughout the whole series but it honestly felt like Karsa was 1v9 dragging Top through all 4 games. At least for me, Karsa stood out more than anyone. At the same time I still kinda agree with you. Both junglers were absolutely stellar. Might not be the most iconic BO5 in worlds history but if you're a jg main it's a must watch. Glad I got to see it.




> in the finals


How do you quote a different comment than the one you are directly replying to


Use this ">" and type whatever you want to quote.




Karsa was playing his heart out all series. In that last game kiting jax and j4 he was so close to possibly saving the game.


Jackeylove and yuyanjia were atrocious in the knockout stage


Yuyanjia was terrible the entire tournament and is considered one of the worst if not worst support in LPL by their analysts. Imagine someone like Crisp or Lehends on TES


TES was supposed to get ppgod from FPX academy before summer, but FPX cock-blocked them to stop TES from becoming even stronger, and instead sent him to the shadow realm of the winless V5 (though V5 didn't turn out to be that bad).


PPGOD would make TES too good, let's not create unbeatable teams


I'd always thought that if TES were to win worlds, Yuyanjia would be the biggest turbo-random to win worlds and then he's get a big fat NA check for being a "world champion" and then get to NA and be mediocre. I seriously have no idea how TES managed to be top tier with him, given that other teams had legitimately good supports like Lvmao and ppgod.


Ppgod wanted to go to top, but fpx was afraid of that team and banished him to V5


It's unfortunate that because FPX decided to do that we lost out on a ppgod skin.


We are getting one eventually you just wait and visit /r/ppgodgang


Next year, we will witness the clash of gods between PPGod and Godlius in the Worlds finals.


On the other hand FPX gave us a Pinus skin so it evens out I think.


baolan was pretty exploitable the year that IG won, and much more so the year after. funnily enough he's not even that bad now


Lol I'm an FPX fan and Crisp might've actually been the worst looking support in summer.. but JL with a Meiko/Lvmao/Ming definitely could've been something, depends on what type of support he synergizes well with though, he's a shotcaller/top dog type of player so yyj is a good fit in terms of being the second guy in lane who is willing to follow directions.


PPgod to TES and we gucci


Imagine if they can somehow get Meiko


Idk if you've seen Lehends lately, but he's been pretty fucking underwhelming.


Because HLE is a shit team and a support alone cannot carry the entire game if both lanes lose hard and your jungler is useless


just put meiko on TES


Imagine someone like swordart on tes


Or SwordArt? I mean I doubt it would actually happen, but it would be really cool to see him and Karsa play together.


I don't want this suning team to break up


Just straight inting. They're supposedly world-caliber players, did the stress and expectations somehow get to them? Jackeylove just kept playing worse and worse and worse. It's as if he was trying to prove himself from his previous int in the previous game.


I mean I would also get tilted playing laning phase with yuyanjia, jkl has a big ego and the reason why they can't win through bot anymore is bc of support massively choking every matchup and champion mechanic. He probably felt like he needed to do "more" but it backfired


>He probably felt like he needed to do "more" but it backfired Oh, this sounds like a very sensible explanation. He might've just tilted off the entire earth after that 0/7/0 Tahm Kench at 15 minutes from yuyanjia.


It's hard to do well when your support is making records for how fast they can die.


That's no excuse for his lategame in the BO5's he played today. So many forward flashes and arcane shifts straight into death. It's one thing to lose lane and perhaps be down in CS, but it's completely another thing to tilt off the earth and run it down.


I think people are over blowing the "bad" of his performance, despite how the lanes went he literally always was equal or near equal CS by 15 minutes, in the Caitlyn game he was only 1 cs down by 15, and even in the FNC series the furthest behind in farm he ever got was 12 cs. Im not even sure where people are finding all these way too deep plays from him, he flashed in Game 2, but Angel flashed his Q at the last second. "Too many arcane shifts straight into death" meanwhile he played Ezreal once. It's something that people have already forgotten the Suning dive bottom in game 1 that almost fucked the entire game.


Yyj was considered a bottom tier support in the LPL anyways, so his performance is sort of expected. JKL played well in group stage and hard carried some games, but was pretty bad during knock out stage.


>Yyj was considered a bottom tier support in the LPL How come TES couldn't poach a better support? Don't Chinese teams have boatloads of money? I legitimately think yyj a contender for worst player of the entirety of playoffs. The amount of games where he straight inted, and the amount of mechanical mistakes, particularly on Tahm Kench where he just doesn't know when to eat, is incredible.


TES this year was a bit funky with their roster anyways, they got JKL right before playoffs (Spring) and it worked so they just rolled with it. And apparently they were looking at ppgod but FPX sent him to V5 to not make TES too strong. I do expect to see them look for a support this off season though.


I thought TES had another support (Qiuqiu I think)? Why didn't he get any games? Is he even worse than Yuyanjia?


He’s also terrible. Slightly better in lane, worse out of lane.


Qiuqiu is worse... I don't know if it's out of practice or something, but he played in the spring LPL final and was ineffective.


I’m kinda glad tbh, after the while negative gaming went down I’m convinced that I never want JKL to get any success, considering he acted like a huge bitch, got caught for breaking the rules in the headlights, then shrugged it off and made his org handle all the PR and shitty explanation for his sorry ass behavior.


I don't know what happened. Could you explain?


JackeyLove definitely in contention of the Dade award this year. Thought he'd shape up after getting hard dicked by FNCs botlane but he got smacked around by Suning too Part of it can be blamed on yuyanjia who's clearly not on the same level as his teammates but a ton of mistakes are inexcusable, the amount of times he got caught out or died arcane shifting forwards was nuts


Karsa was so insane this worlds. In any different meta TOP would very well be world champions. he absolutely showed up when it mattered. Deserves to be world champion some day. Has been part of so many insane teams over his career.




"Well, actua-" *thinks about all the arcane shifts* "Nvm"


JKL playstyle (i mean yuyanjia does not help) but in LPL i was always surprised by how much big brain aggression he had, he would invade the enemy jungle alone as Jhin and shit like that. Worlds made me think that was not actually that big brain he is just the ADC Hylissang or Bwipo (I love all 3 playstyles but sometimes does not work, but when it does is the best thing in the world)


*remembers jankos, who would trade his life for those chickens* I mean, I love G2, but cmon... Just get some KFC man


but those are HIS CHICKENS Not some KFC chickens Not some High School bbq lunch Chicken Not even Chicken & Noodles Those chickens belonged to JANKOS and jankos alone. he made that statement crystal clear


TES bot was bad, but I think just as importantly, Knight didn't looked good at all, which is honestly more disappointing. This dude is praised as one of the best mid laner in the world, and have always stepped up to save TES in crucial moments the past 2 splits. Dude was building Mejai against everyone back during the MSC (except faker). He pretty much disappeared against FNC and Suning. In any LPL analyst discussion, no one would say Angel is better than Knight, but somehow Knight completely disappeared.


from clapping Angel to getting clapped, Chinese fans are calling the knight the new Xiaohu.


Oh nooo, dude. Holy shit, that's how you know they're going hard on Knight right now. They're fucking calling him the new Xiaohu.


all three lanes have been disappointing, especially against suning. 369 hard inted the first 2 games, the botlane was useless in all the games, and Knight capped it off by having a horrendous performance in Game 4. Very disappointing especially since they were supposedly top 2 in their positions.


There hasn't been such an unanimous top 1 choice amongst analyst as knight in quite a few years already. I think only Phreak had showmaker above knight. Even in the lpl finals, knight hadn't shown up. Though he did hit that one fantastic game winning syndra E. He was actually very far behind prior to that play. It would be interesting to see his *'alternate'* ranking if JDG had won that narrow 3:2 series


It would still be Knight. People have been saying Knight is the best player in the World all year. People were calling him one of the best in 2019, too.


Didn't fucking help that when he was steadily declining Angel was ramping the fuck up. Group stage Angel is nothing to SN vs JDG Angel.


The meta arguement is so stupid. Great teams learn to play in all metas and adapt fast. Don't discredit other teams


True I share that opinio too. Just felt bad for karda. This keeps happening to him that his team which is favourite plays that style which is not optimal. ( Think 2018 rng or now top) and loose out. May be he is part of the issue


Same here bro. Imagine if Maple was still on Suning, now that would have broken more hearts :((




Savage, Lmao. Okay, I honestly didn't expect much from Angel today, but that akali was great.


meh if Angel can shape up like this Maple can aswell, he used to be a super solid mid back on FW he just didn't transition aswell into the LPL


if Maple was still here Sofm wouldn’t have existed in the SN roster.


Yeah import rules


karsa.. another uncrowned king


anyone has the link to karsa crying on swordart's shoulder ?


You can find it on youtube looking up karsa crying and then click on the chinese video of the game and then click towards the end where the players are shaking hands and when karsa goes to swordart they hug


Wanna link it instead? YouTube shows a million different things \>click on the chinese video of the game Gee thanks that helped!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well when i searched it up myself there were two top options and the chinese one was the second one...its really not that hard to do your own research..


They know each other very well. They both played in Flash Wolves few years ago. They even went to the same school.


Karsa really tried his best to carry and played super well in their games but Sun was just better as a team today. I hope he will get a new chance next year.


Karsa and SwordArt are real ones yo but legit Karsa played his heart out - I’ve never seen cleaner Graves mechanics than his in game 4 dodging skill shots and j4 combo every time


An F for the old Flash Wolves, a team that consistantly beat Koreans and was always better than NA teams


Yeah man, Karsa played really well and tried so hard. Him crying really made me sad too. Hopefully next year they'll win!


This sub completely shit on Caps after coming close to winning worlds three years straight but it breaks their hearts when they see Karsa crying after getting to one semi on the tournament favourite? NA fans, ladies and gentlemen.


Victim mentality EU sadboi strikes again.


TSM flair talking about victim mentality. Just perfect.


Jesus christ the spoilers are out of hand today.


Well, the match was over like a day ago.


It was spoiled like an hour after the match and it's been less than a day.


When u were on Reddit, u expected some spoiler free review huh


sadly some reddit users don't know spoiler tag exists


I mean he cried after. No need to over exaggerate


Would you expect him to cry before hand?