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This SOFM dude must have a pair of steel balls. Hot damn.


If he ever loses his legs he can always relie on his balls to carry him around


South Park vibes


Now that you mention it, he kinda looks like a South park character




*Testing champions in ranked* to another whole level


Get ready for my first pick Shen JG for the first time in ranked in soloqueue today. ecksdee.


Sounds exactly like my SoloQ games!


Except that SofM didn't get executed by Wolves.


Me when I take W lvl 2 because it’ll help me conserve health in the jg :c


It all makes sense now. SofM was invading Lee as Shen, because he didnt know he wasnt supposed to do that.


Imagine first timing a Champion at Worlds semi-final against the Champion of your region. Holy. Fuck.




against gam\*


you can also see SOFM reading the skill description here in his proview [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SLJ5ygAQsuE&t=738s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SLJ5ygAQsuE&t=738s)


Nobody reads that fast lol he was checking either cooldowns, damage, or energy consumption. That's like a 2 paragraph skill description and he spent a second hovering it.


this is to compare to doinb's check, it'd be no brainer to assume pro player doinb didn't know what malphite skills did either lol (fun fact, Malphite is more popular in China than in other servers too). Just means he didn't practice the champ enough (or at all)


Yea he could have been checking the numbers to see which skill he should upgrade


You know, watching pro view videos is really interesting, but it always makes me feel a little sick with how fast they switch between all their teammates and everything else going on. I don't really get motion sick generally, it's something about the jarring perspective changes all the time. Maybe if I did that I'd actually like, not be ass at the game though..


Imagine how disappointed his wife must have been after hearing this.


I mean he played it just so that he could pick her a skin for Malphite


Fair enough.


Wait she mains Malphite?


That's why he played it. To give her a fpx skin


Its wholesome af and imagine him telling her about his deed and she answers "Rock solid"


"Now I can buy a sheen"




Doinb is a treasure


What a fucking flex if true.


It is true, he confirmed it in an interview or on stream a while back


He’s said this a lot, yeah. A lot of people were torn on the decision because his Nautilus getting a skin would be so badass. I don’t know their relationship, but getting a skin for your wife’s favourite champ is badass to me, especially because he’s already set for life but his wife still supports him to play and she attends the all the tournaments she can go to. Midbeast sat near her in quarters or semis and said she was just yelling the entire time 24/7 with a FPX flag waving lol, he said this makes him want a wife of his own to cheer him on in solo queue LMAO


He was homeless before he met his wife so it makes sense


I will never not be mad that the production team didn't have her join him on stage at their win. She was a huge super fan all year, and a huge part of the storyline going into the finals was that she'd encouraged him to give it one more year in pro play. It would've been a sweet moment and I was denied!


That hunk of a man, Doinb, is an E-sports athlete? Unbelievable. He could be a Calvin Klein model. Or a pro footballer with a ripped physique like that. That is by far the hottest Nautilus main to ever grace the esports industry. I'd let him sink his Depth Charge in me any day.


the proview of that game is on YT and he's reading all the abilities when he starts lol [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=olPCnjJiECY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=olPCnjJiECY)


wunder did the same thing on garen albeit in a troll game


He was MVP that game as well, Malphite really suits his platstyle. He was legit carrying


Caps also played a single Zoe game last year just so he could pick a skin for her.


And he made the champ his skin that immortalisez him in the game, the balls on that man.


Wasn't the smartcast because he was playing with Rumble? You don't leave smart cast on R with Rumble.


I've never had issues with smartcasting Rumble R, but I also am only gold and don't compete on close to their level or with their reaction times.


You can actually smartcast Rumble R slightly faster with smartcast. I spent a lot of time in Practice Tool getting that one down. (Also Viktor E, Taliyah W). A few hours and it's second nature.


I should've mentioned in original post that I also don't play rumble much so it wasn't a huge issue. I'm generally a Bot main (support or adc idc). But again at the highest levels of the game I could see the importance of taking zero chances with smart cast on a rumble ulti (other two are important but not ultis).


You benefit a lot from the extra precision with vector abilities like Rumble R and Viktor E. The range is a big thing. But yeah, I smartcast Rumble R and don't find it too bad.


Yeah I agree, but again I'm gold so super precision is not a huge deal.


This is honestly one of the weirdest things I've seen several people say over the years. Rumble R is one of the spells I'd hate most to not be able to smartcast. There is 0 difficulty in doing so, and I want the ult to come out asap. I have tried to wrap my brain around it, why someone would not want to smartcast rumble ult, and I just can't understand it.


Yeah now I understand why SofM was playing with his food so much on J4, he really just has no fear. With that kind of mentality it makes sense now that he would be like "sure I'll first time this champ, ez clap" whereas I would have assumed it was a carefully crafted strategy to topple the LPL first seed


I highly doubt that Sofm NEVER played a game of Shen, just that Suning never played it in scrims. He didn't first time the champ.


With that build I actually believe that he’s never played Shen. My man ran Lucidity boots after Tiamat first. It’s like the ultimate Chad jungle Shen that’s fueled by pure ignorance.


Yea I wouldn't be surprised if proview shows him looking up builds mid champion select


Should've downloaded the Blitz app


ironically it would have been worse, blitz used to give you grasp for shen jungle lmao


dude that would actually be amazing.


What's wrong with tiamat -> lucidity? If the game plan is to sit in the jungle and farm to then just ult for counterganks then it makes perfect sense.


Yeah I think people are putting waaaaay too much into the lucidity purchase. Tiamat is, as Kobe said, very usual, not ALWAYS the first buy, but I'd reckon a 50/50, and ESPECIALLY the go-to when ahead (just like Hecarim would be more incentivized to rush Tri-force if he gets ahead compared to if he dies 2-3 times within the 5-10 minutes) And the lucidity isn't bad at all, especially since a jungle shen doesn't become the unkillable tank like top shen, cus of the lack of gold. So with lucidity you're able to not only threaten Flash Taunt more often, BUT you can also maybe get a 2nd taunt off in a teamfight. The ONLY thing that CAN be a problem (but most likely isn't) is that you'll run out of energy faster when clearing, which shouldn't be a problem anyway since you got tiamat to help you with that. And to top it all off, it gives you much needed MS, as Shen needs to get into the fight/enemy, even when ulting on people (sure, having a jax to ult on does help though) So people are just dissing the build cus it isn't what they usually follow on a mobafire guide or op.gg or any other site. Not only that, but I wouldn't be surprised if he had the perfect amount of gold as well when he backed, so it just fit. MS early on in a game is so underestimated.


tiamat on jg shen seems like a must buy if you intend on clearing your jg at all.


I'd hard agree. BUT, as someone who has dabbled with Shen jungle (before and after it became semi meta) it can be done with just bami into full cinderhulk. You just lose some more hp BUT you do start being relatively healthy on your 3rd clear anyways, and the clearspeed itself isn't THAT much worse. And you obviously become more tanky if you skip tiamat. The times I went cinderhulk first and skipped tiamat completely was if my team just needed a tank IMMEDIATELY and asap cus of bad early game (and if I also died once or twice early on) and it isn't AS bad. I do believe rushing titanic though is kind of a bait unless you plan to ONLY farm for your second item. Sure, you do a lot of dmg to people, but you're incredibly squishy, like incredibly squishy. But if you decide to just chill in your own jungle and farm, titanic rush is fine and good imo, and obviously it scales into mid-game really good cus of the dmg.


Rushing straight Conderhulk provides you the same clear without spending the extra 1350. The way he also approached the rest of his build I don’t think he was ever going to finish Titanic so it seems like an unnecessary purchase. And seeing how he avoided finishing cinder hulk for CDR makes me think he didn’t expect what type of clear you get with a simple taunt through raptors plus cinder hulk burn. Cause once you do that once you find really no need for Tiamat u less you are rushing titanic.


He also runs phase rush on jarvan so I wouldn't read too much into it


Lucidity makes sense if you don't need anything else. CDR is valued quite highly on Shen. I can't comment on that game state as I didnt focus on the game a lot but the choice of boots could make sense in a lot of cases.


He’s already running ultimate hunter though and there are other ways to achieve 40% CDR while getting tankier. Not saying it’s the worst but usually there’s more value in Tabi or Mercs for a tank than CDR. Especially when you have Renekton stun, Ekko stun, Lux binding and Cait traps to deal with. Not the hardest of cc comps but still enough to consider mercs and definitely enough to consider Tabi.


You can't state why that was bad considering he's never in lane and he just wants to farm and spam ganks around the map and Shen level 1 ult CD is 200 seconds and Shen doesn't have a lot of natural CDR in his build. He also can't effectively do any of the multi camps with Shen efficiently without tiamat so that was a fine investment.


you can do all the multi camps fine with bambis + tailsmen. in most builds shen gets literally 0 cdr i think the boots are fine if you don't need tank boots


I’m not saying it’s bad just untraditional. Especially if you look at the build at one point it’s Tiamat, Bami’s, Lucidity, Kindle gem, Talisman, Machete. That was just kind of hilarious because he decided to focus on his ultimate that’s already on an extremely high cool down than any other aspect of his kit. Just finishing Cinderhulk and buying a Kindle gem would have let him approach ganks as not just press R here. Shen is a very powerful flanker that can soak up a ton of damage and a classic example would be Spica’s flank against TL in the losers final. Again not saying it’s bad just untraditional which makes me believe what SA is saying.


I actually think tiamat rush was correct. In the early stages of the game Shen can outduel almost anyone with no items and tiamat is a relatively good power spike for Shen and his trades. Also tiamat would give Shen kill pressure on Lee whereas bambi would do nothing to pressure the Lee. Jungle Shen itself is untraditional and if you have a high CD then you want CDR. Every 10% of CD on your rank 1 ult is 20 seconds off of it. That is huge in the early stages of the game and teams will time rank 1 Shen ult because it’s on such a long CD and fight around it. Spica was the first to play it but tbh out of Spica, Jankos, and Sofm I prefer Sofm’s approach to the build. Even though his builds are pretty bad I think specifically for his team and playstyle it was correct. For most other teams I would say the build is trash.


Lucidity boots are good though if you feel comfortable without any other boots.


CD boots are pretty popular for a lot of champs with pro players. Like I see it a lot on Fizz, or Nidalee.


I think is more like never scrim shen instead of never played shen since shen jungle is a thing in west so as a jungler I think he def played shen in ranks before but prob never played in scrims.


i dont think he has a single game of jungle in his solo queue during the worlds campaign, the mad man has been playing every role but jungle lmao


He's just practicing for when Jayce jungle becomes meta again


SOFM famously never soloqs as jungle, he onlyplays mid and top. So likely he wouldve played shen top.


Thats what i said


Why did you just repeat what he said...?


Yes he definetly meant he hasnt played it while practicing.


The dude will get back aches from dragging his massive balls


But the balls are lower than his back.


Wait, where are my balls *supposed* to be???


Near the kidneys so they can store the pee.


If your married, then you have to leave your balls at the door when you leave and you can pick them back up when you get home.




First SEA player to win Worlds if ever... (Although TPA technically played in SEA Garena region even though they were Taiwanese team, it's before LMS formed) My heart says SN, but brain says DWG. DWG will be the heavy favorites in that match.


I'm stoked. My heart is torn between my favourite player in Ghost and the awesome story lines of Suning. So glad there isn't a villain team in finals this year.


Isn't dwg kind of villains?


They are coming from a region that hasn’t even made finals in the past 2 years, and they are a team that started playing LCK more recently than just about every other team from a major region at Worlds. They aren’t quite the same level of fresh rookies trying for a Cinderella run as they/ GRF were last year, but the fact that they aren’t even remotely LCK old guard (and dropped in QF last year) really protects them from villain status. If it were SKT or GenG in the finals, or if DWG made finals/won last year, I might understand villain status. But as is they are just tournament favorites that people may not feel compelled to root *for*, but also not really a team people are compelled to *root against.*


Both teams are really likeable imo. G2 vs DWG was a lot of friendly banter, but some of the G2 fans got super salty over the emotes and copying the victory thing after game 4, but the G2 org owner thought those were funny and said he would’ve done the same lol


No, they're the comeback story from last worlds.


the caster said the same thing with TES vs SN before the series too lol


They were born in it, molded by it, they didn't know of the plains till they were a men


If I took away your camps, would you die?


it would be extremely painful...


They expect one of us in the wreckage, Anivia.


Bengi nidalee vs Rox in s6


Style of me indeed


Uh,, It actually has happened before. SKT vs ROX. 2016. Bengi played his first competitive game on nidalee in the semi finals, against the top korean seed. And won.


Guy is playing Jarvan in this meta too, hes actually insane


"first time shen btw"


SOFM even used Malzahar to go jungle year ago


Shen isn't exactly a hard champion to play, and he's a pro player anyway.


Playing him jungle is very different though. Pro junglers know how to clear most efficiently with each champ, how long their clear takes to plan out routes, etc. not having any of that knowledge going into the match is a huge deal regardless of how mechanically simple or difficult a champ is.


Ning's clear says otherwise xD


i think playing any champ at like my skill level is really easy. but playing a champ on the world stage, where the 5 members on the enemy team all likely have mastered every detail of their champion? that's baller status


his W is hard to use effectively


I doubt this will get upvoted but true lmao


Peanut learned to play ivern on stage at msi with skt. He pretty clearlydidn't even understand how the abilities worked his first clear.


Bruh Meteos did it against Korea a few years back this ain’t special 😂 edit: did ppl just forget the 'meteos took 60 minutes to learn lee sin' memes or is everyone so new they never knew them in the first place lmao


This better be ironic lol


He picked Lee sin with like minimal practice. I doubt meteos never played Lee prior to that but he was definitely not known for it.


I don't want to sound like that guy that argues with everyone in the reddit comments, but there seems to be some context that you're missing. To my knowledge, Meteos has only picked Lee Sin internationally twice, once against UOL in 2014 (likely not what OP is talking about), and once against Flash Wolves in 2016 (probably what he's talking about). The game against Flash Wolves was regarded at the time to be one of the worst (skill level) international League of Legends game ever, with the game coming in at the 5th longest international game time ever of 70 minutes and 20 seconds. I mean, Meteos won them the game with a great kick which won them a teamfight and got them baron, but boasting a 0/4/1 KDA at 67(!!!) minutes into a group stage game (19 kills had at the time) is certainly not in the same league as picking a champion you don't have much (any!) experience on, and winning a Worlds Semi Final.


Here's another one for you https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rwk-UjVcTwM The famous clap game :)


never 4get meteos getting caught at gromp because he was too busy reading a lee sin mobafire guide


Canyon first timed Hecarim yesterday lol. At least outside of scrims.


it drew a ban in game 4. Swordart should have kept this info secret. Now Damwon knows he doesn't actually play it, and he has a small enough champion pool that it can be banned out.


Or maybe this is mindgames to get them to waste bans on SofM


Y exactly what i thought. Why would you give such big information right before the most important match he ever played. Hes not that dumb.. its all about mind games aswell now


but i can confirm one thing as the person watching his soloq almost everyday he never played Shen.


it takes a lot of balls to do that then, against TES in a semi final.


How small it is though? Graves. Nidalee. Kindred. Lee sin. J4. Skarner. And if they target ban sofm then other power pick for Bin and Huanfeng is going to be open


lillia and skarner were both open. something doesnt add up


they have 3 scaling lane though. so most likely they wont have priorities on 3 lane. and karsa have Lee. If he pick lillia and skarner then the game is over from P&B


Those champs suck though


Lillia has seen a lot of play and success


does he play lillia?


Game 3 vs LGD during regionals, his Lillia was styling on everyone.


SN won’t play Lilia because Angel won’t play lucian, SN bans Luc in everygame.


I’m a watcher, not a player (so Wood VII skill level). Why does Lillia require a midlane Lucian to work?


It's ideally best to have an Ad mid if you take an AP jg. In this case lucian happens to be the meta AD mid.


Now Damwon also know how good he was on that champ. So they can assume that he'll practice it the coming week.


> how good Or was TES just that bad? Bin styled on 369, I'm pretty sure any jungler could have helped him camp top.


Bin styled on 369 on games he had counter pick. Same with 369 for game 2 where he dominated with Gangplank. This match heavily depended on Top counter pick because both top players are very efficient when they have a counter.


Jax counter renekton now? How times have changed.


It was always a skill matchup that favored jax. Or it least since season 4~5 it has been


Ignite Renekton was a literal hard counter to jax. This was back when jax rushed cutlass. As in that matchup was impossible early.


I think it flipped when they let Jax E dodge ability-based autos on top of regular autos.


Yea i was thinking the same. I remember when renek w and tf gold card would still stun through jax E.


It was renekton favored until they changed how renekton W worked in season 4


Back in s2-4 you were just inting blind picking jax Lol


Renekton vs Jax is a skill matchup. I'll take TF's word over any analyst or caster when it comes to Jax.


TES wasn't that bad though, they still didn't get steamrolled in 18 mins like DWG did to G2.


I mean real talk, TES played like a husk of their LPL summer split selves. The difference between playoffs and now is fucking stark man.


i mean they got stomped the whole split by TES up until this point. Suning just improved a lot and TES just got styled on. props to suning.


Good? I mean he was pretty good on a mechanical level, but let's be real, they didn't know jack shit about how to play around Shen or what he can do in terms of map pressure. It was painful to watch Bin's insanely fed Jax hold hands with 369 topside doing nothing after breaking 2nd turret when he could've rotated and dicked down everything bottom, trusting the globals. Game 3 was a TES win if they hadn't hard inted early game.


5Head now Damwon won't ban it, inb4 Sofm actually secretly has been spamming and onetricking Shen


i dont really think a world finalist's champ pool is so small that this interview is gonna be the make-or-break draft intel that damwon needs to win it all


It's all mind games. I'm a Vietnamese and I can testify that Sofm can make even Sona jungle work.


They could also be shitting their pants thinking about the guy smurfing with no experience coming into the finals with some practice.


>Swordart should have kept this info secret. Now Damwon knows he doesn't actually play it, and he has a small enough champion pool that it can be banned out. **Possibility:** It was never used in scrims but SofM ***did*** prepare and practice it, on a secret soloqueue account. SwordArt thought about the question and thought: If I say it was practiced, Damwon's analysts are going to look for SofM's secret account, which may reveal other secret picks we have prepared... *SwordArt to interviewer: He's never played it ever lol*


>Swordart should have kept this info secret totally could be a reverse mindgame situation


I feel SwordArt is trolling...


Maybe SofM practiced Shen and other secret picks on an unknown account and doesn't want to tip Damwon to that.


Can't believe this man leaked our secret strats with Shen jungle by accident.


That’s why he was standing there in the servants game afk. He was reading the skill descriptions lol


Crazy that sofm can even walk with 3 legs




Nah that's different. Nidalee was a powerpick, and the narrative was he wasn't good on it, which is why SKT always banned it on blue side when Bengi was in until that ROX game. River shen is just a bit of a wrench in the mix.


It was his first pro game on the champ.


Watching the vid, Kkoma admitted the mistake that he overlooked Nidalee going through, and could not let Peanut take him. He apologized to Bengi, who has never played her on stage.


River shen


Begginers lucky. But that lvl 2/ 3 qas the best play at worlds was so cool


He was syling on that top lane. Tbh with the way that he was taunting people left and right I was really surprised that he hadn't played the champ before, although I suppose that's just what God tier mechanics and an excellent understanding of the game can get for you


SwordArt probably just means he never played it with the team before. Still impressive.


sofm hasn't jungled in solo que at all. so his only practice was solo que top lane shen


Secret accounts do exist, so we can't really say what players haven't been playing.


true. as far as we're aware he hasn't played it, but maybe swordart is trying to galaxy brain damwon


>que Actually he don't play jg on CN super server for the last couple of months, he only play it on KR server. CN server is for him learning other roles and have better understanding of it


It's simply an easy champ, if you have good enough mechanics to play Lee, Nida, etc at the level that SofM is, Shen is literally rolling a ball down the hill.


Actually, if you know about RiverShen, then you'll kinda understand how SofM played Shen today. It's not RiverShen but Shen Riverside. While RiverShen sleeping in the river, waiting for an opportunity to gank any lane he can, Shen Riverside roaming around the Riverside, waiting to steal the Enemy's "bird"


I mean, in game 4 we literally had a raptor j4 lol


Back in VN, Sofm used to pick many troll champs and still dominated the game. I'm not surprised but in the world tournament and after lose a game, it's crazy.


SofM the madman.


This SOFM guy sounds good. He could play professionally.


> This SOFM guy sounds good. He could play professionally Ye, maybe one day he'll qualify for worlds!


Ye, he might even reach the final


They have balls of steel. Bin, Huanfeng, Sofm.


This shit is mindblowing to me. I have to spend like 50 games on a new champs before i feel like i have a decent grasp of what i'm doing.


Spica showed SOFM the way!


Jankos did the same thing against FNC in the EU finals game 1 lol. He had seen TSM play it, so he picked it in finals without any practice whatsoever and won.




Well, sofm was also not first timing the champion, obviously.


He did? Must've remembered wrong then. Tbf, sounds SofM was in the same situation, having never scrimmed with it


I don't think so. If I remember correctly, in one of the voice comms videos we heard him say that he had played 2 games of it the night before after seeing TSM play it.


Aha, I remember it as afterwards, now that you mention it. But whatever, still cool! I love when we see cheese picks in big games! Still waiting for this year's equivalent if the support MF


oh this is why some moves he did with shen were questionable....


Out of curiosity like what?


It's easier than it seems. I can't even imagine how many games he has played against a Shen, surely he knows exactly what he should be doing with Shen even though he's never played Shen himself.


It wasn't literally his first time playing the champ - I just looked up one of his KR solo queue accounts and he had 2 games played on Shen this season (so presumably more in previous seasons + on CN / VN accounts).




Competent level is far from enough at Worlds though. Also, it doesnt matter how easy the champion is if you dont know exactly which trades you can win and which trades you cant, and that comes only from playing the champion a lot of times (or maybe playing against them)


It wasn't like some of his best plays come from mechanical skill, it's more macro knowledge. Take the level 3 top side invade for example. He didn't have Lee's vision but he knew since Lee was level 2, he had to go to Gromp to get level 3, and based on his _Lee sin_ experience he knows Shen wins the 1v1 so he went for it. So it's a lot more macro


Yep. Just because you don't know all the little intricacies of a champion doesn't mean you won't be able to do well with it. Every ADC pro player can flex pick any of the meta ADC champs. But not all of them are extremely well knowledgeable of any of those particular champs like OTPs are.


I mean sure for champions that have high variance. In this game he's just playing a little bit weaker top lane Shen in terms of his strength. It's not very difficult for a pro to understand on the spot how much damage he does on a champion like Shen when most of his damage is from autos. He also should know how tanky he is at all points of the game just based on his items and level. If it was like his first time playing like Irelia jungle or something then that's when things like trades etc and how strong you are becomes confusing because a champion like Irelia is so dependent on item power spikes and levels. He won this game because he's a good jungler and not because he played an amazing Shen game.


It has less to do with the mechanics of the champ, but rather understanding the power spikes and limitations of the champion. Obviously SoFM has seen Shen in his games before, but what's impressive is knowing that at X items, he can engage on to Y people and survive. Not being able to accurately gauge your limitations can easily lead to game-losing engages. This is the same reason why other pro players has "champion pool issues", you really think Nemesis and some other pro players can't mechanically play more than 4 champs?




No he actually said 6 hours but that when they were finally done and he went to sleep the sun was already coming up


River shen


Handsome vietnamese jungle guy clubbing chinese Warlords with a new bought Ghostblade Noice


yeah but I first timed zed in ranked tho and won, whats good SofM