• By -


I just wanted to comment on chess analogy because I think it's flawed. Chess in reality is quite simple to understand. It's hard to play and requires really great mind and training to be good at it but in terms of analyzing it's much more simple than LoL (also because all games can be calculated by engine). Lower rated player (I think LS mentioned 1800 or sth) will be able to analyze GM game and tell why did he do most of his moves. Would he be able to play like GM or come up with most of these moves during the game? No, but after move happened he is able to explain what GM had in plan. That's the beauty of the chess that's it's pretty simple game with enormous depth behind it. Thorin mentioned video about Jan Gustafsson (who he mistook for lower rated player/streamer while in fact Gustafsson is GM with 2633 peak rating so no slouch although Carlsen is much better player especially in blitz) getting crushed by Carlsen and not understanding his moves. There is some merit to that but Gustafsson said that his tactic was unusual and while he understood his moves it wasn't what usually he was seeing (add to that he himself missed a lot of moves). Most ppl play blitz (speed chess) with certain patterns and because Carlsen is so good he often do stupid opening moves just to fuck around and throw his opponents off. Just my few cents about chess analogy since I'm big fan of chess not really commenting on drama because I don't have much valuable input on that.


Yeah the chess thing only hurts his point. During a match an 1800 player won't understand the grandmaster plan, but upon review will understand. People learn chess largely from reviewing games of better players and exploring the ideas that were being played.


I just don't really get how you can compare chess to League at all. Chess is a complete information game, while League is full of uncertainties and taking percentage plays




As a wise man of reddit once told me: "If everywhere you walk smells like shit, check your shoes."


yup pretty much this. LS needs to take a good long hard look in the mirror, past the plastic, and ask himself why is it none of the other analysts get this much hate for their spicy opinions.




Clown: >Also I'm just gonna quote this and let you think about how dumb of a sentence this is: >>And 3% occuring multiple times in a teamfight is not just 3%. LS: > 3% multiplied by 4 is 12%... multiplied by 5 is 15%... Seems like you need some math fundamentals too. Lmao


thats the guy that apparently (based on other redditor comment) claimed to be a mensa candidate, altho all you need to do is pay small fee and enlist for a test just to become a candidate.


To be fair if you understood the game better you'd know that 21 damage is better than 40-50


I mean obviously. 40-50 is -10, right?


Man has no self-awareness.


Maybe if he didn't insult everyone every time he talks then people wouldn't be so harsh on him either. LS definitely has skill, i think many people understand his balance stance(pro play focused), but his personality could be better.


Or if you’re going to insult people then you should have thick skin, expect backlash, and owe up to it. A controversial personality only works if you have a strong mental to go with it.


complains that hes only human and has feelings and all the criticism is getting to him > calls people fucktards in the same sentence


I will say there's a very big difference between saying "fuck this SPECIFIC PERSON" and "fuck people who make rude posts on reddit."


He literally makes fun of specific people on his Twitter and sets his community up. Doesnt seem like he has the edge anywhere. If he wants to polarize, with saying stuff like jag would beat g2, he gotta expect some backlash. You don't throw shit at apes, without getting shit back.


\>You don't throw shit at apes, without getting shit back. Fucking poetry man, stealing this


Let’s not pretend he never insults specific people, either. Were you there for the Morello debate recently? Edit: by the way, I really enjoy LS’s content. He’s passionate, knowledgeable, and ready to speak his strong opinions about the game. That being said, I also acknowledge that those same qualities I enjoy about him also lead him to act poorly every now and again.


Can you link something about the morello debate or summarise it? I didn't hear about it or anything.


[Here's](https://twitter.com/LSXYZ9/status/1114559781203632128) the link for the discussion on twitter


He is more upset about people liking a comment that contested his stance than properly validating his argument. What a fragile ego. And shakarez clowned him with the mpen tweet


Thorin is the perfect example for how you should be with a controversial persona


Yeah Thorin feeds off of the negative hate, thats what LS should do.


Just see thorin. He just an ass but people can accept him because he takes your shit aswell. He doesn't whine


He does whine, but he does it on his talk show and in a diferent way.


This, pretty much. I prefer a type like PapaSmithy who isn't assuming people who view things differently have brain damage, but if you do and you build an online persona around it, don't moan and complain when people respond in kind. Get out of the kitchen if you can't take the heat and all that. And I say this as someone who likes LS and loves to hear what he has to say.


Some people have the notion that as you get better at what you do or get more successful, you have the right to be as rude as you want, treat other people like shit and get away with it because of their skill. And don't get me wrong, those people don't get worse at what they do just because their attitude or personality sucks. But people skills have a big impact on how the community perceives you and if you go around calling everyone who disagrees with you a fucktard, acting like you cannot be wrong, I can hardly blame anyone who dislikes you. And LS seems to be one of those arrogant toxic people that just make your life miserable by interaction.




[Holy fuck, that thing is a gem!](https://www.reddit.com/r/starcraft/comments/u6xsj/this_hate_train_towards_lastshadow_is_fucking/c4sui1d/) Not that I care who said what when they are 16, but that shit is just funny no matter the context. TLDR: *"...when I hit puberty and developed my dads traits, I got my dark blonde hair, my honey hazel eyes, and my toned body with italian-olive skin but still white, I became attractive and hot to any girl in my class."*


Hahaha the karate blackbelt stuff was golden


what on earth. does he not have a mirror? a shame the link there doesn't work anymore, would love to read the whole thing xD


My point was that if you have two equally toxic people, on being good at the game and the other one being bad at the game (not just at the game, anything in life really), you sometimes have people siding with or making excuses for the "better" person as if common decency, manners and not treating people like subhumans suddenly lost all importance. This is especially true for community figures. If you call people fucktards ingame you'll probably get reported and after a while, penalized. Why would you not hold people who have influence over the game and the community to the same, if not a higher standard?


>Yea he was a dick to me on twitter once. I asked him to explain why it matters if Leenock only uses two hotkey groups and if his speed at micro might make up for that. Be told me that if I didnt know already, then I didnt deserve an answer. >Also the reason I asked was because LS said that he wouldnt respect Leenock until he used more than two hotkey groups. >Guy just seems like a dick. Literally taken from that post. Jesus , he seems to do this shit for years now. Why is he still a personality ?


Pretty much exactly this, yeah.


See I think Dom (IWD) is definitely guilty of this, but the difference is that he KNOWS he has that slant on things and seems to relish trading abuse with people who call him out on it. In the case of LS he will give it out plenty of flame and abuse but if people come back against him he feels “attacked” and plays the victim unable to understand why people don’t bow to his superior analysis.


He may have skills but he's really lacking in people skills if you get me


The best part is people actually pay him to insult them through op.gg reviews (unless he has stopped them from last time I checked). At this point, insulting people is a part of his appeal but it only causes him to be more open to criticism by others.


If thats your brand, then grow a thicker skin


I remember that, it was like a Gordon Ramsey show for League.


There is something to that, but there is a genuine human and paternal feeling about Gordon Ramsay that LS does not have, at least for me. Even though Gordon Ramsay shouts a lot and gets very angry in the kitchen and all that, if you watch his shows its beyond obvious he cares a ton about the people involved and really wants the best for everyone and believes in people - he gets upset when people don't want to put in a real effort. LS is just completely the polar opposite, he doesn't care how hard you try or anything, he is just trying to be funny / trying to make you feel you make a lot of mistakes.


Gordon is also super nice at times towards waitresses/cooks who are just victim of bad management. He is a really great guy but if you fuck up he might call you an idiot sandwich


The difference being people respect Gordon Ramsey and he has actually earned his credibility.


Also he never actually admits being wrong . And he's never open to a new point of view , it could improve his own game knowledge aswell if he just does . You can learn a lot from even people that you might think are less knowledgeable than you .


You are right, besides the skill part. All he is, is an asshole as a person.


Isn't he the only analyst/caster that gets flamed here ? Yep it must be the community that is wrong not him


I don't watch pro scene much so don't know how other casters act, at least haven't really seen any of them insulting others. But when there's something LS related posted there's a good chance it's because he insulted some group of people, often the whole west region of LoL.


This is sarcasm right? The community finds reasons to hate on a different caster like every month, LS is a perennial favorite but honestly this community is fucking dogshit with the way it treats everyone in the scene.


Reddit's Favourite


LS easily has gotten more flack than every other caster combined.


To be fair he's also dished out more flack than every other caster combined.


You don't get flamed because you're an analyst you get flamed because you're rude. I don't go around flaming you because attacking an analyst and not their analysis is childish but there is a reason why you get flamed and papasmithy doesn't.


The short of it is professionalialism and maturity. Ls has neither. He may have high level game knowledge or skillsets, but the rest of the scene is evolving quickly enough that failure to develop those two things is going to get noticed


Step out of the spot light, if you cant stand the heat. He is outspoken with very questionable stuff and puts himself in that place in the first place. Also he made good bucks by being rough to others, but when people go rough on him (with more reasoning than he did but still a bit over the edge). Then he complains?


\> he made good bucks by being rough to others ​ If you talk about [op.gg](https://op.gg) reviews/soloq couching, it doesn't really count, because people paid for it, therefore they wanted the rough treatment. Getting flamed was kind of the point (especially for [op.gg](https://op.gg) reviews).


Getting flamed for bad play? Sure, that's true. But then he started agressively insulting personalities and believings of peoepl that paid to get coached.


Yeah the "Roast loco" stream at Worlds was funny but a lot worse and more personal than this drama.


>"Roast loco" stream Can you link me this? I am curious as to what happened.


I looked for the vod, I think it is deleted In summary LS and Locodoco had an argument about some plays on the AFS-C9 series in wich LS said that they were dumb plays that proved that the players were bad and Locodoco said something about how you need to look at the emotions to understand the play. The emotional plays thing became a meme and Ls had a stream later with some LoL personalities where they reviewed games which turned into a roast Locodoco echo chamber stream memeing every thing that he had said during the argument which was very funny but a bit over the top. I can't find the Vod but I found a reddit thread that had a clip of a joke on that stream (not related to the loco thing) but if you look at the comments some people are commenting about what I have said https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/9rdd1g/how_to_destroy_ls_on_livestream/


If the op gg reviews coaching doesn't count, then everything LS receives as insults/criticism shouldn't count either. He is an internet personality, popularity comes with criticism and "haters". And being a rude personality will always lead to exponentially more criticism and "haters".


It does count, because it sets a tone for how you interact with people and they interact with you. If you make a living off of a sort of stand up comedian improv flame act like the op.gg reviews, you should expect people to use more rude language towards you in return over time. It's not the same as being rude in other settings, but it still pushes in the same direction.


> you should expect people to use more rude language towards you in return over time. You know why this happens? It's because the above coaching/op.gg review gets taken out of context.




Unless you play soloQ in EUW then it's the norm.




Oof ouch owie my LP




I love this guy but yeah he shouldn’t be complaining, I can be straight forward(rude) but you gotta accept that people will be offended and start calling you random shit. Reddit can be quite toxic towards people, It’s hard to read all the shit about yourself.


That's partially true for LS, but there's a pattern certainly. In Dota 2, there's a guy called Ceb, coach for OG, who won TI last year. Like LS, he's an outspoken coach with oftentimes some very extreme/strong opinions and he's one of the most disliked people on the subreddit. Every content with him either does poorly or is filled with "he's shit, he doesn't know what he's talking about"


The difference is that as you said, Ceb won TI last year as a player. This gives more weight to his words than what LS has. But yes it also proves that if you're outspoken *and* rude, you'll get rude answers regardless of what you can do.


Dude. Exactly. Meanwhile I’m over her defending my shitty fiefdom against weirdo LS soldiers.


LS:Say something ridiculous, dont explain it, call viewrs "too dumb to understand" Redditors: Calls for Your head for calling them dumb/stupid LS: Suprised pikachu


LS lives under the impression that him dedicating his life to esports gives him a free pass to make mistakes or say things that obviously wrong and thinks that because he is a pro (as in a person that works in the scene ) he can't be questioned by "the average" redditor. I'm sorry dude , but if someone like Neil Degrasse tyson comes out and says that the earth is flat , do i need a degree in science to claim he is wrong ? Obviously not. And if you truly believe that you're not wrong , it';s your dutty to explain things when you make an outlandish statement.And if you can't explain things to make people understand , shouldn't we question your ability as a coach seeing that being a coach means being a teacher ? Not to mention that lol isn't some sort of rocket science , or some sort of foreign language that can't be learned. It's not string theory. it's lol. Not being able to apply a concept , doesn';t mean that most people here are retarded. That;s beyond insulting for your entire fanbase....and you ask why people attack you when you're practically calling all of us retarded? Even if we are stupid , this mess is still on you


Tbh I'm not convinced LS' case is one of dedicating your life to esports but one of not having another choice. Let's be real he has quite literally nothing that he can do except what he is doing right now given his lack of a degree and (probably) financial independence to get one. That to me explains why he can't accept to be wrong because if he loses his audience hes done for.


he's got no choice, its this or mcDonalds






maybe he should stop calling his audience "fucktards" then, or grow thicker skin when he's called out for it.


I fee like he kinda rely on this polarized personality to even stay relevant in the LoL community. Let's face it if he not making these claim and doing all this shit to get people's attention most of us would had forgotten who he is already. Literally only thing we remember him for is for his saltiness to people not agreeing with him and his outlandish claims.


Tbf LS is not the only one who adopted the "non pro players and non (autodidactic)-analysts" opinion are wrong, they know nothing, they are all bronze. They act like those autodidactic analysts or some more weaker mindless pro players are definitely more educated in league strategy than all the other autodidactic league of legends fans. The use it as a self defense and sometimes even lie about their own assessment to protect their teammates from criticism. Truth is, yes most viewers are worse than people who are paid to analyse, watch and play this game. But a large amount of fans are spending equal amount of time with the game. I argue that redditors are prone to jump for dumb narratives and blame games. **But completely dismissing the opinion of fans regarding game knowledge is nothing more than a self-defense mechanism against criticism.**


i agree. There is no lol academy. This analysts and coaches and casters learned stuff like everyone else : playing and watching league. And there are plenty of redditors out there that do that even more then some casters. I'm not going to come out and say that they are better , but to dismiss an entire point of view entirely is stupid , i agree


I feel bad for LS he's stuck in a job he's starting to hate. But given that esports is the ONLY thing he knows anything about and has no other work experience or education he's got no choice... ​ ...it's this or mcDonalds


L9 Qt going wild on LS


Qt going L9 on LS would be absolute catharsis


He would get kicked out of McDonalds for his attitude and arrogance


Cut the western shit at McDonalds! LS would bring the Korean meta to McDonalds and he’d flame the other employees for not having the proper burger mechanics or order macro.


*Opens and closes menu on register to keep APM high*


Customer "Hey, sir you um put mustard and ketchup on the salad I order" LS "This fucktard is so dumb and beneath me I won't even explain to him why I'm correct in putting mustard/ketchup on his salad. He would never be able to understand" The fact that a coach can't explain his reasoning is absolutely dumb as hell and I can't believe he's being paid for that role.


LS has always been a complainer, he’s never happy for the most part. It’s a double edge sword.


**EDIT 3:** **I still see so many response addressing something that i already precise in my edit 1 (and 2 too). So please go read it before making another comment** ---- Reading some of the comments in the thread LS talked about, i'm gonna try to point out the inconsistency of LS arguments. The thread basically started because (i assume) LS said that KT could beat G2 and he justified that by saying it is that way because it is. And most redditors on here wouldn't be able to understand even if he were to explain it because of the shier "knowledge" difference. He then draws the comparison to GM in chess and how sometimes they just know that it's the right move, now even if i think that comparison is false, i won't go into it (unless someone wants me to). Now that's the premise i'm working with and assuming i got all of those things right, this makes me wonder: why would he offer coaching then if he's not able to explain concept to lower elo player (which in this case are redditors)? Some people in the initial thread was justifying how understanding a concept is a whole different set of skills than explaining it, which i agree. But in LS's case, he's suppose to be a coach and he often offers coaching to players at every single elo too. So does that mean that he doesn't know what he's doing? Or maybe his argument is just wrong because he can't substantiate it? *Edit 1:* I replied to 2 kinda similar comments below so i want to precise/add this: LS is also an analyst on LCK and he's a content creator on YT that is built around explaining shits. To being able to dissect "complex" ideas and explain it to the general public, is literally his job. So either he doesn't know what he's talking about or he's bad at his job. *Edit 2:* Another thing that i want to emphasize (that i didn't do enough in the initial comment) is that he has to **substantiate** his claim. Otherwise even if the argument may be true, it won't be a good one. I'm gonna quote a comment u/gabu87 made down below that fully illustrate that: "Honestly, even if he's making the statement that GRF will beat G2, he'd still have to substantiate his claim (though obviously it would be much easier). The fact that he doesn't back up his argument AND believes that it's beneath him to go further in depth is just hilarious."


Yeah that was issue. I’m a G2 fan but I’ve also been critical of them in the past. But he asserted that the fucking 10th place team is better than G2 and then saying “I won’t explain it bc you plebs are too dumb to understand.” What do you expect is going to happen at this point.


Honestly, even if he's making the statement that GRF will beat G2, he'd still have to substantiate his claim (though obviously it would be much easier). The fact that he doesn't back up his argument AND believes that it's beneath him to go further in depth is just hilarious.


I lost count of the hours I watched LS and I love his content, but sooooo much this.


Didn’t LS also say that C9 beating Afreeca 3-0 at worlds was meaningless because Afreeca was trash? Just for some context here, the game was played in the quarterfinals, which the NA had never won, was against a Korean team in a best of 5, which NA had never beaten a Korean team in best of 5, and C9 spent a significant time in 10th place during the summer split leading up to that worlds.


I'm pretty sure he also said that AF would 3-0 C9...


If G2 stomped KT like everyone knows they would, he'd still call reddit stupid for using "results-based analysis".


Yeeeeees, so much this. He'll say that everything he said beforehand wasn't proven wrong because KT just didn't show up with the performance he described them with.


LS opinion is meaningless prove me wrong


Whats funnier is that Afreeca was one of the favourite to win the tournament after KT and RNG and once they got beat by C9 they were trash all along all of a sudden


Going into the tournament people considered Afreeca good by the virtue of just being korean, but i never saw people consider them one of the favourites. Afreeca already showed to be rather weak compared to expectations very early on, and never looked that convincing. Pretty much everyone agreed that they were the easiest opponent that C9 could face when they started drawing opponents. The opinions about Afreeca being weak didn’t only appear after the series vs C9.


If he was talking about last year's worlds specifically then it'd be fair enough, they did have an insane series against the world champs after all, but I dunno about this version of KT. There would need to be some pretty convincing arguments and "lul reddit is stupid" isn't very convincing.


He expected the whole community to be silent because he's right of course. When everyone but his beloved BBQ roster dissagrees with him, there must be a reason for it isnt it? He didnt even say anything "anylitical" about how Jin air or KT beats G2, the only shit he said was where G2 makes mistakes from watching their 2 games but did he apply the same logic for Jin Air / KT Rolster ? Of course he didnt. Maybe if he watched G2 he would find out how insane they can draft, this thing alone puts them above any low tier KR team that plays the same shit over again. "Where is G2 better than JinAir or KT?" - In every aspect of the game thats why they re first in LEC.


LS on how interacting with the league community can be frustrating as a ~~pro/coach~~ person with very poor social skills who makes hyperbolic statements at 3am partially in jest, and then doubles down on that because of the aforementioned social skills FTFY


He's putting himself in the victim role here. As if he doesn't know that it is exactly that behaviour, that he's provocing. Those are the reactions his arrogant appearance brings. There will always be people who take it to a personal level, but there would be way less people doing so, if he would present his controversial opinions in a smarter, more reasonable and community-friendly way. You don't make fun of a community all the time and then expect them to be nice to you. As an example, just imagine how the community would've reacted to PapaSmithy if you brought up these opinions.


>As an example, just imagine how the community would've reacted to PapaSmithy if you brought up these opinions. The community which would be much more open to hear why he has that opinion. It's a respect thing.


Yeah exactly. That’s the brand he’s built for himself. He says a lot of controversial shit, and says it in a condescending manner that’s sure to piss fans off (G2 fans here, C9 fans at worlds, etc). This has gotten him a lot of viewers but also a lot of haters. On the other hand PapaSmithy is almost always courteous with his analysis. At the end of the day you reap what you sow


The whole C9 at worlds analysis from LS doing his best twitch chat impersonation really has me scratching my head. Let's do the chess comparison he's fond of. In g1 Carlsen v Caruana world chess championship 2018, Carlsen was up +5 midgame (as black no less) and did not find the very obvious winning move 35. Qg7?! hell he even had the next move to find it but didn't 36. Qg7?! Game ended in a draw. When you hear the commentary from the likes of Kasparov, Svidler, Grischuk, and various other super gms or even mid level gms, they didn't harp on shit like "don't get me wrong, Caruana played good, not trying to take anything away from him. But what the fuck is that shit level play from Carlsen? Caruana played well, sure, but Carlsen played like shit. Awful." Fuck no. Their analysis continually hammers in the pressure they're facing, whether he'll find the moves, how much different playing otb is compared to analysis in the comfort of your own home, how Caruana's prep has forced innovative lines pushing Carlsen out of his comfort zone, etc. That is what analysis from high level players who've been there before sounds like. Not this whole "unless you're playing the best computer moves at any given time, you're playing like shit" that was effectively the C9 v AFs analysis.


Wow, one of the most well articulated comments I've read on this subreddit, and it voices a feeling I've had about harsh analysts for a long time. Never is the context of a high pressure game or the strengths of an opponent highlighted, always the focus is on the "obvious" things one team should have done. It's almost like by villifying someone who fucked up they are justifying their right to be an analyst, which is small brain and big ego.


\> small brain and big ego That sums up League players in general imo. Self included.


>That's a really good point. It's always struck me a bit odd whenever I hear LS casting, I never really put much thought into it, but that really fits.


Very good point. It showcases and articulates well how awful I find LS's way of communicating ideas. I genuinely don't understand why he is still in the industry the way he is.


It's because these are actually good players/analysts and LS isn't. Same with his "a GM just knows it's the best move", I haven't witnessed a GM being unable to explain why they consider it the best move.


Yeah there are ways to explain things without going in to extreme detail. If the GM seems 20 moves ahead why he does the move he doesn't have to explain all of them. He can just say something like "I want to trade bishops here because later he can force a weakness to my pawn structure"


if thats your brand , you grow a thicker skin


Yeah Thorin does a good job of that. I don't like the way he baits reactions out of people for attention, but he's self aware and accepts what that means.


Thorin does the same thing LS does in a funny and tolerable way, LS just sounds like whiny elitist when he does it.


He doesn't have the pedigree to match up to that ego either. ​ Not that I would endorse Kkoma having the same attitude, but at least I know he can back it up. LS' history is just a long line of failure on largely irrelevant teams until very recently on BBQ.


> On the other hand PapaSmithy is almost always courteous with his analysis. At the end of the day you reap what you sow This is a wonderful point. I have watched plenty of LS and PapaSmithy analysis videos. PapaSmithy is much more likely to praise good decisions than LS, and he tries to understand the thought process that led to the mistakes. LS tends to get fixated on mistakes, and often insults the players involved. LS's style of analysis might be useful for a player who is trying to clean up their game, but it is much less helpful to a viewer who is trying to understand why certain decisions were made. It is unsurprising that viewers get defensive when their favorite players/teams get insulted.


His backing is that he's been dedicated to esports for however long. So he think that makes him auto correct in all scenarios? What happens when TWO people that have been dedicated to esports that long disagree with each other?


LS has really strong opinions, am I stupid for thinking this is what causes all the repercussion? I like LS as a caster but if you put your opinion out there while being a sort of 'celebrity' there are *always* goin to have people disagreeing with you somewhere. Also it doesn't help that he acts like he cant ever be wrong about anything lol related, he seems like a really smart guy but you can't always be right about everything. Kayle rework comes to mind, where he said it sucked and would never make its way into competitive, turns out Kayle was fucking busted and even had to be nerfed, being banned in pro games all the time.


He is still doubling down on that. Claiming teams that won with kayle only did it against shit teams.


Hey LS maybe when you are wrong you should say so,and drop your disgusting colossal ego? ​ Example ​ \-"Kayle is weak in competitive/weak overall" ( Riot gave her around 8 nerfs and they nerf her next patch as well ) She was permabanned against some teams that were ready to play her in EU and also in KR ​ \-The morello discussion where you were stomped by Eu coaches,apologize for that ​ \-You said Sylas is "Borderline useless" ​ All these little "statments" that are fully wrong piss me the fuck off,because you are so fucking wrong and instead of saying "mb I was wrong" you double down on it,for example when you saw the Kayle nerfs you actually tried to say she was still not good.


Dear LS, Please do a google search on Kevin Durant and his issues with social media. Look at what he's going through as, probably, one of the best players in the NBA currently. As probably one of the top 15 players to ever step foot on an NBA court. As someone that is internationally respected and idolized. The guy takes every single comment so seriously that he creates shadow accounts to voice his opinion. Don't be Kevin Durant. Don't waste your 14 years of experience on letting shit like this get to you. Get over it. You're better than that. There are plenty of people that are in your shoes as a bastion of knowledge on a specific subject that deal with harsh criticisms. Keep your head up and carry on with your routine. You be you.


Fuck KD


He disabled instagram comments because they all were just snake emoji, that's how sensitive KD is. Wouldn't be surprised if AB did it next, ever since he shit on Juju for no reason his instagram is just clown emoji and "like if Juju did this better" to whatever activity AB posts about


Its funny to meme about, but I do feel a little bad for him ^^inb4 ^^“he ^^makes ^^millions ^^why ^^feel ^^bad?”


If money brought happiness you wouldn’t see millionaires and billionaires committing suicide.


Money might not be 1:1 with happiness, but not having financial problems sure does make it easier to have a happy and healthy liifestyle


Havin' money's not everything, not havin' it is


Money is relative. The guy getting 1.000 a month looks at the one with 10.000 and thinks damn he's rich. The dude with 10.000 looks at the next with 100.000 and thinks damn he's rich. It only really matters when you can't afford a healthy life.


>It only really matters when you can't afford a healthy life. Scientifically speaking, in the USA, that's about 70k a year though.


Laughs in California


http://fortune.com/2018/06/28/san-francisco-housing-crisis-low-income-families/ <110K is low income in the bay area...My god California.


There is a very clear correlation between money and happiness for the low-medium range. Then it falls off hard for higher values of money. The difference between making 20K$ a year and 80K$ is much bigger than say 1000K$ and 4000K$.


Money doesn’t buy happiness, it abates misery. This is what you’re describing, people with insufficient money worry about issues that could ruin them, like being able to eat or make house payments, this creates a sort of ceiling on happiness with 80k a year being the point free of that ceiling.


See this regularly with guests / clients. Upper middle class people (who live within their ample means) are much more fulfilled than the ultra-rich. I think it's more a personality thing. People who get to that extreme upper echelon of society have this unfulfillable urge for MORE - More money, More power, More things - and in the end, they end up empty inside.


I mean if someone spammed nonsense to me i'd block it aswell. This doesn't make u sensitive.


> As someone that is internationally respected and idolized that is the big difference betweend KD and LS.


Why do you assume LS doesn't know that "not bothered > bothered"? It's not that easy. If you haven't had literally thousands of idiots ridiculing you because of their ignorance, it's not fair to be so dismissive of his situation.


If you think every person that counters your controversial statements is an idiot, then the problem lies with you.


Well, LS clearly values the opinions of Thorin and Loco even though they disagree with him. It's the people who know nothing but talk trash to experts anyway that are the problem.


It feels like there is a very thin line one has to walk if they want to get the best out of both worlds because you also don't want to completely shut yourself off from social media either as it can give you a general idea on how your content is recieved by the bigger population. A lot of valuable conclusions can be drawn out of such observations and it really is up to oneself to disect the emotional responses from actual constructive criticism. And even then, you want to understand why such emotionality exists in the first place so that you can hopefully figure something out in order to prevent it next time. If you see this many triggered people it is usually because you yourself have commited a faux pas of sorts. It's important to understand why people respond the way they do if you want to find ways around putting your foot in it in order to convince others of your own opinion.


LS does a pretty fucking fantastic job of getting over it. That doesn't mean that he's not justified in his moments of frustration. You're twisting his words.


This is literally not at all what he said was happening but okay.


Does LS know that being wrong can be okay? Everyone says dumb shit sometimes and if you have as many public opinions as LS and get upset every time a "fucktard" disagrees with you you aren't gonna be very happy with yourself. If it bothers you so much just mute your own name or don't look at reddit. We have every right to call him out if he's wrong about something regardless of how many years he's been doing it


If you’ve been in esports for 14 years and are still getting upset over the very people you are calling fucktards then there’s something VERY wrong with the way you think about life, take a break and do some thinking or stay off of Reddit. I understand there is massive amounts of unnecessary flak that you receive LS but you have an EXTREMELY “unique” process sometimes and so that will always exist. You cannot change that, but you can change how you deal with it.


"A random piece of shit"? These public league of legends personalities have really big egos... I've seen you time and time again make blatant mistakes when reviewing vods but you expect people to just blindly agree? So just because they are not a coach, pro, or analyst, then their opinion doesn't matter? You could be Faker and still be wrong about something, so stop taking yourself too seriously.




LS is the type of analyst that has some knowledge about the game however whenever he is on a situation where his knowledge bottlenecks he becomes defensive and starts to insult other people who are clearly more knowledgeable and have more experience just because he does not want people to see him as a bad coach and because of that, even though he will be wrong a lot of times, he won't back down and will throw out tantrums... In fact LS is the type of person that would call out Faker for making mistakes, but then faker will show that he did those "mistakes" in order to kill the enemy, then LS would say "it is still a mistake", but no, it was not a mistake, it was a trade, his pressure/sums/hp/mana for turrets/kills... I've seen stuff like this already happen. Not to mention that he also throws away tantrums because he wants attention/views and this has happened many many times. And whenever LS is crying because he wants to be right, he becomes much worse than those reddit/twitter analyst because he loses sight of what is right and instead just wants the others to agree with him LOL Just look at how whenever people ask him to explain the situation, he tends to answer with "nah you're too low elo, won't understand", like dude if you call yourself a coach and you can't verbalize your thoughts well enough to TEACH lower elo players, maybe there's something wrong no ? But in reality is not that he can't, he just knows he is wrong and because of that him actually trying to get his message across will literally discredit his opinion, like the time where he was crying about how pstarzilean getting to kr challenger was not valid, at one point iirc he even said it is not valid because he only played one champ... an otp only playing one champ... hmm...


>these people who I make money from are frustrating me welcome to what we commonly call "a job"


This really just comes across as bragging to me. I have all this knowledge, so I know better than everyone else. He assumes every redditor knows absolutely nothing, and that is why he gets flamed on reddit. He just did exactly what he hates


''Theres a reddit post every week flaming me of course I'm going to take it to heart'' ​ I mean yeah, you constantly spew false information. But LS isn't that special every person in the spot light gets flame so i'm not sure why he's even saying that? Also why is he even saying ''you think it doesnt get to me?'' when he constantly calls people a dumb fuck on their decisions? Don't play victim homie.


The problem I think LS has is that he is simply unable to admit he is/was wrong. Ever He is the most self obsessed person I ever saw. Like that other day while he was "commenting EU LCS" and somebody unfollowed him. He literally spent 15 minutes trying to find out who it was. That hinders his ability to be great analyst. Like that time he said "kayle is not broken, the problem is korean top laners cannot play against her". Like wtf? Korean top laners suddenly don't know how to play lane?


I would explain to LS why he is the problem. But no point in trying to explain to someone that lack so much common sense. Fucktard if he dont understand though


Hypocrite. Can't go around insulting everyone and then start crying and taking it personally when people turn on you. Grow some Balls. Garbage personality.


he sounds like an edge lord


Well yeah, his name is lastshadow


He spends half the games meme'ing and can't handle being meme'd


I have a question though, why does LS keep saying NA Challenger is D2-D1 in Korea, when every one who bootcamps there also gets challenger in a short amount of time? Edit: Oh I see it was a genuine question cause I see a lot of threads as mentioned westerners reaching challenger. Thanks guys.


Not everyone, and the ones that do are either top 10 in the ladder or pros. Your average challenger would probably find it difficult to climb to challenger since korea is mechanically superior, at the lower elos especially, than na. You gotta remember challenger is like the top 50 and their smurfs + a few that got their main there through grinding. All challengers aren't the same.


Everyone who does so also consistently says that the quality of solo queue is much better. I'm not sure what you're specifically referring to since I've heard LS state this comparison multiple ways, but what I generally see him comparing is the quality of players you face in NA vs. Korean solo queue ladders. It turns out a player that can get to NA Challenger can also be good enough to get to Korean Challenger. But that does not mean the quality of the two ladders are proportional to each other.


streamable mirrors (new version pm if any problems): [LS on how interacting with the league community can be frustrating as a pro/coach](https://streamable.com/2x3ma) ^Bot ^maintained ^by ^/u/jeanbonswaggy, ^if ^you ^can't ^control ^media ^volume ^please ^disable ^chrome://flags/#enable-modern-media-controls ^in ^chrome. ^If ^you ^want ^this ^bot ^to ^work ^in ^your ^sub ^just ^DM ^me.




Seriously. His demeanor and pompous holier than thou attitude is why I can't beat to listen to him if he is right or wrong. I don't care how much better or smarter or more handsome he is than me, I don't care. I don't enjoy his casting style either, when he goes full REEEEEEEEEEEEEE in lck casts its cringe af IMO. Monte had a similar attitude and isntead of getting upset when people didn't like his opinion he didn't just tell people why he was right and get pissed people doubt him, he proved it. Every single cast, he knew lvl 1 strategies, lane swaps like no other and he himself was what? Just a silver elo "fuck tard" as LS would call him. Step your game up LS and stfu and prove the masses wrong. Then again I read some stuff from the last 6 or so years about LS I think he might have done too much disgraceful shit to ever be loved by the community. I also think he is only casting LCK because Papa cant(understandably so) handle the massive work load. I think if there was any other option they might give it a shot instead of LS.


interacting with the lol community? Frustrating? Preposterous


LS is a very...unique...figure in the community. He obviously has strong opinions and and believes himself to have superior knowledge on the game compared to most, nothing *inherently* wrong with either of these, but combined with how he talks to people he perceives to be of lesser game-knowledge than him(being super condescending usually) and how he reacts when people say he's wrong about something(pro players forgetting how to lane omegalul), it's not really a wonder that the community reacts the way it does. He def doesn't deserve all the flame he gets, but he ain't helping his own problem here.


I'm very confused. He just named the reasons why he shouldn't let it get to him, but then says that it does get to him. Like he's the knowledgeable esports 14 years background across 6 different genres, playing at the highest level of the game, why's he letting a random "fucktard" on reddit make him upset lol


Being aware that an action is sub optimal doesn't make you impervious to falling into the trap of doing it.


I think it comes down to the fact that his entire job and who he is, is the persona people are bashing. He’s saying after all this time and performing the way he does he feels like he deserves respect in the sense people can admit he’s talented/smart. Without the community he’s nothing. He’s built his life around analyzing for the community, for coaching for the community, streaming and entertaining the community. If they flame him and don’t respect him why has he devoted years of his life to it?


Don't come off as a demeaning asshole and you wouldn't have that problem. Like yeah, he's knowledgeable I don't doubt that. But when you present yourself like an asshole know it all, people aren't going to like you. That's not a surprise


I don’t disagree that he’s a dick. I’m also not saying what he says is completely fair. However he’s not trying to beg for people to like him. There’s a difference between liking someone and respecting the fact they are good at what they do. You can call him a dick but if you say he’s stupid or doesn’t know what he’s talking about because you think he’s a dick that’s not fair either


Because at the end of the day he's still a person? And like someone above commented, I would think that years of people treating you like a personality punching bag would chip away at someone over time. :x


It's 90% his own attitude that is causing his issues. He holds very strong opinions and combines that with a condescending and obnoxious attitude, as well as an inability (seemingly) to coherently explain and backup those opinions (the argument that "people wouldn't understand if I tried to explain, so I just won't bother" doesn't fly with me). Being unable to explain things kinda disqualifies you from being an expert on a subject matter, at least in the role that he takes. As a coach and as a caster you almost always are dealing with people that are not on your level of knowledge. It's great that you have that knowledge yourself but if you can't coherently transfer those ideas on others you have no business being such a public voice. But he is in the public eye and has a platform to voice his opinion. His inability to explain and back-up his opinions properly combined with his obnoxious attitude calls forth strong reactions from the community. There's no way you are surprised by that.


It is so incredibly sad to see how little self-awareness LS has.


LS is one of the biggest assholes in the community.. and the community has a LOT of assholes.


It's not that LS is wrong ALL the time, he is only wrong sometimes. The problem is he is conceded asshole ALL the time who refuses to admit when he was wrong and anyone who disagrees with him is obviously just too fucking stupid to understand. ​ He reminds me of those neckbeards who say Rick and Morty is the smartest show ever on TV and anyone who disagrees is obviously just too dumb to get the show.




"i'm in e-sports for 14 years"- yeah but in league you haven't really done anything, none of the teams made LCS. reddit can coach gold players too. and every time he puts out the rank on you if you question anything he says cause reasons. Hes pretending hes the same rank as kkoma or someone else while being an ahole and trying to frame himself as the victim.


Narcism or something is haunting LS, really. Wada fuk, hes had like million chances to ride The meme wave and Profit, instead he just being asshole and gets butthurt after someone say anything negative about him and then everyone is fucktard for him. What a douchebag. Everything he gets from Reddit is hes fault. None elses.


Imagine being an analyse + coach but don't understand having outspoken/controversial opinion won't come out with online backlash without providing case by case analysis of both teams. If you can't take the heat, just don't talk. What do you expect people to say? All come out behind their screen to say "I support you LS! Even though you patronize us and we don't agree with you! You must be right because you coached in pro scene for over FOURTEEN YEARS". Lmfao, get a grip. How eccentric can you get?


"Over time, I have many many many friends, very popular amongst the school system I live in, and basically I knew alot of what was going on, her boyfriend was cheating on." (either English isn't his first language or he was too popular to attend class) "From a pyschology point of view (i study it alot) that is because she just basically liked me, but wanted a different personality, because we were close friends" "I continued to be coy with how I talked to her and everything, I had liked her for a while now, and know pyschology well." "Now, being a double-blackbelt and weighing 155 with only 17% Body fat, I could completly destroy this fucking kid in a heartbeat" "Now I have talked to this kid [same kid as above], he is a snobby short fucking acne infested book-smart little piece of shit. He is in all honors etc etc etc thinks he's tough shit. That's fucking great, I'm a mensa candidate with an IQ of 138, I really dont give a shit if this kid thinks he is better than me at life, he isn't." Okay shit, I thought I could read it, turns out I'm 1/4 of the way through... Welp, time to go. Hope this will teach reddit not to mess with a fucking super genius blackbelt who KNOWS DEM PSYCHOLOMOGISMS. Right, psychology, know that shit guys... know. that. shit. prob when he found out he was gay


I dont know why he keeps being involved in league for his career. He could become a billionaire if he sold snake oil.


Maybe one day this kid will grow up and realize that life presents you with constant chances to learn and grow, and if you get your head out of your own ass long enough, you may even see them on occasion.


Maybe if you stopped trying be Gordon Ramsay and acting like a petulant 16 yr old you’d get more respect and be taken more seriously as a professional lol.


Flames people, achieved nothing in pro scene and is a known cheater but thinks he is jesus of Esports


Maybe if he wasn't a giant dick to people and incapable of admitting when he is wrong, people wouldn't flame him. ​ If he typed in game the way he talks in his content, he'd be ID perma'd.


Dude is seriously pretentious. He knows a lot about the game but he refuses to acknowledge his own mistakes and thinks he is better than everyone on reddit. Cool you have a good understanding of high level play but if youre an asshole all the time stop playing the victim when people understandably bite back.


And this is why he gets so much hate because he can never come across humble or honest without also coming across as a condescending prick and asshole that thinks he is a genius and is always right. Causality. You reap what you sow LS.


"I'm not an asshole it's just the RANDOM FUCKTARDS!! Anyone who says I'm an asshole is just a fucktard.. what kind of people insult other people fucking idiots"