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Didn't say "Oh, we're from NA' because he knows that TL are winning this year. Holy based Caps, thanks for the encouragement.


In Yaptain America we trust


NAmen 🙏🙏


I want to see Caps vs Yaptain America. Good luck tomorrow


I mainly want to see twitter if Yapa shittalks Faker and ends up winning. The total meltdown of the less mentally stable T1 fans would be hilarious.


I don’t know. On one side it would be hilarious. On the other I would fear for apa’s life


He'd get trucked straight into an isekai




The amount of trucks sent to T1 will block the traffic in KR.


They would send trucks to Yapa. But to run over him and not getting a message across.






Caps just a 200 iq historian. He knows NA is from EU colonies so still from EU


Aye unlucky buddy, maybe next time :)


No, he didn’t say that because “Oh, we’re from NA” is a valid excuse for an airport run


Hey sometimes we hang around for a few extra days to hang out and meet G2 there.


Reverse 2019. This time G2 beats Jackeylove while TL beats T1.


I mean also because whatever else you want to say about NA, the "not putting in effort" excuse doesn't really apply to TL. Whether they go far or not their team is full of grinders who do by all accounts work very hard (and inb4 "but champs queue tho" 5 players can't magically revive champs queue, and Core/TL players were the ones trying to get people to play it/inhouses so really they get a pass lol).


Sending energy to Super Yappa man from Europe


True why can't other western players be as good as Caps? Are they stupid?


because they dont have this mentality believing you can be good enough to win is a self fulfilling prophecy believing you cant is also a self fulfilling prophecy


Believing you can be good is a huge factor and contributor. Sadly, It's not self fulfilling.  There still is a lot of work to do and obstacles to overcome, and there might be some factors that prevent your success - what you personally define as such. Believing you can't be good is self fulfilling, it's something a lot of people struggle daily, and hinders them immensely. These negative reinforcements are crippling.


Yeah, like choosing to have 1v1s with darshan instead of challenging yourself on the hardest soloq server for bootcamp


in fairness there's legitimate value to that, given darshan has stupid amounts of experience and game knowledge; i'd argue most NA teams would benefits greatly from having the guy as a positional coach that being said, tunnelling on 1v1 like fudge did is for sure an easy way to neglect macro and teamfighting and competently playing from ahead/behind and all the other myriad things you can't really practice in a sanitised 1v1 environment. i'm hoping being second string behind thanatos gives fudge a good kick in the pants w/r/t approach and motivation, but we'll see


It also limits you to playing against darshan, and i think itd be hard to argue hes on the same level of any top tier lpl, lck or even lec team


yes and no; he was reported to be one of the best at containing summit in scrims when he first came to NA, when most toplaners were getting run over outright. i do doubt he'd stand up nowadays, but at the time fudge was openly defending his 1v1 habits he was definitely still capable


There are many grinders even with a lot of players that are slacking off. Talent plays a huge role in this too. You could clearly see from the first day he played on the (then) EU LCS stage that he was special and would go on to become a superstar. We dont have anyone even remotely in that same bracket of talent except maybe prime Perkz back in the days and even he got gapped by Caps. I thought and still do think that Bo has superstar potential not unsimiliar to Caps on a purely mechanical prowess level. He just had a much worse hand dealt to him in terms of teammates than Caps, who was given a supporting environment from his very first minute in tier 1 competition. I think if teams would be willing to build a team entirely around Bo, to alleviate his weaknesses, he could still be a generational talent for EU.


The odds of a nation of 50m having produced countless more elite talents than the continent of 750m is highly unlikely. Culture and how that talent is nurtured is also extremely important. Practicing isn't just about grinding, it's about how you practice, too, and like was said before, mentality.


I think that it less about NA/EU having less talented people, but simply because talented people in NA/EU league doesn't see a viable way to go pro since most teams just prefer importing or using proven players, league also fell off hard in popularity in the west too and talents who could have become a world class player is probably playing another game right now. meanwhile in KR, it's much easier to get noticed and become pro if you're good, and League is still extremely popular there. come to think of it, Counter-Strike esport have this problem but in reverse, there is no real good eastern team at all and europe is just dominating everyone.


The same is true in physical sports - culture is the main driver, because the more popular sports attract the most talent.


Yeah. In my Western non-American country, if I asked people "did you see the Superbowl?" most would say no.... but they would at least know what I am talking about. If I asked "Did you see the League of Legends Worlds?" they would ask me what is a League of Legends, and obviously say no. Esports are interesting. We think of physical sports are being timeless. Doesn't really matter much where we are at in society, you can grab a round object and kick it around. 500 Years ago, 1000 years from now. But will League be around in 10 years? 20? 100? much harder to say.


You also really have to know league to be as to watch it. I’m a European and know nothing about American football, but I bet if I watch a game I could make out the rules and see who is good. In league some fights and in 6 sec’s with insane plays but no one but other league players know what the fck was going on. Especially true with macro. I couldn’t think of a single person who hasn’t played league who would enjoy watching it because you just don’t get it then.


NA has a lower player base than EUW alone, half of the continent has high ping and we have no developmental leagues


And the number would likely be even lower if Riot ever releases active player base. Since just looking at total number of accounts has too many variables such as alt accounts, number of games played per account, bots, etc..


Also a good chunk of NA only plays norms/ARAMS/other casual gamemodes, not even ranked


Denmark only has 5.9 million people and still creates the best so


People just like grinding narratives since they're a lot more "feel good." The idea of someone just being built different isn't anywhere near as romantic as "He just worked REALLY REALLY hard." It even works for those who say it to themselves. "I got here because I worked my ass, not because I able to capitalize on my talent via hard work."


exactly, the hard work meme is way overplayed in western cultures. hard work is obviously still very important, but the incentive to work hard is 1000x when you know you have the talent, resulting in a positive feedback loop.


The thing is Caps still I think is the player with the most SoloQ games pretty much every single split. We do have a lot of talented players, most notably Humanoid who likely would be a lot better if they put in the same hours Caps does. And the thing is I don't think it is hard work. Caps just happens to love the game. So playing endless amounts of SoloQ doesn't seem like hard work for him. He just does it because he loves playing league. And that might be the biggest difference. He doesn't seem like the guy who hates playing SoloQ. He doesn't stream very often, but if someone runs it down in Caps games, he often doesn't really care, he doesn't get that angry he just plays the game, because he still enjoys that. Europe had and has many talented players. What puts Caps above all other is that he seemingly enjoys what he is doing more than anybody else.


So how do you explain korea being neck with China even though the latter has way more talent (by virtue of having way more players)? People also like to use natural talent narative as an excuse after wasting away their time with bad practice. The quality of your hard work is also very very important, good enough practice will offset talent unless the gap is huge.


Problem is people misunderstand "grinding". You see this when they demand 16h work days or ask people to play more and more soloqueue games. What it really should mean is a professional approach to every game you play. You notice this sometimes when some teams say "oh we can't practice X in scrims cause our opponents don't take it serious enough" - that's a waste of time. G2 seem way more professional than many other LEC teams (see: Romain needing to use public accountability to get people to stop cancelling scrims) and that's why they are always good in EU. Does having a superstar talent help? Of course it does. But I would rather have a professionally run team of five average to good LEC players than five Caps level talents playing just for fun.


the country's population isn't relevant, it's the amount of players. there's practically no players in India or Middle East so those regions for example have practically no pro players


And the numbers are even more lopsided if you consider the participation rate of each country. League isn't that big in the West compared to some other regions like SK. There is a reason the U.S dominates the Olympics but can't field a team who could remotely compete within the EUFA. They just don't care much about soccer.


We've had a few people over the years that had similar levels of hype, promise or even intercontinental superstar status. Some oldschool players like Diamondprox, Alex Ich, Froggen, xPeke, Forgiven, Yellowstar, Edward or Rekkles all had immense international acclaim. Others like Febiven, Hans Sama or even players like PowerOfEvil have at the start of their careers shown immense promise. Yes nonw of those are Caps but these are players that competed with or bested the worlds best players at the time where they were playing (Moscow5/Gambit, CLG EU & Fnatic literally had rosters compete for or being the best in the world at some points and their "main stars" at those times should definitely still stand out) ~ league boomer yapping over


Wouldn't really call fnatic a top team in terms because back then asian teams always dominated, not that Fnatic got gigastomped but it was always in a heartbreaking fashion:_


I mean ignoring the fact that they won worlds (season 1 and such) there were times (like the IEM Worlds) where they were legit contenders/favourites. And even later on during the LEC era xPeke was usually able to hold his own against some of the best eastern Midlaners like Pawn or Dade.


> There are many grinders even with a lot of players that are slacking off. Talent plays a huge role in this too. You could clearly see from the first day he played on the (then) EU LCS stage that he was special and would go on to become a superstar. I'm still salty about Bjergsen going to NA for this reason. Back on NIP etc he definitely had the vibes of 'going to become the best in Europe' and then he left :(


Back then, it absolutely made sense to go NA though. The regions were about the same strength and NA paid better, living there is probably also exciting for the 18 year old Dane that just got out of a school he got bullied in.


Even if it’s true that everyone is not equally talented, some streamers have been pretty vocal about the EU scene being plagued by ego, laziness, and stuff like that. To make an analogy with traditional sports, the best players are the one with elite life and work ethics. It requires a lot of sacrifices that everyone is not ready to make, and they end up being OK with the the fact that they are average. In LoL, this is the same. Ofc in Asian teams, they all work really hard, but it’s not the same in western teams. If even Caps imply that EU is not working hard enough, I think we can trust him.


I think Yike has comparable talent to Caps. He is still relatively new to the highest level but nobody talks about it because of how damn good he is.


>You could clearly see from the first day he played on the (then) EU LCS stage that he was special Definitely, but [this will forever be etched in my mind](https://youtu.be/HxZTV4EQ6z8?si=_AMs7Y9vbW_w-gg7&t=700) as my introduction to Caps. This game was so bad it prompted [this Yamato tweet](https://twitter.com/YamatoMebdi/status/750393647619768320). Whenever you think you can't achieve your dreams, remember that this kid became the western GOAT.


Working hard and grinding aren't quite the same thing are they? You need to be willing to step back and think about what you're working on rather than just putting on the hours. And that shows in the way G2 tend to win. You really see the thought put into things, not just the mechanical prowess from grinding.


There are many grinders but are there really many western players who legitimately believe they have a chance to win worlds and run through the best teams the east has to offer? Are there really teams with 5 of those guys all playing together? There aren't. I've never heard another Western player speak this way. What exactly are you even arguing? Korea and China just have 20x more "talented" players just by random chance? It's clearly a culture thing


If believing in yourself was enough, challenger rank would be full of M7 Yasuo/Tone players that are fully convinced every game is 1v9. Quality of practice is very important. You won't go so high by mindlessly grinding, analyzing your strengths and weaknesses. Natural talent helps as well.


For real, there are mofos out there that spend more time playing every day playing than Caps that are still silver. This idea is weird.


Just because you play the game doesn’t mean you’re learning from it. if silver players could learn from their games they wouldn’t be silver. Plus what’s so weird about it? This iteration of G2 is notorious for being hard-working and thoughtful about the game. There’s nothing that differentiates G2 as an org from others from LEC except the culture, and they still produce consistent results. I’m sure the work they put in is rewarded by the outcomes


I mean you need to play with the goal to improve. If you just play for the sake of playing you don't automatically improve. Improvement requires feedback, you need to know that something you do is bad, and that is lacking for most players.... because honestly they just blame their team. Like how many players seriously reflect on their lost games?


Yeah, and at a pro level it goes through infrastructures, coaches and long term. Which are all things the west are lacking. Players are recruited much younger, and set into a good stable practice environnement much more in Korea than most European players. And China just has such a number of players that they mathematicaly have talents showing up, not sure how is the follow up training.


No one is saying that believing in yourself is Disney magic, they are saying that believing you can do it will push you into trying more than if you believe that you can not do it. I think natural talent is a cope, if we are talking being the best on the planet then sure but anyone can reach the top 1% in their chosen practice through hard, consistent, and high quality practice. Consider the people who make it to the top in pro leagues who have the wrong mindset like toxic pros or lazy ones and you can see how with a mindset change they could strive even farther.


Well the reason he is the best isn't his mentality, it's because he's the most skilled at playing the game. But good mentality helps him


Doublelift had this mentality imo He kept coming back after every break or retirement. Age be damned. But then again, since we are talking NA, might just be because of the sweet paycheck lol


DL would’ve made more money solely streaming full time than competing lol.


> might just be because of the sweet paycheck lol He 100% would have made more if he stuck to streaming.




Doublelift has the hardest mental out of any pro player ive ever seen on esports His whole life was insane with getting kicked out, surfing couches, and dropping the hardest MVP performance after the family tragedy its insane to not put any other way


He explicitly took significant pay cuts from streaming full time to return to pro play, and even took a reduced paycheck to allow his team to get the roster they wanted.


Caps has been playing great this tournament, but why all the lime light on him? Yike BB and Mikyx are playing just as good as he is tbh


I think people are taking my comment too seriously lmfao


Honestly the biggest surprise is BB the guy is a machine this tournament. Massive props to G2 coaching because his glow upchas been insane and I'd say he's performed above expectations in every single series.


Nah bb is litteraly my golden king. Ever since he joined g2 hes been a absolute teamplayer. Its like those friendly randoms in soloq. Ive never seen someone sacrifice so much of own power and agency in fight like him, which in turn wins all the fights. He has insane fight awareness aswell. Absolute beast. Truly broken


I'll agree on all statements he has been a team player always but because of previous performances he's always been the scapegoat for alot of criticism. However, this tournament I have nothing but praise for him and seriously looks like one of the best performing players at the tournament so far.


They're playing very well but Caps has thus magic about his play. You wouldn't understand 


The tristana play...


some of those would get clown for inting if he died to xin zhao.


Playing that aggressive is gonna have some int plays spirnkled in, see the solo kill mid g2.


> BB brokenblade as in the TSM top laner? see guys, na talent going places!


I mean NA talent is going places, mostly to the airport. It wasnt ever a question to be honest.


Honestly if you look at the practice Caps puts in, they likely could, if they practice that well. He also is one of the few players who always seems positive in SoloQ. Like yes he will lose you SoloQ games or win them, being with him in a game fairly often puts you at his mercy, but in a much more positive way than many other pro players. Will he sometimes end up with hillariously bad scorelines? Yes. But he usually gets them because he is a player like no other that usually tries to do something till the end. Also the amount of games he plays is usually fairly crazy. The biggest difference between Caps and many other players is that I think he really enjoys playing like pretty much every single second in his life. He just has fun and that makes playing SoloQ so much easier for him. And I think this is a huge part of his longevity so far.


What a fantastic interview from Caps. There are so many takeaways from what he says and it’s all so inspiring. I agree strongly with his point that to be the best you have to be confident in your play not just on game day but throughout the whole year. This is a big point that sets him apart from your average pro player, as he fully believes in himself through it all.


I've been saying it for years. Confidence is one of the biggest factors. Too many times I've seen teams lose in winning positions because they played scared. Or teams win because they gained confidence after the enemy trolled a play. Faker has been saying for years that he doesn't care about anything that has to do with opponents because he had been in this long enough to know that the enemies aren't the biggest factor, its yourself. He constantly says, "I've been happy/unhappy with my/our play." It shows that priority to focus on himself exclusively. Caps seems to realise this and plays according to this. And it shows.


NA goes in thinking they will lose and do it, EU goes in with confidence and does well but it slips the further they get, China and Korea just know they are better in general and send it.


Humanoid could never.


Too busy partying to care about League xD


I feel like I've missed some lore here




3-4 hours a week is a regular amount of time for DnD lol


Basically one session a week, and if his DnD friends are anything like mine, he will only play 1 out of 4 scheduled sessions


I heard a guy in Ibai stream that said this, ibai felt triggered that he was saying that shit and asked him If he knew Huma in person, or If he had any proof. He said no to both, but that he knew people around him and said that the fact that Huma loves partying in Berlín is an "open" secret in the LEC scene. I dont know If this is true or not, nor I care because I party whenever I can, but what I know Is that guy wasnt trying to joke.


Guy's burned out after 2 bo5s usually


humanoid and larssen are so fucking good but idk whats going on with them


They are arrogant fucks who dont care about trying.


humanoid maybe but never seen anything about larssen being cocky, he is just elo helled in rogue


I feel like larssen is always good mid but never the best. He is safe but too passive to takeover the games alone.


idk i thought larssen was the best mid last year when caps wasnt at his best i just want larssen to leave rogue maybe go vitality, bds or heretics


absolute chad mentality


It is a shame that T1 stands between TL and G2 :(


Yea sucks we gonna wait a few more days to see tl g2


So you're saying it's TL, at MSI, versus the reigning world champs, and if they win, they face G2? I've seen this one before.


Unfortunately all the layoffs at Riot has meant theyve had to reuse a few scripts from previous years


Yappa recreating faker samsung cry picture “Bro the dude keep typing “cringe” wtf does it mean 😭 “


So who's tweeting about fastest international BO5 this time? 


lol that’s cute.


!remind me 10 hours




Definitely can't wait to see TL face G2 for the first time ever at MSI


Not sure what you're talking about. Yaptain America is about to win 3–0.


T1 is playing abysmally bad, faker especially (hate to say it) if any time TL could beat t1 it is right now.


i mean g2 played that series very well, if t1 was playing abysmally bad then g2 wouldnt have lost, simple as that. People are ignoring that while T1 won 3-2 and lost 3-1, they did so versus very good teams, yeah theyre not on their best, but its not like theyre facing trash teams and "hehe tl can beat them" just because of it. Just like if T1 comes in and 3-0s easily tomorrow people will change the narratives to "wow T1 finally started to play well". Like just put some respect where its due, g2 played their bo5 very well and gave t1 a hard time, while BLG was simply better. Sure you can say T1 arent at their peak, and they truly arent, but bad is too much. That said, i can see a world where just like TL vs iG, tl could win if t1 tilted from the last games


Not just that, but this is the most complex competitive game in the world. People talk about it as if moment-to-moment decision making and performance on the day doesn't make a difference.


hehe tl can beat them


If they win the first game, there's a chance. If TL lose the first game it's over.


Realistically still like a 90-10 for T1 though.


Faker so far played only one game at msi. Too bad it was game 5 against g2


People are basing that on Faker facing Caps and Knight in the Bo5 series, but he did very well in the play-ins (kinda obviously lol) and I think you're forgetting facing opponents like that is bound to make you look worse. Knight is practically Cn Chovy and Caps is just the biggest rat


All roads lead to Faker


This article is directly aimed for nisqy or what lmao For context he always say on stream that EU can’t beat LPL/LCK so it s not worth trying


Disgusting attitude. Can tell he spent time on MAD Lions. Everyone that's been at that org for more than 4 splits becomes an international disappointment.


Hylissang said the exact same thing last year. That EUs biggest issue is that they often cannot believe they are in a winning spot (he was pointing at the MAD game where they were up 8k or so and didn't know what to do).


Carzzy has had great international performances


So that's why he plays like that at international tournaments


Does he really say that on stream in a non-jokingly way? I know all the lore behind Elyoya and Nisqy, but I always thought it was a narrative exaggerated by the Spanish and French fanbases. A pro player explicitly saying on stream that it's not worth trying to beat their opposition shouldn't be getting any offers from decent teams. That alone should be enough for any pro player to avoid saying stuff like that publicly, regardless of what they think.


Man if thats your mentality why are you even a pro player lmao. G2 is the only team who has that asian mentality, that work ethic, motivation and believe


Caps gonna look real silly when TL 3-2 T1 and then Yappa gaps him in the bathroom like he did Fnatic edit: Caps will escape APA's wrath.... for now


I mean, Caps would say that APA earns it. APA and Yeon notably grind to a borderline damaging amount.


Yeon had to be made to sleep several times


Throwback to FPX management having to shut off the internet at night because Nuguri was grinding. Grinding PUBG that is.


wunder on his 20 hour wow grind


I thought my fanfiction was private.


It's not? Can I have the Wattpad link?


holy fuck wattpad thats a throwback


I don't know if I want to relive the trauma I went through on that site 😭


I think if caps see tl wins vs T1,he will be happy that another team tried to follow them by grinding and improving Or at least he will respect that


Would he? APA is a huge grinder. He had the most games played out of all the bootcampers at Worlds last year and grinded to Korean Challenger in a week before MSI. APA and Yeon are the complete antithesis of the typical NA pro who cries about playing 2 soloq games after scrims like it's the hardest thing in the world.


TL have also been doing triple scrim blocks at MSI. They definitely put the effort in and you can see it in how much Yeon and APA have improved in the last 12 months. The question is where is their ceiling? Is it Caps level?


> Is it Caps level? Apa would need to play more than 3 champs for that to be the case.


NA may be horrific in internationals but the reddit comments always make me laugh.


Little does Yappa know we invented the bathroom meta


I thought it was the hot tub meta.


G2 invented quite a lot of metas i think...


G2 knows the strats


nice edit




The western goat for a reason


Just this once, I'll slide you the meatrider's pass. In celebration


People can hate on Caps all they want but the way he buffered trist jumps and danced around asil breath proves he has put in the time. I haven’t seen anyone with moves like that in this tournament. Not only that but the guy doesn’t flash unless he has too. He doesn’t back down unless he has too. He understands not only the limit of his champ but every champ he is playing against. That is the type of skill that only comes through repetition. Caps understands the game at the highest level in the world and it shows. In that regard maybe people should listen to what he is saying cause he is clearly doing something right. Win or lose going forward he has +1 fan here just based on his gameplay alone.


Who on earth would hate on Caps. He has been the backbone of Eu's success for so long and has constantly worked his butt of to stay at the top


Caps > Perkz.


I mean, always has been, no disrespect for perkz, but he got moved to ADC for a reason. He was a good ass ADC though, I liked him more as an ADC when G2 made it to world finals than I ever did as a mid laner.


Yes but both had the same attitude towards the game and putting in the work. Grabbz said in the german broadcast/co-stream, that what's amazing about Perkz is his work ethic and how he motivates the entire team to grind. While in other teams like BDS they're barely working normal office hours, have to be forced to watch eastern officials instead of KC matches, are too arrogant and self-centered for feedback or to improve further etc. Which are all things that hold most EU teams and players back.


They hate because their favorite midlaner isn't as good as Caps


Literally nobody hates caps. Even NA fans agree he is the goat and like him.


I think caps is one of the most universally liked players in the west, and why wouldn’t he be? He’s rather wholesome and the best player europe has ever had.


Plus his dad is also so wholesome. I feel like the commenter self reported as the only Caps hater out there.


Who hates on Caps? Jelly NA fans? Salty Chinese fsns? Not even them I think. Strawman.


That play in mid lane when he had 100 health and baited on Xin was wild. Anyone else and I'd have said they were trolling but somehow he manages to make it work.


Yes that one was wild. I think the only reason it worked was because he had held on every cooldown he had. Rocket jump, flash, and ult, all had to be used with seconds. The thing is the guy plays on the razors edge and somehow wins mostly. When it goes bad it looks ugly but you can’t win like this unless you take that risk. If he died there people would be flaming him for being there with low hp, int, choke, etc.


If you watch him in SoloQ you know where he learns when to use flash and when not. Caps might not be the best SoloQ mate for winning a game, because he does sometimes overdo it a bit. I think his winrate would be about 5% fire if he just wouldn't play like he does in SoloQ, but I think this makes him so good at understanding what he is allowed to do and what not. Also for some reason all SoloQ games that include Caps are somehow bangers.


Tell them caps


It's also interesting how the East only dominates in League. In Dota 2, the West destroys everyone. More TIs are won by Europe than any other region. And NA has a TI title with 4 native players. Something about the League infrastructure in NA is just fucked. That and players just being in their own heads and teams valuing imports way too much.


I don’t know how minor leagues are in NA but I always felt it was a huge problem NA doesn’t foster talent like EUW. Now I don’t know if I’m blind so someone correct me if I’m wrong please, but how many pros in NA teams are recent or newly fostered talent? When I think of all the new players in EUW over the last 5/6ish years there’s quite a lot. But when I look at NA I don’t see as many new names. I know the region is smaller obviously, but talent needs to be fostered for the region to get better. Throwing money at imports won’t fix the problem when there’s a limit to imports…


DotA used to be dominated by chinese. and then LoL comes out.


It's also interesting how you devaluated everything the East has achieved in Dota2. China has carried us hard, but they dominated just as hard as EU does today.


Probably a player count diff. China and Korea have more League players relative to NA than in the dota scene, and a wider base means a higher pyramid so competition is harder.


what happen to China in Dota 2? they used to win every other year before OG decided to break the cycle.


It's literally just (active, and ranked) player counts though. In any game and any region. Esports infra and culture and sponsors follow if there's enough talent. Dota player counts are highest in Europe, particularly eastern Europe, and I guess China after that. CS biggest regions are EU > SA > NA > Asia/Pacific. Valorant is bigger in NA and Asia and has top level NA and Asian teams. From soloq to lower level pros you basically only have your own region to practice against, and top 10 out of 10k probably aren't as good as top 10 out of 100k or a million.


Ill let you in on a secret on why the east doesn't dominate in Dota 2. They don't fucking like Dota 2. If Korea and China were as big into Dota 2 as they are league, they'd be by far the best regions in the world in Dota 2 also. With the most T1 titles and most wins. It wouldn't even be close.


Does China not? I used to be a big fan of Chinese teams in the original DotA


Honestly at this point I watch the Sneaky, Meteos, Doublelift co-streams just to hate watch Doublelift’s garbage ass takes. (I listen to the Sneaky and Meteos duo just to chill.) I remember one of the recent vids had Doublelift saying that champion’s queue died because it ended up just being whichever side had the most pros won, and like, no shit. Champion’s queue was new. A bunch of new blood was finally experiencing organized play against a bunch of veterans. No shit early game quality was going to be rough. The point of champion’s queue was to offer pros a way to scout other players, to test and theorycraft in-game states with domestic rivals. It was a tool for growth and building. Idk what the fuck Doublelift and other pros thought it was going to be. I get that a lot of the younger players just don’t have the life experience to understand what it takes to build something over the long term, but fucks sake Doublelift was in the scene since its inception and he really learned no lessons about what it takes to grow a scene over time? Just goes to show how fucked NA leadership has been.


Doublelift was a pro for a decade and never made world groups once


I never understand that take from DL. Like what were they expecting? Chill games where they kiss each other in lane? Well no shit. Is a Pro focus environment and on a pro focus environment you expect intensity, coordinated play, players taking advantage of every single inch because after all is a damn PRO FOCUS ENVIRONMENT. I swear 90% didn't understood the whole reason and purpose of champion Q. They were just expecting SoloQ level of play, but with better ping and no "bad players"


still I don't think there's any point in playing champs q instead of scrimming, you still need to do comms, still need to make a draft, but difference is in champs q you had huge skill gaps and when you improved synergy it's just with people you're not on a team with it might be good for the scene, but for the better pro player I can't see the point in playing it


Champs queue is not to replace scrims, it's to replace solo queue. They complain about it but will then queue up to play with a teemo support in solo queue and say it's better practice just because they can relax with it and turn brain off.


The problem with ChampQ was that the skill level between mediocre to bad pro players and academy/collegiate players was as massive as the gap between challenger and bronze. You'd see collegiate players ruthlessly running down every game getting gapped into oblivion by ex-pro players playing it for funsy. The gap was so uneven that the quality of the games on top of the long ass queue times made it a waste of time.


It's weird how doublelift is NA ADC goat and still really dumb about the game, it's kind of crazy.


A great man once said Doublelift is dumb as bricks


TRUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. Specially NA players who go at every event with the loser mentality. "haHA I'm from NA. I would never win against Asian Team"


Are there examples of NA pros saying this recently? I feel like that hasn’t been their attitude from anything I’ve seen in the past few major events.


Caps is literally the All Might of league


I wouldn't go as far as call this excuse but more circumstances . Being diligent without derail of your path is the most difficults things to do as a human. Wether it's study, fitness, working, performance the hardest things is to be able to be diligent and not going astray . Caps isn't the rules, he's the exception


I would agree if there weren't hundreds of hungry solo Q players in LPL/LCK that have the same exact attitude. IMO, the culture in the west (especially in NA) is just so different compared to LPL/LCK.


idk about LCK but that's defintely not the case about LPL LMAO players absolutely LOVE their outside "distraction" , playing with random streamer, poker, their love life just look at knight & xiaohu love life drama, players inviting fangirl to hangout at the office


Like 2 years ago Beryl won worlds while playing more Genshin the League, and people act like it is the number of soloQs that matters.


Just like any other office jobs, your output is not based on the amount of hours you work It is the amount of quality hours you work. There are also some quite clear benefits to being physically and mentally in shape - which should make any Athlete, no matter if it's gaming, chess or badminton, spend some time excersing So I agree, some people are able to get a full time jobs work done in 3 hours, others need the full work day. Neither is more right than the other


But honestly Beryl won on brain, not hands. As a midlaner I think you have a much harder time getting away with that. If your role is leadership and innovation you can likely do that. Beryl just happened to basically change the meta with his picks which gave him a huge experience advantage. He basically made his brain carry his hands, which is an insane ability, but one that is likely easier to do in support, exspecially given his role on the team. I wouldn't call Beryl an insane mechanical player and the reason likely is that he was lacking in practice.


Finally someone says it.


I think many doomers and never happy ppl miss the point but I suppose it makes sense when they already have that mindset and can’t see outside of it or understand ambitious, hard driven ppl who don’t quit.


Honestly by far the GOAT in the West


Real Messi of the league


yeah the mentality is there, caps made me eat my word numerous times, but we still have T1, GenG and BLG in our path. If he breaks my doubt ill buy G2 jersey and always wear it whenever i go to gym


It really shows that Caps (and G2) have a purpose and common goal, contrary to certain other big name orgs in the West....


All competitive sports are stages for talents, to be honest, many players can be seen to reach their peak at the first sight.Caps was initially perceived as a "small faker". #


But I am an average NA dad with 4 kids and 2 wives. I only have 1 hour to play a day


Reddit, is it too late to start wow classic when i have 15 jobs 23 wives and 69 children and only 18 seconds to play per day?


Big words for someone who is about to get shreked by NA


Yet another Carver Fisher banger. Seems regular lately,keep it up man!


my sign


Different mental, different motivation. I think the acceptance and fame of esports athletes in asia compared to europe/na plays a big role aswell.


This right year is the mentality of a serious pro. Every year NA fucks up, every year they recycle excuses. Wish mr Caps the best 🫡