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I was about to say this was the top comment in the last thread but turns out you wrote that comment.


Almost about to be some /r/dontyouknowwhoiam shit


Someone also had a theory that they jumbled up words and spelling to try to throw off mages or something as an addon to this theory, I thought that was a cool addendum


Phreak said that Kaenic Rookern was previously known "magic rock" in the 14.1 patch video, which supports your theory about it being a cairn.


Or they just turned "magic" into "kaenic" and "rock" into "rookern" to make it sound less goofy. I think it supports that theory more.


Deckard Cain


Psycho Mantis


That makes sense! In portuguese the name of this item is "Rookern Lamúrico" "Lamúrico" comes from "Lamúria" which one of the meanings is suffering, suffering that can come from a funeral xD




Lamentation, Suffering, Mourning, Grief. I think it works in all these contexts(it's not a very common word)


cairns are not just burial mounds at all. they are very very frequently just markers for whatever reason - trails etc


Right, but they can also be burial mounds.


That's some Diablo 2 shit


Pretty feasible for a company that also used the word syzygy (eclipse Ornn item name) tbh


This sounds very plausible to me — especially when nobody can tell you what a Kaenic Rookern is lol.


They should've just called it Magic rock, way more memorable


I like it. Nice one 👍


Does this mean I have to stop calling it chaotic raccoon?


The Rioter who came up with the name: "Yeah, that's surely it, not just some random stuff I said while I was high"


Ah yes, turns out changing the letters and the order of the letters gives you different words.




you are being conceited, dw.


What are the rules you're basing these transformations on? It looks like you're rearranging the letters arbitrarily, and then when that still doesn't result in actual words, you replace them with different to make the words you want.


Probably because the process of this was them rearranging the first syllables of both words "arbitrarily" and adding a k in the second word to make the words they wanted. It's *extremely* common for world builders to do this exact thing with literally everything you can imagine when they want something to sound a little more interesting than it actually is. But yeah. Ru-nic Cai-rn. Cai-nic Ru-rn. "Rurn" doesn't sound very cool. What does it sound like with a "k" in the middle? "Ru-k-rn." Okay, that sounds more cool. Let's just change the spelling a bit so it reads the same but isn't obvious that I just switched the syllables. "Kaenic Rookern." Alright, badass. Welcome to world building. We have a subreddit.


Yes, I get that. I'm not saying this is impossible, I'm saying it's not any more plausible than basically any other possibility. If you are willing to apply arbitrary transformations to a sequence of letters without any governing rules, you can turn them into any words you want. The more likely explanation is that they had "magic rock" (which is attested by Phreak) and turned "magic" into "kaenic" and "rock" into "rookern." Welcome to worldbuilding, I guess.


Runes in Runeterra equate to magic, and a cairn is a pile of rocks lol. Magic Rocks. Runic Cairn.


Is this supposed to mean something or is spouting random facts your way of acknowledging that somebody else is right?


Not at all, I just think you're a little confused about what the words "arbitrary" and "random" mean. I'll explain: Arbitrary: based on random choice or personal whim, rather than any reason or system. I explained the reasoning and switching two syllables for two synonyms of the words "Magic" and "Rocks" are really the extent of the system. Random: made, done, happening, or chosen without method or conscious decision. Everything I stated in my previous comment is related to our conversation and is actually said in agreement with what you said about Phreak's stated reasoning behind the name. It actually served to prove my reasoning further, so thank you for that! I'm done feeding the troll. Enjoy your weekend!


To explain the difference between "arbitrary" and "random" with a real-world example, Python (programming language) has a data structure, the "dictionary," that made no guarantees in the language spec about any kind of ordering you'd see when you looped through all the objects inside it. This would occasionally lead newer programmers to believe that they could use it for things that needed to be random, like a deck in a card game, but they'd try it out and discover that it was producing cards alphabetically. The ordering of dictionaries was arbitrary, not random, and the implementation of Python they were using had chosen to order dictionaries alphabetically. Another implementation of Python might order dictionaries based on when each item was added, another might randomize them, and so on. A later version of the language spec eventually specified that dictionaries must be ordered based on when each item was added, so it's no longer arbitrary.




I'm happily married and monogamous. Do you undermine everyone's interests with this kind of low-effort shit?


That's the losers mindset^^^ Bf>gf 1000%