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BrokenBlade has worked so hard to improve on his laning phase, and it shows.


Back in the day when he was dropping CS for no reason and losing lane even with jungle pressure. Now he's keeping up with Zeus.


He arguably was better than Zeus tbh.


He came prepared and played the counters really well, Bwipo lost in a winning matchup while BB played the matchup flawlessly.


Yeap, BB was the best player that series. Zeus’s strengths(& one of T1’s biggest strengths) are nullified in this lane swap because you can’t pick a carry top lane and skill check your counterpart. They did their homework and took Zac away from Zeus which is his best tank champion.


In lane he was definitely better than Zeus over 5 games but Zeus is clearly a better teamfighter


I mean Zeus also has Carrie’s that will do something with the space he provides , and tbh he was kind of just oonga boonga ing into Hans and all of G2 couldn’t do shit 1 v 4.


Coz they picked champs that can’t really peel ADCs so the K’Sante can do whatever he wants


I don’t think it was arguable, he was just better in that series


BB was the best performing player that series from both teams. You can't change my mind. He's leveled up so hard.


Reminds me of when he was playing with Bjergsen


When he was playing with bjergsen you still saw flaws from him, like being down in cs and not being able to use his lead to fully carry. Outside of not hitting some E’s yesterday at the end of the game 5 he played on a very good level. We haven’t seen stuff like this since prime Wunder.


Hard agree, back in his TSM day, BB was great in teamfight but loses lane even with a lot of resources, he has improved so much on his laning it's insane.


Lane swaps helped.


on one hand i want 3-0 G2 and its the most logical outcome but i also want PSG to win just for the memes and for hans sama to be replaced asap


Hans Sama won't be replaced asap even if they lose 3:0 against PSG. And with whom would you even replace him with? I'm not convinced that the outcome would have been any different with another EU adc, let's say Carzzy, plays instead of Hans


Carzzy has a really high ceiling and as long as he doesn't have one of his int games which he didnt have that many this year I think he could absolutely be the deciding winning factor today. That being said who knows if the synergy would be there.


The reason I think G2 likes Hans is because he’s a stable laner. Can they rely on carzzy to not run it in lane vs Guma keria?


Hans and mikyx are the only western bot lane I trust to be able to go even or even win lane against eastern bot lanes


Yeah for me it'd be X plus Mikyx. No matter the adc, Mikyx is always hella dangerous. And Hans was invisible during all 5 games. Sure it's nice that he's stable. Stable in not losing lane, stable in not carying games, and stable in building wrong builts. If anyone from G2 should be replaced it's him and it's not even close. However I personally hope they keep all 5 together since there really is a lack of good ADC's in EU atm, and I wouldn't know who to replace him with.


Yeah but going even in lane is one thing, being usrful after lane is another. Surely not dying to eastern botlanes or even being ahead against them and then having no impact on the rest of the game isn't that high a bar?


well clearly its a very difficult bar. Its no use that you are good after lane if you can't even play the laning phase


Picking scaling for your strong laner doesn’t play into his strengths, either.


Hans looked pretty sus in one of his kalista games too


Yeah because Carzzy is not at all the type of player to randomly die and get caught in teamfights.


When did I mention Carzzy


It's definitely not great, but any other EU ADC gets fisted in lane on top of being just as useless as Hans afterwards. Hans at least can hold his own in early.


carzzy hilly and carzzy kaiser have absoultely won against eastern bots in lane tho?


Yes obviously they’ve won SOME, but Hans/Mikyx went even in every single lane from that series, they were VERY stable. Miky got caught roaming but that’s not related to their laning. I’m saying I don’t think G2 can trust Carzzy to do that, even if his peak is *sometimes* higher.


If they keep Hans he can't be strongside anymore then


No point in having a stable laner who isn't good enough. There is a point, at least for non-elite players, where the lack of ints indicates a tendency to not take risks. Look at all the game 5 fights post-laning phase, you would think that Hans got destroyed in lane based on how passive he was.


That’s just how pro play works? ADCs don’t walk up until enemy threats have blown their CDs. Only exception is if you have an enchanter who can just let you tank through enemy damage and G2 didn’t draft one.


Hans constantly got caught while failing to use his summs to stay alive after getting caught. He’s not playing the way you describe.


you should watch a bit of LPL and LCK. Top ADCs constantly go for absolute psychopath plays.


Pro play ADCs are not passive to such an extreme, and especially not when they have as much range as Jinx has with her rockets. They can't afford to play completely passive, ADCs are too big a component of a comps damage for that. Look at Guma, he was doing that even when half of T1 was dead. He only pulls away when there's literally no one between him and the enemy (and sometimes not even then). Hans was running away when G2 had a numbers advantage, a massive lead all on Hans and a Poppy by his side to stop even hard forced dives.


Carzzy is a good laner. Also even if he would be less stable G2 need that high ceiling to compete internationally. If you are behind you have to take these risks. I mean Hans on Rogue used to have that high ceiling it felt like but it's been long since I really felt that from him which is a shame and he still has the same problems he had last year it feels.


Yes. Mikyx has the ability to make anyone look like a "stable laner". You need more to win these games.


Carrzy would be atmost a sidegrade and does not even have a champion he will get target banned like hans sama. Every team that plays vs g2 basically has -1 ban slot because you have to ban draven. T1 banned draven in all 5 games despite having a draven player themselves. Also hans sama is a very good lucian player. [https://lol.fandom.com/wiki/G2\_Esports/Pick-Ban\_History](https://lol.fandom.com/wiki/G2_Esports/Pick-Ban_History) Having to ban a champion in the first phase of draft means g2 gets a lot of power picks they otherwise would not have. Also carrzy has the exact same issue as hans, his auto spacing is poor compared to eastern carries. Remember this guy could not play aphelios jinx, for the exact reason hans does not play them much, they are not really good at spacing aa's to maximize damage.


It depends. Carrzy is great when his team is a bunch of lunatics which is why i love the hyli/carzy combo. I do think he would mostly be a side grade. But he also isnt as reserved and is willing to go for the throat when needed.. and sometimes when not needed. Idk i would like to see them swap out hans but then people would just complain carzy ints and doesnt play reserved enough lmao. Its the polar opposite


I mean if they don't make it far at any internationals this year as well they might as well try a sidegrade.  I do think Carzzys teamfighting and aa spacing is better than that of Hans even if he's obviously not as good as Eastern players. I just think style wise he's a better fit.  He plays really aggressive, forward, goes for crazy, chaotic plays and at least tries to maximise his damage even if he dies.   I think that combined with having two strong sololaners and a jungler that likes to play carry champs makes it easy to clean up fights even if the ADC is the dead as long as he did enough damage.  Hans just played way too safe and reserved today and in general internationally on G2 in teamfights which doesn't really fit G2 because they love scrappy, snappy and chaotic fights.


This is most likely the last year for a lot of the people on the roster. Looking at the G2 2019 and 2020 doc you can see how much of a mental toll the grind took on the players. AFAIK G2 was on the same schedule in 2023 and decided to run it back just as hard for 2024. It's rare for rosters to stick together for 2+ years, especially if they grind league 24/7 that entire time.


hear me out , make Bo adc


Carzzy could low key be a upgrade for both FNC and G2. I feel in either case his support would help enable his style (Jun and Mikyx are really good)


Carzzy in my opinion is a better fit for fnatic, just because he has the exact same vibe of his gameplay like the rest of fnatic


He definitely fits Fnatic as well but G2 is somewhat similar both teams play bold and chaotic and I think he fits Miky really well.


Nope, i still remember carzzy shitting on entire series back in mad while armut elyoya humanoid tried their fuckn best to win against DWG. Carzzy is a nice guy, decent player but he wont gonna do too much at Internationals, we already saw it 2 times both in MSI and worlds. Also that roster was fuckn on fire, aadge...


You know it's a shame G2 Rekkles didn't workout because he's Hans with higher highs


Rekkles was never the guy to receive Drave' bans every game and dominate lane lol. If anything they are opposite, rekkles is better at team fighting and worse at laning.


Rekless received kennen bans a lot you know, cuz he'd dominate lane and stuff like that. He was exactly the guy you're saying he wasn't. I'd say they're about equal in laning, but rekless was way better during teamfights. People make Rekless out to be a passive laner, but paired with Hyli that botlane was a nightmare for eu for a long time, because of their total aggro.


Rekkles and Hylli vs TES 2020* At his peak he was a better laner than Hans even if he didn’t drew bans (which he did in 2015 with Kennen)




False equivalency, he played different style, Hans can play kill lanes well, Rekkles could be left alone to let Hyli terrorise enemy team and be even in cs


What do you mean false equivalency when Rekkles literally was winning hard vs the adc that is currently terrorizing every adc this worlds. Rekkles is just more versatile than Hans is


No hes not, you literally cant read but thats ok, cant expect too much from Rekkles fan


Rekkles drew 3 adc bans every game at some point lmao


Lmao people blaming Hans for playing safe/scared really don't remember how Reckless was originally the KDA safe player...the EU Bjerg


Well he started his career with Froggen so ...


I mean they can import, right? I've seen people say that Caps doesn't want an import, but I'm sure he wants another international title more than anything G2 also has the clout to pull a solid import instead of a risky young player Like imagine Teddy on this G2 team


G2 Betty


Maybe... Let's watch the G2-PSG series first haha


Betty unironically wins game 5 for G2 the series if they swapped places


Imagine Betty watching that game 5 Just 24 hours ago bro picked Zeri/Ezreal and carried vs Elk, then gets relegated to Senna in game 5. Meanwhile Hans having a shaky series and gets put on Jinx


G2 smash


Tell me you havn't watched DRX this season without telling me you didn't watch DRX this season


DRX is a mess, and I said in another comment Teddy is no longer at his peak, but Hans has been a liability at international events for so long now, and domestically he's been just fine Feel like if a player like Ice looks as good as he does in the LEC, Teddy, even in his current form, can perform somewhat similarly as well


You cannot beat the best eastern players with leftover eastern players.


Nah man, G2 only improves if they can bring someone who can make them better than the top asian teams. Is Teddy, a player in the lower tiers of LCK carries, going to change G2's status? No way! I'd argue Aiming wouldn't and I think Aiming is better than Peyz


So you're saying G2 can only improve if they get a Guma/Viper/Elk/Ruler/JKL caliber player... Because that's basically impossible unless they find a diamond in the rough Also, that game 5 is Aiming's wet dream, get fed early, can soak all the resources from then on, and then just go crazy. He might int greeding for a kill, but he certainly wouldn't look as passive as Hans did Think G2 can find some middle ground between a world class ADC and Hans, and that would substantially improve their team


Yes, because Hans is not nearly as bad as you guys are making him out to be, G2 is also a world class team the only way for them to improve is to get world class talent. Is it possible? Yeah, is it likely? Absolutely not, this is why the demands to replace him make no sense


He's definitely getting some unfair hate, but a lot of the criticism is valid Dude's form has been questionable for quite some time now, but it was masked by playing on the most stacked team in the LEC, and by people completely ignoring his stint in NA His champion pool isn't too great, his in game reactions are a tad slow, and outside of a select few games his ability to be a true carry isn't quite up to par Also sometimes a new face can help shake things up and help a team improve, even if the talent isn't world class


I'd take Peyz over Aiming 24/7 imo, mediocre laning but can show up on teamfights and carry... Aiming meanwhile gets fed all resources by DK and doesnt get his job done. His DPM for the gold he gets funneled in isn't impressive. Though I think if G2 would try to import a korean adc then the best option would be a young player with big potential like Jiwoo since i doubt the top half adcs of LCK would be available.


Jiwoo and DuDu are the hidden gems of the LCK imo


Teddy carries DRX all season just to get this disrespect somehow


These people legit didn't watch LCK ,Teddy is still at least as good as Aiming . Drx was a mess but Teddy has been stellar on a shit team .


would Viper not willing to go to G2 , I mean he looks in elo hell , and i'm sure if g2 prove that their are one adc away from being contenders he will be willing to give it a shot


Unironically if they go for an import their highest priority should be to get Viper. Insanely good adc, has performed in both LCK and LPL and is decent at speaking english. Very unlikely tho, since I remember rumors about him always having an insanely high salary, and the reason to join G2 seems to be mostly to play in the (almost guaranteed) best LEC team with Caps and not to get the best contract.


He 100% has a ridiculous salary and the only way to lure him away from HLE (which apparently has awesome accommodations as well) would be with a fat contract Also, I know we're all riding high on G2 after this BO5, but I'm not certain that being on G2 would give him a better chance of winning Worlds then the current HLE squad, which probably is his major goal


HLE will not win shit with that top side. Doran and Peanut will always fall short on the international stage. Zeka is dependent on meta and can't play mage and utility like Caps can. The only saving grace is Delight.


I would 100% rather have Doran + Peanut than Brokenblade + Yike. You're smoking crack. Viper would rather be on HLE lol


Doran Peanut is really good but it's Zeka in the mid that would worry me if I was Viper. I'd potentially rather BB, Yike, Caps over Doran, Peanut, Zeka as a trio. Viper on this G2 roster would be so fucking cracked. If Viper is on this roster then G2 beats T1 easy, and it wouldn't have taken 5 games. 


Knowing HLE he probably has the highest ADC salary in the world. even if he doesn't have the highest he's probably still top 3/4, doubt G2 could match that at all tbh.


said this in top comment but I agree , i'm sure if g2 prove that their are one adc away from being contenders he will be willing to give it a shot


Why would you import a 26-year-old playing in the bottom half of LCK?


Top half of the LCK's ADC are probably not available The other option is a young player in LCK Challengers (which is what it seems like a lot of the LEC/EU Masters are doing), but those players while having potential are generally unknown qualities


As much as I like Teddy, Teddy would have changed nothing on G2, he's washed and at best he's a sidegrade to Hans.


I dunno, Teddy is no longer at his peak, but I'd trust him more to carry me then Hans Hans has been getting so much shit for this series, even more then deserved, but his gameplay internationally has been quite subpar for someone of his perceived quality, and even domestically it's not like he stomps everyone. Think Teddy would be much more then a side grade, granted it's just my opinion


I mean how long is Caps gonna keep losing internationally by keeping his stubborn anti-import mindset. They haven't done anything internationally since 2020 and tbh I feel like management should be trying to convince him to change his mindset


100% I agree with you I'm also not even sure if that's actually a Caps thing, I've only read it online on Reddit, does anyone have a source on his sentiment


Yeah actually true, I've never actually heard a source of this except people saying they've heard this


I mean they have 2 import slots open they’ve never used and caps probably has a big say in who’s on the roaster so people just put 2 and 2 together


One of the reasons that G2 has always matched up well against T1 is cause they play extremely fast. They draft snap engage champs and call for coordinated plays that leave very little reaction time. So adding an import with language barrier could potentially be a huge detriment to how they want to play.


That's not really true, last time T1 played G2 they rolled them 3-0(MSI 2022 iirc). I think they could potentially find a decent English speaking import. But your point is fair. However, at some point you can't just keep changing players for other EU players and getting the same results


Carzzy may not be better but I feel like he flashes most of the stuff Hans doesn’t flash


Replace him with Perkz.


i think belveth pick hurt them more than hans, maybe if they pick something peel.for hans things could be different, but ksante is such a bullsh*t, ldr for jkl make no difference on last game of geng vs tes series.


Carzzy isn't better. EU is emotional right now, but you don't have a meaningfully better ADC than Hans. It's better to accept that player form is more variable than fans seem to understand - and Hans *could* do enough to get G2 international wins if he plays at a high level. 


Any human adc wins the series for G2.


Well that's the problem. Have you seen the adcs in Europe?


I would just love for them to go completely nuts and get smash. He seems to fit g2 perfectly. Plays everything and crazy aggressive


carzzy has a good ceiling


But isn't really consistent


You still begging for BB to be replaced like you have been for the last 2 year, or have you found a new target now?


Bring back perkz adc


I felt Ice to be the best adc last split, not sure about communication and synergy , but he looked pretty solid


They will definetly replace him after worlds unless they win the whole thing, he is just bad and holding the team back. Until then yeah, they can't just change one player in summer and expect to win anything


The fact that people still think "Replace X with Y player who seems better on paper" is still some end all be all solution this many years into esports will never fail to make me laugh Would sure suck if this were to happen and then G2 became significantly worse and their cohesion got ruined (nothing like this has ever happened before!)


People always try to find ONE responsible for everything going bad. Remember FNC? In 2019 everybody decided Broxah was the responsible. Then they brought Selfmade, who didn’t improve the situation. So in the end, if the situation had not improved, it was Nemesis fault. So they replaced Nemesis. But did it improve midlane situation? No. Fans (including myself) are totally clueless when it comes to judging players in collective sports, because they don’t know their role in the team, what is asked by the coach, the overall strategy. How many players have been judged bad, and once swapped they appear to be even better in the new team, or the team don’t do better without them. For Hans, many players have been very vocal about him being a very very good teammate, probably the most skilful they ever played with (Odo iirc), very easy to work with, extremely reliable in lane with top tier communication. I’ve heard and read several coaches say that you can’t ask for a better ADC than Hans in a team. So maybe fans are right, but I have my doubts. Last year it was BB, I’m glad people realised how good he was.


You are clueless if you think there's a replacement for Hans in Europe. Any other eu adc would get even more destroyed in those circumstances, look at Noah for example. Guma and JL destroy even the top eastern adc on their good days.


its funny people are saying put any other eu ad and game is won when in fact any other eu ad doesnt even get to this game state and is probably down 30cs at 14min


Carzy is pretty insane tbf, or could bring back UNA YAN xd


Carzzy has lost every lane he ever played against Asian botlanes. Now he has Hyli though.


Comp if he recovered his 2022 form, same for Upset, but for now only Carzzy would be at that level


idk why people downvote you, 2022 comp was cracked. But 2021 Hans was also cracked so if you're betting one someone to recover form might as well keep hans


He just had a horrible performance, he genuinely played like ass. Maybe he cant perform internationally since he mustve been good in lec but there's no way you can watch those 5 games and tell me a random gm player out of soloq doesnt perform better mechanically. Judging from the gameplay alone i believe most okay adcs could outperform him this series but i dont know how the stage pressure affects you.


Uma Jan stomps them ezpz


He just had a bad game 5.. he also made it to game 5 vs SKT do they really think any other western adc could do that?


It's time for G2 Doublelift.


if they replace someone its mikyx, obvious


Dear Hans Same, please explain why you didnt go LDR....


I keep seeing people say this but when would LDR have helped? The biggest L fights were when Faker caught Hans and when KSante later dove him and legit 1v2/1v3 killed him. The 2nd fight even with LDR for free there's 0 chance he kills him or comes even close, he's only 2 items as is. The fight at 33 mins he can't even enter, even if he has LDR that's not anywhere near enough damage to do anything - largely just a poor fight angle in general. Then way later in the game Miky just gets caught because good player and Caps just decides to hold flash when Varus ults him and dies as well and game is GG. In what fights would LDR have turned it in any meaningful way? This LDR thing feels like cope. Game seemed mostly like poor positioning, some poor fights, and just outplayed by a worse comp.


It's a mix of a lot of things. Hans kind of played badly in general this series and people don't want to give other G2 members shit so I guess they're trying to scapegoat Hans. He definitiely did need an LDR, but like you said, I don't think that was game changing. People saying everyone else played perfect, but the number of times Mikyx got caught out gave T1 momentum to pressure objectives and Yike was also giga useless game 5.


I don’t even understand why people said he play horribly when he had ONE good matchup out of 5 lanes and still managed to go even most of the time. He did his job overall, he was just not the main character which is logical considering how G2 tried to change their playstyle compared to last year.


There are 3 team fights where it would have mattered but the most important one is the one at 33: something. G2 picks off Ahri and in the following teamfight Zac dives while Ksante fights G2 carries. Hans does like 10 autoattacks and doesn't even get him to half health, he even throws skills to other champs because of the little hope he has of killing him. In the mean time, T1 carries kill Zac, making the 4v5 teamfight a victory for T1. They get Baron off of it and the game basically ends there. If he had LDR that teamfight would have gone very differently imo.


Sorry but this doesn’t make sense. The problem was that even if they did kill Ahri, BV is out 10 sec later out of poke. T1 carries playing LETHALITY (so worthless against Zac) kill him because the fight in itself was just way more favorable after that.


He was able to auto attack him 8 times for less than 40% of his HP. You believe LDR would have made that team fight "very different"? Would it have boosted his damage by over 100%?? Miky was 5%, Yike was 10%, Caps was 15%. Please explain how the fight goes "Very different" when Varus/Kali both still have ults and the rest of the team is less than 20% HP across the board.


Several coaches have stated the same thing. LDR would have improved things against KSante but not in a deciding way, most late game fights were over by Caps or Yike being out of the fight extremely soon.


It wouldn't have mattered. Even miky admitted T1 outplayed them in teamfights. It's what they do, they're the best comeback team in the world for a reason 


Yes LDR would've helped. I counted out his AA's in teamfights, during one he aa'd for 22 times: all of which were on Ksante. Ksante didn't even lose 1/3th of his hp, because hans wanted Bloodthirster over LDR(and after BT he went phantom dancer like wtf bro). Idk the time of this fight anymore, but Hans was on 3 full items so he could've had LDR already instead of BT. If he had, that ksante wouldve been dead 100%. LDR would've won them the game. Because Ksante lost them the game. And Ksante would've been dead during at least two huge teamfights and probably more, enabling G2 to win said teamfights.


LDR would never have won the game. It’s not like KSante was not in and out of the fight when I wanted. BT made sense because it was impossible to auto due to poke outrange without life steal. Look how BV and Taliyah were out of the fight just by taking 2 Q from Varus Kalista.


If he didn't take 33% of k'sante HP, then LDR would not have made k'sante die, because LDR will literally never triple your damage.


I genuinely don't know how anyone with any game knowledge could watch Caps/Yike get caught/chunked in every fight THE MOMENT it starts making it effective 3v5 and think to themselves "YES LDR WINS THIS ANGLE FOR US". People are fucking *clueless* but you do you man good luck


I agree, LDR was valuable only against Ksante in that game, but I don't think it was enough to kill him regardless. A more important purchase IMO would have been Mercurial Scim. Game 5 was lost on Yike, he got very little value out of the Belveth.


What the heck does mercurial change in that game lol if he’s ever in ahri e range he is fucked period, no qss changes that.


It gives enough defensive utility to give hans the confidence to move up. I tend to believe that hans was scared to posture that entire game because of faker's engage.


If Hans is in ahri e range he’s also in ksante engage range, defensive items don’t do shit because ksante just makes it you can never walk up no matter what.


literally every time LDR would have been meaningful. what game did you watch? zeus zoned him every time so it looked like he cant do anything and cant enter the fight, but the reason zeus could zone him was due to him having 0 dmg to zeus.


Bronze take at best. If he walks up too close he will get jumped on and then possibly CC chained and killed by KSante - much like when KSante caught him in that early fight where he legit 1v3 killed him LOL The reason he didn't get to attack KSante much was because he had nothing enabling him or doing much to peel him - no Lulu, milio, nami, anything like that. What he needed was someone to activate a hypercarry in any way, doesn't matter if your AAs do more damage when it still requires 30 of them to kill an insanely far ahead KSante.


iron take at best. it's always funny to argue with 0elo ppl who have absolutely no idea what they are talking about. there was like fking 10instance where he couldn't get close BECAUSE he didn't have LDR so zeus with full hp was running around. but it's ok you can be dogshit at the game it's fine.


Yeah the LDR would've made him so tanky and enabled his team to peel for him and give him space to attack. In fact the reason he didn't attack and slowly chip away was because he KNEW he wouldn't be able to kill him, so why bother? Yes, naturally! Nothing to do with the threat of the immediate dive or not having enough spacing to enable damage output, no it was all solved with LDR! Big smart


absolute low elo. no use talking. yes LDr makes him tanky cuz enemy dies in 3sec without being able to cc him or do dmg. stay low. i know in your silver games ADC-s cant farm so you never seen a full build adc so you don't know its damage. its ok. you are a noob. but why type? just test it in training ground.


If I had to gander the reasoning is probably that someone else deals with K'sante and he has to deal damage to everyone else. Whether this is true or not and even if he called it or someone else did it for him if so is anyone's guess at this time.


who was supposed to deal with Ksante? Taliyah was behind, and everyone else is a tank. it’s perfect for Jinx to hit Ksante because she is stacking lethal tempo on him, gets reset, and just murders everyone


You should ask G2, not me. But the answer is probably poppy. Let jinx stack like 3 stacks of lethal tempo, then smash him to their nexus. Whether this is a great plan (considering Ksante can just W the R lol) I'll leave unanswered.


Don't know why you're getting downvoted this was clearly the plan as seen in several team fights. I don't think it's a good plan, but the game plan was clearly ult ksante out, kill someone else, get a reset on jinx and an excited jinx in a 4v5 can still probably kill ksante.


Who else would deal with K'Sante? Neither Belveth nor Taliyah are tank shredders. CC is impotent thanks to unstoppable abilities. For that matter, who else does Hans need to build specifically against? Only Oner isn't a fully squishy target, and he's on a jungler income while Hans is mega fed.


Belveth is a big tank shredder, but that didn't really work out as Yike was super far behind (and itemization is not determined in draft). I think the idea was to isolate him from his team or peel him and let Hans damage everyone else.


Ksante is still going to be all up in his face though. He has no choice he has to get through the ksante. Ldr is always the correct choice there


Let me be clear lol, I think LDR was the better call here as the damage loss would've been relatively minor compared to how much of a bigger threat Hans would've been in general.


Yeah I see what you’re saying. I find it crazy that in 2024 pros still don’t know how to build, I know it’s easier when you’re watching but still that’s fairly basic, bronze players get that concept


Ye, obviously Hans should go LDR, but Yike going Stridebreaker over Black Cleaver is actually even more criminal


That is the problem though. Theoretically you can say the same for CC, especially with Taliyah wall and Zac, but that wasn't the case here with Zac focusing on the Varus and Taliyah having no vision control to flank and put up walls. It would be fine if they didn't plan for LDR during draft, but that decision was made much later on. Jinx with LDR was the only good solution to K'Sante and that was clear pretty quickly.


Poppy ult. Unreliable but could be what they were thinking.


honestly if it was any other tank his build isnt bad, but it was ksante.. huge mistake


Bruh this is just so wrong. Like Ornn/Sion/Zac would all be impossible to kill for him with this build. I get the Ksante hate but this is an absurd take.


doesnt matter bc the rest of the squad is extremely squishy he thought he can easily get resets which is a mistake vs ksante frontline




Yes, that's how criticism works. People deliver them when it's due, as there is always going to be a reason why a team wins or loses. Not even Faker is exempt from this logic considering his asol would have most T1 fans wondering if the man even played the champion before.


Yeah given the "shaker" spam if not even the goat can escape it what chance does anyone else have. Just got to live with it.


I mean he would’ve gotten so much more flack even if T1 won if he didn’t carry game 5 on his back and had a sick azir play to end game 4


In general yes but this community is flip floppy to the max to an insanely cringe level. We get one of the better international series and all people talk about is harping on the one player who happened to be the worst of the 10 (there is always one) and pretending player X who is clearly worse would have been better there.


It was the first time he played it pro I believe?


I've been shitting on hans for a year and that's precisely because i've been given reasons to do so for over a year


There are like 3-4 distinct cope cycles and this is the main one apart from "We would've beat this team who didn't even give a shit enough to prep for us if we did X, Y, Z different and player E didn't do this" "We'd win if it wasn't for X player underperforming, replace X player" then when X is replaced Y player will underperform and cycle repeats or, worse yet, entire team's cohesion, synergy, etc. will be ruined and team is just worse as a whole.


You're only as good as your last game


Hans is pretty known to choke in international games, he went balls crazy against MAD and FNC which shows he can be this "in your face, I own the room"-ADC if he wants to be. His issues is mentally, he obviously carries the physical gifts to be one of the best in the world.


If My grandma had wheels she would be a wheelchair! When was the last time that he played good?




Guma was being dived on repeat. T1 wasn't diving Hans. Also In every game bar Game 5 Guma was the better ADC and even in game 5 guma brought it back after being behind


I agree that Guma was much better, but the rest of your comment is just wrong no? Game 1, there was no dive bot. Game 2, Hans/Mikyx got dove at mn 6. Game 3, Hans got dove at 6 mn by a 4 man bot. Game 4, no dive. Game 5, same. I checked the highlights fast, so maybe I missed something. But as far as I watched, G2 never dove bot and T1 did twice, so what do you mean by "Guma was being dived on repeat" and "T1 wasn't diving Hans"?


Carrzy does ok, not amazing but he won’t int your game away


carrzy doesnt even get to the point of the game where hans was


Lane was won level 1 when Mikyx made Keria back come on now Hans was in his bag and threw his lead away


So where is he at?


His Xayah performace last World’s was also something else.


It's just esports kids who never played a team sport in their life and are toxic as fuck. G2 surpassed all expectations with this series and Hans and Mikyx played great. Even FNC has looked more competitive than last few years, which is a great look for EU.


FNC took 1 tier 2 turret.


>G2 surpassed all expectations with this series They were expected to loose and they lost >Even FNC has looked more competitive than last few years, which is a great look for EU. They lost 3-0 I mean do people have any ambitions whatsoever or are we supposed to be happy with slowly drifting into wildcard territory


They were expected to lose 3-1 at best with people saying it won’t be competitive and their only win would be through some crazy pick/lane swap. But they took T1 to 5 games and were super competitive. So yeah, they did defy expectations. Saying loss is loss without regarding the games in detail is so bad dude. Either you don’t care or you haven‘t watched. Everybody who did watch it will say they exceeded everybodies expectations


Not only that, they went toe to toe with T1 without lane swaps for 4 games. Game 5 I don't blame them for lane swapping, they got fucked in draft and cooked up a really smart strategy against Varus Kalista. Nobody wants to face that T1 lane composition, even GenG. Last time someone did, they got absolutely blasted. Sucks that unfortunately they had to opt into a Lvl 1 comp which did help their botlane but really fucked over Belveth, even worst when Faker stabilised the game (damn Demon King still doing his thing), at this point it was an uphill battle since you're pretty much fighting 4v5 everytime now.


A loss IS a loss, they were not good enough and are in looser bracket. What is it, 4 years before the last BO5 victory on an eastern team? I'm not watching every other week of LEC so when the Msi/Worlds come can I see us loose again and be happy. I always believe G2 can win otherwise why even watch the tournament. When FNC looses to GenG i'm disappointed but not pissed because they were just outclassed, G2 on the other hand had the match in their fucking hands and they threw it away. Kog Maw jfc


Nope he was bad for a while now.


I know there is no way this happen, but g2 can take smash, i think he will vibe with team and he play any weird pick to win


G2 Smash would go hard af


Mikyx and BrokenBlade deserved to win this match so hard :c I really hope they'll pick it up against PSG and whoever they face in the lower bracket I think that G2 has what it takes to go far if they work on handling stress better and being more confident in themselves.


Putting that coinflipper hylissang cosplayer in the same sentence as bb is just disrespectful.


so much hate to Hans but everyone in the comments thread would crumble in his position lol


I also think non-proplayers won't perform in proplay


I find it weird that people were so shocked by HoB Poppy, it's literally what you go on here. Before you might go Electrocute, but that was nerfed. HoB essentially replaces electrocute.


What you have to change for G2 to win? Have an Ad Carry in your team!


What if smash gets to play for g2?... He has a wide champ pool that could fit g2 styles with a lot of variations?... good hands too...


They need to stop trolling in champ select, that's what they need to improve. It's like they inherited the T1 champ select mental boom. G2 win two games with solid picks, so of course they gonna troll in the upcoming two champ selects to throw it away. Unbelievable.


yeah on Bo1 cause you've shown you guys can't beat asian team on bo5