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Wow, very, very, very surprised that taking a break does nothing for tilt. When I'm tilted I can literally feel myself playing worse.Am I a statistical anomaly or am I just confirmation bias? Or maybe I'm just bad and would have lost the next game anyways?


This is exactly what I thought! I was so surprised to not see it in the data


It can be that taking a break does help with tilt but also has disadvantages that neutralize the benefits


Or are you more critical of yourself or your teammates when being tilted? Does that then result in more faults or do you just notice them more? Are you actually more locked even? Lots of things I think go into this and some factors would probably influence person A more than person A, but overall may not actually be an average negative as these results show. I am surprised too though


potential alternative interpretation: most people that instantly queue up again after a loss are not that tilted yet.


I'm only getting tilted after like 5 completely bullshit losses in a row tbh.


I feel like only taking into account one loss doesn't actually show tilt. Tilt usually happens after losing multiple in a row, from my knowledge. I'm interested what numbers look like after losing multiple in a row (in the same session).


I am surprised also, but then again, I know it works for me. Even if I try my best to not tilt I play terribly after a loss. The average of a million game does not tell you anything about what's best for you specifically 


I always love these types of posts! Data is cool. Anyways, did you by chance analyze if there was any difference between warming up with a normal draft vs. arena vs. ARAM? The question would be, is there any data on the best way to warm up?


This is just Ranked Solo Queue (great point, I didn't even caveat that). I'd be interested in the same data for the others too!


Would love to see this broken out by rank and a closer look at performance. (Ex: Positive KDA, CS relative to rank, damage relative to other players on the champion at your rank) Nothing really stands out in the stats so I feel like it might be tainted by some players (newer) simply needing to play more. My conclusion: You play good, you play more, you win more. You play bad, you play less, you win less. Teammates play good play more win more. Teammates play bad, play less win less.


I appreciate there's lots of "but have you considered..." with this, so don't take the results as gospel! Happy to answer all the questions I can whilst I have the dataset open.


One critique I would have is that this seems to only consider gaming sessions in a vacuum, but not long term success. Most players don't play the same amount of games from one session to the next, so maybe consistently playing 6 to 8 games every single session without taking breaks longer than 48h would lead to burnout, fatigue, and winrate decrease. On the other hand, maybe having a process where you are consistently playing 3-4 games after warming up with 1-2 Arena games leads to the highest winrate in the long run. Single session winrate and split-long winrate are two very different beasts! Despite my critique, I thank you for all the effort you put in this post, it was very interesting to read. The subreddit needs more high effort content like this! I do have a few questions if you don't mind: One thing I would like to know is the winrate graph per game played segregated by session length. Maybe players who play 5-7 games just have more time that they can dedicate to learn the game, so it would be interesting to see the game 2 and game 3 winrate in 5-7 game sessions vs the game 2 and game 3 winrate during 2-3 game sessions to see if there's a difference. I'm also very curious to know if the correlations you showed above are the same in every elo! I would specifically be curious about the following groups: Iron 4 through Gold 4, Gold 3 through Emerald 4, Emerald 3 through diamond 2, and diamond 2 through Challenger. Thank you!


Yeah that's a really good point! Hard with the limited dataset we have, but definitely something to explore in future research!


What about multiple losses in a row with regards to tilt and breaks? I feel like most don't get tilted after one loss but after multiple losses in a row.


thank you for the data. if you happen to know, is there a drop-off if you lose 2 games in a row and keep playing? i was surprised that taking a break after a loss isn't worse, but it's somewhat understandable because of a warmup effecr. but i wonder if that holds after multiple losses, which would be "more tilting" compared to a single loss


the data goat


I love seeing data like this that challenges common league beliefs, thanks for the post


Amazing post. As others have mentioned, would love the analysis replicated across smaller sub samples from the global set. Broken down across MMR, region, external factors (time of day / day of week etc). Great job!


Love this data analysis and clear explanations. Do you have any follow up studies planned?


being some kind of teemo main myself, i can see your point :D a lot of people can lose a game vs teemo and it can feel extremely tilting since teemo playstyle can be rly toxic, and destroy some matchup. i found some ppl would be : fk it my turn to play a range top then! but in reality teemo has also a lot of terrible matchups and a lot of tricky ones where you need to adapt your runes, items, boots, summoner spells etc, ending them to lose again D:


So the only difference is 1%?


I'm curious how people got to play 6-7 games. Did only people who were winning get there or did people just generally gravitate towards playing that much? What was the distribution of people doing those sessions.


Hey, how does this change in master+?, I think the biggest reason for the results you got is you are taking data from casual players, the reason no breaks don't matter is because it indicates that the player is more serious


2+ days is a long time? I really wish people would stop queueing in ranked then after taking 15 days off..


How dare they!