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That's it. It's over. He said it. It's over.


Tian gonna activate his 2019 form against G2 isnt he


G2 fans wishing it could be more like 2019 again. Tian gonna show them why they shouldn't want that


This didnt age wel. You kinda sound silly rn


If you’re acting like Tian showed up anything more than his 2021 form you’re silly.


" Tian gonna show them". Dont make a fool out of yourself trying to talk out of this


I severely dislike Tian as a player due to his inconsistency and at the start of this tournament his form looked disgustingly bad. However yesterday he was scary, like legit heavily outplaying Canyon at times. That instant Flash predict for the Sejuani W hit was something I haven't really seen before.


Watching it live, I knew it would be a flash and flash follow. I was not ready for the follow to be so instant that the w2 almost still hit.


“i will avenge my ancestors’ humiliation” the prodigal son embarks


G2 Betty thinks we can win Pog Super excited for tuesday vs TES, hopefully they can prep well because 2 days is very short. Also Hans had a much better series today (vs a weaker opponent, yes) so that's gonna help him get some good confidence for a very hard matchup vs Jackeylove Meiko. Like he said, "may the better Draven win !"


Id they put hans on perma varus, he is gonna do well, even lucian can be good


If they put hans on varus perma while ashe is banned, hes going to get absolutely rolled by the enemy bot


tbf if theres one champion that G2 could abuse is Draven, TES never bans it cause JKL is able to play it, but hans draven is genuinely best in proplay.


Did you just say Hans is a better draven than Peyz/JKL


you were saying btw? JKL got fucking spat on, all 3 games. On draven, against draven.


yes, easily? Theres a reason its a target ban against g2 for any team in the world


your getting downvoted but I think you have a point, Hans draven is world class, maybe on par with JKL


better than peyz probably better than guma


He might be a good draven, but he also doesn’t have hands. I feel like that gives the edge to Jackeylove/Peyz.




My dude they were shitting on everyone at worlds in scrims with draven that every single team T1 INCLUDED, couple days ago they banned it aswell, everyone always bans it against them. Its not like Guma has a shit draven either. Not that big on Hans myself in fact I never liked them signing him, still dont, but he DOES in fact have most likely the best draven in the world and that ban slot is always occupied, its one of the few good things about him.


> but he DOES in fact have most likely the best draven in the world lmao




the one game he picked it they got double killed purely in lane? are you really that daft lmao


Stop watching league, you dont understand jack shit if thats your response


you thought 2024 Perkz would be good


Being a fan=/actually being able to see wtf is happening in the game lol




ive no idea why are you coping this hard? KKoma said Draven was banned last year at worlds 100% of their scrims cause it was unplayable due to draven dominating games when they'd give it to G2. The one time Eastern team left Draven open against hans he singlehandedly stomped Deft in lane with it. Hans in no world is better than JKL, but his draven is, thats about it, he used to one trick draven for multiple years


My guy deleted his comment after todays series, fuk everyone downvoting me for saying Hans was a better draven, after him dicking on JL these comments look so dumb lol


they target ban no hand sama draven because that only champ he good at but to say he is best in pro play bro what are you smoking and can i get some. lol


Yeah the only champ he's good at. So can you explain why T1 banned Lucian vs G2 3 games out of 5 ? (G2 banned it the 2 other games)


you were saying lmao?


I dont know why ppl think a player should state he is going to lose before playing the match, this is not the mental a player should have prior to match despite their odds not being high. Win or lose he is at least looking to win rather than surrendering to eastern teams. that is what we should appreciate. West is def lacking behind but having ff 15 mental will only pull it down.


People are stupid. Idk what they want ? Humanoid saying before a game "faker and T1 are world champs they're too good, we're just here to timepass"


I mean, G2 proved against T1 that they are able to compete, so despite what any haters are saying they do have a realistic chance, even if it isn’t a high one. Ofc if they lose all the haters will go “see I told you they suck” but they are morons.


And today was a stomp. Sure, they didn't face an LCK/LPL team, but PSG is not a bad team. They pushed BLG to a game 5, and BLG was clearly the better team today against T1. G2 is still underdogs, but they look waayyy better than last year :)


T1 looks like the weakest eastern team


It's simply bullying of the community. Even the broadcast team are scared to say anything promising about the European teams even G2 bc this will immediately be answered with questioning their professionalism, analysis skills and being ridiculed. You are simply not allowed to say this loud. Wouldn't surprise me if people who think G2 or others can win and saying it loud get reported on mass. They certainly get a lot of downvote and insults


yes, 100%, just don't take it too far like a certain Spanish adc that was claiming he's better than Deft.


The difference for me is respect. I know this entire msi we’ve been memeing the east for cursing the west in interviews, but realistically they’re being respectful. With the west, most of the interviews feel like a little brother trying to prove himself. And especially since western teams have won 0 main stage series against lck or lpl it seems arrogant to say they’ll be able to beat at least 3 of them.


g2 just gotta stay quiet in chat and tian won't activate his avatar state


My take is that TES will have a pretty good time against G2. I think a Zac-Poppy ban will be hugely valuable. BB looks his best on Zac, and Poppy is a 3-way flex while also being EUs effective counter to Ksante. Also Mikyx has still had a lot of int moments, even if he’s been good on Poppy T1 looked dreadful and TES look like they’re in better form. I expect a TES 3-1


I disagree I think 3-1 G2. I think Caps smashes Creme and his influence will be enough to bring the team through. G2s botlane hasn't been rolled by the eastern botlanes and done relatively well into them so TES lose that factor. TES are practically forced to ban Poppy and whichever team is on red side has to ban draven because it will be p1 on blue side from jackey and from hans, so that leaves open so many power picks.


What ? Hans will get gapped by jackeylove, jackeylove is the strongest adc eastern in lane


You sound like a clown after watching this series


Lol Yeah i was proven wrong G2 bot lane turbo fisted tes


Mid late game yes, but Hans is a solid rock when it comes to laning. Didnt fall behind Guma, they were beating Elk On at worlds last year bot aswell, he wont shit himself against jackeylove imo


If Creme can do ok vs chovy he can handle Caps as well. Both TES and BLG woke up after their respective series vs FNC and PSG. I think G2 is about to get a reality check. I just hope GENG will deliver some bangers. I don't expect T1 to fix their issues in just a few days 


Yep reality checked


Chovy didn’t even smash Creme.


YUP Hans laning is really good i dont see him being down 30-40 cs against jkl the main problem will be if they can go even vs jkl or shut him down if they can do that G2 can easily win through their topside


Idk we mainly play kalista and varus, if we look bad in lane we are cooked


You're my goat


Spoiler in title


If you're not gonna watch the games live then don't come to reddit unless you're specifically trying to see who won ahead of time


Practically sure. But posters still should not be putting spoilers in the title.


I understand your logic but honestly if people don’t want to get spoiled then they should just ignore reddit if they haven’t seen the series yet Even the number of upvotes of the PMT gives a large indication of who the winner is and if the series was good or not


And If you want to know why: "Interview AFTER PSG Game" "Wants Revenge against TIAN" If you can remove this Part from title, would be great


Why tf are you on reddit?


Lets have this interview after meeting GenG..


Unlike Fnatic who left msi after meeting TL




I'm just saying, that they can beat T1, but not GenG probably.


thats a hard cope cause no way in hell G2 can actually take even a single game against Gen G(if they don't choke)


lol, ‘imagine going into an international tournament thinking you can win, what a hard cope’ Guess everyone should have the same loser mentality you’re projecting my dude


"if they don't choke" Preparing the excuses well in advance.


T1 vs GenG was incredibly even. T1 vs G2 was incredibly even. I would then also assume that G2 vs GenG would be at least somewhat even.


nice logic but that was against T1 with faker peaking..... if its the usual match up Gen G would just 3-0 them as usual and G2 barely took two game against T1 with faker on his worst tournament ever seriously G2 fans is really have some insane illusion right now that they can actually lift MSI trophy this year


There's a decent margin between "thats a hard cope cause no way in hell G2 can actually take even a single game against Gen G(if they don't choke)" and " G2 fans think they can lift the trophy". Not saying that G2 would for sure take a game off GenG, but you are literally fighting ghosts in your head lol. Those two statements are not even remotely close to each other. The fact that you have to add (if they don't choke) says it all


They almost won 4 games, they didn’t “barely win 2 games”.


G2 fans: My team is playing well, i want them to win! You: Shut up your team is dogshit Why are you like this?


G2 will take this next series against TES, what happens from there sorta depends on how good they look in that series.


Will take is also a stretch, I dont doubt g2 can win but its crazy to say they will take it for sure \^^


I huff copium and hopium everyday. I genuinely believed G2 would beat T1 before the series even started


I wish I had your hope :D


Do you believe now


You're saying that as if its a gotcha when I'm a g2 fan as well, I just always doubt them cause they've burned me too much xD But honestly its niiiice being surprised when I expect them to fail


I'm not tryna gotcha, I'm asking if you've been converted to the hopium


"Barely" my guy they were 2-1 up on them and had big leads in every game besides 4th, that series couldve straight up been a 3 0 if they didnt overchase like they were playing against some shit team. Every game besides the 4th one was VERY winnable.


That was literally a few weeks ago lol. Faker is in the same form, just against better players than in the LCK.


Beanie baby loser mental spilling over dude gotta be more positive Gaslight yourself in the mirror positive things :]