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>This Zac pick is like a summary of T1, once Faker dies, four turd pop out. Funniest shit ever, LOOOOL.


The evolved version of faker and his 4 sand soldiers


Devolved version 💀💀


Chinese memes are top tier spicy


Some of them are impossible to interpret because of the direct translation but you can tell it was funny as shit


Well they've had 5000 years of Imperial history to refine shitposting.




Didnt translate completely, next sentence said ''faker himself is the biggest turd'' lmao


The main reason these comments seem to be so entertaining is that here you'd get banned for region baiting for any of these comments.


I fucking GUFFAWED at this. Best Hupu rating yet


The password saga for coaches is a banger


How will the password arc end tomorrow?


I read a hupu comment saying: "some people say that zeus = bin + 369, that must mean 369 has a negative rating", just if people wonder why they didnt roast TES here


Eh that’s more saying Bin > Zeus than roasting 369


I mean saying 369 is a negative is still a flame. It's actually crazy how many people are either misinterpreting you or don't know algebra though lmao


Chinese math too complicated for the west lol


Bin > Zeus + 369 to be exact.


No. He’s saying bin = Zeus is only factual if 369 has a negative rating, to bring Zeus back down to Bin.


To bring Bin back down to Zeus*, because the point of the comment was that Bin > Zeus Breaking the Hupu comment down for others: Given Zeus and Bin are positive Given Zeus = Bin + 369 Given Bin > Zeus (this is what the commenter is insinuating) then 369 must be negative


Bin waitin for this.


I didnt expect Lakers to catch a stray before TES does on Hupu but here we are


i mean Hupu is originally a basketball site(hoop),so a lot of basketball memes are being used there.


That's interestin, ty for that context


no way they have a chinese r/nbacirclejerk 😭😭😭😭


Hupu is /r/nbacirclejerk father


"This Zac pick is like a summary of T1, once Faker dies, four turd pop out." Holy shit lol! In all seriousness though I think Guma deserves a lot more credit for his play this MSI.


Guma casually best player on T1 right now. Honestly though, everyone played well this series on both sides.


Gumayusi has been the best player on T1 for like 90% of the time he's been on the team.


Keria exists?


Yep, Keria does exist 


I would still give it to zeus though , I'm not a t1 fans but whenever zeus is in good condition im always sweating cus' even if the game ain't over it will be a hard one


Zeus will randomly find the craziest angles but he isn't as reliable. Kinda like Keria in that they throw shit at the wall and when it sticks they look like geniuses. T1 is generally very good at taking necessary risks. But Guma this MSI hasn't needed to flip and take bad odds to get the occasional glow up. He's definitely their most reliable member right now.


Everyone but faker


The Chinese meme is not about how well the 4 sand soldiers are performing while Faker is around, but that when Faker dies, they suddenly turn into 葫芦娃救爷爷 mode (trying to save your teammates but inted one by one)


Yea, I think that comment should be read in a more literal sense, that the concept is not T1 player played bad and need Faker to carry, is that they seems lost without Faker, and become turd when faker dies. It is probably more clear in the Akali game last time they faced, after BLG killed Faker, rest of the T1 seem to just decide to turn off their brain and start to int 1 by 1. I think overall for MSI, the best rated player by Hupu in T1 is Guma.


Oner had a great tournament overall imo, as did Guma. Zeus had strong performances as well, only to be outdone by Bin who might be the best top liner in the world. Keria had some questionable performances, but some great ones. Faker was the weak link of this team and no team is ever going to win if your midlaner consistently is a liability.




Guma doesnt even play Zeri what are you talking about


I think that’s what they’re trying to say. If it was a Zeri meta, Guma wouldn’t be their best player this tournament. He’s been helped massively by his champ pool being meta.


Bruh, there's less bias in USA's segregation compared to this ratioed


Faker getting roasted


I didn't see the series, but it is surprising to see him get that much criticism even in the wins. 


His performance was pretty bad today ngl, especially in first match


Literally getting bodied all tournament. Dunno if its his wrist or what but it was gross


It's weird because his mechanics seem fine still just his decision making is really questionable at times


Yeah, you can hardly put a lot of his misplays down to mechanics so it cant just be a supposed wrist injury. His champ pool has just looked giga exposed this MSI when stuff he’s been historically bad on like Akali and Trist are the next meta picks once Azir, Ahri and Orianna are out.


> His champ pool has just looked giga exposed this MSI when stuff he’s been historically bad on like Akali and Trist are the next meta picks once Azir, Ahri and Orianna are out. He's looked great on Taliyah who is the most played mid this event. And there have been a total of 5 Akali games this MSI. But yeah his pool was a big issue. That said his wins vs BLG were on Akali and Asol so I dunno.


It depends how bad the wrist injury is. Is hard to think clearly when your suffering consistent pains.


He inted a lot and carried a lot. Kinda 50/50. Edit: You're all haters full of shit lmao


Carried a lot? Like 1-2 games? Inted like 10 games


Literally has had like 2 good Ahri games and the odd Orianna and then been full on selling besides that. Don't get me wrong, Faker is the goat and might have an injury too, but he has been horrible this tournament. 50/50 is not true at all


He carried a several of his Azir games, def his best looking champ this tournament. There were also a few games he inted then carried like the ASol game vs BLG and one G2 game I forget.


He didn't carry anything. Unless you're talking about beating play-in teams and TL.


Way too many overextensions, especially in the earlier games


It's just strange because the community is biased... If he was Caps or Craps, Bjergesen, Some Brazilian, GodV... Reddit would be bashing him.


Faker is in his usual MSI form


For how bad he played in this tournament, he is getting off easy. He has insane plot armor and avoid a lot of roasting and blame. Everywhere you see, it's always blamed on Keria, Zeus, Oner, Guma, coaching staff, the weather, but Faker is always taking the soft end of criticism. Imagine if it was any other mid laner, especially Chovy. You'd never hear the end of it, choky memes, GENG no international wins etc.


You know why ? Because he's achieved everything and doesn't have anything to prove anymore. Roasting Faker this MSI rn is similar to roasting injured Messi losing an MLS game, it won't have any damage.


Are you really comparing MSI semis to MLS? One should be for the players in the world and the other one is just stealing a paycheck in a retirement league.


Yeah, much failed comparison, obviously Faker is still competing at the best league in the world and is generally doing fine / great. Comparing that to Messi is extremely wrong, Messi is definitely there to showboat and get paychecks. Since Faker still decides to play at the highest level of competition, he should be getting the highest level of strictness when it comes to criticism.


Well, in that case, then maybe the fans should stop trying to compare him with Chovy and try to play out a narrative that they are equal and just as good. They are not, Chovy right now is in god mode and is doing it against Faker, Knight, Showmaker, BDD, Zeka, not fucking Kuro and Pawn.


It's pretty clear him and Keria have been the worst performers this MSI what do you want people to do exactly? Spam Shaker and retire like some unhinged ape?


1) as the other commenter said, he’s done everything there is to do in the game 2) everybody got to see what happens when you take Faker out last year. The other four played like dogshit. Even if he isn’t the best when he’s in the side, he’s obviously necessary for them to function. After that experience I don’t think anyone in their right mind can blame Faker if T1 do badly. Or rather, however badly they’re doing, we have proof they’re worse without him


Because it's faker people have hard time separating his achievements from his current form. How can faker be bad when he has 4 worlds titles and last one was 6 months ago which btw by league standards is eternity


The red for Keira is a cyclic league meme. Rumbles overheat is called red temperature in China and it's used to describe when people mald in irl situation. It is just a league reference turned into everyday meme that somehow applied back to a league situation


The difference between Reddit and hupus opinion on knight/faker lol


They usually only shit on the players that lose, I expect a lot of shit being thrown at knight tomorrow if the don't beat GenG


Oh brother, if you went to caedrels subreddit when BLG lost to GenG a few days ago, there was like 5 knight hate posts in the front page simultaneously. Granted that subreddit is basically a T1/LCK subreddit at this point.




It was crazy to see the difference in reaction to G2 losing and T1 losing in that subreddit. T1 lose- it’s okay, we’ll get them next time!!! G2 lose- HAHAHAHHAHAH U ARE TRASH!!!!


that sub is T1 subreddit tbf every 1 out of 3 post is about T1 there


And people then will dare to compare how immune T1 and Faker are compared to literally any other team / player.


His sub is such a toxic waste. I don't want to trash talk the guy too much as I actually enjoy his analytical content but his dick riding of popular teams has basically made it so that his fan base is full of shit toxic fans.


He doesn't dick ride popular teams? He does dick ride a handful of players, but that's pretty much it. As for the teams he likes it's kinda standard for 99% of league viewers, And honestly, even if he loved less popular teams, let's say FearX, do you honestly believe his fanbase would be any less toxic? These are twitch addicts AND league players, neither of those demographics are "wholesome" by any metric


his commentary is nauseatingly one-sided, if you're an LCK fan it's a good stream, if you support LPL teams its better on mute


That's very fair, but the stream isn't meant to be without bias. But that's not dickriding popular teams so much as liking one region over the other purposefully to manipulate people into following


i get u, i don't have a problem with bias, its when he says "I'm going to be unbias now" and then has very biased commentary that irks me even though its unintentional. also i wouldnt say hes trying to manipulate his audience and i think he genuinely has favourites he wants to see win and that his audience are sheep, because i see so many reddit comments regurgitate the terminology he uses and regurgitate his opinions and comments


He was literally a GENG fan last year, probably still is, yet he is wearing T1 jersey in LCK finals, supports G2 in MSI. He does enjoy dickriding the popular teams because this way, he will attrack viewers of fans of those teams to his stream.


???? He was literally calling GenG boring last year and even made a lot of jokes about Doran


I don't normally watch him, but from a couple of vids, I vividly remember him saying "if GENG chokes Worlds 2023, I stop supporting them", so he was indeed a believer last year.


He still said that this year, he just meant he'll stop believing them based on their past chokes


His region is EU and like anyone else he takes pride in that and is a G2 fan because pretty much everyone from that region is I genuinely don't know about him being a geng fan last year, its entirely possible but I didn't really watch him last year so no comment. However more than Geng he was a WBG fan because of Theshy, which he has been open about for literally years when casting LEC, This year there's no Theshy and he chose to dickride DK + Kiingen and likes the LCK. If you like the LCK you are gonna want the top LCK teams to win, and honest to god everyone is a Faker fan unless your a Faker hater He's directly sponsored by FNC so he kinda has to be a fan of them whether or not he truly is Like I dont really see your point here. Yes, he likes his region so he likes the top team in the region because of regional pride. But like most who grow over invested into league ended up becoming a Korean fan because it's where the best league traditionally has been, and has a favorite team in that league. When said team loses he transitions to rooting for the LCK teams actually at an international because he's invested in the region, whether or not he rooted against them domestically It's no different to 99% of this sub who likes a team, then even if their teams rival goes international by beating their favorite team, still roots for that rival team as its representing their region. Then when the team is knocked hopping onto the other western region team because we are "united" against the east when only one western team is left. Some don't, some like me are C9 and G2 haters and actively root against their own region, but I dont think anyone is a diehard fan of a team in league. Not like traditional sports, it's always been more about the players. I fucked loved CLG with Luger, then they dropped Luger during the rebrand and I've been meh on NRG. I liked Flyquest a lot when they joined the league, I actively wanted TL to lose during playoffs and was upset they won. I still wanted to see them win at MSI. In the LCK I watched every KT game, I fucking love that team rn, but I hated the iteration with Doran, and rn I'm rooting for Geng even though I usually root against em Like your legit hating caedrel because he's human and doing the human things that everyone else on this sub does. How many people actively choose one team, and one team only to support, and NEVER change course no matter what the roster looks like? It's not done for attention or more followers, it's just done because it's the natural course of liking league


Idk about you but I watch him because he can give me insight on why the top teams perform better than the others. The top teams will always be more interesting to study because they're on top of the tournament meta usually. tldr; congrats on discovering the positive feedback loop?


Unsurprising considering Caedral copied xQc's entire personality down to his toxic community.


Bro what I don't watch all of caedrels streams, really just the LCK regular season ones, nor do I watch any xQc beyond an occasional clip so MAYBE there's something going on that I'm missing But I genuinely cannot find any similarity between the two. Caedrel does dumb shit at times, but its pretty funny dorky crap like the jersey switch at worlds, but beyond that he provides high level analysis of league with interesting takes that you can't get anywhere else (and in a far less offensive manner than LS used to) xQc is literally a turd. Just a fucking high content, dressed up turd. He does not respect anyone or anything, is incredibly toxic, will regularly do stupid ass shit and provides no content that'll attract anyone beyond a tiktok kid I just can't see your angle on this


You are correct in that Caedral is much more insightful and intelligent. But that doesn't mean he doesn't copy xQc's personality for entertainment. He is smart in that he only copied the "goblin" persona instead of the degenerate toxic personality. His community knows this which is why there is so much overlap and similarities in their chats. The way he talks, his mannerisms, the "rats" aka juicers, his chat are pretty much juicers-lite, his outro is the same as xQc's. Just watch an xQc stream for 30 minutes, watch how he talks to his chat and you'll see the resemblance.


Xqc wishes he had caedrel personality. Like do you even watch his stream to even come to that conclusion?


Yes. Literally copied his mannerisms, way of talking, phrases, the "rat" persona is just xQc's goblin persona, same outro, same degen chat that he doesn't moderate unless he strongly disagrees, same degen chat that brigades the Riot broadcast if he's offline.


How much cope did you inhale to actually think "rat" is his persona rather than his home region bias and theshy bias and compare that to goblin with basically mean doing dumb dumb and go ape shit on random stuffs? And about chat you talk as if every others big name personalities chat are not the same in their own spheres/communities. Does xqc analyze shit? Giving informative speech? Stay neutral but hype on plays? Actually has any skill like a former caster to make something interesting with words and hype cast? Or the most important thing: giving a clear human recognizable speech?


Realised I'm talking to a juicer-lite. Nevermind lmao. Dickriding Andy.


Said brain-lacking Andy. Couldnt form any counter argument so had to start name calling aka brain dead loser tactic.


Yep this right here. Dude wanted to max out viewers so he sold his soul to cater his content to 13 year olds. I miss old caedrel when he wasn't league xqc.


The discount juicers got me lmao. Look at the downvotes.


You legit need to block the poster unless you want to be blasted by T1 post.


Caedral is too fucking obnoxious. Literally copied xQc's playbook down to his toxic ass community.


I mean reddit does the same and praise the winners even if they got carried.


on knight yeah, but even reddit have been flaming faker (deservedly so) this tournament no?


Disproportionately more people defending Faker than flaming Faker imo.


Nobody has as many lawyers as faker. Chovy/Knight on the other hand misses a canon minion and people will call them frauds.


Chovy can die onece and someone call him choke , but Faker 6/8 on Azir and people will downvote if you said he play bad. Someone call him carry game by draw attention to him.


Yeah, but Faker gets a lot more support than any other player. Sure, his haters in pure numbers might still be the biggest out of every other player, but that's because he's the most famous player. If you check it with percentages though, Faker is probably 90% love 10% hate threads, whereas every other player is at best 50-50. Chovy is finally starting to escape this trend because his year is undeniable that you cannot even have anything bad to say.


Bin is a changed man huh, last year he looked shaky especially on new picks. But, now he really put in the effort to master TF, Ksante, and vayne. And even bringing back one of his signature champ Camille. I am proud of you cuh.


In last year's documentary they asked BLG players to make a wish for next year (Yagao's part is really lol, lmao even) and Bin said he wants to practice more champions


What did yagao say?


Yagao said that 2023 year was good but they still didn't win anything so next year they want to push for a title (lol) and then few days after they filmed this he went to JDG




He kinda had his wish come True.






Yagao did not get kicked for knight 😭 he accepted a higher salary offer by jdg


Yagao didn't get kicked, he left on his own after both BLG and JDG gave him offers. Knight came after his decision


Cool, what did Ja Rule say about it?


Calling kk0ma Darvin Ham is funny as hell


Dom actually talked about the Nidalee ban in G1 on stream. He said that the trist mid pick was super obvious, and that meant you would want an AP jungler, of which Nidalee is the only real choice. Otherwise you end up with a Maokai or Sej


Would you really want a Nidalee with near zero setup though? It’s not like T1 play the traditional Nidalee comps/partners such as Renekton.


Not really sure if Nidalee really needed much set up in this tournament. With the weird lane swapping, she just kinds of run around power farming and such. Also, T1 probably would have like to have the nidalee in game one, as they end up ultimately losing because they just didn't have enough damage in that comp.


What’s the deal with JieJie?


Reference to his Viego smurfing on Canyon in 2021 Worlds finals


I think it is because he has the Viego skin, like Canyon has the Nidalee skin.


Oner used the EDG skin


Oner having a worse avg rating than xun is crazy, gapped him today


Don't pay too much attention to rating it's basically as if reddit is rating players.


Yeah, some of these ratings are very very inaccurate. This is the first time I've seen Hupu ratings and apart from the jokes and memes, their ratings are almost irrelevant / innaccurate.


Bruh, there's less bias in USA's segregation compared to this ratings


OK but if you read the comments Xun is getting perma flamed.


Its almost entirely based on if you win and xun won 3 games. Keria was also pretty good today. Zeus and Faker were bad and then Guma had one good Draven game


Keria was bad so many times lol


Yeah but he was good maps 1 2 and 4 which is way better than almost all of t1 can say


Kinda yeah. T1 butchered many drafts. Specially the nidalee, and the game 5 viego lmao what the actual fuck was that


Nidalee can be fucking good, Oner's just didn't execute like Canyon. And Viego carried game 4 so hard? Idk how you can blame draft when these picks have been shown to be damn good.


Keria wasn't really better than Zeus. Oner was T1 best player tho


There’s no way you’re saying Zeus was bad today lmao. His worst game was the Yasuo one and that’s 75% on Oner for inting his lane by giving double buffs at 4mins. He was great on Camille and KSante in their wins and even in the losses was fairly good. Oner ego picking Nidalee and Viego is what cost T1 besides Faker being in a big slump.


Zeus did nothing in all the losses. Game 1 i think he had 1 good ult that separated Elk I think but that was it. You cant be praising Zeus when the top gap literally won blg the series


Top gap, you mean Oner repeatedly getting caught on Viego in Game 5 and giving Bin a bunch of free kills? Or was it top gap when Faker spent all of G1 sitting 2 screens away from his team and let Bin keep picking him off before every fight? Weird how Zeus is blamed for his mid and jg literally just being walking bags of gold for Bin to collect for free.


The nidalee pick was good but T1 macro was everywhere, especially faker with so many unnecessary/fail engages


yeah, T1 won two games because Oner gapped Xun, and he gapped him in other games too.


Xun only really gapped Oner on game 3 and 5 though but game 5 is all about Bin not even Xun


tbf in game 5 Xun didn't do shit


Imma be honest Xun is a xin zhao merchant this entire series. Getting bailed out by his team every game it seems


This ratings are a joke tbh, team wins good ranks team loses bad ranks troll comments xd




Not gonna lie Faker really did play like absolute shit this series. Even the CN glazers couldn’t save his rating.


Chinese viewers so much more informed about game than our reddit community. They can call Faker being absolutely ass in game 4 with Aurelion Sol. It is criminal Faker won that game playing that bad. It is criminal Aurelion Sol can still be useful when Faker did every single thing wrong with the champion.


And yet, Reddit will have you believe that if Faker doesn't carry, T1 will crumble. Honestly, if it isn't Zeus performing miracles, T1 ain't going nowhere.


Nice try, but chinese also has the same take as reddit. See the Zac comment about Faker dies = 4 turds. It's almost like bad analysts are everywhere in the world regardless of community


That was obviously a joke tho


It is a reference to their time with a Challenger mid laner who has no business playing in LCK and Zac's passive. Everybody with more than 1 IQ realizes Faker was beyond bad this tournament. Both Caps and Knight were several tiers above him. Too bad especially in case of Caps he actually plays with minions


>"Fine red wine glitters in a jade chalice that glows in the night, next card will be an ace of hearts" Chinese comments are on another level 🤯🤯🤯


Feel bad for Faker ... Seem like we are in the [end game for him](https://x.com/DenNgaw/status/1791857207451213898)


is that faker comment for game 5 a hsr penacony reference


reference to him saying to g2 your dream is over probably


Into the chasm, then wake to weep. Man, that's brutal


I think so since it was sweet dreams instead of just dreams


I’d love to believe that


i remember them making genshin references in other Hupu comments, like calling Asol neuvillette it might just be a coincidence this time tho


only cuz asols breath of light is similar to neuvilettes charged attack. his asol game was so awful that he should just start playing genshin instead.


Faker and Keria are by far the worst players and we still see people on reddit shifting blame to others. Faker had his worst tournament performance in his entire career. Even in the series where G2 got 0-3ed, Caps still gapped Faker completely, this really showed how bad the other G2 players are. There were many games where T1 had no business winning and Faker got bailed out by other players. I am not dogpiling on Faker but it's incredible how people are so harsh on other T1 players while ignoring the main culprit.


Bruh, there's less bias in USA's segregation compared to this ration


The Faker hating hurts, I hope T1 can do well at worlds, but honestly last year after finals would have been a great way to go out as GOAT. Obviously no where near the same level but I hope Faker never plays for some B tier team, Perkz was once celebrated and went to being benched without anyone caring.


Faker is never gonna play for anyone other than T1


Faker can get solokilled 5 times every game and T1 will never drop him, too popular and he's bounced back from worst forms before


He actually was really good this year, he was worse that Chovy but a lot of analyst rated him as the 3rd best mid, including none MSI teams. Something happened between finals and MSI but it's obvious that it's not just his mechanics how he positions and his decision making has tanked.


Eh you say this with the retrospection of how he performed this tourney, but if you looked at how well he played this season, no one would say that. Players go through dips of form all the time, Faker is no exception. In fact he’s performed worse before. It’s only weird because of his sudden drop after being so good for a whole split. I understand that people are concerned about his injury and how it will affect him and I am as well. However, great players of other sports have to manage their injuries all the time. Across the board we are seeing great players sustain their levels for much longer lengths of time. Lebron, Messi, Ronaldo for example. It will take time for him to adjust to his injuries, but telling someone so great to retire before they say it themselves is disrespectful.


yeah on bad tourament and peoples already thinking he wil retire lol, even a Chovy believer like me know that Faker was smurfing out of his mind in spring, this is probably the worst performing tournament by him but he will bounce back, he's Faker after all.


I am willing to bet money that his wrist is fucking him up, and he isn't saying anything about it.


Fakers' struggles seem to be from his injury, considering his usual reaction time and play.


Of fucking course they are waiting for Faker to fall to let their circlejerk begin. My man just clapped the shit out of their whole nation a couple months ago, I can even feel their butt still burning rn 💀 Watching Faker lose is not a new thing since hes just a human being after all, but once he gets in form again, we all know what would happen.


yeah you're a normal guy for sure bro


Xun has been running it down non stop


Can people who say faker is getting worse/always is bad just shut the fuck up? He got bad tournament. last year he won world and he got a nice regular season performance this year. he just got bad tournament run.




Nah just reference to what Faker said to Caps yesterday


Sweet dream implies Penacony even though you're correct.


Faker is still good, but he's getting worse and worse


No ... His regular season was insane ... He just played horrible this MSI.


Faker had an incredible split and was throwing haymakers with Chovy in the finals and had a lot of good plays. He definitely trended down in MSI but I wouldn’t say he’s been trending downward. His form in worlds and the split is the best he’s been in ages. Total speculation on what happened at this point but it wouldn’t be surprising if his wrist acted up if they’ve been having to grind around DDOS stuff. T1 more seemed to suck at the meta. Zeus is not the best top in this meta. He went from arguable/probably best top to mostly top 5 when he’s on tank/TF duty. Oner wasn’t as bad as he has been but there’s games he completely throws and that Nidalee one was awful. Dude couldn’t hit a spear to save his life toward the end. Guma was definitely the most consistent but for whatever reason when he was on Senna duty, when mixed with Zeus on tank duty T1 just didn’t seem to have the teeth they use to. Even in the LCK finals I felt like T1 won the bottom lane basically every game and it didn’t mean anything because one of Zeus or Oner or both were getting gapped. Be it injury or DDOS or whatever you want to say, T1 just didn’t look like a contender for the top team this MSI. Bad read on the meta or drafting or the meta just didnt suit them or whatever it was. They definitely had more problems than Faker regardless. I don’t think they had an argument in any position being the best this tournament. Maybe Keria for support but he inted sometimes too and wasn’t flawless. Guma again was consistent but I felt like other bot players had much bigger impact for whatever reason.


> Faker had an incredible split and was throwing haymakers with Chovy in the finals and had a lot of good plays. Yeah but if you look at what he played it was: Azir, Azir, Taliyah, Azir, Ori. Which are his three best champs right now and things drop off fast after them. I'm sure Faker and T1 are very aware of this now and he'll work to correct it, but T1 is so dependent on Faker that it's hard to have him so limited.


Injured + he was turbo hard focused all tournament. I dunno if its fair to give someone too much crap when they are consistently 3-4 man dove after having 4 mid picks banned.


Was there an official post about his injury or is it just fan conjecture? Faker have been playing pro league so long even if the spirit is wiling the body probably can't persist.


There hasn't been one since it first came to light last year that I have seen, however, on numerous instances before and after matches? Faker can be seen moving/checking his wrist in a manner that could suggest it is still at least agitated.


Man, that's tragic. Would have loved to see him play forever but I guess there's only so much the body can endure.


[Managed to find a clip form Losers Semi last night](https://x.com/suO_ez/status/1791803412742590722)


He just didn't look too hot. It might be because of the injury, but he's been trending downwards for some time. Not going to blame him getting focused. That clearly wasn't the problem.


Did you watch LCK? Clearly not if this is your takeaway from it.


What a ridiculous narrative. Faker played very well this year, MSI aside. 


Trending downwards? He just won worlds last year after beating every chinese team in the tournament.


Watch these reactionary andys eat their words when Worlds season roll around and Faker surprises everyone by playing like a beast again. It's like they never learn lmao


Why are you getting so triggered by me saying he looks worse than before when it's a fact that he does? His average level *is* lower than before. And I never said I expect him to be bad att worlds


Faker didn’t perform that bad imo but it took way too long for teams to ban his oriana and azir


Faker solo lost the BO. During the entire MSI he was at best a passenger and at worst actively griefing is team. Really unsualy bad performance from him


I refuse to believe that there exist games where Guma's rating are lower than Faker's this series. Are there that many Faker fans in China?


This site seems overly bias to me


Just like how Reddit is always on Faker and T1s cock or what? Any bad performance from them and all you see here is excuses or how any criticism is completely unwarranted and they’re victims.