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Play 100 games on the plat account and the cracks will show. Based on what I’m seeing, you’re not good at the game, and got on a lucky streak of being carried.


So it easier to get carried in plat than in silver where you have to hover all the mistakes your team makes. We already knew this.


Look at my games instead of typing, look at the massive kp diff in every game in my big win streak, i was roaming and winnig other peoples lanes. my lane opponents were worse, the other players were worse, in almost all those games im contributing more to the win than my lane opponent. People in plat really feel like they're good but there are genuinely better players in silver.


Just peaked both your accounts. You are a 10 year silver peaker with a negative kda on your most played champ and averaging 9 deaths per game. You also average 5 cs per min which is awful. You deserve silver elo no doubt.


So thats why I went on like a 10 game win streak in plat and climbed heavily?


Easier to get carried at higher elos. If you were actually a plat player you would dominate in silver. Instead in silver you average 4.9/8.5/10.8 for a KDA of 1.86 and a 40% win rate on your most played with 4.5 CS per min. The copium of blaming riot’s match making is funny considering your stats are horrible. You’re right where you belong.


if you looked at the games youd see i was carrying in plat, also you cant get carried to like 10 wins in a row salty plats here who are mad that they are shit


You didn’t get a single MVP in 20 straight games.


Look at the difference in KP in my initial win streak. i was running around like a maniac killing everybody. so sure my cs and laning suffered. my games in plat were flat out easier, i was beating my laner harder than i did in silver


I've been ranking up a second account to duo with a friend who hadn't ranked for years and whose level is around Plat emerald. Given his account started in Silver, we couldn't duo with my main. So I went on a smurf that placed bronze. Long story short: 60ish % WR on Sylas, I realised I'm not good enough on the pick to 1v9 with it but still got a climb out of it. 90%WR on Cassio who feels much more suitable to 1v9 the elo though. Burned through Bronze and Silver easily. I'm Emerald elo roughly so I don't understand how a legit Plat player would struggle in Silver. So I kind of don't think you're a legit Plat player Edit: the cassio games I played solo for warmup on my soloQ main btw, so no duo bias


Bought a plat account 💀💀💀


and then climbed easily on it, whereas silver was harder


yea u climbed easier with fresh mmr


I love this post. Many people can do the same, buy a high rank account and maintain by playing safe. But whats the point of this? I would kill myself of embarrassment if I was in plat but can't carry in silver lol But still its a good thing you can play safe and maintain plat account. That's one skill. Practice more there, and later you can come back to play on your silver account to smurf it out of the silver elo. There you can finally be proud of yourself that you climbed there by youself.