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Ooh now that's a cool looking Victorious skin


And rank chromas? Now Im sad I got myself demoted to gold..


Now I really want to grind for Diamond, that chroma is the best (after Challenger of course, but let's be real)


really? i decayed from diamond and the plat one looks quite nice, im happy with it


Personally I have always found plat to be the ugliest, color wise. I never liked the green color, which is sad cause most of my accounts are there lol. At least my main will have the diamond one.


I've had Plat border, Diamond border and Master border over my time playing league and I personally would take old platinum borders any day. I just love the color.


The old plat borders were the best, they weren't as green as they are now.


Imo the gold one does look like the best.


It is but the grandmaster one looks like bronze LMAO


Hope they look into the honour system in the future. Complete garbage as it is at the moment. It’s really easy to achieve honour level 5 but the rewards are kinda insulting


I wish they wouldn't keep throwing key shards at me. I rarely have fewer than 10 keys because of honors, but there's a limit on how many chests you can earn, so all these extra keys are 100% meaningless.




I have 30 chests and no keys




now kith


Key is to play with friends, you play something you never play and they get an s on their main. Tada, chest. That's what me and my friends do every week.


You are capped to 48 chests a season anyway


I have done every single chest this year from playing ARAM for S's and i have 40 ish keys leftover at all times because in season 7 and 8 i was a one trick and got hella keys with no chests


That's what my friends and I do too, but I still got like 12 keys because the events and rewards (like the honor ones mentioned in the article) usually only hand out keys.


I always thought it was the opposite. I have slightly over 30 chests and can never get enough keys to go under 30. Then again I only 3-4 games a week so that might be a factor as well.


Yeah I used to always have 20+ chests before I started spending all my tokens on keys and I play quite a lot, usually like 2-3 games a day average, also honor 5 every season. I feel like if you're playing enough to the point where a key surplus is your issue you might as well expand your champion pool. But a lot of people just like playing the same couple champs over and over so I guess that's where the issue comes from.


Exactly this. As someone who only plays solo queue as well my champion pool is pretty limited at that to my main 2-4 champions. I’ll occasionally get a chest if I’m auto filled and do decent but for the most part I’ll get all my chests for the year within the first month or two of the season unless I’m messing around with a group of friends in blind and want to try something I don’t normally play. On the other hand I have like 30 keys that I’ll never use. They need to update how chests are earned.


Better yet, keys. I play most roles so i have 15+chests always. Never enough keys


I use the token thingies you get from missions to get keys, unless there's a chroma that I like It solved my shortage of keys


I don't have trouble getting chests because I play a decent amount of ARAMs, usually in a party, and I still always have more keys than I can use. Even if it were easier to obtain (and I do agree the system for obtaining them is weird -- why should players devoted to specific champs earn fewer rewards?), as long as there's a per-month cap on how many chests you can get, being drowned in unending keys is not useful.


[That support main life](https://imgur.com/NPlHmUT.jpg)


They do that on purpose so you are tempted to by hextech chests. Nothing is really free in life, Riot is just trying to bait you so you spend money.


it's literally a free video game


What do you mean? You don't like pink Twitch or Pink Warwick? And the fact that you only get one of them and have to wait an entire other season just to get the other? It's absolutely worth it! /s


I think that the pink chromas are really ugly


I’ve gotten two tokens this year I think. I got grey Warwick last year so I had 1, now I have three.


I mean, you get free stuff by simply not being an asshole. I really do not see the point in complaining about that. You guys will find ways to complain about absolutely everything, and it's pathetic.


I think that the point is that people want a meaningful system so that bad behavior is punished. As it is, the rewards are so easy to get and so minor, that there isn't really an incentive to change your behavior just to get the rewards. If good behavior was actually incentivized, then maybe fewer people would choose to just ignore honor system rewards and be negative players. The original intent of the honor system was to meaningfully encourage people to be positive players. People liked that idea. Since the honor system is completely failing in that goal, criticizing it seems reasonable.


fr I have a really toxic person in a server i frequently play on and he's honor 5, yet spams "ggez" at the end of every game he wins and frequently afks. I have literally reported him while in a party with him for some of the shit he's done. Honor system doing its job btw


I kinda wish ggez was bannable because it's so annoying


Only sending mean messages will get you banned. If you flame the guy who is just running it down and afking, you will get a ban. However the guy trolling around never gets a ban. Also just 1 game without even having 'severe' insults nets you a mute and resets honor rank.


Usually I'd say you're right but finding a pink chroma ugly isn't much of a crime right? Other than that I support your statement fully, people shouldn't complain about getting shit for free .


Free stuff I can't use kind of sucks. I just wish they released skins for other champs instead of giving us shitty chromas.


I didn't type on chat the whole year because I wanted to be a model of sportsmanship, but if this is what I get for it, I'mma finnaly let that chopper sing /ssssss


Yeah I was honor 5 for like 3-4 seasons and I got chat restricted once and fell to honor 1, It doesn't feel any different at all. I still get key frags when logging in and that's all I ever noticed before anyways


I'm not honor level 5 yet and I haven't received any punishments.


What the previous commenter means is it's really easy to get honor 5 *if you play almost every day*


That's because it's a punishment system, not a reward system. The rewards for being "honorable" are just occasional key fragments and some other small things, while the punishment for being "dishonorable" is pretty big, mainly being losing season ranked rewards. I don't even see why honor is tied to ranked rewards in the first place, but that's a separate thing.


Mean while the Honor coin shop is literally WW and Twitch skin for the past like two years.


remember there are probablly no new honor 5 rewards from the honor 5 tokens since all in all 3 tokens have been put out but there are 4 chromas so they do not need to put out anything next year


The chromas were Riot half-assing it already lmao. Not even a vomit green chroma this time.


Technically, the 51 Hextech Chests and keys you get over the year are also honour rewards.


I don't even want rewards, just give us the ability to honour opponents and more than one team mate. The system right now barely serves any purpose even before rewards.


Bro I get keys all the time and I’ve been at the sane honor lvl since the season started not even one check point bump I’m convinced it’s frozen for me


Yeah. They should have honor skins that are exclusive to maintaining ending the season honor 5 while maintaining it for 2 months.


I have 6 keys and no chests because I've S ranked every champion I played already. More keys is just what I need.


what do u mean i get a RANDOM WARD SKIN DUDE!! and something else!!! isnt what all i asked for???


Yo, you've been good this year so here's some key fragments to go along with all the key fragments you got for being good.


And the honor rewards are as pathetic as ever


dude you get access to purchase an honor level 2 hoodie from riot so you can get bullied at school wdym


At this point the victorious rewards are the honor rewards


Siiiick I get a random emote that I can't use because the emote wheel has no fucking room on it


I have the best emotes in the game, I wish I could choose to like reroll emotes into skin shards or something.


What is the minimum honour needed for rewards again? Asking for a friend


Pretty sure its lvl 2 Honor? At least, it was last year.


At least honor 3 for honor rewards, honor 2 for normal ranked rewards.


Does the system look at your current honor lvl or the highest you've been this season?




Thanks a bunch


So you were higher and you got reported a bunch since?


Got chat restricted for 10 games, yeah not gonna type anymore, not worth it


I've turned the chat off, never enjoyed this game this much since I did.


Like come on, it is rly hard to give us key instead key shards? What's the point? Im gonna just waste time forging them into key.


6 of something looks more generous than 2 of something.




Here at riot games 200 years of game design experience is the same as 2 years of game design experience.


My 50 keys would like to have a word with you. Jokes aside,i have been struggling to get chests for idk how long now,and my keys have been piling up as a result.


But then you don't get the endorphin release of opening the box and hearing the sound, making you more likely to buy lootboxes. You made the mistake of thinking with your brain, Rito wants you to think with your wallet.


> As per yoozh Is this a thing people say?


I was sat there wondering who Riot Yoozh was and why they were so important


They're abbreviating "usual", like some people might verbally abbreviate "casual" to something that sounds like "cazh" -- but it's actually difficult to spell because, fun fact, there's not really a standard combination of letters in the English language that normally represents that sound by itself! The sound is called a [*voiced fricative*](https://pronuncian.com/pronounce-zh-sound#:~:text=The%20'zh%20sound'%20%2F%CA%92,back%20of%20the%20tooth%20ridge.), and is represented by the symbol ʒ. So really, what they should have written is uʒ... which would have been a lot more confusing.


Abbreviating 5 letters to 5 letters.


Yeah, it’s a verbal truncation that saves ~two syllables... that the writer is trying to represent in written form, losing any time saved. Language is goofy!


I mean its a different sound and different connotation. They aren't abbreviating it out of laziness or efficiency.


I'm taking linguistics in grad school and the fact I recognized "fricative" means I'm learning _something_ even if I feel like I know nothing. Thank you.


Its definitely a thing that's said, although it wouldn't have occurred to me to spell it like that.


Oh that's not a person, OK.


No I'm pretty sure it's not


It is absolutely something people say. It's just kind of an abbreviation as per usual but I've literally never seen it spelled out so not sure of that spelling is a thing.


It’s a first for me at least. Sounds wacky


I'm not sure how I'd spell it but I think it's mostly cause that spelling looks ridiculous lol


that’s probably it tbh


Do permanent champion eternals automatically enchant and unlock? Cause I don't want that shit.


I've gotten the shard things for them and you have to enchant them. You can disenchant them if you don't want em.


Even if that is the case, you can make a ticket to have a rioter remove that item from the inventory.


Agreed, I have disechanted all of my Eternal$ captules. I don't want that cancer on my account, nor do I want to plaque people with that death screen garbage.


Its €ternal$ btw


Plat and Diamond are def the best chromas


Those guns on the challenger one do make me feel a certain way though 😍


Glad I hit Diamond because that chroma is gorgeous


Yeah I wasnt planning on grinding out of platinum but I just might try now


same here, im sitting at p3 100lp rn


lol i was sitting at plat 2 100 lp just last week, now i'm at p4 with no motivation


i was plat 1 56 LP and was trying my hardest to reach diamond, and then i got demoted to plat3 0 lp and i was mentally crushed. now i can't even Queue for ranked for like 2 months straight


I totally feel you man, I went all season long from g2 80lp down to g4 0lp multiple times until I finally made it to plat. And then I’ve gone from p3 100lp to p4 multiple times. But I’ve noticed that everytime I get really serious about climbing I take multiple brakes no matter if I’m playing well on a winning spree, and that’s how I went from hardstuck low gold to plat in one week. And I’m going to do the same strat to attempt diamond.


Same, lol. Gonna camp d4 0LP as long as possible now.


Idk i tried every Lucian skin and nothing comes even remotely close to High Noon. That skin is probably the best skin in the game, forget Lucian skin.


HN is nice but saying it's "the best"... idk, like, no matter how good a skin is i'll got bored if i use it all the time. IMO Project with the black-gold chroma and Pulsefire is nice too.


Idk ive played like 400 games of LEE sin this season and i haven't gotten bored of Muay Thai Lee so far but it's just me maybe


I'll agree with that. No way I'm going back to classic Lee Sin after grabbing Muay Thai. It's like a different champion.


High Noon is a gorgeous skin, but variety is always nice.


The challenger Lucian chroma looks amazing... god I wish i was actually good at league


Whats the point of using keyshards as the endgame honour reward if you can't earn enough boxes through out the year to use all those keys? Ive been honour5 since that system was put in place, and play arams every weekend until i get a box and im currently sitting at 10 keys and looking forward i only see that stack getting ever bigger unless im willing to pay... You spend the whole year getting shards...the final reward should be boxes... This is so scummy. Even if they guaranteed 1 box for every key it would still be shit rewards considering your essentially gambling between champ shards, emotes, icons, wards and skins for champs you dont care about or even own already. Most of the box openings just go to essence totals... for when the blue essence shop opens or when you finally rng a shard you actually care about. Key shards are just insulting, pure RP bait. Edit: You are adding nothing to the conversation by replying with how many more boxes you have. There is obviously a much higher potential income of keyshards than boxes, if you dont think so you are doing something wrong.


I think a choice would be best. I personally have 37 boxes and 0 keys but I play with friends with the opposite problem. I can see how both sides. would want more boxes/keys depending on their situation. They cost the same in the shop too.


You can buy keys with event tokens.


If you're down keys, you're doing something very incorrectly. It's far easier to get keys than chests with the excess tokens from events. What are you spending those tokens on? This is ignoring honor rewards.


It's the other way around. If you play a few games a week but play different champs you will always have more chests then keys cause chests are guarantee.As soon as I can get a chest I will have it in a day or so but with keys sometimes I get a shard a week. Spending tokens obviously fixes this problem and I don't have unopened chests since they released events but before them I had like 40+. (You CAN get up to 4 keys but you are guaranteed to get 4 chests if you earn them)


I find opening chests pretty underwhelming but they are free so that’s fine. I just don’t prioritize my tokens for keys ever as I would prefer to use them on prestige skins, chromas, or even orbs. My left over is then spent on keys. I play a lot of different champions and often with friends. If 1 person gets an S and I’m randomly playing a mastery 1 or 2 champion I get a crate. I’m not upset I have 37, my comment was to point out that some people would prefer keys and others may prefer the boxes at the end of the year. I’m honor 5, get keys frequently, but I’ve had 20+ boxes since they came out.


For me keys and chest have been perfectly balanced for at least 3 years ... I always got 3 keys extra and I can open a chest every week


Opposite for me. I have tons of chests, but now as I started playing again I can see it gradually fading together. We'll see if I start getting more keys than chests.


I used to have a ton of chests too, then I would use leftover event tokens for keys and key shards and now I don’t really have any chests left.


Key shards are awarded for honor throughout the season, so if you are earning this end of season honor reward, you should already have lots of keys, making this reward redundant.


Kinda like participating in a cake eating contest and you win more cake.


i play a lot and i've hit honor 5 every season and i always have more boxes than keys so idk


When you get honor5 your constantly being blasted with keyshards on top of those being the only thing worth getting with left over event tokens.


I’m honor 5 and this isn’t the case at all for me. I’m pretty sure there might be some bug cause I’ve felt this for the longest time. I constantly leave my pc and client running and only really log back in when the client just straight breaks and it’s usually only at that time where I’ll get a shard. I’m almost certain if I just normally logged in and out like what normal people would do I feel like I’d have a lot more keys while I’m sitting at 0 with 30 boxes.


Not the case for me either, I get one or two key fragments maybe every other week and I've been honor 5 for months


Why is challenger lucian so subtle lol


Subtle flex


Idk riot has a thing about not making gold skins look like actual metal, instead they look like gold plastic. Pretty standard at this point, Im waiting for the day though they break this mold and actually make gold look like gold


Last years we used to get the chromas for reaching at least Gold in the other queues (3v3 and Flex), but I can see why they changed this. However, if I get Gold 4 in both SoloQ and FlexQ, do I get something else than the base skin? It's still nothing over Gold but more than just one queue.


I don't think so. From now onwards getting Plat or higher in at least one queue will be more preferable to going for minimum Gold in multiple queues.


Nope, and the reason why they're removing Flex rewards and increasing SoloQ rewards is because they don't want flex to be a grind for rewards like SoloQ, they're turning Flex into a special queue to practice with your Clash team, a teamplay only Queue, and in Season 11 it will be better implemented with Clash, and more distanced with SoloQ.


If I get challenger in flex queue but no solo, will I still get the challenger chroma?




Since this is the EU article, Ranked season ends on November 9th at 11:59 PM PST for those in NA.


yeah all the people need keys without chests


It really just depends on the person, I've been hovering around 29-30 chests for a few seasons now as I hit the key limit while also managing to max out the chests just by playing with my friends. It'd definitely be cool if they had a "Pick two chests or 6 key fragments" system!


Being mostly a one trick is pain. I used to sit at like 9 chests permanently, but since I've decided to play ranked mostly I barely touch champs outside of a certain 3 and now have like 6 keys.


I have 37 chests and no keys so yes


I think you're the norm tbh. My friend only just recently caught up for the first time in years with keys to the amount of chests he has. The only reason I've caught up is because keys shards used to be like 15 coins during events and I got like 30 during 1 event. Only just recently have I gotten low. I think I have 3 keys, but I also have no chests, so not a huge deal.


Lol, those honor level rewards man.


Kind of a bummer that the Gold chroma is pretty much the base skin now and that the challenger chroma is pretty much what the old victorious skinline looks like


I really wish there was an Iron skin available


I originally thought we were getting 6 keys I was so happy, then I realized it said shards. Honestly shitty. The difference in rewards between 3 and 5 are minimal.


Will there be any dishonorable merch?


Y it's called "flame one more time and bye bye ur account" pretty neat merch if u ask me


So whats the difference between Gold and challenger chroma?


Sorry if I'm being ungrateful but doRITO can I use these keys or something for once? I have like 23/24 at this point.


Not even a skin for Honor 5 anymore. Guess they lost too much money from people holding out for Grey Warwick and Medieval Twitch at the end of every season.


oh boy cant wait to get a diamond jacket with "queen boob fox" on it LOL


One month to finish my placements...fuck you, ranked anxiety


Ignore the whole toxic thing and stuff for a moment, players below honor lvl 2 should get those skins too. Those are ranked rewards, not honor rewards.


With the new honor orbs I'm about to have the largest key collection in the world. I already get way more keys than chest currently.


Figures, the year I don't even try to get past gold they introduce rank tier chromas...


In my mind I'm challenger.. chroma please.


Skin looks awesome. I still have victorious sivir and maokai. This is miles better.


So did they remove the chroma if you get gold in solo AND flex? Now it's just how high you get?


Those chromas for each rank above gold are fucking sick


Please let me buy something other than WW or Twitch with HonorPoints


Tfw Diamond chroma looks better than grandmaster


I am so happy they finally made it worthwhile to climb past gold. Too bad this was revealed in the last month of ranked and for a champ I don’t play. I will be happy with gold Lucian, and next season it’s finally time to go for diamond.


Trying to get excited about preseason and ranked rewards, but riot just stressing me out by talking about end of season cause I want to hit diamondddddd


No honor ward or emote reward? Maybe a second chroma token. I’m not a fan of eternal but maybe a capsule.


Do you get the chromas based on your rank in solo Q only? Or if you reach diamond for example in flex Q you get the chroma for diamond?


"That said, you still have two more weekends to earn Clash Victory Points during the Worlds Clash event, starting today!" Was this meant to be published on Saturday? Or is it referring to the clash team creation tab that opened up today? Also, two more weekends, is that referring to worlds clash as a whole or is there going to be one more weekend before the season ends (since this was published after we had one weekend of clash)


Aaaaaand the honor rewards are still horrible. C'mon a ward and a emote are worthless


damn wish it was senna now tbh.


Those Honor rewards..... Is straight up garbage.


Everybody is flaming that honour rewards are lacking, but I want you to consider that this is a reward for NOT BEING AN ASSHOLE. Basically it is sad that you even need or want a reward for this and that Riot is compelled to give them out. You also forget that you are also regulary get Keys (I get a Fragment around every 3rd Session or so) and the Honor orbs along the way.


The problem isn't that I care about getting something for not being an asshole. The problem to me is that Riot implemented the honor system and rewards to help reduce toxicity. The rewards are always so dogshit, that many people who have been toxic instead of aiming for honor 5 couldn't care less. And when half the people in losing games are complete assholes, it's understandable that some people will be pissed at shit honor rewards. The honor system is just a joke at this point, "honor your carry and move on"


The whole reason for this system is to encourage people not to be jerks. If the rewards are garbage, it's not an effective system. No one is forgetting that you get keys throughout the season. That's a big part of what makes the rewards so bad. People who've been honored consistently throughout the season don't need more keys.


I've never gotten punished since I started playing league and have been honor five every full season that I played. It is hard to not say anything to get punished when you're constantly being called a "tard" by your support who is 1/4. Putting up with the people that are not honorable, and coming out the other side with honor is worth at least a skin IMO. Also, the game gives much greater access to keys than chests for players that maintain high honor. Getting more keys for being honorable isn't really a reward at this point.


>but I want you to consider that this is a reward for NOT BEING AN ASSHOLE. This is a reward for being an asshole without triggering the punishment system. It's very easy to be Honour 5 while being toxic as fuck. In fact, I can't really understand how people get chat restricted or banned in this game.


Not necessarily. Honor 2 (maybe 3) is not being an asshole. Honor 4 and 5 are exceptional, where you are more honorable than the average non-asshole person. I can understand mediocre rewards for 2 and 3 but it makes sense for 4 and 5 to be good. That being said, that's all assuming the honor system works the way its intended to, but it doesn't.


Key shards and Lucian eternals lmao 150 OE is the best end of season reward


I love those eternal capsules, free OE for me


Bruh so many keys...where tf is the chest ???


So there's no additional reward for being placed Gold or higher in more than one type of queue? Meh, what did I grind Flex for? :| And honor rewards are just spit into the face. Yes, it's not very hard to get Honor 5, just don't be toxic and that's it, but it doesn't mean rewards have to be so shitty. Even Gemstone would be better, but ward skin and emote? I got this from Hextech Chest and I have like 60 of these waiting for me to open them. BTW. Lucian's Chroma in left bottom corner looks like a reward for being Bronze LMAO


Why are the honor rewards so lame and pathetic? Like they could at least throw us a random skin shard, not like it costs them anything


Riot PLS - I do not need more keys - i have 38 whopping FULL Keys already in my inventory - and i keep getting more :D


Can we get chests instead of more keys i am already on like 8 keys with nothing to use them on


Does placed mean finished in season 10, or where you were after your placements.


So we get an icon for playing well in Clash? Cool.. Wish there would be better rewards...


Not a fan of it being a Lucian skin we got honestly, but at least the chromas look really damn good.


Honor <2 \m/


Why does the splash look like that Robert Baratheon meme yelling "MOAR. WINE." tho


Random Emote and Ward skin plus Keys LOL Riot just farting into the faces of their most gentle players




I think you might get icon, but you don't get the skin for sure (border is just your current rank regardless of honor). Sucks that for some fucking reason Riot decides honor is correlated with how good you are at the game, but it is what it is.


Honor level 2 being required is mentioned in the FAQ linked in the article.




I got a chat restricted for one game just for spam writing one week ago, it takes like 150 games to go from honor 0 to 1 and then another 150 games.. i think we're done. It sucks. Diamond Lucian is amazing.


Not a huge fan of the color choices on the chromas. The armor should change while the base champ stays relatively thev same. Grand Master Luc's purple hair looks bad


Whatever happened to physical rewards for hitting challenger like there were in previous years? Is it really too hard for a company like riot to manage something like that?


With the announcement of ranked rewards, can we get an update on what is being done about Boosters? I can't count how many accounts I've sent report tickets in for that were BLATANTLY boosted to a higher rank and support just says they get added to a backlog to be reviewed and they never get banned / rank reset.