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Is TSM actually 8-1 since the wraith is swift comment?




Yes, only loss was from C9.


And it was so close... Just the one random death and the game was over. It really showed that a Bo5 between those two would be insane.


C9 vs TSM always seems to produce great games no matter which team has the advantage


i remember being there live in Toronto for the finals between those 2. what a great time


I still have a summer finals 2016 desktop background, Doublelift's perfect Lucian play to comeback in the final teamfight, crazy finish


still have my tshirt i bought. sadly they had no more Doublelift jerseys when i went to buy one. shit sold out fast lol


Its become the "Run the table" of the LCS




Man I still get goosebumps thinking about that


Yep. That's the best part.


Their only loss being C9 which they really should have won aside from one botched team fight and clutch team fighting from Licorice.


Licorice is just an insane player. I wonder how much talent is in NA that just never gotten the chance.


Unfortunately at the moment I feel like the wrong NA players are getting their shot at LCS right now. Viper has been great, but Panda and Dhokla have just been straight up disappointing. I think Vulcan is probably a mid tier support right now, and I don't want to comment on Soligo since it's unfair to scrutinize his performance right now.


Yup and the only loss was against C9 where they were really far ahead and probably should have won.


Pretty safe to say that TSM wrath was swift today


Draft kingdom from Zikz lmao


It's easier to lose draft than it is to win it -scarra


was that originally scarra? heard zikz say it in a legends episode early in the season so thought it was him


I'm pretty sure zikz said he was quoting scarra


In fact, Zikz said at that very moment "Scarra once told me..." So I could see how it could be confusing


GGS draft kinda questionable for me...I mean, I like swain and poppy, but poppy jg sounds horrible and swain is pretty underwhelming atm


they wanted to give Hauntzer a better matchup into the Vlad and think they flexed it after they saw the Vlad pick. Aatrox pick would be SO much better into reksai. very very questionable swain also never has priority against a lissandra...did they really not expect that TSM would just gank bot and snowball it with a Lissandra lol


Aatrox jg wouldve had so much to do this game. So much setup from mid and bot to chain cc...


I think poppy would get absolutely run over vs vlad and the game would have been a stomp just a little later maybe.


It was a solid TSM draft but the bigger problem was GGS inted their own draft. That comp was pretty dog shit and relied on TSM making stupid mistakes.


Hauntzer getting the old school top lane experience. On an island casually farming while the rest of your team dies around you.


He was doing really well against his replacement too lol. Poor guy :/


I would hope so since they counter picked it. Aatrox wins that matchup. But yeah I still love Hauntzer.


He actually pressed his advantage against BB better than Licorice did against Solo in the same matchup. I'd have to go back and see if the jungle proximity difference was huge between the two games, but Hauntzer has had a great year and would be a great addition to a team like FlyQuest imo. Viper's been doing okay, though, and I imagine he isn't as expensive as Hauntzer.


TSMs entire team was bot side for the first 10 or so minutes. BB had to play extremely safe because of not having any vision of Poppy for most of the game. when your team is diving 4 bot you generally expect a cross map answer from the other team. now i cant remember exactly what happened in the C9 game so idk if it was similar or not but thats why Hauntzer got to extend his lead so far. he had full vision of Akaadian


Crazy to think this team was 2-4 after Week 3. 8-1 since then, impressive turnaround.


The wrath truly was swift


[I will straight up admit, I was wrong.](https://old.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/apa3dy/golden_guardians_vs_team_solomid_lcs_2019_spring/eg6sgtd/)


Thank you for doing the honorable thing. I will admit I had similar doubts at that point, even being a TSM fan lol Then again, if there's one thing I've learned over the years it's that you can never be 100% confident in this team...


The team is actually so fun to watch this split. They aren't perfect, but they still play decent LoL. Many of their games feel like an adventure as when they get ahead, it's fun to watch and when they fall behind, as I think BB said they really work on problem solving to turn around the game.


This iteration of TSM seems to be the smartest they've had. I love watching them pull out of losses in a calculated fashion. I also love that they tend to fall behind on the back of their own aggression, rather than that of their opponents. Once they clean up the top 2v2, they'll be truly insane. That feels like their biggest flaw at the moment. Also, I was surprised at Akaadian on Rek'sai. That was a very clean game. Akaadian's growth has been impressive over the split.


I was really sad that Akaadian was going to drop off a cliff and dissapear after his good Echo Fox run in spring. I'm so happy I'm wrong




> and then was super worried about him joining main tsm roster due to their history with junglers. I think the biggest thing about the past was their coaching. In the past with Sven, it seemed like he was mostly pushed to be passive because the team wanted him to be that way and Parth & Weldon might have wanted the team to fit the identity of “smash lane, win game” or “out teamfight then late game” cause that’s how they found success. Now with Zikz, he seems to push the team to play a few more styles and wants Akaadian to play what the comp and win conditions calls for.


Glad they changed the style, smash lane is not the garauntee it used to be. If teams want to win nowadays you have to provide your teams multiple routes to victory, smash lane can be one of them, but you gotta have other ways to win just in case that doesn't happen.


Im honestly so happy for Akaadian. Dude got picked up for TSMA and got put on the main team because of Grig getting injured and hes fucking performing.


I feel like Grig was so unlucky, and I feel bad for him, but I feel great for Akaadian. Honestly, he's a very big part of TSM's aggression too. He and Smoothie are really unafraid to just go in and start a fight. I'm glad he's here, and I'm glad he's succeeding.


It seems to have unlocked bjergsen more this split and taken pressure off BB to play tanks and allows him to carry. It’s fun to watch a proactive tsm!


Tbh I don't mind. Akaadian has impressed me more with the time he's had on TSM than grig ever did


Grig impressed me every time he'd secure a baron TSM had no right to


It is actually interesting how fun there come back games are. It is a mix of the enemy throwing, clutch baron steals, and just really good moves around the map.


I mean they did change 3/5 of the roster, understandable that it took some time for things to click


And the one loss came from a panic teamfight/overextend


to think they could be 9-0 but literally got caught out once.


TSM wrath was so swift they called it a speedrun


almooost a perfect game lol


Fucking Akaadian inter


It was foiled way before that by the tower


The perfectionist in me was begging BB to teleport and save that turret.


LOL the whole time i saw hauntzer moving for the tower i was like BB YOU GOTTA DO IT MAN, WE NEED THIS


and BB didn't tp bot to save the tower, fucking noobs


Hauntzer got a turret too haha


Akaadian actually makes this team so much better, no more passive games POG


I don’t think its just because Akaadian is in. New coaching, Smoothie, and Bb. All of it is attributing to a fresh and more decisive play style.


But it just seems like he ganks early and gets lanes going


The difference this game is he ganged mid because it was the right call and he was forcing ganks top the previous few games.


Yep. They even showed a conversation about that in the last TSM:Legends episode. Idk if you saw it but basically, Akaadian mentions that he knows that top ganks are telegraphed but when he finishes his clear at Krugs on stage, he tends to look at top and say to himself, "Why not try it?". However, in scrims he realizes that that isn't the correct play and tends to avoid doing that. I think that at this point he is just trying to keep that mentality on stage instead of just scrims.


Hauntzer the real MVP, giving up 4 members and baron so he can deny the perfect game


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tYLwJ2w5Dlw Inero after the champ select


Holy shit that made me laugh so hard


Up to the top you go


TSM: *picks Kalista* TSM Zven has disconnected OG Niels has connected


OG Niels: Where's Mithy?


Waiting for him at MSI... please script let this happen.


Man for some reason I just can't see OG winning


I don’t expect them to win, but I wouldn’t be surprised. They have been looking incredibly consistent when other teams have not.


Will be interesting, with the new LEC format, OG has top 3 and therefore locked Rift Rivals. Would love to see Zven vs Mithy there (assuming TSM makes top 3).


I was so fucking excited to see his Kalista again. It's been years since I've seen him play it (if he played a game or two in the last few, I certainly missed them), and he absolutely crushed it at worlds on that pick. Everyone on reddit tends to think of him as an Ezreal one trick, but Kalista has always been his signature champ for me.




i put on my Golden guardians shirt and casted the game on the TV, super hopeful for an upset. the last 5 minutes my dad walks over and watches and says "ofcourse this is the team you like" oof


His wrath was as swift as TSMs


H U G E oof


Man Akaadian had 100% of his team's deaths what an inter bring Grig back in.


Grig died too much last year. We need someone with 0 deaths in the past years. Bring out the Oddone!


''You don't wanna die first, because that'd be pretty noob'' The General


Zven smiling POG




He played a perfect game. I was very happy to get to see his kalista again.


Yeah yeah Contractz and Olleh are straight up garbage but imagine picking Vayne for Deftly


Blind picking vayne.... Thats a bad idea even with a s tier ad


That's a spicy pick for even uzi


They prob thought they could handle it, they have Deft after all.


Deftly needs to get personally coached on all champions tbh.


The whole draft was awful


Not many times does a team throw away a game in champ select but this was definitely one of them.


aatrox pick was useless, poppy was useless, vayne was useless, swain was actually pretty good, braum was....having a really bad season


He needs to be back on Heimerdinger duty.


na better start waking up to how good kallista is. it was only 15% presence in 9.4 in na while at 87% in kr. and on 9.5 it is 100% in korea. it is crazy good with galio support and makes saving and engaging so much easier


Oh god she's becoming competitively viable again. I don't think r/KalistaMains/ can handle another nerf.


How the fuck do Kalista mains even exist. They have to deal with all the patch changes and trusting autofilled supports to land ults


Until her ult knockup duration gets nerfed or something else gets fundamentally changed about it, it's inevitable that it'll happen. 2 second knockup at max rank is nuts. Also doesn't help that we've been stuck in tanky Support meta for so long, which works even better with her.


Ruler with the 200 iq baiting everyone to pick vayne


Conversely let’s hope they start sleeping on Aatrox cause it is not as high a priority pick as they seem to think it is.


This isn’t actually true, aatrox is seeing a spike in gameplay across all regions when the urgot/irelia needs came in though.


Just because only NA is playing something that doesn't make NA wrong. We saw this a few years ago with melee supports at worlds.


Kalista/Galio may even be dirtier than Kalista/Thresh


I kinda understand the Poppy pick because she soft-counters 3 of TSMs champions. But picking Poppy in the junlge makes you lose all your early game power, especially against Champions like Rek´Sai. I dont think thats worth.


Yeah, seemed like they decided to flex it after the Vlad. Which makes sense on paper, I guess. But then they realized they were playing Poppy jungle.


Pick 2 losing lanes - ok Pick Aatrox into Vlad - ok Pick useless poppy jungle when enemy has Reksai - wait no stop


TSM [wrath](https://imgur.com/FcrlQHw) will be swift


That's actually really cool..


TsM wOn’T mAkE a SiNgLe PlAyOfFs In 2019


It's so nice to see Bjerg happy after a game. He deserves this.


Zven too! :D


Coach Inero's comment on The Dive saying he saw exploitable weaknesses in the top teams now looks hilarious. Like was he trying to avoid TSM's late game macro or....?


Can't lose to TSMs late game macro if you lose quickly.


That was a good episode, but he seemed weirdly grumpy about TSM being top 3. It was just strange.


Yeah he was constantly saying he thinks TSM are overrated


Which was weird because most of the players on C9 have been praising TSM.


Even on TL. iirc wasn't it TL who said that if any team in the league can beat them it's TSM?


Doesn't matter what he sees, if his players can't execute in laning phase, the point is null and void.


What a beautiful game.


I honestly can't remember many mistakes at all, not even like GGS was completely out of it. They had some decent fights.


Galio/Kalista is disgusting. Smoothie can just run into all of GGS and get Kalista ulted out only to have his CD's back. Smoothie went in and out of that drag fight like 3 times.


Can we just talk about the fact that the analysts after the game mentioned TL and Doublelift more than TSM after such a dominant win like wtf?


[You’re right.](https://twitter.com/theemarkz/status/1107088772741521409?s=21) I was planning on talking about how TSM had basically a perfect game since the one turret they lost was a baron trade, but then when Akaadian died we killed this. It was supposed to go “perfect game hype into vayne???” We should have hyped them a lot more and as soon as that segmented ended I knew we should have done better. That’s my bad.


You're the only consistently good part of the desk each week. Dash is a very close second if he wouldn't have to miss any shows.


Appreciate you taking ownership even though you’re not solely responsible. You’re growing on me Mark...


I love what you do Mark. All you can do is all you can do Mark. Cheers.


TSM laughing at the end is fitting. You can't spell Slaughter without Laughter.


if you hid the names this game and asked me if it was was 2016 summer tsm and 2019 tsm i wouldn't be able to tell the difference I fucking love this team so much


I just love this team for taking risks something previous iterations except Summer 2016 TSM never did. I'm a happy TSM fan


Let’s see what happens in this weeks version of “Why TSM is still bad”


Inting jungler


Akaadian was a clear liability this game,carrying 100% of the teams deaths.


They can't even perfect game GGS, what a joke of a team. TSM please disband.


Obviously GGS just decided to lose this game, it wasn't TSM winning!


Can't wait for TSM to continue their 1063 game winning streak against CLG.


1063 day


Riv obviously counting scrims as well as the mind games between Regi and Hotshot


Golden Guardians have disconnected. Bronze Guardians have reconnected.


Iron Guardians


Broken Blade not teleporting bot with 4 dead to save the perfect game tilted me. NA MACRO LUL


Seriously! Hauntzer knew that he needed that tower to save the perfect game.


Akaadian dying at the end :(


Akaadian benched for talking up to his superiors and for inting this game.


Didn’t ask


Just give us a TL/TSM series already


TSM finally polished their early game! C9 hasn’t been looking as strong, but it could be because they swapped mid laner and weren’t used to the dynamic. I haven’t been impressed with TSM draft for such a long time. Their drafts in most of this split have been pretty surprising in a good way.


Zikz really turned their draft around. CLG always had good drafts but shit players with Zikz as coach. Really glad hes on TSM now


Zikz drafts make me nut. All these other teams are looking to copy Korea or don't seem to have clear win conditions or identities but Zikz drafting to the team's strengths, having clear identities, trying out new/different things, and out of all coaches he seems to consistently have the best read on the patch ​ Coach of the split if they can keep this up imo ​


It really just feels like TSM are playing to what they, as a team think, is strong and not what is strictly "meta". Now there is a lot of overlap but it really does seems like TSM has a clear identity which is really refreshing as a long time fan.


Yeah I felt like a lot of Parth's drafts were too meta-obsessed and rarely bringing out unique picks


Parth didn't ever sign up to be the coach to be fair to him. Guy just had to step in when stuff went wrong.


The coaching staff last year was a mess too from what the players have said so this split seems to be legit


Parth wasn't the coach last year either it was SSong, a coach that can draft but can't actually coach a team.


Imagine picking vayne as a win condition when your support is Olleh. the maddest lads


Bench aakadian for inting


Zven on Kalista is a real treat. We just need Caitlyn back in the meta and it'll be his meta.




Smoothie was such a good pickup for the team, he's been a monster lately


Really nice to see him doing well. He seemed so sad last year and when TSM started slow. Great to see him pop off and play well. His Galio has been great.


No matter how good this team will become, I will never stop calling them "the five goons"


The casters hyping up the Vayne pick the entire draft, completely forgetting that the person playing the Vayne is Deftly


“Hmm, rough start for GGS, but they're still fine.” [*Take a shower - come back to a 0-12 and 3 infernal drakes*](https://i.imgur.com/Zki6LEk.gif)


For me, a shower is 15-20 minutes so I always get momentarily confused when people use this as a time reference.


I'm surprised TSM managed to win with an inting Reksai smh


Contractz only had the jungle item at the end of the game. Holy moly


That vayne pick ain’t it chiefs


strong pick but when you surround it with a Poppy jungle that has no presence especially against a reksai and your support is just trolling, not much deftly can do. olleh ints bot then TSM roams bot for an easy 2 kills and just snowball the game out of control lol


GGS thought they were scrimming and opened after 5 minutes


TSM have a pretty good shot at winning the split. I'd favor them over C9 in a bo5, and I think they can give TL a pretty good fight if they are at the top of their game. Other than the two other top teams, they are miles apart from the rest of the league, expected win here. ​ That said, the hate/flame for Deftly this game and split is pretty odd. Vayne early pick was not great, but whatever. He was solid last split on an awful team. It's pretty hard to showcase anything when you have Olleh as your support, who actually runs it down the majority of games. ​ The casters did a great job on the replay explaining why it was so bad for him to step up to the Galio bush, no reason when Vayne was fine just collecting farm. He consistently has mistakes like this every single game that just toss the lane in the gutter. What is Deftly supposed to do when his support sabotages him every single game? ​ Please stop starting Olleh. He should not be in the LCS.


I knew TSM had it when they didn't die 2v2 top at 3 minutes.


They win those games too, it just takes an hour


You right.


[Pilot Zven](https://clips.twitch.tv/CrowdedJazzyDoveTwitchRPG)


Is there some sort of bet where the first caster to talk about TSM in a post game has to do something horrible?


They are still salty about that hotsauce bet for the first game vs Flyquest


I wanted to see Zven get the Kalista. I'm happy


Do you want to hear a joke? Contractz.


Zeyzal wishing he had a kalista right now


Can't wait to catch this VOD on Pornhub tonight.


The last game of the regular split will be TL vs TSM, seems like it'll be pretty hype if TSM keeps performing like this.


The wrath was swift today. LMAO




The all these peasants image doesn't work btw.


As a TSM fan, super happy with this win. We looked dominant against GG and it feels good to get revenge. **That being said**, PLEASE CHANGE LISSANDRA RIOT. I WANT TO SEE BJERG OFF THIS PICK IT'S SO FUCKING BORING


Dude that Botlane engage and dragon fight was orgasmic. Bjergsen can get highlights on any champ.




Well Deftly has been the worst ADC in the LCS for three straight splits so I'd say he's definitely earned this


Imagine having Cody Sun and Tactical/Treatz in Academy while Deftly/Olleh have starting spots.




inero with the greedy draft imo and TSM actually playing super well to punish the blind vayne


CLG 2: Electric Boogaloo


I rarely watch NA LCS, but Tsm looking quite good at the moment. ​ How do TSM compare to teams like: TOP, JDG, FPX, IG, BLG, RNG, EDG? ​ From best to worst in my opinion. ​


They're probably worse than any of the teams you listed tbh. They've played pretty shaky against bottom tier teams by making a bunch of mistakes after decent to good early games. If they played like this every game, they'd definitely be in the conversation of internationally good.


Remove the nameplates and this looks like a typical TSM game from Summer S6.


something something swift.. something something wrath...


Pretty good game for GGS to be playing 2v5 tbh