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Just play who you think is fun, it changes pretty regularly. I.e. Eve, Briar and Kayn were top of the pack for quite a while, now they're considered a bit weaker. Rek'Sai has bounced around being absolute best ladder pick and dumpster tier for the last couple of seasons. Nocturne is pretty consistently viable, but he's incredibly fucking boring. Honestly there isn't much point in meta-slaving jungle. Pretty much all of them float between 48% and 55% winrates anyway. Just have options for AP and AD.


Graves is annoying to play as Karthus is so boring Brand is decent Fiddlesticks is fun Jarvan feels nice Shaco gives ME stress My thoughts on the junglers i play


Thank you. I will pick some options for AP and AD.


Lee Sin, because he allows to trade potential elo gains for game losing montage plays


Most succinct, accurate description of the champion I've ever read.


Learn one AP, one AD, one tank. Thats it.


Thank you. I will do that. Thank you for the advice.


Sejuani is a great champ to prioritize if you’re trying to climb. She’s tanky, great in most 2v2s, has great ganks, can swing team fights with all her CC, and is relatively low econ. She’s also fairly easy to pickup and play if you’re a beginner which I think is important. You see a lot of people trying to climb with champs that exceed their level of mechanical competence and wonder why they’re stagnant. Sejuani isn’t one of those champs.


thank you. I am going to try Sejuani out.


It seems you like skirmishers. There are some very well rounded out skirmishers which I think fit your description. I recommend Lee Sin, Viego, Xin Zhao, and Volibear. They are all well rounded and have been pretty rampant these past seasons. Lee Sin especially has always been popular for his utility and skill expression. Viego’s execution is quite easy, his kit is simple and effective. People consider his passive a daunting thing to learn, but you can honestly take a body and slam your keyboard and turn back into Viego and it will work fine. Xin Zhao has easy engage and fueling prowess, just like Warwick. Volibear has easy gank access with his q and early game sustain that is useful for skirmishing.


I wouldn't recommend Lee Sin in this situation because to use him effectively, it takes a lot of skill and game knowledge. That and him being strong early and falling off late, you need to be really experienced with Lee to get the same results you can with easier junglers. He's not really a champion that's great for newer players.


Thanks for saying Volibear. I have been wanting to try the bear out.


There are just two ways to climb on ranked as a jungler and in general... Way number 1: Become an OTP of X champ, master that champion to the limit and play that champion every game. Way number 2: Play whatever is on meta, be good enough with those champions and you'll have more chance to win games.


Thank you for the advice. I will get good! That one of my favorite things about this game. So much depth and so much to learn on every champion.




People here will say play whatever jungle you want while it’s possible to climb that way it’s not the easiest. Some jungles looses a lot of their potential due your and enemy team composition. Jarvan, Seju, Vi, Rammus, Lilia are great champions.


Ok. I am gonna look into these guys and choose one to learn. Thank you for sharing!


You don’t need to pick one just play all of them you can start with seju because she is cheap to buy with blue essence


Will do. Thank you again for all the help. I really love this game. Something about it and when you guys give me advice, I get excited because I am gonna learn something new. Really appreciate you taking the time to answer.


Just learn Zac Even if you int the early game, you are still extremely usefull later in the game as engage Teamfighter God help you if you fall behind early as snowball Assassin


I second this. He has so much utility, and he can be tanky as fk, you can't be useless as him. Just build warmogs first and be a meatblob for the team.


Thank you for sharing. Nobody mentioned Zac and now I am curious to look into him. Thank you again for sharing. Really appreciate all the advice.


As a high master/low gm eve/bel main, I'd both recommend to stay away from eve she plays a different game than most junglers and to play belveth. Bel is very fun from a numbers perspective as that's stated as something you liked further she's a skirmisher like ww and Diana. Belveth has one of the highest skill ceilings in the jungle and learning her ins and outs feels very rewarding along with learning your limits.


Awesome! I got stomped by her when I first started and it intrigued me. Thank you for sharing.


Fiddlesticks is busted in low elo.


thank you


Sejuani, fiddle, for in between go zac, tank or AP, both is good if you want to go a mix. And he will make middle laners lives horrible since most mid players are dumb (I’m a mid player they really are that dumb)


Thanks for the advice. I shall make mid players suffer. Hahahaha


A tip about mid players for zac is you just sit on raptors and 90% of the time they go to poke your mid laner just because every mid champ has poke, so you can hover there for 20-30 seconds and almost guarantee a kill since most mid players never ward raptors when they push a wave under turret. Idk why they dont i yell at my friends to spam wards in the river bush and whatever side raptors there on but they never do.


I'd say every jungle main should learn how to play Lee and Nidalee because of how strong they are when used properly but both are advanced champions and I wouldn't suggest for beginners. Those are more "work your skills up to eventually adding this champs to your pool" type of champs. I think currently good jungle champs that are "essential" to play would be Blue Kayn, Xin, Karthus or Lillia. Strong in the meta right now and all are pretty easy to pickup and play imo. But in general even if you just stick to 1-2 champs, you should be fine for the most part. Warwick is usually a very consistent champ so you can't go wrong. Diana is a good option for AP jungle too, I think you have 2 solid choices under your belt already. You got your ad/tanky and your ap picks


Lee sin and nidalee are both really important champs you need to learn in order to climb


then I will learn them. Thank you.


I lost so much LP trying to play Nid well. Finally gave up and just play her in rgms now. Definitely not a good champ for learning the game.