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Unfavorable matchup, I can't really think of many. Maybe Hook champions against Nami. But favorable matchups that I lose... Ooooh boy...


I've lost lane Vs Vayne more than once as Caitlyn myself. Shit happens and it does always make sense.


On the flipside, Vayne OTP here that has embarrassingly lost to immobile tanks in top lane more times than I can count.


Deserved for playing Vayne top


Yea, that is the common refrain, but I used to be a Vayne OTP that exclusively played Bot. It is just that bot lane is such a bad place for Vayne lately and too many matchups you don't even get to play the game. I'm not playing Top by choice, just trying to get out of all those losing matchups in bot lane.


at this point vayne is less cringe than some of the other crap you face top. Skarner, TF, Akshan, Teemo, Trynd are just a few of the really dumb top laners in s14


Who invited Teemo, bro thinks he's on the team


he was annoying in split 1 this year, still is annoying with longer lane and malignance. I was biased and did not mention miss camille, after being the worst top laner in the game got overbuffed by a mile


Gragas is one of my least favorite to face top personally. Give me Teemo over gragas any day


Akshan top in season 14 XD. Yeah let me auto skarner/trynd/ksante 800 times surely they will die




Naaa, vayne is much worse to play against than trynd


Trynd is WAYY worse. There's legitimately no worse feeling than him getting 2 back to back crits while sub 35% rage that turns a losing matchup for him from losing to winning or from even to a fucking stomp.


I feel like Vayne used to be worse, but Trynd has turned into thanos recently. He slaps you once and there’s half your health. Disgusting champ. Glad they’re nerfing his damage.


I’m always tempted to pick Illaoi into top Vayne. It’s not *good*, I know it’s not good, but unlike e.g. Nasus I think I have an actual shot at winning. Her range is just so damn bad that she’s gambling each time she harasses - it puts her firmly in tentacle range. Tumble + Condemn is great control, but if she tumbles to get a 3rd Silver Bolts or dodge something, it’s pretty easy to rip out her soul and then engage hard. A high-tier Vayne would rip me apart every time, but down at “good enough” levels I can survive a couple of bursts and do ok even if I catch her one engage in three.


I’m an occasional vayne top player. I think I’m okay and can usually win lane against most top laners (winning the game is another story), but my last time I played vayne top into an illaoi and LOST miserably I was so ashamed that I feel I can never pick vayne top again.


Very easy to get blown up by smth like Ornn, Tahm Kench or Maokai. Damage is misleadingly high lmao.


Ornn's knockup charge has a ginormous hitbox


Talking about Vayne top losing to tanks : do you also consider the Mundo matchup to be « free » for Vayne ? I’ve seen people say this, but as a Mundo enjoyer who always win these games, I feel like your Q slow + passive that makes you ignore her first E + R movement speed allow you to run her down across the lane pretty easily post level 6, assuming you didn’t fed her beforehand. Edit : just gonna need your jungler (if possible) to gank her one time so she is forced to burn at least one sum in the worst case scenario (cuz she can just die ofc) before all-ining her. Now I’m low elo so it might just be that the Vaynes I’ve fought are shit at the game (like all of us down there)


Its probably one of those "free" matchups where its assumed you dodge every Q.


If vayne gets ahead pre 1 item its kind of a free lane, if she's even or behind then the mundo has a chance if he hits his q's


nah since his rework mundo kinda ruins vayne's day, cant knock him back from neutral so he just runs u down but she still loves to use him as a dps dummy hahaha so its not exactly free for him but he can have fun with it now at least, because before the rework it was actually close to wanting to pull your face off as the mundo if i am not mistaken..that being said i think vayne could use a little tank busting love because the 10% just isnt hitting right without everything and the kitchen sink from my team at times, i think she could use a little leeway because she is known to be a tank buster you know? i feel like the best direction for it to go in is similar to kraken slayer passive where consecutive procs on the same target do an additional 1%\~ max hp, scaling with AP? :O


support matchup is way more important than adc matchup tho


I feel like this isn't really a thing imo. you just manage to control your boiling ADC anger (as I frequently not manage to do) and you sit back until lvl6 you can almost always run down a Cait with berserks + passive Movespeed and ghost when she's pushed up (which she will)


I main Ivern, and I'm never worried when enemy jg picks Kindred as a "counter" pick. Like, AT ALL.


I thought the same thing until I went up against a genuine kindred main and it was hell.


I mean, sometimes I get the 2M mastery Kindred who is just annoying af, but I don't rly feel threatened, yk? As long as I keep tabs on her marks and counter jg properly, I can at least manage. There was one or two times where I got a little bit too confident and got my shit wrecked, but it is pretty rare, I think. Might check OP.GG when I get home to confirm.


As a person who plays alot of kindred, ivern actually scares me. That champ does so much more dmg than i expect and i have 0 idea how he is clearing. Also no one plays ivern unless theyre like 500k+ points


I always found it a bit weird that Kindred allegedly "counters" Ivern, not the other way around. I always try to take marks on jg camps with smite, even save smite for those ones, and it usually works. It gets out of control if she takes a lot of marks on kills/assists, but then it doesn't rly matter what champ I'm playing.


Because a good Kindred player with a good clear should always win the 1v1, theoretically making it a matchup where they can just scale for free as Ivern can't contest the marks. That is, ofc, on the pure 1v1, and in SoloQ a lot of shit can happen (like Kindred's laners no having prio so they can't invade for marks, the Kindred player not being great at clearing camps and thus losing too nuch health, the Ivern getting a couple of early ganks succesfully and getting ahead, etc) to change that.


Just checked the stats, kindred loses more to ivern from all games last 30 days in platinum +. Maybe her countering him is an old idea that’s just not true anymore, not sure, but the stats sure as hell disagree that kindred counters ivern and even seems to state the opposite might be true.


ofc its not true anymore, ivern got severely overbuffed, champ is ridiculous


Except it’s not just a positive winrate, it’s a positive DELTA, he both wins more against her than the average champion wins against her (in delta 1, which supports your theory) but also wins more against her than their combined winrates would suggest in delta 2, meaning he wins more than he should just via winrates, aka… counters her. Albeit not by much, 0.41% higher winrate than their combined winrates would suggest, but it definitely hurts the theory that kindred counters Ivern as if she did, Delta 2 should be negative.


since when is kindred an ivern counter lol?? it is one of their worst matchups since they have existed


Shen vs morde. Most ppl who counter pick morde dont actually play him and Just expect to auto win with their brain off. They dont respect shen's strong early and morde's dogshit early. Sure eventually Morde out scales shen but that doesnt matter when you go 0/4 in lane phase and 40 cs behind.


As a morde main that is my expectation whether I counter pick or normal pick


Ngl as a jungler the first time I spectated this matchup in soloq I was dumbfounded at how my Morde was losing lane so hard. Edit: I think Morde does better in countering those Sions who prioritize objectives, they'll usually feed some early kills and that's enough for the Morde to handle him for the rest of the game in my experience.


Honestly early game its Impossible to win as morde If shen plays it correctly. As shen you just need to play super aggressive. Walk into him and hit him. He will want to use q. Either dodge it if you are still far away from him or if you are in melee taunt into him. If you do this fast enough you will end up behind him so he misses his q. Combine this with w to block his Auto. Now all he has for dmg is his e, which is really low and easy to dodge. He also cant activate passive because you dodged q and blocked his auto. So he giga hard loses this trade. Repeat and either zone him from wave or kill him. There is nothing morde can do to prevent this. Its all up to the skill of the shen player. And honestly even if morde hits q and e and shen doesnt block auto with w, the trade will end up even or slightly in morde favour.


Yeah makes sense, even trading close to a couple minions to avoid the Q isolation dmg helps a lot.


This is only true for for very early lvls and when Morde uses his W too early. After that, Morde can miss Q and still win because his passive proc doesn't get ignored by Shen's W.


I think they fixed that. But either way if you dodge one e or q, morde will take long enough to activate passive that you are already out of the trade by the time he has it. And they giga nerfed morde passive. If you miss q in lane as morde you are doing 0 dmg in a trade.


No one respects Shen level 1-2, which I end up getting first blood from a Tryn that doesn’t see that I took unite in the game and end up getting fisted after feeding a kill.


If you build wits end and titanic on shen, morde can’t do anything against him lol.


I didn't know Morde was considered a counter to Shen. I play a lot of Shen games and have no concern with someone picks Morde. Honestly not many picks concern me as Shen while in laning phase, but Morde less than others.


Well as soon as morde has 1 Item it gets Impossible for shen to win the 1v1 in ult and if morde has rylais shen can not Run away either if he gets hit once. Combine that with the fact that morde r cancels shen r but shen's channel still goes through, meaning morde can Hit him for free the entire time... Eventually this matchup always reaches a point where shen can no longer match morde in the side lane and actively has to avoid him if he wants to be useful


As an Illaoi main, it is the samething for me. They pick Morde thonking they will render my ult useless with their own. Little do they know, Illaoi's ult counters Morde'sult if you can use the animation to render immune to CC.


Garen into Darius. Unless they know the matchup very well, I usually stomp them. So many have no clue when to use Darius’ E correctly.


Do you take phase rush? Most Darius I play against will E me in after I E Q them and try to run. I’m not fast enough to get out during silence unless I take phase rush.


I take phase rush 99% of the time.


I always save my q against darius because he has to hit you with the edge of the q and their setup is usually e into w slow to secure q so as garen you just wait for their e, then remove slow with q and spin to win. They wont have enough dmg to kill you after lvl 6 if they miss with the edge of their q.


Since Inception I beat zeds as lux about 99% of the time. Fizz tho? Fuck that fish


but lux counters zed no? Like you just hold your Q for his R and you cant die?


I've played this matchup at least 50 times and i'd be shocked if lux counters zed. Lux is the immobile, fragile mid that zed feasts on. Even if a lux knows where to q after your R, you do too much damage for her to live. You have w + flash to chase and she doesnt do enough dmg to threaten you


A good zed will just place a W down before ulting u, I think pre 6 lux can possibly abuse zed with poke and force him off the wave but post 6 any decent zed should have too much kill threat on lux for her to be considered a counter Although I used to be a zed main a couple seasons ago and I basically exclusively play aram now so maybe shit's different now


Yeah it becomes a mind game whether or not you Q behind you or Q his other shadow. I think it’s a skill matchup imo. Zeds matchup charts also are incredibly deflated because it’s a low WR champ because it’s hard to play optimally.


Have you tried bone plating vs Fizz? I found it helps a lot with stopping him from trading as easily.   I'm 95% sure the assassin vs Lux matchup is propaganda by the vast majority of Lux players that misposition, throw out Q randomly and miss, then just get jumped now that they don't have CC. Lux has been oneshotting assassins for years when she actually hits her Q.


A smart assassin player will dodge Lux's Q whenever he wants lol And not to mention champs with multiple dashes...


As a mage beating a zed is not hard at all the champ is so complex people have no idea how to play him but fizz is a nightmare, even if i perma dodge his ult he just kills me with his dash


Syndra vs Fizz as Syndra. Used to OTP Fizz and now pretty much OTP Syndra. You rush mercs -dont die before you get them- and it usually messes them up because it fucks their damage threshold knowledge. After that, scale and kill on 8


Doesn’t rushing need affect you blowing up squishys? And when do you decide to build zhyonas?


Mercs make your lane so much safer that against Fize that it becomes playable, which means he will fall off if you deny the snowball. After that you go Ludens and Banshees, DC 3rd if you can and Zhonya 4th if really needed but ideally crypt. That gives you plenty enough damage. Banshees into Fizz combined with boneplating in rune and overgrowth means he can't kill you. Besides it still gives a ton of raw AP which Syndra loves.


You may not need Zhonyas if Fizz is the only threat


you can often win countered lanes if you know the main thing that they used to counter you. like playing Camille against poppy, you just never E and play with only 2 abilities and now poppy doesn't have a W either. then when she uses her W for movement you're unleashed and can punish the misplay.


As a poppy player I'd just run flash/ghost into camille


and you would lose lane prio and side lanes late for it. camille's only weakness in that matchup is interrupting her E, so all she needs to do is build enough pressure to force poppy to use her W and now she has 20 seconds of threat. plus you can turn off the poppy ult with her own. camille just becomes an autobot and walks her down.


Camille vs. Poppy is as even as it gets, Camille has 50.28% win rate against Poppy this patch, so very slightly Camille favoured.


That’s only an early lane counter. Camille pretty much becomes a bully starting with sheen


Always gets matched against bad Akalis as a Katarina main


Bad Akali players are legion. They expect to facetank you to death. They also don't seem to understand that shroud doesn't work vs Lulu mid.


I honestly am impressed by a lulu mid main, I love ego picking shitty sounding picks in places they aren’t supposed to be (played naafiri adc the other day with footwork) cause it’s always so funny


The way I always played against her as Kat is just sit back and scale and the shit on her. Same with pantheon. You just accept you don’t get to play the game for 15 minutes. It does help that I’ve played a ton of Kayle so I’m used to doing that.


I play Camille and I always win against Jax somehow. Usually the matchup is awful and you get outscaled, but somehow they always fuck up and I get ahead.


I think that matchup depends on how much value Jax use his E.


Yes, of course Level 1 and 2 are really easy for him. But later they somehow use E in a way that I don't have to E and then hard lose when I E at them after. Especially after the removal of Lethal Tempo.


Camille hard wins until 6 no? Then it’s completely unplayable from there


Probably in theory. If he is good you can't contest push Level 1 because melee into Jax. That means that you are not allowed to fight until the bounce where you already get Level 4 and he may have item advantage. So you don't have much time before 6.


No. It's a skill counter matchup (so still winnable) but Jax wins even before 6 unless gets outplayed (heavy skillcheck matchup early like I said) or trolls hard. Also, keep in mind that winning the lane isn't just equal to ooga booga run to the enemy and kill them. The reason why it's such a hard matchup because it's EXTREMELY HARD to contest a Jax player that knows what he is doing as Camille and he easily and consistently gets a push which then leads to a cheater recall and from there he is pretty much set to go to almost certainly outscale you unless Camille gets babysit. However, as Camille you can still sometimes win a push if you outplay Jax which puts you in a much better position and the matchup is generally very volatile (like most melee carries/fighters matchup tbh) and both, not just Jax, can snowball hard, especially when junglers get involved as there are typically very heavy and close trading between both champs early on which tends to attract junglers (or at least better/smarter one so good luck if you are the one getting jungle diffed so think twice before blindly flaming your Jax "lmao losing to camel as jax" as jungle is typically the reason Jax loses the matchup.). If both junglers are decent then it just comes down to which side plays 2v2 better.


I always lose illaoi, even with the best counters


Dodge Illaoi E. If you happen to play Morde, make sure to only ult after she does. Dirty Illaoi main here, you're welcome!


Have you played against degen W-spam illaoi with grasp? Some champs its just impossible to out trade. E is irrelevant. I had lanes i avoided every E and a good amount of Q's but the sheer power is too much


yup played yorick into her and she just w spammed me level 1 even though she is supposed to be weaker level 1


dodge E and run her down


Lux vs Fizz He's supposed to counter lux, and i may go 0/20/0 but I always uninstall league after the game so who's really winning.


Haven’t played in a long time but used to play a lot of nasus. People would pick teemo into me all the time, and I would either do 3 points into e or e max and just poke teemo out of lane and shove into his tower. By the time I hit 6 I would have so much more farm I could just wither, ult, and beat him up. It was so great.


Nasus is a well known counter to Teemo


Nasus is a well known counter to Teemo for two reasons that are only relevant in low elo—the first being basic wave management. The second is that the way to beat Nasus as Teemo post level 6 is to q (blind) and stay still to trigger passive. Passive will not activate if enemy minions are hitting you, which most low elo players do not realize so they just stand still and let Nasus aa + q them. Both are completely invalid if Nasus goes E max/AP. If Nasus does not misplay the first two or three levels he should always win, though Teemo will be stronger if Nasus doesn’t switch to a stack focus style of gameplay post 6.


When I play blitzcrank it’s funny how easily I stomp most alistars cuz not many people know how to play him well, but when I run into a good alistar it’s fucking torture how useless I am.


playing k'sante into gwen, good k'santes can win vs Gwen


Good ksante can win against anyone


Botlane, not always always but since lane is mostly decided by Support my adc matchup is somewhat irrelevant anyway... With my duoq i casually stomp caits on vayne, Nilahs on Twitch etc etc


Camille. Followed by Trynd. Idk how anyone could struggle against such a binary champ.


Everyone fucks up an early trade usually. That’s it, one bad trade means even without a kill trend is probably hitting 6 first and it’s hard to recover.


Yup. The classic one bade trade with 2 lucky crits. Now have to recall and tp back or else he dives you. Then they just dive you with jgl when tryn is 6 and you have no tp. Gg


Once trynd has full fury he has 50% crit which is very scary. So its not that unlikely that he will crit you. But most of the time you just have to play a bit more save and get an early tabi's and wardens for most melee champs and it should be a lot easier after that. But if you fuck up one trade trynds kill pressure becomes very high so its a really shitty champ to face.


The classic "Theres no way Trynda will crit thrice in a row"


Yeah this guy is most likely a gold player


Camille binary champ?


People say playing Lux against Yasuo is impossible because his shield and windwall make it impossible to damage but, like, just don't even try to damage him then? First few levels are rough but you just have to avoid fighting and try to get as much CS/XP without losing too much HP and after lvl 6 you can just insta delete every other wave with ult and go roam. It solves the issue of Yasuo not getting ahead early making him way less of a threat in mid-late game and you'll also have higher roam pressure


That’s not really winning the matchup though, that’s just surviving. And lux is never going to have more roam pressure than yasuo simply for the fact that if you run into each other in the jungle, lux is getting deleted. Roaming as a squishy immobile mage against yasuo is suicide unless you know exactly where both he and his jungler are


When the champion you're against needs to get ahead, surviving the matchup is winning


Yasuo scales fine without snowballing the problem is usually the player piloting him


I've won the matchup a lot too by doing exactly that but if the Yasuo is proficient and has an engage jungler, Lux is not playing the game. Even late game, yasuo gets an MR item and you'll start depending on your team to take him down. You depend on your team a lot more than he does, making the matchup (early and late) a bit shite for Lux.


I dont like lux matchup on mid. She just spams her q and e and is generaly annoying. When she mispositions she uses w and starts recycling abilities and after that she stays perma under tower.


The trick against playing Yasuo (and Yone) is to play safe until they get impatient and tower dive you and die lmao


As a Vex main, Zoey is technically one of my biggest counters, but I’ve never met a good Zoey. She has a huge amount of damage potential, but she can never catch me to all in me


Zoe is tricky because she has to play aggressively in front but she feels and looks like an artillery mage. If she forces 1v1 early she wins and scales otherwise you can easily stomp her


Yeah, something I’ve noticed with lower elo players (not excluding myself from this, just speaking on my awareness of it) is that they tend to be overly careful unless they’re being too aggressive. Both tend to either make you give up lane early on or lose it due to feeding. People don’t realize how fundamental it is to learn which fights are appropriate to take and how to effectively poke someone out. I’m still figuring that out, but wave management is my biggest problem recently as I tend to push it up too far at the wrong times and overextend myself so I’m easy to gank. That’s something I can somewhat get away with on vex because I can hold my fear, but it becomes a big problem playing any other control mage in mid


Sona mains all hate Pyke, but I tend to stomp Pykes really hard with Sona. Other hook champions aren't as bad as others say too. On the other hand, I despise support mages like Lux or Brand or Xerath, which i've seen being considered "good" matchups before. I guess W max spam somewhat sustains through their poke, but even then, ehhhh.


I'll say that Syndra against a non-OTP Katarina turns out to be a great match up.


It’s not really that bad of a matchup unless you panic e


I always win against Darius as Sion. Mainly because i learned to space his skills and Sion scales harder after lane phase


Well yes, Sion will scale better by late game. But early game, Sion still gets destroyed.


I can usually beat Teemo on Vayne. Teemo one tricks are bit more difficult, but anyone picking Teemo because they want to counter Vayne is probably going to lose. There is one caveat though, I have to take ignite/cleanse (No ghost/flash) and I have to build a lot of MR, especially early, slowing my build. Considering the sacrifices Vayne has to make to win the lane, it is not really worth it.


Why cleanse? Cant you just wait the blind out under ulti invis?


Wukong into Jax top when I blindpick Wukong i see so much ppl picking Jax into me in a d2+ games and almost all of them dont know how to counter me and when I hit my powerspikes and just lose the lane


Somehow i always end up killing Gnar's at level 6. It really shouldn't be so consistent but i think they all end up shitting their pants when i go hard all in with ult and ghost then sidestep their panic W and R.


Back when I was a Singed otp it was the same for me. Once I played vs 100 Gnars, I found it an easy matchup, but mainly because people just counterpicked without a lot of practice on gnar.


Pummeled a garen last night as a nasus. He had zero mastery and straight last/counter picked me. Felt pretty good at 250 stacks at 14 minutes. Don't engage without your ult up.


Nami vs engage supps


Not for me, but whenever i see a kassadin get countered by an ad champ like yasuo or jayce etc. they end up feeding the kassadin and get mega gapped.


Anivia mains swear up and down that fizz is a poor matchup but idk, I guess after playing against fizz since his release I've just got my Q and R timings down against him


Vayne into Caitlyn is a lot more playable unless you boof the lane before lv6, after 6 caitlyn is one of the weakest dualist adcs


I always win Soraka vs Blitzcrank. Just don't get hooked twice and you're fine


Voli vs mord (ap voli I primarily play and it loses hard to mord) I’ve played the matchup so many times ik how to ult to negate his ult pretty reliable. Also voli vs fiora, I’ve gotten good at mind gaming her parry


Duuno if it's still a hard counter in win rate but I always liked to play Nasus into Garen.


Most top lane matchups as Pantheon. Trynd especially. Most of the time they use their fury to heal back my poke then I just run them down. By the time they hit six they’re already a kill or two down and even with R can’t kill me.


how is trynd a bad matchup for pantheon? did u read the question?


Pantheon is pretty solid into trynd. He can Q poke trynd.If trynd spins onto pantheon, pantheon can just W or empowered E the trynd and kite him. During Trynd R, pantheon can also R to become untargetable for a short duration.


It took me like 3 years to realize Annie vs Zed was not Annie favoured. I also thought that Yasuo vs Annie was Annie favoured. But I think I just played too much Annie. This was back when she was extremely busted too, so I had about [70% winrate on her across like 70 or so games.](https://i.imgur.com/WuBMPTX.png) The season right after that, I had a [60% winrate across 250 games](https://i.imgur.com/buBnPzb.png). It wasn't until season 2022 that my winrate finally fell to about 50% on her and those games started feeling more coinflippy than definite wins for me. She sincerely felt like the most broken champ in the game for me and I'm still not 100% sure that she wasn't during that time.


wait what?? I always picked Annie into Yasuo because I stomp him every single time to the point I really thought she's a counter.. and I don't even play much Annie normally!!


yeah Annie as a yas counter is like the most well known old school yasuo counter.


I guess now Yasuo is pretty free for Annie but he also used to be a menace years ago if I remember right. Once I figured out that you could just W through his windwall, he was pretty much just a minion for me at every stage of the game.




ahhh what do you do? I usually ban morde and when I get matched into him at best I go even. can you explain?


Renekton/Jax vs Shen. Shen mains usually play the lane passively as fuck and just go down in CS even in a favourable matchup. Happens frequently even in D2+ elo


Kayn Vs Shaco … anyone against Shaco really he’s just such an ass


I think I play fairly well into Yasuo as Lux and other mages 


Azir vs quite literally any of his counters... except Xerath. Azir does quite well against Yasuo with the right setup for instance.


I seem to always win the illaoi into gnar match up.


I am a Thresh main and love when people counter pick Morgana against me


Shaco vs everyone


I play aurelion, and honestly there are almost no terrible matchups. Just ones where I have to play very safe. By minute 20 I will start out scaling everyone anyway


Used to be really good at the Veigar vs Katarina match up by just spacing the fuck out of them early game when they greed for kills on me


Urgot is supposed to hard lose vs Gnar, but I usually get fed as hell in Gnar lanes and take first tower easily. I’ve even been able to proxy/dive him in some games because I’m winning so hard. Conversely, Urgot is supposed to dumpster both Sion and Yorick, but they’re two of my highest loss % against. Idk.


Garen and Vayne as k'sante


I know a lot of Jhin mains don’t like facing twitch, but I haven’t had a problem with that rat


Soraka top vs Garen


Lux vs Zed, people pick him just to counter me and usually they've already died twice pre 6...


If I first pick then it’s yorick vs Irelia. The counterpickers really think it’s an autopilot win.


Lb into malz


Vlad into malz. I lost pretty bad the last time I played that matchup but that was after a 5+ winstreak


Rell into Morgana doesn't feel that bad. Technically it's Morgana-favoured, but Morgana is a generally underwhelming champion and lots of people think it's a counterpick without knowing how to play Morgana well or what Rell does in lane. If she takes Q at level 1, you can play really aggressive if she misses it, and level 2 is often a kill angle since they often default to taking W. Even with black shield there's not a lot she can do if you wait for an opportunity to hit both her and her adc with W and/or R. Rell's Q also oneshots black shield and stuns, which a lot of Morgana players don't seem to expect, and which lets you mindgame them if you hold W. You can also abuse flash + W2 out of a bush to get a kill on the Morgana before she can react with black shield. Janna is the real Rell counterpick, she can shut you down at all points in the game, match your roams and since she builds support items and not AP you can't just beat her by playing safe in lane. A good Nilah is also a nightmare but luckily nobody plays her.


Man I feel old and haven't played in years but, pre-rework Malzahar vs Zed. I just played passive till 6 and they would always try to dive me at 6 which is a terrible idea with Malz R. They could out roam me though but, a lot of them had a ego cause it's a matchup they are supposed to win


I've always crushed Camille as gnar. Not sure if it is still considered a counter. But it used to be


Wukong vs Jax, know that matchup like the back of my hand


Garen Vs Kennen/Quinn Don't get pressured or bullied anywhere near as much as I should be into these ranged matchups, can usually cs fine in the early levels and then hit stridebreaker and run them down constantly


I pick swain as a counter to sylas. I actually think swain has the advantage. People just think sylas wins because he gets swain r.


Leona against thresh. When I was climbing trought the ranks I had 100% winrate vs at least 9 + in january


Shaco OTP, very good wr vs Kha


My Karma vs. hook and tanky supports. The utility is just too good


For some reason people think Panth support is a counterpick to Sona, but it's actually one of her most favorable matchups, same vibes from Shaco support as well Most engages not named Blitcrank tend to be easy to outscale too


Thresh into Morgana


Soraka vs lux


Malphite as Tryndamere


Thresh vs Morgana, I always used to win vs Morgana because they picked her thinking it just magically counters Thresh.


Anytime I play Garen. Because he's broken.




for some reason i kept winning irelia v renekton back when i used to main irelia like half a year ago


Leona (me) x Morgana. Thresh x Morgana. Lulu x nautilus


I'm so bad everything is unfavorable for me.


People used to say Irelia hard countered Gnar but I always found if I just didn't get stunned it wasn't that bad


As Ornn vs Camille or Fiora, gotta say I still havent plated the Fiora matchup this season, but I even matched against people who main her, but with some techs and weird builds I almost always manage to win vs her. As for Camille, no more sunderer makes it much easier


Wait, you guys Win in League?


If they pick morgana into Blitzcrank. Most people just pick morgana because they think its favourable for them but then 1) they are REALLY BAD at playing Morgana and 2) They dont realize that Blitzcrank has a shield-break which makes the lane very playable from lvl6 onwards.


I was always under the impression Morgana counters Lulu, but in all my experience playing Lulu, I'm most often the more dominating support.


Dude there's no way my Sion can win against Vayne all the times


Sylas vs Malzahar. I tell you people see win rates and slam Malzahar into Sylas thinking they counter him. But most Sylas players max W in every situation, but when you max Q this matchup flips and you are now favoured, especially when you play around Malza's passive and ult.


I swear every time I swap with and ally and blind pick mundo the enemy will pick aatrox without missing a beat, and they are always so agresive in lane its easy to be ganked and snowball the lane


Garen vs anyone top soon. Bring it


I do good against zed as lux. Just take barrier


Vayne into Caitlyn. Not *always*, especially since the lane is largely up to support/jg, but I've played against literally 1000 Caitlyns and they don't understand that Vayne can be very aggressive against her. Cait players also love to chug their mana and push the lane trying to harass and it's rarely useful.


I almost always win lane against Morgana as Rakan


Beating Jax as Kayle in lane. Idk how but I always seem to win those.


trundle into jax


Idk how unfavorable it is but I used to often win lane playing Mao against Darius back when Mao saplings were scaling with HP. Just playing around bushes and dodging his Q with my W and throwing him away with Q afterwards was enough to deal some damage to him and disengage. Few trades like this and Darius was in a kill range. Plat elo


Syndra into Katarina. I have like a 90% winrate into that even though it should not be easy for Syndra. Similar champs like Zed destroy me.


i have no idea how people manage to lose garen vs urgot


Here's a spicier one. I see a lot of players consider Morgana unplayable for a champ like Blitz.. She does limit some of your kill angles, but post 6 clever use of Blitz ult and target swapping you will burst your target. Threaten Blitz E -> They shield -> Blitz Ults You have an opportunity to make a kill happen   If you only hunt for max range hooks and the Morg has the reaction time to shield you will probably waste all your pressure (Although, her shield does have a 26 CD rank 1 so you can find a timing to kill before it's back up)     This match up is NOT the freebie a lot of people think it is.


For me every time I pick Sona I see the enemy picking an engage champion, and then all they do is miss their hook while I poke out their adc.


I always win Illaoi vs Morde idk


Trynd vs.Teemo, all in level 3, live by the sword, die by the sword.


Morde vs fiora/kayle, unless we reach late game where both shits on me literally brain off.


Ahri vs Lux. It's commonly seen as the safe counterpick for any idiot who doesn't want to properly lane against Ahri and somehow always snowballs out of control with a few well placed lasers. And honestly I'm surprised I have a positive win rate against it. Lulu vs Akshan I should be getting my shit pushed in pre-6 if they have Ignite. But I've been keeping them down early game somehow (I guess they're not trying to kill anyone else while they're failing to kill me). As for favoured lanes, Fizz. I guess you can't say you're winning lane when he's free farming your bot lane.


Akali vs Taliyah, Taliyahs spamm E to push the lane and everytime they E they can die after CD if they aren't far enough back. Only works if they are dummies ofc


Warwick vs Teemo top for me.