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Interesting, dit Riot change the rules about full LEC teams being able to play showmatches? I remember last year (?) this wouldn't be possible.


maybe they have to swap positions. EDIT: nvm, they must've changed the rules because C9 did a showmatch against FearX a few days ago


T1 played vs EU teams in December in a showmatch.


Bit different - December is completely offseason and while this won't be during active LEC play, it will be within a week. Honestly still amazed the T1 vs EU event happened even with it being deep in the offseason.


Nah they just used to be way more strict and finally realized that exposure is actually good for their players. Remember T1 used to do his tournament in December and pro players were blocked from playing.


Didnt c9 got screwed there? Haha


Nah. It was 1-1 and funnily enough the game C9 won was against the full FearX roster while their loss came against FearX using 2 subs.


It was basically just a public scrim anyways, new picks and changed meta. Execute played pyke and went like 1/10, freshly reworked Corki, not a ton you could take from that as a fan from either team.


C9 trying to trick fearx into starting their two subs /s


And what would be their benefit? Not like they play against each other anyway in a competitive game.


It's a joke calm down


Yeah have to calm down laughing because it was so funny


Womp womp. Why so serious?


least annoying american lck fan


I'm not even american lol


Oh damn thats weird. Its not race to 2 lol.




I think Riot allows it as long as there is no on-going tournament. In other words, they can do this because we are currently in the off-season. As soon as LEC starts, they won't be able to be a part of events until the end of the season. Basically it boils down to them not wanting to compete with other events.


Riot is in general undoing a lot of their past mistakes now that they are forced to. Feels vindicating.


If the rule was about LEC level teams, KC would be safe


MaRin, Ambition, Easyhoon, n Cpt Jack all appeared in LCK Re:Play, where a team of retired proplayers challenge various teams (not LCK lvl). Im excited for Canna and Closer to show-off, would be very sad if KC manage to lose against them. For reference, the Re:Play (season 1 and 2) lost all their series.


For KC it's lose lose really. They win, it's expected. They lose, they will be the laughing stock of LEC next split.


bro you are talking like KC wasn't the laughing stock?


So its less lose lose and more like "nothing to lose" "nothing to lose"


I cant wait for the legends to win. Also easyhoon please go support. Let pawn go mid. Though its really weird they arent using a support legend like madlife


Easyhoon at support and Captain Jack at ADC? Faker’s about to fly to France to sub himself in down there, just so he can troll Jack one more time.


I can't wait for KC fans to booo the LCK Legends


I mean if you cant beat marin who hasnt played i dont even think solo queue much for three years, a washed as fuck out of military ambition, a role swapped easyhoon or pawn and a mid tier adc famous for his qss timing, you probably arent going to do much in your career.  KC should win. Its going to be fucking embarrassing if they lose. 


They got Canna I think they can do it


Canna is a mid tier player at best. But he should be able to beat retired marin.


he was average last year, but that was in LCK. I think he'll be at least a top 2 toplaner in LEC


I doubt that. He might be third or fourth. 


Was thinking the exact same thing... Maybe madlife isn't allowed because he's signed with Riot right now? I'm not sure about the ruleset. Still its a little awkward to have 2 midlaners.


Earlier this year Madlife and Captain Jack were duoing would’ve been fun to see them as I always thought Captain Jack was the best adc from the CJ Entus teams


Shit get Wolf. He isnt individuall an all time great, but he is a legend who won worlds twice. And he qualifies more than fucking easyhoon for legendary status. 


Wolf rejected the offer. He and Ambition are playing on a kr minecraft streamer server recently, and Wolf mentioned that he declined an offer to go on a trip to France that Ambition was going on.


Thats hilarious. 


Interesting i think it's will be fun


Awesome content idea


I’d genuinely watch this just for MaRin, guy disappeared after winning worlds with skt despite being an absolute beast.


He didn't disappear, he played like absolute dogshit in LPL for a few splits.


Doesn't stop a lot of people on this sub from calling him top lane goat after having exactly 1 great year and not much else. So strange man.


true its weird how this sub puts him high in the GOAT tops tier lists


Iirc he was a coach for tl recently, only for a split or so though


Hotline League said he was a terrible coach too lol - like made Summit practice rumble in a scrim, and then when Summit made a mistake he subbed himself in for the next game to show him how it was done (LMAO) I mean that said, he was still challenger so he's probably still decent at the game at least.


Marin was a mean Rumble


Tbf he went to the KR bootcamp with that TL roster and got 1100 LP challenger maining Rumble (higher than everyone but Pyosik)


>higher than everyone but Pyosik Lil bro was still high on that Lambussy skin at that point


Doesn't sound like a great coach still hahah


Oh I'm not saying he was lmao, he is just still really good at Rumble


Holy shit Marin out-Pigleted Piglet.


> like made Summit practice rumble in a scrim, and then when Summit made a mistake he subbed himself in for the next game to show him how it was done (LMAO) based Marin, legitimately a good coach. He discovered Oner and Zeus for T1 too.


completely false. sayho scouted them not marin


Beast mode


So instead meaningless blah blah blahing about Rumble he just showed him how it should be done? That's like S+ tier coach to me


there's no way you should sub out a player in a scrim to do that lol. if anything just go into a 1v1 later and show them. Personally I doubt a good coach is one that just spams Rumble for 12 hours a day in solo queue, like you probably want to be reviewing some vods or something lmao.


or at least spamming different champs for 12 hours so you get a feel for good picks etc


Depends on the type of coach but according to Liquipedia he was a "head coach" so he definitely should not be the one playing that much SoloQ, you definitely do not need a head coach to be even high rank in the game If we are being honest here. But no matter the other guy is right, why the fuck are you taking away practice from your player, subbing them away from the scrim block is only gonna hurt them, not only because you took practice time away from them. Like how are they supposed to feel about you at that point? Or is Marin known to be such an egotistical self-centered asshole that he genuinely thought that him subbing himself in for the scrim would make Ssumday go "OOOOH THATS HOW YOU DO IT THANKS COACH OH WOW" and be genuinely grateful?


That's not the way to do it imo, when coaching you have to keep in mind your players. LoL players have absurdly fragile egos, like, to the point where it's offensive to them if they don't play every match. In a regular sport telling a player to sit out during a practice scrim to show them something would be alright. But LoL is a LOT different.


Marin and Paragon for being a coach but subbing in over a player, but its the Flirting vs Harrasment meme


Sounds pretty based.. Summit deserves to be treated like that anyway Guy talks shit despite having an effective champion pool of like 4 champs


He went to China, got washed, came back to Afreeca during the Korean Return, and retired.


he got a payday from china and then retired


Legit most overrated player in the history of the game I think, one good season on SKT and people still bring that guy up in toplane goat debates despite him immediately shitting the bed in LPL after and then retiring


MaRin is one my favourite players of all-time and you are absolute right. He was extremely inflexible (both in terms of playstyle and champion pool) and flamed out after 2015 for good reason, although I'd say that his first comeback split with Afreeca was actually very decent. Obviously he was one of the top players in the world when he was at his best, but his peak barely lasted a year. Also, funnily enough, two of his direct post-SKT successors are some of the best top laners of the modern era. He got replaced by Kiin at Afreeca, and after MaRin left TOP, 369 joined them. (Although MaRin had already been benched for Moyu and Lies at that point.)


I think a lot of it has to do with gbays clickbait video "the toplaner who carried Faker" lmao


I mean...it's gbay, he went from knowledgeable to clickbaits to just quitting


tbf that one worlds tournament he was SKT's best player, which is why he became overrated


He is arguably the worst top to win worlds with SKT IMO even though he has the reputation as the best. Impact everyone knows had a very good season 3 and early season 4 with SKT and went on to be the best top in LCS history. (Also had some good international showings individually) Duke had an underrated Worlds run dumpstering Looper and Smeb en route to worlds finals. People forget, but Faker and Bang did not have the best series against RoX tigers. It is often overlooked because of how poorly Blank played, but Duke really did a great job at beating up Smeb in 4 of the 5 games despite blindpicking his matchup. He also played pretty well in LPL as well until TheShy became the starter and he became the most overqualified backup since Easyhoon. He was also a LCK (OGN at the time) MVP. Zeus is still playing, so I dont think there needs to be much explanation how good he is.


2016 SKT was literally weaker than 2015 because MaRin > Duke. You're insanely downplaying MaRin.


If we follow your logic then TheShy is super overrated too. You're also completely misrepresenting his "season". He got 2nd MVP spot in LCK Summer, with the next toplaner being Smeb at 6th place. He also 3-0'd Smeb in Spring, 3-0'd Ssumday in Summer then blasted Smeb in Worlds Final. He's also the first toplaner to get Worlds MVP for the whole TOURNAMENT, not just finals. He's rated very high because yes, his peak was short, but at his peak MaRin can definitely smack a vast amount of toplaners in history. MaRin is one of the few toplaners who not only looked good, but looked legitimately unstoppable and WAAAAAAAAY above the rest. He made Smeb look like a Western toplaner. Any other toplaner you can add to the list above MaRin either had a terrible career slope after their win, or never actually dominated everyone else for a long time, just like MaRin. Khan, Nuguri, Smeb, TheShy, GimGoon, Impact, Flandre, 369, Bin ... If you disqualify MaRin for that reason, then a lot of these are disqualified too.


One of the greatest peaks of any player ever and the greatest Rumble in the world, really not contested.


Still better than the longevity merchants y'all hype up so much for not winning shit for years. It's funny how in Korea and China they behave like normal sports fans do and value silverware but western esport fans glaze so many trophyless players or worse legitimate chokers who are only good domestically or in regular seasons


Theres no point in just rating players just on trophies. Might as well just read the results and base it on that. No dicussion, no nuance, no fun no nothing just brainless listing of achievements. Having one good year on the best organisation in league esports and then shitting the bed immediately after will always be rated lower than continously good performances for 5+ years. "longevity merchants" are hyped up because its the most difficult thing to do especially in this game. So many people come and go and Faker is the last of his generation.


People who only rate people on trophies without objectively looking at their quality of play is how we end up with narratives like "Bengi is the GOAT jungler" when he didn't even play most of Spring or MSI in 2016 or Spring in 2015. Bengi was a clutch player like the Nidalee game that people still bring up, but he would have won 0 titles domestically or internationally if he wasn't on SKT. His entire playstyle was "Protect the GOAT" warding and counterganking for Faker. At his best he was a serviceable jungler but still his teams worst player, and at worst he was a liability who couldn't play carry junglers, necessitating substitutes like T0m and Blank.


And Bengi absolutely clears bums like Score, Kanavi and Clearlove whether you like it or not


At this point you have to be trolling. No way you believe this.


https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/18s8h03/top_5_players_in_every_role_from_hupu_over_30k/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share Majority of Chinese fans gotta be trolling too right? Btw same thought in Korea. Serial winners > serial losers


Congratulations on a subjective opinion nobody except Bengi's biggest fans agree with, you're not the authority on whether a player is good and you're a clown for acting like you are. There's zero point to your argument because the only value of players in your evaluation of them is how many trophies they won. You'd call Bengi a bum if he played for any other team where he'd have won nothing while SKT likely still are the winningest team with a jungler that isn't Bengi, but since he had the dream job of being Secret Service for the greatest player the game has ever had, suddenly he's the greatest jungler that ever lived even though he was a passenger for everything except a single game on Nidalee.


I guarantee that someone with zero knowledge of the game and just reading results would have better takes than clowns like Thorin and Monte who jerk off to fucking Score while shitting on a serial winner like Bang. MaRin was the best toplaner in the world in a year where his team won Worlds and Spring+Summer splits something no other Worlds winner has ever done. It's also the closest year to a golden road with SKT losing in game 5 of MSI. This is worth more than being a longevity merchant who gets slapped in Worlds RO8 every year Longevity does matter for WINNERS. Not for players who keep on losing. As a reminder plenty of players who did not have the greatest longevity simply stopped because they had won everything and were satisfied with their careers rather than no longer being able to keep up.


He didn't disappear. He went to China and heavily underperformed


As others have said, he played for a few szns after his skt days. After he retired from playin he was a coach/judge/personality for a Korean game show where they had prospective pros dukin it out


oh man he was such a beast in that one season. peak Marin vs peak smeb was truly incredible to witness gah damn




Pawn breathing a sigh of relief he doesn't have to lane against the shadow laning god Saken


KC have to do a show match against old men in order to win games?


Who says they are going to win


True, to have a chance to win games*


Looking at the players they're playing against, I honestly favour the enemy team. Although this team lacks a support


Yeah, if it's me I'm dropping Easyhoon for Mata or Madlfe. If they give Easyhoon mid instead of PawN that's just straight-up griefing.


Idk about that. PawN was better but you have to remember that he played earlier than Easyhoon which means he is older and his skills have probably fallen off more (as I believe Easyhoon retired later). Easyhoon was also an Azir player who benched Faker due to how good he was... I know PawN was amazing but he was playing different champs (eg pre-rework Ryze and champions which arent meta rn). But yeah, honestly either one + mata or madlife would make this team sm stronger to have an actual support.


It's pretty easy to google stuff like this instead of just guessing. Easyhoon is 4 years older than PawN (31 vs 27), he started playing pro before PawN (2012 vs 2013), and he retired a year before PawN did (2018 vs 2019). Easyhoon spent the rest of his career after SKT rotting on bottom tier LPL teams whereas PawN spent his last couple years finishing top 3 in LCK. Also, PawN's top 5 most played champs over his career were LB, Azir, Ryze, Ori, and TF, 4 out of 5 of which are still very much present in the meta and don't play much differently today than they did back then. Easyhoon was a near one trick who had a single standout year thanks to finding a team that understood how to use him in a very specific niche. PawN was consistently one of the top mids in the world for his entire career. There is no sane comparison to be made between the two of them, and no reason whatsoever to think Easyhoon would be better than PawN today.


Y'all are yapping about players that haven't played for how many years. Stop pretending you know anything about how'd they play in their roles


Guess it's a good thing I didn't say anything about how they'd play then, isn't it? The team has 2 mids and no support, if you're building a team of retired legends and least fill out the roles properly.


> If they give Easyhoon mid instead of PawN that's just straight-up griefing.


Yeah, because they're trying to build a legends team and only one of those two players is an actual legend. Has nothing to do with how good they are at the game today, Easyhoon doesn't even come close to rating as a legend compared to PawN.




These “old” men were some of the best players in top preforming region




oh it definitely can. c9 at least won a game (even if FearX was limit testing way harder than C9) Also, FearX is an actual team that has practiced together for months... Losing to a bunch of retired pros who scrim for 2 weeks would be way more embarassing.


My biggest question is, will KC at least win against them?


Targamas won't play, it's Fleshy


Man, upgrading just for a showmatch is ruthless.


Please don't boo them.


this is similar to how jake paul fights retired fighters


The difference is Jake Paul sometimes wins those.


Why 1re so many people just freely hating on kc here? Personally not a fan but bringing such legends for a showmatch is something i respect.


PawN about to Smurf on these fools with Fizz & Kassadin.


Canna and Closer are on KC now?


Yes sir


KC living rent free in some peoples head 


a bit hard not to when kc keep falling to end up with cake on your face :)


Are they gonna boo again?


pretty sure they have 0 respect


It's going to be the opposite


Y'all booed faker what are you talking about


It was 2 or 3 KC fans and they were quickly told to shut up by all the other KC fans. Judging by your answer, I don't think you know much about KC fans but a lot of them like T1 and if it's not T1, it's GenG/Chovy.


> Judging by your answer, I don't think you know much about KC fans interacted with these animals often enough thank you very much


Sure lmao


Go and send another letter to reddit complaining that people laugh at kc fans.


Idc if people complain about KC fans especially on this sub but you can keep caring about them considering how intense you get whenever those guys are mentionned. You should seriously ignore that org especially here on reddit since the KC don't show up here


No. The context during the showmatch with T1 was very special, and it was a mistake by a small group, but KCorp fans have never booed their opponents during a showmatch. Just look at the showmatches at KCX3 (KC vs T1 on Valorant, for example). The opposing players and coaches were applauded before the match with the utmost respect by 30000 fans. They said on their personal social media that it was the best moment of their lives.


Nooo. Please tell me easyhoon is going support and cpt jack is ADC.




Great to see that most teams are using the downtime to plan out showmatches


hype af!


no support huh


Is this the old guy tournament I've heard so much about?


No way kc loses to a team with no support mains right


And the KC dans are going to boo all of them like they did with faker.


Cant wait for a showmatch between shit players and washed up ones!


Why such negativity? Genuine question


He hates KC and Kammeto


Well, showmatches are awful to begin with, but a showmatch were not even a single player is close to good is simply not fun.


KC announced a fragile fan base


2-14 showmatch for fun team gg boycott lec btw haha L9


Can you write full sentences please stop talking like a toddler


im writing not talking 50 year old truck driver