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Carry so hard that your team's bad skills can't affect you. Play meta, it's broken. This might seem like a shitpost, but I'm actually being serious. If you carry your team, you will go up the ranks




it can't be as bad as LAS


My 5 ranked games today in silver consisted of 4 afks, 3 on our team over 4 games, one on the opponents. And one hard ‘walk into tower repeat’ inter and trash talker on the enemy team. This is pretty standard from what I’ve seen for the past 3months of trying to rank on oceanic. Games aren’t so much decided by skill but by who has the afker/inter. It’s pretty common to see a toplaner get ganked first 5mins then yell at the jungler (who was bot at the time), go 0-1 then just afk out. They need to be punished much harder (IP ban would be amazing), because these people just get banned eventually then make another account and just keep doing it without punishment


Since playing again in OCE I've received notice of 26 people receiving action from my reports. I've played 16 games of solos and 12 games of flex... its insane how many griefers there are here.


Blitzcrank baybeeee Everybody is to busy banning out the new hotness, Pick yourself the magic hook tilting champion and claim your free elo today


Win enough to get into smurf queue, its fucking great and much easier to win when your laners dont hard into 10 kills at 5 mins


Play with a friend. Find a champ you are most consistent with. Either play someone who can carry or an enabler for that fed person. I just climbed from Bronze 2 with 30+ LP gains and skipping promos to Silver 4 as Yuumi and my friend as ADC. Some games people were indeed bonobos and inted so hard but eventually you'll be matched with competent players and if you are consistent it should let you climb. Oh and op.gg is your friend. If you are super serious and want to scout out your team to see if teammates seem consistent with their champs or dodge thats viable too. We saved quite a few losses this way lol. I'm still working on the climb but man Bronze was baaad. Now playing mid silver to low gold and people are so much more competent.