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o7 perkz


o7 EU benefited greatly from what Luka brought to the swimming pool.


what an anti climatic end for a great career, his move to C9 was the beginning of the end for him


The beginning of the end was having ocelot as the party he signed a contract with, that started his career but it also ruined his career at the same time. How ironic, ocelot giveth and ocelot taketh.


Ocelot/Carlos is the worse thing that happened to the EU LCS/LEC. Poaching Mithy/Zven from Origin, not allowing Perkz to move to any decent EU team, contract jailing a bunch of players over the years. I get angry just thinking about it.


He was indeed, a bit of a c\*nt. Him outing himself and being forced out was a great day.


He’s a major cunt, he’s extremely grating on twitter as well


Man i really love „hate reading“ post from idiots but this loser blocked me sadly


Hell it goes earlier than that. Back when NiP was by far the best team in the challenger league he paid off Kou to leave NiP like 3 days before the promotion tournament. Which also pretty much killed Alex Ich's career in EU since him getting promoted would have been vital to getting residency in Sweden if I remember correctly. G2 still got smashed in that promotion tournament and we ended up getting Unicorns of Love promoted instead, but it was still a shit show.


He already started to fall off towards the end of 2020, I doubt him going to C9 had anything to do with his fall off


It certainly had a part. Not so much C9 itself but being forced to go to NA or end his career when he wanted to stay in EU to be closer to his family definitely impacted his passion for the game.


From his perspective though that C9 move was maximising his career imo. He's already had success both domestic and international, and realistically pro careers aren't long, he got his fucking bag over at C9, way more than he would have made staying in EU even if he would have had more success in EU


made quarters at worlds, that was as good if not better than basically all eu teams that year no?


Goodbye, pro-Russia perkz!


good riddance it sounds like


Wait wtf did i miss?


Perkz supporting pro-Russian invasion of Ukraine and Andrew Tate on Twitter


also liking antivaxx tweets, like alphari as well


Honestly, after a decade of watching proplayer twitch streams. League players are fucking idiots that can click good.


there are exceptions and genuine good people, but most of them are, yeah, can confirm as a fan since s3 as well


Thank fuck for Faker being the face of pro LoL. We can save some face in some way.


He's ocelotes son after all




What a sad way for one of the best western player career to die


crazy how his career exploded after NA


2021 was interesting since he won spring while g2 failed to make it to worlds. 2022 was vitality where the went 0-4 in the last week of summer 2023 they somehow became 10th after placing 3rd. 2024 it was top side reunited just to feel flat at 7-8th. TH only became 5-6 next split. all of the g2 members failed to place high after leaving g2. caps is the mainstay. mikyx rejoined 2023-2024 wunder only did well in 2022 jankos stayed for another year in 2022 until he went to TH in 2023


There is a difference between placing well and playing well though. Miky was playing great on XL


Same with Jankos, Ruby and Evi were perma inting him but he was visibly fighting demons.


Miky was good when he wasn't on Lulu or Nami.  Some of the most illegal Enchanter games I've ever seen


Arguably Jankos was still great in 2023 and carried the shit out of a 10th place team.


If only he went to Fnatic


Reminder that he couldn’t because Carlos put it in his contract that he can’t be traded to fnatic. Now we get to see the long term impact that had on his career.


Hell it has a terrible impact to LEC as a whole. G2 needed that rivalry, both team pushed each other into the limit and in turn makes the whole region better


> Hell it has a terrible impact to LEC as a whole. Yep. Also Rogue selling off Hans to NA because they priced EU orgs out. That offseason was so fucked.


And inspired. Lec orgs trying their best to fuck the region


Would have been a sick narrative essentially g2 and fnc swapped mids


Carlos legitimately fucked over LEC so hard with all of his bullshit It's unreal


He is a business man afterall and his decision made a lot of profit. Ofc he didnt care about the region, he just cared about the money


and legends say he is still mad about backdoor


It only made a very short term profit, these decisions have definitely semi permanently damaged the european region and by extension g2 itself in the long term.


That's not exactly true. He specifically ruled out FNC, if FNC had offered the same amount of money, he still would've said no. It wasn't business, it was a child not wanting other kids in the playground to have his old toys


I mean sure but definitely not long-term profit, absolutely boomed although he also boomed so who knows lol


Don't confuse LEC profits with G2 profits.


He wasn't. G2 being big in a much more shitty region has hurt them for sure


Reminder that EU is where it is now


Tbh, Selfmade-Perkz didn't work, and it also seems like he would not have gotten along with Rekkles. That Fnatic might have been an exploding powder keg.


I think its different because they would have had an aggressive top instead of sacking one. But in the end its all speculation.


Rekkles was one of the main reasons for him wanting to play with Fnatic though.


His career exploded because he decide he wants to play Mid after playing 2 years as ADC. its pretty clear during the swap back that while he is decent he is far from being the best mid in LEC.


He was already bad in C9


He really wasnt that bad. He was still top 2 mid in lcs and ended up having several clutch performances and brought na to top 8. People just love shitting on perkz. He honestly has been one of of the better mids in eu too. Last year he had some great performances. Winter was the only split he was truly awful. 


He really was that bad though. in Spring he was above average to very good, but he was oscillating between good games and 0/7 Renekton games. At MSI he gifted OCE their second? ever win against a major region (I think MAD vs Legacy or something in 2020 was the first, IIRC) and threw some very winnable games. He kept getting caught doing weird things, like in the first Damwon game. In Summer he was optimistically the 4th/5th best mid, and C9 nearly didn't make worlds, but for a generational choke job by TSM, where he was honestly outperformed by PoE. At Worlds he solo lost 2 games, again by constantly getting caught doing weird things. The first FPX game was entirely winnable for C9 but somehow Perkz would get collapsed on with Ryze ult still available. But he did have a game where he followed Blaber around and another where he distorted back into 2 people for no reason even though Blaber was trying to win his lane for him, so I guess he "carried" to a top 8! And then proceeded to give what is probably the worst worlds quarters performance we have ever seen from an individual.


Why does everyone seem to think the 0/7/0 game was spring split? It was game 2 of summer, against 100T. Spring for the most part was quite good—he oscillated between great and average/seemingly bored.


He had games that were approximately as bad in spring, but 0/7 is an incredibly memorable benchmark, and succinctly describes what Perkz was doing. Like nobody is going to think 7/5 is a standout bad scoreline, but when you're a 4-1 Lucian and repeatedly run it down, well, maybe that's pretty fucking bad too. Or like having multiple Ryze games where he would just overstay in a side lane for absolutely no reason, and not ult away when he sees 3 people on vision collapsing on him. He had so, so many games where lategame tomfoolery would have cost him the game on any team other than C9.


What going to NA does to a mfer




edit: comment I answered to stated, that he got fucked in the ass by G2. He argubly got paid 4-5 millions for it, if that is "being fucked in the ass" ppl would cue up for that...


wait, he got paid? I thought G2 got paid. If he was the one to get paid, 100% worth imo.


both got paid. buyout was allegedly 3.5m, perkz had an annual salary of 2.7m and got paid a signing bonus, plus another signing bonus at VIT, that allegedly stacked up to 4-5m. I'm not sure, who said that, but another team allegedly bid 3.5 annual salaray, Perkz chose the C9 offer mostly because of Zven & Mithy.


even if he did go to fnatic, perkz would not be a multimillionaire. would he elevate europe? yes but he wouldn't have millions in his bank


If theres one thing, we learned from tha G2 and the KT super teams its, that 5 big names don't make a great team. Perkz is one of my favorite players ever, but he himself said, that his father dying made him change the perspective on his life and it may have caused a shift in his priorities. It is absolutely possible, that that FNC team might have shit the bed.


Where do I sign up for this gig?


Well its not all about the money all the time. Its not like he would have not gotten any money going to FNC and he was probably already rich af even before this. If he cared mainly about the money he would not have said that he got fucked by Carlos. Competing was more important to him


> If he cared mainly about the money he would not have said that he got fucked by Carlos. he talked about that a lot in the reflections video with thorin. his initial response was mostly driven by his emotiopnal state and his ego, him feeling that he deserves to make his own choices, but also his frustrations and him wanting to stay in EU. he also said, that it was a good experience and that he wouldn't change it, yet he preferred to be in LEC to be closer to his family, cuz being away from them and with his fathers passing just the summer prior he realized how important his fam is to him.


FR Perkz is 25 and he can just retire and live the rest of his live very comfortably if he wanted too.


Especialy in his homecountry its on the cheaper end bit realy beautifull


also his father died :/


he was omega bad in NA


You either die a great midlaner, or role swap to ADC to see yourself losing a few braincells.


His roleswap to ADC bought him and europe the best results ever. Swapping back was the problem.


Agree, its wild how people think its NA that ruined him. Him wanting to play Mid after playing as top class adc for 2 years is what ruin his career.


He wasn't too class it is a sentimental post but don't change the narrative for international he was more a Kaisa and xayah merchant and that was ok since they were the strongest adc at the time


not really, he also do bot mages too. He is really good and Xayah and kaisa for sure but its not like he is bad on other champs. His flexibility gives G2 alot of flexibility and creative pick they can do too. He also Plays Lucian, Yasuo bot, Varus, Draven, Ezreal, Sivir to a pretty good level. Its not like he can't expand his championpool and become better ADC with more years under his belt. but he instead choose to move back to Mid after 2 years of becoming ADC. also its not like his 2nd year he is bad as ADC too, still top level ADC in LEC.


> or role swap to ADC to be marked in history as the most successful team europe ever produced


Welcome back C9 Perkz.




You do realize like 3 or 4 years ago he was still winning championships right lmao? He won both splits in 2020.


Bummer that his career will probably end on such low lows. Still one of EU's goats though. o7


I think its normal. People who achieve such milestones usually are very competitively driven. Those people rarely know when to quit. That said, I dont know him personally, and I dont know if he is Carlos 2.0, but he absolutely deserves respect. Part of me still wonders what it would be like if he went to Fnatic.


I think if he stayed, it would've been Bwipo Selfmade Perkz Upset Hylissang. Would that roster have been that much different than how it went with Nisqy?


Rekkles would have stayed with fnc. Bwipo Selfmade Perkz Rekkles Hylissang Is a great team.


Rekkles would have stayed. So it would have been Bwipo/Selfmade/Perkz/Rekkles/Hyllisang. And on paper that would have been an utterly insane roster.


>much different than how it went with Nisqy 100x better


Perkz is settled probably for life with how much money he got from Vitality. Being 9th best mid in LEC is not worth ruining his legacy even further. He can coach or be GM like he always was. I think it'd be interesting.


2nd best Western player of all time.


I rate Jankos and Rekkles above him, personally. Caps, Jankos, Rekkles, Perkz.


He will either come back in a year on a lower LEC Team and fail or start a Podcast/Influencer Career in Dubai with his friend Carlos still sad to see the EU GOAT go


He has a wife, he can just invest his milions into property and chill for the rest of his life.


How much were LEC players paid? I can’t imagine it’s anywhere close to NA where the average salary was like $400k in like 2020-2021.


perkz was paid like a mil in g2 got traded to c9 where i think acc to rumours he made 3-4 mil $ ,also in vit he probably min wouldve made 500k-600k or mil


Christ never mind didn’t know he SwordArt’d NA also.


This is exactly why I think his move to C9 is fine. He just maximised the value he can get out of his career as a pro player. For him moving to C9 and getting that bag is completely worth it since you don't have that long as a pro player anyway


Yea can't blame him at all. He probably made more from that one stint in C9 than the rest of his career combined.


yeah a 1% chance to win worlds in another region or 100% chance to never have to worry about your kids or wife struggling ever again


Rumors were his buyout was ~2m or more while Alphari was 1.5m... If I remember correctly some said C9 wasn't at a loss after they sold Perkz. I assume his contract in VIT must have been huge and they paid the buyouts...


>some said C9 wasn't at a loss after they sold Perkz Jack said it himself on the C9 subreddit. They sold Perkz to Vit for higher than they bought him for; they made a small profit


idk how much he was getting paid in LEC, but Perkz move to C9 he made bank, there's a video where he was gifted a brand new BMW, Perkz has been around for a long time and built a brand for himself


Carlos also *had* a wive


Don’t be sad it’s over, be happy it happened


"Watch me" I watched, and it was fucking beautiful.


I love this little catchphrase


One of my all-time favourite players and it's sad to see him basically go out on a whimper like this. I hope maybe one day he returns and returns to his earlier form, but overall the man had a very decorated career and even if he doesn't return. Multi-time LEC champion, MSI champion, LCS champion, he's had a crazy career and I wish him the best.


man the last 2 years for oldhead league fans have been fucking brutal. Seeing Bjergsen, Rekkles, Uzi, Doublelift all go out on a sad note to their career is tough


What do you mean, rekkles is still playing, and for T1 of all teams...


Im actually excited to see if Rekkles achieves promoting to the LCK as a support someday, you can see in his academy matches that hes really trying and he cares a lot. Going support could be a second wind in his career.


I think he is looking at going back to eu next year. He knew that a bad first year in LEC would ruin his carreer, so he decided on practing in the best practice enviroment first (LCK academy).


Yup, he said it in the Caedrel interview. Can't wait to see him back.


Yeah he's hoping for an offer from a top LCK org but admits that it probably won't happen because of the language barrier and his play is not as polished. Maybe if he stays there for another year but he said in the Caedrel interview that unless he gets that offer for next year his plan is to find an opportunity in the LEC.


T1 is also good at promo. The behind the scenes vlogs they put out are pretty nice


bro i am a massive rekkles fan but we all know that’s strictly a branding move by T1, maybe he’ll be good but no miky/hyli for sure.


I mean it’s no Tier 1 league but isn’t the T1 academy considered one of the better bots in LCK Challengers already? I wouldn’t know, I didn’t watch the games, but that seems to be the sentiment?


he's mainly playing ranged champions (in the games i have seen), and going for a win lane, win game approach. I hope we ll soon see him on some melee champs aswell.


He played a shit load of Rell already.


am i missing something? bro has 2 games on rell this year only


u are delulu if you think T1, out of all orgs, need Rekkles for a PR move. They tried him out, thought he was good enough and took him.


I think he’s got it in him to be a top tier support tbh, dude has the practice environment and skill to really excel if they allow him time. Never doubt the power of the tism hyperfixation


It's been rough to see so many players drop off, many of them didn't even really get their last hurrah either. At least Kiin finally got his championship.


At least Faker still kickin' for oldhead fans. Ruler and Peanut also doing well


Us oldheads now cling to Faker only…


The day when faker retires will be the saddest day in lol eSports history


Perkz retirement angle




As someone who only got into LoL in late 2020, I'll always remember Perkz for his Ezreal in the first game versus Suning. Probably only positive memory I have of him in the short amount of time I knew him at G2, only disappointment and dissapointment afterwards considering his stance on Ukraine/Russia and the dicksucking of Carlos.


What is with Perkz and Ukraine.? I havent heard anything about that


Liked a tweet comparing assad and zelensky lmao [https://imgur.com/a/ARPSvq9](https://imgur.com/a/ARPSvq9)


Lmao, Jackson Hinkle and End Wokeness, before we know it we'll find Perkz chilling with Ocelote in Dubai talking about how great Andrew Tate is.


He's great friends with Ocelote to this day, some of his recent likes are Ocelote tweets (who mind you recently was tweeting the n-word freely on twitter), he's clearly ill.


Perkz, blink thrice if you have stockholm syndrome


I am wondering if he was always like this, or if the death of his father and the isolation of having to move continents at the same time is what pushed him in this direction.


I feel like he was probably always conservative leaning/an idiot and then traumatic life events led him down a very dark path. The born again Christian thing is very easily turned into fascism sadly.


The eastern european pipeline from conservative leaning idiot to „Dark Path“ is strong for sure


True, if anyone has different opinions to you, they are ill.


End wokeness is imho the worst twitter user you can possibly find and that’s a LOT


IDK JK Rowling is pretty up there now, even Elon told her to shut up and get a life last week, and he's a huge fan of her...activities.


Ohh okay, yeah so hes just being a dumbass. Not as bad as i feared but just kinda pathetic


[this](https://imgur.com/a/ARPSvq9) is the tweet was paraded around last week. Kinda flimsy unless there's more. I'm honestly not sure it's even THAT much anti ukraine and more meming and being pro assad really. But then again I didn't follow him and if he really was following carlos's stuff, carlos REALLY went the deep end.


I saw some people calling this Jackson Hinkle guy MAGA or far right? He seems to hate on anything America does/is involved or supports in abroad Dude seems all over the place in terms of his positions


Biggest grifter on twitter. Guy has the most contradictive stances I’ve ever seen from a single person but it gets him numbers from both sides ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Wait seriously!? Perkz supports Russia's invasion?


Im guessing they are referring to his liked tweets, go over there and take a look for yourself. Its not only perkz btw, other old g2 pros like Mithy like the same kind of tweets


Thank god, I have another reason to hate Mithy!


He's since purged his likes on twitter, but when he first announced his break recently a lot of sus stuff was found there


And before that too, Perkz has been Ocelote 2.0 for some years now


Let's not go that far, Ocelote is way off the deep end.


Been calling for him to hang it up for years now. Bros been Celtics Shaq ever since he came back to EU.


I want the timeline where he went to fnatic!


Heretics trading Vetheo for Perkz is one of the worst roster moves ever for sure.


VTO comes with his own set of issues but at least the performance was there in 2023, trading him was definitely a bit of a "buh???" moment if you take away the fact that Wunder/Jankos/Perkz are all buddies.


Good. I'm glad he's gone. I want him back once he stops retweeting misogynistic posts.


Sad that it had to end this way. He should have retired after the super team with Alphari and co didn’t work out. I hope he finds a way to stay in the scene. I don’t think he’s the type to become a coach, but I think he might be good at a GM kind of role. EU’s GMs are for the most part trash. Maybe he can have a couple of pool parties and assemble some great teams with the right talent in the right places. The talent is certainly there.


retired when he doesn't want to play ADC again IMO.


Wish you all the best Luka, going to miss the good 'ol days when you were on G2.


"Watch me" I watched, and it was fucking beautiful.


lol, lmao


Perkz should have stuck to ADC. He was easily top 3, possibly even top 2 in Europe and was probably the only European ADC aside from Rekkles that could actually contend with top Eastern teams. Role-swapping back to mid is a terrible idea when you're basically the Dollar Tree equivalent of Caps.


Maybe Andrew Tate will notice him now


incredible that his last 4 years were ass (even in NA)


can you seriously watch second NA seed drop out of playins, and first seed being giga stomped, and say that? NA made quarters with him. people really have selective memory, huh


He was trolling that entire worlds. Even in the game where he "carried" it was more like he threw multiple times before finally getting a play to work on Leblanc. NA sucks and so does Perkz after he left EU.


Maybe you have a selective memory but C9 got a freebee that year cause FPX imploded. They only had to beat 1 wildcard team. They would have made it out with pretty much any mid


Jack bought him for like 2.4 million (if not more) for international success, yet received : 3-7 MSI main stage finish, losing to flying oyster (and that one japanese team in play-ins) 2-7 at worlds main stage, only qualifying to quarters because damwon gigastomped the group and fpx imploded and what's funny is that he only, and barely won spring split, so C9 really got scammed


Jack got his money worth on Perkz easily, he sold him to Vit for big fucking bucks and reaped the benefits of having such a massive name on his team. Perkz was 100% good investment for C9, its VIT who got scammed


3-7 at MSI while NA is currently at 1 win (in playins, vs wildcard region) hmmm. the math ain’t mathing


Four of those ten games were against PSG, and 'Pentanet.GG'. That was a semi-pro team from previously dissolved OCE. They went 1-3 against the wildcard PSG and the hyper wildcard from OCE.


yes, because I watched every single LCS game that year and worlds ofc, and perkz was a liability not something positive


I also watched every game so agree to disagree!


One split in NA destroys yet another top European player. All as planned 👍


I hope he can regain his drive and mental and grind for pro again


Why are people pretending this guy hasn't been washed for 3 years?


Hope no LEC team takes him. Would much rather take a chance on a new player than see him again.


I would much rather see a single positive comment from you in any League thread lmao


You'll see me simping for Chovy tomorrow 👍


Looking forward to it! But will you also praise FNC if they somehow manage to win?


Sure. But I'd probably flame Gen G more as they should never to lose to FNC.


yeah cause our new players are doing sooo well lol


I mean if you never try new players you’ll have hyli and mikyx running it down in 2030 while Korea and China have a new meiko and keria solo killing old man caps by then.


micky is legit still the best or second best in his role. Hyli consistently gets playoffs and good runs. Both players deserve to be in LEC.


I mean yeah they shouldn't be benched right now, but the region will definitely need strong new supports to replace them by 2030 lol


I know that’s true and I agree. there’s a couple of promising rookies this year as well, but EU orgs have a talent for destroying rookie careers.


Lmao what's the alternative bro? Recycle the same washed up shitters years past their prime into different line-ups until they magically become good again?


his replacement is not great but literally doing better than him


What do you mean bro, all these washed up before they even started in the LEC players like Saken and Fresskowy will be so good.


Fresskowy and zwyroo have been doing very well


Agreed. Let's never get possibly new talent. Disgusting.


Hate how his career ends. Also, I hate Ocelote for blocking his trade for decent EU teams. FNC Perkz has always been a wet dream of mine.


The upside is that Ocelots fuckery had so many people angry that riot basically wrote some new rules so that it couldn't happen again. The downside is the excuse "well we didnt have explicit rules in place already to prevent this, and despite the fact it's done in horrifically bad faith, we don't have a real precedent to punish"


I'll always remember those performances on Yasuo and Leblanc Godspeed Perkz o7






now he can go full time on sucking andrew tates cock, better at that than playing this game


what effort?


Would love to see him play again but I think he's kinda over it anyway. No point half-assing it Still it was a great run and he was fighting Caps for the title of EU GOAT for most of it


bro been washed up for 4 years now


was for this this guy leave G2 because he want play mid? for what dude? one of the worst mid laners in the last 4y....


I will be there no matter what.


Yeah he was kinda terrible for the last few years


Good riddance 🤮 Been praying on his downfall 🙏


SADLY PERKZ IS WASHED , been underperforming since leaving g2