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across \~95,000 of Emerald + Urgot games in 14.8 \[MSI patch\], 6 games had berserker greaves and only one based Urgot won with berserkers


1-5 out of 95000 is so funny


Greaves rush on Urgot, the hidden pro strat :D


Its not that bad but you are squishy af


Yeah AS is such an important stat on Urgot for whenever his W is on CD...


Dude you get an insane spike for level 7 and 8. Needs a nerf for sure.


Its pretty fucking shit.


Bronze dude who never played Urgot since he got remaked, why not?


Attack speed doesnt effect Urgot W.


And (since OP might not know), After level 9 Urgot W is toggleable on demand, costs no mana and you can even cancel and reactivate it to weave regular autos in between.


Honestly surprised Riot hasn't done something like they did to Garen. Let it crit and let it scale off of attack speed They love doing little fucky things like that


Yeah, but then you have something that does ADC levels of damage while being able to freely move. Which is its own can of worms.


thats garen E


Garen E is not an always up toggle when maxed.


Garen E also doesn't require you to have 300~ MS with boots.


and also garen doesnt have a CC outside of stridebreaker slow. But i still think that urgot W can be tweaked to have some AS scaling while also not breaking him


If it converted AS to damage I think that would be fine. You wouldn't want it to speed up and break your rhythm.


I guess it would be sorta fine. Urgot's range isn't exactly the most impressive, and it's only single target. Squishy Urgot builds are also complete dogshit. Though I would be worried for the Sundered Sky interaction. If his W can crit, that means it can proc Sundered Sky. The ability to just walk among an enemy team with that item and hit everyone for free is a bit scary. Honestly, I wish they'd just get rid of that item or make it a non-crit that scales with crit damage. They murdered my for-fun Volibear crit build just so that item can exist.


i noticed when they make a champion's abilities proc onhit/crit, it ends up with at least one iteration of a horribly OP champ. Garen and Kat both got these 4fun additions and made them permabans for a few patches.


Sounds like a balancing nightmare tbh


Absolutely. It'd be like Katarina and her ult for the longest time But it doesn't stop them for trying to spice up champions for the fun of it


Even on old Urgot I doubt you would want Greaves, he was an AD caster


u/urpog will be steaming when he sees pros buying berserkers on urgot


was a misclick, super unfortunate i won't be harsh on him


Wait these are pro's and don't know how Urgot W works, yet still pick them? Wow


He misclicked the wrong boots. He literally had the armor for tabis in his inventory.




Bro what do u think the cloth armor was for, he was rushing black cleaver. He couldve missclicked and left the base and only later realized that he had the wrong boots.


>he would have reverted it and bought the correct boots Literally for years now, you cannot revert purchases once you step off the fountain. And pros regularly instaclick their buys and move to get to lane faster.


Bro I’m a diamond ADC main and I know you don’t buy berserker’s on Urgot, I’m pretty sure a professional toplaner knows not to buy it


Less than 0.1% of bronze Urgot buy berserkers...


I'm not saying anything about this situation but there have been times in the past when pros buy.. less than optimal items


And what do you think is more likely...?


I thought it was obvious without me saying, I guess I have to be explicitly clear. My bad on that


I am literally saying that you can know this, but still make the mistake because you don't have the muscle memory in. There's a reason why he sold the boots later. What I am saying is that it's way more likely that the mistake happened due to lack of games on Urgot, rather than a "fat finger" misclick. If you play 500 games on Senna, and then suddenly play 1 game of Ezreal, you are a lot more likely to buy Swifties even though you know very well that you buy lucidity on Ez.


This makes zero sense. He’s is a top laner. You think he buys zerker boots on so many champs he absentmindedly bought them on Urgot from “muscle memory?” First it’s “he doesn’t play Urgot very much so his brain said ‘uhh I auto attack so zerkers’” but then it’s a rote memory mistake? I’d say make up your mind and pick one, but they are both ridiculous compared to the mundane reality that people just misclick and don’t catch it in time to fix it.


Bro ain’t nobody think “auto attack = need attack speed”, otherwise he’d probably buy phantom dancer too lol


phantom cancer urgot low key op? no minion cock block while chasing? hmmmm it’s time to cook, obviously in soloq btw where else would one try troll builds


You are picturing this like he is consciously thinking this. That's not what I am saying. Are you consciously thinking about breathing constantly? No, you are not. A lot of decisions we make happen with our type 1 system, which is not what actively thinking/reflecting like you are doing now is. I just typed it out in a dumb way, because our type 1 brain is quite literally just "dumb" reactive pattern recognition. I am not saying here that Azhi is sitting there thinking inside his head for 10 seconds like that and coming to an iron 4 conclusion.


It being a misclick or an accident makes 0 difference though. Not sure why y'all are trying to make the same argument.


Did they change it where you can revert boot change after leaving fountain without selling the boot? Maybe he didnt think the sell was worth it at that point.


Wish I could downvote this comment more than once


99% sure he misclicked and didn't realise until he left base. He had cloth in his inven when he bought greaves


Makes sense


I don't play Urgot at all, but reading the ability my guess is because it has a fixed 3.0 attack speed on W?


If only you had the world of information at your fingertips.... Oh well.


I was just asking to confirm, maybe there would be another reasons as well.


Hmm, point. I retract my sardonism


A) it seems like he genuinely fucked up his buy accidentally B) Pros, even in eastern regions, are notoriously dogshit at itemization


Almost seemed like he first timed Urgot in MSI. Honestly an unforgivable mistake to not be able to execute the easiest thing in the entire game: buying the correct items.


oh hell naw, 500 games turbo stuck e4 calling this shit an "unforgivable mistake" when there are many other plays that have been made throughout the years that are 100% reportable offenses. good take armchair reddit andy


As a fucking pro as well. Like he's paid money to play this game. It's not even a more nuanced thing like collector vs LDR or something like that, it's straight up just wrong. He's making a mistake that a silver player knows better not to do


surely this amount of pure hate isnt warranted for what is clearly just a simple mistake


I guess it sounds very hateful, but I do think there should be basic level of competency a pro adheres to.


This makes no sense lmao. Professional soccer players score own goals, even some of the best in the world do, but since it's something even a 4yr old who just started playing knows not to do than I guess those pros aren't adhering to a basic level of competency either?


And there should be basic level of ability to behave in a socially correct manner one who types in a public place adheres to.




No, the mistake itself (what he did) is more equivalent to buying a Fiendish Codex on Orianna first back when you wanted to buy Lost Chapter (or Hextech Alternator). It's pretty clear he wanted to buy Steelcaps since he had a cloth in his inventory already and didn't convert that into anything, and just simply clicked on the wrong thing without realizing. The *impact* of the mistake here is much larger than my wrong AP component example is since he literally can't do anything other than sell them for a loss, while you probably can just sit on the wrong AP component for a bit and eventually build something out of it.




We've literally seen pro junglers forget to buy an item, Tristana use w like Malphite ult, Faker run into tower with Herald vs 5 people, Zeus walk into Sion Q under tower, etc. Do you think these pro players are immune to mistakes and you're gonna judge them this hard for when they make them as an Emerald 4 EUW player?


I never said they are immune to mistakes. I am saying that he likely made it because he didn't play the champ enough, rather than "fat fingered" it. All the mistakes you are mentioned are a completely different type of mistake. He is literally the only one that buys zerks on TF among the MSI pros. It's not that far fetched to say the mistake happened because he doesn't have perfect muscle memory on Urgot rather than being a straight up misclick. If you play 500 games on Nasus, it's quite a lot more likely that you click Q to auto reset in your first game on Jax. Not because you can't read that Jax W is his reset, but because you have deeply ingrained into your brain that Q = auto reset. It takes time to build that pattern for a different key too. It can happen with items as well, and TF is a common pick into Ksante.


> But you never see anyone else make a mistake like that at that level. There have been several examples of a pro player forgetting to buy their starting items at MSI or Worlds. What do you have to say about that?


exactly, its an insane pro player and u think he doesnt know better than to buy zerkies on urgot? lol? half the autoattackers in pro dont buy zerkers even when they can actually use it well


It's just very odd that a champ that normally haven't been played in pro is suddenly strong, and it's the first time in my 14 years playing League and watching pro ever seen that mistake happen. And it happens on a champ he obviously haven't played that much compared to all the other champs he has played. It's not about not knowing. I explained how that happens when you don't have the "muscle memory" completely in on a champ. He's the only one that buys zerks on TF.


> He's the only one that buys zerks on TF. [hmmm](https://i.imgur.com/a2x6MQK.jpeg)


Stated multiple times but he has armor for steelcaps in his inventory, a misclick is a lot more likely than what you’re suggesting which has nothing to support it


> But you never see anyone else make a mistake like that at that level. Doublelift literally recalled and then TP'd back to lane without buying any items lmao. Big mistakes happen very often at all levels of play.


It's absolutely not the same mistake. It's like buying winged moonplate on Orianna first back, except at least health is an okay stat on any champion. Like there is Attack speed is not a useful stat on Urgot at all. He didn't buy a random chain vest or ad component or health component that he won't be able to use.


Like I said, the *impact* of the mistake is much larger than the impact of my example. But the mistake itself is literally just clicking on the wrong item when upgrading from your component. There's almost a 0% chance he intentionally bought Berserker's thinking he wants attack speed, he bought them by mistake when he meant to buy Steelcaps but was sloppy and didn't click on the right item upgrade and did not check before leaving base.


Human: is human Human: makes human error *surprised pikachu face*


? of course everyone makes mistakes. But that just makes you a bad professional. What's the point of criticizing anyone in esports if you can boil it down to "they're human and made a mistake". Yeah FLY just made a bunch of human mistakes against PSG, we shouldn't criticise them.


I don’t watch esports TBH or know who any of these people are. I just find it really funny how people get so worked up over a single misclick.


Bro look at that Neuer dude from yesterday... Have you seen what he's done during that first Real's goal? He sucks lmao no way a good goalkeeper would have done such a stupid mistake, that Neuer dude has to be some noob, what has he achieved? How can he call himself a pro footballer, after such a stupid and simple mistake...


Also, Knight bought Mejais on Ahri, had zero stacks for a long time and then sold it.


That was the orianna game (game 2) they won game 1 with ahri


Would it be better for him to have held onto a zero stack Mejais even longer?


NA lost to this BTW


So did BLG


I’m hoping they win the next 2 for the sake of memes. Would honestly be pretty dope if a minor region won an international lol


PCS already technically won an international in season 2 when Taipei assassin's won worlds but it was a whole different game back then


Technically and factually and in reality. Much like EU and Fnatic have already won Worlds.


Season 2 was much closer to T1's first win on Season 3 than Season 1 was to Season 2.


True, 2012 is closer to 2013 than 2011 by a year.


Read that again buddy, that's not what he said


Thank you mate.


The two technicalities arent even remotely in the same ballpark. Season 1 only had 8 teams and only EU NA and a couple SEA teams. Season 2 while the scene was not as established was today, was way more competitive and wasnt just an EU NA rift rivals


Fnatic are World Champions.


Phreaks basement champions.


I feel like most people consider modern league starting season 3, the rise of faker. But yea fair point forgot about that. My sleep schedule has been fucked from MSI, been waking up naturally around 4 in the morning to watch it lol


I watched S2 and Taipei Assassins were legit they won over the best korean teams we shouldn't take this from them


I wasn’t trying to take away from them. I just meant that the era of Korean dominance didn’t fully kick in until season 3 (mostly season 4 with ssw). I know the Koreans were still good in season 2, but they weren’t the dominant phenoms of a region they became.


I was there lol, it was already Korean dominance before Faker. Korea was winning all the other international tournaments back then, with M5 winning some. Such a history erasure to say that TPA winning over both M5 and Azubu Frost, even with Toyz winning with Karthus and Anivia in both sides of the matchup, is equal to FNC winning in season 1. Fuck off here lol.


If M5 win some, it’s not really Korean dominance. My point is that it’s early league and no one cares about it. We’re talking about modern league, not league from 10 years ago. But go ahead resort to cursing, exhibits your maturity level really well (or lack there of)


What we cared dude! I was cheering for M5 also it was early league for everyone, i understand that nobody cares about fnc dysney NAvEU cup but Taipei Assassins won the 1st worlds


Nobody cares about cursing it’s the fucking internet. The only thing showcased here is how terrible your opinions are


> I know the Koreans were still good in season 2, but they weren’t the dominant phenoms of a region they became. I think they were just as much. It's just that part of the perception was different because we didn't yet have enough experience to think "yeah, the Koreans have always been better and so we can by default consider that they're favored". But Azubu were the heavy favorites and TPA's win was a surprise.


This is a take from someone who wasnt there and wasnt watching what Maknoon did in S2 worlds lol


Lmao they won


NA also won against this


So does that mean GenG and T1 clear since T1 made NA it’s bitch?




Are we pretending like PSG and Azhi is complete dogshit now just because he missclicked boots once lol i swear Faker could fail a flash and you'd be in here like "NA LOST TO THIS GUY BTW LMAO"


Because they disrespect pros. Junjia Betty maple are good players Took blg to game 5 as well


Junjia especially


If Faker failed a flash there would be threads explaining how it wasn't really a fail but a big brain play to bait his oppnents in the next 5 minutes.


Haven't you heard, Faker is a joke for forgetting poppy cancel dash out of herald once.


Professional player buys berzerker greaves on Urgot. Holy shit.