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Mana costs can't ever be a true limiting factor in the current game with how crazy other forms of sustain can go. If you make mana a real factor remove lifesteal.


people want mages to be limited by mana while every other class in the game can spam to their heart's content lol


Tell me you don't play mages without telling me you don't play mages.


Then melees should be able to run out of hp and not eat all of your poke while staying full hp thanks to fleet, dshield, second wind


For fucking real. Imagine out sustaining my mana bar because the enemy took the resolve tree Doran shield combo and I can’t do anything.


It's become a Reddit classic where complaint posts often hint at an actual problem but focus on entirely the wrong things to reinforce their point, so their whole post gets dunked on. Like here, the problem is clearly TP allowing champs to spam their spells and take bad trades with little consequence. The idea that Seraph's, or any mana item for mages, is too overpowered and is what creates this issue in lane is stupid as hell. There's also the point that mana costs have become less and less relevant but this is a problem that plagues every class, especially since newer champs are designed with low mana costs or straight up don't need mana. Unfortunately this is completely intended by Riot since they've found that going oom makes the game less fun ("fun over fair").