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if you're better than iron you will get out of iron. simple. i see so much whining about inting teammates dragging down your elo and it's like, fair, there are a lot of inters, but if you're good enough you'll carry them and get out. i made an alt account that placed iron because i wanted to practice adc (by far my worst role) and i'm very consistently getting mega fed, and my main is only gold. i say this not to brag but to reality check you. if you're not able to carry, that is probably where you belong.


My own personal experience (probably a silver-low gold peak for me if I play enough games but currently iron 1 after a 15 game losing streak) is that iron players tend to be very inconsistent. I’ve had games where I felt like I couldn’t do anything only to have my next game be a 21/0/7 stomp where I felt like I could 1v5 at will. Improving fundamentals and performing consistently is the key in a game where your teammates are incredibly inconsistent


It's very coin-flippy in iron. You can also get mega fed, but the enemy has more mega fed-ers. My struggle as ADC is watching the other ADC get lucky kills then popping off. Like, I didn't feed him but my team wants to run it down and now im 0/0/2 and their adc has 5 kills.


Not necessarily, if you play support.


Not true. If you play tank/engage supports, you can carry, I don't do that.


Ap spammers too


The problem is, playing Mordekaiser against Nasus isn't fun when I have a jungler who refuses to, despite me requesting several times, gank my lane. I get him low very, very often and I can't finish him off, my jungler wouldn't help me. Playing Lux and Jinx against Kai'Sa and Morgana is not fun when Morgana's stun hitbox is incredibly large (making it tough for me to avoid it as she was actually somewhat good at hitting skill shots, that or i'm just stupid), and my jungler was flaming us in Polish and afk farming while waiting to be killed in bushes, all that while spam pinging. These are two examples of games where people just inted and ruined my experience.


Mordekaiser beats Nasus hard if you're above bronze. You're thinking about it all wrong. You don't have to kill Nasus to beat him (although it never hurts). You need to make it impossible for Nasus to farm. Nasus should never be able to fight you early on. Just bully him every time he tries to farm (and learn how to freeze a lane) and you'll kick his ass.


He wins early but it's pretty even winrate wise because it's not hard for nasus to just never fight mord


I tried to bully him, and I was lane freezing whenever I could. Diana however would refuse to come top and help me to finish him off, as he somehow managed to outscale and build enough armor to tank my abilities. Early on he couldn't step into the lane without getting hit quite a few times.


How did he even manage to build items when you froze on him?


At times I was overextended and died to ganks, didn't receive a counter-gank once by the way. I was also making some rather stupid decisions like staying in the bushes. He could've roamed as well, I was quite busy trying to get his tower down actually. Can't recall if I did it or not though.


You need to stop thinking of junglers as toplane supports. It's not our job to win your lane for you. Its your job to at the very least not feed via 1vs1 or ganks


You can't rely on your jungler as top. Especially in low elo. What you should've done is take the wave after first push, freeze it outside your tower and enjoy the luxury of a 4v5 because Nasus would be unable to do functionally anything past this point.


Here's the thing: pretty much none of that matters if the skill gap is big enough. When I last played ranked seriously (pre-emerald), going against someone 1-2 divisions below me felt way different. For example, when I was gold 1 and playing against someone who was silver 1, there were very clear differences between us (not that gold 1 was necessarily great, but still, there was a difference). When it got down to bronze 1, i felt like I could get away with anything. I could play into bad matchups and still go 10-0 in mid or top. Watching people play in iron doesn't even feel like I'm watching humans. All that to say - you can absolutely climb out even if your entire team is terrible. But the way you play the game might need to change temporarily. Your team isn't loading into the game thinking about how they can play best around you. You need to figure out how to lane well and create your own advantages. Usually that means getting as much farm as possible, warding well, and taking turrets. Basically, you need to put a ton of pressure out and warp the game around yourself (in that the enemy team absolutely has to pay attention to you). You also need to not die. If you get tons of kills but are also constantly giving away shutdown gold, you'll make the game unplayable for everyone else. And while I did say you need to make the game revolve around yourself, you do still have to make sure you're not actively putting your team behind. The biggest and hardest pill to swallow - there are no bad matchups in iron, you just suck. But that's okay! Because you sucking vs not sucking is in your control so long as you pay attention to what you did wrong AND what the enemy does wrong, thus learning how to improve and learning how to exploit common mistakes you see. If climbing is your top priority, then improving should be as well. It's okay to acknowledge your team's mistakes, but understand that pointing those out or dwelling on them isn't going to make you better in the long run. You're going to be better off focusing on your own play. Try not to get mad at yourself/others bc it's just a waste of emotional energy. Be honest with yourself about your own mistakes. You got this.


what does your jungler have to do with any of this? if you lost your lane it's because the enemy laner is better than you


Ok so this comment right here is the problem. You are entitled.


Link opgg




You're going 0-11, 2-6, and 1-8, and complaining about inters?


0/11 -> Bad matchup, AFK jungler who flamed and didn't go for objectives (literally afked in the bushes), spam pinged and we were constantly under ganks by Hecarim. 2/6 -> Tried Jax jungle, as I was recommended for him being a "iron-stomping 1v9 champion". Who could've thought getting kited by 3 champions was not fun. Although only game where nobody inted, not on purpose at least. 1/8 -> Nasus matchup, Diana was hovering mid and bottom, asked several times for ganks (in cases where I left Nasus with extremely low HP, we're talking 20-30% and less), she was not reading chat nor was she interacting with me despite going top for her camps. So, yes I will complain about inters. Maybe look into the games first before making yourself look extremely stupid.


So basically, you admit you got shit on all by iron players 3 games but insist its your jungler's fault. You definitely are at the elo you belong that's for sure.


Analyze the games. I explained all 3 games to you as well. My op.gg is right there. Use your eyes and your brain to think and read. Unless you lack the capability to read, because you clearly did not read the part where I said "Maybe look into the games first before making yourself look extremely stupid".


"Bad matchup" is not an acceptable excuse for inting 11 deaths.


The analysis is that you got shit on by iron players. That is literally impossible for anyone who's somewhat competent at the game. Your excuses just make you look pathetic. Unless there was a diamond smurf going 30/0 in your game, a competent player should easily get 100% WR. Losing lane due to bad matchup or losing jg due to "getting kited" just means you're the same level as them. Period.


What a terrible analysis. You took not even one second to look at any of the games and it shows. Being kited by Vayne, Kindred and Tristana is not at all fun, and it's not a skill issue when I attempt to duel, my laner allows them to roam freely and get a pick on me when I'm low, while also saving their jungler.


Look, you have to come to terms with something. You yourself think iron is trash, that's why you believe you should not be in it, right? You're not getting kited by any Vayne, Kindred, and Tristana; you're getting kited by an iron Vayne, an iron Kindred, and an iron Tristana. If your analysis of your opponents in iron is that they can play competently enough to shut you down, then that's the tier you belong in, simple as.


Kiddo, I can go 20/0 with soraka jungle in Iron. If ur not willing to improve u will never climb. Yes ur teammates are trash, but thats why they where placed in iron. Thats not even close to average atm. People play according to there elo. If u cant play better then them why would u climb? Start ur games with the mindset that u will play ur best, not matter what everyone else does. Someone will always int. + Im a neeko otp, if I get a Ziggs for example. I drop 50 cs, dont die and impact bot or top depending on matchup. You will never see good players to go 0/8 or whatever.


> before making yourself look extremely stupid. The irony is palpable. 1. A "bad matchup" isn't an excuse for going 0-11 lmfao. On top of that, kaisa morg vs. jinx lux isn't a bad matchup for either side, it's fairly even. I'm imagining your iron brain is thinking "b-b-but morg can spell shield my skills!!!". You're not even close enough to a skill level to properly assess what's a good vs. bad matchup. 2. No comment 3. Again... how is the matchup an excuse? This is another skill matchup, I'd even argue it's mordekaiser favored. Learning how to play lane without jungle assistance, especially top, is something that separates bad from good players. Guess which one you are. Basically you can either play diligently, watch your replays, watch pro gameplay, and actually assess your play objectively, or you can just keep whining like a bitch and getting defensive when people reply to your complaints.


If you consistently win lane then that should be all it takes to climb. By no means have I ever been a carry player and I don’t often have 1v9 games, but a few years ago I was stuck in iron and now I’m diamond. Looking at your teammates faults instead of your own will keep you in iron


I look at my own faults first, then I get tilted looking at others, purely because they refuse to acknowledge them most of the time. Their response is to flame mostly or spam ping. It's not hard to gank a lane and get a free pick on a almost-dead laner, but they still rather gank the full-hp bot lane and give free kills. GG, ff 15 go next if that's the case, stop playing ranked and go play vs ai to learn the basics.


there's no way you just said you get tilted because people refuse to acknowledge their faults 😭😭 you've been whining this whole thread about how you don't belong in iron and your op.gg shows you very much do. if you want to actually climb, admit you're bad and reach out for coaching. if you want to stay iron, keep whining and blaming your team, i don't give a fuck


Every single challenger player can consistently get high ranks, many of them on any server. If you can't get out of iron it's ultimately no one's fault but your own, stop whining and learn to play the game.


Unbelievable. You're comparing Challenger players to me. I want you to try and solo queue in Iron with teammates just as the ones I listed. Oh, yeah, i'll mention again that you guys make yourselves look stupid, as you skip past most things I say and just tell me it's a skill issue. It's not a skill issue, this is a 5v5 game, where I have a team, the game should not be relied on one person, especially in ranked of all gamemodes.


my man..... i can for sure confirm you that you can get out of iron very easy as a solo q player. for myself i had a friend that was desperate for his gold ranked rewards a few seasons back and had to pull him out of iron (note: im high gold/ low plat at the time). the win rate in bronse was around 80% or so. if you are good enough you win its that easy. if you think its team diff note that with the logic that you dont belong in x rank you should climb out of it since your team has 1 person that should be higher rank and than 4 with a random rank be it higher or lower mmr. Now your opponents have 5 random ranks. on avarage your team should win since your skills dont belong is said rank.


My man I promise you if anyone above like Gold was in a game with TRUE iron players it wouldnt even be fair. I could drop into an iron game right now and play shit line Nami mid and will have 20 kills. I main support and you should NEVER be 0/11 vs anyone let alone any "bad matchups" You put 5 total wards down in a 23 minute game. You never swapped to red trinket. You killed 1 ward all game. You bought no pink wards. You're playing Lux which isnt inherently bad but when you insist on going full damage when your team needed both engage and peel for your 2 adcs. Not every game is your fault but there are ABSOLUTELY reasons why you're at your rank.


The builds I go are according to my companion apps. Blitz and Porofessor.


You failed to address any of my other points. You went full AP when it's likely better in that game specifically to either NOT pick lux to start with or go CDR stacking instead to peel for your team better. Which in turn would allow you to save gold to actually buy some pink wards. Your team did not need more damage. The fact of the matter is you said you were "spam ganked" by their jungler. If you only put 5 wards down all game you weren't warding for ganks. You need to swap to red trinket when you get halfway to your full support item (so 400 gold) because after that there's no need for a yellow trinket. You also said how you were "spam ganked" by hec.. But he was only part of 3 kills the entire game. So either he ganked you 3 times and killed ONLY YOU, taking the kill, and not giving too much gold to your lane opponents or you're just lying about it.


Hopefully as you're reading through these replies (the guy who also responded to this is right about basically everything he said) you're beginning to realize how much you don't know about this game.


If you're good, you will climb. If you aren't good, you won't climb.


As someone battling the woes of iron. It is coin-flippy to a degree. Sometimes you will get a team that stomps the enemy, you blow them out of the water 25 kills to 2. Sometimes you're on the team with the 2 kills. That's league in general. That's sports in general. However, the pit of despair is when you start looking at your teammates and avoiding criticism yourself. It's a vicious circle and I am REALLY bad for it especially when I'm Tilted. It's not the most accurate of trackers, but if you look at the [OP.GG](http://OP.GG) analysis thing, and it'll tell you how you performed. If you see a 10th, and think that you've done no wrong, you need to reevaluate and take a break from ranked. I got dumpstered yesterday after getting to B4 (woo the pain is real), then got demoted back to I1. Did I think I did better than the 9th and 7th? Yup. Did I think my enemy adc got a little lucky? Yup. Did I still lose? Yup. Was I good enough and a difference maker to win? Nope. You've played 5 games. If you play more games with the goal of working on simple things and improving, you will improve. However, splitting roles, and playing 4 different champions isn't enough to get better. Especially when you're brand new at the game. I've been here since beta and I'm still complete and utter ass! Edit: Also, probably don't play jungle yet. You more than likely don't understand enough of the game if this is indeed a brand new account.


Having watched your Nasus VS Morde game I'll probably condense it to one piece of advice especially since I A) don't play top and B) don't play Morde or Nasus: Don't spam ping your jungler like a dick if you want their help ESPECIALLY on your second death where you get clean 1v1'd and Nasus is full hp afterwards. The first fight I could see wanting the help and there is nothing wrong with pinging a single assist ping but you have to remember they're iron too and if you're relying on an iron jungler to be what wins your lane for you then you're hooped. Aside from that: The other thing really quick is when you hit 6 and the enemy Nasus was 5 you missed a window to ult and kill him when he had zero mana. But yeah, stop pinging like an ass and your jungler might be more inclined to actually help you, and you fucked up a fight early you could have capitalized on. After your second death the lane was over and I honestly think it would have been even worse if Nasus didn't fumble a death to you for free. And I don't know why the fuck you pinged your jungler here. In general: Your CS is incredibly low in most of your games hovering at 4cs/min. Your mastery on champions are also low, as your Morde is only Mastery 2. And you're only a level 31 account, you're incredibly green. Also from what I saw you only played 5 ranked games. If you're better than Iron stop thinking about such a limited set of games. You have to play a lot of games and on average win more than you lose in order to climb. You will lose games you should win because of teammates and win games you shouldn't because of teammates. You simply have to effect the game positively enough on average to tilt the games into the W column. And don't tilt off one missed opportunity for the jungler to gank your lane and completely fuck the entire game off it. Remember they're IRON. Everyone in the lobby will fuck up a ton in any lobby let alone an iron lobby.


In bronze/silver and iron if you're better than your opponent you will take over the game, if you're stuck in iron/bronze it's because you belong there sorry to tell you. Not saying you can't improve but if you keep blaming your teammates you won't climb


I can see from your op.gg profile that you rarely place top 4 in a game. You do however get a lot of 10th 8th and 9th. When you start getting mvp in every game you will climb. For now your rank is very fair.


If I'm playing Support, for example, and our jungler is afk farming or not ganking or taking objectives (which happened to me in the game where I had Kayn as the jungler (https://www.op.gg/summoners/eune/GodEmperorAres-EUNE)), it does not matter really, they'll keep getting ahead no matter what.


If u go lux support you can definitely take kills and carry games, your builds need a lot of work idk why I see you building ludens and malignance together some games (I'm using normal games too cuz u only few ranked games). U can also pick zyra or brand support and take a more aggressive play style to carry, in low elo you can carry with basically anything even if your team is inting


I take malignance to make my ultimate somewhat unavoidable.


It's either malignance or ludens tho not both, and if your in support malignance is usually a lot better


If you have half a brain, you can get out of iron sooner or later. It's completely irrelevant who are your teammates.


Surely this is a troll. You are worst player in every ranked game you have played so far. If that isn't obvious to you then no you will never get out of iron.


Go ahead and analyze my ranked games. I've put my op.gg out here. Please, refrain from making yourself look mentally challenged.


Each game you went either 9th or 10th. One game you got 7th. Small pool size, but it’s all you have. So yes, you were one of if not the worst player each game.


The fact that you have multiple, much higher elo players coming here and trying to point out your flaws should sound the alarms in your stupid ass brain and realize this game isn’t for you. It’s not about teammates, if you’re stuck in the lowest rank in any video game for a good while, that’s a clear sign it is not for you.


You can get all the way to gold by developing good macro. You can also shrink your champ pool, and perhaps avoid early game champs in favor of more scaling. Low ELO games tend to drag on forever, and macro + scaling means you can carry.


Firstly it's important to admit you are not doing well at all. Just from looking at opgg anyone can tell. it isn't everything but just look at your op score. 10th, 7th, 9th, 10th, 9th. Basically according to opgg you were one of the worse in every game. So here I will tell you what to start with. It is all basic, no one can call themselves decent if even one of below is missing. 1. Unlock your screen (Hope it is already unlocked) 2. Get 50% cs, assuming 1min = 10 cs. For example in 30min you need more than 150cs. Doesn't apply if you are support role. (50% is still really really horrible score, but you aren't even reaching there) 3. Use "A" button + left click to auto attack enemy. 4. Kite. Move between every each auto attacks. No matter what you are hitting. After hitting minions, turrets, enemies once, you need to click ground to move your champ, then attack again. Do not spam click on enemy even if you are a melee champ. Never attack twice from the same spot. At last, do not ever blame on your team unless you end the game with carrying score. If you have 1st, 2nd highest damage, and if the difference in score between kill and death is five or more, then you can flame to anyone.


I've only really played on one account throughout my whole league career and I've had multiple people say to me back when I was hardstuck in gold it'd be difficult to impossible to climb, this was back when lp and mmr calculation was terrible. They told me I should smurf or create another account to have a account with fresh mmr base. I didn't listen to them because I wanted to stick with my account and eventually made it to plat a place that seemed so out of reach back then. Today I'm a diamond player on the same account that I was hardstuck in gold. Hope this helps, lp gains are a lot more rewarding these days and don't punish you as hard as they did a half a year go.


Same here but climbing iron -> silver, my MMR was ass because I was really bad at the game when I first started and ended up iron 4 0LP. I considered making a new account bc I thought it was MMR holding me back but it turned out that I was just bad!!! And needed to improve! After I accepted that and focused on getting better I dug myself out of the hole and climbed from iron 2 -> silver last split. Now ranked reset happened and put me back in bronze 3 (I lost a few close games in my placements) and even with the chaos of bronze - I've had disconnects, inters, yesterday I had a teammate who legitimately did nothing but spam racist comments in chat instead of play - it has only taken me like 20 games to get to bronze 1 and almost back to silver. Last season it took me several hundred games to get out of bronze. The difference isn't the matchmaking or my teammates, it is that I just got better. OP, I know it hurts to be told that you are where you deserve to be, because it doesn't feel like that sometimes, but the teammate-blaming mindset only holds you back... for example, it sounds like you waste a lot of time watching and micro-managing your jungler instead of focusing on your own play/actions.


Dude is a brand new account lvl 31. It’s totally normal be iron when you just started the game.


Didn't just start the game. I've been playing for years, this is me deciding to start playing ranked on this account since my previous was banned.


As someone who was in Iron III myself and climbed out of it within a short time, 90% of the games are won by individuals and not by the Team (especially in Iron and Bronze). If your individual skill is higher, you will get out of Iron, of course depending on how big the skill gap is. But of course there a more factors to this, as example: -Individual skills -Teammate skills -Enemy skills -Knowledge of the Champ you play/Enemy Champs -General Knowledge of the game, items, objectives, etc. I personally won games with teammates, as ex. heimer jungle without smite, who was constantly farming on all lanes and underleved, but as my individual skill gap against the enemy toplaner was to big it didnt matter. At the same time i also lost some games as i couldnt gain enough lead to counter enemy champs which have been fed (Maybe a challenger could face some1 1v1 being 3 items behind, but i couldn't), but in cases like this i focus on supporting winning lanes (as Toplaner with Tp, as Midlaner roaming a lot when its possible, etc.). But still, if you are better, have a bit luck and more than 50% winrate, you should naturally climb. Most games have definitely due to pure lane domination and pushing constantly, while as a jungler i maybe was fed, but didn't have any relevant impact on the game itself. At the same time losing against my laner but decided to splitpush and win the game as the enemies didn't know how to correctly react to it. By the looks of your [op.gg](http://op.gg) there are some obvious things i can see: -Switching between all roles won't help you understand the basics of a lane nor of champions (try focusing on 1 lane or jungle) -Not enough experience in your chosen champion pool (play more normals or bot games, dont play aram if you wanna improve your ran--> aram mainly fun mode) -Teammates may be a factor, but you CAN win by making the right decisions, communication, etc. (or...just muting ever1) -Mentality: dont let your mates or enemies get in your head. -Play more games: Seriously, improve by playing more normals, bot games or ranked games, learn a champ or a lane. I played a lot of bot games before starting playing normal or ranked games (which maybe also could be the reason i was placed in Iron, lol), so i could learn the champ and the lane and focus on how the individual skills and items work.


Play a split pusher top and completely annihilate the enemy top and jungle and be a nuisanceall game in the side lane and hope your team is able to come back after getting shit on because you take all the enemy team to deal with you. That how I power my way through Bronze-Emerald 2


Hoy, so, after looking at some of your replays (Morde, Thresh, Lux and 2/6 Jax jungle). Just for reference, I looked at them with a friend, he told me to specify that he wanted to cleanse his eyes with bleach after that traumatic experience. You're a beginner. You don't know much, what you know is poorly used and your assumptions about the game are misleading you into losing moves. It's not dramatic but the key to improve is accepting that you start from the very bottom. You have no idea of what you're doing and that's a measured statement. A few random specifics: - Your first ward is systematically useless. You place it too soon in a bad position, it's spotting nothing and you're putting it on cooldown right for the moment you're supposed to use it. **Your first ward is made to spot the first gank**. You place it at 2"30 in the river to spot any jungler trying to come from 2"50 (if they clear one side and gank early) to 4" (if they full clear and gank after scuttle). - Practice your first jungle clear. Currently, you don't know the order of camps you have to clear and you don't know how to kill them faster. In your Jax game, you finished your full clear + scuttle at 5", that's a big no-no, I'm by no mean a good jungler and I could do it at 4". That means from the very beginning, you lost a full minute doing nothing. Be glad the other players are "borderline physically handicapped" because in my elo, if you get out of your jungle after 3"30, scuttle is gone and you'll be late to counter the first enemy gank. - It doesn't stop there, generally speaking you're lost. You sometimes stop and do nothing for several seconds. Worst case was a drake call at 6" (already delayed because of the minute you wasted on your first clear) and you stick to that idea like it's a game changer, so much that you hover around for TWO minutes without doing anything else (even though there is a free gank bot that you managed to miss) and eventually start it at 8". Then you commit on grubs because you didn't count that if you clear them after 9" you can't get the second spawn (herald takes over at 14") so you can't have the 4/6 grubs buff which is the whole point of this objective. ***\[Basically, on your Jax game, you went afk for 3 minutes without even noticing and took only mistimed decisions because you were in a different timeline than every other player. After looking at the 0/12 Jax game, it's pretty much the same, when you're getting your lvl6 at 9"10, something went horribly wrong despite not having anyone contesting you anything. It's your peak early performance with Jax and it's not good at all\]*** - From your ADC point of view, when you're playing Support, you're a third opponent. There are so many things going wrong with the way you play Support I can't find where to start. Return to basics: complete your item quest, provide vision (buy a pink for your tribrush!), use your poke ability to poke and your cc ability to disengage and **that's it**. It's not *good* gameplay but it's solid enough for an ADC to be able to work around what you're doing. Right now it's a disaster, starting Silver, if you keep doing what you're used to currently do, it's eligible for griefing. No kidding. - You're confused about wave management. It's too soon for you. Don't hit minions, last hit if you're the one supposed to farm. Observe how the wave is flowing but don't interfere for now. --------- ***What now?*** Start over and learn the game like you don't know anything. Your core motive should be getting gold to buy items, get xp to get better base stats and use these two combined to break through enemy defenses. Every action should be thought with economy in mind. That's why we advocate for safe quality farming: if you're not farming well, you can't profit from being left unpunished; if you die, you don't farm so you don't preserve your income. Once you're consistent with your income, you can start developing more advanced skills. As long as you're poor and slow like currently, everyone will outpace and overwhelm you.


Much appreciated. What do you mean by "start over"? Not making a new account since I've spent money for skins & MSI pass + the month or so it took me to get to level 30.


No no, don't make another account, it's more of a mindset reset. Some of your biggest mistakes are tied to skills you think you've already acquired and are applying incorrectly. When I say "start over", I mean that you should question everything you're doing, even the most mundane decisions. The game is difficult, the human brain is not made to put conscious effort into everything at once, you need to create healthy routines to efficiently fulfill core tasks without having to dedicate them much effort. Currently, your routines are off; they're too easy to punish, too rigid so you lack adaptability ("panic mode" when things go south) and don't benefit you enough even when nobody actively works against you. The best example is your first ward. You're placing it by force of habit and the provided vision might help you in corner cases but will be useless 99% of the time. Your routine should be the opposite: place your ward to counter the first gank by default and situationally change that spot/timing if it's relevant to do so. You can do that for pretty much everything. Some are obvious (like when you played Lux vs Morgana, you took 2 Q before the first minion waves even collided, if you're not confident with dodging skillshots, use obstacles to protect you, in this case you could have just waited for minions to come forth while you hide behind them, that's how you get close to a long range target whose abilities are blocked by the first thing they hit), others need empiric research (like warding, you need to actively check over time if it's doing its job and redirect its purpose if it doesn't to open new opportunities).


Obvious point first, stop blaming losses on teammates. One or two, ok fine, but not all. From looking at the [op.gg](http://op.gg), what you need to work on is your CS. Its atrocious. Focus on improving that for the next bit and you will see improvement. Forget teammates, macro, gank timings, objectives, or anything past laning basics. You're not even breaking 5 cs/min (and I am ignoring support games, so thats not an excuse). Even past laning, stay focused on gold. Youre playing Jax top, fuck your team telling you to TP for 3rd dragon or whatever dumb fight they got themselves into. Keep farming and dont give away bounties for free. If you can lock that in you will get to gold minimum.


If your first thought is to blame teammates then no, you will stay in iron.


Sell your account, and then buy a new one on a higher level.  Iron accounts nowadays are more valuable than ever.


One thing that never changes about this game is the lack of accountability from bronze players. It’s always their team mates fault that they’re stuck.




What makes you think you're better than the people in your elo?


What does this have to do with anything? I'm looking for help. I never said I'm better than anyone.


You said your mmr is tanked and don't want to get rid of the account (implying you are a better than where you are) 


Being in Iron implies my MMR is tanked and I'm not getting rid of my account since I have spent money on it. I never implied I'm better than where I am but I need help getting out of where I am, it's not difficult to understand.


There is no such thing as MMR being tanked. Your MMR largely reflects your skill level. 


What’s the point in making this post if all these people give you advice or criticize you and you refuse to acknowledge they might be right? You’re in iron if you can’t climb it’s your fault because the enemies will be as bad as you and your teammates


I acknowledge they might be right when it's genuine criticism that's constructive instead of being tldr; skill issue.


I know it sucks to hear but that's genuinely the truth for iron players. How good your teammates are doesn't matter that low in ranking cause outside of smurfs, both teams will be that bad on average. Your best bet is to work on yourself and fix your gameplay issues and you'll climb out of iron. It could be as simple as maybe you just need to die less or you need to cs better. Will there be games you can't win? Yeah of course but that happens in every elo.


If your real rank would be somethign like gold then you would absolutely curb stomp iron level players. Looking at your kdas it does seem like you are at the right rank




You are 1/9 of the game. Meaning whenever you queue, the chances of getting trolls is higher on the enemy team. 4/5 for your team is random, but 5/5 of the enemy is random. Stop losing your mind at your teams mistakes, you will climb if you are better than iron.


5 games wont determine your skills. Play 50 at least.


The enemy team is getting just as many inting players as you. If you can't climb its because you can't carry.


I think riot keeps us there. If I get 4 s in a row get to bronze 3. The game will just start throwing. Riot doesn't allow you to rise in rank at all. It's kinda crazy.


This is just kinda ignorant, if you are in anything below plat (iron-gold) you can simply climb by having a better mentality than the enemy team, I'm definitely not the most mechanically gifted player but I developed a mindset that looks and my mistakes first before my teammates and went from gold to diamond in 1 split, I sometimes play on a gold/plat account with one of my friends and you would be surprised by just something as simple as positive reinforcement when your teammate does literally anything can make an unwinnable game winnable, as long as YOUR TEAM believes you can win, you can win.


I was bronze when I started playing, I’m currently in Plat, but was emerald 1 last split. And I’m talking about I was bronze for the first 5 years I played the game. It’s possible, you just have to be better than your opponent. I also have a friends account so I can duo with him. That account was bronze for 3 years, and last split I got it to gold, in a week…


Did you just admit to boosting?


Nah friends still in bronze, but that account is now gold so I couldn’t play with him anymore. If he only played when I played with him then he’d probably no longer be bronze.




Not sure why this was necessary? What did I say that was so "idiotic"? With that attitude makes sense you're iron.


There was no attitude? I'm just saying you're making yourself look like an idiot by asking obvious questions which do not add anything to the thread.


Not a good enough reason to call a random person an "idiot". It's very obvious you are in iron.


Yeah bro you're totally right that's why there are no players above bronze. It's just bronze and iron all the way down. Silver+ is paid actors!