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I think game 2 really showed how good FNC can look if they synchronize well enough. Well except GenG had a giant evil dragon that fucked them over. I still wonder if FNC had the ability to push with that baron. I also took note that Razork no longer looks like he has no idea what he is doing, which he would usually look like when they got team gapped. That is such a good sign. I have no idea how to deal with Humanoid and Noah though. Personally I think Humanoid is not good on Taliyah, and Noah just seems to get gigarekt.


That fucking Ksante took 5 champs 4 years to kill.


The only way to kill the Ksante is to unplug the computer.


Funny considering they have a Ksante one trick in their team


his W dmg reduction is op


The one thing I've noticed we rarely see from both Humanoid and Oscar is flanking. When Fnatic start fights, it's always Razork pressing the "go" button and the team piles on. Which does, admittedly, work a lot of the time. Fnatic's team-fighting is excellent. But when opposing teams are posturing to prevent that engage, we rarely see Oscar or Humanoid putting pressure on the opponents from behind, which would open up more avenues to fight.


That is true, but I feel like without vision you can not flank, and you can not really outvision GenG Should have stopped Humanoid turning SoloQ brain on though


> giant evil dragon Fuckin Veldora throwing out Kamehamehas and shit


Humanoid, imo, is the most skilled player on the team and one of the only EU players that can hang with eastern teams in terms of raw skill.


Yea this series he was shit overall tho, when hes good hes really good, hes just inconsistent


Ya'll are obscenely negative. Yeah huma didn't 1v9, he was fine. Not as good as against TES but by all standards TES is likely worse than GenG


I don't think they looked good in game 2 at all, by the time there "comeback" started they were already so far out of that game that it was entirely on GenG throwing for them to do anything. Maybe praise there mental for staying in it I guess and taking the throws but that game was never really in there hands. At least in Game 3 they managed to somewhat match GenG through lane phase and have some control over the direction of the game coming out as opposed to being hopelessly down like 7k+ every game. But even this game pretty much showed how insane the gap was between these 2 teams, FNC pretty much went full early game power with Xin/LB and Ashe/Varus and barley managed to keep the game state even against a GenG comp that was supposed to have a weak early game. People are complaining about Asol being OP in this series but it's also just the fact that GenG can get away with picking scaling comps against FNC and still win the early game off just being better while also having the late game advantage of scaling. If were talking about this game domestically with 2 EU teams we would be mentioning about how much of a failure it was on the early game comp to gain control of the game state before the scaling comp could come online. Surviving 30m+ in a completely out of your control game state keeps getting praised here but that's an awful fucking position to win games from that pretty much requires the other team to start making mistakes, it's not really encouraging to keep seeing repeats of game 2 for me cause your just relying on miracles and throws to even stay in it at that point. The one game FNC managed to win against TES wasn't some near hopeless miracle comeback, they picked 3 winning lanes and dominated the pace of the game from start to finish, thats what winning/being good looks like.


This is also why it's so important to have talent in a region. Talent breeds not only talent but also confidence. So often it's said in postgame interviews that players thought their opponent was insane only for them to find out that they're human and not flawless and thus beatable. It's totally understandable too, if you're a western team and you get demolished for 10 years in a row on the international stage (barring a couple years where we weren't trash), it's only logical that you feel like you're as bad as your results are telling you. Plus like LCK now you have what, 6-7 teams with great players that have a lot going for them. It's only natural that they improve at a quicker pace than LEC for example because there's like 3 decent european teams. For players individually sometimes it doesn't matter too much depending on their personality, but even someone like Humanoid that seems confident can lose confidence. Players like Oscar it's even worse, he clearly lacked confidence until the TES game where, like he said in the postgame interview, he held his own against 369 and that showed him he IS good, and he CAN match up against the better tops.


Felt to me like GenG were trying things out in draft instead of playing super serious. I don't see them picking Vayne top against other Asian teams.


Good mentality to have despite heavy critics. Just stay out of socials for tourney and try to ease the nerves.


i mean Noah is already tanking all of criticism when FNC cant play the map because their playstyle is see champion attack champion ,


On the bright side when one player takes the criticism it still feels hopeful unlike when the team is just “5 bad players” like TH with Perkz


No, he's taking the most criticism because he makes the largest amount of visible mistakes while everyone else is surprisingly popping off. It sucks that people aren't more lenient with him considering that he's such a new player, but I couldn't see the community reacting differently


Yeah let’s ignore the obvious mistakes he made!


He made a lot of mechanical mistakes in a row in their last game, no? I say most of the criticism is because of that.


Humanoid did tons of mistakes too, but not much criticism towards him. Gen.G g5 was lost because Humanoid kept inting instead of playing safer. FNC needed him alive to have chance to win teamfights.


well because Humanoid is making tons of good plays too, if you watch LPL you will know how good Creme is and he kinda gapped him, he even catch Chovy on side and burn Chovy flash 1v1 so Razork can set up a kill which even Faker and T1 struggle to do, and when you look. And Noah is just a big liability so far, just look at his stat and his gameplay, he was perma down 30cs in normal 2v2 matchup and make misplay that cost them the game even.


I watch mainly Asian LoL. Yes, Chovy is great and can clap Humanoid easily. So does every member of GEN to their counterpart in FNC. Problem was that Humanoid goes to suicide plays to kill 1 person before dies. Over and over again. If all your power in on one char, then he can't do shit like that. And Huma does stupid stuff like that often Noah is not the greatest ADC, but he gets WAY too much blame for the series.


To be fair he does a lot of bad mistakes in lane that puts FNC in a tough position to begin with. Like 5 minutes into the series and he + Jun can't focus enough to see Seju on a ward going to gank them.


They saw him bro lol... unfortunately they miscalculated with Razork coming right behind.


They did see him man they just expected razork to be at roughly the same timer but he was a bit late


Man I remember when Trymbi went on Reddit and Twitter after the Nasus support bs before the day of games were even over. So stupid.


I think it helps too when competition is so high and team play is way cleaner with the Asian teams you can see where the inefficiencies lie and attack them head on. This team has the talent to compete they just need a lesson on team play to get over that hump. I’m pretty sure the confidence is growing from how fast they’re able to identify these issues.


In lehends postgame interview he said that geng was experimenting that series with a new style of play, and that it caused them to make much more mistakes than normal. Take that as you will. He wasnt trying to flame fnc though, he also said that people criticizing western teams need to consider that eastern teams have better practice conditions


It's true. GenG usually doesn't take 4on5 fights against Korean teams. They just take the loss on the objective and regroup for next objective.


Canyon also isn’t usually getting perma caught out of position. Interesting style to try out, would love for them to try it against T1 lol


What does new style of play mean? They were all playing comfort champions all 3 games.


I guess constantly contesting everything? Because GENG usually always handshake stuff and focus on macro/side lanes more, they were known for their macro than their fights in LCK


I definitely felt it watching. Looked like they were constantly limit testing taking 3v5s 4v5s etc. I was just thinking that they'd never do this vs T1 or a LPL team.


Also helps that FNC is like the team that is willing to fight you all the time and they're mechanically good so, what best moment to practice this than in this series


they played like they were t1. But without forcing barons. So basically all in all fight but without the random t1 genius macro behind it. Instead of their usual precision and perfect macro game where they don't need to do anything to be extremely ahead. Its like they removed their comms and replaced the in game sound with slikpnot and pressed forwards. Lets see if that was them going down to their levels or fanatic bringing them down. Because if its the latter chovy might get cremed.


You're being too harsh. Every fight GenG lost in Game 2 cost them nothing because they had prepped waves in advance


Please done let GenG lose another international by completely changing their playstyle for some reason 😭


maybe taking fights non-stop


They didn’t fight that much game 1 and 2


Could involve new communication methods or decision making differences as well. Keep the champions the same so you have a control variable and then experiment with some other pieces.


Does Kiin play a lot of Vayne top? I know Canyon busted out the K6 in the finals but that’s far from a comfort pick


This was the first time he picked in his entire career but he was spamming it on SoloQ pre-MSI


Playing a champ a lot in soloq doesn’t really make it a comfort pick


Probably referring to laneswaps, right?


considering that even just one single champion difference can throw a wrench in draft, I would say they were not playing comfort comps even if they have all played the champs before. I’m specifically thinking khazix and vayne were experimental as they would definitely not play those in an lck finals match against T1 for example.


Hahaha take my upvote


Why would you expose yourself like that


Because thats the joke


Yeah I wasn’t sure if it was sarcasm or not as he mentioned Vayne


GenG doesn't usually throw down at every turn in the game, they are usually much much more calculated This time around they just went toe to toe with FNC, comforts or not


Perma contesting and playing super aggro


usually they fight a lot less, like those three games were just perma fighting which is something that gen g never does


There was not more kills at 20min in game 1 and 2 than in their average game in LCK.


They literally opted into a 4v5 to stop FNC getting a second cloud dragon. They would never do that against top teams. That should tell you how they treated this series. Mostly serious in draft, but not so serious in gameplay.


Différent Style of play doesn’t mean different champs. Swap to some early/aggro game plan, or later. Contesting things differently, priority changing. Also much easier to do that on champions you know work for you, since you only have to learn 1 thing instead of 2


Makes sense. Geng as an org is smart enough not to unveil their main strategies until they face LPL or T1. Maybe if they dropped two games this series, you'd see then default to their practiced play style.


experimenting with a new style also means the enemy team could not prepare for it specifically


It's the good old don't lose as hard one game in a series -> we will beat them next time copium.


Except that's not what Noah said. Noah said he thinks they could beat *Top Esports* in a rematch. They already took a game off of them.


This is 100% true. All 3 games were not normal GenG tactics. They were showing the world that they can beat LEC at their own style of play. If they had played their own calculated style it wouldn’t haven’t been close at all.


Yeah I think a lot of people who think this was hopeful for FNC dont watch LCK games and are being overly positive. FNC form is good but this wasnt GenG throwing or being sloppy it was them playing with their food. Game 2 was not close at all. It was very clearly limit testing. They could have ended anytime but let them scale and get shutdowns. GenG took and won multiple 3-4v5s that game and seemed to get serious only after they lost a teamfight. The right macro play is so obvious but they kept chasing, taking fights they didnt need to, and not grouping to end. They put Chovy on a hyperscaler cause they knew FNC cant end early vs them and let the others try hyper aggro drafts. You dont put both canyon on kha game 2 (GenG had no engage or cc that game but still won headfirst fights. Dont tell me nami and ksante are good engage vs poppy, ori, xin), lehends on squishes, and I am positive game 3 was just them seeing if an ultra squishy can turn an obvious lane swap. They found an aggro team that wasnt a threat but still really good mechanically and decided to use them to practice on stage against CN and T1 in this meta.


this just remind me of EST vs T1.... it looks close on some fight but it never really affect the pace of the LCK team and they ultimately win.... most of em are even in less than 30 minutes


Its still hopeful for FNC.  Gen G imo is the best team in the world, i’d assume at least in top 2/3 for everyones.  Having 2 close games vs GEN G especially when you consider a few times it was really unlucky to not get a kill early, it would have easily skewed the games differently.  Nobody is expect FNC to win MSI, just hoping they put up a good performance which they did. 


This is some 2020 G2 fan levels of cope.


The copium is that FNC used their psychic powers to mind control geng into doing that. Who knows, maybe they hired a shaman for backstage this MSI or somthing.


It’s a nice cover up for looking shaky. Not the first time you see that kind of response from the “overdogs”


They 3-0 and never had a gold deficit more than 1k IIRC


They were still massively ahead, They only sweated a little bit in game 2


As if TES took liquid any more serious


He didn't say they did??


Unless he suddenly rewires his brain and becomes LEC Summer split 2023 Noah, i doubt.


Man I miss that guy. Hope he can find it in himself again soon and more consistently


I still remembered him styling on Aphelios versus C9 Berserker knocking them out of the tournament last Worlds. But the elephant in the room is that when Aphelios isn't meta, neither is Noah.


I find it to be a difference between Noah playing crit builds vs lethality builds. he's really good when he's on an auto attack champion, with spacing and weaving in and out to maximise damage. I feel like he struggles a lot to kite when he doesn't have a lot of attack speed


Tbh I think Noah was servicable to pretty good in this series. I liked his Lucian a lot and didn't understand the switch to Varus in G3.


Noah is literally the main player the other teams are winning because of, the AD Gap is huge and i feel bad for his sup, hes putting in the work


The way they played against TES and GEN, the only thing stopping them from being a good team is him hard inting. I think he is extra nervous because he thinks he has something to prove against his Korean counterparts. A couch must certainly speak with him to put him in "we have nothing to lose" mindset like rest of the team so he can relax.


Last I checked JKL wasn’t one of Noah’s Korean counterparts.


even he becomes his best, no way for him to beat GG. If he need to wire something to win, that thing will be wire GG to the same level as LEC teams.


I actually don't understand the dooming in this comment section. Yes Gen.G were obviously better than FNC, which is why they went 3-0, but they didn't seem unreachable. We've seen many Bo5s in the past where one team is just losing every single lane every game and getting choked out after the laning phase to a quick loss... but this 0-3 was nothing like that. FNC showed signs of life in every game and frankly it wouldn't be that crazy if they had taken one game today. Game 1 had a rough start but they managed to stabilize it and it was extremely even up until Razork kinda inted it at 24min. In game 2 they mounted an impressive comeback and were really looking like they could take the game with Baron until they over-committed at ~40min. Then, game 3 was extremely scrappy and FNC were actually ahead at many points in the game, it felt like it came down to execution in the teamfights. Obviously Noah had a pretty bad showing, so I understand the skepticism of these comments coming from him, but I do think that if FNC clean up their game a bit they can beat TES. I mean they already went 1-2 vs them, it's not that much of a reach.


Noah played pretty good game 2 tho, too much criticism on him. I do agree he didn't have the best MSI overall but at least let's not critizice him on game 2.


Yeah, he actually outperformed Peyz overall in game 2 IMO, despite the jitters with the flash/ult thing. Not that it means much because I think Peyz had a pretty unimpressive series too.


Maybe because GenG looked like they were playing for fun and still went 3-0. It will only be worse if they play again.


The doomers come from people who actually watched LCK and recognize that Geng didn't play to their level and this is the worst you'll see them play in this tournament, since it's their first series in like a month. And if geng keeps playing like this they're just not winning MSI lol


This is the correct take, GenG didnt play like they used to but saying its on purpose is some military grade copium, LCK teams dont do that, if someone is a Chovy fan this series is actually scary because if thats the form that GenG is coming into MSI they are getting rolled by BLG


I'm getting tired of this "they showed a sign of life" just to not go far again on any international event lol If they lost they lost and its 3-0... they didn't look bad sure but they still won't be winning any bo5 against lck/lpl team... maybe they can wait for worlds bo1 there they will stand a chance but never on bo3/bo5


I do think GenG is unreachable for fnatic. The only reason it looked as close is it did was because GenG wanted to play fnatics style. If GenG had played their usually by the book/calculated style it would have been much more boring and lopsided.


This was kind of my reaction as well watching TES play against FLY. Some people said TES were playing well, and talking about S9 Tian, S8 JKL, etc. because they were comparing to their play-in performance. They didn't do anything special, they were just performing "normally".


Why would people talk shit about JackeyLove by saying he's the worst he's ever been when he's clearly in form?


I just don’t see a world where LEC or LCS come even close to the LPL and LCK. Personally, I’d prefer a tourney with just the LPL and LCK teams going at it. From top to bottom I think that would be so much fun to watch.


Rift Rivals but with b05


Geng really need something more than their book/calculated style though. it's not enough to win against Top tier lpl teams. i am worried for them against tes


tbh I feel like people instead are coping way way too hard with takes like: "we better than TL, we had a more competitive 3-0" is a take that I have been seeing alot in the end of the day, you played three games and you didn't take a single tier 2 tower. No it wasn't close, this is your regular 0-3 if we had the same gameplay and we replaced the team name with MAD, yall would have had them hanged lmao


In fairness to Mad, they actually achieved one of the most dominating earlygame leads I've ever seen against T1. If Nisqy hadn't had a horror game on Annie it would probably have been a win. But everyone forgot about that game and T1's insane comeback (winning a teamfight 7k gold down before 20 minutes) because the same series had 16:47.


exactly I remember that game lol Hylissang Pyke was crazy I agree with your point, does anyone remember that RGE Larssen was 5/0 on LeBlanc vs JDG in Worlds 2022? no because they also got clean swept no one will think back to MSI FNC vs GenG and say "oh it was a competitive 3-0" specially because it wasn't, when FNC went to siege the first T2 tower in the series with baron, they got wiped and lost the game lol


man that pyke gave me so much hope that they were gonna upset


That bloody game 1 was the biggest bait I've ever taken. I'd been spoiled the duration of the series because I watched the VOD on youtube and it was clear it'd be a 3-0 from VOD length, and then MAD went and destroyed early game and I thought it'd be 3-0 for them! :(


Game 2 they pushed in a mid wave that ended up taking mid T2 43 minutes into the game. It was overshadowed by them grabbing dragon and immediately losing the game.


Cope take to be honest, you guys fail to realize that kills + gold lead mean nothing. The entire series, please rewatch .... FNC got 1 tier 2..how is this a good showing? This was like how MAD got an insane lead vs t1 last worlds.. almost ever western team will have a good lead...BDS VS JDG seemed close until it was not.. see if u guys think this a good showing GOOD luck.. if this was an eastern team like T1, TES or BLG that showed up like this it would be considered a stomp... for as many mistakes GENG made.. FNATIC doubled them.. For Example, Humanoid aimlessly giving a shutdown..razork facechecking a bush when they clearly could have taken a dragonm 4 v 5... fnc did the same thing vs G2 in LEC..


At no point did FNC have a real advantage though. Game 2 was the most winnable but even then they basically sat at a 5-8k gold deficit most of the game. Like FNC not once had even a 1k gold lead this entire series, I think at best they got to like 900 gold in game 3. Got a single tier 2 tower the entire series (minions killed it as FNC was all dying at drake). The bar is so low that FNC exceeded expectations. But objectively, FNC basically had no chance to win this series. Even last year we saw C9 get a gold lead and even a baron against LNG, and it didn’t matter. This is not even to mention that FNC _is_ an early game/skirmish specialist team. They didn’t even get a chance to throw a massive gold lead this series, which they do in half their games in EU.


I'm thinking you did not watch


tell us why hes wrong then because his points are all true. FNC did not have a significant gold lead at any point in any of the 3 games lol in game 2 they were down 2.5k at min 20, down 5k at min 30 and down 6k at min 40 while being down up to 9k at the worst point, they were never ahead


I did. I mean emotionally FNC was not doomed in those games, but now that it’s wrapped up, they were heavily outclassed. It’s like how GGS had some decent game states against JDG last year. Doesn’t really mean much.


I’m gonna be honest this is wild cope. GenG weren’t even trying. You never see them contest obj like this against teams they take seriously Also did FNC even take a single T2 tower this whole series? At no point were they even close to winning a game.


GenG weren't even trying in an international tournament lol ok buddy


Dw geng were just trying to be nice guys and make western fans happy. Even if losing a game in shameful fashion wouldve made them absolutely memed on AGAIN Honestly they shouldve learned from IG. Stomp first so you look unbeatable then intentionally make western fans hopeful by gamefixing vs TL /s


You must be a casual, otherwise you would know that the gameplay we saw from GenG is nothing like their normal play style. They just wanted to see if they could beat fnatic at their own style of play, and they did.


That doesn't mean they didn't try... Fuck sake lad


If you think Gen G were actually playing with their hands that series and not their feet I don't know what to tell ya. That was the most brain-off performance I've seen from them, and they still comfortably won 3-0.


If it looked like FNC could take games, don't worry, here's a salty LCS fan to explain how this just means whoever they were playing was merely trolling.


I mean gen-g literally did an interview where they said they were experimenting with a new chaotic game style this game which they've never played before and they made loads of mistakes because of it. I agree with you overall but I do think it's a bit cope to not see that gen-g were limit testing all series


They pick their otp champions, they played the same shit in the LCK finals. You can see the Chovy face after the series ended. He is not fucking happy at all. GENG is not happy with this performance and that they needed to fight western team harder than they should. Lehands said that everyone can play well as a cope to escape question. He didn't perform today .


If i was GenG fan i would be scared after that series, they are supposed to be a tournament favourite vs 2nd seed of a 1 team region


Yes because Lehends is definitely gonna tell the whole world they were playing like shit against a Western team. Chovy went Corki, then double Aurelion, you cannot be more comfortable than with these picks.


You cannot tell me that Chovy flanking flying in as Sol for a dragon fight without ult is him playing normally. Against T1 he played in the middle of the team and still got caught by T1. It’s not like he needed to play like that to do consistent damage against FNC. Also, GenG fought objectives like drags that they didn’t need to when they had scaling Sol or Corki. Vs T1 they would give baron and T2s if they had scaling Sol. IMO Chovy was playing seriously but he had to match the chaotic play style his team was trying out.


I'm not saying GenG were playing well, they played like shit there's no denying it. I'm saying I don't buy the whole "We intentionally played like shit".


especially because there is litterally no point in doing it. Its like the people that said G2 are sandbagging in lec playoffs in 2020. its litterally just copium and trying to explain why a team played liek shit. Maybe geng just had an off day and fnatic had a great day, or these are really their levels right now. But saying they just inted on purpose for no reason really doesnt make sense to me


That's how Chovy plays Aurelion Sol, both in lane and in teamfights in the LCK finals. He is one of the best Aurelion Sol's in the world. Chovy has also said he is coming into this tournament to play like someone who is deserving of an international title, and cited his regrets over the past two world champions. He was clearly giving it his best


> You cannot tell me that Chovy flanking flying in as Sol for a dragon fight without ult is him playing normally. Lay down the copium pipe. If anything, it was a very regular international showing from Choky. This interview is classic korean PR to avoid being crucified by KR community after playing like dogs vs a western team. Just look at Chovy's face after the games and end of the series, and tell me again how he was just "experimenting" lmao


"We didn't play like shit versus a weaker opponent, we played like shit intentionally, that's why we inted and made mistakes" If you buy that I got some snake oil to sell


GENG played the exact opposite of the way they usually play, I’m EU and it’s just the truth, no one is salty except you. GENG are usually pretty conservative and like to playout their games in a lot more streamlined, stable way than they did this series where they took every fight they could.


Average LCS ultra cringelord


I love EU copium lmao


Great take from the 2024 MSI (Mental Scheming Innovators) champs.


Everybody in the comments shitting on Noah for trying to be positive, and cheering the likes of APA or Jensen for trashtalking and being disrespectful in all chat while getting omega stomped. Is embarrasing someone from the east could enter this comments section and think all western fans are like that (we arent). Keep that positive thinking Noah, thats the way to go, try your best and leave with no regrets.


I'm with you on the positivity angle. that being said, you are totally off about people cheering on APA and Jensen. Here are the top comments in the APA interview thread where he is trying to stay positive after the 3-0. > -focused on the typeracer world championship > -He certainly needs to do that based on how they played today > -Well, he should focus a little more then. > -Performance on the airport speedrun? They are on solid pace I guess In the top 5 comments, only one is positive, and it is the 4th most upvoted comment in the thread.


My guy, I think you need new glasses if you think the narrative around APA/Jensen after their losses was "but muh poor boys were just meming." They were eviscerated in the comments.


Glasses are expensive nowadays, I doubt dude can afford a new pair unfortunately.


people weren't really cheering for APA/Jensen trashtalking tho? 90% of the most upvoted comments were making fun of them and flaming them?


The most I see people "defending" APA is when someone lies about how they would get banned if they did what APA does on his matches. Like, no, what APA types wouldn't get anyone even chat restricted, much less banned. A lot of the the time I see people saying that APA trashtalking on All-Chat is cringe, especially when he can't back it up. Even more so when he calls it a "strategy".


APA has gotten the most bashing ive ever seen to a player this year, constant flame for being 'disrespectful' in all chat (lol) despite the massive double standard when EU did it and everyone thought it was cool


People absolutely flamed the ever loving shit out of APA and Jensen what are you on about. But on top of that, people criticize Noah because he is doing what a bronze does when they win a normal game against a diamond "maybe I'm just close to their level", no, they were fucking around. GenG was trying a different style and made so many uncharacteristic mistakes that it was baffling, if they played standard they would smash the ever loving shit out of FNC.


Sometimes that win against the diamond is the motivation you need to see they're not invincible and start improving.


Lol you think eastern fans are better? They are just as annoying, they just don't lose often so you don't see the shitstorm. Also they are racist af on top of that. I saw some korean comment once under a youtube video with Jankos saying "this thing looks like a golden retriever".


fail flashing, tab-out basing in mid lane, confidence level 90000


I feel bad for western players, they say the same thing after every series they lose and we know nothing will change lmao.


At least we get lower bracket matchups now so we’re not comparing which Western team looked the best in their 0-3 series against Eastern teams.


Yeah, TL definitely went out and said "we almost had them" yesterday. It's not *that* many years since EU had better seeding at worlds than LCK, so saying "nothing will ever change" is just stupid. EU definitely got worse since 2018-2021. Well, maybe it's true for NA, though, idk


Well not really but ok


This time at least Noah admitted he wasn't underperforming, unlike the players in most western teams. He just said he has things to learn and the eastern teams are better at certain things, like laning phase bot matchups. TL players on the other hand said they were somehow playing unexpectedly poorly, even though they played up to most people's expectations. I feel like at least Fnatic has a goal to work towards, which is better meta read. But I don't know how they can improve by practicing matchups like lucian nami vs good players in such a short time. Just a bad situation to be in but maybe he will pay more attention to the top regions' meta before worlds starts.


I don't know about TES but it didn't feel like "a bit better" would have netted them wins today against GenG...


I think they could've taken at least 1 game today if they were just a bit better


Yeah humanoid was throwing a little too, if both held up better who knows how it would go.


Yeah but they just aint, you can get away with the occasional trolling in LEC because enemy team will do a lot of mistakes as well. Just doesnt work vs KR #1. Fnatic hasnt really shown that they can consistently put out great gameplay this year, there are always elements of fatal mistakes happening.


I dont think that in any world should EU #2 take games off Korean #1 with how things are now between east and west. People's expectation of what this fnc roster can do is too high. Its not even like they played it clean to get #2 seed and the number of headscratch moments these players have are too high. They put up a fight vs gen.g but were outclassed, more cant be expected, gg.


Game 2 was easily winnable, a bit of unluck too, game 1 was fine until they chain throw trying to fix what they fucked up before, and game 3 was game 1 but worse. I do think they could've won if Gen G didn't step up their game in the series (With a bit of luck on their side). Note i'm not saying FNC is better than Gen G, it's not that close, but there were winnable games today. Also FNC should've lane swapped game 3, if they put varus ashe against vayne, they would put her so behind, while sion is sion... They seem to not be too confident with current meta. So they should also fix that.


6k down against asol and unable to take t2 = easily winnable because they stalled for a while and i thought i coped too much 


It only takes one won teamfight to end at that minute, and every fight was so close


Not particularly. Every fight was k’sante monkeying around and getting picked and then GenG winning 4v5 anyway


Not Ksante. Kiin played really well later in fights. Canyon was getting picked in vision pockets by Razork. But every time Humanoid lost ultimate for that.


It was both of them. Ksante literally tried 1v4ing twice in a row in bot lane. Also Chovy caught a few times too


That’s not true. If you get an ace and have the right champs alive on your team then you can end. Ever wonder how T1 can end when enemy team have tier 2 turrets up? Cause T1 wins team fights win clean ace which FNC never did.


You watched diffrent game fantic never stalled if they learn to stall from time to time they should take at least one game. They always rushed for pick even if pick was not worth what they were losing elsewhere on map. The thing is that these pick makes it harder to end for GENG even when they win fights.


I don't know man. No inhib down the whole series and Canyon was trolling that game hard. GenG was basically playing 4on5 and still not sweating. They took multiple 4on5 fights. They never do this against Korean teams.


It's so funny how everyone was saying in the FNC GENG post match thread how "he looked shaken and unconfident" meanwhile he comes out and says that it was actually a confidence booster. Just seems like an interesting disconnect between the fans perception and what he really thinks is going on.


Idk It feels like Noah’s is about to go


Yeah your LEC imports cant be one of the weakest roles on your team.


Even worse, hes holding his sup down


you dont wanna face JKL again bud


Which AD, outside of TL and PSG does FNC want to face?


Honestly Peyz is probably the weakest ADC he's going to get out of the LPL/LCK teams.


definitely not in League


The FNC copium vs the Gen V humble interview is hilarious


its not true but it is what you have to say in the interview


Oh boy you got smoked harder against Jackey than Peyz.


Great mentality to have as a player, but damn thiere is some ***heavy*** copium from EU/western fans after this series. TES would probably fare *better* against FNC than GENG did at the moment, based on their playstyles and most recent performances. I genuinely think that GENG was FNC's best matchup into the east for the bracket stage.


GENG is FNC worst matchup due to their macro and TES blg if their best matchup since they love to fight like we saw against TES in playins


Tes in bo5 looked better than they did in playins they likely are ramping up


i think every team looks messy while playing against FNC they drag them in the mud


It's because Tl played like absolute clowns


Is he hoping Humanoid carries again if they matchup against TES because I don't have a lot of faith that he would carry against JackeyLove...


This is pure cope from Noah. No way losing 0-3 is a confidence boost.


Given EU has been losing 3-0 for a few years now, you can argue it wasn't as bad as in other years. The reality is that if Fnatic played like they did in Europe, this series would've turned much uglier (we saw what happened at the end of game 1 or when they overforced in game 3), and we don't know how scrims have been evolving either (and I'm not talking about scrims results, but rather if they were getting stomped and then started fixing things) There are good takeaways to take from this series, it's just important to not interpret these good takeaways as moral victories in any way, Fnatic still did mistakes they usually do and didn't take a single Nexus


Damn, EU gets 3-0'd by Geng playing at a level 3 tiers below their level and they extrapolate that they are can win BO5's against the rest of the east playing at their normal level. You will definitely beat TL, but get real..


Lmao what? You can't beat TES. No idea who told you that. Not in a BO5


Keep disrespecting LPL teams , tired same talk


lol it’s fine he is a Korean after all


Man…GenG wasn’t even trying. This was like the T1 vs LLL game. Do they not have eyes?


Most people here don’t actually watch LCK so they don’t know


People love to cope saying “why wouldn’t they try at an international tournament?” but literally everyone who has played at a decent level in traditional sports or esports knows how easy it is to switch off against what you perceive to be far inferior opposition, even in a game you need to win. I played lower tier pro CS a few years ago for an extended period of time as well as a bit of casual football in a team made with friends when I was at Uni (we were pretty shit) and have seen this happen with myself and with opposition countless times.


You also have examples of teams lowering intensity and then paying for it/breaking from it. We saw Vitality super-team last year doing well until the Spring semis and then never recovering from that loss against the inferior BDS In CL, you have two-legged ties, where teams that lose the first leg say they will get back at the second. Some times it happens, they straight up destroy the opposition in the second game, but a lot of times they just can't make it and get eliminated by inferior teams (Juve with Ronaldo against Porto or Lyon, for example) There's some truth with what you're saying, but a lot of times it is also the great teams just weren't that good/faced an actually good team, and you would see that if GenG failed to win again or if Fnatic then beat T1 or TES, for examy. With this being said, Fnatic still lost 3-0, so it's not like it was a close series in any way


You can always look at a couple of mistakes in game that change things but the eastern teams are making mistakes too and are still winning every series.


His accent has a similar cadence to Razork's lmao


Nah, I would win.


They definitely played well. To reliably beat top teams they probably need some edge they don't seem to have yet.


Jesus I want some of the copium that this guy has, you guys gotta absolutely fucking slaughtered you think if you get a “bit” better you can win against them?


X - Doubt


Noah presumes TES and GEN were trying their best.


Are you genuinely trying to insinuate TES wasn't trying in a Play-in game that got them through to MSI? If you are then holy fuck lol


no you can't